org.eclipse.jetty.http.MultiPart Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995 Mort Bay Consulting Pty Ltd and others.
// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
// https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.eclipse.jetty.http;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.Content;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.content.ByteBufferContentSource;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.content.ChunksContentSource;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.IO;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.QuotedStringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.SearchPattern;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StaticException;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Utf8StringBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.AutoLock;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.SerializedInvoker;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
* Namespace class for interrelated classes that provide
* support for parsing and generating multipart bytes.
* Most applications should make use of {@link MultiPartFormData}
* or {@link MultiPartByteRanges} as they provide a simpler API.
* Multipart parsing is provided by {@link Parser}.
* Multipart generation is provided by {@link AbstractContentSource} and its subclasses.
* A single part of a multipart content is represented by {@link Part}
* and its subclasses.
* @see MultiPartFormData
* @see MultiPartByteRanges
public class MultiPart
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultiPart.class);
private static final QuotedStringTokenizer CONTENT_DISPOSITION_TOKENIZER = QuotedStringTokenizer.builder()
private static final int MAX_BOUNDARY_LENGTH = 70;
private MultiPart()
* Extracts the value of the {@code boundary} parameter
* from the {@code Content-Type} header value, or returns
* {@code null} if the {@code boundary} parameter is missing.
* @param contentType the {@code Content-Type} header value
* @return the value of the {@code boundary} parameter, or
* {@code null} if the {@code boundary} parameter is missing
public static String extractBoundary(String contentType)
Map parameters = new HashMap<>();
HttpField.getValueParameters(contentType, parameters);
return CONTENT_DISPOSITION_TOKENIZER.unquote(parameters.get("boundary"));
* Generates a multipart boundary, made of the given optional
* prefix string and the given number of random characters.
* The total length of the boundary will be trimmed to at
* most 70 characters, as specified in RFC 2046.
* @param prefix a possibly {@code null} prefix
* @param randomLength a number of random characters to add after the prefix
* @return a boundary string
public static String generateBoundary(String prefix, int randomLength)
if (prefix == null && randomLength < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid boundary length");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(prefix == null ? "" : prefix);
int length = builder.length();
while (builder.length() < length + randomLength)
long rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
builder.append(Long.toString(rnd < 0 ? -rnd : rnd, 36));
builder.setLength(Math.min(length + randomLength, MAX_BOUNDARY_LENGTH));
return builder.toString();
* A single part of a multipart content.
* A part has an optional name, an optional fileName,
* optional headers and an optional content.
public abstract static class Part implements Closeable
static final Throwable CLOSE_EXCEPTION = new StaticException("Closed");
private final AutoLock lock = new AutoLock();
private final String name;
private final String fileName;
private final HttpFields fields;
private Path path;
private Content.Source contentSource;
private boolean temporary;
public Part(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields)
this(name, fileName, fields, null);
private Part(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields, Path path)
this.name = name;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.fields = fields != null ? fields : HttpFields.EMPTY;
this.path = path;
this.temporary = true;
private Path getPath()
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
return path;
* Returns the name of this part, as specified by the
* {@link HttpHeader#CONTENT_DISPOSITION}'s {@code name} parameter.
* While the {@code name} parameter is mandatory per RFC 7578,
* older HTTP clients may not send it.
* @return the name of this part, or {@code null} if there is no name
public String getName()
return name;
* Returns the file name of this part, as specified by the
* {@link HttpHeader#CONTENT_DISPOSITION}'s {@code filename} parameter.
* While the {@code filename} parameter is mandatory per RFC 7578 when
* uploading files, older HTTP clients may not send it.
* The file name may be absent if the part is not a file upload.
* @return the file name of this part, or {@code null} if there is no file name
public String getFileName()
return fileName;
* Returns the content of this part as a {@link Content.Source}.
* Calling this method multiple times will return the same instance, which can only be consumed once.
* The content type and content encoding are specified in this part's
* {@link #getHeaders() headers}.
