Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Objects;
* A class representing a JSON primitive value. A primitive value is either a String, a Java
* primitive, or a Java primitive wrapper type.
* See the {@link JsonElement} documentation for details on how to convert {@code JsonPrimitive}
* and generally any {@code JsonElement} from and to JSON.
* @author Inderjeet Singh
* @author Joel Leitch
public final class JsonPrimitive extends JsonElement {
private final Object value;
* Create a primitive containing a boolean value.
* @param bool the value to create the primitive with.
// "deprecation" suppression for superclass constructor
// "UnnecessaryBoxedVariable" Error Prone warning is correct since method does not accept
// null, but cannot be changed anymore since this is public API
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "UnnecessaryBoxedVariable"})
public JsonPrimitive(Boolean bool) {
value = Objects.requireNonNull(bool);
* Create a primitive containing a {@link Number}.
* @param number the value to create the primitive with.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // superclass constructor
public JsonPrimitive(Number number) {
value = Objects.requireNonNull(number);
* Create a primitive containing a String value.
* @param string the value to create the primitive with.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // superclass constructor
public JsonPrimitive(String string) {
value = Objects.requireNonNull(string);
* Create a primitive containing a character. The character is turned into a one character String
* since JSON only supports String.
* @param c the value to create the primitive with.
// "deprecation" suppression for superclass constructor
// "UnnecessaryBoxedVariable" Error Prone warning is correct since method does not accept
// null, but cannot be changed anymore since this is public API
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "UnnecessaryBoxedVariable"})
public JsonPrimitive(Character c) {
// convert characters to strings since in JSON, characters are represented as a single
// character string
value = Objects.requireNonNull(c).toString();
* Returns the same value as primitives are immutable.
* @since 2.8.2
public JsonPrimitive deepCopy() {
return this;
* Check whether this primitive contains a boolean value.
* @return true if this primitive contains a boolean value, false otherwise.
public boolean isBoolean() {
return value instanceof Boolean;
* Convenience method to get this element as a boolean value. If this primitive {@linkplain
* #isBoolean() is not a boolean}, the string value is parsed using {@link
* Boolean#parseBoolean(String)}. This means {@code "true"} (ignoring case) is considered {@code
* true} and any other value is considered {@code false}.
public boolean getAsBoolean() {
if (isBoolean()) {
return (Boolean) value;
// Check to see if the value as a String is "true" in any case.
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getAsString());
* Check whether this primitive contains a Number.
* @return true if this primitive contains a Number, false otherwise.
public boolean isNumber() {
return value instanceof Number;
* Convenience method to get this element as a {@link Number}. If this primitive {@linkplain
* #isString() is a string}, a lazily parsed {@code Number} is constructed which parses the string
* when any of its methods are called (which can lead to a {@link NumberFormatException}).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this primitive is neither a number nor a string.
public Number getAsNumber() {
if (value instanceof Number) {
return (Number) value;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return new LazilyParsedNumber((String) value);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Primitive is neither a number nor a string");
* Check whether this primitive contains a String value.
* @return true if this primitive contains a String value, false otherwise.
public boolean isString() {
return value instanceof String;
// Don't add Javadoc, inherit it from super implementation; no exceptions are thrown here
public String getAsString() {
if (value instanceof String) {
return (String) value;
} else if (isNumber()) {
return getAsNumber().toString();
} else if (isBoolean()) {
return ((Boolean) value).toString();
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected value type: " + value.getClass());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public double getAsDouble() {
return isNumber() ? getAsNumber().doubleValue() : Double.parseDouble(getAsString());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public BigDecimal getAsBigDecimal() {
return value instanceof BigDecimal
? (BigDecimal) value
: NumberLimits.parseBigDecimal(getAsString());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public BigInteger getAsBigInteger() {
return value instanceof BigInteger
? (BigInteger) value
: isIntegral(this)
? BigInteger.valueOf(this.getAsNumber().longValue())
: NumberLimits.parseBigInteger(this.getAsString());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public float getAsFloat() {
return isNumber() ? getAsNumber().floatValue() : Float.parseFloat(getAsString());
* Convenience method to get this element as a primitive long.
* @return this element as a primitive long.
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public long getAsLong() {
return isNumber() ? getAsNumber().longValue() : Long.parseLong(getAsString());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public short getAsShort() {
return isNumber() ? getAsNumber().shortValue() : Short.parseShort(getAsString());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public int getAsInt() {
return isNumber() ? getAsNumber().intValue() : Integer.parseInt(getAsString());
* @throws NumberFormatException {@inheritDoc}
public byte getAsByte() {
return isNumber() ? getAsNumber().byteValue() : Byte.parseByte(getAsString());
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the string value of this primitive is empty.
* @deprecated This method is misleading, as it does not get this element as a char but rather as
* a string's first character.
public char getAsCharacter() {
String s = getAsString();
if (s.isEmpty()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("String value is empty");
} else {
return s.charAt(0);
/** Returns the hash code of this object. */
public int hashCode() {
if (value == null) {
return 31;
// Using recommended hashing algorithm from Effective Java for longs and doubles
if (isIntegral(this)) {
long value = getAsNumber().longValue();
return (int) (value ^ (value >>> 32));
if (value instanceof Number) {
long value = Double.doubleToLongBits(getAsNumber().doubleValue());
return (int) (value ^ (value >>> 32));
return value.hashCode();
* Returns whether the other object is equal to this. This method only considers the other object
* to be equal if it is an instance of {@code JsonPrimitive} and has an equal value.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
JsonPrimitive other = (JsonPrimitive) obj;
if (value == null) {
return other.value == null;
if (isIntegral(this) && isIntegral(other)) {
return (this.value instanceof BigInteger || other.value instanceof BigInteger)
? this.getAsBigInteger().equals(other.getAsBigInteger())
: this.getAsNumber().longValue() == other.getAsNumber().longValue();
if (value instanceof Number && other.value instanceof Number) {
if (value instanceof BigDecimal && other.value instanceof BigDecimal) {
// Uses compareTo to ignore scale of values, e.g. `0` and `0.00` should be considered equal
return this.getAsBigDecimal().compareTo(other.getAsBigDecimal()) == 0;
double thisAsDouble = this.getAsDouble();
double otherAsDouble = other.getAsDouble();
// Don't use, double) because that considers -0.0 and +0.0 not equal
return (thisAsDouble == otherAsDouble)
|| (Double.isNaN(thisAsDouble) && Double.isNaN(otherAsDouble));
return value.equals(other.value);
* Returns true if the specified number is an integral type (Long, Integer, Short, Byte,
* BigInteger)
private static boolean isIntegral(JsonPrimitive primitive) {
if (primitive.value instanceof Number) {
Number number = (Number) primitive.value;
return number instanceof BigInteger
|| number instanceof Long
|| number instanceof Integer
|| number instanceof Short
|| number instanceof Byte;
return false;