com.github.xphsc.util.ArrayUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.xphsc.util;
import com.github.xphsc.lang.Validator;
import com.github.xphsc.bean.Comparators;
import com.github.xphsc.convert.ConverterRegistry;
import com.github.xphsc.exception.UtilException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
* Created by ${huipei.x} on 2017-5-25.
public class ArrayUtil {
private ArrayUtil() {
public static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Class} array.
public static final Class>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class[0];
* An empty immutable {@code String} array.
public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
* An empty immutable {@code long} array.
public static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY = new long[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Long} array.
public static final Long[] EMPTY_LONG_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Long[0];
* An empty immutable {@code int} array.
public static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Integer} array.
public static final Integer[] EMPTY_INTEGER_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Integer[0];
* An empty immutable {@code short} array.
public static final short[] EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY = new short[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Short} array.
public static final Short[] EMPTY_SHORT_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Short[0];
* An empty immutable {@code byte} array.
public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Byte} array.
public static final Byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Byte[0];
* An empty immutable {@code double} array.
public static final double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY = new double[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Double} array.
public static final Double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Double[0];
* An empty immutable {@code float} array.
public static final float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY = new float[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Float} array.
public static final Float[] EMPTY_FLOAT_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Float[0];
* An empty immutable {@code boolean} array.
public static final boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_ARRAY = new boolean[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Boolean} array.
public static final Boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Boolean[0];
* An empty immutable {@code char} array.
public static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0];
* An empty immutable {@code Character} array.
public static final Character[] EMPTY_CHARACTER_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Character[0];
public static boolean isEmpty(T[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(long[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(int[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(short[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(char[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(byte[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(double[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(float[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isEmpty(boolean[] array) {
return array == null || array.length == 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(T[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(long[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(int[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(short[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(char[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(byte[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(double[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(float[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static boolean isNotEmpty(boolean[] array) {
return array != null && array.length != 0;
public static T[] newArray(Class> componentType, int newSize) {
return (T[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, newSize);
public static T[] toArray(T... arrays) {
return ArrayUtil.toArray(arrays);
public static T[] toArray(Collection collection, Class arrayComponentType) {
if(null == collection) {
return null;
} else {
Validator.notNull(arrayComponentType, "arrayComponentType must not be null", new Object[0]);
Object[] array = ArrayUtil.newArray(arrayComponentType, collection.size());
return (T[]) collection.toArray(array);
public static T[] toArray(String[] toBeConvertedValue, Class targetType) {
return null == toBeConvertedValue?null: (T[]) (Object[]) ((Object[]) ConverterRegistry.convert(toBeConvertedValue, targetType));
public static T[] sortArray(T[] arrays) {
if(null == arrays) {
return (T[]) ArrayUtil.toArray(new Object[0]);
} else {
return arrays;
public static T[] sortArray(T[] arrays, Comparator... comparators) {
if(null == arrays) {
return (T[]) ArrayUtil.toArray(new Object[0]);
} else if(Validator.isNullOrEmpty(comparators)) {
return arrays;
} else {
Arrays.sort(arrays, toComparator(comparators));
return arrays;
public static int[] range(int excludedEnd) {
return range(0, excludedEnd, 1);
public static int[] range(int includedStart, int excludedEnd) {
return range(includedStart, excludedEnd, 1);
public static int[] range(int includedStart, int excludedEnd, int step) {
int deviation;
if(includedStart > excludedEnd) {
deviation = includedStart;
includedStart = excludedEnd;
excludedEnd = deviation;
if(step <= 0) {
step = 1;
deviation = excludedEnd - includedStart;
int length = deviation / step;
if(deviation % step != 0) {
int[] range = new int[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
range[i] = includedStart;
includedStart += step;
return range;
public static byte[][] split(byte[] array, int len) {
int x = array.length / len;
int y = array.length % len;
byte z = 0;
if(y != 0) {
z = 1;
byte[][] arrays = new byte[x + z][];
for(int i = 0; i < x + z; ++i) {
byte[] arr = new byte[len];
if(i == x + z - 1 && y != 0) {
System.arraycopy(array, i * len, arr, 0, y);
} else {
System.arraycopy(array, i * len, arr, 0, len);
arrays[i] = arr;
return arrays;
public static Map zip(T[] keys, K[] values) {
if(!isEmpty(keys) && !isEmpty(values)) {
int size = Math.min(keys.length, values.length);
HashMap map = new HashMap((int)((double)size / 0.75D));
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
map.put(keys[i], values[i]);
return map;
} else {
return null;
public static boolean contains(T[] array, T value) {
Class componetType = array.getClass().getComponentType();