* The content encoding may be specified by the part named {@code _charset_},
* as specified in
* RFC 7578, section 4.6.
* @return the content of this part
* @see #newContentSource()
public Content.Source getContentSource()
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (contentSource == null)
contentSource = newContentSource();
return contentSource;
* Returns the content of this part as a new {@link Content.Source}
* If the content is reproducible, invoking this method multiple times will return
* a different independent instance for every invocation.
* If the content is not reproducible, subsequent calls to this method will return null.
* The content type and content encoding are specified in this part's {@link #getHeaders() headers}.
* The content encoding may be specified by the part named {@code _charset_},
* as specified in
* RFC 7578, section 4.6.
* @return the content of this part as a new {@link Content.Source} or null if the content cannot be consumed multiple times.
* @see #getContentSource()
public abstract Content.Source newContentSource();
public long getLength()
Content.Source source = getContentSource();
if (source != null)
return source.getLength();
return -1;
* Returns the content of this part as a string.
* The charset used to decode the bytes is:
* - the {@code charset} parameter of the {@link HttpHeader#CONTENT_TYPE} header, if non-null;
* - otherwise, the given {@code defaultCharset} parameter, if non-null;
* - otherwise, UTF-8.
* @param defaultCharset the charset to use to decode the bytes,
* if the {@code charset} parameter of the {@code Content-Type} header is missing
* @return the content of this part as a string
public String getContentAsString(Charset defaultCharset)
String contentType = getHeaders().get(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE);
String charsetName = MimeTypes.getCharsetFromContentType(contentType);
Charset charset = defaultCharset != null ? defaultCharset : UTF_8;
if (charsetName != null)
charset = Charset.forName(charsetName);
return Content.Source.asString(newContentSource(), charset);
catch (IOException x)
throw new UncheckedIOException(x);
* @return the headers associated with this part
public HttpFields getHeaders()
return fields;
* Writes the content of this part to the given path.
* @param path the Path to write this part's content to
* @throws IOException if the write fails
public void writeTo(Path path) throws IOException
Path currentPath = getPath();
Path newPath;
if (currentPath == null)
try (OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(path))
IO.copy(Content.Source.asInputStream(newContentSource()), out);
newPath = path;
newPath = Files.move(currentPath, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
this.temporary = false;
this.path = newPath;
public void delete() throws IOException
Path path = getPath();
if (path != null)
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
this.path = null;
public void close()
public void fail(Throwable t)
Content.Source source;
Path path = null;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
source = contentSource;
if (temporary)
path = this.path;
this.path = null;
if (source != null)
if (path != null)
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Error closing part {}", this, x);
* A {@link Part} that holds its content in memory,
* in one or more {@code ByteBuffer}s.
public static class ByteBufferPart extends Part
private final List content;
public ByteBufferPart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields, ByteBuffer... buffers)
this(name, fileName, fields, List.of(buffers));
public ByteBufferPart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields, List content)
super(name, fileName, fields);
this.content = content;
public Content.Source newContentSource()
return new ByteBufferContentSource(content);
public String toString()
return "%s@%x[name=%s,fileName=%s,length=%d]".formatted(
* A {@link Part} that holds its content in one or more {@link Content.Chunk}s.
public static class ChunksPart extends Part
private final AutoLock lock = new AutoLock();
private final List content = new ArrayList<>();
private final List contentSources = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean closed = false;
public ChunksPart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields, List content)
super(name, fileName, fields);
public Content.Source newContentSource()
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (closed)
return null;
// Slice the chunks as new instances with separate reference counters,
// because the content sources may not be read, or their chunks could be
// further retained, so those chunks must not be linked to the original ones.
