scala.tools.nsc.symtab.classfile.Pickler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.tools.nsc
package symtab
package classfile
import java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits
import java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits
import java.util.Arrays.fill
import scala.io.Codec
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{PickleBuffer, PickleFormat}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.shortClassOfInstance
import scala.collection.mutable
import PickleFormat._
import Flags._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Serialize a top-level module and/or class.
* @see [[scala.reflect.internal.pickling.PickleFormat PickleFormat]] for symbol table attribute format.
* @author Martin Odersky
abstract class Pickler extends SubComponent {
import global._
val phaseName = "pickler"
def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new PicklePhase(prev)
final def pickle(sym: Symbol, companion: Symbol, noPrivates: Boolean): Pickle = {
initPickle(sym, noPrivates) { pickle =>
def reserveDeclEntries(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
if (pickle.reserveEntry(sym)) {
if (sym.isClass) sym.info.decls.foreach(reserveDeclEntries)
else if (sym.isModule) reserveDeclEntries(sym.moduleClass)
val syms = sym :: (if (companion != NoSymbol) companion :: Nil else Nil)
syms.foreach { sym =>
class PicklePhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
import global.genBCode.postProcessor.classfileWriters.FileWriter
private lazy val sigWriter: Option[FileWriter] =
if (settings.YpickleWrite.isSetByUser && !settings.YpickleWrite.value.isEmpty) {
val file = settings.pathFactory.getFile(settings.YpickleWrite.value) // might be a JAR (possibly still to be created) or a directory
Some(FileWriter(global, file, None))
def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
def pickle(tree: Tree): Unit = {
tree match {
case PackageDef(_, stats) =>
stats foreach pickle
case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | ModuleDef(_, _, _) =>
val sym = tree.symbol
def shouldPickle(sym: Symbol) = currentRun.compiles(sym) && !currentRun.symData.contains(sym)
if (shouldPickle(sym)) {
def pickle(noPrivates: Boolean, writeToSymData: Boolean, writeToSigFile: Boolean): Unit = {
val companion = sym.companionSymbol.filter(_.owner == sym.owner).filter(shouldPickle) // exclude companionship between package- and package object-owned symbols.
val pickle = Pickler.this.pickle(sym, companion, noPrivates)
if (writeToSymData) {
currentRun.symData(sym) = pickle
companion.andAlso(sym => currentRun.symData(sym) = pickle)
currentRun registerPickle sym
if (writeToSigFile)
writeSigFile(sym, pickle)
if (sigWriter.isDefined && settings.YpickleWriteApiOnly) {
pickle(noPrivates = false, writeToSymData = true, writeToSigFile = false)
pickle(noPrivates = true, writeToSymData = false, writeToSigFile = true)
} else {
pickle(noPrivates = false, writeToSymData = true, writeToSigFile = true)
case _ =>
try {
} catch {
case e: FatalError =>
for (t <- unit.body) {
// If there are any erroneous types in the tree, then we will crash
// when we pickle it: so let's report an error instead. We know next
// to nothing about what happened, but our supposition is a lot better
// than "bad type: " in terms of explanatory power.
// OPT: do this only as a recovery after fatal error. Checking in advance was expensive.
if (t.isErroneous) {
if (settings.debug) e.printStackTrace()
reporter.error(t.pos, "erroneous or inaccessible type")
throw e
override def run(): Unit = {
try super.run()
finally {
_index = null
_entries = null
private def writeSigFile(sym: Symbol, pickle: PickleBuffer): Unit = {
sigWriter.foreach { writer =>
val binaryName = sym.javaBinaryNameString
val binaryClassName = if (sym.isModule) binaryName.stripSuffix(nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING) else binaryName
val relativePath = binaryClassName + ".sig"
val data = pickle.bytes.take(pickle.writeIndex)
writer.writeFile(relativePath, data)
private def closeSigWriter(): Unit = {
sigWriter.foreach { writer =>
if (settings.verbose)
reporter.echo(NoPosition, "[sig files written]")
override protected def shouldSkipThisPhaseForJava: Boolean = !settings.YpickleJava.value
type Index = mutable.AnyRefMap[AnyRef, Int] // a map from objects (symbols, types, names, ...) to indices into Entries
type Entries = Array[AnyRef]
final val InitEntriesSize = 256
private[this] var _index: Index = _
private[this] var _entries: Entries = _
final def initPickle(root: Symbol, noPrivates: Boolean)(f: Pickle => Unit): Pickle = {
if (_index eq null) { _index = new Index(InitEntriesSize) }
if (_entries eq null) { _entries = new Entries(InitEntriesSize) }
val pickle = new Pickle(root, _index, _entries, noPrivates)
try f(pickle) finally { pickle.close(); _index.clear(); fill(_entries, null) }
class Pickle private[Pickler](root: Symbol, private var index: Index, private var entries: Entries, noPrivates: Boolean)
extends PickleBuffer(new Array[Byte](4096), -1, 0) {
private val rootName = root.name.toTermName
private val rootOwner = root.owner
private var ep = 0
private lazy val nonClassRoot = findSymbol(root.ownersIterator)(!_.isClass)
def include(sym: Symbol) = !noPrivates || !sym.isPrivate || (sym.owner.isTrait && sym.isAccessor)
def close(): Unit = { index = null; entries = null }
private def isRootSym(sym: Symbol) =
sym.name.toTermName == rootName && sym.owner == rootOwner
/** Usually `sym.owner`, except when `sym` is pickle-local, while `sym.owner` is not.
