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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala
package collection
package mutable
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection.generic.DefaultSerializable
/** An implementation of the `Buffer` class using an array to
* represent the assembled sequence internally. Append, update and random
* access take constant time (amortized time). Prepends and removes are
* linear in the buffer size.
* @see [[ "Scala's Collection Library overview"]]
* section on `Array Buffers` for more information.
* @tparam A the type of this arraybuffer's elements.
* @define Coll `mutable.ArrayBuffer`
* @define coll array buffer
* @define orderDependent
* @define orderDependentFold
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
class ArrayBuffer[A] private (initialElements: Array[AnyRef], initialSize: Int)
extends AbstractBuffer[A]
with IndexedBuffer[A]
with IndexedSeqOps[A, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer[A]]
with StrictOptimizedSeqOps[A, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer[A]]
with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, ArrayBuffer]
with DefaultSerializable {
def this() = this(new Array[AnyRef](ArrayBuffer.DefaultInitialSize), 0)
def this(initialSize: Int) = this(new Array[AnyRef](initialSize max 1), 0)
protected[collection] var array: Array[AnyRef] = initialElements
protected var size0 = initialSize
override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[A, S]): S with EfficientSplit = {
import scala.collection.convert.impl._
shape.parUnbox(new ObjectArrayStepper(array, 0, length).asInstanceOf[AnyStepper[A] with EfficientSplit])
override def knownSize: Int = super[IndexedSeqOps].knownSize
/** Ensure that the internal array has at least `n` cells. */
protected def ensureSize(n: Int): Unit =
array = ArrayBuffer.ensureSize(array, size0, n)
def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit =
if(size > length && size >= 1) ensureSize(size)
/** Reduce length to `n`, nulling out all dropped elements */
private def reduceToSize(n: Int): Unit = {
Arrays.fill(array, n, size0, null)
size0 = n
/** Trims the ArrayBuffer to an appropriate size for the current number of elements (rounding up to the next
* natural size), which may replace the array by a shorter one. This allows releasing some unused memory. */
def trimToSize(): Unit = resize(length)
/** Trims the `array` buffer size down to either a power of 2
* or Int.MaxValue while keeping first `requiredLength` elements. */
private[this] def resize(requiredLength: Int): Unit = {
var newSize: Long = array.length
if (newSize == Int.MaxValue) {
newSize += 1 // ensure that newSize is a power of 2
val minLength = ArrayBuffer.DefaultInitialSize max requiredLength
while (newSize / 2 >= minLength) newSize /= 2
if (newSize != array.length && newSize < Int.MaxValue) {
val newArray: Array[AnyRef] = new Array(newSize.toInt)
Array.copy(array, 0, newArray, 0, requiredLength)
array = newArray
@inline private def checkWithinBounds(lo: Int, hi: Int) = {
if (lo < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$lo is out of bounds (min 0, max ${size0-1})")
if (hi > size0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$hi is out of bounds (min 0, max ${size0 - 1})")
def apply(n: Int): A = {
checkWithinBounds(n, n + 1)
def update(@deprecatedName("n", "2.13.0") index: Int, elem: A): Unit = {
checkWithinBounds(index, index + 1)
array(index) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
def length = size0
override def view: ArrayBufferView[A] = new ArrayBufferView(array, size0)
override def iterableFactory: SeqFactory[ArrayBuffer] = ArrayBuffer
/** Note: This does not actually resize the internal representation.
* See clearAndShrink if you want to also resize internally
def clear(): Unit = reduceToSize(0)
* Clears this buffer and shrinks to @param size (rounding up to the next
* natural size)
* @param size
def clearAndShrink(size: Int = ArrayBuffer.DefaultInitialSize): this.type = {
def addOne(elem: A): this.type = {
val i = size0
ensureSize(size0 + 1)
size0 += 1
this(i) = elem
// Overridden to use array copying for efficiency where possible.
override def addAll(elems: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = {
elems match {
case elems: ArrayBuffer[_] =>
ensureSize(length + elems.length)
Array.copy(elems.array, 0, array, length, elems.length)
size0 = length + elems.length
case _ => super.addAll(elems)
def insert(@deprecatedName("n", "2.13.0") index: Int, elem: A): Unit = {
checkWithinBounds(index, index)
ensureSize(size0 + 1)
Array.copy(array, index, array, index + 1, size0 - index)
size0 += 1
this(index) = elem
def prepend(elem: A): this.type = {
insert(0, elem)
def insertAll(@deprecatedName("n", "2.13.0") index: Int, elems: IterableOnce[A]): Unit = {
checkWithinBounds(index, index)
elems match {
case elems: collection.Iterable[A] =>
val elemsLength = elems.size
ensureSize(length + elemsLength)
Array.copy(array, index, array, index + elemsLength, size0 - index)
size0 = size0 + elemsLength
elems match {
case elems: ArrayBuffer[_] =>
Array.copy(elems.array, 0, array, index, elemsLength)
case _ =>
var i = 0
val it = elems.iterator
while (i < elemsLength) {
this(index + i) =
i += 1
case _ =>
insertAll(index, ArrayBuffer.from(elems))
/** Note: This does not actually resize the internal representation.
