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org.yx.db.sql.Select Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2030 youtongluan.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.yx.db.sql;

import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.BIG;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.BIG_EQUAL;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.IN;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.LESS;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.LESS_EQUAL;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.LIKE;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.NOT;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.NOT_IN;
import static org.yx.db.sql.Operation.NOT_LIKE;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

import org.yx.db.enums.CacheType;
import org.yx.db.enums.CompareNullPolicy;
import org.yx.db.event.DBEventPublisher;
import org.yx.db.event.QueryEvent;
import org.yx.db.kit.DBKits;
import org.yx.db.visit.Exchange;
import org.yx.db.visit.PojoResultHandler;
import org.yx.db.visit.ResultHandler;
import org.yx.db.visit.SumkDbVisitor;
import org.yx.exception.SumkException;
import org.yx.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.yx.util.kit.Asserts;

 * 比较跟整个addEqual是add关系。同一种比较类型,比如less,它的一个key只能设置一次,后设置的会覆盖前面设置的
* 比较中用到的key,都是java中的key,大小写敏感. */ public class Select extends SelectBuilder { public Select(SumkDbVisitor>> visitor) { super(visitor); } /** * @param fail * 如果为true,会验证map参数中,是否存在无效的key,预防开发人员将key写错。默认为true * @return 当前对象 */ public Select failIfPropertyNotMapped(boolean fail) { this.failIfPropertyNotMapped = fail; return this; } /** * 物理分表的情况下,设置分区名。这个方法只能调用一次 * * @param sub * 分区名 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select partition(String sub) { sub(sub); return this; } /** * 允许不设置where条件 * * @param empty * true表示允许where条件为空 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select allowEmptyWhere(boolean empty) { this.allowEmptyWhere = empty; return this; } protected ResultHandler resultHandler; public Select resultHandler(ResultHandler resultHandler) { this.resultHandler = Objects.requireNonNull(resultHandler); return this; } /** * select的where比较条件中,对于null的处理 * * @param policy * null的处理策略 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select compareNullPolicy(CompareNullPolicy policy) { this.compareNullPolicy = Objects.requireNonNull(policy); return this; } protected Select addCompares(Operation op, Object pojo) { Map map = this.populate(pojo, false); if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(map)) { return this; } for (Map.Entry en : map.entrySet()) { this.setCompare(op, en.getKey(), en.getValue()); } return this; } protected Select setCompare(Operation op, String key, Object value) { if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) { return this; } if (_compare == null) { _compare = new ArrayList<>(8); } this._compare.add(new ColumnOperation(key, op, value)); return this; } /** * 设置大于,一个key只能设置一次,后设置的会覆盖前面设置的。
* * @param key * java字段的名称 * @param value * 值 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select bigThan(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(BIG, key, value); } public Select bigOrEqual(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(BIG_EQUAL, key, value); } public Select lessThan(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(LESS, key, value); } public Select lessOrEqual(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(LESS_EQUAL, key, value); } /** * like操作,%号要自己添加 * * @param key * 字段名 * @param value * 值,不会自动添加% * @return 当前对象 */ public Select like(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(LIKE, key, value); } public Select notLike(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(NOT_LIKE, key, value); } /** * 不等于操作 * * @param key * 字段名 * @param value * 值,不会自动添加% * @return 当前对象 */ public Select not(String key, Object value) { return setCompare(NOT, key, value); } /** * sql中的in查询 * * @param key * 字段名 * @param values * 值列表,不能为空 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select in(String key, Collection values) { return setCompare(IN, key, values.toArray(new Object[values.size()])); } public Select notIn(String key, Collection values) { return setCompare(NOT_IN, key, values.toArray(new