Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017 Goldman Sachs.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.LazyIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function0;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.ObjectIntProcedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ImmutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.set.MutableSetMultimap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.Predicates;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.StringPredicates;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Maps;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Multimaps;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Sets;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.Tuples;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public abstract class AbstractDdlReveng {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDdlReveng.class);
private final DbPlatform platform;
private final MultiLineStringSplitter stringSplitter;
private final ImmutableList> skipPredicates;
private ImmutableList> skipLinePredicates;
private final ImmutableList revengPatterns;
private final Procedure2 postProcessChange;
private String startQuote = "";
private String endQuote = "";
private boolean skipSchemaValidation = false;
public static String removeQuotes(String input) {
Pattern compile = Pattern.compile("\"([A-Z_0-9]+)\"", Pattern.DOTALL);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(input.length());
Matcher matcher = compile.matcher(input);
while (matcher.find()) {
return sb.toString();
public static AbstractDdlReveng.LineParseOutput substituteTablespace(String input) {
Pattern compile = Pattern.compile("(\\s+IN\\s+)\"(\\w+)\"(\\s*)", Pattern.DOTALL);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(input.length());
String addedToken = null;
String addedValue = null;
Matcher matcher = compile.matcher(input);
if (matcher.find()) {
addedToken = + "_token";
addedValue =;
matcher.appendReplacement(sb, + "\"\\${" + addedToken + "}\"" +;
return new AbstractDdlReveng.LineParseOutput(sb.toString()).withToken(addedToken, addedValue);
protected static final Function REMOVE_QUOTES = new Function() {
public AbstractDdlReveng.LineParseOutput valueOf(String input) {
return new AbstractDdlReveng.LineParseOutput(removeQuotes(input));
protected static final Function REPLACE_TABLESPACE = new Function() {
public AbstractDdlReveng.LineParseOutput valueOf(String input) {
return substituteTablespace(input);
protected AbstractDdlReveng(DbPlatform platform, MultiLineStringSplitter stringSplitter, ImmutableList> skipPredicates, ImmutableList revengPatterns, Procedure2 postProcessChange) {
this.platform = platform;
this.stringSplitter = stringSplitter;
this.skipPredicates = skipPredicates;
this.revengPatterns = revengPatterns;
Procedure2 noOpProcedure = new Procedure2() {
public void value(ChangeEntry changeEntry, String s) {
this.postProcessChange = ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(postProcessChange, noOpProcedure);
static String getCatalogSchemaObjectPattern(String startQuoteStr, String endQuoteStr) {
return "(?:" + namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr) + "\\.)?"
+ "(?:" + namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr) + "\\.)?" + namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr);
protected static String getSchemaObjectPattern(String startQuoteStr, String endQuoteStr) {
return "(?:" + namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr) + "\\.)?" + namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr);
protected static String getObjectPattern(String startQuoteStr, String endQuoteStr) {
return namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr);
protected static String getSchemaObjectWithPrefixPattern(String startQuoteStr, String endQuoteStr, String objectNamePrefix) {
return "(?:" + namePattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr) + "\\.)?" + nameWithPrefixPattern(startQuoteStr, endQuoteStr, objectNamePrefix);
private static String namePattern(String startQuoteStr, String endQuoteStr) {
return "(?:(?:" + startQuoteStr + ")?(\\w+)(?:" + endQuoteStr + ")?)";
private static String nameWithPrefixPattern(String startQuoteStr, String endQuoteStr, String prefix) {
return "(?:(?:" + startQuoteStr + ")?(" + prefix + "\\w+)(?:" + endQuoteStr + ")?)";
public void reveng(AquaRevengArgs args) {
if (args.getInputPath() == null) {
File file = printInstructions(System.out, args);
if (file != null) {
System.out.println("Interim reverse-engineering from the vendor tool is complete.");
System.out.println("Content was written to: " + file);
System.out.println("Proceeding with full reverse-engineering: " + file);
System.out.println("*** In case the interim content had issues when reverse-engineering to the final output, you can update the interim files and restart from there (without going back to the DB) by specifying the following argument:");
System.out.println(" -inputPath " + ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(args.getOutputPath(), ""));
revengMain(file, args);
} else {
System.out.println("Once those steps are done, rerun the reverse-engineering command you just ran, but add the following argument based on the value passed in above the argument:");
System.out.println(" -inputPath " + ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(args.getOutputPath(), ""));
System.out.println("If you need more information on the vendor reverse engineer process, see the doc:");
} else {
revengMain(args.getInputPath(), args);
protected void setSkipLinePredicates(ImmutableList> skipLinePredicates) {
this.skipLinePredicates = skipLinePredicates;
protected void setStartQuote(String startQuote) {
this.startQuote = startQuote;
protected void setEndQuote(String endQuote) {
this.endQuote = endQuote;
* Temporary feature to allow us to handle subschemas in MS SQL. We should retire this once we fully support
* database + schema combos in Obevo.
