com.gooddata.warehouse.WarehouseService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2004-2017, GoodData(R) Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree.
package com.gooddata.warehouse;
import com.gooddata.AbstractPollHandler;
import com.gooddata.AbstractService;
import com.gooddata.FutureResult;
import com.gooddata.GoodDataException;
import com.gooddata.GoodDataRestException;
import com.gooddata.GoodDataSettings;
import com.gooddata.PollResult;
import com.gooddata.collections.MultiPageList;
import com.gooddata.collections.Page;
import com.gooddata.collections.PageRequest;
import com.gooddata.collections.PageableList;
import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse;
import org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonValue;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriTemplate;
import static com.gooddata.util.Validate.notEmpty;
import static com.gooddata.util.Validate.notNull;
import static java.lang.String.format;
* Provide access to warehouse API - create, update, list and delete warehouses.
public class WarehouseService extends AbstractService {
private static final String DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME = "default";
* Sets RESTful HTTP Spring template. Should be called from constructor of concrete service extending
* this abstract one.
* @param restTemplate RESTful HTTP Spring template
* @param settings settings
public WarehouseService(final RestTemplate restTemplate, final GoodDataSettings settings) {
super(restTemplate, settings);
* Sets RESTful HTTP Spring template. Should be called from constructor of concrete service extending
* this abstract one.
* @param restTemplate RESTful HTTP Spring template
* @deprecated use WarehouseService(RestTemplate, GoodDataSettings) constructor instead
public WarehouseService(final RestTemplate restTemplate) {
* Create new warehouse.
* @param warehouse warehouse to create
* @return created warehouse
public FutureResult createWarehouse(final Warehouse warehouse) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
final WarehouseTask task;
try {
task = restTemplate.postForObject(Warehouses.URI, warehouse, WarehouseTask.class);
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to create Warehouse", e);
if (task == null) {
throw new GoodDataException("Empty response when Warehouse POSTed to API");
return new PollResult<>(this, new AbstractPollHandler(task.getPollUri(), WarehouseTask.class, Warehouse.class) {
public boolean isFinished(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return HttpStatus.CREATED.equals(response.getStatusCode());
protected void onFinish() {
if (!getResult().isEnabled()) {
throw new GoodDataException("Created warehouse, uri: " + getResult().getUri() + " is not enabled!");
public void handlePollResult(WarehouseTask pollResult) {
try {
final Warehouse warehouse = restTemplate.getForObject(pollResult.getWarehouseUri(), Warehouse.class);
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Warehouse creation finished, but can't get created warehouse, uri: "
+ pollResult.getWarehouseUri(), e);
public void handlePollException(final GoodDataRestException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to create warehouse", e);
* Delete Warehouse.
* @param warehouse to delete
public void removeWarehouse(final Warehouse warehouse) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notNull(warehouse.getUri(), "warehouse.uri");
try {
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to delete Warehouse, uri: " + warehouse.getUri(), e);
* Get Warehouse identified by given uri.
* @param uri warehouse uri
* @return Warehouse
* @throws com.gooddata.GoodDataException when Warehouse can't be accessed
public Warehouse getWarehouseByUri(final String uri) {
notEmpty(uri, "uri");
try {
return restTemplate.getForObject(uri, Warehouse.class);
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new WarehouseNotFoundException(uri, e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to get Warehouse instance " + uri, e);
* Get Warehouse identified by given id.
* @param id warehouse id
* @return Warehouse
* @throws com.gooddata.GoodDataException when Warehouse can't be accessed
public Warehouse getWarehouseById(String id) {
notEmpty(id, "id");
return getWarehouseByUri(uriFromId(id));
private static String uriFromId(String id) {
return Warehouse.TEMPLATE.expand(id).toString();
* Lists Warehouses. Returns empty list in case there are no warehouses.
* Returns only first page if there's more instances than page limit. Use {@link PageableList#stream()} to iterate
* over all pages, or {@link MultiPageList#collectAll()} to load the entire list.
* @return MultiPageList first page of list of warehouse instances or empty list
public PageableList listWarehouses() {
return listWarehouses(new PageRequest());
* Lists Warehouses. Returns empty list in case there are no warehouses.
* Returns requested page (by page limit and offset). Use {@link #listWarehouses()} to get first page with default setting.