* In the latter case, the alternative owner is the pickle root,
* or a non-class owner of root (so that term-owned parameters remain term-owned).
* Note: tree pickling also finds its way here; e.g. in scala/bug#7501 the pickling
* of trees in annotation arguments considers the parameter symbol of a method
* called in such a tree as "local". The condition `sym.isValueParameter` was
* added to fix that bug, but there may be a better way.
private def localizedOwner(sym: Symbol) =
if (isLocalToPickle(sym) && !isRootSym(sym) && !isLocalToPickle(sym.owner))
// don't use a class as the localized owner for type parameters that are not owned by a class: those are not instantiated by asSeenFrom
// however, they would suddenly be considered by asSeenFrom if their localized owner became a class (causing the crashes of #4079, #2741)
(if ((sym.isTypeParameter || sym.isValueParameter) && !sym.owner.isClass) nonClassRoot
else root)
else sym.owner
/** Is root in symbol.owner*, or should it be treated as a local symbol
* anyway? This is the case if symbol is a refinement class,
* an existentially bound variable, or a higher-order type parameter.
private def isLocalToPickle(sym: Symbol): Boolean = (sym != NoSymbol) && !sym.isPackageClass && (
|| sym.isRefinementClass
|| sym.isAbstractType && sym.hasFlag(EXISTENTIAL) // existential param
|| sym.isParameter
|| isLocalToPickle(sym.owner)
private def isExternalSymbol(sym: Symbol): Boolean = (sym != NoSymbol) && !isLocalToPickle(sym)
// Phase 1 methods: Populate entries/index ------------------------------------
private val reserved = mutable.BitSet()
final def reserveEntry(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
if (include(sym)) {
reserved(ep) = true
} else false
/** Store entry e in index at next available position unless
* it is already there.
* @return true iff entry is new.
private def putEntry(entry: AnyRef): Boolean = {
assert(index ne null, this)
index.get(entry) match {
case Some(i) =>
case None =>
if (ep == entries.length) {
val entries1 = new Array[AnyRef](ep * 2)
System.arraycopy(entries, 0, entries1, 0, ep)
entries = entries1
entries(ep) = entry
index(entry) = ep
ep = ep + 1
private def deskolemizeTypeSymbols(ref: AnyRef): AnyRef = ref match {
case sym: Symbol => deskolemize(sym)
case _ => ref
/** If the symbol is a type skolem, deskolemize and log it.
* If we fail to deskolemize, in a method like
* trait Trait[+A] { def f[CC[X]] : CC[A] }
* the applied type CC[A] will hold a different CC symbol
* than the type-constructor type-parameter CC.
private def deskolemize(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
if (sym.isTypeSkolem) {
val sym1 = sym.deSkolemize
val what0 = sym.defString
val what = sym1.defString match {
case `what0` => what0
case other => what0 + "->" + other
val where = sym.enclMethod.fullLocationString
s"deskolemizing $what in $where"
else sym
def putDecl(sym: Symbol): Unit = if (include(sym)) putSymbol(sym)
/** Store symbol in index. If symbol is local, also store everything it references.
def putSymbol(sym0: Symbol): Unit = {
val sym = deskolemize(sym0)
if (putEntry(sym)) {
if (isLocalToPickle(sym)) {
if (sym.hasSelfType)
if (!sym.children.isEmpty) {
val (locals, globals) = sym.children partition (_.isLocalClass)
val children =
if (locals.isEmpty) globals
else {
// The LOCAL_CHILD was introduced in 12a2b3b to fix Aladdin bug 1055. When a sealed
// class/trait has local subclasses, a single class symbol is added
// as pickled child (instead of a reference to the anonymous class; that was done
// initially, but seems not to work, as the bug shows).
