Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Flogger Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.logging.Level;
* The default implementation of {@link AbstractLogger} which returns the basic {@link LoggingApi}
* and uses the default parser and system configured backend.
* Note that when extending the logging API or specifying a new parser, you will need to create a
* new logger class (rather than extending this one). Unlike the {@link LogContext} class,
* which must be extended in order to modify the logging API, this class is not generified and thus
* cannot be modified to produce a different logging API.
* The choice to prevent direct extension of loggers was made deliberately to ensure that users of
* a specific logger implementation always get the same behavior.
public final class FluentLogger extends AbstractLogger {
* The non-wildcard, fully specified, logging API for this logger. Fluent logger implementations
* should specify a non-wildcard API like this with which to generify the abstract logger.
* It is possible to add methods to this logger-specific API directly, but it is recommended that
* a separate top-level API and LogContext is created, allowing it to be shared by other
* implementations.
public interface Api extends LoggingApi {}
* The non-wildcard, fully specified, no-op API implementation. This is required to provide a
* no-op implementation whose type is compatible with this logger's API.
private static final class NoOp extends LoggingApi.NoOp implements Api {}
// Singleton instance of the no-op API. This variable is purposefully declared as an instance of
// the NoOp type instead of the Api type. This helps ProGuard optimization recognize the type of
// this field more easily. This allows ProGuard to strip away low-level logs in Android apps in
// fewer optimization passes. Do not change this to 'Api', or any less specific type.
// VisibleForTesting
static final NoOp NO_OP = new NoOp();
* Returns a new logger instance which parses log messages using printf format for the enclosing
* class using the system default logging backend.
public static FluentLogger forEnclosingClass() {
// NOTE: It is _vital_ that the call to "caller finder" is made directly inside the static
// factory method. See getCallerFinder() for more information.
String loggingClass = Platform.getCallerFinder().findLoggingClass(FluentLogger.class);
return new FluentLogger(Platform.getBackend(loggingClass));
// Visible for testing.
FluentLogger(LoggerBackend backend) {
public Api at(Level level) {
boolean isLoggable = isLoggable(level);
boolean isForced = Platform.shouldForceLogging(getName(), level, isLoggable);
return (isLoggable || isForced) ? new Context(level, isForced) : NO_OP;
/** Logging context implementing the fully specified API for this logger. */
// VisibleForTesting
final class Context extends LogContext implements Api {
private Context(Level level, boolean isForced) {
super(level, isForced);
protected FluentLogger getLogger() {
return FluentLogger.this;
protected Api api() {
return this;
protected Api noOp() {
return NO_OP;
protected MessageParser getMessageParser() {
return DefaultPrintfMessageParser.getInstance();