Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A Java implementation of a Wadler-Lindig pretty printer.
* The pretty printer takes documents formed using a small set of operators, and formats them as
* strings suitable for display in a fixed number of columns.
A pretty-printer document (or {@code Doc}) is an immutable object that represents a piece of
* formatted text. A programmer can use the combinators {@link #EMPTY} and {@link #text text()}
* to construct documents, and can concatenate documents with {@link #append append()}. For example:
* append(text("Good"), text("Morning"), text("World"))
* pretty-prints as:
* GoodMorningWorld
* Line breaking is controlled using the {@link #BREAK} and {@link #group group()} combinators.
* Within a {@link #group group()} combinator, all breaks are printed using a common breaking
* policy, described using a {@link GroupKind}. For example:
* group(HORIZONTAL, append(text("Good"), BREAK, text("Morning"), BREAK, text("World"))
* pretty-prints as
* Good Morning World
* whereas
* group(VERTICAL, append(text("Good"), BREAK, text("Morning"), BREAK, text("World"))
* pretty-prints as:
* Good
* Morning
* World
* A key reason for the pretty-printer's expressive power is the automatic group kind
* ({@link GroupKind#AUTO}), which allows us to specify pretty-printing alternatives. Breaks in an
* automatic group are all printed as spaces, if the result would not overflow a single line, or as
* newlines, otherwise; the pretty-printer makes the appropriate choice at layout time depending on
* the space available.
The combinators {@link #nest nest()}, {@link #align align()}, and {@link #hang hang()}
* control indentation. For instance, the {@link #nest nest()} combinator increases the indentation
* on new-lines by a number of columns. For example:
* nest(2, group(VERTICAL, append(text("Good"), BREAK, text("Morning"), BREAK, text("World")))
* pretty-prints as:
* Good
* Morning
* World
* Many methods of this class come in two variants:
* - a static method, written {@code}, and
- an instance method, written {@code}.
* The two may be used interchangeably, although the prefix (static) version usually leads to more
* readable code.
* Wadler's original pretty printer is implemented in Haskell [1]. The original Wadler version
* relies on lazy evaluation, which Java does not have, so this implementation is based on Lindig's
* strict version in Objective Caml [2].
* - [1] Philip Wadler. "A Prettier Printer". Journal of Functional Programming, 1999.
- [2] Christian Lindig. "Strictly Pretty".
* This library is thread-safe.
public abstract class Doc {
/** Size of the default indentation step in characters. */
public static final int DEFAULT_INDENT = 2;
/** The default number of columns to format for if no width is specified. */
public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 80;
// Document combinators.
* Returns a document representing the literal text {@code text}. Assumes that there are no
* newline characters in the representation. (If there are new-line characters the pretty-printer
* will print them as-is, usually leading to poorly formatted output.) For example,
* {@code text("hello")} prints as {@code "hello"}.
public static Doc text(String text) {
return new Text(text);
/** The empty document, which prints as {@code ""} (the empty string). */
public static final Doc EMPTY = text("");
// Convenience constants for common punctuation characters.
public static final Doc COMMA = text(",");
public static final Doc LBRACKET = text("[");
public static final Doc RBRACKET = text("]");
public static final Doc LPAREN = text("(");
public static final Doc RPAREN = text(")");
public static final Doc LBRACE = text("{");
public static final Doc RBRACE = text("}");
public static final Doc LANGLE = text("<");
public static final Doc RANGLE = text(">");
public static final Doc SEMI = Doc.text(";");
private static final Doc COMMA_AND_BREAK = Doc.text(",").add(breakWith(" "));
private static final Doc SPACE = Doc.text(" ");
// White space (excluding breaks) generated by the pretty printer. This
// is currently just a simple space.
private static final CharMatcher WHITESPACE = CharMatcher.anyOf(" ");
/** Applies the {@code text()} combinator to a sequence of strings. */
public static List texts(Iterable strings) {
List results = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String s : strings) {
return results;
/** Applies the {@code text()} combinator to a sequence of strings. */
public static List texts(String... strings) {
return texts(Arrays.asList(strings));
* Splits the string {@code input} up into words, and places each word into a literal
* {@link #text text()} document, separated by {@link #BREAK} objects.
private static final Splitter TO_WORDS =
public static Doc words(String input) {
return join(texts(TO_WORDS.split(input)));
* Returns a break, which will be printed according to the policy of the closest enclosing group.
