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com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.db.nosql.mongo.MongoDS Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.db.nosql.mongo;

import com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.db.DbRuntimeException;
import com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.exceptions.NotInitedException;
import com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.log.Log;
import com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.log.StaticLog;
import com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.setting.Setting;
import com.github.zhangxd1989.basetool.util.StrUtil;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions;
import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions.Builder;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import org.bson.Document;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * MongoDB工具类
 * @author sheldon
public class MongoDS implements Closeable {

    private static final Log log = StaticLog.get();

     * 默认配置文件
    public static final String MONGO_CONFIG_PATH = "config/mongo.setting";

    // MongoDB配置文件
    private Setting setting;
    // MongoDB实例连接列表
    private String[] groups;
    // MongoDB单点连接信息
    private ServerAddress serverAddress;
    // MongoDB客户端对象
    private MongoClient mongo;

     * 构造MongoDB数据源
* 调用者必须持有MongoDS实例,否则会被垃圾回收导致写入失败! * * @param host 主机(域名或者IP) * @param port 端口 */ public MongoDS(String host, int port) { this.serverAddress = createServerAddress(host, port); initSingle(); } /** * 构造MongoDB数据源
* 调用者必须持有MongoDS实例,否则会被垃圾回收导致写入失败! * * @param mongoSetting MongoDB的配置文件,如果是null则读取默认配置文件或者使用MongoDB默认客户端配置 * @param host 主机(域名或者IP) * @param port 端口 */ public MongoDS(Setting mongoSetting, String host, int port) { this.setting = mongoSetting; this.serverAddress = createServerAddress(host, port); initSingle(); } /** * 构造MongoDB数据源
* 当提供多个数据源时,这些数据源将为一个副本集或者多个mongos
* 调用者必须持有MongoDS实例,否则会被垃圾回收导致写入失败! 官方文档: * * @param groups 分组列表,当为null或空时使用无分组配置,一个分组使用单一模式,否则使用副本集模式 */ public MongoDS(String... groups) { this.groups = groups; init(); } /** * 构造MongoDB数据源
* 当提供多个数据源时,这些数据源将为一个副本集或者mongos
* 调用者必须持有MongoDS实例,否则会被垃圾回收导致写入失败!
* 官方文档: * * @param mongoSetting MongoDB的配置文件,必须有 * @param groups 分组列表,当为null或空时使用无分组配置,一个分组使用单一模式,否则使用副本集模式 */ public MongoDS(Setting mongoSetting, String... groups) { if (mongoSetting == null) { throw new DbRuntimeException("Mongo setting is null!"); } this.setting = mongoSetting; this.groups = groups; init(); } /** * 初始化,当给定分组数大于一个时使用 */ public void init() { if (groups != null && groups.length > 1) { initCloud(); } else { initSingle(); } } /** * 初始化
* 设定文件中的host和端口有三种形式: *
     * host = host:port
     * host = host
     * port = port
     * host = host
*/ public synchronized void initSingle() { if (setting == null) { try { setting = new Setting(MONGO_CONFIG_PATH, true); } catch (Exception e) { // 在single模式下,可以没有配置文件。 } } String group = StrUtil.EMPTY; if (null == this.serverAddress) { //存在唯一分组 if (groups != null && groups.length == 1) { group = groups[0]; } serverAddress = createServerAddress(group); } final MongoCredential credential = createCredential(group); try { if (null == credential) { mongo = new MongoClient(serverAddress, buildMongoClientOptions(group)); } else { mongo = new MongoClient(serverAddress, credential, buildMongoClientOptions(group)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DbRuntimeException(StrUtil.format("Init MongoDB pool with connection to [{}] error!", serverAddress), e); }"Init MongoDB pool with connection to [{}]", serverAddress); } /** * 初始化集群
* 集群的其它客户端设定参数使用全局设定
* 集群中每一个实例成员用一个group表示,例如: *
     * user = test1
     * pass = 123456
     * database = test
     * [db0]
     * host =
     * [db1]
     * host =
     * [db2]
     * host =
*/ public synchronized void initCloud() { if (groups == null || groups.length == 0) { throw new DbRuntimeException("Please give replication set groups!"); } if (setting == null) { // 若未指定配置文件,则使用默认配置文件 setting = new Setting(MONGO_CONFIG_PATH, true); } final List addrList = new ArrayList(); for (String group : groups) { addrList.add(createServerAddress(group)); } final MongoCredential credential = createCredential(StrUtil.EMPTY); try { if (null == credential) { mongo = new MongoClient(addrList, buildMongoClientOptions(StrUtil.EMPTY)); } else { mongo = new MongoClient(addrList, credential, buildMongoClientOptions(StrUtil.EMPTY)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, "Init MongoDB connection error!"); return; }"Init MongoDB cloud Set pool with connection to {}", addrList); } /** * 设定MongoDB配置文件 * * @param setting 配置文件 */ public synchronized void setSetting(Setting setting) { this.setting = setting; } /** * @return 获得MongoDB客户端对象 */ public MongoClient getMongo() { return mongo; } /** * 获得DB * * @param dbName DB * @return DB */ public MongoDatabase getDb(String dbName) { return