com.gocardless.resources.BillingRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.gocardless.resources;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Represents a billing request resource returned from the API.
* Billing Requests help create resources that require input or action from a customer. An example
* of required input might be additional customer billing details, while an action would be asking a
* customer to authorise a payment using their mobile banking app.
* See [Billing Requests:
* Overview](https://developer.gocardless.com/getting-started/billing-requests/overview/) for
* how-to's, explanations and tutorials.
public class BillingRequest {
private BillingRequest() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private List actions;
private String createdAt;
private Boolean fallbackEnabled;
private String id;
private Links links;
private MandateRequest mandateRequest;
private Map metadata;
private PaymentRequest paymentRequest;
private PurposeCode purposeCode;
private Resources resources;
private Status status;
private SubscriptionRequest subscriptionRequest;
* List of actions that can be performed before this billing request can be fulfilled.
public List getActions() {
return actions;
* Fixed [timestamp](#api-usage-time-zones--dates), recording when this resource was created.
public String getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
* (Optional) If true, this billing request can fallback from instant payment to direct debit.
* Should not be set if GoCardless payment intelligence feature is used.
* See [Billing Requests: Retain customers with
* Fallbacks](https://developer.gocardless.com/billing-requests/retain-customers-with-fallbacks/)
* for more information.
public Boolean getFallbackEnabled() {
return fallbackEnabled;
* Unique identifier, beginning with "BRQ".
public String getId() {
return id;
public Links getLinks() {
return links;
* Request for a mandate
public MandateRequest getMandateRequest() {
return mandateRequest;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* Request for a one-off strongly authorised payment
public PaymentRequest getPaymentRequest() {
return paymentRequest;
* Specifies the high-level purpose of a mandate and/or payment using a set of pre-defined
* categories. Required for the PayTo scheme, optional for all others. Currently `mortgage`,
* `utility`, `loan`, `dependant_support`, `gambling`, `retail`, `salary`, `personal`,
* `government`, `pension`, `tax` and `other` are supported.
public PurposeCode getPurposeCode() {
return purposeCode;
public Resources getResources() {
return resources;
* One of:
* - `pending`: the billing request is pending and can be used
* - `ready_to_fulfil`: the billing request is ready to fulfil
* - `fulfilling`: the billing request is currently undergoing fulfilment
* - `fulfilled`: the billing request has been fulfilled and a payment created
* - `cancelled`: the billing request has been cancelled and cannot be used
public Status getStatus() {
return status;
* Request for a subscription
public SubscriptionRequest getSubscriptionRequest() {
return subscriptionRequest;
public enum PurposeCode {
MORTGAGE, @SerializedName("utility")
UTILITY, @SerializedName("loan")
LOAN, @SerializedName("dependant_support")
DEPENDANT_SUPPORT, @SerializedName("gambling")
GAMBLING, @SerializedName("retail")
RETAIL, @SerializedName("salary")
SALARY, @SerializedName("personal")
PERSONAL, @SerializedName("government")
GOVERNMENT, @SerializedName("pension")
PENSION, @SerializedName("tax")
TAX, @SerializedName("other")
OTHER, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum Status {
PENDING, @SerializedName("ready_to_fulfil")
READY_TO_FULFIL, @SerializedName("fulfilling")
FULFILLING, @SerializedName("fulfilled")
FULFILLED, @SerializedName("cancelled")
CANCELLED, @SerializedName("unknown")
public static class Action {
private Action() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private List availableCurrencies;
private BankAuthorisation bankAuthorisation;
private CollectCustomerDetails collectCustomerDetails;
private List completesActions;
private InstitutionGuessStatus institutionGuessStatus;
private Boolean required;
private List requiresActions;
private Status status;
private Type type;
* List of currencies the current mandate supports
public List getAvailableCurrencies() {
return availableCurrencies;
* Describes the behaviour of bank authorisations, for the bank_authorisation action
public BankAuthorisation getBankAuthorisation() {
return bankAuthorisation;
* Additional parameters to help complete the collect_customer_details action
public CollectCustomerDetails getCollectCustomerDetails() {
return collectCustomerDetails;
* Which other action types this action can complete.
public List getCompletesActions() {
return completesActions;
* Describes whether we inferred the institution from the provided bank account details. One
* of: - `not_needed`: we won't attempt to infer the institution as it is not needed. Either
* because it was manually selected or the billing request does not support this feature -
* `pending`: we are waiting on the bank details in order to infer the institution -
* `failed`: we weren't able to infer the institution - `success`: we inferred the
* institution and added it to the resources of a Billing Request
public InstitutionGuessStatus getInstitutionGuessStatus() {
return institutionGuessStatus;
* Informs you whether the action is required to fulfil the billing request or not.
