com.gocardless.services.CustomerBankAccountService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.gocardless.services;
import com.gocardless.http.*;
import com.gocardless.resources.CustomerBankAccount;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Service class for working with customer bank account resources.
* Customer Bank Accounts hold the bank details of a [customer](#core-endpoints-customers). They
* always belong to a [customer](#core-endpoints-customers), and may be linked to several Direct
* Debit [mandates](#core-endpoints-mandates).
* Note that customer bank accounts must be unique, and so you will encounter a
* `bank_account_exists` error if you try to create a duplicate bank account. You may wish to handle
* this by updating the existing record instead, the ID of which will be provided as
* `links[customer_bank_account]` in the error response.
* _Note:_ To ensure the customer's bank accounts are valid, verify them first using
* [bank_details_lookups](#bank-details-lookups-perform-a-bank-details-lookup), before proceeding
* with creating the accounts
public class CustomerBankAccountService {
private final HttpClient httpClient;
* Constructor. Users of this library should have no need to call this - an instance of this
* class can be obtained by calling
* {@link com.gocardless.GoCardlessClient#customerBankAccounts() }.
public CustomerBankAccountService(HttpClient httpClient) {
this.httpClient = httpClient;
* Creates a new customer bank account object.
* There are three different ways to supply bank account details:
* - [Local details](#appendix-local-bank-details)
* - IBAN
* - [Customer Bank Account Tokens](#javascript-flow-create-a-customer-bank-account-token)
* For more information on the different fields required in each country, see [local bank
* details](#appendix-local-bank-details).
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest create() {
return new CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest(httpClient);
* Returns a [cursor-paginated](#api-usage-cursor-pagination) list of your bank accounts.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest> list() {
return new CustomerBankAccountListRequest<>(httpClient,
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest> all() {
return new CustomerBankAccountListRequest<>(httpClient,
* Retrieves the details of an existing bank account.
public CustomerBankAccountGetRequest get(String identity) {
return new CustomerBankAccountGetRequest(httpClient, identity);
* Updates a customer bank account object. Only the metadata parameter is allowed.
public CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest update(String identity) {
return new CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest(httpClient, identity);
* Immediately cancels all associated mandates and cancellable payments.
* This will return a `disable_failed` error if the bank account has already been disabled.
* A disabled bank account can be re-enabled by creating a new bank account resource with the
* same details.
public CustomerBankAccountDisableRequest disable(String identity) {
return new CustomerBankAccountDisableRequest(httpClient, identity);
* Request class for {@link CustomerBankAccountService#create }.
* Creates a new customer bank account object.
* There are three different ways to supply bank account details:
* - [Local details](#appendix-local-bank-details)
* - IBAN
* - [Customer Bank Account Tokens](#javascript-flow-create-a-customer-bank-account-token)
* For more information on the different fields required in each country, see [local bank
* details](#appendix-local-bank-details).
public static final class CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest
extends IdempotentPostRequest {
private String accountHolderName;
private String accountNumber;
private AccountType accountType;
private String bankCode;
private String branchCode;
private String countryCode;
private String currency;
private String iban;
private Links links;
private Map metadata;
* Name of the account holder, as known by the bank. This field will be transliterated,
* upcased and truncated to 18 characters. This field is required unless the request
* includes a [customer bank account token](#javascript-flow-customer-bank-account-tokens).
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withAccountHolderName(String accountHolderName) {
this.accountHolderName = accountHolderName;
return this;
* Bank account number - see [local details](#appendix-local-bank-details) for more
* information. Alternatively you can provide an `iban`.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
return this;
* Bank account type. Required for USD-denominated bank accounts. Must not be provided for
* bank accounts in other currencies. See [local details](#local-bank-details-united-states)
* for more information.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withAccountType(AccountType accountType) {
this.accountType = accountType;
return this;
* Bank code - see [local details](#appendix-local-bank-details) for more information.
* Alternatively you can provide an `iban`.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withBankCode(String bankCode) {
this.bankCode = bankCode;
return this;
* Branch code - see [local details](#appendix-local-bank-details) for more information.