boolean isPrimitive = false;
if(null != componetType) {
isPrimitive = componetType.isPrimitive();
Object[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
Object t = arr$[i$];
if(t == value) {
return true;
if(!isPrimitive && null != value && value.equals(t)) {
return true;
return false;
public static Integer[] wrap(int... values) {
int length = values.length;
Integer[] array = new Integer[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Integer.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static int[] unWrap(Integer... values) {
int length = values.length;
int[] array = new int[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].intValue();
return array;
public static Long[] wrap(long... values) {
int length = values.length;
Long[] array = new Long[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Long.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static long[] unWrap(Long... values) {
int length = values.length;
long[] array = new long[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].longValue();
return array;
public static Character[] wrap(char... values) {
int length = values.length;
Character[] array = new Character[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Character.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static char[] unWrap(Character... values) {
int length = values.length;
char[] array = new char[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].charValue();
return array;
public static Byte[] wrap(byte... values) {
int length = values.length;
Byte[] array = new Byte[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Byte.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static byte[] unWrap(Byte... values) {
int length = values.length;
byte[] array = new byte[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].byteValue();
return array;
public static Short[] wrap(short... values) {
int length = values.length;
Short[] array = new Short[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Short.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static short[] unWrap(Short... values) {
int length = values.length;
short[] array = new short[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].shortValue();
return array;
public static Float[] wrap(float... values) {
int length = values.length;
Float[] array = new Float[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Float.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static float[] unWrap(Float... values) {
int length = values.length;
float[] array = new float[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].floatValue();
return array;
public static Double[] wrap(double... values) {
int length = values.length;
Double[] array = new Double[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Double.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static double[] unWrap(Double... values) {
int length = values.length;
double[] array = new double[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].doubleValue();
return array;
public static Boolean[] wrap(boolean... values) {
int length = values.length;
Boolean[] array = new Boolean[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = Boolean.valueOf(values[i]);
return array;
public static boolean[] unWrap(Boolean... values) {
int length = values.length;
boolean[] array = new boolean[length];
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
array[i] = values[i].booleanValue();
return array;
public static Object[] wrap(Object obj) {
if(isArray(obj)) {
try {
return (Object[])((Object[])obj);
} catch (Exception var5) {
String className = obj.getClass().getComponentType().getName();
byte var4 = -1;
switch(className.hashCode()) {
case -1325958191:
if(className.equals("double")) {
var4 = 7;
case 104431:
if(className.equals("int")) {
var4 = 1;
case 3039496:
if(className.equals("byte")) {
var4 = 4;
case 3052374:
if(className.equals("char")) {
var4 = 3;
case 3327612:
if(className.equals("long")) {
var4 = 0;
case 64711720:
if(className.equals("boolean")) {
var4 = 5;
case 97526364:
if(className.equals("float")) {
var4 = 6;
case 109413500:
if(className.equals("short")) {
var4 = 2;
switch(var4) {
case 0:
return wrap((long[])((long[])obj));
case 1:
return wrap((int[])((int[])obj));
case 2:
return wrap((short[])((short[])obj));
case 3:
return wrap((char[])((char[])obj));
case 4:
return wrap((byte[])((byte[])obj));
case 5:
return wrap((boolean[])((boolean[])obj));
case 6:
return wrap((float[])((float[])obj));
case 7:
return wrap((double[])((double[])obj));
throw new UtilException(var5);
} else {
throw new UtilException(StringUtil.format("[{}] is not Array!", new Object[]{obj.getClass()}));
public static boolean isArray(Object obj) {
if(null == obj) {
throw new NullPointerException("Object check for isArray is null");
} else {
return obj.getClass().isArray();
public static String toString(Object obj) {
if(null == obj) {
return null;
} else if(isArray(obj)) {
try {
return Arrays.deepToString((Object[])((Object[])obj));
} catch (Exception var5) {
String className = obj.getClass().getComponentType().getName();
byte var4 = -1;
switch(className.hashCode()) {
case -1325958191:
if(className.equals("double")) {
var4 = 7;
case 104431:
if(className.equals("int")) {
var4 = 1;
case 3039496:
if(className.equals("byte")) {
var4 = 4;
case 3052374:
if(className.equals("char")) {
var4 = 3;
case 3327612:
if(className.equals("long")) {
var4 = 0;
case 64711720:
if(className.equals("boolean")) {
var4 = 5;
case 97526364:
if(className.equals("float")) {
var4 = 6;
case 109413500:
if(className.equals("short")) {
var4 = 2;
switch(var4) {
case 0:
return Arrays.toString((long[])((long[])obj));
case 1:
return Arrays.toString((int[])((int[])obj));
case 2:
return Arrays.toString((short[])((short[])obj));
case 3:
return Arrays.toString((char[])((char[])obj));
case 4:
return Arrays.toString((byte[])((byte[])obj));
case 5:
return Arrays.toString((boolean[])((boolean[])obj));
case 6:
return Arrays.toString((float[])((float[])obj));
case 7:
return Arrays.toString((double[])((double[])obj));
throw new UtilException(var5);
} else {
return obj.toString();
public static String join(T[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
Object[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
Object item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
if(isArray(item)) {
sb.append(join(wrap(item), conjunction));
} else if(item instanceof Iterable) {
sb.append(CollectionUtil.join((Iterable) item, conjunction));
} else if(item instanceof Iterator) {
sb.append(CollectionUtil.join((Iterator) item, conjunction));
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(long[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
