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Copyright 2016 Goldman Sachs.
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software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
public final class ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap implements Externalizable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Object RESIZE_SENTINEL = new Object();
private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
* The maximum capacity, used if a higher value is implicitly specified
* by either of the constructors with arguments.
* MUST be a power of two <= 1<<30.
private static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater TABLE_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.class, AtomicReferenceArray.class, "table");
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater SIZE_UPDATER = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.class, "size");
private static final Object RESIZED = new Object();
private static final Object RESIZING = new Object();
private static final int PARTITIONED_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 4096; // chosen to keep size below 1% of the total size of the map
private static final int SIZE_BUCKETS = 7;
* The table, resized as necessary. Length MUST Always be a power of two.
private volatile AtomicReferenceArray table;
private AtomicIntegerArray partitionedSize;
private volatile int size; // updated via atomic field updater
public ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap()
public ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap(int initialCapacity)
if (initialCapacity < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Initial Capacity: " + initialCapacity);
if (initialCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
int threshold = initialCapacity;
threshold += threshold >> 1; // threshold = length * 0.75
int capacity = 1;
while (capacity < threshold)
capacity <<= 1;
this.partitionedSize = new AtomicIntegerArray(SIZE_BUCKETS * 16); // we want 7 extra slots and 64 bytes for each slot. int is 4 bytes, so 64 bytes is 16 ints.
this.table = new AtomicReferenceArray(capacity + 1);
public static ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap newMap()
return new ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap();
public static ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap newMap(int newSize)
return new ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap(newSize);
private static int indexFor(int h, int length)
return h & length - 2;
// public V putIfAbsent(int key, V value)
// {
// int hash = this.hash(key);
// AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
// while (true)
// {
// int length = currentArray.length();
// int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
// Object o = currentArray.get(index);
// if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
// {
// currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
// }
// else
// {
// Entry e = (Entry) o;
// while (e != null)
// {
// int candidate = e.getKey();
// if (candidate== key)
// {
// return e.getValue();
// }
// e = e.getNext();
// }
// Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, value, (Entry) o);
// if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
// {
// this.incrementSizeAndPossiblyResize(currentArray, length, o);
// return null; // per the contract of putIfAbsent, we return null when the map didn't have this key before
// }
// }
// }
// }
private void incrementSizeAndPossiblyResize(AtomicReferenceArray currentArray, int length, Object prev)
if (prev != null)
int localSize = this.size();
int threshold = (length >> 1) + (length >> 2); // threshold = length * 0.75
if (localSize + 1 > threshold)
private int hash(int key)
int h = key;
h ^= h >>> 20 ^ h >>> 12;
h ^= h >>> 7 ^ h >>> 4;
return h;
private AtomicReferenceArray helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(AtomicReferenceArray currentArray, int index)
AtomicReferenceArray newArray = this.helpWithResize(currentArray);
int helpCount = 0;
while (currentArray.get(index) != RESIZED)
newArray = this.helpWithResize(currentArray);
if ((helpCount & 7) == 0)
return newArray;
private AtomicReferenceArray helpWithResize(AtomicReferenceArray currentArray)
ResizeContainer resizeContainer = (ResizeContainer) currentArray.get(currentArray.length() - 1);
AtomicReferenceArray newTable = resizeContainer.nextArray;
if (resizeContainer.getQueuePosition() > ResizeContainer.QUEUE_INCREMENT)
this.reverseTransfer(currentArray, resizeContainer);
return newTable;
private void resize(AtomicReferenceArray oldTable)
this.resize(oldTable, (oldTable.length() - 1 << 1) + 1);
// newSize must be a power of 2 + 1
private void resize(AtomicReferenceArray oldTable, int newSize)
int oldCapacity = oldTable.length();
int end = oldCapacity - 1;
Object last = oldTable.get(end);
if (this.size() < end && last == RESIZE_SENTINEL)
if (oldCapacity >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
throw new RuntimeException("index is too large!");
ResizeContainer resizeContainer = null;
boolean ownResize = false;