protected void setSkipSchemaValidation(boolean skipSchemaValidation) {
this.skipSchemaValidation = skipSchemaValidation;
* Either generate the file or directory with the DB schema information to reverse engineer given the input args,
* or print out instructions for the user on how to generate it.
* @param out The printstream to use in the implementing function to give output to the user.
* @param args The db args to reverse engineer
* @return The file or directory that has the reverse-engineered content, or null if the user should instead invoke the reverse-engineering command separately
protected abstract File printInstructions(PrintStream out, AquaRevengArgs args);
private void revengMain(File inputPath, final AquaRevengArgs args) {
final MutableList files;
if (inputPath.isFile()) {
files = Lists.mutable.of(inputPath);
} else {
files = Lists.mutable.empty();
try {
Files.walkFileTree(inputPath.toPath(), new SimpleFileVisitor() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
File fileObj = file.toFile();
if (fileObj.isFile()) {
return super.visitFile(file, attrs);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
MutableList fileProcessingContexts = files.collect(new Function() {
public FileProcessingContext valueOf(File file) {
MutableList sqlSnippets = getSqlSnippets(file);
final MutableList> snippetPatternMatchPairs = sqlSnippets
.reject(new Predicate>() {
public boolean accept(Pair each) {
RevengPatternOutput patternMatch = each.getTwo();
return !skipSchemaValidation && patternMatch != null && patternMatch.getSchema() != null && patternMatch.getSubSchema() == null && !patternMatch.getSchema().equalsIgnoreCase(args.getDbSchema());
return new FileProcessingContext(file, snippetPatternMatchPairs);
final SchemaObjectReplacer schemaObjectReplacer = new SchemaObjectReplacer();
for (FileProcessingContext fileProcessingContext : fileProcessingContexts) {
for (Pair snippetPatternMatchPair : fileProcessingContext.getSnippetPatternMatchPairs()) {
final MutableList changeEntries = fileProcessingContexts.flatCollect(new Function>() {
public Iterable valueOf(FileProcessingContext fileProcessingContext) {
String schema = getObjectSchema(args.getDbSchema(), fileProcessingContext.getFile().getName());
return revengFile(schemaObjectReplacer, fileProcessingContext.getSnippetPatternMatchPairs(), schema);
new RevengWriter().write(platform, changeEntries, new File(args.getOutputPath(), "final"), args.isGenerateBaseline(), RevengWriter.defaultShouldOverwritePredicate(), args.getJdbcUrl(), args.getDbHost(), args.getDbPort(), args.getDbServer(), args.getExcludeObjects());
* Returns the schema name to use for the given file. This implementation can vary depending on the DBMS type.