List chunks = content.stream()
.map(chunk ->
if (Content.Chunk.isFailure(chunk))
return chunk;
return Content.Chunk.from(chunk.getByteBuffer().slice(), chunk.isLast());
ChunksContentSource newContentSource = new ChunksContentSource(chunks);
return newContentSource;
public void fail(Throwable t)
List contentSourcesToFail;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
closed = true;
contentSourcesToFail = List.copyOf(contentSources);
contentSourcesToFail.forEach(c -> c.fail(t));
public String toString()
return "%s@%x[name=%s,fileName=%s,length=%d]".formatted(
* A {@link Part} whose content is in a file.
public static class PathPart extends Part
public PathPart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields, Path path)
super(name, fileName, fields, path);
public Path getPath()
return super.getPath();
public Content.Source newContentSource()
// TODO: use a ByteBuffer pool and direct ByteBuffers?
return Content.Source.from(getPath());
public String toString()
return "%s@%x[name=%s,fileName=%s,path=%s]".formatted(
* A {@link Part} whose content is a {@link Content.Source}.
public static class ContentSourcePart extends Part
private Content.Source content;
public ContentSourcePart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields fields, Content.Source content)
super(name, fileName, fields);
this.content = Objects.requireNonNull(content);
public Content.Source newContentSource()
Content.Source c = content;
content = null;
return c;
public String toString()
return "%s@%x[name=%s,fileName=%s,length=%d]".formatted(
* An asynchronous {@link Content.Source} where {@link Part}s can
* be added to it to form a multipart content.
* When this {@link Content.Source} is read, it will produce the
* bytes (including boundary separators) in the multipart format.
* Subclasses should override {@link #customizePartHeaders(Part)}
* to produce the right part headers depending on the specific
* multipart subtype (for example, {@code multipart/form-data} or
* {@code multipart/byteranges}, etc.).
* Typical asynchronous usage is the following:
* {@code
* // Create a ContentSource subclass.
* ContentSource source = ...;
* // Add parts to the ContentSource.
* source.addPart(new ByteBufferPart());
* source.addPart(new PathPart());
* // Close the ContentSource to signal
* // that no more parts will be added.
* source.close();
* // The Sink where this ContentSource is written to.
* Content.Sink sink = ...;
* // Copy this ContentSource to the Sink.
* Content.copy(source, sink, Callback.from(...));
* }
* Reading from {@code ContentSource} may be performed at any time,
* even if not all the parts have been added yet.
* Adding parts and calling {@link #close()} may be done asynchronously
* from other threads.
* Eventually, reading from {@code ContentSource} will produce a last
* chunk when all the parts have been added and this {@code ContentSource}
* has been closed.
public abstract static class AbstractContentSource implements Content.Source, Closeable
private final AutoLock lock = new AutoLock();
private final SerializedInvoker invoker = new SerializedInvoker(AbstractContentSource.class);
private final Queue parts = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final String boundary;
private final ByteBuffer firstBoundary;
private final ByteBuffer middleBoundary;
private final ByteBuffer onlyBoundary;
private final ByteBuffer lastBoundary;
private int partHeadersMaxLength = -1;
private State state = State.FIRST;
private boolean closed;
private Runnable demand;
private Content.Chunk errorChunk;
private Part part;
public AbstractContentSource(String boundary)
if (boundary.isBlank() || boundary.length() > MAX_BOUNDARY_LENGTH)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid boundary: must consists of 1 to 70 characters");
// RFC 2046 requires the boundary to not end with a space.
boundary = boundary.stripTrailing();
this.boundary = boundary;
String firstBoundaryLine = "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
this.firstBoundary = ByteBuffer.wrap(firstBoundaryLine.getBytes(US_ASCII));
String middleBoundaryLine = "\r\n" + firstBoundaryLine;
this.middleBoundary = ByteBuffer.wrap(middleBoundaryLine.getBytes(US_ASCII));
String onlyBoundaryLine = "--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
this.onlyBoundary = ByteBuffer.wrap(onlyBoundaryLine.getBytes(US_ASCII));
String lastBoundaryLine = "\r\n" + onlyBoundaryLine;
this.lastBoundary = ByteBuffer.wrap(lastBoundaryLine.getBytes(US_ASCII));
* @return the boundary string
public String getBoundary()
return boundary;
* @return the max length of a {@link Part} headers, in bytes, or -1 for unlimited length
public int getPartHeadersMaxLength()
return partHeadersMaxLength;
* @param partHeadersMaxLength the max length of a {@link Part} headers, in bytes, or -1 for unlimited length
public void setPartHeadersMaxLength(int partHeadersMaxLength)
this.partHeadersMaxLength = partHeadersMaxLength;
* Adds, if possible, the given {@link Part} to this {@code ContentSource}.
