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delimiters "$", "$"
/* Map used to check whether a value is the empty string or not. */
isEmptyMap ::= [
/* Map used to check whether a value is 0 or not. */
isZeroMap ::= [
/* Conversion of MfVisibility to display text. */
visibilityMap ::= [
tipSideMap ::= [
severityClassMap ::= [
ruleEnablingClassMap ::= [
ruleEnablingLabelMap ::= [
ruleChecksResultClassMap ::= [
ruleChecksResultLabelMap ::= [
rightFrame() ::= "rightFrame"
dot() ::= "."
dotdot() ::= ".."
noName() ::= "?"
generateSingleDocument(args) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, args.model.displayName)$
addSingleToc(args) ::= <<
Table of contents
addSingleTocPackage(package) ::= <<
$package.allTypes: {x | $addSingleTocItem(x)$ };separator="\n"$
addSingleTocItem(item) ::= <<
$addItemLinkFull(item, dot(), [])$
addSingleTocSectionKey(section) ::= <<
addSingleModelOverview(args) ::= <<
$addStereotypesInline(args.model)$ $addKind(args.model)$ $addName(args.model, "model-name")$
$addItemIssues(args.model, false, dot(), [])$
$addSTD(args.model, true, true, dot(), [])$
$addImage("Overview", args.model, "model-overview-", dot())$
$addPackagesSummaryTable("Package Summary", args.model.allPackages, dot(), [])$
addSinglePackages(args) ::= <<
$args.model.allPackages: {x| $addSinglePackage(x)$}; separator="\n"$
addSinglePackage(package) ::= <<
$addStereotypesInline(package)$ $addKind(package)$ $addName(package, "package-name")$
$addItemIssues(package, false, dot(), [])$
$addHierarchy(package.parent, dot(), [])$
$addSTD(package, true, true, dot(), [])$
$addImage("Overview", package, "package-overview-", dot())$
$addConstraints(package, true, true, dot(), [])$
$addSubPackagesSummaryTable("Package Summary", package.packages, dot(), [])$
$addTypesSummaryTable("Interface Summary", "Interface", package.ownedInterfaces, dot(), [])$
$addTypesSummaryTable("Class Summary", "Class", package.ownedClasses, dot(), [])$
$addTypesSummaryTable("Enumeration Summary", "Enumeration", package.ownedEnumerations, dot(), [])$
addSinglePackageTypes(package) ::= <<
$package.allTypes: {x| $addSinglePackageType(x)$}; separator="\n"$
addSinglePackageType(type) ::= <<
$addStereotypesInline(type)$ $addKind(type)$ $addName(type, "type-name")$
$addTypeContent(type, dot(), [])$
addSingleIssues(args) ::= <<
$addIssues(args.issues, dot(), [])$
addSingleProfile(args) ::= <<
$addKind(args.profile)$ $addName(args.profile, "profile-name")$
$addProfile(args.profile, dot(), [])$
addSingleIndex(args) ::= <<
$args.index.sections:{ x | $addIndexSectionContent(x, x.upPath, [])$};separator="\n"$
* Generation of the main frame of a model.
* @param args The arguments.
generateMainFrame(args) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, args.model.displayName)$
* Generation of the frame listing all packages of a model.
* @param args The arguments.
generateAllPackagesFrame(args) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, [args.model.displayName, " Packages"])$
addNavChildrenPackages(item) ::= <<
$item.packages: {x | $addNavPackage(x)$};separator="\n"$
addNavPackage(package) ::= <<
$addNavPackageLink(package)$ $\\$
addNavPackageLink(package) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(package, ".")$ $addStereotypesInline(package)$ $$
* Generation of the frame listing all items of a model.
* @param args The arguments.
* @param interfaces The list of all interfaces.
* @param classes The list of all classes.
* @param enumerations The list of all enumerations.
generateAllItemsFrame(args, interfaces, classes, enumerations) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, [args.model.displayName, " Items"])$
$addNavTypes("Interfaces", interfaces, dot(), rightFrame())$
$addNavTypes("Classes", classes, dot(), rightFrame())$
$addNavTypes("Enumerations", enumerations, dot(), rightFrame())$
* Generation of the frame listing all items of a package.
* @param args The arguments.