// Adding the LOCAL_CHILD is necessary to retain exhaustivity warnings under separate
// compilation. See test neg/aladdin1055.
val parents = if (sym.isTrait) List(definitions.ObjectTpe, sym.tpe) else List(sym.tpe)
globals + sym.newClassWithInfo(tpnme.LOCAL_CHILD, parents, EmptyScope, pos = sym.pos)
putChildren(sym, children.toList sortBy (_.sealedSortName))
for (annot <- (sym.annotations filter (ann => ann.isStatic && !ann.isErroneous)).reverse)
putAnnotation(sym, annot)
else if (sym != NoSymbol) {
putEntry(if (sym.isModuleClass) sym.name.toTermName else sym.name)
if (!sym.owner.isRoot) putSymbol(sym.owner)
private def putSymbols(syms: List[Symbol]) =
syms foreach putSymbol
/** Store type and everything it refers to in map index.
private def putType(tp: Type): Unit = if (putEntry(tp)) {
tp match {
case NoType | NoPrefix =>
case ThisType(sym) =>
case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
case SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) =>
case ConstantType(value) =>
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
case tp: CompoundType =>
case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) =>
case AnnotatedType(_, underlying) =>
tp.staticAnnotations foreach putAnnotation
case _ =>
throw new FatalError("bad type: " + tp + "(" + tp.getClass + ")")
private def putTypes(tps: List[Type]): Unit = { tps foreach putType }
private object putTreeTraverser extends Traverser {
// Only used when pickling trees, i.e. in an argument of some Annotation
// annotations in Modifiers are removed by the typechecker
override def traverseModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Unit = if (putEntry(mods)) putEntry(mods.privateWithin)
override def traverseName(name: Name): Unit = putEntry(name)
override def traverseConstant(const: Constant): Unit = putEntry(const)
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = putTree(tree)
def put(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (tree.canHaveAttrs)
if (tree.hasSymbolField)
private def putTree(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (putEntry(tree))
putTreeTraverser put tree
/** Store a constant in map index, along with anything it references.
private def putConstant(c: Constant): Unit = {
if (putEntry(c)) {
if (c.tag == StringTag) putEntry(newTermName(c.stringValue))
else if (c.tag == ClazzTag) putType(c.typeValue)
else if (c.tag == EnumTag) putSymbol(c.symbolValue)
private def putChildren(sym: Symbol, children: List[Symbol]): Unit = {
putEntry(sym -> children)
children foreach putSymbol
/** used in putSymbol only, i.e. annotations on definitions, not on types */
private def putAnnotation(sym: Symbol, annot: AnnotationInfo): Unit = {
// if an annotation with the same arguments is applied to the
// same symbol multiple times, it's only pickled once.
if (putEntry(sym -> annot))
private def putAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): Unit = {
if (putEntry(annot))
/** Puts the members of an AnnotationInfo */
private def putAnnotationBody(annot: AnnotationInfo): Unit = {
def putAnnotArg(arg: Tree): Unit = {
arg match {
case Literal(c) => putConstant(c)
case _ => putTree(arg)
def putClassfileAnnotArg(carg: ClassfileAnnotArg): Unit = {
(carg: @unchecked) match {
case LiteralAnnotArg(const) => putConstant(const)
case ArrayAnnotArg(args) => if (putEntry(carg)) args foreach putClassfileAnnotArg
case NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) => putAnnotation(annInfo)
val AnnotationInfo(tpe, args, assocs) = annot
args foreach putAnnotArg
assocs foreach { asc =>
// Phase 2 methods: Write all entries to byte array ------------------------------
/** Write a reference to object, i.e., the object's number in the map index.
private def writeRef(ref: AnyRef): Unit = {
assert(index ne null, this)
private def writeRefs(refs: List[AnyRef]): Unit = refs foreach writeRef
private def writeRefsWithLength(refs: List[AnyRef]): Unit = {
/** Write name, owner, flags, and info of a symbol.
private def writeSymInfo(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
writeLongNat((rawToPickledFlags(sym.rawflags & PickledFlags)))
if (sym.hasAccessBoundary) writeRef(sym.privateWithin)
/** Write a name in UTF8 format. */
private def writeName(name: Name): Unit = {
ensureCapacity(name.length * 3)
val utfBytes = Codec toUTF8 name.toString
System.arraycopy(utfBytes, 0, bytes, writeIndex, utfBytes.length)
writeIndex += utfBytes.length
/** Write an annotation */
private def writeAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): Unit = {
def writeAnnotArg(arg: Tree): Unit = {
arg match {
case Literal(c) => writeRef(c)
case _ => writeRef(arg)
annot.args foreach writeAnnotArg
annot.assocs foreach { asc =>
/** Write a ClassfileAnnotArg (argument to classfile annotation) */
def writeClassfileAnnotArg(carg: ClassfileAnnotArg): Unit = {
(carg: @unchecked) match {
case LiteralAnnotArg(const) => writeRef(const)
case ArrayAnnotArg(args) => writeRef(carg)
case NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) => writeRef(annInfo)
private object writeTreeBodyTraverser extends Traverser {
private var refs = false
@inline private def asRefs[T](body: => T): T = {
val saved = refs
refs = true
try body finally refs = saved
override def traverseModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Unit = if (refs) writeRef(mods) else super.traverseModifiers(mods)
override def traverseName(name: Name): Unit = writeRef(name)
override def traverseConstant(const: Constant): Unit = writeRef(const)
override def traverseParams(params: List[Tree]): Unit = writeRefsWithLength(params)
override def traverseParamss(vparamss: List[List[Tree]]): Unit = {
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (refs)
else {
if (tree.hasSymbolField)
/** Write an entry */
private def writeEntry(entry: AnyRef): Unit = {
def writeLocalSymbolBody(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
sym match {
case _: ClassSymbol if sym.hasSelfType => writeRef(sym.typeOfThis)
case _: TermSymbol if sym.alias.exists => writeRef(sym.alias)
case _ =>
def writeExtSymbolBody(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
val name = if (sym.isModuleClass) sym.name.toTermName else sym.name
if (!sym.owner.isRoot)
def writeSymbolBody(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
if (sym ne NoSymbol) {
if (isLocalToPickle(sym))
// NullaryMethodType reuses POLYtpe since those can never have an empty list of tparams.