public Boolean getRequired() {
return required;
* Requires completing these actions before this action can be completed.
public List getRequiresActions() {
return requiresActions;
* Status of the action
public Status getStatus() {
return status;
* Unique identifier for the action.
public Type getType() {
return type;
public enum InstitutionGuessStatus {
NOT_NEEDED, @SerializedName("pending")
PENDING, @SerializedName("failed")
FAILED, @SerializedName("success")
SUCCESS, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum Status {
PENDING, @SerializedName("completed")
COMPLETED, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum Type {
CHOOSE_CURRENCY, @SerializedName("collect_amount")
COLLECT_AMOUNT, @SerializedName("collect_customer_details")
COLLECT_CUSTOMER_DETAILS, @SerializedName("collect_bank_account")
COLLECT_BANK_ACCOUNT, @SerializedName("bank_authorisation")
BANK_AUTHORISATION, @SerializedName("confirm_payer_details")
CONFIRM_PAYER_DETAILS, @SerializedName("select_institution")
SELECT_INSTITUTION, @SerializedName("unknown")
* Represents a available currency resource returned from the API.
* List of currencies the current mandate supports
public static class AvailableCurrencies {
private AvailableCurrencies() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String currency;
* [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency code.
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
* Represents a bank authorisation resource returned from the API.
* Describes the behaviour of bank authorisations, for the bank_authorisation action
public static class BankAuthorisation {
private BankAuthorisation() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private Adapter adapter;
private AuthorisationType authorisationType;
* Which authorisation adapter will be used to power these authorisations (GoCardless
* internal use only)
public Adapter getAdapter() {
return adapter;
* What type of bank authorisations are supported on this billing request
public AuthorisationType getAuthorisationType() {
return authorisationType;
public enum Adapter {
OPEN_BANKING_GATEWAY_PIS, @SerializedName("plaid_ais")
PLAID_AIS, @SerializedName("open_banking_gateway_ais")
OPEN_BANKING_GATEWAY_AIS, @SerializedName("bankid_ais")
BANKID_AIS, @SerializedName("bank_pay_recurring")
BANK_PAY_RECURRING, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum AuthorisationType {
PAYMENT, @SerializedName("mandate")
MANDATE, @SerializedName("unknown")
* Represents a collect customer detail resource returned from the API.
* Additional parameters to help complete the collect_customer_details action
public static class CollectCustomerDetails {
private CollectCustomerDetails() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String defaultCountryCode;
private IncompleteFields incompleteFields;
* Default customer country code, as determined by scheme and payer location
public String getDefaultCountryCode() {
return defaultCountryCode;
public IncompleteFields getIncompleteFields() {
return incompleteFields;
public static class IncompleteFields {
private IncompleteFields() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private List customer;
private List customerBillingDetail;
public List getCustomer() {
return customer;
public List getCustomerBillingDetail() {
return customerBillingDetail;
public static class Links {
private Links() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String bankAuthorisation;
private String creditor;
private String customer;
private String customerBankAccount;
private String customerBillingDetail;
private String mandateRequest;
private String mandateRequestMandate;
private String organisation;
private String paymentProvider;
private String paymentRequest;
private String paymentRequestPayment;
private String subscriptionRequest;
* (Optional) ID of the [bank authorisation](#billing-requests-bank-authorisations) that was
* used to verify this request.
public String getBankAuthorisation() {
return bankAuthorisation;
* ID of the associated [creditor](#core-endpoints-creditors).
public String getCreditor() {
return creditor;
* ID of the [customer](#core-endpoints-customers) that will be used for this request
public String getCustomer() {
return customer;
* (Optional) ID of the [customer_bank_account](#core-endpoints-customer-bank-accounts) that
* will be used for this request
public String getCustomerBankAccount() {
return customerBankAccount;
* ID of the customer billing detail that will be used for this request
public String getCustomerBillingDetail() {
return customerBillingDetail;
* (Optional) ID of the associated mandate request
public String getMandateRequest() {
return mandateRequest;
* (Optional) ID of the [mandate](#core-endpoints-mandates) that was created from this
* mandate request. this mandate request.
public String getMandateRequestMandate() {
return mandateRequestMandate;
* ID of the associated organisation.
public String getOrganisation() {
return organisation;
* (Optional) ID of the associated payment provider
public String getPaymentProvider() {
return paymentProvider;
* (Optional) ID of the associated payment request
public String getPaymentRequest() {
return paymentRequest;
* (Optional) ID of the [payment](#core-endpoints-payments) that was created from this
* payment request.
public String getPaymentRequestPayment() {
return paymentRequestPayment;
* (Optional) ID of the associated subscription request
public String getSubscriptionRequest() {
return subscriptionRequest;
* Represents a mandate request resource returned from the API.
