com.gooddata.sdk.service.connector.ConnectorService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2004-2019, GoodData(R) Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree.
package com.gooddata.sdk.service.connector;
import com.gooddata.sdk.common.GoodDataException;
import com.gooddata.sdk.common.GoodDataRestException;
import com.gooddata.sdk.model.connector.*;
import com.gooddata.sdk.model.gdc.UriResponse;
import com.gooddata.sdk.model.project.Project;
import com.gooddata.sdk.model.project.ProjectTemplate;
import com.gooddata.sdk.service.*;
import com.gooddata.sdk.service.project.ProjectService;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriTemplate;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import static com.gooddata.sdk.common.util.Validate.isTrue;
import static com.gooddata.sdk.common.util.Validate.notNull;
import static com.gooddata.sdk.common.util.Validate.notNullState;
import static java.lang.String.format;
* Service for connector integration creation, update of its settings or execution of its process.
public class ConnectorService extends AbstractService {
public static final UriTemplate STATUS_TEMPLATE = new UriTemplate(IntegrationProcessStatus.URI);
private final ProjectService projectService;
public ConnectorService(final RestTemplate restTemplate, final ProjectService projectService, final GoodDataSettings settings) {
super(restTemplate, settings);
this.projectService = notNull(projectService, "projectService");
* Retrieve connector integration
* @param project project
* @param connectorType connector type
* @return integration
* @throws ConnectorException if integration can't be retrieved
public Integration getIntegration(final Project project, final ConnectorType connectorType) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(connectorType, "connector");
try {
return restTemplate.getForObject(Integration.URL, Integration.class, project.getId(), connectorType.getName());
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new IntegrationNotFoundException(project, connectorType, e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to get " + connectorType + " integration", e);
* Create connector integration with given settings
* @param project project
* @param settings integration settings
* @return created integration
* @throws ConnectorException if integration can't be created
public Integration createIntegration(final Project project, final Settings settings) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(settings, "settings");
final Collection projectTemplates = projectService.getProjectTemplates(project);
if (projectTemplates == null || projectTemplates.isEmpty()) {
throw new GoodDataException("Project " + project.getId() + " doesn't contain a template reference");
final ProjectTemplate template = notNull(projectTemplates.iterator().next(), "project template");
final Integration integration = createIntegration(project, settings.getConnectorType(),
new Integration(template.getUrl()));
updateSettings(project, settings);
return integration;
* Create connector integration
* @param project project
* @param connectorType connector type
* @param integration integration
* @return created integration
* @throws ConnectorException if integration can't be created
public Integration createIntegration(final Project project, final ConnectorType connectorType,
final Integration integration) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(connectorType, "connectorType");
notNull(integration, "integration");
try {
return restTemplate.postForObject(Integration.URL, integration, Integration.class, project.getId(),
} catch (GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to create " + connectorType + " integration", e);
* Update connector integration
* @param project project
* @param connectorType connector type
* @param integration integration
* @throws ConnectorException if integration can't be updated
public void updateIntegration(final Project project, final ConnectorType connectorType,
final Integration integration) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(connectorType, "connector");
notNull(integration, "integration");
try {
restTemplate.put(Integration.URL, integration, project.getId(), connectorType.getName());
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new IntegrationNotFoundException(project, connectorType, e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to update " + connectorType + " integration", e);
* Delete connector integration.
* @param project project
* @param connectorType connector type
* @throws IntegrationNotFoundException if integration doesn't exist
* @throws ConnectorException if integration can't be deleted
public void deleteIntegration(final Project project, final ConnectorType connectorType) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(connectorType, "connector");
try {
restTemplate.delete(Integration.URL, project.getId(), connectorType.getName());
} catch (GoodDataRestException e) {
if (HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value() == e.getStatusCode()) {
throw new IntegrationNotFoundException(project, connectorType, e);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to delete " + connectorType + " integration", e);
* Get settings for zendesk4 connector.
* @param project project
* @return settings for zendesk4 connector
public Zendesk4Settings getZendesk4Settings(Project project) {
return getSettings(project, ConnectorType.ZENDESK4, Zendesk4Settings.class);
* Get settings for given connector of given class.