* @param package The MfPackage.
generatePackageItemsFrame(args, package) ::= <<
$addHead(package.upPath, [args.model.displayName, "/", package.displayName])$
$addA("package-overview.html", "rightFrame",$
$addNavTypes("Interfaces", package.ownedInterfaces, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addNavTypes("Classes", package.ownedClasses, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addNavTypes("Enumerations", package.ownedEnumerations, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
addNavTypes(title, types, upPath, target) ::= <<
$types:{ x | $addNavType(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addNavType(type, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addLi(addItemLinkLight(type, upPath, target))$
* Generation of the overview frame of a model.
* @param args The arguments.
generateModelOverviewFrame(args) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, [args.model.displayName, " Overview"])$
$addIssuesIcon(args.model, ".")$ $addStereotypesInline(args.model)$ $addKind(args.model)$ $addName(args.model, "model-name")$
$addItemIssues(args.model, false, dot(), rightFrame())$
$addSTD(args.model, true, true, dot(), rightFrame())$
$addImage("Overview", args.model, "model-overview-", dot())$
$addPackagesSummaryTable("Package Summary", args.model.allPackages, dot(), rightFrame())$
generateIssuesFrame(args) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, [args.model.displayName, " Issues"])$
$addKind(args.snapshot)$ $addName(args.snapshot, "snapshot-name")$
$addIssues(args.issues, dot(), rightFrame())$
generateProfileFrame(args) ::= <<
$addHead(args.model.upPath, [args.model.displayName, " Profile"])$
$addKind(args.profile)$ $addName(args.profile, "profile-name")$
$addProfile(args.profile, dot(), rightFrame())$
* Generation of the overview frame of a package.
* @param args The arguments.
* @param package The MfPackage.
generatePackageOverviewFrame(args, package) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(package, package.upPath)$ $addStereotypesInline(package)$ $addKind(package)$ $addName(package, "package-name")$
$addItemIssues(package, false, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addHierarchy(package.parent, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addSTD(package, true, true, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addImage("Overview", package, "package-overview-", package.upPath)$
$addConstraints(package, true, true, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addSubPackagesSummaryTable("Package Summary", package.packages, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addTypesSummaryTable("Interface Summary", "Interface", package.ownedInterfaces, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addTypesSummaryTable("Class Summary", "Class", package.ownedClasses, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
$addTypesSummaryTable("Enumeration Summary", "Enumeration", package.ownedEnumerations, package.upPath, rightFrame())$
* Generation of the overview frame of a type.
* @param args The arguments.
* @param type The MfType.
generateTypeOverviewFrame(args, type) ::= <<
$addHead(type.upPath, type.displayName)$
$addIssuesIcon(type, type.upPath)$ $addVisibility(type)$$addAbstract(type)$$addStatic(type)$$addFinal(type)$$addStereotypesInline(type)$ $addKind(type)$ $addName(type, "type-name")$
$addTypeContent(type, type.upPath, rightFrame())$
* Generation of an index file for a particular key.
* @param args The arguments.
* @param section The index section.
generateIndexFrame(args, section) ::= <<
$addHead(section.upPath, [section.key, "-Index"])$
$args.index.sections:{ x | $addIndexSectionKey(x, section.upPath, rightFrame())$};separator="\n"$
$addIndexSectionContent(section, section.upPath, rightFrame())$
addIndexSectionContent(section, upPath, target) ::= <<
$section.entries:{ x | $addIndexEntry(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addIndexSectionKey(section, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addA([upPath, "/index-files/index-", section.number, ".html"], target, section.key)$
addIndexEntry(entry, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addKind(entry)$ $addItemLinkLight(entry, upPath, target)$
addTypeContent(type, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addItemIssues(type, false, upPath, target)$
$addHierarchy(type.parent, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(type, true, true, upPath, target)$
$addImage("Overview", type, "type-overview-", upPath)$
$addConstraints(type, true, true, upPath, target)$
$addInheritances(type, target)$
$addExtendedTypes(type, target)$
$addImplementedInterfaces(type, target)$
$addExtendedByTypes(type, target)$
$addImplementedByTypes(type, target)$
$addEnumerationValues(type, upPath, target)$
$addProperties(type, upPath, target)$
$addOperations(type, upPath, target)$
$addConnectors(type, target)$
$addReversedConnectors(type, target)$
$addUsages(type, target)$
* Generation of the packages summary table of a model.
* @param title The section title.
* @param packages The list of packages.
* @param upPath The up path.
addPackagesSummaryTable(title, packages, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(title, {
$packages:{ x | $addPackageSummaryTableRow(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
* Generation of one row of the packages summary table.
* @param package The package.
* @param upPath The up path.