* @param startPage page to be listed
* @return MultiPageList requested page of list of instances or empty list
public PageableList listWarehouses(final Page startPage) {
notNull(startPage, "startPage");
return new MultiPageList<>(startPage, page -> listWarehouses(getWarehousesUri(page)));
private URI getWarehousesUri() {
return URI.create(Warehouses.URI);
private URI getWarehousesUri(final Page page) {
return page.getPageUri(UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(getWarehousesUri()));
private PageableList listWarehouses(final URI uri) {
try {
final Warehouses result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, Warehouses.class);
if (result == null) {
return new PageableList<>();
return result;
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to list Warehouses", e);
* Lists warehouse users. Returns empty list in case there are no users.
* Use {@link PageableList#stream()} to iterate over all pages,
* or {@link MultiPageList#collectAll()} to load the entire list.
* @param warehouse warehouse
* @return MultiPageList requested page of list of instances or empty list
public PageableList listWarehouseUsers(final Warehouse warehouse) {
return listWarehouseUsers(warehouse, new PageRequest());
* Lists warehouse users, starting with specified page. Returns empty list in case there are no users.
* Use {@link PageableList#stream()} to iterate over all pages,
* or {@link MultiPageList#collectAll()} to load the entire list.
* @param warehouse warehouse
* @param startPage page to start with
* @return MultiPageList requested page of list of instances starting with startPage or empty list
public PageableList listWarehouseUsers(final Warehouse warehouse, final Page startPage) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notNull(warehouse.getId(), "");
notNull(startPage, "startPage");
return new MultiPageList<>(startPage,
page -> listWarehouseUsers(warehouse, getWarehouseUsersUri(warehouse, page)));
private URI getWarehouseUsersUri(final Warehouse warehouse) {
return WarehouseUsers.TEMPLATE.expand(warehouse.getId());
private URI getWarehouseUsersUri(final Warehouse warehouse, final Page page) {
return page.getPageUri(UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(getWarehouseUsersUri(warehouse)));
private PageableList listWarehouseUsers(final Warehouse warehouse, final URI uri) {
try {
final WarehouseUsers result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, WarehouseUsers.class);
return result == null ? new PageableList<>() : result;
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to list users of warehouse " + warehouse.getId(), e);
* Add given user to given warehouse.
* @param warehouse warehouse the user should be added to
* @param user user to be added
* @return added user in warehouse
public FutureResult addUserToWarehouse(final Warehouse warehouse, final WarehouseUser user) {
notNull(user, "user");
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notNull(warehouse.getId(), "");
final WarehouseTask task;
try {
task = restTemplate.postForObject(WarehouseUsers.URI, user, WarehouseTask.class, warehouse.getId());
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable add user to warehouse " + warehouse.getId(), e);
if (task == null) {
throw new GoodDataException("Empty response when user POSTed to API");
return new PollResult<>(this,
new AbstractPollHandler
(task.getPollUri(), WarehouseTask.class, WarehouseUser.class) {
public boolean isFinished(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return HttpStatus.CREATED.equals(response.getStatusCode());
public void handlePollResult(WarehouseTask pollResult) {
try {
final WarehouseUser newUser = restTemplate.getForObject(pollResult.getWarehouseUserUri(), WarehouseUser.class);
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("User added to warehouse, but can't get it back, uri: "
+ pollResult.getWarehouseUserUri(), e);
public void handlePollException(final GoodDataRestException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to add user to warehouse", e);
* Remove given user from warehouse instance
* @param user to remove from warehouse
* @return empty future result
* @throws WarehouseUserNotFoundException when user for removal can't be found
* @throws GoodDataException any other reason
public FutureResult removeUserFromWarehouse(final WarehouseUser user) {
notNull(user, "user");
notNull(user.getUri(), "user.uri");
final WarehouseTask task;
try {
task =, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, WarehouseTask.class).getBody();
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new WarehouseUserNotFoundException(user.getUri(), e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to remove Warehouse user from instance " + user.getUri(), e);
if (task == null) {
throw new GoodDataException("Empty response when user removed");
return new PollResult<>(this,
new AbstractPollHandler
(task.getPollUri(), WarehouseTask.class, Void.class) {
public boolean isFinished(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return HttpStatus.CREATED.equals(response.getStatusCode());
public void handlePollResult(WarehouseTask pollResult) {
public void handlePollException(final GoodDataRestException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to remove user from warehouse", e);
* Updates given Warehouse.