mongo.getDatabase(dbName); } /** * 获得MongoDB中指定集合对象 * * @param dbName 库名 * @param collectionName 集合名 * @return DBCollection */ public MongoCollection getCollection(String dbName, String collectionName) { return getDb(dbName).getCollection(collectionName); } @Override public void close() { mongo.close(); } /** * 创建ServerAddress对象,会读取配置文件中的相关信息 * * @param group 分组,如果为null默认为无分组 * @return ServerAddress */ private ServerAddress createServerAddress(String group) { final Setting setting = checkSetting(); if (group == null) { group = StrUtil.EMPTY; } final String tmpHost = setting.getByGroup("host", group); if (StrUtil.isBlank(tmpHost)) { throw new NotInitedException("Host name is empy of group: {}", group); } final int defaultPort = setting.getInt("port", group, 27017); return new ServerAddress(NetUtil.buildInetSocketAddress(tmpHost, defaultPort)); } /** * 创建ServerAddress对象 * * @param host 主机域名或者IP(如果为空默认127.0.0.1) * @param port 端口(如果为空默认为) * @return ServerAddress */ private ServerAddress createServerAddress(String host, int port) { return new ServerAddress(host, port); } /** * 创建{@link MongoCredential},用于服务端验证
* 此方法会首先读取指定分组下的属性,用户没有定义则读取空分组下的属性 * * @param group 分组 * @return {@link MongoCredential},如果用户未指定用户名密码返回null */ private MongoCredential createCredential(String group) { final Setting setting = this.setting; if (null == setting) { return null; } final String user = setting.getStr("user", group, setting.getStr("user")); final String pass = setting.getStr("pass", group, setting.getStr("pass")); final String database = setting.getStr("database", group, setting.getStr("database")); return createCredential(user, database, pass); } /** * 创建{@link MongoCredential},用于服务端验证 * * @param userName 用户名 * @param database 数据库名 * @param password 密码 * @return {@link MongoCredential} */ private MongoCredential createCredential(String userName, String database, String password) { if (StrUtil.hasEmpty(userName, database, database)) { return null; } return MongoCredential.createCredential(userName, database, password.toCharArray()); } /** * 构件MongoDB连接选项
* * @param group 分组,当分组对应的选项不存在时会读取根选项,如果也不存在使用默认值 * @return MongoClientOptions */ private MongoClientOptions buildMongoClientOptions(String group) { return buildMongoClientOptions(MongoClientOptions.builder(), group).build(); } /** * 构件MongoDB连接选项
* * @param group 分组,当分组对应的选项不存在时会读取根选项,如果也不存在使用默认值 * @return Builder */ private Builder buildMongoClientOptions(Builder builder, String group) { if (setting == null) { return builder; } if (group == null) { group = StrUtil.EMPTY; } else { group = group + StrUtil.DOT; } // 每个主机答应的连接数(每个主机的连接池大小),当连接池被用光时,会被阻塞住 Integer connectionsPerHost = setting.getInt(group + "connectionsPerHost"); if (!StrUtil.isBlank(group) && connectionsPerHost == null) { connectionsPerHost = setting.getInt("connectionsPerHost"); } if (connectionsPerHost != null) { builder.connectionsPerHost(connectionsPerHost); log.debug("MongoDB connectionsPerHost: {}", connectionsPerHost); } // multiplier for connectionsPerHost for # of threads that can block if connectionsPerHost is 10, and threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier is 5, then 50 threads can block more than // that and an exception will be throw --int Integer threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = setting.getInt(group + "threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier"); if (!StrUtil.isBlank(group) && threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier == null) { threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = setting.getInt("threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier"); } if (threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier != null) { builder.threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier(threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier); log.debug("MongoDB threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier: {}", threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier); } // 被阻塞线程从连接池获取连接的最长等待时间(ms) --int Integer connectTimeout = setting.getInt(group + "connectTimeout"); if (!StrUtil.isBlank(group) && connectTimeout == null) { setting.getInt("connectTimeout"); } if (connectTimeout != null) { builder.connectTimeout(connectTimeout); log.debug("MongoDB connectTimeout: {}", connectTimeout); } // 套接字超时时间;该值会被传递给Socket.setSoTimeout(int)。默以为0(无穷) --int Integer socketTimeout = setting.getInt(group + "socketTimeout"); if (!StrUtil.isBlank(group) && socketTimeout == null) { setting.getInt("socketTimeout"); } if (socketTimeout != null) { builder.socketTimeout(socketTimeout); log.debug("MongoDB socketTimeout: {}", socketTimeout); } return builder; } /** * 检查Setting配置文件 * * @return Setting配置文件 */ private Setting checkSetting() { if (null == this.setting) { throw new DbRuntimeException("Please indicate setting file or create default [{}]", MONGO_CONFIG_PATH); } return this.setting; } }

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