* Request for a mandate
public static class MandateRequest {
private MandateRequest() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private AuthorisationSource authorisationSource;
private String consentType;
private Constraints constraints;
private String currency;
private String description;
private Links links;
private Map metadata;
private Boolean payerRequestedDualSignature;
private String scheme;
private Verify verify;
* This field is ACH specific, sometimes referred to as [SEC
* code](https://www.moderntreasury.com/learn/sec-codes).
* This is the way that the payer gives authorisation to the merchant. web: Authorisation is
* Internet Initiated or via Mobile Entry (maps to SEC code: WEB) telephone: Authorisation
* is provided orally over telephone (maps to SEC code: TEL) paper: Authorisation is
* provided in writing and signed, or similarly authenticated (maps to SEC code: PPD)
public AuthorisationSource getAuthorisationSource() {
return authorisationSource;
* This attribute represents the authorisation type between the payer and merchant. It can
* be set to one-off, recurring or standing for ACH scheme. And single, recurring and
* sporadic for PAD scheme.
public String getConsentType() {
return consentType;
* Constraints that will apply to the mandate_request. (Optional) Specifically for PayTo and
* VRP.
public Constraints getConstraints() {
return constraints;
* [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency code.
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
* A human-readable description of the payment and/or mandate. This will be displayed to the
* payer when authorising the billing request.
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public Links getLinks() {
return links;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* This attribute can be set to true if the payer has indicated that multiple signatures are
* required for the mandate. As long as every other Billing Request actions have been
* completed, the payer will receive an email notification containing instructions on how to
* complete the additional signature. The dual signature flow can only be completed using
* GoCardless branded pages.
public Boolean getPayerRequestedDualSignature() {
return payerRequestedDualSignature;
* A bank payment scheme. Currently "ach", "autogiro", "bacs", "becs", "becs_nz",
* "betalingsservice", "faster_payments", "pad", "pay_to" and "sepa_core" are supported.
* Optional for mandate only requests - if left blank, the payer will be able to select the
* currency/scheme to pay with from a list of your available schemes.
public String getScheme() {
return scheme;
* Verification preference for the mandate. One of:
* - `minimum`: only verify if absolutely required, such as when part of scheme rules
* - `recommended`: in addition to `minimum`, use the GoCardless payment intelligence
* solution to decide if a payer should be verified
* - `when_available`: if verification mechanisms are available, use them
* - `always`: as `when_available`, but fail to create the Billing Request if a mechanism
* isn't available
* By default, all Billing Requests use the `recommended` verification preference. It uses
* GoCardless payment intelligence solution to determine if a payer is fraudulent or not.
* The verification mechanism is based on the response and the payer may be asked to verify
* themselves. If the feature is not available, `recommended` behaves like `minimum`.
* If you never wish to take advantage of our reduced risk products and Verified Mandates as
* they are released in new schemes, please use the `minimum` verification preference.
* See [Billing Requests: Creating Verified
* Mandates](https://developer.gocardless.com/getting-started/billing-requests/verified-mandates/)
* for more information.
public Verify getVerify() {
return verify;
public enum AuthorisationSource {
WEB, @SerializedName("telephone")
TELEPHONE, @SerializedName("paper")
PAPER, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum Verify {
MINIMUM, @SerializedName("recommended")
RECOMMENDED, @SerializedName("when_available")
WHEN_AVAILABLE, @SerializedName("always")
ALWAYS, @SerializedName("unknown")
* Represents a constraint resource returned from the API.
* Constraints that will apply to the mandate_request. (Optional) Specifically for PayTo and
* VRP.
public static class Constraints {
private Constraints() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String endDate;
private Integer maxAmountPerPayment;
private List periodicLimits;
private String startDate;
* The latest date at which payments can be taken, must occur after start_date if
* present
* This is an optional field and if it is not supplied the agreement will be considered
* open and will not have an end date. Keep in mind the end date must take into account
* how long it will take the user to set up this agreement via the Billing Request.
public String getEndDate() {
return endDate;
* The maximum amount that can be charged for a single payment. Required for VRP.
public Integer getMaxAmountPerPayment() {
return maxAmountPerPayment;
* List of periodic limits and constraints which apply to them
public List getPeriodicLimits() {
return periodicLimits;
* The date from which payments can be taken.