long[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
long item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(int[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
int[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
int item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(short[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
short[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
short item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(char[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
char[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
char item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(byte[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
byte[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
byte item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(boolean[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
boolean[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
boolean item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(float[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
float[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
float item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(double[] array, String conjunction) {
if(null == array) {
return null;
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
double[] arr$ = array;
int len$ = array.length;
for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
double item = arr$[i$];
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static String join(Object array, String conjunction) {
if(isArray(array)) {
Class componentType = array.getClass().getComponentType();
if(componentType.isPrimitive()) {
String componentTypeName = componentType.getName();
byte var5 = -1;
switch(componentTypeName.hashCode()) {
case -1325958191:
if(componentTypeName.equals("double")) {
var5 = 7;
case 104431:
if(componentTypeName.equals("int")) {
var5 = 1;
case 3039496:
if(componentTypeName.equals("byte")) {
var5 = 4;
case 3052374:
if(componentTypeName.equals("char")) {
var5 = 3;
case 3327612:
if(componentTypeName.equals("long")) {
var5 = 0;
case 64711720:
if(componentTypeName.equals("boolean")) {
var5 = 5;
case 97526364:
if(componentTypeName.equals("float")) {
var5 = 6;
case 109413500:
if(componentTypeName.equals("short")) {
var5 = 2;
switch(var5) {
case 0:
return join((long[])((long[])array), conjunction);
case 1:
return join((int[])((int[])array), conjunction);
case 2:
return join((short[])((short[])array), conjunction);
case 3:
return join((char[])((char[])array), conjunction);
case 4:
return join((byte[])((byte[])array), conjunction);
case 5:
return join((boolean[])((boolean[])array), conjunction);
case 6:
return join((float[])((float[])array), conjunction);
case 7:
return join((double[])((double[])array), conjunction);
throw new UtilException("Unknown primitive type: [{}]", new Object[]{componentTypeName});
} else {
return join((Object[])((Object[])array), conjunction);
} else {
throw new UtilException(StringUtil.format("[{}] is not a Array!", new Object[]{array.getClass()}));
public static void reverse(final Object[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final long[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final int[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final short[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final char[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final byte[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final double[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final float[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
public static void reverse(final boolean[] array) {
if (array == null) {
reverse(array, 0, array.length);
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final boolean[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
boolean tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final byte[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
byte tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final char[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
char tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final double[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
double tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final float[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
float tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final int[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
int tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final long[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
long tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final Object[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
Object tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
* Reverses the order of the given array in the given range.
* This method does nothing for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array
* the array to reverse, may be {@code null}
* @param startIndexInclusive
* the starting index. Undervalue (<0) is promoted to 0, overvalue (>array.length) results in no
* change.
* @param endIndexExclusive
* elements up to endIndex-1 are reversed in the array. Undervalue (< start index) results in no
* change. Overvalue (>array.length) is demoted to array length.
* @since 3.2
public static void reverse(final short[] array, final int startIndexInclusive, final int endIndexExclusive) {
if (array == null) {
int i = startIndexInclusive < 0 ? 0 : startIndexInclusive;
int j = Math.min(array.length, endIndexExclusive) - 1;
short tmp;
while (j > i) {
tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = tmp;
public static char[] clone(final char[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
public static byte[] clone(final byte[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
* Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling
* {@code null}.
* This method returns {@code null} for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to clone, may be {@code null}
* @return the cloned array, {@code null} if {@code null} input
public static double[] clone(final double[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
* Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling
* {@code null}.
* This method returns {@code null} for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to clone, may be {@code null}
* @return the cloned array, {@code null} if {@code null} input
public static float[] clone(final float[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
* Clones an array returning a typecast result and handling
* {@code null}.
* This method returns {@code null} for a {@code null} input array.
