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package com.bixuebihui.test.dal;
* TestGenList
* Notice! Automatically generated file!
* Do not edit the pojo and dal packages,use `maven tablegen:gen`!
* Code Generator originally by J.A.Carter
* Modified by Xing Wanxiang 2008-2023
* email: [email protected]
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import com.bixuebihui.test.pojo.*;
import com.bixuebihui.jdbc.RowMapperResultReader;
import com.bixuebihui.DbException;
import com.bixuebihui.test.BaseList;
import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;
public class TestGenList extends BaseList
* Don't direct use the TestGenList, use TestGenManager instead.
protected TestGenList(DataSource ds)
public static final class F{
public static final String ID = "id";
public static final String NAME = "name";
public static final String AGE = "age";
public static final String BIRTH = "birth";
public static final String EDU_ID = "edu_id";
public static final String GENDER = "gender";
public static final String SEX = "sex";
public static final String CHILD = "child";
public static String[] getAllFields() {
return new String[] { ID, NAME, AGE, BIRTH, EDU_ID, GENDER, SEX, CHILD };
public static String[] getKeyFields(){
return new String[] {
public List getAllFields(){
return Arrays.asList(F.getAllFields());
public List getKeyFields(){
return Arrays.asList(F.getKeyFields());
protected String getDeleteSql(){
return "delete from "+this.getTableName()+" where id=? ";
protected String getInsertSql(){
return "insert into "+this.getTableName()+
" ( name, age, birth, edu_id, gender, sex, child)"
+" values ("
protected String getUpdateSql(){
return "update "+this.getTableName()+" set "
+"name=?,age=?,birth=?,edu_id=?,gender=?,sex=?,child=? where id=?";
protected Object[] getInsertObjs(TestGen info){
return new Object[]{ info.getName(),info.getAge(),info.getBirth(),info.getEduId(),info.getGender(),info.getSex(),info.getChild() };
protected Object[] getUpdateObjs(TestGen info){
return new Object[]{ info.getName(),info.getAge(),info.getBirth(),info.getEduId(),info.getGender(),info.getSex(),info.getChild(),info.getId() };
protected Object[] getUpdateObjs(TestGen info, Set excludeFields){