* This is an optional field and if it is not supplied the start date will be set to the
* day authorisation happens.
public String getStartDate() {
return startDate;
public static class PeriodicLimit {
private PeriodicLimit() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private Alignment alignment;
private Integer maxPayments;
private Integer maxTotalAmount;
private Period period;
* The alignment of the period.
* `calendar` - this will finish on the end of the current period. For example this
* will expire on the Monday for the current week or the January for the next year.
* `creation_date` - this will finish on the next instance of the current period.
* For example Monthly it will expire on the same day of the next month, or yearly
* the same day of the next year.
public Alignment getAlignment() {
return alignment;
* (Optional) The maximum number of payments that can be collected in this periodic
* limit.
public Integer getMaxPayments() {
return maxPayments;
* The maximum total amount that can be charged for all payments in this periodic
* limit. Required for VRP.
public Integer getMaxTotalAmount() {
return maxTotalAmount;
* The repeating period for this mandate
public Period getPeriod() {
return period;
public enum Alignment {
CALENDAR, @SerializedName("creation_date")
CREATION_DATE, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum Period {
DAY, @SerializedName("week")
WEEK, @SerializedName("month")
MONTH, @SerializedName("year")
YEAR, @SerializedName("flexible")
FLEXIBLE, @SerializedName("unknown")
public static class Links {
private Links() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String mandate;
* (Optional) ID of the [mandate](#core-endpoints-mandates) that was created from this
* mandate request. this mandate request.
public String getMandate() {
return mandate;
* Represents a payment request resource returned from the API.
* Request for a one-off strongly authorised payment
public static class PaymentRequest {
private PaymentRequest() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private Integer amount;
private Integer appFee;
private String currency;
private String description;
private FundsSettlement fundsSettlement;
private Links links;
private Map metadata;
private String reference;
private String scheme;
* Amount in minor unit (e.g. pence in GBP, cents in EUR).
public Integer getAmount() {
return amount;
* The amount to be deducted from the payment as an app fee, to be paid to the partner
* integration which created the billing request, in the lowest denomination for the
* currency (e.g. pence in GBP, cents in EUR).
public Integer getAppFee() {
return appFee;
* [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency code. `GBP` and
* `EUR` supported; `GBP` with your customers in the UK and for `EUR` with your customers in
* supported Eurozone countries only.
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
* A human-readable description of the payment and/or mandate. This will be displayed to the
* payer when authorising the billing request.
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* This field will decide how GoCardless handles settlement of funds from the customer.
* - `managed` will be moved through GoCardless' account, batched, and payed out. - `direct`
* will be a direct transfer from the payer's account to the merchant where invoicing will
* be handled separately.
public FundsSettlement getFundsSettlement() {
return fundsSettlement;
public Links getLinks() {
return links;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* A custom payment reference defined by the merchant. It is only available for payments
* using the Direct Funds settlement model on the Faster Payments scheme.
public String getReference() {
return reference;
* (Optional) A scheme used for Open Banking payments. Currently `faster_payments` is
* supported in the UK (GBP) and `sepa_credit_transfer` and `sepa_instant_credit_transfer`
* are supported in supported Eurozone countries (EUR). For Eurozone countries,
* `sepa_credit_transfer` is used as the default. Please be aware that
* `sepa_instant_credit_transfer` may incur an additional fee for your customer.
public String getScheme() {
return scheme;
public enum FundsSettlement {
MANAGED, @SerializedName("direct")
DIRECT, @SerializedName("unknown")
public static class Links {
private Links() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String payment;
* (Optional) ID of the [payment](#core-endpoints-payments) that was created from this
* payment request.
public String getPayment() {
return payment;
public static class Resources {
private Resources() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private Customer customer;
private CustomerBankAccount customerBankAccount;
private CustomerBillingDetail customerBillingDetail;
* Embedded customer
public Customer getCustomer() {
return customer;
* Embedded customer bank account, only if a bank account is linked
public CustomerBankAccount getCustomerBankAccount() {
return customerBankAccount;
* Embedded customer billing detail
public CustomerBillingDetail getCustomerBillingDetail() {
return customerBillingDetail;
* Represents a customer resource returned from the API.