* The {@code representation} argument describes how the break should be printed in horizontal
* mode; the representation is ignored in vertical mode. Assumes that there are no newline
* characters in the representation. For example:
* - {@code group(HORIZONTAL, breakWith("-"))} prints as {@code "-"}
- {@code group(VERTICAL, breakWith("-"))} prints as {@code "\n"}
public static Doc breakWith(String representation) {
return new Break(representation);
* The default break, which is printed either as a space in horizontal mode, or as a newline in
* vertical mode. For example:
* - {@code group(HORIZONTAL, BREAK)} prints as {@code " "}
- {@code group(VERTICAL, BREAK)} prints as {@code "\n"}
public static final Doc BREAK = breakWith(" ");
* A break that is printed either as the empty string in horizontal mode, or as a newline in
* vertical mode.
* - {@code group(HORIZONTAL, SOFT_BREAK)} prints as {@code ""}
- {@code group(VERTICAL, SOFT_BREAK)} prints as {@code "\n"}
public static final Doc SOFT_BREAK = breakWith("");
* Appends document {@code that} to the document, with no breaks between documents. For example,
* {@code text("a").add(text("b c"))} prints as {@code "ab c"}.
public Doc add(Doc that) {
if (this == Doc.EMPTY) {
return that;
if (that == Doc.EMPTY) {
return this;
return new Concat(this, that);
/** Appends a list of documents, with no breaks between documents. */
public static Doc append(Doc... docs) {
return append(Arrays.asList(docs));
/** Appends a list of documents, with no breaks between documents. */
public static Doc append(Iterable docs) {
Doc output = EMPTY;
for (Doc doc : docs) {
output = output.add(doc);
return output;
* Appends documents, placing the separator {@code separator} between adjacent documents.
* For example,
* joinWith(append(COMMA, BREAK), text("a"), text("b"), text("c")))
* prints as {@code "a, b, c"} in horizontal mode, or as {@code "a,\nb,\nc"} in vertical mode.
public static Doc joinWith(Doc separator, Doc... docs) {
return joinWith(separator, Arrays.asList(docs));
/** Appends documents, placing the separator {@code separator} between adjacent documents. */
public static Doc joinWith(Doc separator, Iterable docs) {
Doc output = EMPTY;
boolean first = true;
for (Doc doc : docs) {
if (!first) {
output = output.add(separator);
output = output.add(doc);
first = false;
return output;
/** Appends documents, placing a {@link #BREAK} between adjacent documents. */
public static Doc join(Doc... docs) {
return joinWith(BREAK, Arrays.asList(docs));
/** Appends documents, placing a {@link #BREAK} between adjacent documents. */
public static Doc join(Iterable docs) {
return joinWith(BREAK, docs);
/** Describes how the breaks within a {@link #group group()} should be printed. */
public enum GroupKind {
/** Breaks are printed as spaces. */
/** Breaks are printed as newlines. */
* The breaks in the group are all printed as spaces, if the result would not overflow a single
* line, or as newlines, otherwise.
* Each break is printed as a space, if that would not lead to overflow, or as a newline,
* otherwise. A different decision is made for each break.
* Encloses document {@code child} in a group. Breaks are formatted according to the policy of the
* closest enclosing group.
* For example, consider formatting the document
* group(p, join(break(), text("xx"), text("yy"), text("zz"), text("ww")))
* under different policies {@code p} for different column widths.