if (last == null || last == RESIZE_SENTINEL)
synchronized (oldTable) // allocating a new array is too expensive to make this an atomic operation
if (oldTable.get(end) == null)
oldTable.set(end, RESIZE_SENTINEL);
if (this.partitionedSize == null && newSize >= PARTITIONED_SIZE_THRESHOLD)
this.partitionedSize = new AtomicIntegerArray(SIZE_BUCKETS * 16);
resizeContainer = new ResizeContainer(new AtomicReferenceArray(newSize), oldTable.length() - 1);
oldTable.set(end, resizeContainer);
ownResize = true;
if (ownResize)
this.transfer(oldTable, resizeContainer);
AtomicReferenceArray src = this.table;
while (!TABLE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, oldTable, resizeContainer.nextArray))
// we're in a double resize situation; we'll have to go help until it's our turn to set the table
if (src != oldTable)
* Transfer all entries from src to dest tables
private void transfer(AtomicReferenceArray src, ResizeContainer resizeContainer)
AtomicReferenceArray dest = resizeContainer.nextArray;
for (int j = 0; j < src.length() - 1; )
Object o = src.get(j);
if (o == null)
if (src.compareAndSet(j, null, RESIZED))
else if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
j = (j & ~(ResizeContainer.QUEUE_INCREMENT - 1)) + ResizeContainer.QUEUE_INCREMENT;
if (resizeContainer.resizers.get() == 1)
Entry e = (Entry) o;
if (src.compareAndSet(j, o, RESIZING))
while (e != null)
this.unconditionalCopy(dest, e);
e = e.getNext();
src.set(j, RESIZED);
private void reverseTransfer(AtomicReferenceArray src, ResizeContainer resizeContainer)
AtomicReferenceArray dest = resizeContainer.nextArray;
while (resizeContainer.getQueuePosition() > 0)
int start = resizeContainer.subtractAndGetQueuePosition();
int end = start + ResizeContainer.QUEUE_INCREMENT;
if (end > 0)
if (start < 0)
start = 0;
for (int j = end - 1; j >= start; )
Object o = src.get(j);
if (o == null)
if (src.compareAndSet(j, null, RESIZED))
else if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
Entry e = (Entry) o;
if (src.compareAndSet(j, o, RESIZING))
while (e != null)
this.unconditionalCopy(dest, e);
e = e.getNext();
src.set(j, RESIZED);
private void unconditionalCopy(AtomicReferenceArray dest, Entry toCopyEntry)
int hash = this.hash(toCopyEntry.getKey());
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = dest;
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = ((ResizeContainer) currentArray.get(length - 1)).nextArray;
Entry newEntry;
if (o == null)
if (toCopyEntry.getNext() == null)
newEntry = toCopyEntry; // no need to duplicate
newEntry = new Entry(toCopyEntry.getKey(), toCopyEntry.getValue());
newEntry = new Entry(toCopyEntry.getKey(), toCopyEntry.getValue(), (Entry) o);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
// public V getIfAbsentPut(int key, Function0 extends V> factory)
// {
// int hash = this.hash(key);
// AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
// V newValue = null;
// boolean createdValue = false;
// while (true)
// {
// int length = currentArray.length();
// int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
// Object o = currentArray.get(index);
// if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
// {
// currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
// }
// else
// {
// Entry e = (Entry) o;
// while (e != null)
// {
// int candidate = e.getKey();
// if (candidate == key)
// {
// return e.getValue();
// }
// e = e.getNext();
// }
// if (!createdValue)
// {
// createdValue = true;
// newValue = factory.value();
// }
// Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, newValue, (Entry) o);
// if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
// {
// this.incrementSizeAndPossiblyResize(currentArray, length, o);
// return newValue;
// }
// }
// }
// }
public boolean remove(int key, Object value)
int hash = this.hash(key);
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
//noinspection LabeledStatement
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key && this.nullSafeEquals(e.getValue(), value))
Entry replacement = this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, replacement))
return true;
//noinspection ContinueStatementWithLabel
continue outer;
e = e.getNext();
return false;
private void addToSize(int value)
if (this.partitionedSize != null)
if (this.incrementPartitionedSize(value))
private boolean incrementPartitionedSize(int value)
int h = (int) Thread.currentThread().getId();
h ^= (h >>> 18) ^ (h >>> 12);
h = (h ^ (h >>> 10)) & SIZE_BUCKETS;
if (h != 0)
h = (h - 1) << 4;
while (true)
int localSize = this.partitionedSize.get(h);
if (this.partitionedSize.compareAndSet(h, localSize, localSize + value))
return true;
return false;
private void incrementLocalSize(int value)
while (true)
int localSize = this.size;
if (SIZE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, localSize, localSize + value))
public int size()
int localSize = this.size;
if (this.partitionedSize != null)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_BUCKETS; i++)
localSize += this.partitionedSize.get(i << 4);
return localSize;
public boolean isEmpty()
