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package com.kodekutters.taxii
import com.kodekutters.stix.Timestamp
import play.api.libs.json._
* [1] Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII™) is an application layer protocol
* for the communication of cyber threat information in a simple and scalable manner.
* reference:
sealed trait Taxii2
* The discovery resource contains information about a TAXII Server,
* such as a human-readable title, description, and contact information,
* as well as a list of API Roots that it is advertising.
* It also has an indication of which API Root it considers the default,
* or the one to use in the absence of other information/user choice.
case class TaxiiDiscovery(title: String,
description: Option[String] = None,
contact: Option[String] = None,
default: Option[String] = None,
api_roots: Option[List[String]] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiDiscovery.resourceName
object TaxiiDiscovery {
val resourceName = "discovery"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiDiscovery]
* The api-root resource contains general information about the API Root,
* such as a human-readable title and description, the TAXII versions it supports,
* and the maximum size of the content body it will accept in a PUT or
* POST (max_content_length).
case class TaxiiApiRoot(title: String,
versions: List[String],
max_content_length: Int,
description: Option[String] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName: String = TaxiiApiRoot.resourceName
object TaxiiApiRoot {
val resourceName = "api-root"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiApiRoot]
* This type represents an object that was not added to the Collection.
case class TaxiiStatusFailure(id: String, message: Option[String]) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiStatusFailure.resourceName // <--- todo not really a resource name
object TaxiiStatusFailure {
val resourceName = "status-failure"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiStatusFailure]
* The status resource represents information about a request to add objects to a Collection.
case class TaxiiStatus(id: String,
status: String,
total_count: Int,
success_count: Int,
failure_count: Int,
pending_count: Int,
request_timestamp: Option[Timestamp] = None,
failures: Option[List[TaxiiStatusFailure]] = None,
pendings: Option[List[String]] = None,
successes: Option[List[String]] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiStatus.resourceName
object TaxiiStatus {
val resourceName = "status"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiStatus]
* The collection resource contains general information about a Collection,
* such as its id, a human-readable title and description,
* an optional list of supported media_types
* (representing the media type of objects can be requested from or added to it),
* and whether the TAXII Client, as authenticated, can get objects from
* the Collection and/or add objects to it.
case class TaxiiCollection(id: String,
title: String,
can_read: Boolean,
can_write: Boolean,
description: Option[String] = None,
media_types: Option[List[String]] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiCollection.resourceName
object TaxiiCollection {
val resourceName = "collection"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiCollection]
* The collections resource is a simple wrapper around a list of collection resources.
case class TaxiiCollections(collections: Option[List[TaxiiCollection]] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiCollections.resourceName
object TaxiiCollections {
val resourceName = "collections"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiCollections]
* The manifest-entry type captures metadata about a single object, indicated by the id property.
case class TaxiiManifestEntry(id: String, // <--- UUID
date_added: Option[Timestamp],
versions: Option[List[String]] = None,
media_types: Option[List[String]] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiManifestEntry.resourceName
object TaxiiManifestEntry {
val resourceName = "manifest-entry"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiManifestEntry]
* The manifest resource is a simple wrapper around a list of manifest-entry items.
case class TaxiiManifest(objects: Option[List[TaxiiManifestEntry]]) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiManifest.resourceName
object TaxiiManifest {
val resourceName = "manifest"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiManifest]
* The error message is provided by TAXII Servers in the response body when
* returning an HTTP error status and contains more information describing the error,
* including a human-readable title and description, an error_code and error_id,
* and a details structure to capture further structured information about the error.
case class TaxiiErrorMessage(title: String,
description: Option[String] = None,
error_id: Option[String] = None,
error_code: Option[String] = None,
http_status: Option[String] = None,
external_details: Option[String] = None,
details: Option[Map[String, String]] = None) extends Taxii2 {
val resourceName = TaxiiErrorMessage.resourceName // <--- todo not really a resource name
object TaxiiErrorMessage {
val resourceName = "error"
implicit val fmt = Json.format[TaxiiErrorMessage]