* Under policy {@link GroupKind#HORIZONTAL}, all breaks in a group are printed as spaces,
* regardless of whether that leads to an overflow:
* - Width 3: {@code "xx yy zz ww"}
- Width 80: {@code "xx yy zz ww"}
* Under policy {@link GroupKind#VERTICAL}, all breaks are printed as newlines:
* - Width 3: {@code "xx\nyy\nzz\nww"}
- Width 80: {@code "xx\nyy\nzz\nww"}
* Under policy {@link GroupKind#AUTO}, all breaks in the group are printed as spaces if the
* result would not overflow a line, or as newlines, otherwise:
* - Width 3: {@code "xx\nyy\nzz\nww"}
- Width 80: {@code "xx yy zz ww"}
* Under policy {@link GroupKind#FILL}, each break is printed as a space if that would not lead to
* overflow, or as a newline, otherwise. Unlike {@link GroupKind#AUTO}, a separate decision is
* made for each break.
* - Width 3: {@code "xx\nyy\nzz\nww"}
- Width 5: {@code "xx yy\nzz ww"}
- Width 80: {@code "xx yy zz ww"}
public static Doc group(GroupKind kind, Doc child) {
return new Group(child, kind);
/** Encloses document {@code child} in an {@link GroupKind#AUTO} group. */
public static Doc group(Doc child) {
return group(GroupKind.AUTO, child);
/** Encloses document {@code child} in an {@link GroupKind#VERTICAL} group. */
public static Doc vgroup(Doc child) {
return group(GroupKind.VERTICAL, child);
/** Encloses document {@code child} in an {@link GroupKind#HORIZONTAL} group. */
public static Doc hgroup(Doc child) {
return group(GroupKind.HORIZONTAL, child);
/** Encloses document {@code child} in an {@link GroupKind#FILL} group. */
public static Doc fgroup(Doc child) {
return group(GroupKind.FILL, child);
/** Encloses the document in an {@link GroupKind#AUTO} group. */
public Doc group() {
return group(this);
/** Encloses the document in an {@link GroupKind#VERTICAL} group. */
public Doc vgroup() {
return vgroup(this);
/** Encloses the document in an {@link GroupKind#HORIZONTAL} group. */
public Doc hgroup() {
return hgroup(this);
/** Encloses the document in an {@link GroupKind#FILL} group. */
public Doc fgroup() {
return fgroup(this);
/** Encloses the document in an group of a given {@code kind}. */
public Doc group(GroupKind kind) {
return group(kind, this);
* Increases the indentation level of document {@code child} by {@code indent} columns.
* After each vertical break, a number of spaces equal to the current indentation level is
* added. For example:
* nest(2, group(VERTICAL, join(BREAK, text("x"), text("y"), text("z"))))
* prints as:
* x
* y
* z
* Note that indentation is only relevant for vertical breaks; for example
* nest(2, group(HORIZONTAL, join(BREAK, text("x"), text("y"), text("z"))))
* prints as:
* x y z
* Indentation is cumulative, for example:
* nest(2, nest(2, group(VERTICAL,
* join(BREAK, text("x"), text("y"), text("z")))))
* prints as:
* x
* y
* z
public static Doc nest(int indent, Doc child) {
return new Nest(indent, child);
/** Increases the indentation level of the document by {@code indent} columns. */
public Doc nest(int indent) {
return nest(indent, this);
/** Increase the indentation level of document {@code child} by {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT} spaces. */
public static Doc nest(Doc child) {
return new Nest(DEFAULT_INDENT, child);
/** Increase the indentation level of the document by {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT} spaces. */
public Doc nest() {
return nest(this);
* Aligns breaks in document {@code child} at the current column. For example:
* append(text("alist = ["),
* align(join(append(text(","), BREAK),
* text("x"), text("y"), text("z"))),
* text("]"))
* prints in horizontal mode as:
* alist = [x, y, z]
* and prints in vertical mode as:
* alist = [x,
* y,
* z]
public static Doc align(Doc child) {
return new Align(child);
/** Aligns breaks in the document at the current column. */
public Doc align() {
return align(this);
* Performs a hanging indentation of document {@code child} with an indent of {@code indent}
* spaces. For example
* append(text("alist = ["),
* hang(join(append(text(","), BREAK),
* text("x"), text("y"), text("z"))),
* text("]"))
* prints in vertical mode as:
* alist = [x,
* y,
* z]
* {@code hang(indent, child)} is a shorthand for {@code align(nest(indent, child))}.
