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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package tools
package nsc
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal
import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.countElementsAsString
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{Position, SourceFile}
import{NonParseableVersion, ParseableVersion}
import scala.util.matching.Regex
/** Provides delegates to the reporter doing the actual work.
* PerRunReporting implements per-Run stateful info tracking and reporting
trait Reporting extends internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with CompilationUnits with internal.Symbols =>
def settings: Settings
@deprecated("use `globalError` instead")
def error(msg: String): Unit = globalError(msg)
// a new instance of this class is created for every Run (access the current instance via `runReporting`)
protected def PerRunReporting = new PerRunReporting
class PerRunReporting extends PerRunReportingBase {
val rootDirPrefix: String =
if (settings.rootdir.value.isEmpty) ""
else Regex.quote(new"\\", "/"))
lazy val wconf = WConf.parse(settings.Wconf.value, rootDirPrefix) match {
case Left(msgs) =>
val multiHelp =
if (settings.Wconf.value.exists(_.contains(",")))
|Note: for multiple filters, use `-Wconf:filter1:action1,filter2:action2` (recommended)
| or alternatively `-Wconf filter1:action1 filter2:action2`""".stripMargin
else ""
globalError(s"Failed to parse `-Wconf` configuration: ${settings.Wconf.value}\n${msgs.mkString("\n")}$multiHelp")
case Right(c) => c
private val summarizedWarnings: mutable.Map[WarningCategory, mutable.LinkedHashMap[Position, Message]] = mutable.HashMap.empty
private val summarizedInfos: mutable.Map[WarningCategory, mutable.LinkedHashMap[Position, Message]] = mutable.HashMap.empty
private var suppressionsComplete = false
private val suppressions: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.ListBuffer[Suppression]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty
private val suspendedMessages: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Message] = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty
private def isSuppressed(warning: Message): Boolean =
suppressions.getOrElse(warning.pos.source, Nil).find(_.matches(warning)) match {
case Some(s) => s.markUsed(); true
case _ => false
def addSuppression(sup: Suppression): Unit = {
val source = sup.annotPos.source
suppressions.getOrElseUpdate(source, mutable.ListBuffer.empty) += sup
def suppressionExists(pos: Position): Boolean =
suppressions.getOrElse(pos.source, Nil).exists(_.annotPos.point == pos.point)
def warnUnusedSuppressions(): Unit = {
// if we stop before typer completes (errors in parser, Ystop), report all suspended messages
// scaladoc doesn't run all phases, so not all warnings are emitted
if (settings.warnUnusedNowarn && !settings.isScaladoc)
for {
source <- suppressions.keysIterator.toList
sups <- suppressions.remove(source)
sup <- sups.reverse
} if (!sup.used) issueWarning(Message.Plain(sup.annotPos, "@nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings", WarningCategory.UnusedNowarn, ""))
def reportSuspendedMessages(): Unit = {
suppressionsComplete = true
// sort suppressions. they are not added in any particular order because of lazy type completion
suppressions.mapValuesInPlace((_, sups) => sups.sortBy(sup => 0 - sup.start))
suspendedMessages.foreach(m => if (!isSuppressed(m)) issueWarning(m))
private def summaryMap(action: Action, category: WarningCategory) = {
val sm = (action: @unchecked) match {
case Action.WarningSummary => summarizedWarnings
case Action.InfoSummary => summarizedInfos
sm.getOrElseUpdate(category, mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty)
private def issueWarning(warning: Message): Unit = {
def verbose = warning match {
case Message.Deprecation(_, msg, site, origin, version) => s"[${} @ $site | origin=$origin | version=${version.filterString}] $msg"
case Message.Plain(_, msg, category, site) => s"[${} @ $site] $msg"
wconf.action(warning) match {
case Action.Error => reporter.error(warning.pos, warning.msg)
case Action.Warning => reporter.warning(warning.pos, warning.msg)
case Action.WarningVerbose => reporter.warning(warning.pos, verbose)
