Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* Concrete implementation of QueryResultsSource which knows how to make callbacks back into the
* datastore to retrieve more entities for the specified cursor.
abstract class BaseQueryResultsSource
implements QueryResultsSource {
/** A common interface for working with a query result. */
interface WrappedQueryResult {
/** Get the end cursor associated with the wrapped query result. */
Cursor getEndCursor();
* Get the entities included in the wrapped query result.
* @param projections Projections from the initial {@link Query}.
List getEntities(Collection projections);
* A list of Cursor objections which correspond to the entities returned by {@link
* #getEntities(Collection)}.
List<@Nullable Cursor> getResultCursors();
/** Return the cursor just after the last result skipped due to an offset. */
Cursor getSkippedResultsCursor();
* Indices whether a {@link BaseQueryResultsSource#makeNextCall(Object, WrappedQueryResult,
* Integer, Integer)} call with the wrapped object will return more results.
boolean hasMoreResults();
/** The number of results skipped over due to an offset. */
int numSkippedResults();
* Parses information about the indexes used in the query.
* @param monitoredIndexBuffer Indexes with the 'only use if required' flag set will be added to
* this buffer.
* @return CompositeIndexes which were used in the query.
List getIndexInfo(Collection monitoredIndexBuffer);
* Return false if the client has detected that this query result made no progress compared to
* the previous result. Note that the v3 API doesn't require this kind of client-side logic.
boolean madeProgress(WrappedQueryResult previousResult);
/* @VisibleForTesting */
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BaseQueryResultsSource.class.getName());
private static final int AT_LEAST_ONE = -1;
private static final String DISABLE_CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_SYS_PROP =
// Only log the warning when the user has returned more than this many
// results with the default offset.
private static final int CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_RESULT_SET_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 1000;
// Only log the warning at most once every 5 minutes (per jvm) to avoid
// spammy logs.
private static final long MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_FREQUENCY_MS = 1000 * 60 * 5;
/* @VisibleForTesting */
static MonitoredIndexUsageTracker monitoredIndexUsageTracker = new MonitoredIndexUsageTracker();
/* @VisibleForTesting */
static final AtomicLong lastChunkSizeWarning = new AtomicLong(0);
private final DatastoreCallbacks callbacks;
private final int chunkSize;
private final int offset;
private final Transaction txn;
private final Query query;
private final CurrentTransactionProvider currentTransactionProvider;
private Future queryResultFuture = null;
private int skippedResults;
private int totalResults = 0;
// Set by peekQueryResultAndIfFirstRecordIndexList from the first query result pb.
private List indexList = null;
private boolean addedSkippedCursor;
private final Future initialQueryResultFuture;
* Prototype for next/continue requests. This field remains null until initialQueryResultFuture is
* processed.
private NextRequestT nextQueryPrototype = null;
public BaseQueryResultsSource(
DatastoreCallbacks callbacks,
FetchOptions fetchOptions,
final Transaction txn,
Query query,
Future initialQueryResultFuture) {
this.callbacks = callbacks;
this.chunkSize =
fetchOptions.getChunkSize() != null ? fetchOptions.getChunkSize() : AT_LEAST_ONE;
this.offset = fetchOptions.getOffset() != null ? fetchOptions.getOffset() : 0;
this.txn = txn;
this.query = query;
this.currentTransactionProvider =
new CurrentTransactionProvider() {
public Transaction getCurrentTransaction(Transaction defaultValue) {
return txn;
this.initialQueryResultFuture = initialQueryResultFuture;
this.skippedResults = 0;
// Methods to work with service specific code for constructing and sending queries.
/** Wrap an initial query result and provide a standard interface for data extraction. */
abstract WrappedQueryResult wrapInitialResult(InitialResultT res);
/** Wrap a continue query request and provide a standard interface for data extraction. */
abstract WrappedQueryResult wrapResult(NextResultT res);
* Construct base object for continuing queries if more results are needed. This object will
* passed into {@link #makeNextCall(Object, WrappedQueryResult, Integer, Integer)}.
abstract NextRequestT buildNextCallPrototype(InitialResultT res);
* Issue a continue query request to the {@link AsyncDatastoreService}.
* @return The future containing the result.
abstract Future makeNextCall(
NextRequestT prototype,
WrappedQueryResult latestResult,
Integer fetchCountOrNull,
Integer offsetOrNull);
public boolean hasMoreEntities() {
return (nextQueryPrototype == null || queryResultFuture != null);
public int getNumSkipped() {
return skippedResults;
public List getIndexList() {
if (indexList == null) {
// The first query result contains the index list.