* @param array the array to clone, may be {@code null}
* @return the cloned array, {@code null} if {@code null} input
public static boolean[] clone(final boolean[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
public static T[] clone(final T[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
public static short[] clone(final short[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
public static int[] clone(final int[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
public static long[] clone(final long[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return null;
return array.clone();
public static byte[] toArray(ByteBuffer bytebuffer) {
if(!bytebuffer.hasArray()) {
int oldPosition = bytebuffer.position();
int size = bytebuffer.limit();
byte[] buffers = new byte[size];
return buffers;
} else {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(bytebuffer.array(), bytebuffer.position(), bytebuffer.limit());
public static T[] addAll(final T[] array1, final T... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final Class> type1 = array1.getClass().getComponentType();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // OK, because array is of type T
T[] joinedArray = (T[]) Array.newInstance(type1, array1.length + array2.length);
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
try {
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
} catch (final ArrayStoreException ase) {
// Check if problem was due to incompatible types
* We do this here, rather than before the copy because:
* - it would be a wasted check most of the time
* - safer, in case check turns out to be too strict
final Class> type2 = array2.getClass().getComponentType();
if (!type1.isAssignableFrom(type2)){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot store "+type2.getName()+" in an array of "
+type1.getName(), ase);
throw ase; // No, so rethrow original
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new boolean[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static boolean[] addAll(final boolean[] array1, final boolean... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final boolean[] joinedArray = new boolean[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new char[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static char[] addAll(final char[] array1, final char... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final char[] joinedArray = new char[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new byte[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static byte[] addAll(final byte[] array1, final byte... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final byte[] joinedArray = new byte[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new short[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static short[] addAll(final short[] array1, final short... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final short[] joinedArray = new short[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new int[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static int[] addAll(final int[] array1, final int... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final int[] joinedArray = new int[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new long[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static long[] addAll(final long[] array1, final long... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final long[] joinedArray = new long[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new float[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static float[] addAll(final float[] array1, final float... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final float[] joinedArray = new float[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
* Adds all the elements of the given arrays into a new array.
* The new array contains all of the element of {@code array1} followed
* by all of the elements {@code array2}. When an array is returned, it is always
* a new array.
* ArrayUtils.addAll(array1, null) = cloned copy of array1
* ArrayUtils.addAll(null, array2) = cloned copy of array2
* ArrayUtils.addAll([], []) = []
* @param array1 the first array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @param array2 the second array whose elements are added to the new array.
* @return The new double[] array.
* @since 2.1
public static double[] addAll(final double[] array1, final double... array2) {
if (array1 == null) {
return clone(array2);
} else if (array2 == null) {
return clone(array1);
final double[] joinedArray = new double[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, joinedArray, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, joinedArray, array1.length, array2.length);
return joinedArray;
public static T[] add(final T[] array, final T element) {
Class> type;
if (array != null){
type = array.getClass().getComponentType();
} else if (element != null) {
type = element.getClass();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arguments cannot both be null");
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // type must be T
T[] newArray = (T[]) copyArrayGrow1(array, type);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, true) = [true]
* ArrayUtils.add([true], false) = [true, false]
* ArrayUtils.add([true, false], true) = [true, false, true]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static boolean[] add(final boolean[] array, final boolean element) {
final boolean[] newArray = (boolean[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Boolean.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, 0) = [0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1], 0) = [1, 0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static byte[] add(final byte[] array, final byte element) {
final byte[] newArray = (byte[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Byte.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, '0') = ['0']
* ArrayUtils.add(['1'], '0') = ['1', '0']
* ArrayUtils.add(['1', '0'], '1') = ['1', '0', '1']
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static char[] add(final char[] array, final char element) {
final char[] newArray = (char[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Character.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, 0) = [0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1], 0) = [1, 0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static double[] add(final double[] array, final double element) {
final double[] newArray = (double[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Double.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, 0) = [0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1], 0) = [1, 0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static float[] add(final float[] array, final float element) {
final float[] newArray = (float[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Float.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, 0) = [0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1], 0) = [1, 0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static int[] add(final int[] array, final int element) {
final int[] newArray = (int[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Integer.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, 0) = [0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1], 0) = [1, 0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static long[] add(final long[] array, final long element) {
final long[] newArray = (long[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Long.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
* Copies the given array and adds the given element at the end of the new array.
* The new array contains the same elements of the input
* array plus the given element in the last position. The component type of
* the new array is the same as that of the input array.
* If the input array is {@code null}, a new one element array is returned
* whose component type is the same as the element.
* ArrayUtils.add(null, 0) = [0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1], 0) = [1, 0]
* ArrayUtils.add([1, 0], 1) = [1, 0, 1]
* @param array the array to copy and add the element to, may be {@code null}
* @param element the object to add at the last index of the new array
* @return A new array containing the existing elements plus the new element
* @since 2.1
public static short[] add(final short[] array, final short element) {
final short[] newArray = (short[])copyArrayGrow1(array, Short.TYPE);
newArray[newArray.length - 1] = element;
return newArray;
private static Object copyArrayGrow1(final Object array, final Class> newArrayComponentType) {
if (array != null) {
final int arrayLength = Array.getLength(array);
final Object newArray = Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(), arrayLength + 1);
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, arrayLength);
return newArray;
return Array.newInstance(newArrayComponentType, 1);
private static Comparator toComparator(Comparator... comparators) {
return 1 == comparators.length?comparators[0]: Comparators.chainedComparator(comparators);