case Action.Info => reporter.echo(warning.pos, warning.msg)
case Action.InfoVerbose => reporter.echo(warning.pos, verbose)
case a @ (Action.WarningSummary | Action.InfoSummary) =>
val m = summaryMap(a, warning.category.summaryCategory)
if (!m.contains(warning.pos)) m.addOne((warning.pos, warning))
case Action.Silent =>
private def checkSuppressedAndIssue(warning: Message): Unit = {
if (suppressionsComplete) {
if (!isSuppressed(warning))
} else
suspendedMessages += warning
private def summarize(action: Action, category: WarningCategory): Unit = {
def rerunMsg: String = {
val s: Settings#Setting = category match {
case WarningCategory.Deprecation => settings.deprecation
case WarningCategory.Feature => settings.feature
case WarningCategory.Optimizer => settings.optWarnings
case WarningCategory.Unchecked => settings.unchecked
case _ => null
if (s != null) reporter.rerunWithDetails(s,
else s"; change -Wconf for cat=${} to display individual messages"
val m = summaryMap(action, category)
if (m.nonEmpty) {
val sinceAndAmount = mutable.TreeMap[String, Int]()
m.valuesIterator.foreach { msg =>
val since = msg match {
case d: Message.Deprecation => d.since.orig
case _ => ""
val value = sinceAndAmount.get(since)
if (value.isDefined) sinceAndAmount += ((since, value.get + 1))
else sinceAndAmount += ((since, 1))
val deprecationSummary = sinceAndAmount.size > 1
val isWarn = action == Action.WarningSummary
val messageKind =
if (isWarn) { if (category == WarningCategory.Deprecation) "" else " warning" }
else " info message"
sinceAndAmount.foreach { case (since, numWarnings) =>
val warningsSince = if (since.nonEmpty) s" (since $since)" else ""
val warningCount = countElementsAsString(numWarnings, s"${}$messageKind")
val rerun = if (deprecationSummary) "" else rerunMsg
val msg = s"$warningCount$warningsSince$rerun"
if (isWarn) reporter.warning(NoPosition, msg)
else reporter.echo(NoPosition, msg)
if (deprecationSummary) {
val numWarnings = m.size
val warningCount = countElementsAsString(numWarnings, s"${}$messageKind")
val rerun = rerunMsg
val msg = s"$warningCount in total$rerun"
if (isWarn) reporter.warning(NoPosition, msg)
else reporter.echo(NoPosition, msg)
private def siteName(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.exists) {
// Similar to fullNameString, but don't jump to enclosing class. Keep full chain of symbols.
def impl(s: Symbol): String =
if (s.isRootSymbol || s == NoSymbol) s.nameString
else if (s.owner.isEffectiveRoot) s.nameString
else impl(s.effectiveOwner) + "." + s.nameString
} else ""
def deprecationWarning(pos: Position, msg: String, since: String, site: String, origin: String): Unit =
checkSuppressedAndIssue(Message.Deprecation(pos, msg, site, origin, Version.fromString(since)))
def deprecationWarning(pos: Position, origin: Symbol, site: Symbol, msg: String, since: String): Unit =
deprecationWarning(pos, msg, since, siteName(site), siteName(origin))
def deprecationWarning(pos: Position, origin: Symbol, site: Symbol): Unit = {
val version = origin.deprecationVersion.getOrElse("")
val since = if (version.isEmpty) version else s" (since $version)"
val message =": " + _).getOrElse("")
deprecationWarning(pos, origin, site, s"$origin${origin.locationString} is deprecated$since$message", version)
private[this] var reportedFeature = Set[Symbol]()
// we don't have access to runDefinitions here, so mapping from strings instead of feature symbols
private val featureCategory: Map[String, WarningCategory.Feature] = {
import WarningCategory._
("dynamics", FeatureDynamics),
("existentials", FeatureExistentials),
("higherKinds", FeatureHigherKinds),
("implicitConversions", FeatureImplicitConversions),
("postfixOps", FeaturePostfixOps),
("reflectiveCalls", FeatureReflectiveCalls),
("macros", FeatureMacros)
def featureWarning(pos: Position, featureName: String, featureDesc: String, featureTrait: Symbol, construct: => String = "", required: Boolean, site: Symbol): Unit = {
val req = if (required) "needs to" else "should"
val fqname = "scala.language." + featureName
val explain = (
if (reportedFeature contains featureTrait) "" else
|This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import $fqname'
|or by setting the compiler option -language:$featureName.