* See trimToSize if you want to also resize internally
def remove(@deprecatedName("n", "2.13.0") index: Int): A = {
checkWithinBounds(index, index + 1)
val res = this(index)
Array.copy(array, index + 1, array, index, size0 - (index + 1))
reduceToSize(size0 - 1)
/** Note: This does not actually resize the internal representation.
* See trimToSize if you want to also resize internally
def remove(@deprecatedName("n", "2.13.0") index: Int, count: Int): Unit =
if (count > 0) {
checkWithinBounds(index, index + count)
Array.copy(array, index + count, array, index, size0 - (index + count))
reduceToSize(size0 - count)
} else if (count < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("removing negative number of elements: " + count)
@deprecated("Use 'this' instance instead", "2.13.0")
@deprecatedOverriding("ArrayBuffer[A] no longer extends Builder[A, ArrayBuffer[A]]", "2.13.0")
@inline def result(): this.type = this
@deprecated("Use 'new GrowableBuilder(this).mapResult(f)' instead", "2.13.0")
@deprecatedOverriding("ArrayBuffer[A] no longer extends Builder[A, ArrayBuffer[A]]", "2.13.0")
@inline def mapResult[NewTo](f: (ArrayBuffer[A]) => NewTo): Builder[A, NewTo] = new GrowableBuilder[A, ArrayBuffer[A]](this).mapResult(f)
override protected[this] def stringPrefix = "ArrayBuffer"
override def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Int = {
val copied = IterableOnce.elemsToCopyToArray(length, xs.length, start, len)
if(copied > 0) {
Array.copy(array, 0, xs, start, copied)
/** Sorts this $coll in place according to an Ordering.
* @see [[scala.collection.mutable.IndexedSeqOps.sortInPlace]]
* @param ord the ordering to be used to compare elements.
* @return modified input $coll sorted according to the ordering `ord`.
override def sortInPlace[B >: A]()(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): this.type = {
if (length > 1) scala.util.Sorting.stableSort(array.asInstanceOf[Array[B]], 0, length)
* Factory object for the `ArrayBuffer` class.
* $factoryInfo
* @define coll array buffer
* @define Coll `mutable.ArrayBuffer`
object ArrayBuffer extends StrictOptimizedSeqFactory[ArrayBuffer] {
final val DefaultInitialSize = 16
// Avoid reallocation of buffer if length is known.
def from[B](coll: collection.IterableOnce[B]): ArrayBuffer[B] = {
val k = coll.knownSize
if (k >= 0) {
val array = new Array[AnyRef](k max DefaultInitialSize)
IterableOnce.copyElemsToArray(coll, array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]])
new ArrayBuffer[B](array, k)
else new ArrayBuffer[B] ++= coll
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, ArrayBuffer[A]] =
new GrowableBuilder[A, ArrayBuffer[A]](empty) {
override def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit = elems.ensureSize(size)
def empty[A]: ArrayBuffer[A] = new ArrayBuffer[A]()
private def ensureSize(array: Array[AnyRef], end: Int, n: Int): Array[AnyRef] = {
// Use a Long to prevent overflows
val arrayLength: Long = array.length
def growArray = {
var newSize: Long = math.max(arrayLength * 2, DefaultInitialSize)
while (n > newSize)
newSize = newSize * 2
// Clamp newSize to Int.MaxValue
if (newSize > Int.MaxValue) {
if (end == Int.MaxValue) throw new Exception(s"Collections can not have more than ${Int.MaxValue} elements")
newSize = Int.MaxValue
val newArray: Array[AnyRef] = new Array(newSize.toInt)
Array.copy(array, 0, newArray, 0, end)
if (n <= arrayLength) array else growArray
final class ArrayBufferView[A](val array: Array[AnyRef], val length: Int) extends AbstractIndexedSeqView[A] {
def apply(n: Int) = if (n < length) array(n).asInstanceOf[A] else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"$n is out of bounds (min 0, max ${length - 1})")
override protected[this] def className = "ArrayBufferView"