cdc.gv.atts.GvNodeAttributes Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package cdc.gv.atts;
import cdc.gv.colors.GvColor;
* Definition of node attributes.
* @author Damien Carbonne
public final class GvNodeAttributes extends GvAttributes {
public GvNodeAttributes() {
protected GvNodeAttributes self() {
return this;
public GvNodeAttributes setArea(double value) {
return super.setArea(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setColor(GvColor value) {
return super.setColor(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setColor(GvColor... values) {
return super.setColor(values);
public GvNodeAttributes setColor(GvColorList value) {
return super.setColor(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setColorScheme(String value) {
return super.setColorScheme(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setComment(String value) {
return super.setComment(value);
* Distortion factor for shape=polygon. Positive values cause top part to be
* larger than bottom; negative values do the opposite.
* @param value The distorsion.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setDistorsion(double value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.DISTORTION, value);
public GvNodeAttributes setFillColor(GvColor value) {
return super.setFillColor(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setFillColor(GvColor... values) {
return super.setFillColor(values);
public GvNodeAttributes setFillColor(GvColorList value) {
return super.setFillColor(value);
* If false, the size of a node is determined by smallest width and height
* needed to contain its label and image, if any, with a margin specified by
* the margin attribute. The width and height must also be at least as large
* as the sizes specified by the width and height attributes, which specify
* the minimum values for these parameters.
* If true, the node size is specified by the values of the width and height
* attributes only and is not expanded to contain the text label. There will
* be a warning if the label (with margin) cannot fit within these limits.
* If the fixedsize attribute is set to shape, the width and height
* attributes also determine the size of the node shape, but the label can
* be much larger. Both the label and shape sizes are used when avoiding node
* overlap, but all edges to the node ignore the label and only contact the
* node shape. No warning is given if the label is too large.
* @param value The fixed size hint.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setFixedSize(GvFixedSize value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.FIXED_SIZE, value.encode());
public GvNodeAttributes setFontColor(GvColor value) {
return super.setFontColor(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setFontName(String value) {
return super.setFontName(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setFontSize(double value) {
return super.setFontSize(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setGradiantAngle(int value) {
return super.setGradiantAngle(value);
* If the end points of an edge belong to the same group, i.e., have the
* same group attribute, parameters are set to avoid crossings and keep the edges
* straight.
* @param value The group.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setGroup(String value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.GROUP, value);
* Height of node, in inches. This is taken as the initial, minimum height
* of the node. If fixedsize is true, this will be the final height of the
* node.
* Otherwise, if the node label requires more height to fit, the node's
* height will be increased to contain the label. Note also that, if the
* output format is dot, the value given to height will be the final value.
* If the node shape is regular, the width and height are made identical. In
* this case, if either the width or the height is set explicitly, that
* value is used. In this case, if both the width or the height are set
* explicitly, the maximum of the two values is used. If neither is set
* explicitly, the minimum of the two default values is used.
* @param value The height.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setHeight(double value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.HEIGHT, value);
public GvNodeAttributes setHRef(String value) {
return super.setHRef(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setId(String value) {
return super.setId(value);
* Gives the name of a file containing an image to be displayed inside a
* node. The image file must be in one of the recognized formats, typically
* JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, SVG or Postscript, and be able to be converted into
* the desired output format.
* The file must contain the image size information. This is usually
* trivially true for the bitmap formats. For PostScript, the file must
* contain a line starting with %%BoundingBox: followed by four integers
* specifying the lower left x and y coordinates and the upper right x and y
* coordinates of the bounding box for the image, the coordinates being in
* points. An SVG image file must contain width and height attributes,
* typically as part of the svg element. The values for these should have
* the
* form of a floating point number, followed by optional units, e.g.,
* width="76pt". Recognized units are in, px, pc, pt, cm and mm for inches,
* pixels, picas, points, centimeters and millimeters, respectively. The
* default unit is points.
* Unlike with the shapefile attribute, the image is treated as node content
* rather than the entire node. In particular, an image can be contained in
* a node of any shape, not just a rectangle.
* @param value The image filename.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setImage(String value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.IMAGE, value);
* Attribute controlling how an image fills its containing node. In general,
* the image is given its natural size, (cf. dpi), and the node size is made
* large enough to contain its image, its label, its margin, and its
* peripheries. Its width and height will also be at least as large as its
* minimum width and height. If, however, fixedsize=true, the width and
* height attributes specify the exact size of the node.