protected String getObjectSchema(String inputSchema, String fileName) {
return inputSchema;
private static class FileProcessingContext {
private final File file;
private final MutableList> snippetPatternMatchPairs;
FileProcessingContext(File file, MutableList> snippetPatternMatchPairs) {
this.file = file;
this.snippetPatternMatchPairs = snippetPatternMatchPairs;
File getFile() {
return file;
MutableList> getSnippetPatternMatchPairs() {
return snippetPatternMatchPairs;
private MutableList revengFile(SchemaObjectReplacer schemaObjectReplacer, MutableList> snippetPatternMatchPairs, String inputSchema) {
final MutableList changeEntries = Lists.mutable.empty();
MutableMap countByObject = Maps.mutable.empty();
int selfOrder = 0;
String candidateObject = "UNKNOWN";
ChangeType candidateObjectType = UnclassifiedChangeType.INSTANCE;
for (Pair snippetPatternMatchPair : snippetPatternMatchPairs) {
String sqlSnippet = snippetPatternMatchPair.getOne();
try {
sqlSnippet = removeQuotesFromProcxmode(sqlSnippet); // sybase ASE
RevengPattern chosenRevengPattern = null;
String secondaryName = null;
RevengPatternOutput patternMatch = snippetPatternMatchPair.getTwo();
if (patternMatch != null) {
chosenRevengPattern = patternMatch.getRevengPattern();
candidateObject = patternMatch.getPrimaryName();
if (patternMatch.getSecondaryName() != null) {
secondaryName = patternMatch.getSecondaryName();
candidateObjectType = platform.getChangeType(patternMatch.getRevengPattern().getChangeType());
// Ignore other schemas that may have been found in your parsing (came up during HSQLDB use case)
sqlSnippet = schemaObjectReplacer.replaceSnippet(sqlSnippet);
AtomicInteger objectOrder2 = countByObject.getIfAbsentPut(candidateObject, new Function0() {
public AtomicInteger value() {
return new AtomicInteger(0);
if (secondaryName == null) {
secondaryName = "change" + objectOrder2.getAndIncrement();
RevEngDestination destination = new RevEngDestination(inputSchema, candidateObjectType, candidateObject, false);
String annotation = chosenRevengPattern != null ? chosenRevengPattern.getAnnotation() : null;
MutableList> postProcessSqls = chosenRevengPattern != null ? chosenRevengPattern.getPostProcessSqls() : Lists.mutable.>empty();
for (Function postProcessSql : postProcessSqls) {
LineParseOutput lineParseOutput = postProcessSql.valueOf(sqlSnippet);
sqlSnippet = lineParseOutput.getLineOutput();
Integer suggestedOrder = patternMatch != null ? patternMatch.getRevengPattern().getSuggestedOrder() : null;
ChangeEntry change = new ChangeEntry(destination, sqlSnippet + "\nGO", secondaryName, annotation, ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(suggestedOrder, selfOrder++));
postProcessChange.value(change, sqlSnippet);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed parsing on statement " + sqlSnippet, e);
return changeEntries;
private final Function> patternMatchSnippet = new Function>() {
public Pair valueOf(String sqlSnippet) {
for (RevengPattern revengPattern : revengPatterns) {
RevengPatternOutput patternMatch = revengPattern.evaluate(sqlSnippet);
if (patternMatch != null) {
return Tuples.pair(sqlSnippet, patternMatch);
return Tuples.pair(sqlSnippet, null);
private class SchemaObjectReplacer {
private final MutableSet objectNames = Sets.mutable.empty();
private final MutableSetMultimap objectToSchemasMap = Multimaps.mutable.set.empty();
private final MutableSetMultimap objectToSubSchemasMap = Multimaps.mutable.set.empty();
void addPatternMatch(RevengPatternOutput patternMatch) {
if (patternMatch != null) {
LOG.debug("Found object: {}", patternMatch);
if (patternMatch.getSchema() != null) {
objectToSchemasMap.put(patternMatch.getPrimaryName(), patternMatch.getSchema());
if (patternMatch.getSubSchema() != null) {
objectToSubSchemasMap.put(patternMatch.getPrimaryName(), patternMatch.getSubSchema());
String replaceSnippet(String sqlSnippet) {
for (RevengPatternOutput objectOutput : objectNames) {
MutableSet replacerSchemas = objectToSchemasMap.get(objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
if (replacerSchemas == null || replacerSchemas.isEmpty()) {