public static Doc hang(int indent, Doc child) {
return nest(indent, child).align();
* Performs a hanging indentation of document {@code child} with an indent of
* {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT} spaces.
public static Doc hang(Doc child) {
return hang(DEFAULT_INDENT, child);
/** Performs a hanging indentation of the document with an indent of {@code indent} spaces. */
public Doc hang(int indent) {
return hang(indent, this);
* Performs a hanging indentation of the document with an indent of {@link #DEFAULT_INDENT}
* spaces.
public Doc hang() {
return hang(this);
* Sets the indentation level of document {@code child} to {@code indent} columns.
public static Doc indentAt(int indent, Doc child) {
return new IndentAt(indent, child);
/** Sets the indentation level of the document to {@code indent} columns. */
public Doc indentAt(int indent) {
return indentAt(indent, this);
* Wraps document {@code child} in brackets.
* For example, {@code brackets(text("x"))} prints as {@code "[x]"}.
public static Doc brackets(Doc child) {
return LBRACKET.add(child).add(RBRACKET);
/** Wraps the document in brackets. */
public Doc brackets() {
return brackets(this);
* Wraps document {@code child} in parentheses.
* For example, {@code parens(text("x"))} prints as {@code "(x)"}.
public static Doc parens(Doc child) {
return LPAREN.add(child).add(RPAREN);
/** Wraps the document in parentheses. */
public Doc parens() {
return parens(this);
* Wraps document {@code child} in braces.
* For example, {@code braces(text("x"))} prints as {@code "{x}"}.
public static Doc braces(Doc child) {
return LBRACE.add(child).add(RBRACE);
/** Wraps the document in braces. */
public Doc braces() {
return braces(this);
* Wraps document {@code child} in angle brackets.
* For example, {@code angles(text("x"))} prints as {@code ""}.
public static Doc angles(Doc child) {
return LANGLE.add(child).add(RANGLE);
/** Wraps the document in angle brackets. */
public Doc angles() {
return angles(this);
* ANSI color codes.
public enum AnsiColor {
RED("\033[31m"), MAGENTA("\033[35m"), YELLOW("\033[33m"), DEFAULT(""), RESET("\033[0m");
private final String code;
private AnsiColor(String code) {
this.code = code;
public String code() {
return code;
* Colors document {@code child} using the specified ANSI color code.
* TODO(user): nested colors do not work.
public static Doc color(AnsiColor c, Doc child) {
return (new Text(c.code(), 0))
.add(new Text(AnsiColor.RESET.code(), 0));
/** Colors the document using the specified ANSI color code. */
public Doc color(AnsiColor c) {
return color(c, this);
/** Appends a separator to all documents except the last one in a list. */
public static List punctuate(Doc separator, List docs) {
List output = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) {
if (i < docs.size() - 1) {
} else {
return output;
* Returns a builder for a block which breaks vertically as
* header
* line
* line
* ...
* [footer]
public static BlockBuilder blockBuilder(Doc header, int indent) {
return new BlockBuilder(header, indent);
* Returns a builder for a block with indentation of 2.
public static BlockBuilder blockBuilder(Doc header) {
return new BlockBuilder(header, 2);
* A builder for block-like constructs.
public static class BlockBuilder {
private final Doc header;
private final int indent;
private final List lines = Lists.newArrayList();
private BlockBuilder(Doc header, int indent) {
this.header = header;
this.indent = indent;
public BlockBuilder add(Doc line) {
return this;
public BlockBuilder addAll(Iterable lines) {
for (Doc line : lines) {
return this;
public Doc build(@Nullable Doc footer) {
// Build group which breaks vertically as
// header
// line
// line
// ...
Doc headerAndLinesGroup =
// Add footer if given underneath the header/lines group
// header
// line
// ...