* During rendering, in the default case (imagescale=false), the image
* retains its natural size. If imagescale=true, the image is uniformly
* scaled (i.e., its aspect ratio is preserved) to fit inside the node. At
* least one dimension of the image will be as large as possible given the
* size of the node. When imagescale=width, the width of the image is scaled
* to fill the node width. The corresponding property holds when
* imagescale=height. When imagescale=both, both the height and the width
* are scaled separately to fill the node.
* In all cases, if a dimension of the image is larger than the
* corresponding dimension of the node, that dimension of the image is scaled
* down to fit the node. As with the case of expansion, if imagescale=true,
* width and height are scaled uniformly.
* @param value The image scale hint.
* @return This object.
// TODO String variant ???
public GvNodeAttributes setImageScale(boolean value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.IMAGE, value);
public GvNodeAttributes setLabel(String value) {
return super.setLabel(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setLabelLoc(GvLabelLoc value) {
return super.setLabelLoc(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setLayer(String value) {
return super.setLayer(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setMargin(double value) {
return super.setMargin(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setMargin(double x,
double y) {
return super.setMargin(x, y);
public GvNodeAttributes setNoJustify(boolean value) {
return super.setNoJustify(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setOrdering(GvOrdering value) {
return super.setOrdering(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setOrientation(double value) {
return super.setOrientation(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setPenWidth(double value) {
return super.setPenWidth(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setPeripheries(int value) {
return super.setPeripheries(value);
* If true, force polygon to be regular, i.e., the vertices of the polygon
* will lie on a circle whose center is the center of the node.
* @param value The regular hint.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setRegular(boolean value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.REGULAR, value);
* Set the shape of a node.
* @param value The node shape.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setShape(GvNodeShape value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.SHAPE, value.encode());
* If defined, shapefile specifies a file containing user-supplied node
* content. The shape of the node is set to box. The image in the shapefile
* must be rectangular. The image formats supported as well as the precise
* semantics of how the file is used depends on the output format. For
* further details, see Image Formats and External PostScript files.
* There is one exception to this usage. If shape is set to "epsf",
* shapefile gives a filename containing a definition of the node in PostScript. The
* graphics defined must be contain all of the node content, including any
* desired boundaries. For further details, see External PostScript files.
* @param value The shape filename.
* @return This object.
* @deprecated As indicated by graphviz.
public GvNodeAttributes setShapeFile(String value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.SHAPE_FILE, value);
* Associated to a boolean or an integer.
* @param value The sides hint.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setSides(int value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.SIDES, value);
* Skew factor for shape=polygon. Positive values skew top of polygon to
* right; negative to left.
* @param value The skew value.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setSkew(double value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.SKEW, value);
* Set style information for components of the graph. For cluster subgraphs,
* if style="filled", the cluster box's background is filled.
* If the default style attribute has been set for a component, an
* individual component can use style="" to revert to the normal default. For example,
* if the graph has {@code edge [style="invis"]}
* making all edges invisible, a specific edge can overrride this via
* {@code a -> b [style=""]}
* Of course, the component can also explicitly set its style attribute to
* the desired value.
* @param values The styles.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setStyle(GvNodeStyle... values) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.STYLE, encode(", ", values));
* Width of node, in inches. This is taken as the initial, minimum width of
* the node. If fixedsize is true, this will be the final width of the node.
* Otherwise, if the node label requires more width to fit, the node's width
* will be increased to contain the label. Note also that, if the output
* format is dot, the value given to width will be the final value.
* If the node shape is regular, the width and height are made identical. In
* this case, if either the width or the height is set explicitly, that
* value is used. In this case, if both the width or the height are set
* explicitly, the maximum of the two values is used. If neither is set
* explicitly, the minimum of the two default values is used.
* @param value The width.
* @return This object.
public GvNodeAttributes setWidth(double value) {
return setValue(GvAttributeName.WIDTH, value);
public GvNodeAttributes setTarget(String value) {
return super.setTarget(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setTooltip(String value) {
return super.setTooltip(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setURL(String value) {
return super.setURL(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setXLabel(String value) {
return super.setXLabel(value);
public GvNodeAttributes setXLabelPosition(double value) {
return super.setXLabelPosition(value);