Object[values.size()])); } public Select bigThan(Object pojo) { return addCompares(BIG, pojo); } /** * 大于等于 * * @param pojo * 对pojo中所有的kv做大于等于操作 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select bigOrEqual(Object pojo) { return addCompares(BIG_EQUAL, pojo); } public Select lessThan(Object pojo) { return addCompares(LESS, pojo); } /** * 小于或等于 * * @param pojo * 对pojo中所有的kv做小于等于操作 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select lessOrEqual(Object pojo) { return addCompares(LESS_EQUAL, pojo); } public Select like(Object pojo) { return addCompares(LIKE, pojo); } public Select not(Object pojo) { return addCompares(NOT, pojo); } /** * 根据字段名和判断条件移除所有符合条件的比较 * * @param key * java字段名,可以为null。null表示所有的字段都要移除 * @param op * 比较条件,可以为null。null表示所有的条件都要移除 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select removeCompares(String key, Operation op) { if (_compare == null) { return this; } Iterator it = this._compare.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ColumnOperation cp =; if (key != null && !key.equals( { continue; } if (op != null && cp.type != op) { continue; } it.remove(); } if (this._compare.isEmpty()) { this._compare = null; } return this; } /** * 升序排列。asc和desc的调用顺序决定了在sql中出现的顺序。 此方法可以调用多次 * * @param field * 升序字段 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select orderByAsc(String field) { return this.addOrderBy(field, false); } protected Select addOrderBy(String name, boolean desc) { if (this.orderby == null) { this.orderby = new ArrayList<>(2); } this.orderby.add(new Order(name, desc)); return this; } /** * 增加降序排列 * * @param field * 降序字段 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select orderByDesc(String field) { return this.addOrderBy(field, true); } /** * 设置查询的便宜量,从0开始。 * * @param offset * from的位置 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select offset(int offset) { Asserts.requireTrue(offset >= 0, "offset must bigger or equal than 0"); this.offset = offset; return this; } /** * * @param limit * 返回的最大条数。 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select limit(int limit) { Asserts.requireTrue(limit >= 0, "limit must bigger or equal than 0"); this.limit = limit; return this; } /** * * @param columns * 设置查询放回的列,列名是java中的字段名。如果不设,将返回所有的字段 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select selectColumns(String... columns) { if (columns == null || columns.length == 0) { this.selectColumns = null; return this; } this.selectColumns = Arrays.asList(columns); return this; } /** * 如果为false,就不会从缓存中加载数据 * * @param fromCache * 默认为true。sumk.sql.fromCache=false可以将全局参数设为false * @return 当前对象 */ public Select fromCache(boolean fromCache) { this.fromCache = fromCache; return this; } /** * 如果为false,查出的结果将不会用于更新缓存 * * @param toCache * 该参数设为true的实际意义不大 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select toCache(boolean toCache) { this.toCache = toCache; return this; } /** * 设置相等的条件。本方法可以被多次执行。 src中的各个条件是and关系。不同src之间是or关系
* 注意:如果pojo是map类型,那么它的null值是有效条件 * * @param src * map或pojo类型。 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select addEqual(Object src) { this._addIn(src); return this; } /** * 各个addEqual之间的条件是OR,如果要组装AND条件,请用addEqual(Object src) * * @param field * 字段名 * @param value * 要查询的条件的值 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select addEqual(String field, Object value) { this._addInByMap(Collections.singletonMap(field, value)); return this; } /** * 传入多个条件 * * @param ins * 集合各元素之间是or关系,对象中各个kv是and关系 * @return 当前对象 */ public Select addEquals(Collection ins) { for (Object src : ins) { this._addIn(src); } return this; } /** * 通过数据库主键列表查询主键,单主键ids就只有一个,多主键就传入多个 注意:调用本方法之前,要确保调用过tableClass()方法 * * @param ids * id列表,顺序跟pojo中定义的一致(按order顺序或书写顺序) * @return 注意:调用本方法之前,要确保调用过tableClass()方法 */ public Select byDatabaseId(Object... ids) { return byId(true, ids); } /** * 通过redis主键列表查询主键,单主键ids就只有一个,多主键就传入多个
* 所有id属于同一条记录,如果要使用单主键的in查询,请用本类的in方法