* @param target The frame target.
addPackageSummaryTableRow(package, upPath, target) ::= <<
$indent(package, addItemLinkLight(package, upPath, target))$
$addDocumentations(package, false, false, upPath, target)$
addSubPackagesSummaryTable(title, packages, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(title, {
$packages:{x | $addSubPackageSummaryTableRow(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addSubPackageSummaryTableRow(package, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addItemLinkLight(package, upPath, target)$
$addDocumentations(package, false, false, upPath, target)$
* Generation of the types summary table of a package.
* @param title The section title.
* @param head The name to use for the head column.
* @param types The list of types.
* @param upPath The up path.
* @param target The target frame.
addTypesSummaryTable(title, head, types, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(title, {
$types:{ x | $addTypesSummaryTableRow(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
* Generation of one row of a types summary table.
* @param type The type.
* @param upPath The up path.
addTypesSummaryTableRow(type, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addItemLinkLight(type, upPath, target)$
$addDocumentations(type, false, false, upPath, target)$
addProfile(profile, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addDiv("profile-description", profile.description)$
$addSection(["Rules (", length(profile.rules), ")"], {
$profile.rules:{ x | $addRule(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addRule(rule, upPath, target) ::= <<
$rule.domain$ $$
Issues ($length(rule.issues)$)
$rule.issues:{x | $addRuleIssue(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addRuleIssue(issue, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssueLinkLight(issue, upPath, target)$
$addIssueLocations(issue, upPath, target)$
addIssues(issues, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["Issues (", length(issues), ")"], {
$issues:{ x | $addIssue(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addIssue(issue, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssueId(issue, upPath, target)$
$addSpan("issue-project", issue.project)$
$addSpan("issue-snapshot", issue.snapshot)$
$addIssueLocations(issue, upPath, target)$
$addDiv("issue-description", issue.(["description(", upPath, ")"]))$
addIssueId(issue, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addA(toIssueRuleHRef(issue, upPath), target, [addSpan("rule-domain", issue.domain), " ", addSpan("rule-name",])$
addIssueLocations(issue, upPath, target) ::= <<
$issue.locations:{ x | $addLocation(x, upPath, target)$};separator="\n"$
addLocation(location, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addA(toItemHRef(location.element, upPath), target, addLocationText(location))$
addLocationText(location) ::= <<
$addSpan("location-tag", location.tag)$$\\$
$addSpan("location-separator", "::")$$\\$
$addSpan("location-path", addLocationPath(location))$$\\$
$addSpan("location-separator", "::")$$\\$
$addSpan("location-anchor", location.anchor)$$\\$
addLocationPath(location) ::= <<
$trunc({ x | $addLocationPart(x, false)$};separator="/"$$\\$
$addLocationPart(last(, true)$
addLocationPart(part, last) ::= <<
$addSpan("location-part, location-part-last", part)$$\\$
$addSpan("location-part", part)$$\\$
addMetas(metas) ::= <<
$metas.sortedMetas: { x | $addMeta(x)$};separator="\n"$
addMeta(meta) ::= <<
$addSpan("meta-name",$ $addSpan("meta-value", meta.value)$
addParams(params) ::= <<
$params.sortedParams: { x | $addParam(x)$};separator="\n"$
addParam(param) ::= <<
$addSpan("param-name",$ $addSpan("param-value", param.value)$
addLabels(labels) ::= <<
$labels.sorted: {x | $addLabel(x)$}; separator="\n"$
addLabel(label) ::= <<
addExtendedTypes(type, target) ::= <<
$addDecoratedInheritance(type.decoratedExtends, ["All extended Types (", length(type.decoratedExtends), ")"], type.upPath, target)$
addExtendedByTypes(type, target) ::= <<
$addDecoratedInheritance(type.decoratedExtended, ["All Known Specializations (", length(type.decoratedExtended), ")"], type.upPath, target)$
addImplementedInterfaces(type, target) ::= <<
$addDecoratedInheritance(type.decoratedImplements, ["All Implemented Interfaces (", length(type.decoratedImplements), ")"], type.upPath, target)$
addImplementedByTypes(type, target) ::= <<
$addDecoratedInheritance(type.decoratedImplemented, ["All Known Implementations (", length(type.decoratedImplemented), ")"], type.upPath, target)$
addDecoratedInheritance(related, title, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(title, {
$related: {x | $addLi(addDecoratedItemLink(x, upPath, target))$}; separator="\n"$
addInheritances(type, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["Inheritances (", length(type.inheritances), ")"], {$type.inheritances: {x | $addInheritance(x, type.upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
addInheritance(inheritance, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addName(inheritance, "inheritance-name")$
getHtmlId(inheritance, true),
$addItemIssues(inheritance, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(inheritance, false, true, upPath, target)$
$addItemLinkLight(inheritance.generalType, upPath, target)$
addImage(title, item, prefix, upPath) ::= <<
$addSection(title, {
$elseif(item.([prefix, "has-cmapx"]))$
$item.([prefix, "cmapx"])$
addSTD(item, top, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addDocumentations(item, true, main, upPath, target)$
$addItemMetas(item, top, main)$
$addTags(item, top, main, upPath, target)$
addStereotypesSection(item) ::= <<
$addSection("Stereotypes", {$item.stereotypes: {x | $addStereotype(x)$}; separator=", "$})$
addStereotypesInline(item) ::= <<
$item.stereotypes: {x | $addStereotype(x)$}; separator=", "$$\\$
addStereotype(x) ::= "<<$x$>> "
addItemMetas(item, top, main) ::= <<
$addSection(["Metas (", length(item.metas), ")"], {$item.metas: {x | $addItemMeta(x, main)$}; separator="\n"$})$
$item.metas: {x | $addItemMeta(x, main)$}; separator="\n"$
addItemMeta(x, main) ::= <<
* @param item The issues owner.