* @param project project
* @param connectorType type of connector to fetch settings ofr
* @param settingsClass class of settings fetched
* @param type of fetched settings
* @return settings of connector
public T getSettings(final Project project, final ConnectorType connectorType,
final Class settingsClass) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(connectorType, "connectorType");
notNull(settingsClass, "settingsClass");
try {
return restTemplate.getForObject(connectorType.getSettingsUrl(), settingsClass, project.getId());
} catch (GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to get " + connectorType + " integration settings", e);
* Update integration settings
* @param project project
* @param settings integration settings
* @throws ConnectorException if settings can't be updated
public void updateSettings(final Project project, final Settings settings) {
notNull(settings, "settings");
notNull(settings.getConnectorType(), "settings.connectorType");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(project, "project");
try {
restTemplate.put(settings.getConnectorType().getSettingsUrl(), settings, project.getId());
} catch (GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to set " + settings.getConnectorType() + " settings", e);
* Execute connector process
* @param project project
* @param execution process execution
* @return executed process
* @throws ConnectorException if process execution fails
public FutureResult executeProcess(final Project project, final ProcessExecution execution) {
notNull(project, "project");
notNull(project.getId(), "");
notNull(execution, "execution");
final String connectorType = execution.getConnectorType().getName();
try {
final UriResponse response = restTemplate
.postForObject(ProcessStatus.URL, execution, UriResponse.class, project.getId(), connectorType);
return createProcessPollResult(notNullState(response, "created process response").getUri());
} catch (GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to execute " + connectorType + " process", e);
* Gets status of provided connector process.
* You can use process retrieved by getXXXProcess
methods on {@link Integration} as well as a result of
* {@link ConnectorService#executeProcess(Project, ProcessExecution)}.
* @param process process to be executed
* @return executed process
* @throws ConnectorException if process execution fails
public FutureResult getProcessStatus(final IntegrationProcessStatus process) {
notNull(process, "process");
notNull(process.getUri(), "process.getUri");
return createProcessPollResult(process.getUri());
* Get Zendesk reload.
* You should use the result of {@link #scheduleZendesk4Reload} to see changes in {@link Reload#getStatus()} and
* {@link Reload#getProcessId()} or retrieve process URI {@link Reload#getProcessUri()}.
* @param reload existing reload.
* @return same reload with refreshed properties (status, processId, process URI)
public Reload getZendesk4Reload(final Reload reload) {
notNull(reload, "reload");
isTrue(reload.getUri().isPresent(), "reload.uri");
return getZendesk4ReloadByUri(reload.getUri().get());
* Get Zendesk reload.
* @param reloadUri existing reload URI
* @return reload
public Reload getZendesk4ReloadByUri(final String reloadUri) {
notNull(reloadUri, "reloadUri");
try {
return restTemplate.getForObject(reloadUri, Reload.class);
} catch (GoodDataRestException | RestClientException e) {
throw new ConnectorException("Unable to get reload", e);
* Scheduler new reload.
* @param project project to reload
* @param reload reload parameters
* @return created reload
public Reload scheduleZendesk4Reload(final Project project, final Reload reload) {
return restTemplate.postForObject(Reload.URL, reload, Reload.class, project.getId());
protected FutureResult createProcessPollResult(final String uri) {
final Map match = STATUS_TEMPLATE.match(uri);
final String connectorType = match.get("connector");
final String processId = match.get("process");
return new PollResult<>(this, new SimplePollHandler(uri, ProcessStatus.class) {
public boolean isFinished(final ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
final ProcessStatus process = extractData(response, ProcessStatus.class);
return process.isFinished();
public void handlePollResult(final ProcessStatus pollResult) {
if (pollResult.isFailed()) {
throw new ConnectorException(format("%s process %s failed: %s", connectorType, processId,
public void handlePollException(final GoodDataRestException e) {
throw new ConnectorException(format("%s process %s failed: %s", connectorType, processId,
e.getText()), e);