Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017 Goldman Sachs.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.sql.Driver;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ImmutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.Predicates;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Maps;
public class DbEnvironment extends Environment {
private String dbHost;
private int dbPort;
private String dbServer;
private char dataDelimiter = ',';
private String nullToken = "null";
private String tokenPrefix = "${";
private String tokenSuffix = "}";
private DbPlatform systemDbPlatform;
private boolean autoReorgEnabled;
private boolean persistToFile;
private boolean disableAuditTracking;
private ImmutableList permissions = Lists.immutable.empty();
private String jdbcUrl;
private String dbDataSourceName;
private String driverClassName;
private String defaultTablespace;
private ImmutableList groups = Lists.immutable.empty();
private ImmutableList users = Lists.immutable.empty();
private String auditTableSql;
private String ianywhereDriverProperty;
private boolean checksumDetectionEnabled = false;
private boolean invalidObjectCheckEnabled = true;
private boolean reorgCheckEnabled = true;
private int csvVersion = DbPlatformConfiguration.getInstance().getFeatureToggleVersion("csvVersion");
private ImmutableMap extraEnvAttrs;
public DbEnvironment() {
public DbEnvironment createCopy() {
DbEnvironment env = new DbEnvironment();
return env;
public void copyFieldsFrom(Environment baseEnv) {
DbEnvironment env = (DbEnvironment) baseEnv;
this.dbHost = env.dbHost;
this.dbPort = env.dbPort;
this.dbServer = env.dbServer;
this.dataDelimiter = env.dataDelimiter;
this.nullToken = env.nullToken;
this.tokenPrefix = env.tokenPrefix;
this.tokenSuffix = env.tokenSuffix;
this.systemDbPlatform = env.systemDbPlatform;
this.autoReorgEnabled = env.autoReorgEnabled;
this.persistToFile = env.persistToFile;
this.disableAuditTracking = env.disableAuditTracking;
this.permissions = env.permissions;
this.jdbcUrl = env.jdbcUrl;
this.dbDataSourceName = env.dbDataSourceName;
this.driverClassName = env.driverClassName;
this.defaultTablespace = env.defaultTablespace;
this.groups = env.groups;
this.users = env.users;
this.auditTableSql = env.auditTableSql;
this.ianywhereDriverProperty = env.ianywhereDriverProperty;
this.checksumDetectionEnabled = env.checksumDetectionEnabled;
this.invalidObjectCheckEnabled = env.invalidObjectCheckEnabled;
this.reorgCheckEnabled = env.reorgCheckEnabled;
this.csvVersion = env.csvVersion;
this.extraEnvAttrs = env.extraEnvAttrs;
public String getDisplayString() {
String connectionInfo;
if (this.getJdbcUrl() != null) {
connectionInfo = this.getJdbcUrl();
} else if (this.getDbDataSourceName() != null) {
connectionInfo = this.getDbDataSourceName();
} else if (this.getDbServer() != null) {
connectionInfo = this.getDbHost() + ":" + this.getDbPort() + "/" + this.getDbServer();
} else {
connectionInfo = this.getDbHost() + ":" + this.getDbPort();
return super.getDisplayString() + ": Connecting to [" + connectionInfo + "] against schemas ["
+ this.getPhysicalSchemas().collect(PhysicalSchema.TO_PHYSICAL_NAME).makeString(",") + "]";
public String getDbHost() {
return this.dbHost;
public void setDbHost(String dbHost) {
this.dbHost = dbHost;
public int getDbPort() {
return this.dbPort;
public void setDbPort(int dbPort) {
this.dbPort = dbPort;
public String getDbServer() {
return this.dbServer;
public void setDbServer(String dbServer) {
this.dbServer = dbServer;
public String getDbDataSourceName() {
return this.dbDataSourceName;
public void setDbDataSourceName(String dbDataSourceName) {
this.dbDataSourceName = dbDataSourceName;
public String getTokenPrefix() {
return this.tokenPrefix;
public void setTokenPrefix(String tokenPrefix) {
this.tokenPrefix = tokenPrefix == null ? "" : tokenPrefix;
public String getTokenSuffix() {
return this.tokenSuffix;
public void setTokenSuffix(String tokenSuffix) {
this.tokenSuffix = tokenSuffix == null ? "" : tokenSuffix;
* @deprecated use {@link #getPlatform()}
public DbPlatform getDbPlatform() {
return this.getPlatform();
* @deprecated use {@link #setPlatform(Platform)}
public void setDbPlatform(DbPlatform dbPlatform) {
public DbPlatform getSystemDbPlatform() {
return this.systemDbPlatform != null ? this.systemDbPlatform : this.getPlatform();
public void setSystemDbPlatform(DbPlatform systemDbPlatform) {
this.systemDbPlatform = systemDbPlatform;
public boolean isAutoReorgEnabled() {
return this.autoReorgEnabled;
public void setAutoReorgEnabled(boolean autoReorgEnabled) {
this.autoReorgEnabled = autoReorgEnabled;
public ImmutableList getPermissions() {
return this.permissions;
public void setPermissions(ImmutableList permissions) {
this.permissions = permissions;
public char getDataDelimiter() {
return this.dataDelimiter;
public void setDataDelimiter(char dataDelimiter) {
this.dataDelimiter = dataDelimiter;
public String getNullToken() {
return this.nullToken;
public void setNullToken(String nullToken) {
this.nullToken = nullToken;
public boolean isPersistToFile() {
return this.persistToFile;
public void setPersistToFile(boolean persistToFile) {
this.persistToFile = persistToFile;
public boolean isDisableAuditTracking() {
return this.disableAuditTracking;
public void setDisableAuditTracking(boolean disableAuditTracking) {
this.disableAuditTracking = disableAuditTracking;
public String getJdbcUrl() {
return this.jdbcUrl;
public void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
public Class extends Driver> getDriverClass() {
if (this.driverClassName != null) {
try {
return (Class extends Driver>) Class.forName(this.driverClassName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
return this.getPlatform().getDriverClass(this);
* Sets the default driver class to use.