* Alternatively you can provide an `iban`.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withBranchCode(String branchCode) {
this.branchCode = branchCode;
return this;
* [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
* code](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements).
* Defaults to the country code of the `iban` if supplied, otherwise is required.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withCountryCode(String countryCode) {
this.countryCode = countryCode;
return this;
* [ISO 4217](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes) currency code. Currently
* "AUD", "CAD", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "NZD", "SEK" and "USD" are supported.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withCurrency(String currency) {
this.currency = currency;
return this;
* International Bank Account Number. Alternatively you can provide [local
* details](#appendix-local-bank-details). IBANs are not accepted for Swedish bank accounts
* denominated in SEK - you must supply [local details](#local-bank-details-sweden).
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withIban(String iban) {
this.iban = iban;
return this;
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withLinks(Links links) {
this.links = links;
return this;
* ID of the [customer](#core-endpoints-customers) that owns this bank account.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withLinksCustomer(String customer) {
if (links == null) {
links = new Links();
return this;
* ID of a [customer bank account token](#javascript-flow-customer-bank-account-tokens) to
* use in place of bank account parameters.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withLinksCustomerBankAccountToken(
String customerBankAccountToken) {
if (links == null) {
links = new Links();
return this;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withMetadata(Map metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
return this;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withMetadata(String key, String value) {
if (metadata == null) {
metadata = new HashMap<>();
metadata.put(key, value);
return this;
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withIdempotencyKey(String idempotencyKey) {
return this;
protected GetRequest handleConflict(HttpClient httpClient, String id) {
CustomerBankAccountGetRequest request =
new CustomerBankAccountGetRequest(httpClient, id);
for (Map.Entry header : this.getCustomHeaders().entrySet()) {
request = request.withHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
return request;
private CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest(HttpClient httpClient) {
public CustomerBankAccountCreateRequest withHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) {
this.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);
return this;
protected String getPathTemplate() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected String getEnvelope() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected Class getResponseClass() {
return CustomerBankAccount.class;
protected boolean hasBody() {
return true;
public enum AccountType {
SAVINGS, @SerializedName("checking")
CHECKING, @SerializedName("unknown")
public String toString() {
return name().toLowerCase();
public static class Links {
private String customer;
private String customerBankAccountToken;
* ID of the [customer](#core-endpoints-customers) that owns this bank account.
public Links withCustomer(String customer) {
this.customer = customer;
return this;
* ID of a [customer bank account token](#javascript-flow-customer-bank-account-tokens)
* to use in place of bank account parameters.
public Links withCustomerBankAccountToken(String customerBankAccountToken) {
this.customerBankAccountToken = customerBankAccountToken;
return this;
* Request class for {@link CustomerBankAccountService#list }.
* Returns a [cursor-paginated](#api-usage-cursor-pagination) list of your bank accounts.
public static final class CustomerBankAccountListRequest
extends ListRequest {
private CreatedAt createdAt;
private String customer;
private Boolean enabled;
* Cursor pointing to the start of the desired set.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withAfter(String after) {
return this;
* Cursor pointing to the end of the desired set.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withBefore(String before) {
return this;
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withCreatedAt(CreatedAt createdAt) {
this.createdAt = createdAt;
return this;
* Limit to records created after the specified date-time.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withCreatedAtGt(String gt) {
if (createdAt == null) {
createdAt = new CreatedAt();
return this;
* Limit to records created on or after the specified date-time.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withCreatedAtGte(String gte) {
if (createdAt == null) {
createdAt = new CreatedAt();
return this;
* Limit to records created before the specified date-time.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withCreatedAtLt(String lt) {
if (createdAt == null) {
createdAt = new CreatedAt();
return this;
* Limit to records created on or before the specified date-time.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withCreatedAtLte(String lte) {
if (createdAt == null) {
createdAt = new CreatedAt();
return this;
* Unique identifier, beginning with "CU".
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withCustomer(String customer) {
this.customer = customer;
return this;
* Get enabled or disabled customer bank accounts.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withEnabled(Boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
return this;
* Number of records to return.