replacerSchemas = objectToSchemasMap.valuesView().toSet();
MutableSet replacerSubSchemas = objectToSubSchemasMap.get(objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
if (replacerSubSchemas == null || replacerSubSchemas.isEmpty()) {
replacerSubSchemas = objectToSubSchemasMap.valuesView().toSet();
LOG.debug("Using replacer schemas {} and subschemas {} on object {}", replacerSchemas, replacerSubSchemas, objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
if (replacerSubSchemas.notEmpty()) {
LazyIterable> pairs = replacerSchemas.cartesianProduct(replacerSubSchemas);
for (Pair pair : pairs) {
String replacerSchema = pair.getOne();
String replacerSubSchema = pair.getTwo();
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaAndSubschemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSchema, replacerSubSchema, objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaAndSubschemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSchema, replacerSubSchema, objectOutput.getSecondaryName());
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaAndSubschemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSchema, "", objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaAndSubschemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSchema, "", objectOutput.getSecondaryName());
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSubSchema, objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSubSchema, objectOutput.getSecondaryName());
} else {
for (String replacerSchema : replacerSchemas) {
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSchema, objectOutput.getPrimaryName());
if (objectOutput.getSecondaryName() != null) {
sqlSnippet = replaceSchemaInSnippet(sqlSnippet, replacerSchema, objectOutput.getSecondaryName());
return sqlSnippet;
private String replaceSchemaInSnippet(String sqlSnippet, String inputSchema, String objectName) {
for (boolean useQuotes : Lists.fixedSize.of(true, false)) {
String sQuote = useQuotes ? startQuote : "";
String eQuote = useQuotes ? endQuote : "";
sqlSnippet = sqlSnippet.replaceAll(sQuote + inputSchema + "\\s*" + eQuote + "\\." + sQuote + objectName + eQuote,
replaceSchemaObject(inputSchema, objectName, sQuote, eQuote)
return sqlSnippet;
private String replaceSchemaAndSubschemaInSnippet(String sqlSnippet, String inputSchema, String inputSubschema, String objectName) {
for (boolean useQuotes : Lists.fixedSize.of(true, false)) {
String sQuote = useQuotes ? startQuote : "";
String eQuote = useQuotes ? endQuote : "";
sqlSnippet = sqlSnippet.replaceAll(sQuote + inputSchema + "\\s*" + eQuote + "\\." + sQuote + inputSubschema + "\\s*" + eQuote + "\\." + sQuote + objectName + eQuote,
replaceSchemaSubschemaObject(inputSchema, inputSubschema, objectName, sQuote, eQuote)
return sqlSnippet;
protected String replaceSchemaObject(String inputSchema, String objectName, String sQuote, String eQuote) {
return objectName;
// return sQuote + inputSchema + eQuote + "." + sQuote + objectName + eQuote;
private String replaceSchemaSubschemaObject(String inputSchema, String inputSubschema, String objectName, String sQuote, String eQuote) {
return objectName;
// return sQuote + inputSchema + eQuote + "." + sQuote + inputSubschema + eQuote + "." + sQuote + objectName + eQuote;
private MutableList getSqlSnippets(File file) {
final MutableList dataLines;
dataLines = FileUtilsCobra.readLines(file);
dataLines.forEachWithIndex(new ObjectIntProcedure() {
public void value(String line, int i) {
if (!line.isEmpty() && line.charAt(0) == '\uFEFF') {
dataLines.set(i, dataLines.get(i).substring(1));
if (line.startsWith("--------------------")
&& dataLines.get(i + 1).startsWith("-- DDL Statements")
&& dataLines.get(i + 2).startsWith("--------------------")) {
dataLines.set(i, "");
dataLines.set(i + 1, "");
dataLines.set(i + 2, "");
} else if (line.startsWith("--------------------")
&& dataLines.get(i + 2).startsWith("-- DDL Statements")
&& dataLines.get(i + 4).startsWith("--------------------")) {
dataLines.set(i, "");
dataLines.set(i + 1, "");
dataLines.set(i + 2, "");
dataLines.set(i + 3, "");
dataLines.set(i + 4, "");
