scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.Scripted.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell
import java.io.{Closeable, OutputStream, PrintWriter, Reader}
import java.util.Arrays.asList
import javax.script._
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
import scala.tools.nsc.Settings
import scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.Results.Incomplete
import scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.{ImportContextPreamble, ScriptedInterpreter, ScriptedRepl}
import scala.tools.nsc.util.stringFromReader
import scala.util.Properties.versionString
/* A REPL adaptor for the javax.script API. */
class Scripted(@BeanProperty val factory: ScriptEngineFactory, settings: Settings, out: PrintWriter)
extends AbstractScriptEngine with Compilable {
def createBindings: Bindings = new SimpleBindings
// dynamic context bound under this name
final val ctx = s"$$ctx"
// the underlying interpreter, tweaked to handle dynamic bindings
val intp: ScriptedRepl = new ScriptedInterpreter(settings, new SaveFirstErrorReporter(settings, out), importContextPreamble)
var compileContext: ScriptContext = getContext
def importContextPreamble(wanted: Set[String]): ImportContextPreamble = {
// cull references that can be satisfied from the current dynamic context
val contextual = wanted & contextNames
if (contextual.isEmpty) ImportContextPreamble.empty
else {
val adjusted = contextual.map { valname =>
s"""def `$valname` = $ctx.`$valname`; """ +
s"""def `${valname}_=`(x: _root_.java.lang.Object) = $ctx.`$valname` = x;"""
}.mkString("", "\n", "\n")
ImportContextPreamble(contextual, Set(ctx), adjusted)
// names available in current dynamic context
def contextNames: Set[String] = {
val ctx = compileContext
val terms = for {
scope <- ctx.getScopes.asScala
binding <- Option(ctx.getBindings(scope)) map (_.asScala) getOrElse Nil
key = binding._1
} yield key
def dynamicContext_=(ctx: ScriptContext): Unit = intp.call("set", ctx)
def dynamicContext: ScriptContext = intp.call("value") match {
case Right(ctx: ScriptContext) => ctx
case Left(e) => throw e
case Right(other) => throw new ScriptException(s"Unexpected value for context: $other")
// TODO: this wrapping probably belongs in ScriptedInterpreter
if (intp.initializeComplete) {
// compile the dynamic ScriptContext object holder
val ctxRes = intp compile s"""
|import _root_.javax.script._
|object ${intp.evalName} {
| var value: ScriptContext = _
| def set(x: _root_.scala.Any) = value = x.asInstanceOf[ScriptContext]
if (!ctxRes) throw new ScriptException("Failed to compile ctx")
dynamicContext = getContext
// Bridge dynamic references and script context
val dynRes = intp compileString s"""
|package scala.tools.nsc.interpreter
|import _root_.scala.language.dynamics
|import _root_.javax.script._, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE
|object dynamicBindings extends _root_.scala.Dynamic {
| def context: ScriptContext = ${ intp.evalPath }.value
| // $ctx.x retrieves the attribute x
| def selectDynamic(field: _root_.java.lang.String): _root_.java.lang.Object = context.getAttribute(field)
| // $ctx.x = v
| def updateDynamic(field: _root_.java.lang.String)(value: _root_.java.lang.Object) = context.setAttribute(field, value, ENGINE_SCOPE)
if (!dynRes) throw new ScriptException("Failed to compile dynamicBindings")
intp.reporter.withoutPrintingResults {
intp interpret s"val $ctx: _root_.scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.dynamicBindings.type = _root_.scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.dynamicBindings"
intp bind ("$engine" -> (this: ScriptEngine with Compilable))
// Set the context for dynamic resolution and run the body.
// Defines attributes available for evaluation.
// Avoid reflective access if using default context.
def withScriptContext[A](context: ScriptContext)(body: => A): A =
if (context eq getContext) body else {
val saved = dynamicContext
dynamicContext = context
try body
finally dynamicContext = saved
// Defines attributes available for compilation.
def withCompileContext[A](context: ScriptContext)(body: => A): A = {
val saved = compileContext
compileContext = context
try body
finally compileContext = saved
// not obvious that ScriptEngine should accumulate code text
private var code = ""
/* All scripts are compiled. The supplied context defines what references
* not in REPL history are allowed, though a different context may be
* supplied for evaluation of a compiled script.