* 注意:调用本方法之前,要确保调用过tableClass()方法 * * @param ids * id列表,顺序跟pojo中定义的一致(按order顺序或书写顺序) * @return 当前对象 * */ public Select byCacheId(Object... ids) { return byId(false, ids); } protected Select byId(boolean databaseId, Object... ids) { if (ids == null || ids.length == 0) { return this; } makeSurePojoMeta(); List cms = databaseId ? this.pojoMeta.getDatabaseIds() : this.pojoMeta.getCacheIDs(); Asserts.requireTrue(cms != null && cms.size() == ids.length, pojoMeta.getTableName() + "没有设置主键,或者主键个数跟参数个数不一致"); Map map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { map.put(cms.get(i).getFieldName(), ids[i]); } _addInByMap(map); return this; } public Select tableClass(Class tableClass) { this.tableClass = tableClass; return this; } protected ResultHandler resultHandler() { return this.resultHandler == null ? PojoResultHandler.handler : this.resultHandler; } protected boolean canUseInCache() { return this.pojoMeta.cacheIDs.size() == 1 && CollectionUtil.isEmpty( && this.pojoMeta.cacheType() == CacheType.SINGLE && _compare != null && _compare.size() == 1 && _compare.get(0).type == IN && _compare.get(0).name.equals(this.pojoMeta.cacheIDs.get(0).field.getName()); } protected List queryFromCache(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty( && CollectionUtil.isEmpty(this._compare)) { return null; } if (!(fromCache && this.orderby == null && this.offset == 0 && !pojoMeta.isNoCache())) { return null; } List list = new ArrayList<>(); String singleKeyName = this.canUseInCache() ? this.pojoMeta.cacheIDs.get(0).field.getName() : null; if (singleKeyName != null) { Object[] vs = (Object[]) _compare.get(0).value; List> newIN = new ArrayList<>(vs.length); for (Object v : vs) { newIN.add(Collections.singletonMap(singleKeyName, v)); } exchange.setLeftIn(newIN); } else if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(_compare)) { exchange.setLeftIn(; } else { return null; } exchange.findFromCache(pojoMeta); if (exchange.getData() != null && exchange.getData().size() > 0) { List tmp = this.resultHandler().parseFromJson(pojoMeta, exchange.getData(), CollectionUtil.unmodifyList(this.selectColumns)); if (tmp != null && tmp.size() > 0) { list.addAll(tmp); } } List> left = exchange.getLeftIn(); if (left == null) { return list; } if (singleKeyName != null) { List vs = new ArrayList<>(left.size()); for (Map m : left) { vs.add(m.get(singleKeyName)); } this._compare = Collections.singletonList(new ColumnOperation(singleKeyName, IN, vs.toArray())); } else { = left; } return list; } public List queryList() { final List> origin = = CollectionUtil.unmodifyList(; final List orginCompare = this._compare = CollectionUtil.unmodifyList(this._compare); try { makeSurePojoMeta().getCounter().incrQueryCount(); Exchange exchange = new Exchange(); List list = this.queryFromCache(exchange); if (list != null && CollectionUtil.isEmpty(exchange.getLeftIn())) { return list; } boolean canUseCache = true; if (list == null) { list = Collections.emptyList(); canUseCache = false; } List dbData = this.resultHandler().parse(pojoMeta, this.accept(visitor)); if (dbData == null || dbData.isEmpty()) { return list; } list = merge(list, dbData); List> eventIn = canUseCache ? exchange.getLeftIn() :; if (this.toCache && selectColumns == null && this.offset == 0 && (canUseCache || CollectionUtil.isEmpty(this._compare)) && (limit <= 0 || limit >= DBSettings.asNoLimit()) && CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(eventIn) && eventIn.size() == 1 && dbData.size() < DBSettings.maxQueryCacheSize()) { QueryEvent event = new QueryEvent(this.pojoMeta.getTableName()); event.setIn(eventIn); event.setResult(dbData); DBEventPublisher.publish(event); } if (this.limit > 0 && list.size() > this.limit) { return list.subList(0, this.limit); } return list; } catch (Exception e) { throw SumkException.wrap(e); } finally { = origin; this._compare = orginCompare; } } protected List merge(List cacheList, List dbList) throws Exception { if (cacheList.isEmpty()) { return dbList; } List ret = new ArrayList<>(cacheList.size() + dbList.size()); ret.addAll(dbList); Set keys = new HashSet<>(); PojoMeta pm = this.pojoMeta; List columns = pm.databaseIds; for (T t : dbList) { String key = pm.joinColumns(t, false, columns); if (key != null) { keys.add(key); } } for (T t : cacheList) { String key = pm.joinColumns(t, false, columns); if (key == null || keys.add(key)) { ret.add(t); } } return ret; } public T queryOne() { return DBKits.queryOne(this.queryList()); } /** * 根据select的条件,查询符合条件的记录数。其中offset、limit、order by属性被过滤掉
* 这个方法可以在select执行前调用,也可以在select执行后调用 * * @return 符合条件的数据库记录数 */ public long count() { return new Count(this).execute(); } }