* @param toUpdate warehouse to be updated
* @return updated warehouse
* @throws com.gooddata.GoodDataException when update fails
public Warehouse updateWarehouse(final Warehouse toUpdate) {
notNull(toUpdate, "warehouse");
notNull(toUpdate.getUri(), "warehouse.uri");
try {
restTemplate.put(toUpdate.getUri(), toUpdate);
} catch (GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to update Warehouse, uri: " + toUpdate.getUri());
return getWarehouseByUri(toUpdate.getUri());
* list schemas for Warehouse
* @param warehouse to list schemas for
* @return MultiPageList pageable list of warehouse schemas
public PageableList listWarehouseSchemas(final Warehouse warehouse) {
return listWarehouseSchemas(warehouse, new PageRequest());
* list schemas for Warehouse
* @param warehouse to list schemas for
* @param startPage page to be listed
* @return MultiPageList pageable list of warehouse schemas
public PageableList listWarehouseSchemas(final Warehouse warehouse, final Page startPage) {
return new MultiPageList<>(startPage,
page -> listWarehouseSchemas(getWarehouseSchemasUri(warehouse, page))
private URI getWarehouseSchemasUri(final Warehouse warehouse) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notNull(warehouse.getId(), "");
return WarehouseSchemas.TEMPLATE.expand(warehouse.getId());
private URI getWarehouseSchemasUri(final Warehouse warehouse, final Page page) {
notNull(page, "page");
return page.getPageUri(UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(getWarehouseSchemasUri(warehouse)));
private PageableList listWarehouseSchemas(final URI uri) {
try {
final WarehouseSchemas result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, WarehouseSchemas.class);
if (result == null) {
return new PageableList<>();
return result;
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to list Warehouse schemas", e);
* get warehouse schema by name
* @param warehouse to get schema for
* @param name of schema
* @return warehouse schema
public WarehouseSchema getWarehouseSchemaByName(final Warehouse warehouse, final String name) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notNull(warehouse.getId(), "");
notEmpty(name, "name");
final String uri = WarehouseSchema.TEMPLATE.expand(warehouse.getId(), name).toString();
return getWarehouseSchemaByUri(uri);
* get warehouse schema by uri
* @param uri of schema
* @return warehouse schema
public WarehouseSchema getWarehouseSchemaByUri(final String uri) {
notEmpty(uri, "uri");
try {
return restTemplate.getForObject(uri, WarehouseSchema.class);
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new WarehouseSchemaNotFoundException(uri, e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new GoodDataException("Unable to get Warehouse instance " + uri, e);
* get default warehouse schema
* @param warehouse to get default schema for
* @return default warehouse schema
public WarehouseSchema getDefaultWarehouseSchema(final Warehouse warehouse) {
return getWarehouseSchemaByName(warehouse, DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME);
* List S3 credentials for the Warehouse. Returns empty list if no credentials are found.
* @param warehouse warehouse to get S3 credentials for
* @return PageableList with all S3 credentials belonging to the Warehouse (not null)
* @throws WarehouseS3CredentialsException in case of failure during the REST operation
public PageableList listWarehouseS3Credentials(final Warehouse warehouse) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
final String uri = getWarehouseS3CredentialsListUri(warehouse).toString();
try {
final WarehouseS3CredentialsList result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, WarehouseS3CredentialsList.class);
if (result == null) {
return new PageableList<>();
return result;
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsException(uri, "Unable to list Warehouse S3 credentials at " + uri, e);
* Get S3 credentials for the Warehouse based on {@code region} and {@code accessKey}.