InitialResultT res = FutureHelper.quietGet(initialQueryResultFuture);
Set monitoredIndexBuffer = Sets.newHashSet();
indexList = wrapInitialResult(res).getIndexInfo(monitoredIndexBuffer);
if (!monitoredIndexBuffer.isEmpty()) {
monitoredIndexUsageTracker.addNewUsage(monitoredIndexBuffer, query);
return indexList;
public Cursor loadMoreEntities(List buffer, List cursorBuffer) {
return loadMoreEntities(AT_LEAST_ONE, buffer, cursorBuffer);
public Cursor loadMoreEntities(int numberToLoad, List buffer, List cursorBuffer) {
if (!hasMoreEntities()) {
return null;
// We possibly have more results.
if (numberToLoad == 0 // special request to satisfy the offset
&& offset <= skippedResults) { // which may already be satisfied
if (!addedSkippedCursor) {
cursorBuffer.add(null); // Use the start cursor.
addedSkippedCursor = true;
// Offset has already been satisfied.
return null;
WrappedQueryResult res;
if (nextQueryPrototype == null) {
getIndexList(); // Maybe fill in index data.
InitialResultT initialRes = FutureHelper.quietGet(initialQueryResultFuture);
nextQueryPrototype = buildNextCallPrototype(initialRes);
res = wrapInitialResult(initialRes);
} else {
res = wrapResult(FutureHelper.quietGet(queryResultFuture));
queryResultFuture = null;
int fetchedSoFar = processQueryResult(res, buffer, cursorBuffer);
Integer fetchCountOrNull = null;
Integer offsetOrNull = null;
if (res.hasMoreResults()) {
boolean setCount = true; // if the count needs to be tracked
if (numberToLoad <= 0) {
setCount = false;
if (chunkSize != AT_LEAST_ONE) {
fetchCountOrNull = chunkSize;
if (numberToLoad == AT_LEAST_ONE) {
numberToLoad = 1;
// Synchronously grab any extra needed
while (res.hasMoreResults() // While there are more results
&& (skippedResults < offset // and we either have more offset to satisfy
|| fetchedSoFar < numberToLoad)) { // or have more results to fetch
if (skippedResults < offset) {
offsetOrNull = offset - skippedResults;
} else {
offsetOrNull = null;
if (setCount) {
fetchCountOrNull = Math.max(chunkSize, numberToLoad - fetchedSoFar);
WrappedQueryResult nextRes =
makeNextCall(nextQueryPrototype, res, fetchCountOrNull, offsetOrNull)));
if (!nextRes.madeProgress(res)) {
throw new DatastoreTimeoutException("The query was not able to make any progress.");
res = nextRes;
fetchedSoFar += processQueryResult(res, buffer, cursorBuffer);
// Start next async call iff we have more results to get.
if (res.hasMoreResults()) {
fetchCountOrNull = chunkSize != AT_LEAST_ONE ? chunkSize : null;
offsetOrNull = null; // At this point the offset must have been met.
queryResultFuture = makeNextCall(nextQueryPrototype, res, fetchCountOrNull, offsetOrNull);
return res.getEndCursor();
* Helper function to process the query results.
* This function adds results to the given buffer and updates {@link #skippedResults}.
* @param res The {@link} to process
* @param buffer the buffer to which to add results
* @return The number of new results added to buffer.
private int processQueryResult(
WrappedQueryResult res, List buffer, List cursorBuffer) {
skippedResults += res.numSkippedResults();
if (skippedResults >= offset && !addedSkippedCursor) {
// Use the skip cursor if provided, otherwise use the start cursor or Cursor.advance().
addedSkippedCursor = true;
List entityList = res.getEntities(query.getProjections());
for (Entity entity : entityList) {
// Since results are streamed back over time we just create one context
// per result and execute postLoad callbacks within that context.
callbacks.executePostLoadCallbacks(new PostLoadContext(currentTransactionProvider, entity));
totalResults += entityList.size();
// If the user has pulled back a large number of results without setting
// a chunk size, log a warning.
if (chunkSize == AT_LEAST_ONE
&& System.getProperty(DISABLE_CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_SYS_PROP) == null) {
return entityList.size();
void logChunkSizeWarning() {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - lastChunkSizeWarning.get()) < MAX_CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_FREQUENCY_MS) {
"This query does not have a chunk size set in FetchOptions and has returned over "
+ " results. If result sets of this "
+ "size are common for this query, consider setting a chunk size to improve "
+ "performance.\n To disable this warning set the following system property in "
+ "appengine-web.xml (the value of the property doesn't matter): '"
+ "'");