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Compiler for the Scala Programming Language
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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package transform
import symtab._
import Flags._
import scala.collection._
abstract class CleanUp extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
import global._
import definitions._
import CODE._
import treeInfo.StripCast
/** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
val phaseName: String = "cleanup"
/* used in GenBCode: collects ClassDef symbols owning a main(Array[String]) method */
private val entryPoints = perRunCaches.newSet[Symbol]() // : List[Symbol] = Nil
def getEntryPoints: List[String] ='.')).sorted
protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
new CleanUpTransformer(unit)
class CleanUpTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends StaticsTransformer {
private val newStaticMembers = mutable.Buffer.empty[Tree]
private val newStaticInits = mutable.Buffer.empty[Tree]
private val symbolsStoredAsStatic = mutable.Map.empty[String, Symbol]
private var transformListApplyLimit = 8
private def reducingTransformListApply[A](depth: Int)(body: => A): A = {
val saved = transformListApplyLimit
transformListApplyLimit -= depth
try body
finally transformListApplyLimit = saved
private def clearStatics(): Unit = {
private def transformTemplate(tree: Tree) = {
val Template(_, _, body) = tree
val newBody = transformTrees(body)
val templ = deriveTemplate(tree)(_ => transformTrees(newStaticMembers.toList) ::: newBody)
if (newStaticInits.isEmpty) templ
else deriveTemplate(templ)(body => staticConstructor(body, localTyper, templ.pos)(newStaticInits.toList) :: body)
finally clearStatics()
private def mkTerm(prefix: String): TermName = unit.freshTermName(prefix)
private var localTyper: analyzer.Typer = null
private def typedWithPos(pos: Position)(tree: Tree) =
/** A value class is defined to be only Java-compatible values: unit is
* not part of it, as opposed to isPrimitiveValueClass in definitions. scala.Int is
* a value class, java.lang.Integer is not. */
def isJavaValueClass(sym: Symbol) = boxedClass contains sym
def isJavaValueType(tp: Type) = isJavaValueClass(tp.typeSymbol)
/** The boxed type if it's a primitive; identity otherwise.
def toBoxedType(tp: Type) = if (isJavaValueType(tp)) boxedClass(tp.typeSymbol).tpe else tp
def transformApplyDynamic(ad: ApplyDynamic) = {
val qual0 = ad.qual
val params = ad.args
if (settings.logReflectiveCalls)
reporter.echo(ad.pos, "method invocation uses reflection")
val typedPos = typedWithPos(ad.pos) _
assert(ad.symbol.isPublic, "Must be public")
var qual: Tree = qual0
def addStaticMethodToClass(forBody: (Symbol, Symbol) => Tree): Symbol = {
val methSym = currentClass.newMethod(mkTerm(nme.reflMethodName.toString), ad.pos, STATIC | SYNTHETIC)
val params = methSym.newSyntheticValueParams(List(ClassClass.tpe))
methSym setInfoAndEnter MethodType(params, MethodClass.tpe)
val methDef = typedPos(DefDef(methSym, forBody(methSym, params.head)))
newStaticMembers += transform(methDef)
def reflectiveMethodCache(method: String, paramTypes: List[Type]): Symbol = {
/* Implementation of the cache is as follows for method "def xyz(a: A, b: B)"
(SoftReference so that it does not interfere with classloader garbage collection,
see ticket #2365 for details):
var reflParams$Cache: Array[Class[_]] = Array[JClass](classOf[A], classOf[B])
var reflPoly$Cache: SoftReference[scala.runtime.MethodCache] = new SoftReference(new EmptyMethodCache())
def reflMethod$Method(forReceiver: JClass[_]): JMethod = {
var methodCache: StructuralCallSite = indy[StructuralCallSite.bootstrap, "(LA;LB;)Ljava/lang/Object;]
if (methodCache eq null) {
methodCache = new EmptyMethodCache
reflPoly$Cache = new SoftReference(methodCache)
var method: JMethod = methodCache.find(forReceiver)
if (method ne null)
return method
else {
method = ScalaRunTime.ensureAccessible(forReceiver.getMethod("xyz", methodCache.parameterTypes()))
methodCache.add(forReceiver, method)
return method
invokedynamic is used rather than a static field for the cache to support emitting bodies of methods
in Java 8 interfaces, which don't support private static fields.