* @param warehouse warehouse to get S3 credentials for
* @return single S3 credentials record (not null)
* @throws WarehouseS3CredentialsNotFoundException if no S3 credentials for the given parameters were found
* @throws WarehouseS3CredentialsException in case of failure during the REST operation
public WarehouseS3Credentials getWarehouseS3Credentials(final Warehouse warehouse,
final String region,
final String accessKey) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notEmpty(region, "region");
notEmpty(accessKey, "accessKey");
final String uri = getWarehouseS3CredentialsUri(warehouse, region, accessKey).toString();
try {
return restTemplate.getForObject(uri, WarehouseS3Credentials.class);
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsNotFoundException(uri, e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsException(uri, "Unable to get Warehouse S3 credentials " + uri, e);
* add new S3 credentials to the Warehouse
* @param warehouse warehouse the S3 credentials should be added to
* @param s3Credentials the credentials to store
* @return added credentials (not null)
* @throws WarehouseS3CredentialsException in case of failure during the REST operation
public FutureResult addS3Credentials(final Warehouse warehouse,
final WarehouseS3Credentials s3Credentials) {
notNull(warehouse, "warehouse");
notEmpty(warehouse.getId(), "");
notNull(s3Credentials, "s3Credentials");
final WarehouseTask task = createWarehouseTask(WarehouseS3CredentialsList.URI, HttpMethod.POST,
s3Credentials, createUpdateHttpEntity(s3Credentials), warehouse.getId());
final String newCredentialsUri = WarehouseS3Credentials.TEMPLATE.expand(warehouse.getId(),
s3Credentials.getRegion(), s3Credentials.getAccessKey()).toString();
return new PollResult<>(this, createS3PollHandler(newCredentialsUri, task, "add"));
* update S3 credentials in the Warehouse
* @param s3Credentials the credentials to update
* @return updated credentials (not null)
* @throws WarehouseS3CredentialsException in case of failure during the REST operation
public FutureResult updateS3Credentials(final WarehouseS3Credentials s3Credentials) {
notNull(s3Credentials, "s3Credentials");
notNull(s3Credentials.getUri(), "s3Credentials.links.self");
final WarehouseTask task = createWarehouseTask(s3Credentials.getUri(), HttpMethod.PUT,
s3Credentials, createUpdateHttpEntity(s3Credentials));
return new PollResult<>(this, createS3PollHandler(s3Credentials.getUri(), task, "update"));
* delete S3 credentials in the Warehouse
* @param s3Credentials the credentials to delete
* @return nothing (Void)
* @throws WarehouseS3CredentialsException in case of failure during the REST operation
public FutureResult removeS3Credentials(final WarehouseS3Credentials s3Credentials) {
notNull(s3Credentials, "s3Credentials");
notNull(s3Credentials.getUri(), "s3Credentials.links.self");
final HttpEntity emptyRequestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(new HttpHeaders());
final WarehouseTask task = createWarehouseTask(s3Credentials.getUri(), HttpMethod.DELETE,
s3Credentials, emptyRequestEntity);
return new PollResult<>(this, createS3PollHandler(s3Credentials.getUri(), task, Void.class, "delete"));
private WarehouseTask createWarehouseTask(final String targetUri,
final HttpMethod httpMethod,
final WarehouseS3Credentials s3Credentials,
final HttpEntity requestEntity,
final Object... args) {
try {
final HttpEntity taskHttpEntity =, httpMethod,
requestEntity, WarehouseTask.class, args);
if (taskHttpEntity == null || taskHttpEntity.getBody() == null) {
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsException(targetUri,
format("Empty response when trying to %s S3 credentials via API",;
return taskHttpEntity.getBody();
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
final String expandedTargetUri = new UriTemplate(targetUri).expand(args).toString();
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsException(targetUri, format("Unable to %s S3 credentials %s with region: %s, access key: %s",, expandedTargetUri, s3Credentials.getRegion(), s3Credentials.getAccessKey()), e);
private HttpEntity createUpdateHttpEntity(final WarehouseS3Credentials s3Credentials) {
final MappingJacksonValue jacksonValue = new MappingJacksonValue(s3Credentials);
return new HttpEntity<>(jacksonValue);
private AbstractPollHandler createS3PollHandler(final String credentialsUri,
final WarehouseTask task,
final String action) {
return createS3PollHandler(credentialsUri, task, WarehouseS3Credentials.class, action);
private AbstractPollHandler createS3PollHandler(final String credentialsUri,
final WarehouseTask task,
final Class resultClass,
final String action) {
return new AbstractPollHandler(task.getPollUri(), WarehouseTask.class, resultClass) {
public boolean isFinished(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
final HttpStatus expectedStatus = "add".equals(action) ? HttpStatus.CREATED : HttpStatus.OK;
return response.getStatusCode() == expectedStatus;
public void handlePollResult(WarehouseTask pollResult) {
final String uri = pollResult.getWarehouseS3CredentialsUri();
try {
final R result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, resultClass);
} catch (GoodDataException | RestClientException e) {
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsException(uri,
format("Attempt to %s S3 credentials in warehouse failed, can't get the result, uri: %s",
action, uri), e);
public void handlePollException(final GoodDataRestException e) {
throw new WarehouseS3CredentialsException(credentialsUri,
format("Unable to %s S3 credentials in warehouse, uri: %s", action, credentialsUri), e);
private URI getWarehouseS3CredentialsListUri(final Warehouse warehouse) {
notEmpty(warehouse.getId(), "");
return WarehouseS3CredentialsList.TEMPLATE.expand(warehouse.getId());
private URI getWarehouseS3CredentialsUri(final Warehouse warehouse, final String region, final String accessKey) {
notEmpty(warehouse.getId(), "");
return WarehouseS3Credentials.TEMPLATE.expand(warehouse.getId(), region, accessKey);
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