* @param compact. If true, a compact display is used.
* @param upPath The up path.
* @param target The frame target.
addItemIssues(item, compact, upPath, target) ::= <<
$item.issues: {x | $addItemIssue(x, compact, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$
* @param issue The issue.
* @param compact. If true, a compact display is used.
* @param upPath The up path.
* @param target The frame target.
addItemIssue(issue, compact, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssueId(issue, upPath, target)$
$addIssueLinkFull(issue, upPath, target)$
$addDiv("issue-description", issue.(["description(", upPath, ")"]))$
addIssuesIcon(element, upPath) ::= <<
⚠ $\\$
addSeverity(severity) ::= <<
addRuleSeverity(rule) ::= <<
addRuleEnabling(rule) ::= <<
addRuleChecksResult(rule) ::= <<
* @param item The tags owner.
* @param top If true, a section is created.
* @param main If true, each tag is identified (id attribute).
* @param upPath The up path.
* @param target The frame target.
addTags(item, top, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["Tags (", length(item.tags), ")"], {$item.tags: {x | $addTag(x, main, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
$item.tags: {x | $addTag(x, main, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$
* @param x The tag.
* @param main If true, tag is identified (id attribute).
* @param upPath The up path.
* @param target The frame target.
addTag(x, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$if(x.documentations ||$$\\$
$addItemIssues(x, false, upPath, target)$
$addDocumentations(x, true, main, upPath, target)$
* @param item The documentions owner.
* @param recurse If true, documentation children are generated.
* @param main If true, each documentation is identified (id attribute).
addDocumentations(item, recurse, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$item.documentations: {x | $addDocumentation(x, recurse, main, upPath, target)$}; separator=" \n"$
* @param x The documention.
* @param recurse If true, documentation children are generated.
* @param main If true, documentation is identified (id attribute).
addDocumentation(x, recurse, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addItemIssues(x, false, upPath, target)$
$x.(["html(", upPath, ")"])$
$addSTD(x, false, main, upPath, target)$
addUsages(item, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["Usages (", length(item.usages), ")"], {
$item.usages: {x | $addUsage(x, item.upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$
addUsage(usage, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addItemLinkFull(usage.element, upPath, target)$ $usage.kind$ $addDirect(usage, upPath, target)$
addProperties(type, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["All Properties (", length(type.decoratedProperties), ")"], {$type.decoratedProperties: {x | $addDecoratedProperty(x, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
addDecoratedProperty(decorated, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(decorated.element, upPath)$
$addName(decorated.element, "member-name")$
: $addRef(decorated.element.typeRef, decorated.element.parent.upPath, target)$
$addLocal(decorated, upPath, target)$
getHtmlId(decorated.element, true),
$addItemIssues(decorated.element, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(decorated.element, false, true, upPath, target)$
$addConstraints(decorated.element, false, true, upPath, target)$
addConstraints(item, top, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection("Constraints", {$item.constraints: {x | $addConstraint(x, main, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
$item.constraints: {x | $addConstraint(x, main, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$
addConstraint(x, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(x, upPath)$
$addName(x, "constraint-name")$
getHtmlId(x, main),
$addConstrainedElements(x, target)$
$addItemIssues(x, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(x, false, main, upPath, target)$
addConstraintSpecification(constraint) ::= <<
addConstrainedElements(constraint, target) ::= <<
