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import static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.generateFullMethodName;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall;

 * A context represents additional information included with user input or with
 * an intent returned by the Dialogflow API. Contexts are helpful for
 * differentiating user input which may be vague or have a different meaning
 * depending on additional details from your application such as user setting
 * and preferences, previous user input, where the user is in your application,
 * geographic location, and so on.
 * You can include contexts as input parameters of a
 * [DetectIntent][] (or
 * [StreamingDetectIntent][]) request,
 * or as output contexts included in the returned intent.
 * Contexts expire when an intent is matched, after the number of `DetectIntent`
 * requests specified by the `lifespan_count` parameter, or after 10 minutes
 * if no intents are matched for a `DetectIntent` request.
 * For more information about contexts, see the
 * [Dialogflow documentation](
*/ @javax.annotation.Generated( value = "by gRPC proto compiler (version 1.10.0)", comments = "Source: google/cloud/dialogflow/v2/context.proto") public final class ContextsGrpc { private ContextsGrpc() {} public static final String SERVICE_NAME = ""; // Static method descriptors that strictly reflect the proto. @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") @java.lang.Deprecated // Use {@link #getListContextsMethod()} instead. public static final io.grpc.MethodDescriptor METHOD_LIST_CONTEXTS = getListContextsMethodHelper(); private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getListContextsMethod; @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getListContextsMethod() { return getListContextsMethodHelper(); } private static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getListContextsMethodHelper() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getListContextsMethod; if ((getListContextsMethod = ContextsGrpc.getListContextsMethod) == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { if ((getListContextsMethod = ContextsGrpc.getListContextsMethod) == null) { ContextsGrpc.getListContextsMethod = getListContextsMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName( "", "ListContexts")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier("ListContexts")) .build(); } } } return getListContextsMethod; } @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") @java.lang.Deprecated // Use {@link #getGetContextMethod()} instead. public static final io.grpc.MethodDescriptor METHOD_GET_CONTEXT = getGetContextMethodHelper(); private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getGetContextMethod; @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getGetContextMethod() { return getGetContextMethodHelper(); } private static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getGetContextMethodHelper() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getGetContextMethod; if ((getGetContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getGetContextMethod) == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { if ((getGetContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getGetContextMethod) == null) { ContextsGrpc.getGetContextMethod = getGetContextMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName( "", "GetContext")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier("GetContext")) .build(); } } } return getGetContextMethod; } @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") @java.lang.Deprecated // Use {@link #getCreateContextMethod()} instead. public static final io.grpc.MethodDescriptor METHOD_CREATE_CONTEXT = getCreateContextMethodHelper(); private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getCreateContextMethod; @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getCreateContextMethod() { return getCreateContextMethodHelper(); } private static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getCreateContextMethodHelper() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getCreateContextMethod; if ((getCreateContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getCreateContextMethod) == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { if ((getCreateContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getCreateContextMethod) == null) { ContextsGrpc.getCreateContextMethod = getCreateContextMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName( "", "CreateContext")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier("CreateContext")) .build(); } } } return getCreateContextMethod; } @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") @java.lang.Deprecated // Use {@link #getUpdateContextMethod()} instead. public static final io.grpc.MethodDescriptor METHOD_UPDATE_CONTEXT = getUpdateContextMethodHelper(); private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getUpdateContextMethod; @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getUpdateContextMethod() { return getUpdateContextMethodHelper(); } private static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getUpdateContextMethodHelper() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getUpdateContextMethod; if ((getUpdateContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getUpdateContextMethod) == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { if ((getUpdateContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getUpdateContextMethod) == null) { ContextsGrpc.getUpdateContextMethod = getUpdateContextMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName( "", "UpdateContext")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier("UpdateContext")) .build(); } } } return getUpdateContextMethod; } @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") @java.lang.Deprecated // Use {@link #getDeleteContextMethod()} instead. public static final io.grpc.MethodDescriptor METHOD_DELETE_CONTEXT = getDeleteContextMethodHelper(); private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteContextMethod; @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteContextMethod() { return getDeleteContextMethodHelper(); } private