org.scalafmt.sysops.GitOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.scalafmt.sysops
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException
import java.nio.file.Path
import scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
object GitOps {
trait Factory {
def apply(workingDirectory: AbsoluteFile): GitOps
object FactoryImpl extends Factory {
def apply(workingDirectory: AbsoluteFile): GitOps =
new GitOpsImpl(workingDirectory)
implicit class Implicit(private val obj: GitOps) extends AnyVal {
def getCanonicalConfigFile(
cwd: AbsoluteFile,
config: Option[Path] = None,
): Option[Try[Path]] = FileOps.getCanonicalConfigFile(cwd, config)
def getRootConfigFile: Option[Try[Path]] = obj.rootDir
def getProposedConfigFile(
cwd: AbsoluteFile,
config: Option[Path] = None,
): AbsoluteFile = config
.fold(obj.rootDir.getOrElse(cwd) / FileOps.defaultConfigFileName)(cwd / _)
trait GitOps {
def status(dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile]
def diff(branch: String, dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile]
def lsTree(dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile]
def rootDir: Option[AbsoluteFile]
def getAutoCRLF: Option[String]
private class GitOpsImpl(val workingDirectory: AbsoluteFile) extends GitOps {
private[scalafmt] def exec(cmd: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = tryExec(cmd).get
private def tryExec(cmd: Seq[String]): Try[String] = {
val errors = Seq.newBuilder[String]
Try {
val swallowStderr = ProcessLogger(_ => (), errors += _)
} match {
case Failure(e) =>
val err = errors.result().mkString("\n> ", "\n> ", "\n")
val msg = s"Failed to run command ${cmd.mkString(" ")}. Error:$err"
Failure(new IllegalStateException(msg, e))
case Success(x) => Success(x.trim)
override def lsTree(dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "ls-files", "--full-name") ++ dir.map(_.toString())
override def rootDir: Option[AbsoluteFile] = tryRoot.toOption
private lazy val tryRoot: Try[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")
tryExec(cmd).flatMap { x =>
val file = AbsoluteFile(x)
if (file.isDirectory) Success(file)
else Failure(new InvalidPathException(x, "not a directory"))
override def diff(branch: String, dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "diff", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=d", branch) ++
(if (dir.isEmpty) Seq.empty else "--" +: dir.map(_.toString()))
override def status(dir: AbsoluteFile*): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "status", "--porcelain") ++
(if (dir.isEmpty) Seq.empty else "--" +: dir.map(_.toString()))
override def getAutoCRLF: Option[String] = {
val cmd = Seq("git", "config", "--get", "core.autocrlf")
private final val renameStatusCode = "R"
private final val renameStatusArrowDelimiter = "-> "
private def withRoot(files: => Seq[String]): Seq[AbsoluteFile] = {
val root = tryRoot.get
Method extracts path to changed file from the singular line of the `git status --porcelain` output.
(see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-status#_short_format)
private def extractPathPart(s: String): String = Option(s)
// Checks if the line status states the file was renamed (E.g: `R ORIG_PATH -> PATH`)
.filter(_.substring(0, 2).contains(renameStatusCode))
// takes the part of the string after the `-> ` character sequence
// fallback for the regular status line (E.g.: `XY PATH`)
// Drops the status codes by splitting on white spaces then taking the tail of the result
// Restores spaces in the path by merging the tail back with white space separator
.getOrElse(s.trim.split(' ').tail.mkString(" ")).trim
private def trimQuotes(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "")
private def getFileFromGitStatusLine(s: String): String =
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