return this.size() == 0;
public boolean containsKey(int key)
return this.getEntry(key) != null;
public boolean containsValue(Object value)
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
ResizeContainer resizeContainer;
resizeContainer = null;
for (int i = 0; i < currentArray.length() - 1; i++)
Object o = currentArray.get(i);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
resizeContainer = (ResizeContainer) currentArray.get(currentArray.length() - 1);
else if (o != null)
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
Object v = e.getValue();
if (this.nullSafeEquals(v, value))
return true;
e = e.getNext();
if (resizeContainer != null)
if (resizeContainer.isNotDone())
currentArray = resizeContainer.nextArray;
while (resizeContainer != null);
return false;
private boolean nullSafeEquals(Object v, Object value)
return v == value || v != null && v.equals(value);
public V get(int key)
int hash = this.hash(key);
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, currentArray.length());
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
return this.slowGet(key, hash, index, currentArray);
for (Entry e = (Entry) o; e != null; e = e.getNext())
int k;
if ((k = e.key) == key)
return e.value;
return null;
private V slowGet(int key, int hash, int index, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray)
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key)
return e.getValue();
e = e.getNext();
return null;
private Entry getEntry(int key)
int hash = this.hash(key);
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key)
return e;
e = e.getNext();
return null;
public V put(int key, V value)
int hash = this.hash(key);
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == null)
Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, value, null);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, null, newEntry))
return null;
return this.slowPut(key, value, hash, currentArray);
private V slowPut(int key, V value, int hash, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray)
//noinspection LabeledStatement
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key)
V oldValue = e.getValue();
Entry newEntry = new Entry(e.getKey(), value, this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e));
if (!currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
//noinspection ContinueStatementWithLabel
continue outer;
return oldValue;
e = e.getNext();
Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, value, (Entry) o);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
this.incrementSizeAndPossiblyResize(currentArray, length, o);
return null;
public void clear()
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
ResizeContainer resizeContainer;
resizeContainer = null;
for (int i = 0; i < currentArray.length() - 1; i++)
Object o = currentArray.get(i);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
resizeContainer = (ResizeContainer) currentArray.get(currentArray.length() - 1);
else if (o != null)
Entry e = (Entry) o;
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(i, o, null))
int removedEntries = 0;
while (e != null)
e = e.getNext();
if (resizeContainer != null)
if (resizeContainer.isNotDone())
currentArray = resizeContainer.nextArray;
while (resizeContainer != null);
// public IntSet keySet()
// {
// return new KeySet();
// }
public Collection values()
return new Values();
// public boolean replace(int key, V oldValue, V newValue)
// {
// int hash = this.hash(key);
// AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
// int length = currentArray.length();
// int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
// Object o = currentArray.get(index);
// if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
// {
// return this.slowReplace(key, oldValue, newValue, hash, currentArray);
// }
// Entry e = (Entry) o;
// while (e != null)
// {
// int candidate = e.getKey();
// if (candidate == key || candidate == key)
// {
// if (oldValue == e.getValue() || (oldValue != null && oldValue.equals(e.getValue())))
// {
// Entry replacement = this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e);
// Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, newValue, replacement);
// return currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry) || this.slowReplace(key, oldValue, newValue, hash, currentArray);
// }
// return false;
// }
// e = e.getNext();
// }
// return false;
// }
private boolean slowReplace(int key, V oldValue, V newValue, int hash, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray)
//noinspection LabeledStatement
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key || candidate == key)
if (oldValue == e.getValue() || (oldValue != null && oldValue.equals(e.getValue())))
Entry replacement = this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e);
Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, newValue, replacement);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
return true;
//noinspection ContinueStatementWithLabel
continue outer;
return false;
e = e.getNext();
return false;
// public V replace(int key, V value)
