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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import{TastyName, TastyFlags}, TastyFlags._, TastyName.ObjectName
import{TastyUniverse, TastyModes, SafeEq}, TastyModes._
import scala.reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError
import scala.collection.mutable
/**This contains the definition for [[Context]], along with standard error throwing capabilities with user friendly
* formatted errors that can change their output depending on the context mode.
trait ContextOps { self: TastyUniverse =>
import self.{symbolTable => u}
private def describeOwner(owner: Symbol): String = {
val kind =
if (owner.isOneOf(Param | ParamSetter)) {
if (owner.isType) "type parameter"
else "parameter"
else {
s"$kind ${owner.nameString}"
@inline final def unsupportedTermTreeError[T](noun: String)(implicit ctx: Context): T =
if ( s"$noun in an annotation of ${describeOwner(ctx.owner)}; note that complex trees are not yet supported for Annotations"
else noun
@inline final def unsupportedError[T](noun: String)(implicit ctx: Context): T = {
typeError(s"Unsupported Scala 3 $noun; found in ${location(ctx.globallyVisibleOwner)}.")
final def location(owner: Symbol): String = {
if (owner.isClass) s"${owner.kindString} ${owner.fullNameString}"
else s"${describeOwner(owner)} in ${location(owner.owner)}"
@inline final def typeError[T](msg: String): T = throw new u.TypeError(msg)
@inline final def assertError[T](msg: String): T =
throw new AssertionError(s"assertion failed: ${u.supplementErrorMessage(msg)}")
@inline final def assert(assertion: Boolean, msg: => Any): Unit =
if (!assertion) assertError(String.valueOf(msg))
@inline final def assert(assertion: Boolean): Unit =
if (!assertion) assertError("")
private final def findObject(owner: Symbol, name: u.Name): Symbol = {
val scope =
if (owner != null && owner.isClass) owner.rawInfo.decls
else u.EmptyScope
val it = scope.lookupAll(name).filter(_.isModule)
if (it.hasNext)
else u.NoSymbol //throw new AssertionError(s"no module $name in ${location(owner)}")
/**Perform an operation within a context that has the mode `IndexStats` will force any collected annotations
* afterwards */
def inIndexStatsContext(op: Context => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
val statsCtx = ctx.addMode(IndexStats)
/** Perform an operation within a context that has the mode `InnerScope` will enter any inline methods afterwards */
def inInnerScopeContext(op: Context => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
val innerCtx = ctx.addMode(InnerScope)
/** an aggregate of `inInnerScopeContext` within `inIndexStatsContext` */
def inIndexScopedStatsContext(op: Context => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
/**Forces lazy annotations, if one is [[scala.annotation.internal.Child]] then it will add the referenced type as a
* sealed child.
private def analyseAnnotations(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
for (annot <- sym.annotations) {
if (annot.tpe.typeSymbolDirect === defn.ChildAnnot) {
val child = annot.tpe.typeArgs.head.typeSymbolDirect
ctx.log(s"adding sealed child ${showSym(child)} to ${showSym(sym)}")
/**Maintains state through traversal of a TASTy file, such as the outer scope of the defintion being traversed, the
* traversal mode, and the root owners and source path for the TASTy file.
* It also provides all operations for manipulation of the symbol table, such as creating/updating symbols and
* updating their types.