|See the Scaladoc for value $fqname for a discussion
|why the feature $req be explicitly enabled.""".stripMargin
reportedFeature += featureTrait
val msg = s"$featureDesc $req be enabled\nby making the implicit value $fqname visible.$explain".replace("#", construct)
// maybe pos.source.file.file.getParentFile.getName or Path(source.file.file)
def parentFileName(source: internal.util.SourceFile) =
// don't error on postfix in pre-0.13.18 xsbt/Compat.scala
def isSbtCompat = (featureName == "postfixOps"
&& == "Compat.scala"
&& parentFileName(pos.source).getOrElse("") == "xsbt"
&& Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace.exists(_.getClassName.startsWith("sbt."))
if (required && !isSbtCompat) reporter.error(pos, msg)
else warning(pos, msg, featureCategory(featureTrait.nameString), site)
// Used in the optimizer where we don't have no symbols, the site string is created from the class internal name and method name.
def warning(pos: Position, msg: String, category: WarningCategory, site: String): Unit =
checkSuppressedAndIssue(Message.Plain(pos, msg, category, site))
// Preferred over the overload above whenever a site symbol is available
def warning(pos: Position, msg: String, category: WarningCategory, site: Symbol): Unit =
warning(pos, msg, category, siteName(site))
// used by Global.deprecationWarnings, which is used by sbt
def deprecationWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = summaryMap(Action.WarningSummary, WarningCategory.Deprecation) => (p._1, p._2.msg))
def uncheckedWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = summaryMap(Action.WarningSummary, WarningCategory.Unchecked) => (p._1, p._2.msg))
def allConditionalWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = summarizedWarnings.toList.sortBy( => (p._1, p._2.msg)))
// useful in REPL because line parsing doesn't entail a new Run
def clearAllConditionalWarnings(): Unit = {
/** Has any macro expansion used a fallback during this run? */
var seenMacroExpansionsFallingBack = false
// i.e., summarize warnings
def summarizeErrors(): Unit = if (!reporter.hasErrors && !settings.nowarn) {
for (c <- summarizedWarnings.keys.toList.sortBy(
summarize(Action.WarningSummary, c)
for (c <- summarizedInfos.keys.toList.sortBy(
summarize(Action.InfoSummary, c)
if (seenMacroExpansionsFallingBack)
warning(NoPosition, "some macros could not be expanded and code fell back to overridden methods;"+
"\nrecompiling with generated classfiles on the classpath might help.", WarningCategory.Other, site = "")
// todo: migrationWarnings
if (settings.fatalWarnings && reporter.hasWarnings)
reporter.error(NoPosition, "No warnings can be incurred under -Werror.")