// footer
if (footer != null) {
return Doc.join(headerAndLinesGroup, footer).vgroup();
return headerAndLinesGroup;
public Doc build() {
return build(null);
* Build a function invocation as
* function ( arg1, BREAK arg2, BREAK ... argn )
* i.e. a break is only allowed after the first argument and before the last argument.
public static Doc invocation(int indent, Doc function, Iterable arguments) {
return function.add(Doc.parens(Doc.joinWith(COMMA_AND_BREAK, arguments).group().nest(indent)));
* Build a function invocation with indentation of 4 for arguments.
public static Doc invocation(Doc function, Iterable arguments) {
return invocation(4, function, arguments);
* Build a binary operator invocation as
* left BREAK operator SPACE right
public static Doc binary(int indent, Doc left, Doc operator, Doc right) {
return left.add(Doc.BREAK).add(operator).add(SPACE).add(right).group().nest(indent);
* Builds a binary with indentation of 4.
public static Doc binary(Doc left, Doc operator, Doc right) {
return binary(4, left, operator, right);
* Determines whether the document is empty except of whitespace.
public abstract boolean isWhitespace();
* A layout mode describes how to break a group, and is either HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, or FILL.
* Layout modes are only used as part of the layout state machine; AUTO is never used as a layout
* state.
private enum LayoutMode { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, FILL }
* An agendum represents an entry in the stack of documents that need to be fitted or formatted.
private static class Agendum {
final int indentation;
final LayoutMode mode;
final Doc doc;
Agendum(int indentation, LayoutMode mode, Doc doc) {
this.indentation = indentation;
this.mode = mode;
this.doc = doc;
* Pretty prints the document into a {@link StringBuilder}, formatted for {@code width} columns.
public void prettyPrint(StringBuilder builder, int width) {
Deque agenda = new ArrayDeque();
agenda.push(new Agendum(0, LayoutMode.HORIZONTAL, this));
int consumed = 0;
while (!agenda.isEmpty()) {
Agendum agendum = agenda.pop();
consumed = agendum.doc.format(builder, agenda, width, agendum.indentation, consumed,
* Pretty prints the document into a {@link StringBuilder}, formatted for {@code DEFAULT_WIDTH}
* columns.
public void prettyPrint(StringBuilder builder) {
prettyPrint(builder, DEFAULT_WIDTH);
* Pretty prints the document, formatted for {@code width} columns. Returns the result as a
* string.
public String prettyPrint(int width) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
prettyPrint(builder, width);
return builder.toString();
* Pretty prints the document, formatted for {@code DEFAULT_WIDTH} columns. Returns the result as
* a string.
public String prettyPrint() {
return prettyPrint(DEFAULT_WIDTH);
public String toString() {
return prettyPrint();
/* Everything below this line is internal to the pretty printer.
* Internally, there are six ways to form a pretty-printer document.
* Concat: the concatenation of two documents
* Text: a literal string
* Nest: increase the nesting level of an inner document
* Align: align breaks to the current column
* Break: a break, which is printed either as a space or a line break
* Group: a group is a unit in which all breaks should be printed according
* to a common breaking policy.
/** The state manipulated by the fits() method. */
private static class FitsState {
/** Did the fits() method reach a line break or overflow the line? */
boolean done;
/** How many columns remain on the current line? */
int width;
FitsState(int width) {
this.width = width;
this.done = false;
* Determines if this document fits in {@code state.width} columns, up to the next newline.
* Updates {@code state.width} to the new number of columns, and sets {@code state.done} to true
* if a newline is encountered or the line overflows.
protected abstract void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state);
* Determines whether the documents in {@code agenda} fit in {@code width} columns, up to the next
* newline.
private static boolean agendaFits(Deque agenda, int width) {
FitsState state = new FitsState(width);
Iterator iterator = agenda.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext() && !state.done && state.width >= 0) {
Agendum agendum =;
agendum.doc.fits(agendum.mode, state);
return state.width >= 0;
* Pretty-print a document into a {@link StringBuilder}. Updates the agenda, and returns an
* updated number of consumed characters.
* @param agenda the document layout worklist.
* @param width number of columns in the target layout (e.g., 80)
* @param indentation current number of columns of indentation.
* @param consumed number of columns already used in the current line.