sealed abstract class Context { thisCtx =>
protected implicit final def implyThisCtx: thisCtx.type = thisCtx
/**Associates the annotations with the symbol, and will force their evaluation if not reading statements.*/
def adjustAnnotations(sym: Symbol, annots: List[DeferredAnnotation]): Unit = {
if (annots.nonEmpty) {
if ( {
log(s"lazily adding annotations to ${showSym(sym)}")
else {
log(s"eagerly adding annotations to ${showSym(sym)}")
final def globallyVisibleOwner: Symbol = owner.logicallyEnclosingMember
final def ignoreAnnotations: Boolean = u.settings.YtastyNoAnnotations
final def verboseDebug: Boolean = u.settings.debug
def requiresLatentEntry(decl: Symbol): Boolean = decl.isScala3Macro || decl.isTraitParamAccessor
def neverEntered(decl: Symbol): Boolean = decl.isPureMixinCtor
def canEnterOverload(decl: Symbol): Boolean = {
!(decl.isModule && isSymbol(findObject(thisCtx.owner,
final def log(str: => String): Unit = {
if (u.settings.YdebugTasty)
pos = u.NoPosition,
msg = => s"#[$classRoot]: $line").mkString(System.lineSeparator)
def owner: Symbol
def source: AbstractFile
def mode: TastyMode
private final def loadingMirror: u.Mirror = u.mirrorThatLoaded(owner)
final def requiredPackage(fullname: TastyName): Symbol = fullname match {
case TastyName.Root | TastyName.RootPkg => loadingMirror.RootPackage
case TastyName.EmptyPkg => loadingMirror.EmptyPackage
case fullname =>
symOrDependencyError(false, true, fullname)(loadingMirror.getPackage(encodeTermName(fullname).toString))
private def symOrDependencyError(isObject: Boolean, isPackage: Boolean, fullname: TastyName)(sym: => Symbol): Symbol = {
try sym
catch {
case _: MissingRequirementError =>
val kind = if (isObject) "object" else if (isPackage) "package" else "class"
val addendum = if ( s" whilst reading annotation of $owner" else ""
val msg =
s"could not find $kind ${fullname.source}$addendum; perhaps it is missing from the classpath."
final lazy val classRoot: Symbol = initialContext.topLevelClass
final def newLocalDummy: Symbol = owner.newLocalDummy(u.NoPosition)
final def newWildcardSym(info: Type): Symbol =
owner.newTypeParameter(u.nme.WILDCARD.toTypeName, u.NoPosition, u.NoFlags).setInfo(info)
final def findRootSymbol(roots: Set[Symbol], name: TastyName): Option[Symbol] = {
import TastyName.TypeName
def isSameRoot(root: Symbol, selector: u.Name): Boolean =
(root.owner `eq` this.owner) && selector ===
val selector = encodeTastyName(name)
roots.find(isSameRoot(_,selector)).map(found =>
name match {
case TypeName(_: ObjectName) => found.linkedClassOfClass
case _ => found
final def findOuterClassTypeParameter(name: TastyName.TypeName): Symbol = {
val selector: u.Name = encodeTypeName(name)
owner.owner.typeParams.find(selector === {
throw new AssertionError(s"${owner.owner} has no type params.")
final def newRefinementSymbol(parent: Type, owner: Symbol, name: TastyName, tpe: Type): Symbol = {
val overridden = parent.member(encodeTastyName(name))
val isOverride = isSymbol(overridden)
var flags = if (isOverride && overridden.isType) Override else EmptyTastyFlags
val info = {
if (name.isTermName) {
flags |= Method | Deferred
tpe match {
case u.TypeRef(_, u.definitions.ByNameParamClass, arg :: Nil) => // nullary method
case u.PolyType(tparams, res) if res.paramss.isEmpty => u.PolyType(tparams, u.NullaryMethodType(res))
case _:u.MethodType | _:u.PolyType => tpe
case _ => // val, which is not stable if structural. Dotty does not support vars
if (isOverride && flags |= Stable
else {
if (tpe.isInstanceOf[u.TypeBounds]) flags |= Deferred
unsafeNewSymbol(owner, name, flags, info)
/** Guards the creation of an object val by checking for an existing definition in the owner's scope
final def delayCompletion(owner: Symbol, name: TastyName, completer: TastyCompleter, privateWithin: Symbol = noSymbol): Symbol = {
def default() = unsafeNewSymbol(owner, name, completer.originalFlagSet, completer, privateWithin)
if ( {
val sourceObject = findObject(owner, encodeTermName(name))
if (isSymbol(sourceObject))
adjustSymbol(sourceObject, completer.originalFlagSet, completer, privateWithin)