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withLimit(Integer limit) {
return this;
private CustomerBankAccountListRequest(HttpClient httpClient,
ListRequestExecutor executor) {
super(httpClient, executor);
public CustomerBankAccountListRequest withHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) {
this.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);
return this;
protected Map getQueryParams() {
ImmutableMap.Builder params = ImmutableMap.builder();
if (createdAt != null) {
if (customer != null) {
params.put("customer", customer);
if (enabled != null) {
params.put("enabled", enabled);
return params.build();
protected String getPathTemplate() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected String getEnvelope() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected TypeToken> getTypeToken() {
return new TypeToken>() {};
public static class CreatedAt {
private String gt;
private String gte;
private String lt;
private String lte;
* Limit to records created after the specified date-time.
public CreatedAt withGt(String gt) {
this.gt = gt;
return this;
* Limit to records created on or after the specified date-time.
public CreatedAt withGte(String gte) {
this.gte = gte;
return this;
* Limit to records created before the specified date-time.
public CreatedAt withLt(String lt) {
this.lt = lt;
return this;
* Limit to records created on or before the specified date-time.
public CreatedAt withLte(String lte) {
this.lte = lte;
return this;
public Map getQueryParams() {
ImmutableMap.Builder params = ImmutableMap.builder();
if (gt != null) {
params.put("created_at[gt]", gt);
if (gte != null) {
params.put("created_at[gte]", gte);
if (lt != null) {
params.put("created_at[lt]", lt);
if (lte != null) {
params.put("created_at[lte]", lte);
return params.build();
* Request class for {@link CustomerBankAccountService#get }.
* Retrieves the details of an existing bank account.
public static final class CustomerBankAccountGetRequest
extends GetRequest {
private final String identity;
private CustomerBankAccountGetRequest(HttpClient httpClient, String identity) {
this.identity = identity;
public CustomerBankAccountGetRequest withHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) {
this.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);
return this;
protected Map getPathParams() {
ImmutableMap.Builder params = ImmutableMap.builder();
params.put("identity", identity);
return params.build();
protected String getPathTemplate() {
return "customer_bank_accounts/:identity";
protected String getEnvelope() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected Class getResponseClass() {
return CustomerBankAccount.class;
* Request class for {@link CustomerBankAccountService#update }.
* Updates a customer bank account object. Only the metadata parameter is allowed.
public static final class CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest
extends PutRequest {
private final String identity;
private Map metadata;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest withMetadata(Map metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
return this;
* Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50
* characters and values up to 500 characters.
public CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest withMetadata(String key, String value) {
if (metadata == null) {
metadata = new HashMap<>();
metadata.put(key, value);
return this;
private CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest(HttpClient httpClient, String identity) {
this.identity = identity;
public CustomerBankAccountUpdateRequest withHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) {
this.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);
return this;
protected Map getPathParams() {
ImmutableMap.Builder params = ImmutableMap.builder();
params.put("identity", identity);
return params.build();
protected String getPathTemplate() {
return "customer_bank_accounts/:identity";
protected String getEnvelope() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected Class getResponseClass() {
return CustomerBankAccount.class;
protected boolean hasBody() {
return true;
* Request class for {@link CustomerBankAccountService#disable }.
* Immediately cancels all associated mandates and cancellable payments.
* This will return a `disable_failed` error if the bank account has already been disabled.
* A disabled bank account can be re-enabled by creating a new bank account resource with the
* same details.
public static final class CustomerBankAccountDisableRequest
extends PostRequest {
private final String identity;
private CustomerBankAccountDisableRequest(HttpClient httpClient, String identity) {
this.identity = identity;
public CustomerBankAccountDisableRequest withHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) {
this.addHeader(headerName, headerValue);
return this;
protected Map getPathParams() {
ImmutableMap.Builder params = ImmutableMap.builder();
params.put("identity", identity);
return params.build();
protected String getPathTemplate() {
return "customer_bank_accounts/:identity/actions/disable";
protected String getEnvelope() {
return "customer_bank_accounts";
protected Class getResponseClass() {
return CustomerBankAccount.class;
protected boolean hasBody() {
return false;
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