// {
// int hash = this.hash(key);
// AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
// int length = currentArray.length();
// int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
// Object o = currentArray.get(index);
// if (o == null)
// {
// return null;
// }
// return this.slowReplace(key, value, hash, currentArray);
// }
// private V slowReplace(int key, V value, int hash, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray)
// {
// //noinspection LabeledStatement
// outer:
// while (true)
// {
// int length = currentArray.length();
// int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
// Object o = currentArray.get(index);
// if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
// {
// currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
// }
// else
// {
// Entry e = (Entry) o;
// while (e != null)
// {
// int candidate = e.getKey();
// if (candidate == key)
// {
// V oldValue = e.getValue();
// Entry newEntry = new Entry(e.getKey(), value, this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e));
// if (!currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
// {
// //noinspection ContinueStatementWithLabel
// continue outer;
// }
// return oldValue;
// }
// e = e.getNext();
// }
// return null;
// }
// }
// }
public V remove(int key)
int hash = this.hash(key);
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
return this.slowRemove(key, hash, currentArray);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key)
Entry replacement = this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, replacement))
return e.getValue();
return this.slowRemove(key, hash, currentArray);
e = e.getNext();
return null;
private V slowRemove(int key, int hash, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray)
//noinspection LabeledStatement
while (true)
int length = currentArray.length();
int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
Object o = currentArray.get(index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int candidate = e.getKey();
if (candidate == key)
Entry replacement = this.createReplacementChainForRemoval((Entry) o, e);
if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, replacement))
return e.getValue();
//noinspection ContinueStatementWithLabel
continue outer;
e = e.getNext();
return null;
private Entry createReplacementChainForRemoval(Entry original, Entry toRemove)
if (original == toRemove)
return original.getNext();
Entry replacement = null;
Entry e = original;
while (e != null)
if (e != toRemove)
replacement = new Entry(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), replacement);
e = e.getNext();
return replacement;
public void parallelForEachKeyValue(List> blocks, Executor executor)
final AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
int chunks = blocks.size();
if (chunks > 1)
FutureTask>[] futures = new FutureTask>[chunks];
int chunkSize = currentArray.length() / chunks;
if (currentArray.length() % chunks != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
final int start = i * chunkSize;
final int end = Math.min((i + 1) * chunkSize, currentArray.length());
final IntObjectProcedure block = blocks.get(i);
futures[i] = new FutureTask(new Runnable()
public void run()
ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.sequentialForEachKeyValue(block, currentArray, start, end);
}, null);
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("parallelForEachKeyValue failed", e);
this.sequentialForEachKeyValue(blocks.get(0), currentArray, 0, currentArray.length());
private void sequentialForEachKeyValue(IntObjectProcedure block, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray, int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
Object o = currentArray.get(i);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("can't iterate while resizing!");
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int key = e.getKey();
Object value = e.getValue();
block.value(key, (V) value);
e = e.getNext();
public void parallelForEachValue(List> blocks, Executor executor)
final AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
int chunks = blocks.size();
if (chunks > 1)
FutureTask>[] futures = new FutureTask>[chunks];
int chunkSize = currentArray.length() / chunks;
if (currentArray.length() % chunks != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
final int start = i * chunkSize;
final int end = Math.min((i + 1) * chunkSize, currentArray.length() - 1);
final Procedure block = blocks.get(i);
futures[i] = new FutureTask(new Runnable()
public void run()
ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.sequentialForEachValue(block, currentArray, start, end);
}, null);
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("parallelForEachKeyValue failed", e);
this.sequentialForEachValue(blocks.get(0), currentArray, 0, currentArray.length());
private void sequentialForEachValue(Procedure block, AtomicReferenceArray currentArray, int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
Object o = currentArray.get(i);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("can't iterate while resizing!");