else {
/** Guards the creation of an object class by checking for an existing definition in the owner's scope
final def delayClassCompletion(owner: Symbol, typeName: TastyName.TypeName, completer: TastyCompleter, privateWithin: Symbol): Symbol = {
def default() = unsafeNewClassSymbol(owner, typeName, completer.originalFlagSet, completer, privateWithin)
if ( {
val sourceObject = findObject(owner, encodeTermName(typeName.toTermName))
if (isSymbol(sourceObject))
adjustSymbol(sourceObject.objectImplementation, completer.originalFlagSet, completer, privateWithin)
else {
final def enterIfUnseen(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
if (
initialContext.collectLatentEvidence(owner, sym)
val decl = declaringSymbolOf(sym)
if (!(requiresLatentEntry(decl) || neverEntered(decl)))
enterIfUnseen0(owner.rawInfo.decls, decl)
protected final def enterIfUnseen0(decls: u.Scope, decl: Symbol): Unit = {
if (allowsOverload(decl)) {
if (canEnterOverload(decl)) {
else {
/** Unsafe to call for creation of a object val, prefer [[delayCompletion]] if info is a LazyType
final def unsafeNewSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TastyName, flags: TastyFlagSet, info: Type, privateWithin: Symbol = noSymbol): Symbol =
adjustSymbol(unsafeNewUntypedSymbol(owner, name, flags), info, privateWithin)
/** Unsafe to call for creation of a object class, prefer [[delayClassCompletion]] if info is a LazyType
final def unsafeNewClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, typeName: TastyName.TypeName, flags: TastyFlagSet, info: Type, privateWithin: Symbol): Symbol =
adjustSymbol(unsafeNewUntypedClassSymbol(owner, typeName, flags), info, privateWithin)
private final def unsafeNewUntypedSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TastyName, flags: TastyFlagSet): Symbol =
if ( {
if (name.isTypeName) {
owner.newTypeParameter(encodeTypeName(name.toTypeName), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags))
else {
owner.newValueParameter(encodeTermName(name), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags))
else if (name === TastyName.Constructor) {
owner.newConstructor(u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags &~ Stable))
else if (name === TastyName.MixinConstructor) {
owner.newMethodSymbol(u.nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR, u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags &~ Stable))
else if ( {
log(s"!!! visited module value $name first")
val module = owner.newModule(encodeTermName(name), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags)) = defn.DefaultInfo
else if (name.isTypeName) {
owner.newTypeSymbol(encodeTypeName(name.toTypeName), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags))
else {
owner.newMethodSymbol(encodeTermName(name), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags))
private final def unsafeNewUntypedClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, typeName: TastyName.TypeName, flags: TastyFlagSet): Symbol = {
if ( {
log(s"!!! visited module class $typeName first")
val module = owner.newModule(encodeTermName(typeName), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(FlagSets.ObjectCreationFlags)) = defn.DefaultInfo
module.moduleClass.flags = encodeFlagSet(flags)
else {
owner.newClassSymbol(encodeTypeName(typeName), u.NoPosition, encodeFlagSet(flags))
final def enterClassCompletion(): Symbol = {
val cls = globallyVisibleOwner.asClass
val assumedSelfType =
if ( && cls.owner.isClass) defn.SingleType(cls.owner.thisType, cls.sourceModule)
else u.NoType = u.ClassInfoType(cls.repr.parents, cls.repr.decls, assumedSelfType.typeSymbolDirect)
/** Normalises the parents and sets up value class machinery */
final def adjustParents(cls: Symbol, parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = {
val parentTypes = { tp =>
val tpe = tp.dealias
if (tpe.typeSymbolDirect === u.definitions.ObjectClass) u.definitions.AnyRefTpe
else tpe
if (parentTypes.head.typeSymbolDirect === u.definitions.AnyValClass) {
// TODO [tasty]: please reconsider if there is some shared optimised logic that can be triggered instead.