object Reporting {
sealed trait Message {
def pos: Position
def msg: String
def category: WarningCategory
def site: String // sym.FullName of the location where the warning is positioned, may be empty
object Message {
final case class Plain(pos: Position, msg: String, category: WarningCategory, site: String) extends Message
// `site` and `origin` may be empty
final case class Deprecation(pos: Position, msg: String, site: String, origin: String, since: Version) extends Message {
def category: WarningCategory = WarningCategory.Deprecation
sealed trait WarningCategory {
lazy val name: String = {
val objectName = this.getClass.getName.split('$').last
WarningCategory.insertDash.replaceAllIn(objectName, "-")
def includes(o: WarningCategory): Boolean = this eq o
def summaryCategory: WarningCategory = this
object WarningCategory {
private val insertDash = "(?=[A-Z][a-z])".r
val all: mutable.Map[String, WarningCategory] = mutable.Map.empty
private def add(c: WarningCategory): Unit = all += ((, c))
object Deprecation extends WarningCategory; add(Deprecation)
object Unchecked extends WarningCategory; add(Unchecked)
object Optimizer extends WarningCategory; add(Optimizer)
object Scaladoc extends WarningCategory; add(Scaladoc)
object JavaSource extends WarningCategory; add(JavaSource)
sealed trait Other extends WarningCategory { override def summaryCategory: WarningCategory = Other }
object Other extends Other { override def includes(o: WarningCategory): Boolean = o.isInstanceOf[Other] }; add(Other)
object OtherShadowing extends Other; add(OtherShadowing)
object OtherPureStatement extends Other; add(OtherPureStatement)
object OtherMigration extends Other; add(OtherMigration)
object OtherMatchAnalysis extends Other; add(OtherMatchAnalysis)
object OtherDebug extends Other; add(OtherDebug)
object OtherNullaryOverride extends Other; add(OtherNullaryOverride)
object OtherNonCooperativeEquals extends Other; add(OtherNonCooperativeEquals)
sealed trait WFlag extends WarningCategory { override def summaryCategory: WarningCategory = WFlag }
object WFlag extends WFlag { override def includes(o: WarningCategory): Boolean = o.isInstanceOf[WFlag] }; add(WFlag)
object WFlagDeadCode extends WFlag; add(WFlagDeadCode)
object WFlagExtraImplicit extends WFlag; add(WFlagExtraImplicit)
object WFlagNumericWiden extends WFlag; add(WFlagNumericWiden)
object WFlagSelfImplicit extends WFlag; add(WFlagSelfImplicit)
object WFlagValueDiscard extends WFlag; add(WFlagValueDiscard)
sealed trait Unused extends WarningCategory { override def summaryCategory: WarningCategory = Unused }
object Unused extends Unused { override def includes(o: WarningCategory): Boolean = o.isInstanceOf[Unused] }; add(Unused)
object UnusedImports extends Unused; add(UnusedImports)
object UnusedPatVars extends Unused; add(UnusedPatVars)
object UnusedPrivates extends Unused; add(UnusedPrivates)
object UnusedLocals extends Unused; add(UnusedLocals)
object UnusedParams extends Unused; add(UnusedParams)
object UnusedNowarn extends Unused; add(UnusedNowarn)
sealed trait Lint extends WarningCategory { override def summaryCategory: WarningCategory = Lint }
object Lint extends Lint { override def includes(o: WarningCategory): Boolean = o.isInstanceOf[Lint] }; add(Lint)
object LintAdaptedArgs extends Lint; add(LintAdaptedArgs)
object LintNullaryUnit extends Lint; add(LintNullaryUnit)
object LintInaccessible extends Lint; add(LintInaccessible)
object LintInferAny extends Lint; add(LintInferAny)
object LintMissingInterpolator extends Lint; add(LintMissingInterpolator)
object LintDocDetached extends Lint; add(LintDocDetached)
object LintPrivateShadow extends Lint; add(LintPrivateShadow)
object LintTypeParameterShadow extends Lint; add(LintTypeParameterShadow)
object LintPolyImplicitOverload extends Lint; add(LintPolyImplicitOverload)
object LintOptionImplicit extends Lint; add(LintOptionImplicit)
object LintDelayedinitSelect extends Lint; add(LintDelayedinitSelect)