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
Object value = e.getValue();
block.value((V) value);
e = e.getNext();
public int hashCode()
int h = 0;
AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
for (int i = 0; i < currentArray.length() - 1; i++)
Object o = currentArray.get(i);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("can't compute hashcode while resizing!");
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
int key = e.getKey();
Object value = e.getValue();
h += key ^ (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode());
e = e.getNext();
return h;
// public boolean equals(Object o)
// {
// if (o == this)
// {
// return true;
// }
// if (!(o instanceof ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap))
// {
// return false;
// }
// ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap m = (ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap) o;
// if (m.size() != this.size())
// {
// return false;
// }
// Iterator> i = this.entrySet().iterator();
// while (i.hasNext())
// {
// Map.Entry e =;
// int key = e.getKey();
// V value = e.getValue();
// if (value == null)
// {
// if (!(m.get(key) == null && m.containsKey(key)))
// {
// return false;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (!value.equals(m.get(key)))
// {
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// public String toString()
// {
// if (this.isEmpty())
// {
// return "{}";
// }
// Iterator> iterator = this.entrySet().iterator();
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// sb.append('{');
// while (true)
// {
// Map.Entry e =;
// int key = e.getKey();
// V value = e.getValue();
// sb.append(key == this ? "(this Map)" : key);
// sb.append('=');
// sb.append(value == this ? "(this Map)" : value);
// if (!iterator.hasNext())
// {
// return sb.append('}').toString();
// }
// sb.append(", ");
// }
// }
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
int size = in.readInt();
int capacity = 1;
while (capacity < size)
capacity <<= 1;
this.table = new AtomicReferenceArray(capacity + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
this.put(in.readInt(), (V) in.readObject());
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
int size = this.size();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.table.length() - 1; i++)
Object o = this.table.get(i);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Can't serialize while resizing!");
Entry e = (Entry) o;
while (e != null)
e = e.getNext();
if (count != size)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("Map changed while serializing");
private static final class IteratorState
private AtomicReferenceArray currentTable;
private int start;
private int end;
private IteratorState(AtomicReferenceArray currentTable)
this.currentTable = currentTable;
this.end = this.currentTable.length() - 1;
private IteratorState(AtomicReferenceArray currentTable, int start, int end)
this.currentTable = currentTable;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
private abstract class HashIterator
private List todo = null;
private IteratorState currentState;
private Entry next;
private int index = 0;
private Entry current;
protected HashIterator()
if (!ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.isEmpty())
this.currentState = new IteratorState(ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.table);
private void findNext()
while (this.index < this.currentState.end)
Object o = this.currentState.currentTable.get(this.index);
if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
AtomicReferenceArray nextArray = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(this.currentState.currentTable, this.index);
int endResized = this.index + 1;
while (endResized < this.currentState.end)
if (this.currentState.currentTable.get(endResized) != RESIZED)
if (this.todo == null)
this.todo = new FastList(4);
if (endResized < this.currentState.end)
this.todo.add(new IteratorState(this.currentState.currentTable, endResized, this.currentState.end));
int powerTwoLength = this.currentState.currentTable.length() - 1;
this.todo.add(new IteratorState(nextArray, this.index + powerTwoLength, endResized + powerTwoLength));
this.currentState.currentTable = nextArray;
this.currentState.end = endResized;
this.currentState.start = this.index;
else if (o != null)
{ = (Entry) o;
if ( == null && this.index == this.currentState.end && this.todo != null && !this.todo.isEmpty())
this.currentState = this.todo.remove(this.todo.size() - 1);
this.index = this.currentState.start;
public final boolean hasNext()
return != null;
final Entry nextEntry()
Entry e =;
if (e == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
if (( = e.getNext()) == null)
this.current = e;
return e;
public void remove()
if (this.current == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
int key = this.current.key;
this.current = null;
private final class ValueIterator extends HashIterator implements Iterator
public V next()
return this.nextEntry().value;
private final class KeyIterator extends HashIterator