static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteContextMethodHelper() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteContextMethod; if ((getDeleteContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getDeleteContextMethod) == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { if ((getDeleteContextMethod = ContextsGrpc.getDeleteContextMethod) == null) { ContextsGrpc.getDeleteContextMethod = getDeleteContextMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName( "", "DeleteContext")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier("DeleteContext")) .build(); } } } return getDeleteContextMethod; } @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") @java.lang.Deprecated // Use {@link #getDeleteAllContextsMethod()} instead. public static final io.grpc.MethodDescriptor METHOD_DELETE_ALL_CONTEXTS = getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(); private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteAllContextsMethod; @io.grpc.ExperimentalApi("") public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteAllContextsMethod() { return getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(); } private static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper() { io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getDeleteAllContextsMethod; if ((getDeleteAllContextsMethod = ContextsGrpc.getDeleteAllContextsMethod) == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { if ((getDeleteAllContextsMethod = ContextsGrpc.getDeleteAllContextsMethod) == null) { ContextsGrpc.getDeleteAllContextsMethod = getDeleteAllContextsMethod = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.newBuilder() .setType(io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY) .setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName( "", "DeleteAllContexts")) .setSampledToLocalTracing(true) .setRequestMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setResponseMarshaller(io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoUtils.marshaller( .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier("DeleteAllContexts")) .build(); } } } return getDeleteAllContextsMethod; } /** * Creates a new async stub that supports all call types for the service */ public static ContextsStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel) { return new ContextsStub(channel); } /** * Creates a new blocking-style stub that supports unary and streaming output calls on the service */ public static ContextsBlockingStub newBlockingStub( io.grpc.Channel channel) { return new ContextsBlockingStub(channel); } /** * Creates a new ListenableFuture-style stub that supports unary calls on the service */ public static ContextsFutureStub newFutureStub( io.grpc.Channel channel) { return new ContextsFutureStub(channel); } /** *
   * A context represents additional information included with user input or with
   * an intent returned by the Dialogflow API. Contexts are helpful for
   * differentiating user input which may be vague or have a different meaning
   * depending on additional details from your application such as user setting
   * and preferences, previous user input, where the user is in your application,
   * geographic location, and so on.
   * You can include contexts as input parameters of a
   * [DetectIntent][] (or
   * [StreamingDetectIntent][]) request,
   * or as output contexts included in the returned intent.
   * Contexts expire when an intent is matched, after the number of `DetectIntent`
   * requests specified by the `lifespan_count` parameter, or after 10 minutes
   * if no intents are matched for a `DetectIntent` request.
   * For more information about contexts, see the
   * [Dialogflow documentation](
*/ public static abstract class ContextsImplBase implements io.grpc.BindableService { /** *
     * Returns the list of all contexts in the specified session.
*/ public void listContexts( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getListContextsMethodHelper(), responseObserver); } /** *
     * Retrieves the specified context.
*/ public void getContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getGetContextMethodHelper(), responseObserver); } /** *
     * Creates a context.
*/ public void createContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getCreateContextMethodHelper(), responseObserver); } /** *
     * Updates the specified context.
*/ public void updateContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getUpdateContextMethodHelper(), responseObserver); } /** *
     * Deletes the specified context.
*/ public void deleteContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getDeleteContextMethodHelper(), responseObserver); } /** *
     * Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
*/ public void deleteAllContexts( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(), responseObserver); } @java.lang.Override public final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService() { return io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition.builder(getServiceDescriptor()) .addMethod( getListContextsMethodHelper(), asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers<,>( this, METHODID_LIST_CONTEXTS))) .addMethod( getGetContextMethodHelper(), asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers<,>( this, METHODID_GET_CONTEXT))) .addMethod( getCreateContextMethodHelper(), asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers<,>( this, METHODID_CREATE_CONTEXT))) .addMethod( getUpdateContextMethodHelper(), asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers<,>( this, METHODID_UPDATE_CONTEXT))) .addMethod( getDeleteContextMethodHelper(), asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers<,>( this, METHODID_DELETE_CONTEXT))) .addMethod( getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(), asyncUnaryCall( new MethodHandlers<,>( this, METHODID_DELETE_ALL_CONTEXTS))) .build(); } } /** *
   * A context represents additional information included with user input or with
   * an intent returned by the Dialogflow API. Contexts are helpful for
   * differentiating user input which may be vague or have a different meaning
   * depending on additional details from your application such as user setting
   * and preferences, previous user input, where the user is in your application,
   * geographic location, and so on.