object LintPackageObjectClasses extends Lint; add(LintPackageObjectClasses)
object LintStarsAlign extends Lint; add(LintStarsAlign)
object LintConstant extends Lint; add(LintConstant)
object LintNonlocalReturn extends Lint; add(LintNonlocalReturn)
object LintImplicitNotFound extends Lint; add(LintImplicitNotFound)
object LintSerial extends Lint; add(LintSerial)
object LintEtaZero extends Lint; add(LintEtaZero)
object LintEtaSam extends Lint; add(LintEtaSam)
object LintDeprecation extends Lint; add(LintDeprecation)
object LintBynameImplicit extends Lint; add(LintBynameImplicit)
object LintRecurseWithDefault extends Lint; add(LintRecurseWithDefault)
object LintUnitSpecialization extends Lint; add(LintUnitSpecialization)
object LintMultiargInfix extends Lint; add(LintMultiargInfix)
sealed trait Feature extends WarningCategory { override def summaryCategory: WarningCategory = Feature }
object Feature extends Feature { override def includes(o: WarningCategory): Boolean = o.isInstanceOf[Feature] }; add(Feature)
object FeatureDynamics extends Feature; add(FeatureDynamics)
object FeatureExistentials extends Feature; add(FeatureExistentials)
object FeatureHigherKinds extends Feature; add(FeatureHigherKinds)
object FeatureImplicitConversions extends Feature; add(FeatureImplicitConversions)
object FeaturePostfixOps extends Feature; add(FeaturePostfixOps)
object FeatureReflectiveCalls extends Feature; add(FeatureReflectiveCalls)
object FeatureMacros extends Feature; add(FeatureMacros)
sealed trait Version {
def orig: String
def filterString: String
object Version {
final case class NonParseableVersion(orig: String) extends Version {
def filterString: String = ""
final case class ParseableVersion(orig: String, maj: Int, min: Option[Int], patch: Option[Int]) extends Version {
def filterString: String = s"$maj" + => s".$m" + => s".$p").getOrElse("")).getOrElse("")
def greater(other: ParseableVersion): Boolean = {
maj > other.maj ||
maj == other.maj && {
val am = min.getOrElse(0)
val bm = other.min.getOrElse(0)
am > bm ||
am == bm && {
val ap = patch.getOrElse(0)
val bp = other.patch.getOrElse(0)
ap > bp
def same(other: ParseableVersion): Boolean =
maj == other.maj &&
min.getOrElse(0) == other.min.getOrElse(0) &&
patch.getOrElse(0) == other.patch.getOrElse(0)
def smaller(other: ParseableVersion): Boolean = {
maj < other.maj ||
maj == other.maj && {
val am = min.getOrElse(0)
val bm = other.min.getOrElse(0)
am < bm ||
am == bm && {
val ap = patch.getOrElse(0)
val bp = other.patch.getOrElse(0)
ap < bp
val VersionPattern: Regex = """(?:.*?\s+)??(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?(?:\W.*)?""".r
def fromString(s: String): Version = s match {
case VersionPattern(maj, min, pat) =>
ParseableVersion(s, maj.toInt, Option(min).map(_.toInt), Option(pat).map(_.toInt))
case _ =>
val VersionNumberPattern: Regex = """(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?""".r
def fromNumberOnlyString(s: String): Version = s match {
case VersionNumberPattern(maj, min, pat) =>
ParseableVersion(s, maj.toInt, Option(min).map(_.toInt), Option(pat).map(_.toInt))
case _ =>
sealed trait MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean
object MessageFilter {
object Any extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = true
final case class Category(cat: WarningCategory) extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = cat.includes(message.category)
final case class MessagePattern(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = pattern.findFirstIn(message.msg).nonEmpty
final case class SitePattern(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = pattern.matches(
final case class SourcePattern(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
private[this] val cache = mutable.Map.empty[SourceFile, Boolean]
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = cache.getOrElseUpdate(message.pos.source, {