addStaticMethodToClass((reflMethodSym, forReceiverSym) => {
val methodCache = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("methodCache"), ad.pos) setInfo StructuralCallSite.tpe
val methodSym = reflMethodSym.newVariable(mkTerm("method"), ad.pos) setInfo MethodClass.tpe
val dummyMethodType = MethodType(NoSymbol.newSyntheticValueParams(paramTypes), AnyTpe)
ValDef(methodCache, ApplyDynamic(gen.mkAttributedIdent(StructuralCallSite_dummy), LIT(StructuralCallSite_bootstrap) :: LIT(dummyMethodType) :: Nil).setType(StructuralCallSite.tpe)),
ValDef(methodSym, (REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_find)(REF(forReceiverSym))),
IF (REF(methodSym) OBJ_NE NULL) .
THEN (Return(REF(methodSym)))
def methodSymRHS = ((REF(forReceiverSym) DOT Class_getMethod)(LIT(method), (REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_getParameterTypes)()))
def cacheAdd = ((REF(methodCache) DOT StructuralCallSite_add)(REF(forReceiverSym), REF(methodSym)))
REF(methodSym) === (REF(currentRun.runDefinitions.ensureAccessibleMethod) APPLY (methodSymRHS)),
def testForName(name: Name): Tree => Tree = t => (
if (nme.CommonOpNames(name))
gen.mkMethodCall(currentRun.runDefinitions.Boxes_isNumberOrBool, t :: Nil)
else if (nme.BooleanOpNames(name))
t IS_OBJ BoxedBooleanClass.tpe
gen.mkMethodCall(currentRun.runDefinitions.Boxes_isNumber, t :: Nil)
/* The Tree => Tree function in the return is necessary to prevent the original qual
* from being duplicated in the resulting code. It may be a side-effecting expression,
* so all the test logic is routed through gen.evalOnce, which creates a block like
* { val x$1 = qual; if (x$ || x$ f1(x$1) else f2(x$1) }
* (If the compiler can verify qual is safe to inline, it will not create the block.)
def getPrimitiveReplacementForStructuralCall(name: Name): Option[(Symbol, Tree => Tree)] = {
val methodName = (
if (params.isEmpty) nme.primitivePostfixMethodName(name)
else if (params.tail.isEmpty) nme.primitiveInfixMethodName(name)
else nme.NO_NAME
getDeclIfDefined(BoxesRunTimeClass, methodName) match {
case NoSymbol => None
case sym => assert(!sym.isOverloaded, sym) ; Some((sym, testForName(name)))
/* Transforms the result of a reflective call (always an AnyRef) to
* the actual result value (an AnyRef too). The transformation
* depends on the method's static return type.
* - for units (void), the reflective call will return null: a new
* boxed unit is generated.
* - otherwise, the value is simply casted to the expected type. This
* is enough even for value (int et al.) values as the result of
* a dynamic call will box them as a side-effect. */
/* ### CALLING THE APPLY ### */
def callAsReflective(paramTypes: List[Type], resType: Type): Tree = {
val runDefinitions = currentRun.runDefinitions
import runDefinitions._
gen.evalOnce(qual, currentOwner, localTyper.fresh) { qual1 =>
/* Some info about the type of the method being called. */
val methSym = ad.symbol
val boxedResType = toBoxedType(resType) // Int -> Integer
val resultSym = boxedResType.typeSymbol
// If this is a primitive method type (like '+' in 5+5=10) then the
// parameter types and the (unboxed) result type should all be primitive types,
// and the method name should be in the primitive->structural map.
def isJavaValueMethod = (
(resType :: paramTypes forall isJavaValueType) && // issue #1110
// Erasure lets Unit through as Unit, but a method returning Any will have an
// erased return type of Object and should also allow Unit.
def isDefinitelyUnit = (resultSym == UnitClass)
def isMaybeUnit = (resultSym == ObjectClass) || isDefinitelyUnit
// If there's any chance this signature could be met by an Array.
val isArrayMethodSignature = {
def typesMatchApply = paramTypes match {
case List(tp) => tp <:< IntTpe
case _ => false
def typesMatchUpdate = paramTypes match {
case List(tp1, tp2) => (tp1 <:< IntTpe) && isMaybeUnit
case _ => false
( == nme.length && params.isEmpty) ||
( == nme.clone_ && params.isEmpty) ||
( == nme.apply && typesMatchApply) ||
( == nme.update && typesMatchUpdate)
/* Some info about the argument at the call site. */
val qualSym = qual.tpe.typeSymbol
val args = qual1() :: params
def isDefinitelyArray = (qualSym == ArrayClass)
def isMaybeArray = (qualSym == ObjectClass) || isDefinitelyArray
def isMaybeBoxed = platform isMaybeBoxed qualSym
// This is complicated a bit by trying to handle Arrays correctly.