   * You can include contexts as input parameters of a
   * [DetectIntent][] (or
   * [StreamingDetectIntent][]) request,
   * or as output contexts included in the returned intent.
   * Contexts expire when an intent is matched, after the number of `DetectIntent`
   * requests specified by the `lifespan_count` parameter, or after 10 minutes
   * if no intents are matched for a `DetectIntent` request.
   * For more information about contexts, see the
   * [Dialogflow documentation](
*/ public static final class ContextsStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub { private ContextsStub(io.grpc.Channel channel) { super(channel); } private ContextsStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { super(channel, callOptions); } @java.lang.Override protected ContextsStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new ContextsStub(channel, callOptions); } /** *
     * Returns the list of all contexts in the specified session.
*/ public void listContexts( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getListContextsMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } /** *
     * Retrieves the specified context.
*/ public void getContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getGetContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } /** *
     * Creates a context.
*/ public void createContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getCreateContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } /** *
     * Updates the specified context.
*/ public void updateContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getUpdateContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } /** *
     * Deletes the specified context.
*/ public void deleteContext( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getDeleteContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } /** *
     * Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
*/ public void deleteAllContexts( request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { asyncUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver); } } /** *
   * A context represents additional information included with user input or with
   * an intent returned by the Dialogflow API. Contexts are helpful for
   * differentiating user input which may be vague or have a different meaning
   * depending on additional details from your application such as user setting
   * and preferences, previous user input, where the user is in your application,
   * geographic location, and so on.
   * You can include contexts as input parameters of a
   * [DetectIntent][] (or
   * [StreamingDetectIntent][]) request,
   * or as output contexts included in the returned intent.
   * Contexts expire when an intent is matched, after the number of `DetectIntent`
   * requests specified by the `lifespan_count` parameter, or after 10 minutes
   * if no intents are matched for a `DetectIntent` request.
   * For more information about contexts, see the
   * [Dialogflow documentation](
*/ public static final class ContextsBlockingStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub { private ContextsBlockingStub(io.grpc.Channel channel) { super(channel); } private ContextsBlockingStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { super(channel, callOptions); } @java.lang.Override protected ContextsBlockingStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new ContextsBlockingStub(channel, callOptions); } /** *
     * Returns the list of all contexts in the specified session.
*/ public listContexts( request) { return blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getListContextsMethodHelper(), getCallOptions(), request); } /** *
     * Retrieves the specified context.
*/ public getContext( request) { return blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getGetContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions(), request); } /** *
     * Creates a context.
*/ public createContext( request) { return blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getCreateContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions(), request); } /** *
     * Updates the specified context.
*/ public updateContext( request) { return blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getUpdateContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions(), request); } /** *
     * Deletes the specified context.
*/ public deleteContext( request) { return blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getDeleteContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions(), request); } /** *
     * Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
*/ public deleteAllContexts( request) { return blockingUnaryCall( getChannel(), getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(), getCallOptions(), request); } } /** *
   * A context represents additional information included with user input or with
   * an intent returned by the Dialogflow API. Contexts are helpful for
   * differentiating user input which may be vague or have a different meaning
   * depending on additional details from your application such as user setting
   * and preferences, previous user input, where the user is in your application,
   * geographic location, and so on.
   * You can include contexts as input parameters of a
   * [DetectIntent][] (or
   * [StreamingDetectIntent][]) request,
   * or as output contexts included in the returned intent.
   * Contexts expire when an intent is matched, after the number of `DetectIntent`
   * requests specified by the `lifespan_count` parameter, or after 10 minutes
   * if no intents are matched for a `DetectIntent` request.