* Embedded customer
public static class Customer {
private Customer() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String companyName;
private String createdAt;
private String email;
private String familyName;
private String givenName;
private String id;
private String language;
private Map metadata;
private String phoneNumber;
* Customer's company name. Required unless a `given_name` and `family_name` are
* provided. For Canadian customers, the use of a `company_name` value will mean that
* any mandate created from this customer will be considered to be a "Business PAD"
* (otherwise, any mandate will be considered to be a "Personal PAD").
public String getCompanyName() {
return companyName;
* Fixed [timestamp](#api-usage-time-zones--dates), recording when this resource was
* created.
public String getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
* Customer's email address. Required in most cases, as this allows GoCardless to send
* notifications to this customer.
public String getEmail() {
return email;
* Customer's surname. Required unless a `company_name` is provided.
public String getFamilyName() {
return familyName;
* Customer's first name. Required unless a `company_name` is provided.
public String getGivenName() {
return givenName;
* Unique identifier, beginning with "CU".
public String getId() {
return id;
* [ISO 639-1](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) code. Used as the
* language for notification emails sent by GoCardless if your organisation does not
* send its own (see [compliance requirements](#appendix-compliance-requirements)).
* Currently only "en", "fr", "de", "pt", "es", "it", "nl", "da", "nb", "sl", "sv" are
* supported. If this is not provided, the language will be chosen based on the
* `country_code` (if supplied) or default to "en".
public String getLanguage() {
return language;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* [ITU E.123](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.123) formatted phone number, including
* country code.
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
* Represents a customer bank account resource returned from the API.
* Embedded customer bank account, only if a bank account is linked
public static class CustomerBankAccount {
private CustomerBankAccount() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String accountHolderName;
private String accountNumberEnding;
private AccountType accountType;
private String bankAccountToken;
private String bankName;
private String countryCode;
private String createdAt;
private String currency;
private Boolean enabled;
private String id;
private Links links;
private Map metadata;
* Name of the account holder, as known by the bank. This field will be transliterated,
* upcased and truncated to 18 characters. This field is required unless the request
* includes a [customer bank account
* token](#javascript-flow-customer-bank-account-tokens).
public String getAccountHolderName() {
return accountHolderName;
* The last few digits of the account number. Currently 4 digits for NZD bank accounts
* and 2 digits for other currencies.
public String getAccountNumberEnding() {
return accountNumberEnding;
* Bank account type. Required for USD-denominated bank accounts. Must not be provided
* for bank accounts in other currencies. See [local
* details](#local-bank-details-united-states) for more information.
public AccountType getAccountType() {
return accountType;
* A token to uniquely refer to a set of bank account details. This feature is still in
* early access and is only available for certain organisations.
public String getBankAccountToken() {
return bankAccountToken;
* Name of bank, taken from the bank details.
public String getBankName() {
return bankName;
* [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
* code](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements).
* Defaults to the country code of the `iban` if supplied, otherwise is required.
public String getCountryCode() {
return countryCode;
* Fixed [timestamp](#api-usage-time-zones--dates), recording when this resource was
* created.
public String getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
* [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency code.
* Currently "AUD", "CAD", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "NZD", "SEK" and "USD" are supported.
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
* Boolean value showing whether the bank account is enabled or disabled.
public Boolean getEnabled() {
return enabled;
* Unique identifier, beginning with "BA".
public String getId() {
return id;
public Links getLinks() {
return links;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
public enum AccountType {
SAVINGS, @SerializedName("checking")
CHECKING, @SerializedName("unknown")
public static class Links {
private Links() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String customer;
* ID of the [customer](#core-endpoints-customers) that owns this bank account.
public String getCustomer() {
return customer;
* Represents a customer billing detail resource returned from the API.
* Embedded customer billing detail
public static class CustomerBillingDetail {
private CustomerBillingDetail() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private String addressLine1;
private String addressLine2;
private String addressLine3;
private String city;
private String countryCode;
private String createdAt;
private String danishIdentityNumber;
private String id;
private String ipAddress;
private String postalCode;
private String region;
private List schemes;
private String swedishIdentityNumber;
* The first line of the customer's address.
public String getAddressLine1() {
return addressLine1;
* The second line of the customer's address.
public String getAddressLine2() {
return addressLine2;
* The third line of the customer's address.
public String getAddressLine3() {
return addressLine3;
* The city of the customer's address.
public String getCity() {
return city;
* [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
* code.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements)
public String getCountryCode() {
return countryCode;
* Fixed [timestamp](#api-usage-time-zones--dates), recording when this resource was
* created.
public String getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
* For Danish customers only. The civic/company number (CPR or CVR) of the customer.