// Under normal circumstances if the erased return type is Object then
// we're not going to box it to Unit, but that is the situation with
// a signature like def f(x: { def update(x: Int, y: Long): Any })
// However we only want to do that boxing if it has been determined
// to be an Array and a method returning Unit. But for this fixResult
// could be called in one place: instead it is called separately from the
// unconditional outcomes (genValueCall, genArrayCall, genDefaultCall.)
def fixResult(tree: Tree, mustBeUnit: Boolean = false) =
if (mustBeUnit || resultSym == UnitClass) BLOCK(tree, REF(BoxedUnit_UNIT)) // boxed unit
else if (resultSym == ObjectClass) tree // no cast necessary
else gen.mkCast(tree, boxedResType) // cast to expected type
/* Normal non-Array call */
def genDefaultCall = {
// reflective method call machinery
val invokeName = MethodClass.tpe member nme.invoke_ // scala.reflect.Method.invoke(...)
def cache = REF(reflectiveMethodCache(, paramTypes)) // cache Symbol
def lookup = Apply(cache, List(qual1().GETCLASS())) // get Method object from cache
def invokeArgs = ArrayValue(TypeTree(ObjectTpe), params) // args for invocation
def invocation = (lookup DOT invokeName)(qual1(), invokeArgs) // .invoke(qual1, ...)
// exception catching machinery
val invokeExc = currentOwner.newValue(mkTerm(""), ad.pos) setInfo InvocationTargetExceptionClass.tpe
def catchVar = Bind(invokeExc, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), TypeTree(InvocationTargetExceptionClass.tpe)))
def catchBody = Throw(Apply(Select(Ident(invokeExc), nme.getCause), Nil))
// try { method.invoke } catch { case e: InvocationTargetExceptionClass => throw e.getCause() }
fixResult(TRY (invocation) CATCH { CASE (catchVar) ==> catchBody } FINALLY END)
/* A possible primitive method call, represented by methods in BoxesRunTime. */
def genValueCall(operator: Symbol) = fixResult(REF(operator) APPLY args)
def genValueCallWithTest = {
getPrimitiveReplacementForStructuralCall( match {
case Some((operator, test)) =>
IF (test(qual1())) THEN genValueCall(operator) ELSE genDefaultCall
case _ =>
/* A native Array call. */
def genArrayCall = fixResult( match {
case nme.length => REF(boxMethod(IntClass)) APPLY (REF(arrayLengthMethod) APPLY args)
case nme.update => REF(arrayUpdateMethod) APPLY List(args(0), (REF(unboxMethod(IntClass)) APPLY args(1)), args(2))
case nme.apply => REF(arrayApplyMethod) APPLY List(args(0), (REF(unboxMethod(IntClass)) APPLY args(1)))
case nme.clone_ => REF(arrayCloneMethod) APPLY List(args(0))
mustBeUnit = == nme.update
/* A conditional Array call, when we can't determine statically if the argument is
* an Array, but the structural type method signature is consistent with an Array method
* so we have to generate both kinds of code.
def genArrayCallWithTest =
IF ((qual1().GETCLASS()) DOT nme.isArray) THEN genArrayCall ELSE genDefaultCall
localTyper typed (
if (isMaybeBoxed && isJavaValueMethod) genValueCallWithTest
else if (isArrayMethodSignature && isDefinitelyArray) genArrayCall
else if (isArrayMethodSignature && isMaybeArray) genArrayCallWithTest
else genDefaultCall
/* ### BODY OF THE TRANSFORMATION -> remember we're in case ad@ApplyDynamic(qual, params) ### */
/* This creates the tree that does the reflective call (see general comment
* on the apply-dynamic tree for its format). This tree is simply composed
* of three successive calls, first to getClass on the callee, then to
* getMethod on the class, then to invoke on the method.
* - getMethod needs an array of classes for choosing one amongst many
* overloaded versions of the method. This is provided by paramTypeClasses
* and must be done on the static type as Scala's dispatching is static on
* the parameters.
* - invoke needs an array of AnyRefs that are the method's arguments. The
* erasure phase guarantees that any parameter passed to a dynamic apply
* is compatible (through boxing). Boxed ints et al. is what invoke expects
* when the applied method expects ints, hence no change needed there.