def compile(script: String, context: ScriptContext): CompiledScript =
withCompileContext(context) {
val cat = code + script
intp.compile(cat, synthetic = false) match {
case Right(req) =>
code = ""
new WrappedRequest(req)
case Left(Incomplete) =>
code = cat + "\n"
new CompiledScript {
def eval(context: ScriptContext): Object = null
def getEngine: ScriptEngine = Scripted.this
case Left(_) =>
code = ""
throw intp.reporter.asInstanceOf[SaveFirstErrorReporter].firstError map {
case (pos, msg) => new ScriptException(msg, script, pos.line, pos.column)
} getOrElse new ScriptException("compile-time error")
// documentation
//protected var context: ScriptContext
//def getContext: ScriptContext = context
/* Compile with the default context. All references must be resolvable. */
def compile(script: String): CompiledScript = compile(script, context)
def compile(reader: Reader): CompiledScript = compile(stringFromReader(reader), context)
/* Compile and evaluate with the given context. */
def eval(script: String, context: ScriptContext): Object = compile(script, context).eval(context)
def eval(reader: Reader, context: ScriptContext): Object = compile(stringFromReader(reader), context).eval(context)
private class WrappedRequest(val req: intp.Request) extends CompiledScript {
var first = true
private def evalEither(r: intp.Request, ctx: ScriptContext) = {
if (ctx.getWriter == null && ctx.getErrorWriter == null && ctx.getReader == null) r.eval
else {
val closeables = Array.ofDim[Closeable](2)
val w = if (ctx.getWriter == null) Console.out else {
val v = new WriterOutputStream(ctx.getWriter)
closeables(0) = v
val e = if (ctx.getErrorWriter == null) Console.err else {
val v = new WriterOutputStream(ctx.getErrorWriter)
closeables(1) = v
val in = if (ctx.getReader == null) Console.in else ctx.getReader
try {
Console.withOut(w) {
Console.withErr(e) {
Console.withIn(in) {
} finally {
closeables foreach (c => if (c != null) c.close())
/* First time, cause lazy evaluation of a memoized result.
* Subsequently, instantiate a new object for evaluation.
* Per the API: Checked exception types thrown by underlying scripting implementations
* must be wrapped in instances of ScriptException.
override def eval(context: ScriptContext) =
withScriptContext(context) {
if (!first)
{ line => Scripted.this.eval(line); null }, // we're evaluating after recording the request instead of other way around, but that should be ok, right?
evalAndRecord(context, _))
else try evalAndRecord(context, req) finally first = false
private def evalAndRecord(context: ScriptContext, req: intp.Request) =
evalEither(req, context) match {
case Left(e: RuntimeException) => throw e
case Left(e: Exception) => throw new ScriptException(e)
case Left(e) => throw e
case Right(result) => intp recordRequest req; result.asInstanceOf[Object]
def getEngine: ScriptEngine = Scripted.this
object Scripted {
class Factory extends ScriptEngineFactory {
@BeanProperty val engineName = "Scala REPL"
@BeanProperty val engineVersion = "2.0"
@BeanProperty val extensions = asList("scala")
@BeanProperty val languageName = "Scala"
@BeanProperty val languageVersion = versionString
@BeanProperty val mimeTypes = asList("application/x-scala")
@BeanProperty val names = asList("scala")
def getMethodCallSyntax(obj: String, m: String, args: String*): String = args.mkString(s"$obj.$m(", ", ", ")")
def getOutputStatement(toDisplay: String): String = s"Console.println($toDisplay)"
def getParameter(key: String): Object = key match {
case ScriptEngine.ENGINE => engineName
case ScriptEngine.ENGINE_VERSION => engineVersion
case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE => languageName
case ScriptEngine.LANGUAGE_VERSION => languageVersion
case ScriptEngine.NAME => names.get(0)
case _ => null
def getProgram(statements: String*): String = statements.mkString("object Main extends _root_.scala.App {\n\t", "\n\t", "\n}")
def getScriptEngine: ScriptEngine = {
val settings = new Settings()
settings.usemanifestcp.value = true
Scripted(this, settings)
def apply(factory: ScriptEngineFactory = new Factory, settings: Settings = new Settings, out: PrintWriter = ReplReporterImpl.defaultOut) = {
settings.Yreplclassbased.value = true
settings.usejavacp.value = true
val s = new Scripted(factory, settings, out)
s.setBindings(s.createBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE)
import java.io.Writer
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction.{REPLACE => Replace}
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, CharBuffer}
/* An OutputStream that decodes bytes and flushes to the writer. */
class WriterOutputStream(writer: Writer) extends OutputStream {
val decoder = Charset.defaultCharset.newDecoder
decoder onMalformedInput Replace
decoder onUnmappableCharacter Replace
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(64)
val charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(64)
override def write(b: Int): Unit = {
decoder.decode(byteBuffer, charBuffer, /*eoi=*/ false)
if (byteBuffer.remaining == 0) byteBuffer.clear()
if (charBuffer.position() > 0) {
writer write charBuffer.toString
override def close(): Unit = {
decoder.decode(byteBuffer, charBuffer, /*eoi=*/ true)
override def toString = charBuffer.toString
private class SaveFirstErrorReporter(settings: Settings, out: PrintWriter) extends ReplReporterImpl(settings, out) {
private var _firstError: Option[(Position, String)] = None
def firstError = _firstError
override def doReport(pos: Position, msg: String, severity: Severity): Unit =
if (severity == ERROR && _firstError.isEmpty) _firstError = Some((pos, msg))
override def reset() = { super.reset(); _firstError = None }
override def printResult(result: Either[String, String]): Unit = ()
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