} else if (line.startsWith("-- DDL Statements for ")) {
dataLines.set(i, "");
// For PostgreSQL
if ((line.equals("--")
&& dataLines.get(i + 1).startsWith("-- Name: ")
&& dataLines.get(i + 2).equals("--"))) {
dataLines.set(i, "");
dataLines.set(i + 1, "GO");
dataLines.set(i + 2, "");
MutableList sqlSnippets;
if (stringSplitter != null) {
String data = dataLines
.reject(skipLinePredicates != null ? Predicates.or(skipLinePredicates) : (Predicate) Predicates.alwaysFalse())
sqlSnippets = stringSplitter.valueOf(data);
} else {
// If null, then default each line to being its own parsable statement
sqlSnippets = dataLines
.reject(skipLinePredicates != null ? Predicates.or(skipLinePredicates) : (Predicate) Predicates.alwaysFalse());
sqlSnippets = sqlSnippets.collect(new Function() {
public String valueOf(String sqlSnippet) {
return StringUtils.stripStart(sqlSnippet, "\r\n \t");
sqlSnippets =;
return sqlSnippets;
protected DbEnvironment getDbEnvironment(AquaRevengArgs args) {
DbEnvironment env = new DbEnvironment();
if (args.getDbPort() != null) {
if (args.getDriverClass() != null) {
} else {
return env;
* TODO move to Sybase subclass.
private String removeQuotesFromProcxmode(String input) {
Pattern compile = Pattern.compile("sp_procxmode '(?:\")(.*?)(?:\")'", Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = compile.matcher(input);
if (matcher.find()) {
return matcher.replaceAll("sp_procxmode '" + + "'");
} else {
return input;
public static class LineParseOutput {
private String lineOutput;
private MutableMap tokens = Maps.mutable.empty();
public LineParseOutput() {
public LineParseOutput(String lineOutput) {
this.lineOutput = lineOutput;
public String getLineOutput() {
return lineOutput;
public void setLineOutput(String lineOutput) {
this.lineOutput = lineOutput;
public MutableMap getTokens() {
return tokens;
public void addToken(String key, String value) {
tokens.put(key, value);
LineParseOutput withToken(String key, String value) {
tokens.put(key, value);
return this;
public enum NamePatternType {
private final int numParts;
NamePatternType(int numParts) {
this.numParts = numParts;
Integer getSchemaIndex(int groupIndex) {
switch (numParts) {
case 2:
return groupIndex * numParts - 1;
case 3:
return groupIndex * numParts - 2;
return null;
Integer getSubSchemaIndex(int groupIndex) {
switch (numParts) {
case 3:
return groupIndex * numParts - 1;
return null;
int getObjectIndex(int groupIndex) {
return groupIndex * numParts;
public static class RevengPattern {
private final String changeType;
private final NamePatternType namePatternType;
private final Pattern pattern;
private final int primaryNameIndex;
private final Integer secondaryNameIndex;
private final String annotation;
private final MutableList> postProcessSqls = Lists.mutable.empty();
private Integer suggestedOrder;
public static final Function TO_CHANGE_TYPE = new Function() {
public String valueOf(RevengPattern revengPattern) {
return revengPattern.getChangeType();
public RevengPattern(String changeType, NamePatternType namePatternType, String pattern) {
this(changeType, namePatternType, pattern, 1);
private RevengPattern(String changeType, NamePatternType namePatternType, String pattern, int primaryNameIndex) {
this(changeType, namePatternType, pattern, primaryNameIndex, null, null);
public RevengPattern(String changeType, NamePatternType namePatternType, String pattern, int primaryNameIndex, Integer secondaryNameIndex, String annotation) {
this.changeType = changeType;
this.namePatternType = namePatternType;
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.DOTALL);
this.primaryNameIndex = primaryNameIndex;
this.secondaryNameIndex = secondaryNameIndex;
this.annotation = annotation;
String getChangeType() {
return changeType;
public NamePatternType getNamePatternType() {
return namePatternType;
public Pattern getPattern() {
return pattern;
public int getPrimaryNameIndex() {
return primaryNameIndex;
public Integer getSecondaryNameIndex() {
return secondaryNameIndex;
String getAnnotation() {
return annotation;
MutableList> getPostProcessSqls() {
return postProcessSqls;
* See {@link #withSuggestedOrder(Integer)}.