* - in the end, the result of invoke must be fixed, again to deal with arrays.
* This is provided by fixResult. fixResult will cast the invocation's result
* to the method's return type, which is generally ok, except when this type
* is a value type (int et al.) in which case it must cast to the boxed version
* because invoke only returns object and erasure made sure the result is
* expected to be an AnyRef. */
val t: Tree = {
val (mparams, resType) = ad.symbol.tpe match {
case MethodType(mparams, resType) =>
assert(params.length == mparams.length, ((params, mparams)))
(mparams, resType)
case tpe @ OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
s"Overloaded type reached the backend! This is a bug in scalac.\n Symbol: ${ad.symbol}\n Overloads: $tpe\n Arguments: " +,
val fittingAlts = alts collect { case alt if sumSize(alt.paramss, 0) == params.length => alt.tpe }
fittingAlts match {
case mt @ MethodType(mparams, resType) :: Nil =>
"Only one overload has the right arity, proceeding with overload " + mt,
(mparams, resType)
case _ =>
reporter.error(ad.pos, "Cannot resolve overload.")
(Nil, NoType)
case NoType =>
typedPos {
val sym = currentOwner.newValue(mkTerm("qual"), ad.pos) setInfo qual0.tpe
qual = REF(sym)
ValDef(sym, qual0),
callAsReflective(mparams map (_.tpe), resType)
/* For testing purposes, the dynamic application's condition
* can be printed-out in great detail. Remove? */
if (settings.debug) {
def paramsToString(xs: Any*) = xs map (_.toString) mkString ", "
val mstr = ad.symbol.tpe match {
case MethodType(mparams, resType) =>
sm"""| with
| - declared parameter types: '${paramsToString(mparams)}'
| - passed argument types: '${paramsToString(params)}'
| - result type: '${resType.toString}'"""
case _ => ""
log(s"""Dynamically application '$qual.${}(${paramsToString(params)})' $mstr - resulting code: '$t'""")
/* We return the dynamic call tree, after making sure no other
* clean-up transformation are to be applied on it. */
object StringsPattern {
def unapply(arg: Tree): Option[List[String]] = arg match {
case Literal(Constant(value: String)) => Some(value :: Nil)
case Literal(Constant(null)) => Some(null :: Nil)
case Alternative(alts) => traverseOpt(alts)(unapply).map(_.flatten)
case _ => None
// transform scrutinee of all matches to ints
def transformSwitch(sw: Match): Tree = { import CODE._
sw.selector.tpe.widen match {
case IntTpe => sw // can switch directly on ints
case StringTpe =>
// these assumptions about the shape of the tree are justified by the codegen in MatchOptimization
val Match(Typed(selTree, _), cases) = sw
def selArg = selTree match {
case x: Ident => REF(x.symbol)
case x: Literal => x
val restpe = sw.tpe
val swPos = sw.pos.focus
/* From this:
* string match { case "AaAa" => 1 case "BBBB" | "c" => 2 case _ => 3}
* Generate this:
* string.## match {
* case 2031744 =>
* if ("AaAa" equals string) goto match1
* else if ("BBBB" equals string) goto match2
* else goto matchFailure
* case 99 =>
* if ("c" equals string) goto match2
* else goto matchFailure
* case _ => goto matchFailure
* }
* match1: goto matchSuccess (1)
* match2: goto matchSuccess (2)
* matchFailure: goto matchSuccess (3) // would be throw new MatchError(string) if no default was given
* matchSuccess(res: Int): res
* This proliferation of labels is needed to handle alternative patterns, since multiple branches in the
* resulting switch may need to correspond to a single case body.
val stats = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Tree]
var failureBody = Throw(New(definitions.MatchErrorClass.tpe_*, selArg)) : Tree
// genbcode isn't thrilled about seeing labels with Unit arguments, so `success`'s type is one of
// `${sw.tpe} => ${sw.tpe}` or `() => Unit` depending.