* Must be supplied if the customer's bank account is denominated in Danish krone (DKK).
public String getDanishIdentityNumber() {
return danishIdentityNumber;
* Unique identifier, beginning with "CU".
public String getId() {
return id;
* For ACH customers only. Required for ACH customers. A string containing the IP
* address of the payer to whom the mandate belongs (i.e. as a result of their
* completion of a mandate setup flow in their browser).
* Not required for creating offline mandates where `authorisation_source` is set to
* telephone or paper.
public String getIpAddress() {
return ipAddress;
* The customer's postal code.
public String getPostalCode() {
return postalCode;
* The customer's address region, county or department. For US customers a 2 letter
* [ISO3166-2:US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:US) state code is required
* (e.g. `CA` for California).
public String getRegion() {
return region;
* The schemes associated with this customer billing detail
public List getSchemes() {
return schemes;
* For Swedish customers only. The civic/company number (personnummer,
* samordningsnummer, or organisationsnummer) of the customer. Must be supplied if the
* customer's bank account is denominated in Swedish krona (SEK). This field cannot be
* changed once it has been set.
public String getSwedishIdentityNumber() {
return swedishIdentityNumber;
* Represents a subscription request resource returned from the API.
* Request for a subscription
public static class SubscriptionRequest {
private SubscriptionRequest() {
// blank to prevent instantiation
private Integer amount;
private Integer appFee;
private Integer count;
private String currency;
private Integer dayOfMonth;
private Integer interval;
private IntervalUnit intervalUnit;
private Map metadata;
private Month month;
private String name;
private String paymentReference;
private String startDate;
* Amount in the lowest denomination for the currency (e.g. pence in GBP, cents in EUR).
public Integer getAmount() {
return amount;
* The amount to be deducted from each payment as an app fee, to be paid to the partner
* integration which created the subscription, in the lowest denomination for the currency
* (e.g. pence in GBP, cents in EUR).
public Integer getAppFee() {
return appFee;
* The total number of payments that should be taken by this subscription.
public Integer getCount() {
return count;
* [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency code. Currently
* "AUD", "CAD", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "NZD", "SEK" and "USD" are supported.
public String getCurrency() {
return currency;
* As per RFC 2445. The day of the month to charge customers on. `1`-`28` or `-1` to
* indicate the last day of the month.
public Integer getDayOfMonth() {
return dayOfMonth;
* Number of `interval_units` between customer charge dates. Must be greater than or equal
* to `1`. Must result in at least one charge date per year. Defaults to `1`.
public Integer getInterval() {
return interval;
* The unit of time between customer charge dates. One of `weekly`, `monthly` or `yearly`.
public IntervalUnit getIntervalUnit() {
return intervalUnit;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public Map getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* Name of the month on which to charge a customer. Must be lowercase. Only applies when the
* interval_unit is `yearly`.
public Month getMonth() {
return month;
* Optional name for the subscription. This will be set as the description on each payment
* created. Must not exceed 255 characters.
public String getName() {
return name;
* An optional payment reference. This will be set as the reference on each payment created
* and will appear on your customer's bank statement. See the documentation for the [create
* payment endpoint](#payments-create-a-payment) for more details.
* Restricted: You need your own Service User Number to specify a payment
* reference for Bacs payments.
public String getPaymentReference() {
return paymentReference;
* The date on which the first payment should be charged. Must be on or after the
* [mandate](#core-endpoints-mandates)'s `next_possible_charge_date`. When left blank and
* `month` or `day_of_month` are provided, this will be set to the date of the first
* payment. If created without `month` or `day_of_month` this will be set as the mandate's
* `next_possible_charge_date`
public String getStartDate() {
return startDate;
public enum IntervalUnit {
WEEKLY, @SerializedName("monthly")
MONTHLY, @SerializedName("yearly")
YEARLY, @SerializedName("unknown")
public enum Month {
JANUARY, @SerializedName("february")
FEBRUARY, @SerializedName("march")
MARCH, @SerializedName("april")
APRIL, @SerializedName("may")
MAY, @SerializedName("june")
JUNE, @SerializedName("july")
JULY, @SerializedName("august")
AUGUST, @SerializedName("september")
SEPTEMBER, @SerializedName("october")
OCTOBER, @SerializedName("november")
NOVEMBER, @SerializedName("december")
DECEMBER, @SerializedName("unknown")
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