* @see #setDriverClassName(String)
* @deprecated Use {@link #setDriverClassName(String)} instead. Will retire in next version.
public void setDriverClass(Class extends Driver> driverClass) {
public void setDriverClassName(String driverClassName) {
this.driverClassName = driverClassName;
public String getDefaultTablespace() {
return this.defaultTablespace;
public void setDefaultTablespace(String defaultTablespace) {
this.defaultTablespace = defaultTablespace;
public DbTranslationDialect getDbTranslationDialect() {
return getSystemDbPlatform().getDbTranslationDialect(this.getPlatform());
public DbDeployerAppContext getAppContextBuilder() {
return (DbDeployerAppContext) super.getAppContextBuilder();
public DbDeployerAppContext buildAppContext() {
return this.getAppContextBuilder().build();
public DbDeployerAppContext buildAppContext(Credential credential) {
return this.getAppContextBuilder().setCredential(credential).build();
public DbDeployerAppContext buildAppContext(String username, String password) {
return this.getAppContextBuilder().setCredential(new Credential(username, password)).build();
public ImmutableList getGroups() {
// ideally, the groups are defined in the groups field; however, we have not enforced this in the past, and most
// folks just define the groups via the permission schemes. Hence, we add this extra getter here to allow
// clients to get the groups they need
MutableSet groupNames = permissions.flatCollect(Permission.TO_GRANTS).flatCollect(new Function>() {
public Iterable valueOf(Grant grant) {
return grant.getGrantTargets().get(GrantTargetType.GROUP);
MutableSet permissionGroups = groupNames.collect(new Function() {
public Group valueOf(String groupName) {
return new Group(groupName);
permissionGroups.removeIf(Predicates.attributeIn(Group.TO_NAME, this.groups.collect(Group.TO_NAME))); // ensure that we don't duplicate groups across the permissions and config groups list
return this.groups.newWithAll(permissionGroups);
public void setGroups(ImmutableList groups) {
this.groups = groups;
public ImmutableList getUsers() {
// See note in getGroups() on why we get the users from the permissions
MutableSet userNames = permissions.flatCollect(Permission.TO_GRANTS).flatCollect(new Function>() {
public Iterable valueOf(Grant grant) {
return grant.getGrantTargets().get(GrantTargetType.USER);
}).toSet(); // remove duplicates within the permissions list
MutableSet permissionUsers = userNames.collect(new Function() {
public User valueOf(String username) {
return new User(username, null, false);
permissionUsers.removeIf(Predicates.attributeIn(User.TO_NAME, this.users.collect(User.TO_NAME))); // ensure that we don't duplicate users across the permissions and config users list
return this.users.newWithAll(permissionUsers);
public void setUsers(ImmutableList users) {
this.users = users;
* property to store the auditTableSql, in case we want to override the default value as created in SameSchemaChangeAuditDao.
* Ideally, this should never be set or used, but we have this "just in case" so that clients can work around issues
* via this tool and not manually. This is notable for the new Deployer logic that detects if an INIT is required, as
* that logic works in part if the audit table doesn't exist.
public String getAuditTableSql() {
return auditTableSql;
* @see #getAuditTableSql()
public void setAuditTableSql(String auditTableSql) {
this.auditTableSql = auditTableSql;
public String getIanywhereDriverProperty() {
return ianywhereDriverProperty;
public void setIanywhereDriverProperty(String ianywhereDriverProperty) {
this.ianywhereDriverProperty = ianywhereDriverProperty;
public boolean isChecksumDetectionEnabled() {
return checksumDetectionEnabled;
public void setChecksumDetectionEnabled(boolean checksumDetectionEnabled) {
this.checksumDetectionEnabled = checksumDetectionEnabled;
public boolean isInvalidObjectCheckEnabled() {
return invalidObjectCheckEnabled;
public void setInvalidObjectCheckEnabled(boolean invalidObjectCheckEnabled) {
this.invalidObjectCheckEnabled = invalidObjectCheckEnabled;
public boolean isReorgCheckEnabled() {
return reorgCheckEnabled;
public void setReorgCheckEnabled(boolean reorgCheckEnabled) {
this.reorgCheckEnabled = reorgCheckEnabled;
public int getCsvVersion() {
return csvVersion;
public void setCsvVersion(int csvVersion) {
this.csvVersion = csvVersion;
public ImmutableMap getExtraEnvAttrs() {
return extraEnvAttrs == null ? Maps.immutable.empty() : extraEnvAttrs;
public void setExtraEnvAttrs(ImmutableMap extraEnvAttrs) {
this.extraEnvAttrs = extraEnvAttrs;
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