val success = {
val lab = currentOwner.newLabel(unit.freshTermName("matchEnd"), swPos)
if (restpe =:= UnitTpe) {
lab.setInfo(MethodType(Nil, restpe))
} else {
lab.setInfo(MethodType(lab.newValueParameter(nme.x_1).setInfo(restpe) :: Nil, restpe))
def succeed(res: Tree): Tree =
if (restpe =:= UnitTpe) BLOCK(res, REF(success) APPLY Nil) else REF(success) APPLY res
val failure = currentOwner.newLabel(unit.freshTermName("matchEnd"), swPos).setInfo(MethodType(Nil, restpe))
def fail(): Tree = atPos(swPos) { Apply(REF(failure), Nil) }
val ifNull = LIT(0)
val noNull = Apply(selArg DOT Object_hashCode, Nil)
val newSel = selTree match {
case _: Ident => atPos(selTree.symbol.pos) { IF(selTree.symbol OBJ_EQ NULL) THEN ifNull ELSE noNull }
case x: Literal => atPos(selTree.pos) { if (x.value.value == null) ifNull else noNull }
val casesByHash =
cases.flatMap {
case cd@CaseDef(StringsPattern(strs), _, body) =>
val jump = currentOwner.newLabel(unit.freshTermName("case"), swPos).setInfo(MethodType(Nil, restpe))
stats += LabelDef(jump, Nil, succeed(body)), jump, cd.pat.pos))
case cd@CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), _, body) =>
failureBody = succeed(body)
case cd => globalError(s"unhandled in switch: $cd"); None
val newCases = casesByHash.toList.sortBy(_._1).map {
case (hash, cases) =>
val newBody = cases.foldLeft(fail()) {
case (next, (pat, jump, pos)) =>
val comparison = if (pat == null) Object_eq else Object_equals
atPos(pos) {
IF(LIT(pat) DOT comparison APPLY selArg) THEN (REF(jump) APPLY Nil) ELSE next
CaseDef(LIT(hash), EmptyTree, newBody)
stats += LabelDef(failure, Nil, failureBody)
stats += (if (restpe =:= UnitTpe) {
LabelDef(success, Nil, gen.mkLiteralUnit)
} else {
LabelDef(success, :: Nil, REF(
stats prepend Match(newSel, newCases :+ CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, fail()))
val res = Block(stats.result : _*)
case _ => globalError(s"unhandled switch scrutinee type ${sw.selector.tpe}: $sw"); sw
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case _: ClassDef if genBCode.codeGen.CodeGenImpl.isJavaEntryPoint(tree.symbol, currentUnit, =>
// collecting symbols for entry points here (as opposed to GenBCode where they are used)
// has the advantage of saving an additional pass over all ClassDefs.
entryPoints += tree.symbol
/* Transforms dynamic calls (i.e. calls to methods that are undefined
* in the erased type space) to -- dynamically -- unsafe calls using
* reflection. This is used for structural sub-typing of refinement
* types, but may be used for other dynamic calls in the future.
* For 'a.f(b)' it will generate something like:
* 'a.getClass().
* ' getMethod("f", Array(classOf[b.type])).
* ' invoke(a, Array(b))
* plus all the necessary casting/boxing/etc. machinery required
* for type-compatibility (see fixResult).
* There are a number of assumptions made on the way a dynamic apply
* is used. Assumptions relative to type are handled by the erasure
* phase.
* - The applied arguments are compatible with AnyRef, which means
* that an argument tree typed as AnyVal has already been extended
* with the necessary boxing calls. This implies that passed
* arguments might not be strictly compatible with the method's
* parameter types (a boxed integer while int is expected).
* - The expected return type is an AnyRef, even when the method's
* return type is an AnyVal. This means that the tree containing the
* call has already been extended with the necessary unboxing calls
* (or is happy with the boxed type).
* - The type-checker has prevented dynamic applies on methods which
* parameter's erased types are not statically known at the call site.
* This is necessary to allow dispatching the call to the correct
* method (dispatching on parameters is static in Scala). In practice,
* this limitation only arises when the called method is defined as a
* refinement, where the refinement defines a parameter based on a
* type variable. */
case tree: ApplyDynamic if tree.symbol.owner.isRefinementClass =>
/* Some cleanup transformations add members to templates (classes, traits, etc).
* When inside a template (i.e. the body of one of its members), two maps
* (newStaticMembers and newStaticInits) are available in the tree transformer. Any mapping from
* a symbol to a MemberDef (DefDef, ValDef, etc.) that is in newStaticMembers once the
* transformation of the template is finished will be added as a member to the
* template. Any mapping from a symbol to a tree that is in newStaticInits, will be added
* as a statement of the form "symbol = tree" to the beginning of the default
* constructor. */
case Template(parents, self, body) =>
localTyper = typer.atOwner(tree, currentClass)
case Literal(c) if c.tag == ClazzTag =>
val tpe = c.typeValue
typedWithPos(tree.pos) {
if (isPrimitiveValueClass(tpe.typeSymbol)) {
if (tpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass)
Select(REF(boxedModule(tpe.typeSymbol)), nme.TYPE_)
else tree
* This transformation should identify Scala symbol invocations in the tree and replace them
* with references to a statically cached instance.