$constraint.constrainedElementRefs : {x | $addRef(x, constraint.parent.upPath, target)$ }; separator="\n"$
addOperations(type, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["All Operations (", length(type.decoratedOperations), ")"], {$type.decoratedOperations: {x | $addDecoratedOperation(x, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
addDecoratedOperation(decorated, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(decorated.element, upPath)$
$addName(decorated.element, "member-name")$
($addSignatureParametersInline(decorated.element, target)$)$addReturnParametersInline(decorated.element, target)$
$addLocal(decorated, upPath, target)$
getHtmlId(decorated.element, true),
$addItemIssues(decorated.element, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(decorated.element, false, true, upPath, target)$
$addParametersTable(decorated.element, target)$
addSignatureParametersInline(operation, target) ::= <<
$operation.signatureParameters: {x| $addParameterInline(x, operation.parent.upPath, target)$}; separator=", "$
addReturnParametersInline(operation, target) ::= <<
: ($operation.returnParameters: {x| $addParameterInline(x, operation.parent.upPath, target)$}; separator=", "$)
addParameterInline(param, upPath, target) ::= <<
$orElse(, noName())$ : $addRef(param.typeRef, upPath, target)$
addParametersTable(operation, target) ::= <<
$operation.parameters: {x| $addParametersTableRow(x, operation.parent.upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$
addParametersTableRow(param, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(param, upPath)$
$addStereotypesInline(param)$ $orElse(, noName())$
$addItemIssues(param, false, upPath, target)$
$addRef(param.typeRef, upPath, target)$
$addDocumentations(param, false, true, upPath, target)$
$addItemMetas(param, false, true)$
$addTags(param, false, true, upPath, target)$
addEnumerationValues(type, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection("Values", {$type.values: {x | $addEnumerationValue(x, upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
addEnumerationValue(value, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(value, upPath)$
$addName(value, "member-name")$
getHtmlId(value, true),
$addItemIssues(value, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(value, false, true, upPath, target)$
addConnectors(type, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["All Owned Connectors (", length(type.decoratedConnectors), ")"], {$type.decoratedConnectors: {x | $addDecoratedConnector(x, type.upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
addDecoratedConnector(decorated, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(decorated.element, upPath)$
$addName(decorated.element, "connector-name")$
$addLocal(decorated, upPath, target)$
getHtmlId(decorated.element, true),
$addItemIssues(decorated.element, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(decorated.element, false, true, upPath, target)$
$addConstraints(decorated.element, false, true, upPath, target)$
$addTip(decorated.element.sourceTip, true, upPath, target)$
$addTip(decorated.element.targetTip, true, upPath, target)$
addReversedConnectors(type, target) ::= <<
$addSection(["All Known Reversed Connectors (", length(type.decoratedReversedConnectors), ")"], {$type.decoratedReversedConnectors: {x | $addDecoratedReversedConnector(x, type.upPath, target)$}; separator="\n"$})$
addDecoratedReversedConnector(decorated, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(decorated.element, upPath)$
$addName(decorated.element, "connector-name")$
$addLocal(decorated, upPath, target)$
$addItemIssues(decorated.element, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(decorated.element, false, false, upPath, target)$
$addConstraints(decorated.element, false, false, upPath, target)$
$addTip(decorated.element.sourceTip, false, upPath, target)$
$addTip(decorated.element.targetTip, false, upPath, target)$
addTip(x, main, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addIssuesIcon(x, upPath)$
$addName(x, "tip-name")$
$addRef(x.typeRef, upPath, target)$
getHtmlId(x, main),
$addItemIssues(x, false, upPath, target)$