withPhaseNoLater("extmethods") { ctx0 =>
// duplicated from
for (decl <- if decl.isMethod) {
if (decl.isParamAccessor) decl.makeNotPrivate(cls)
if (!decl.isClassConstructor) {
val extensionMeth = decl.newExtensionMethodSymbol(cls.companion, u.NoPosition)
extensionMeth setInfo u.extensionMethInfo(cls, extensionMeth,, cls)
final def removeFlags(symbol: Symbol, flags: TastyFlagSet): symbol.type =
final def addFlags(symbol: Symbol, flags: TastyFlagSet): symbol.type =
final def adjustSymbol(symbol: Symbol, flags: TastyFlagSet, info: Type, privateWithin: Symbol): symbol.type =
adjustSymbol(addFlags(symbol, flags), info, privateWithin)
final def adjustSymbol(symbol: Symbol, info: Type, privateWithin: Symbol): symbol.type = {
symbol.privateWithin = privateWithin = info
/** Determines the owner of a refinement in the current context by the following steps:
* 1) if the owner if this context is a refinement symbol, we are in a recursive RefinedType. Ensure that the
* context owner is initialised with the parent and reuse it.
* 2) if the parent is also a RefinedType, then we will flatten the nested structure by reusing its owner
* 3) the parent is not a RefinedType, and we are not in an enclosing RefinedType, so create a new RefinementClassSymbol.
* The Parent alongside the RefinedType owner are passed to the given operation
final def enterRefinement[T](parent: Type)(op: Context => T): T = {
val clazz = owner match {
case enclosing: u.RefinementClassSymbol =>
if (!enclosing.hasRawInfo) mkRefinedTypeWith(parent :: Nil, enclosing, u.newScope)
case _ => parent match {
case nested: u.RefinedType => nested.typeSymbol
case _ => newRefinementClassSymbol
final def newRefinementClassSymbol: Symbol = owner.newRefinementClass(u.NoPosition)
final def setInfo(sym: Symbol, info: Type): Unit = = info
final def markAsEnumSingleton(sym: Symbol): Unit =
sym.updateAttachment(new u.DottyEnumSingleton(
final def onCompletionError[T](sym: Symbol): PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = {
case err: u.TypeError => = u.ErrorType
throw err
final def initialContext: InitialContext = this match {
case ctx: InitialContext => ctx
case ctx: FreshContext => ctx.outer.initialContext
final def withOwner(owner: Symbol): Context =
if (owner `ne` this.owner) freshSymbol(owner) else this
final def withNewScope: Context =
final def freshSymbol(owner: Symbol): FreshContext = new FreshContext(owner, this, this.mode)
final def freshMode(mode: TastyMode): FreshContext = new FreshContext(this.owner, this, mode)
final def fresh: FreshContext = new FreshContext(this.owner, this, this.mode)
final def addMode(mode: TastyMode): Context =
if (! freshMode(this.mode | mode)
else this
final def retractMode(mode: TastyMode): Context =
if (this.mode.isOneOf(mode)) freshMode(this.mode &~ mode)
else this
final def withMode(mode: TastyMode): Context =
if (mode != this.mode) freshMode(mode)
else this
final def withSource(source: AbstractFile): Context =
if (source `ne` this.source) fresh.atSource(source)
else this
final def withPhaseNoLater[T](phase: String)(op: Context => T): T =
final class InitialContext(val topLevelClass: Symbol, val source: AbstractFile) extends Context {
def mode: TastyMode = EmptyTastyMode
def owner: Symbol = topLevelClass.owner
private[this] var mySymbolsToForceAnnots: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol] = _
private[ContextOps] def stageSymbolToForceAnnots(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
if (sym.annotations.nonEmpty) {
if (mySymbolsToForceAnnots == null) {
mySymbolsToForceAnnots = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty
mySymbolsToForceAnnots += sym
/** Force any lazy annotations collected from declaration statements directly in this scope.