* {@code Part}s may be added until this {@code ContentSource} is
* {@link #close() closed}.
* This method returns {@code true} if the part was added, {@code false}
* if the part cannot be added because this {@code ContentSource} is
* already closed, or because it has been {@link #fail(Throwable) failed}.
* @param part the {@link Part} to add
* @return whether the part has been added
* @see #close()
public boolean addPart(Part part)
boolean wasEmpty;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (closed || errorChunk != null)
return false;
wasEmpty = parts.isEmpty();
if (wasEmpty)
return true;
* Closes this {@code ContentSource} so that no more parts may be added.
* Once this method is called, reading from this {@code ContentSource}
* will eventually produce a terminal multipart/form-data boundary,
* when all the part bytes have been read.
public void close()
boolean wasEmpty;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
closed = true;
wasEmpty = parts.isEmpty();
if (wasEmpty)
public long getLength()
// TODO: #10307 it is difficult to calculate the length because
// we need to allow for customization of the headers from
// subclasses, and then serialize all the headers to get
// their length (handling UTF-8 values) and we don't want
// to do it twice (here and in read()).
return -1;
public Content.Chunk read()
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (errorChunk != null)
return errorChunk;
return switch (state)
case FIRST ->
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (parts.isEmpty())
if (closed)
state = State.COMPLETE;
yield Content.Chunk.from(onlyBoundary.slice(), true);
yield null;
part = parts.poll();
state = State.HEADERS;
yield Content.Chunk.from(firstBoundary.slice(), false);
case MIDDLE ->
part = null;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (parts.isEmpty())
if (closed)
state = State.COMPLETE;
yield Content.Chunk.from(lastBoundary.slice(), true);
yield null;
part = parts.poll();
state = State.HEADERS;
yield Content.Chunk.from(middleBoundary.slice(), false);
case HEADERS ->
HttpFields headers = customizePartHeaders(part);
Utf8StringBuilder builder = new Utf8StringBuilder(4096);
headers.forEach(field ->
HttpHeader header = field.getHeader();
if (header != null)
builder.append(": ");
String value = field.getValue();
if (value != null)
// TODO: use a ByteBuffer pool and direct ByteBuffers?
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = UTF_8.encode(builder.toCompleteString());
state = State.CONTENT;
yield Content.Chunk.from(byteBuffer, false);
case CONTENT ->
Content.Chunk chunk = part.getContentSource().read();
if (chunk == null)
yield null;
if (Content.Chunk.isFailure(chunk, true))
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
errorChunk = chunk;
yield chunk;
if (!chunk.isLast())
yield chunk;
state = State.MIDDLE;
if (chunk.hasRemaining())
yield Content.Chunk.asChunk(chunk.getByteBuffer(), false, chunk);
yield Content.Chunk.EMPTY;
case COMPLETE -> Content.Chunk.EOF;
protected HttpFields customizePartHeaders(Part part)
return part.getHeaders();
private void checkPartHeadersLength(Utf8StringBuilder builder)
int max = getPartHeadersMaxLength();
if (max > 0 && builder.length() > max)
throw new IllegalStateException("headers max length exceeded: %d".formatted(max));
public void demand(Runnable demandCallback)
Part part = null;
boolean invoke = false;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (this.demand != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("demand pending");
this.demand = Objects.requireNonNull(demandCallback);
if (state == State.CONTENT)
part = this.part;
invoke = !parts.isEmpty() || closed || errorChunk != null;
if (part != null)
part.getContentSource().demand(() ->
try (AutoLock ignoredAgain = lock.lock())
this.demand = null;
else if (invoke)
public void fail(Throwable failure)
Part part;
List drained;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
if (errorChunk != null)
errorChunk = Content.Chunk.from(failure);
drained = List.copyOf(parts);
part = this.part;
this.part = null;
if (part != null)
drained.forEach(p -> p.fail(failure));
private void invokeDemandCallback()
Runnable callback;
try (AutoLock ignored = lock.lock())
callback = this.demand;
this.demand = null;
if (callback != null)
private void runDemandCallback(Runnable callback)
catch (Throwable x)
private enum State
* A {@code multipart/form-data} parser that follows
* RFC 7578.