public int next()
return this.nextEntry().getKey();
// private final class EntryIterator extends HashIterator>
// {
// public Map.Entry next()
// {
// return this.nextEntry();
// }
// }
// private final class KeySet implements IntSet
// {
// public IntIterator iterator()
// {
// return new KeyIterator();
// }
// public int size()
// {
// return ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.size;
// }
// public boolean contains(Object o)
// {
// return ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.containsKey(o);
// }
// public boolean remove(Object o)
// {
// return ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.remove(o) != null;
// }
// public void clear()
// {
// ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.clear();
// }
// }
private final class Values extends AbstractCollection
public Iterator iterator()
return new ValueIterator();
public int size()
return ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.size;
public boolean contains(Object o)
return ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.this.containsValue(o);
public void clear()
private static final class Entry
private final int key;
private final V value;
private final Entry next;
private Entry(int key, V value)
this.key = key;
this.value = value; = null;
private Entry(int key, V value, Entry next)
this.key = key;
this.value = value; = next;
public int getKey()
return this.key;
public V getValue()
return this.value;
public V setValue(V value)
throw new RuntimeException("not implemented");
public Entry getNext()
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (!(o instanceof Entry))
return false;
Entry e = (Entry) o;
int k1 = this.key;
int k2 = e.getKey();
if (k1 == k2)
V v1 = this.value;
Object v2 = e.getValue();
if (v1 == v2 || v1 != null && v1.equals(v2))
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode()
return this.key ^ (this.value == null ? 0 : this.value.hashCode());
public String toString()
return this.key + "=" + this.value;
private static final class ResizeContainer
private static final int QUEUE_INCREMENT = Math.min(1 << 10, Integer.highestOneBit(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) << 4);
private final AtomicInteger resizers = new AtomicInteger(1);
private final AtomicReferenceArray nextArray;
private final AtomicInteger queuePosition;
private ResizeContainer(AtomicReferenceArray nextArray, int oldSize)
this.nextArray = nextArray;
this.queuePosition = new AtomicInteger(oldSize);
public void incrementResizer()
public void decrementResizerAndNotify()
int remaining = this.resizers.decrementAndGet();
if (remaining == 0)
synchronized (this)
public int getQueuePosition()
return this.queuePosition.get();
public int subtractAndGetQueuePosition()
return this.queuePosition.addAndGet(-QUEUE_INCREMENT);
public void waitForAllResizers()
if (this.resizers.get() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (this.resizers.get() == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (this.resizers.get() == 0)
if (this.resizers.get() > 0)
synchronized (this)
while (this.resizers.get() > 0)
catch (InterruptedException e)
// ignore
public boolean isNotDone()
return this.resizers.get() > 0;
public void zeroOutQueuePosition()
public boolean notEmpty()
return !this.isEmpty();
public void forEach(Procedure super V> procedure)
for(Iterator iterator = this.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
public Iterator iterator()
return this.values().iterator();
public void forEachValue(Procedure super V> procedure)
// public void forEachKey(IntProcedure procedure)
// {
// IterableIterate.forEach(this.keySet(), procedure);
// }
// public void forEachKeyValue(Procedure2 super K, ? super V> procedure)
// {
// IterableIterate.forEach(this.entrySet(), new MapEntryToProcedure2(procedure));
// }
public V removeKey(int key)
return this.remove(key);
// public V getIfAbsentPutWith(int key, Function super P, ? extends V> function, P parameter)
// {
// int hash = this.hash(key);
// AtomicReferenceArray currentArray = this.table;
// V newValue = null;
// boolean createdValue = false;
// while (true)
// {
// int length = currentArray.length();
// int index = ConcurrentIntObjectHashMap.indexFor(hash, length);
// Object o = currentArray.get(index);
// if (o == RESIZED || o == RESIZING)
// {
// currentArray = this.helpWithResizeWhileCurrentIndex(currentArray, index);
// }
// else
// {
// Entry e = (Entry) o;
// while (e != null)
// {
// int candidate = e.getKey();
// if (candidate == key)
// {
// return e.getValue();
// }
// e = e.getNext();
// }
// if (!createdValue)
// {
// createdValue = true;
// newValue = function.valueOf(parameter);
// }
// Entry newEntry = new Entry(key, newValue, (Entry) o);
// if (currentArray.compareAndSet(index, o, newEntry))
// {
// this.incrementSizeAndPossiblyResize(currentArray, length, o);
// return newValue;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// public V getIfAbsent(int key, Function0 extends V> function)
// {
// V result = this.get(key);
// if (result == null)
// {
// return function.value();
// }
// return result;
// }
// public