// TODO: is there any way this can come back and bite us in the bottom?
// ugliness and thrift aside, this should make this somewhat more backward compatible
// (I'm not sure how old scalac's would deal with nested PolyTypes, as these used to be folded into one)
def writeTypeBody(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match {
case NoType | NoPrefix =>
case ThisType(sym) => writeRef(sym)
case SingleType(pre, sym) => writeRef(pre) ; writeRef(sym)
case SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) => writeRef(thistpe) ; writeRef(supertpe)
case ConstantType(value) => writeRef(value)
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => writeRef(lo) ; writeRef(hi)
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => writeRef(pre) ; writeRef(sym); writeRefs(args)
case MethodType(formals, restpe) => writeRef(restpe) ; writeRefs(formals)
case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => writeRef(restpe); writeRefs(Nil)
case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => writeRef(restpe); writeRefs(tparams)
case ExistentialType(tparams, restpe) => writeRef(restpe); writeRefs(tparams)
case StaticallyAnnotatedType(annots, tp) => writeRef(tp) ; writeRefs(annots)
case AnnotatedType(_, tp) => writeTypeBody(tp) // write the underlying type if there are no static annotations
case CompoundType(parents, _, clazz) => writeRef(clazz); writeRefs(parents)
def writeTreeBody(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (!tree.isEmpty)
writeTreeBodyTraverser traverse tree
def writeConstant(c: Constant): Unit = c.tag match {
case BooleanTag => writeLong(if (c.booleanValue) 1 else 0)
case FloatTag => writeLong(floatToIntBits(c.floatValue).toLong)
case DoubleTag => writeLong(doubleToLongBits(c.doubleValue))
case StringTag => writeRef(newTermName(c.stringValue))
case ClazzTag => writeRef(c.typeValue)
case EnumTag => writeRef(c.symbolValue)
case tag => if (ByteTag <= tag && tag <= LongTag) writeLong(c.longValue)
def writeModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Unit = {
val pflags = rawToPickledFlags(mods.flags)
writeNat((pflags >> 32).toInt)
writeNat((pflags & 0xFFFFFFFF).toInt)
def writeSymbolTuple(target: Symbol, other: Any): Unit = {
other match {
case annot: AnnotationInfo => writeAnnotation(annot)
case children: List[Symbol @unchecked] => writeRefs(children)
case _ =>
def writeBody(entry: AnyRef): Unit = entry match {
case tree: Tree => writeTreeBody(tree)
case sym: Symbol => writeSymbolBody(sym)
case tpe: Type => writeTypeBody(tpe)
case name: Name => writeName(name)
case const: Constant => writeConstant(const)
case mods: Modifiers => writeModifiers(mods)
case annot: AnnotationInfo => writeAnnotation(annot)
case (target: Symbol, other) => writeSymbolTuple(target, other)
case ArrayAnnotArg(args) => args foreach writeClassfileAnnotArg
case _ => devWarning(s"Unexpected entry to pickler ${shortClassOfInstance(entry)} $entry")
// begin writeEntry
// The picklerTag method can't determine if it's an external symbol reference
val tag = entry match {
case sym: Symbol if isExternalSymbol(sym) => if (sym.isModuleClass) EXTMODCLASSref else EXTref
case _ => picklerTag(entry)
writeByte(0) // reserve a place to record the number of bytes written
val start = writeIndex
val length = writeIndex - start
patchNat(start - 1, length) // patch bytes written over the placeholder
/** Write byte array */
final def writeArray(): Unit = {
assert(writeIndex == 0, "Index must be zero")
assert(index ne null, this)
entries take ep foreach writeEntry
override def toString = "" + rootName + " in " + rootOwner
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