Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.ErrorReportConfiguration;
* Abstraction that encloses information about content being processed --
* input source or output target, streaming or
* not -- for the purpose of including pertinent information in
* location (see {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonLocation})
* objections, most commonly to be printed out as part of {@code Exception}
* messages.
* @since 2.13
public class ContentReference
// sort of: we will read back as "UNKNOWN"
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Constant that may be used when source/target content is not known
* (or not exposed).
* NOTE: As of 2.13 assume to contain Binary content, meaning that no
* content snippets will be included.
protected final static ContentReference UNKNOWN_CONTENT =
new ContentReference(false, null);
* As content will be redacted by default in Jackson 2.16 and later,
* we'll use a new marker reference for slightly different description
* from "unknown", to indicate explicit removal of source/content reference
* (as opposed to it missing from not being available or so)
* @since 2.16
protected final static ContentReference REDACTED_CONTENT =
new ContentReference(false, null);
* Include at most first 500 characters/bytes from contents; should be enough
* to give context, but not cause unfortunate side effects in things like
* logs.
* @since 2.9
* @deprecated Since 2.16. {@link ErrorReportConfiguration#DEFAULT_MAX_RAW_CONTENT_LENGTH} will be used instead.
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONTENT_SNIPPET = 500;
* Reference to the actual underlying content.
protected final transient Object _rawContent;
* For static content, indicates offset from the beginning
* of static array.
* {@code -1} if not in use.
protected final int _offset;
* For static content, indicates length of content in
* the static array.
* {@code -1} if not in use.
protected final int _length;
* Marker flag to indicate whether included content is textual or not:
* this is taken to mean, by default, that a snippet of content may be
* displayed for exception messages.
protected final boolean _isContentTextual;
* max raw content to return as configured
* @since 2.16
protected final int _maxRawContentLength;
/* Life-cycle
* @deprecated Since 2.16. Use {@link #ContentReference(boolean, Object, ErrorReportConfiguration)} instead.
protected ContentReference(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent) {
this(isContentTextual, rawContent, -1, -1, ErrorReportConfiguration.defaults());
* @deprecated Since 2.16. Use {@link #ContentReference(boolean, Object, int, int, ErrorReportConfiguration)} instead.
protected ContentReference(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent,
int offset, int length)
this(isContentTextual, rawContent, offset, length, ErrorReportConfiguration.defaults());
* @since 2.16
protected ContentReference(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent, ErrorReportConfiguration errorReportConfiguration)
this(isContentTextual, rawContent, -1, -1, errorReportConfiguration);
* @since 2.16
protected ContentReference(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent,
int offset, int length, ErrorReportConfiguration errorReportConfiguration)
_isContentTextual = isContentTextual;
_rawContent = rawContent;
_offset = offset;
_length = length;
_maxRawContentLength = errorReportConfiguration.getMaxRawContentLength();
* Accessor for getting a placeholder for cases where actual content
* is not known (or is not something that system wants to expose).
* @return Placeholder "unknown" (or "empty") instance to use instead of
* {@code null} reference
public static ContentReference unknown() {
* Accessor for getting a placeholder when actual content
* is not to be exposed: different from {@link #unknown()} where
* content is not available to be referenced.
* @return Placeholder instance to use in cases where reference is explicitly
* blocked, usually for security reasons.
* @since 2.16
public static ContentReference redacted() {
* @deprecated Since 2.16. Use {@link #construct(boolean, Object, ErrorReportConfiguration)} instead.
public static ContentReference construct(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent) {
return new ContentReference(isContentTextual, rawContent, ErrorReportConfiguration.defaults());
* @deprecated Since 2.16. Use {@link #construct(boolean, Object, int, int, ErrorReportConfiguration)} instead.
public static ContentReference construct(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent,
int offset, int length) {
return new ContentReference(isContentTextual, rawContent, offset, length, ErrorReportConfiguration.defaults());
* @since 2.16
public static ContentReference construct(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent,
int offset, int length, ErrorReportConfiguration errorReportConfiguration)
return new ContentReference(isContentTextual, rawContent, offset, length, errorReportConfiguration);
* @since 2.16
public static ContentReference construct(boolean isContentTextual, Object rawContent,
ErrorReportConfiguration errorReportConfiguration)
return new ContentReference(isContentTextual, rawContent, errorReportConfiguration);
* Factory method for legacy code to use for constructing instances to
* content about which only minimal amount of information is available.
* Assumed not to contain textual content (no snippet displayed).
* @param isContentTextual Is raw content assumed to have textual content
* ({@code true}) or binary ({@code false})
* @param rawContent Underlying raw content access
* @return Instance with minimal information about content (basically just
* raw content reference without offsets
public static ContentReference rawReference(boolean isContentTextual,
Object rawContent)
// Just to avoid russian-doll-nesting, let's:
if (rawContent instanceof ContentReference) {
return (ContentReference) rawContent;
return new ContentReference(isContentTextual, rawContent);
public static ContentReference rawReference(Object rawContent) {
return rawReference(false, rawContent);
/* Serializable overrides
// For JDK serialization: can/should not retain raw content, so need
// not read or write anything
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException {
// nop: but must override the method
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// nop: but must override the method
protected Object readResolve() {
/* Basic accessors
public boolean hasTextualContent() {
return _isContentTextual;
public Object getRawContent() {
return _rawContent;
public int contentOffset() { return _offset; }
public int contentLength() { return _length; }
* Internal accessor, overridable, used for checking length (in units in
* which content is counted, either bytes or chars) to use for truncation
* (so as not to include full content for humongous sources or targets)
* @see ErrorReportConfiguration#getMaxRawContentLength()
* @return Maximum content snippet to include before truncating
protected int maxRawContentLength() {
return _maxRawContentLength;
/* Method for constructing descriptions
* Method for constructing a "source description" when content represented
* by this reference is read.