* RFC 7578 mandates that end-of-lines are CRLF, but this parser is
* more lenient and it is able to parse multipart content that only
* uses LF as end-of-line.
* The parser emits events specified by {@link Listener}, that can be
* implemented to support specific logic (for example, the max content
* length of a part, etc.
* @see #parse(Content.Chunk)
public static class Parser
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Parser.class);
private static final ByteBuffer CR = US_ASCII.encode("\r");
private final Utf8StringBuilder text = new Utf8StringBuilder();
private final String boundary;
private final SearchPattern boundaryFinder;
private final MultiPartCompliance compliance;
private final Listener listener;
private int partHeadersLength;
private int partHeadersMaxLength = -1;
private State state;
private int partialBoundaryMatch;
private boolean crFlag;
private boolean crContent;
private int trailingWhiteSpaces;
private String fieldName;
private String fieldValue;
private long maxParts = 1000;
private int numParts;
private EnumSet eols;
public Parser(String boundary, Listener listener)
this(boundary, MultiPartCompliance.RFC7578, listener);
public Parser(String boundary, MultiPartCompliance compliance, Listener listener)
this.boundary = boundary;
// While the spec mandates CRLF before the boundary, be more lenient and only require LF.
this.boundaryFinder = SearchPattern.compile("\n--" + boundary);
this.compliance = compliance;
this.listener = listener;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
).forEach(violation ->
if (compliance.allows(violation))
LOG.debug("{} ignoring violation {}: unable to allow it", getClass().getName(), violation.name());
public String getBoundary()
return boundary;
* @return the max length of a {@link Part} headers, in bytes, or -1 for unlimited length
public int getPartHeadersMaxLength()
return partHeadersMaxLength;
* @param partHeadersMaxLength the max length of a {@link Part} headers, in bytes, or -1 for unlimited length
public void setPartHeadersMaxLength(int partHeadersMaxLength)
this.partHeadersMaxLength = partHeadersMaxLength;
* @return the maximum number of parts that can be parsed from the multipart content (0 for no parts allowed, -1 for unlimited parts).
public long getMaxParts()
return maxParts;
* @param maxParts the maximum number of parts that can be parsed from the multipart content (0 for no parts allowed, -1 for unlimited parts).
public void setMaxParts(long maxParts)
this.maxParts = maxParts;
* Resets this parser to make it ready to parse again a multipart/form-data content.
public void reset()
partHeadersLength = 0;
state = State.PREAMBLE;
// Skip initial LF for the first boundary.
partialBoundaryMatch = 1;
crFlag = false;
crContent = false;
trailingWhiteSpaces = 0;
fieldName = null;
fieldValue = null;
* Parses the multipart/form-data bytes contained in the given {@link Content.Chunk}.
* Parsing the bytes will emit events to a {@link Listener}.
* The multipart/form-data content may be split into multiple chunks; each chunk should
* be passed to this method when it is available, with the last chunk signaling that the
* whole multipart/form-data content has been given to this parser, which will eventually
* emit the {@link Listener#onComplete() complete} event.
* In case of parsing errors, the {@link Listener#onFailure(Throwable) failure} event
* will be emitted.