$addSTD(x, false, main, upPath, target)$
addKind(x) ::= "$addSpan(\"kind\", x.kind)$"
addTipSide(x) ::= "$addSpan(\"tip-side\", tipSideMap.(x.side))$"
addParameterDirection(x) ::= "$addSpan(\"parameter-direction\", x.direction)$"
addName(x, class) ::= "$addSpan(class, x.displayName)$"
addAbstract(x) ::= "$if(x.abstract && x.mfClass)$$addModifier(\"abstract\")$ $endif$"
addVisibility(x) ::= "$if(x.visibility)$$addModifier(visibilityMap.(x.visibility))$ $endif$"
addStatic(x) ::= "$if(x.static)$$addModifier(\"static\")$ $endif$"
addFinal(x) ::= "$if($$addModifier(\"final\")$ $endif$"
addCardinality(x) ::= "$if(x.cardinality)$[$x.cardinality.text$] $endif$"
addModifier(x) ::= "$addSpan(\"modifier\", x)$"
addOrdered(x) ::= "$if(x.ordered)$$addModifier(\"ordered\")$$endif$"
addNavigable(x) ::= "$if(x.navigable)$$addModifier(\"navigable\")$$else$$addModifier(\"not navigable\")$$endif$"
addDefault(x) ::= "$if(x.def)$ = $x.def$$endif$"
orElse(x, y) ::= "$if(x)$$x$$else$$y$$endif$"
addHtmlId(id, main) ::= "$if(main && id && !isEmptyMap.(id))$ id=\"$id$\"$endif$"
getHtmlId(item, main) ::= "$if(main)$$item.htmlId$$endif$"
addSpan(class, text) ::= "$text$ "
addDiv(class, content) ::= "$content$
addLi(item) ::= "$item$ "
addA(href, target, text) ::= <<
addUl(items) ::= <<
addDirect(x, upPath, target) ::= <%
(declared in $addItemLinkFull(x.element.parent, upPath, target)$)
addLocal(x, upPath, target) ::= <%
(declared in $addItemLinkFull(x.element.parent, upPath, target)$)
indent(item, text) ::= <<
$if(item.parent && !item.parent.mfModel)$
$indent(item.parent, text)$
addDecoratedItemLink(decorated, upPath, target) ::= <%
$addItemLinkLight(decorated.element, upPath, target)$ $addDirect(decorated, upPath, target)$
addItemLinkLight(item, upPath, target) ::= <%
$addA(toItemHRef(item, upPath), target, [addIssuesIcon(item, upPath), " ", addStereotypesInline(item), " ", item.displayName, " "])$
$addA(toItemHRef(item, upPath), target, [addIssuesIcon(item, upPath), " ", addStereotypesInline(item), " ", item.displayName])$
addItemLinkFull(item, upPath, target) ::= <%
$addA(toItemHRef(item, upPath), target, [addIssuesIcon(item, upPath), " ", addStereotypesInline(item), " ", addKind(item), " ", item.displayName, " "])$
$addA(toItemHRef(item, upPath), target, [addIssuesIcon(item, upPath), " ", addStereotypesInline(item), " ", addKind(item), " ", item.displayName])$
addRef(ref, upPath, target) ::= <%
$addItemLinkFull(ref.element, upPath, target)$
toItemHRef(item, upPath) ::= <<
addIssueLinkFull(issue, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addA(toIssueHRef(issue, upPath), target, ["▶ ",])$
addIssueLinkLight(issue, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addA(toIssueHRef(issue, upPath), target,$
toIssueHRef(issue, upPath) ::= <<
toIssueRuleHRef(issue, upPath) ::= <<
addSection(title, content) ::= <<
addSectionEntry(title, id, content) ::= <<
addLogo(args, upPath) ::= <<
Generated by
CDC MF - $args.configVersion$
addHead(upPath, title) ::= <<
addNavMenuOverview(active, upPath) ::= <<
$addA([upPath, "/overview.html"], rightFrame(), "Overview")$
addNavMenuPackage(active, upPath, type) ::= <<
$addA([upPath, "/", type.rootType.owningPackage.itemRef], rightFrame(), "Package")$
addNavMenuItem(active, upPath) ::= <<
addNavMenuIssues(active, upPath, args) ::= <<
$addA([upPath, "/issues.html"], rightFrame(), "Issues")$
addNavMenuProfile(active, upPath, args) ::= <<
$addA([upPath, "/profile.html"], rightFrame(), "Profile")$
addNavMenuIndex(active, upPath) ::= <<
$addA([upPath, "/index-files/index-0.html"], rightFrame(), "Index")$
addNavAbout(args) ::= <<
addMfId(item) ::= <<
$if( && hints.("SHOW_IDS"))$
$if(item.guid && hints.("SHOW_IDS"))$
addMfIdInline(item) ::= <<
id $$
addMfGuidInline(item) ::= <<
guid $item.guid$
addHierarchy(item, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addSection("Hierarchy", {
$addHierarchyRec(item.hierarchy, upPath, target)$
addHierarchyRec(items, upPath, target) ::= <<
$addItemLinkFull(first(items), upPath, target)$
$addHierarchyRec(rest(items), upPath, target)$
$addItemLinkFull(first(items), upPath, target)$