* The reasoning behind this transformation is the following. Symbols get interned - they are stored
* in a global map which is protected with a lock. The reason for this is making equality checks
* quicker. But calling Symbol.apply, although it does return a unique symbol, accesses a locked object,
* making symbol access slow. To solve this, the unique symbol from the global symbol map in Symbol
* is accessed only once during class loading, and after that, the unique symbol is in the statically
* initialized call site returned by invokedynamic. Hence, it is cheap to both reach the unique symbol
* and do equality checks on it.
* And, finally, be advised - Scala's Symbol literal (scala.Symbol) and the Symbol class of the compiler
* have little in common.
case Apply(fn @ Select(qual, _), (arg @ Literal(Constant(symname: String))) :: Nil)
if treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(qual) && fn.symbol == Symbol_apply && !currentClass.isTrait =>
treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, atPos(fn.pos)(Ident(SymbolLiteral_dummy).setType(, LIT(SymbolLiteral_bootstrap) :: arg :: Nil).transform(this)
// Drop the TypeApply, which was used in Erasure to make `synchronized { ... } ` erase like `...`
// (and to avoid boxing the argument to the polymorphic `synchronized` method).
case app@Apply(TypeApply(fun, _), args) if fun.symbol == Object_synchronized =>
treeCopy.Apply(app, fun, args).transform(this)
// Replaces `Array(.wrapArray(ArrayValue(...).$asInstanceOf[...]), )`
// with just `ArrayValue(...).$asInstanceOf[...]`
// See scala/bug#6611; we must *only* do this for literal vararg arrays.
case Apply(appMeth @ Select(appMethQual, _), Apply(wrapRefArrayMeth, (arg @ StripCast(ArrayValue(_, _))) :: Nil) :: _ :: Nil)
if wrapRefArrayMeth.symbol == currentRun.runDefinitions.wrapVarargsRefArrayMethod && appMeth.symbol == ArrayModule_genericApply && treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(appMethQual) =>
case Apply(appMeth @ Select(appMethQual, _), elem0 :: Apply(wrapArrayMeth, (rest @ ArrayValue(elemtpt, _)) :: Nil) :: Nil)
if wrapArrayMeth.symbol == wrapVarargsArrayMethod(elemtpt.tpe) && appMeth.symbol == ArrayModule_apply(elemtpt.tpe) && treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(appMethQual) =>
treeCopy.ArrayValue(rest, rest.elemtpt, elem0 :: rest.elems).transform(this)
case Apply(appMeth @ Select(appMethQual, _), elem :: (nil: RefTree) :: Nil)
if nil.symbol == NilModule && appMeth.symbol == ArrayModule_apply(elem.tpe.widen) && treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(nil) && treeInfo.isQualifierSafeToElide(appMethQual) =>
localTyper.typedPos(elem.pos) {
ArrayValue(TypeTree(elem.tpe), elem :: Nil)
} transform this
// List(a, b, c) ~> new ::(a, new ::(b, new ::(c, Nil)))
// Seq(a, b, c) ~> new ::(a, new ::(b, new ::(c, Nil)))
case Apply(appMeth @ Select(appQual, _), List(Apply(wrapArrayMeth, List(StripCast(rest @ ArrayValue(elemtpt, _))))))
if wrapArrayMeth.symbol == currentRun.runDefinitions.wrapVarargsRefArrayMethod
&& currentRun.runDefinitions.isSeqApply(appMeth) && rest.elems.lengthIs < transformListApplyLimit =>
val consed = rest.elems.reverse.foldLeft(gen.mkAttributedRef(NilModule): Tree)(
(acc, elem) => New(ConsClass, elem, acc)
// Limiting extra stack frames consumed by generated code
reducingTransformListApply(rest.elems.length) {
// Seq() ~> Nil (note: List() ~> Nil is rewritten in the Typer)
case Apply(appMeth @ Select(appQual, _), List(nil))
if nil.symbol == NilModule && currentRun.runDefinitions.isSeqApply(appMeth) =>
case switch: Match =>
case _ =>
} // CleanUpTransformer
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