   * For more information about contexts, see the
   * [Dialogflow documentation](
*/ public static final class ContextsFutureStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub { private ContextsFutureStub(io.grpc.Channel channel) { super(channel); } private ContextsFutureStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { super(channel, callOptions); } @java.lang.Override protected ContextsFutureStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) { return new ContextsFutureStub(channel, callOptions); } /** *
     * Returns the list of all contexts in the specified session.
*/ public listContexts( request) { return futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getListContextsMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request); } /** *
     * Retrieves the specified context.
*/ public getContext( request) { return futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getGetContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request); } /** *
     * Creates a context.
*/ public createContext( request) { return futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getCreateContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request); } /** *
     * Updates the specified context.
*/ public updateContext( request) { return futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getUpdateContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request); } /** *
     * Deletes the specified context.
*/ public deleteContext( request) { return futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getDeleteContextMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request); } /** *
     * Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
*/ public deleteAllContexts( request) { return futureUnaryCall( getChannel().newCall(getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper(), getCallOptions()), request); } } private static final int METHODID_LIST_CONTEXTS = 0; private static final int METHODID_GET_CONTEXT = 1; private static final int METHODID_CREATE_CONTEXT = 2; private static final int METHODID_UPDATE_CONTEXT = 3; private static final int METHODID_DELETE_CONTEXT = 4; private static final int METHODID_DELETE_ALL_CONTEXTS = 5; private static final class MethodHandlers implements io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.UnaryMethod, io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.ServerStreamingMethod, io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.ClientStreamingMethod, io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod { private final ContextsImplBase serviceImpl; private final int methodId; MethodHandlers(ContextsImplBase serviceImpl, int methodId) { this.serviceImpl = serviceImpl; this.methodId = methodId; } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void invoke(Req request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { switch (methodId) { case METHODID_LIST_CONTEXTS: serviceImpl.listContexts(( request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; case METHODID_GET_CONTEXT: serviceImpl.getContext(( request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; case METHODID_CREATE_CONTEXT: serviceImpl.createContext(( request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; case METHODID_UPDATE_CONTEXT: serviceImpl.updateContext(( request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; case METHODID_DELETE_CONTEXT: serviceImpl.deleteContext(( request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; case METHODID_DELETE_ALL_CONTEXTS: serviceImpl.deleteAllContexts(( request, (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } @java.lang.Override @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver invoke( io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) { switch (methodId) { default: throw new AssertionError(); } } } private static abstract class ContextsBaseDescriptorSupplier implements io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoFileDescriptorSupplier, io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoServiceDescriptorSupplier { ContextsBaseDescriptorSupplier() {} @java.lang.Override public getFileDescriptor() { return; } @java.lang.Override public getServiceDescriptor() { return getFileDescriptor().findServiceByName("Contexts"); } } private static final class ContextsFileDescriptorSupplier extends ContextsBaseDescriptorSupplier { ContextsFileDescriptorSupplier() {} } private static final class ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier extends ContextsBaseDescriptorSupplier implements io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoMethodDescriptorSupplier { private final String methodName; ContextsMethodDescriptorSupplier(String methodName) { this.methodName = methodName; } @java.lang.Override public getMethodDescriptor() { return getServiceDescriptor().findMethodByName(methodName); } } private static volatile io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor; public static io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor getServiceDescriptor() { io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor result = serviceDescriptor; if (result == null) { synchronized (ContextsGrpc.class) { result = serviceDescriptor; if (result == null) { serviceDescriptor = result = io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor.newBuilder(SERVICE_NAME) .setSchemaDescriptor(new ContextsFileDescriptorSupplier()) .addMethod(getListContextsMethodHelper()) .addMethod(getGetContextMethodHelper()) .addMethod(getCreateContextMethodHelper()) .addMethod(getUpdateContextMethodHelper()) .addMethod(getDeleteContextMethodHelper()) .addMethod(getDeleteAllContextsMethodHelper()) .build(); } } } return result; } }

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