* @param chunk the {@link Content.Chunk} to parse
* @see Listener
public void parse(Content.Chunk chunk)
ByteBuffer buffer = chunk.getByteBuffer();
boolean last = chunk.isLast();
while (buffer.hasRemaining())
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("parse {} {}", state, BufferUtil.toDetailString(buffer));
switch (state)
case PREAMBLE ->
if (parsePreamble(buffer))
state = State.BOUNDARY;
case BOUNDARY ->
HttpTokens.Token token = next(buffer);
HttpTokens.Type type = token.getType();
if (type == HttpTokens.Type.CR)
// Ignore CR and loop around.
else if (type == HttpTokens.Type.LF)
if (maxParts >= 0 && numParts > maxParts)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Form with too many keys [%d > %d]", numParts, maxParts));
state = State.HEADER_START;
trailingWhiteSpaces = 0;
partHeadersLength = 0;
else if (token.getByte() == '-')
state = State.BOUNDARY_CLOSE;
// SPEC: ignore linear whitespace after boundary.
else if (type != HttpTokens.Type.SPACE && type != HttpTokens.Type.HTAB)
throw new BadMessageException("bad last boundary");
HttpTokens.Token token = next(buffer);
if (token.getByte() != '-')
throw new BadMessageException("bad last boundary");
state = State.EPILOGUE;
state = parseHeaderStart(buffer);
if (parseHeaderName(buffer))
state = State.HEADER_VALUE;
if (parseHeaderValue(buffer))
state = State.HEADER_START;
if (parseContent(chunk))
state = State.BOUNDARY;
state = State.CONTENT;
case CONTENT ->
if (parseContent(chunk))
state = State.BOUNDARY;
case EPILOGUE ->
// Just discard the epilogue.
if (last)
if (state == State.EPILOGUE)
throw new EOFException("unexpected EOF");
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("parse failure {} {}", state, BufferUtil.toDetailString(buffer), x);
* Returns the token corresponding to the next byte in the given {@code buffer}.
* Token {@link HttpTokens.Type#CR} should be ignored when looking for EOL, as
* {@link HttpTokens.Type#LF} marks the actual EOL.
* @param buffer the {@code ByteBuffer} containing bytes to parse
* @return a token corresponding to the next byte in the buffer
private HttpTokens.Token next(ByteBuffer buffer)
byte b = buffer.get();
HttpTokens.Token t = HttpTokens.TOKENS[b & 0xFF];
switch (t.getType())
case CNTL ->
throw new BadMessageException("invalid byte " + Integer.toHexString(t.getChar()));
case LF ->
if (!crFlag)
MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation = MultiPartCompliance.Violation.LF_LINE_TERMINATION;
if (!compliance.allows(violation))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid LF-only EOL");
crFlag = false;
case CR ->
if (crFlag)
MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation = MultiPartCompliance.Violation.CR_LINE_TERMINATION;
if (!compliance.allows(violation))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid CR-only EOL");
crFlag = true;
default ->
if (crFlag)
MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation = MultiPartCompliance.Violation.CR_LINE_TERMINATION;
if (!compliance.allows(violation))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid CR-only EOL");
return t;
private boolean parsePreamble(ByteBuffer buffer)
if (partialBoundaryMatch > 0)
int boundaryMatch = boundaryFinder.startsWith(buffer, partialBoundaryMatch);
if (boundaryMatch > 0)
if (boundaryMatch == boundaryFinder.getLength())
// The boundary was fully matched.
buffer.position(buffer.position() + boundaryMatch - partialBoundaryMatch);
partialBoundaryMatch = 0;
return true;
// The boundary was partially matched.
partialBoundaryMatch = boundaryMatch;
return false;
// There was a partial boundary match, but a mismatch was found.
partialBoundaryMatch = 0;
// Search for a full boundary.
int boundaryOffset = boundaryFinder.match(buffer);
if (boundaryOffset >= 0)
// Found a full boundary.
buffer.position(buffer.position() + boundaryOffset + boundaryFinder.getLength());
return true;
// Search for a partial boundary at the end of the buffer.
partialBoundaryMatch = boundaryFinder.endsWith(buffer);
return false;
private State parseHeaderStart(ByteBuffer buffer)
while (buffer.hasRemaining())
HttpTokens.Token token = next(buffer);
switch (token.getType())
case CR ->
// Ignore CR and loop around;
case LF ->
// End of fields.