* @param mode the current layout mode.
* @return an updated number of consumed characters.
protected abstract int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width,
int indentation, int consumed, LayoutMode mode);
/** The concatenation of two documents. */
private static class Concat extends Doc {
/** The first document. */
final Doc left;
/** The second document. */
final Doc right;
Concat(Doc left, Doc right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
left.fits(mode, state);
if (!state.done) {
right.fits(mode, state);
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, mode, right));
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, mode, left));
return consumed;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
// Concat tree grows on the left (implemented in Doc.add method), therefore to shorten the
// recursion for the below AND operation, we should check the right node first.
return right.isWhitespace() && left.isWhitespace();
/** Literal text. */
private static class Text extends Doc {
/** The literal text to print. */
final String contents;
* The width to use in size computations. By default this is simply the width of the text;
* however when printing invisible characters (such as ANSI color codes) this may be set to
* something different.
final int length;
Text(String contents) {
this.contents = contents;
this.length = contents.length();
Text(String contents, int length) {
this.contents = contents;
this.length = length;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
state.width -= length;
state.done = state.width < 0;
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
return consumed + length;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
return WHITESPACE.matchesAllOf(contents);
/** Increase indentation level. */
private static class Nest extends Doc {
/** The increase in indentation. */
final int indent;
/** The child document to indent. */
final Doc child;
Nest(int indent, Doc child) {
this.indent = indent;
this.child = child;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
child.fits(mode, state);
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation + indent, mode, child));
return consumed;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
return child.isWhitespace();
/** Align breaks to the current column */
private static class Align extends Doc {
/** The child document to align. */
final Doc child;
Align(Doc child) {
this.child = child;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
child.fits(mode, state);
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
agenda.push(new Agendum(consumed, mode, child));
return consumed;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
return child.isWhitespace();
/** A break. */
private static class Break extends Doc {
/** The representation of the break in horizontal mode. Ignored in vertical mode. */
final String representation;
Break(String representation) {
this.representation = representation;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
switch (mode) {
state.width -= representation.length();
state.done = state.width < 0;
state.done = true;
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
boolean horizontal;
switch (mode) {
horizontal = true;
horizontal = false;
horizontal = agendaFits(agenda, width - consumed - representation.length());
if (horizontal) {
return consumed + representation.length();
} else {
// Drop trailing WS
int i = builder.length() - 1;
while (i >= 0 && WHITESPACE.matches(builder.charAt(i))) {
builder.append(Strings.repeat(" ", indentation));
return indentation;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
return representation.trim().length() == 0;
/** A group, in which Breaks share a common breaking policy */
private static class Group extends Doc {
* The contents of this Group. This Group's breaking policy controls the layout of any Breaks in
* the child document for which this Group is the closest enclosing Group.
final Doc child;
/** The kind (breaking policy) for this group. */
final GroupKind kind;
Group(Doc child, GroupKind kind) {
this.child = child;
this.kind = kind;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
child.fits(LayoutMode.HORIZONTAL, state);
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
switch (kind) {
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, LayoutMode.HORIZONTAL, child));
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, LayoutMode.VERTICAL, child));
case FILL:
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, LayoutMode.FILL, child));
case AUTO:
// Try horizontal first; if that doesn't fit, then use vertical.
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, LayoutMode.HORIZONTAL, child));
if (!agendaFits(agenda, width - consumed)) {
agenda.push(new Agendum(indentation, LayoutMode.VERTICAL, child));
return consumed;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
return child.isWhitespace();
/** Set a constant indentation level. */
private static class IndentAt extends Doc {
/** The indentation level. */
final int indent;
/** The child document to indent. */
final Doc child;
IndentAt(int indent, Doc child) {
this.indent = indent;
this.child = child;
protected void fits(LayoutMode mode, FitsState state) {
child.fits(mode, state);
protected int format(StringBuilder builder, Deque agenda, int width, int indentation,
int consumed, LayoutMode mode) {
agenda.push(new Agendum(indent, mode, child));
return consumed + indent;
public boolean isWhitespace() {
return child.isWhitespace();