Integer getSuggestedOrder() {
return suggestedOrder;
public RevengPattern withPostProcessSql(Function postProcessSql) {
return this;
* A hint to the reverse-engineering where the resultant change should be ordered, relative to other changes.
* The default order is 0. This is needed for cases where changes for a particular object are spread across
* files in the input.
public RevengPattern withSuggestedOrder(Integer suggestedOrder) {
this.suggestedOrder = suggestedOrder;
return this;
private String getme(Matcher matcher, Integer index) {
if (index == null) {
return null;
public RevengPatternOutput evaluate(String input) {
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
if (matcher.find()) {
String primaryName =;
String schema = getme(matcher, namePatternType.getSchemaIndex(primaryNameIndex));
String subSchema = getme(matcher, namePatternType.getSubSchemaIndex(primaryNameIndex));
String secondaryName = null;
if (secondaryNameIndex != null) {
secondaryName =;
if (schema == null) {
schema = getme(matcher, namePatternType.getSchemaIndex(secondaryNameIndex));
if (subSchema == null) {
subSchema = getme(matcher, namePatternType.getSubSchemaIndex(secondaryNameIndex));
return new RevengPatternOutput(this, primaryName, secondaryName, schema, subSchema, input);
return null;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this)
.append("changeType", changeType)
.append("namePatternType", namePatternType)
.append("pattern", pattern)
.append("primaryNameIndex", primaryNameIndex)
.append("secondaryNameIndex", secondaryNameIndex)
.append("annotation", annotation)
.append("postProcessSqls", postProcessSqls)
public static class RevengPatternOutput {
private final RevengPattern revengPattern;
private final String primaryName;
private final String secondaryName;
private final String schema;
private final String subSchema;
private final String revisedLine;
RevengPatternOutput(RevengPattern revengPattern, String primaryName, String secondaryName, String schema, String subSchema, String revisedLine) {
this.revengPattern = revengPattern;
this.primaryName = primaryName;
this.secondaryName = secondaryName;
this.schema = schema;
this.subSchema = subSchema;
this.revisedLine = revisedLine;
RevengPattern getRevengPattern() {
return revengPattern;
public String getPrimaryName() {
return primaryName;
String getSecondaryName() {
return secondaryName;
String getSchema() {
return schema;
String getSubSchema() {
return subSchema;
public String getRevisedLine() {
return revisedLine;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
.append("schema", schema)
.append("subSchema", subSchema)
.append("primaryName", primaryName)
.append("secondaryName", secondaryName)
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
RevengPatternOutput that = (RevengPatternOutput) o;
return Objects.equals(primaryName, that.primaryName) &&
Objects.equals(secondaryName, that.secondaryName) &&
Objects.equals(schema, that.schema) &&
Objects.equals(subSchema, that.subSchema);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(primaryName, secondaryName, schema, subSchema);
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