Download com.github.ykiselev JAR files with all dependencies
sprite-font-lib from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.5)
Group: com.github.ykiselev Artifact: sprite-font-lib
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sprite-font-builder from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.4)
binary-format from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.34)
A simple binary format library
sprite-font-builder from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.11)
sprite-font-lib from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.11)
sprite-font from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.11)
A simple Java FX based utility to create sprite fonts
Group: com.github.ykiselev Artifact: sprite-font
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assets from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.9)
A simple asset framework
buffer-pool from group com.github.ykiselev (version 1.3)
A simple object pool fro byte buffers
column-table from group com.github.ykiselev (version 0.6)
A simple column-oriented table library
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