* @return Description constructed
public String buildSourceDescription() {
return appendSourceDescription(new StringBuilder(200)).toString();
* Method for appending a "source description" when content represented
* by this reference is read.
* @param sb StringBuilder to append description to
* @return StringBuilder passed as argument (for call chaining)
public StringBuilder appendSourceDescription(StringBuilder sb)
final Object srcRef = getRawContent();
if (srcRef == null) {
if (this == REDACTED_CONTENT) { // ugly but...
sb.append("REDACTED (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled)");
} else {
return sb;
// First, figure out what name to use as source type
Class> srcType = (srcRef instanceof Class>) ?
((Class>) srcRef) : srcRef.getClass();
String tn = srcType.getName();
// standard JDK types without package
if (tn.startsWith("java.")) {
tn = srcType.getSimpleName();
} else if (srcRef instanceof byte[]) { // then some other special cases
tn = "byte[]";
} else if (srcRef instanceof char[]) {
tn = "char[]";
// and then, include (part of) contents for selected types
// (never for binary-format data)
if (hasTextualContent()) {
String unitStr = " chars";
String trimmed;
// poor man's tuple...
final int maxLen = maxRawContentLength();
int[] offsets = new int[] { contentOffset(), contentLength() };
if (srcRef instanceof CharSequence) {
trimmed = _truncate((CharSequence) srcRef, offsets, maxLen);
} else if (srcRef instanceof char[]) {
trimmed = _truncate((char[]) srcRef, offsets, maxLen);
} else if (srcRef instanceof byte[]) {
trimmed = _truncate((byte[]) srcRef, offsets, maxLen);
unitStr = " bytes";
} else {
trimmed = null;
if (trimmed != null) {
_append(sb, trimmed);
if (offsets[1] > maxLen) {
sb.append("[truncated ").append(offsets[1] - maxLen).append(unitStr).append(']');
} else {
// What should we do with binary content? Indicate length, if possible
if (srcRef instanceof byte[]) {
int length = contentLength();
// -1 is marker for "till the end" (should we consider offset then, too?)
if (length < 0) {
length = ((byte[]) srcRef).length;
.append(" bytes]");
return sb;
protected String _truncate(CharSequence cs, int[] offsets, int maxSnippetLen) {
_truncateOffsets(offsets, cs.length());
final int start = offsets[0];
final int length = Math.min(offsets[1], maxSnippetLen);
return cs.subSequence(start, start + length).toString();
protected String _truncate(char[] cs, int[] offsets, int maxSnippetLen) {
_truncateOffsets(offsets, cs.length);
final int start = offsets[0];
final int length = Math.min(offsets[1], maxSnippetLen);
return new String(cs, start, length);
protected String _truncate(byte[] b, int[] offsets, int maxSnippetLen) {
_truncateOffsets(offsets, b.length);
final int start = offsets[0];
final int length = Math.min(offsets[1], maxSnippetLen);
return new String(b, start, length, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// Method that is given alleged start/offset pair and needs to adjust
// these to fit
protected void _truncateOffsets(int[] offsets, int actualLength) {
int start = offsets[0];
// first, move start to be within area
if (start < 0) { // means effectively "start at beginning"
start = 0;
} else if (start >= actualLength) {
start = actualLength;
offsets[0] = start;
// And then ensure that we obey maximum physical length restriction
int length = offsets[1];
final int maxLength = actualLength - start;
if ((length < 0) || (length > maxLength)) {
offsets[1] = maxLength;
protected int _append(StringBuilder sb, String content) {
// [core#658]: make sure to escape non-printable
for (int i = 0, end = content.length(); i < end; ++i) {
// 06-Apr-2021, tatu: Gee... there is no "Character.isPrintable()",
// and from what I can see things get rather complicated trying
// to figure out proper way. Hence, we'll do this
char ch = content.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isISOControl(ch) || !_appendEscaped(sb, ch)) {
return content.length();
protected boolean _appendEscaped(StringBuilder sb, int ctrlChar) {
// We'll escape most, but NOT regular CR or LF
if (ctrlChar == '\r' || ctrlChar == '\n') {
return false;
sb.append(CharTypes.hexToChar((ctrlChar >> 12) & 0xF));
sb.append(CharTypes.hexToChar((ctrlChar >> 8) & 0xF));
sb.append(CharTypes.hexToChar((ctrlChar >> 4) & 0xF));
sb.append(CharTypes.hexToChar(ctrlChar & 0xF));
return true;
/* Standard method overrides
// Just needed for JsonLocation#equals(): although it'd seem we only need
// to care about identity, for backwards compatibility better compare
// bit more
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (other == this) return true;
if (other == null) return false;
if (!(other instanceof ContentReference)) return false;
ContentReference otherSrc = (ContentReference) other;
// 16-Jan-2022, tatu: First ensure offset/length the same
if ((_offset != otherSrc._offset)
|| (_length != otherSrc._length)) {
return false;
// 16-Jan-2022, tatu: As per [core#739] we'll want to consider some
// but not all content cases with real equality: the concern here is
// to avoid expensive comparisons and/or possible security issues
final Object otherRaw = otherSrc._rawContent;
if (_rawContent == null) {
return (otherRaw == null);
} else if (otherRaw == null) {
return false;
if ((_rawContent instanceof File)
|| (_rawContent instanceof URL)
|| (_rawContent instanceof URI)
) {
return _rawContent.equals(otherRaw);
return _rawContent == otherSrc._rawContent;
// Just to appease LGTM...
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(_rawContent);