* It is important to call this *after* indexing statements in a scope, otherwise calling
* [[ownertree.findOwner]] can fail, this is because [[ownertree.findOwner]] cannot traverse a definition tree at
* a given address before a symbol has been registered to that address.
private[ContextOps] def forceAnnotations(): Unit = {
if (mySymbolsToForceAnnots != null) {
val toForce = mySymbolsToForceAnnots.toList
for (sym <- toForce) {
log(s"!!! forcing annotations on ${showSym(sym)}")
assert(mySymbolsToForceAnnots.isEmpty, "more symbols added while forcing")
private[this] var myInlineDefs: mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.ArrayBuffer[Symbol]] = null
private[this] var myMacros: mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.ArrayBuffer[Symbol]] = null
private[this] var myTraitParamAccessors: mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.ArrayBuffer[Symbol]] = null
/** Collect evidence from definitions that is required by `enterLatentDefs`. */
private[ContextOps] def collectLatentEvidence(owner: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Unit = {
def macroMap() = {
if (myMacros == null) myMacros = mutable.HashMap.empty
def inlineMap() = {
if (myInlineDefs == null) myInlineDefs = mutable.HashMap.empty
def traitParamAccessors() = {
if (myTraitParamAccessors == null) myTraitParamAccessors = mutable.HashMap.empty
def append(map: mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.ArrayBuffer[Symbol]])(owner: Symbol, sym: Symbol) =
map.getOrElseUpdate(owner, mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty) += sym
if (sym.isScala2Macro) append(macroMap())(owner, sym)
else if (sym.isScala3Inline) append(inlineMap())(owner, sym)
else if (sym.isTraitParamAccessor) append(traitParamAccessors())(owner, sym)
/**Should be called after indexing all symbols in the given owners scope.
* Enters qualifying definitions into the given owners scope, according to the following rules:
* - an `inline macro` method (Scala 3 macro) without a corresponding `erased macro` method (Scala 2 macro).
* Reports illegal definitions:
* - trait constructors with parameters
* @param cls should be a symbol associated with a non-empty scope
private[ContextOps] def enterLatentDefs(cls: Symbol): Unit = {
def macroDefs(cls: Symbol): Option[Iterable[Symbol]] = {
if (myMacros != null) myMacros.remove(cls)
else None
def inlineDefs(cls: Symbol): Option[Iterable[Symbol]] = {
if (myInlineDefs != null) myInlineDefs.remove(cls)
else None
def traitParamAccessors(cls: Symbol): Option[Iterable[Symbol]] = {
if (myTraitParamAccessors != null) myTraitParamAccessors.remove(cls)
else None
def enterInlineDefs(cls: Symbol, decls: u.Scope): Unit = {
val macros = macroDefs(cls).getOrElse(Iterable.empty)
val defs = inlineDefs(cls).getOrElse(Iterable.empty)
for (d <- defs if !macros.exists( ==
enterIfUnseen0(decls, d)
def reportParameterizedTrait(cls: Symbol, decls: u.Scope): Unit = {
val traitParams = traitParamAccessors(cls).getOrElse(Iterable.empty)
if (traitParams.nonEmpty) {
val parameters =
val msg = s"parameterized trait ${parameters.mkString(s"${cls.nameString}(", ", ", ")")}"
val decls = cls.rawInfo.decls
enterInlineDefs(cls, decls)
reportParameterizedTrait(cls, decls)
final class FreshContext(val owner: Symbol, val outer: Context, val mode: TastyMode) extends Context {
private[this] var mySource: AbstractFile = null
def atSource(source: AbstractFile): this.type = { mySource = source ; this }
def source: AbstractFile = if (mySource == null) outer.source else mySource
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