val sourcePath = message.pos.source.file.canonicalPath.replace("\\", "/")
final case class DeprecatedOrigin(pattern: Regex) extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = message match {
case m: Message.Deprecation => pattern.matches(m.origin)
case _ => false
final case class DeprecatedSince(comp: Int, version: ParseableVersion) extends MessageFilter {
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = message match {
case Message.Deprecation(_, _, _, _, mv: ParseableVersion) =>
if (comp == -1) mv.smaller(version)
else if (comp == 0) mv.same(version)
else mv.greater(version)
case _ => false
sealed trait Action
object Action {
object Error extends Action
object Warning extends Action
object WarningSummary extends Action
object WarningVerbose extends Action
object Info extends Action
object InfoSummary extends Action
object InfoVerbose extends Action
object Silent extends Action
final case class WConf(filters: List[(List[MessageFilter], Action)]) {
def action(message: Message): Action = filters.find(_._1.forall(_.matches(message))) match {
case Some((_, action)) => action
case _ => Action.Warning
object WConf {
import Action._
import MessageFilter._
private def regex(s: String) =
try Right(s.r)
catch { case e: PatternSyntaxException => Left(s"invalid pattern `$s`: ${e.getMessage}") }
def parseFilter(s: String, rootDir: String): Either[String, MessageFilter] = {
if (s == "any") {
} else if (s.startsWith("msg=")) {
} else if (s.startsWith("cat=")) {
val cs = s.substring(4)
val c = WarningCategory.all.get(cs).map(Category)
c.toRight(s"Unknown category: `$cs`")
} else if (s.startsWith("site=")) {
} else if (s.startsWith("origin=")) {
} else if(s.startsWith("since")) {
def fail = Left(s"invalid since filter: `$s`; required shape: `since<1.2.3`, `since=3.2`, `since>2`")
if (s.length < 6) fail
else {
val v = Version.fromNumberOnlyString(s.substring(6))
val op = s.charAt(5) match {
case '<' => -1
case '=' => 0
case '>' => 1
case _ => 99
(v, op) match {
case (_: NonParseableVersion, _) => fail
case (_, 99) => fail
case (pv: ParseableVersion, o) => Right(DeprecatedSince(o, pv))
} else if (s.startsWith("src=")) {
val arg = s.substring(4)
val pat = new mutable.StringBuilder()
if (rootDir.nonEmpty) pat += '^' ++= rootDir
// Also prepend prepend a `/` if rootDir is empty, the pattern has to match
// the beginning of a path segment
if (!rootDir.endsWith("/") && !arg.startsWith("/")) pat += '/'
pat ++= arg
if (!arg.endsWith("$")) pat += '$'
} else {
Left(s"unknown filter: $s")
def parse(setting: List[String], rootDir: String): Either[List[String], WConf] = {
def parseAction(s: String): Either[List[String], Action] = s match {
case "error" | "e" => Right(Error)
case "warning" | "w" => Right(Warning)
case "warning-summary" | "ws" => Right(WarningSummary)
case "warning-verbose" | "wv" => Right(WarningVerbose)
case "info" | "i" => Right(Info)
case "info-summary" | "is" => Right(InfoSummary)
case "info-verbose" | "iv" => Right(InfoVerbose)
case "silent" | "s" => Right(Silent)
case _ => Left(List(s"unknown action: `$s`"))
if (setting.isEmpty) Right(WConf(Nil))
else {
val parsedConfs: List[Either[List[String], (List[MessageFilter], Action)]] = => {
val parts = conf.split("[&:]") // TODO: don't split on escaped \&
val (ms, fs) =, rootDir)).toList.partitionMap(identity)
if (ms.nonEmpty) Left(ms)
else if (fs.isEmpty) Left(List("no filters or no action defined"))
else parseAction(parts.last).map((fs, _))
val (ms, fs) = parsedConfs.partitionMap(identity)
if (ms.nonEmpty) Left(ms.flatten)
else Right(WConf(fs))
case class Suppression(annotPos: Position, filters: List[MessageFilter], start: Int, end: Int) {
private[this] var _used = false
def used: Boolean = _used
def markUsed(): Unit = { _used = true }
def matches(message: Message): Boolean = {
val pos = message.pos
pos.isDefined && start <= pos.start && pos.end <= end && filters.forall(_.matches(message))
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