// A part may have an empty content.
partialBoundaryMatch = 1;
return State.CONTENT_START;
case COLON ->
throw new BadMessageException("invalid empty header name");
default ->
if (Character.isWhitespace(token.getByte()))
if (text.length() == 0)
throw new BadMessageException("invalid leading whitespace before header");
// Beginning of a field name.
return State.HEADER_NAME;
return State.HEADER_START;
private boolean parseHeaderName(ByteBuffer buffer)
while (buffer.hasRemaining())
HttpTokens.Token token = next(buffer);
switch (token.getType())
case COLON ->
// End of field name.
fieldName = text.takeCompleteString(null);
trailingWhiteSpaces = 0;
return true;
byte current = token.getByte();
if (trailingWhiteSpaces > 0)
throw new BadMessageException("invalid header name");
default ->
byte current = token.getByte();
if (Character.isWhitespace(current))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid header name");
return false;
private boolean parseHeaderValue(ByteBuffer buffer)
while (buffer.hasRemaining())
HttpTokens.Token token = next(buffer);
switch (token.getType())
case CR ->
// Ignore CR and loop around;
case LF ->
// End of header value.
// Ignore trailing whitespace.
fieldValue = text.toCompleteString().stripTrailing();
notifyPartHeader(fieldName, fieldValue);
fieldName = null;
fieldValue = null;
return true;
default ->
byte current = token.getByte();
if (Character.isWhitespace(current))
// Ignore leading whitespace.
if (text.length() > 0)
text.append(" ");
return false;
private void incrementAndCheckPartHeadersLength()
int max = getPartHeadersMaxLength();
if (max > 0 && partHeadersLength > max)
throw new IllegalStateException("headers max length exceeded: %d".formatted(max));
private boolean parseContent(Content.Chunk chunk)
ByteBuffer buffer = chunk.getByteBuffer();
if (partialBoundaryMatch > 0)
int boundaryMatch = boundaryFinder.startsWith(buffer, partialBoundaryMatch);
if (boundaryMatch > 0)
if (boundaryMatch == boundaryFinder.getLength())
// The boundary was fully matched, so the part is complete.
buffer.position(buffer.position() + boundaryMatch - partialBoundaryMatch);
if (!crContent)
MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation = MultiPartCompliance.Violation.LF_LINE_TERMINATION;
if (!compliance.allows(violation))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid LF-only EOL");
partialBoundaryMatch = 0;
crContent = false;
return true;
// The boundary was partially matched, but it
// is not clear yet if it is content or boundary.
partialBoundaryMatch = boundaryMatch;
return false;
// There was a partial boundary match in the previous chunk, but now a
// mismatch was found. Handle the special case of parts with no content.
if (state == State.CONTENT_START)
// There is some content, reset the boundary match.
partialBoundaryMatch = 0;
return false;
// Output as content the previous partial match.
ByteBuffer content = ByteBuffer.wrap(boundaryFinder.getPattern(), 0, partialBoundaryMatch);
partialBoundaryMatch = 0;
Content.Chunk partContentChunk = Content.Chunk.from(content, false);
return false;
// Search for a full boundary.
int boundaryOffset = boundaryFinder.match(buffer);
if (boundaryOffset >= 0)
if (boundaryOffset == 0)
if (!crContent)
MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation = MultiPartCompliance.Violation.LF_LINE_TERMINATION;
if (!compliance.allows(violation))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid LF-only EOL");
crContent = false;
// Emit as content the last CR byte of the previous chunk, if any.
// Emit as content the bytes of this chunk that are before the boundary.
int position = buffer.position();
int length = boundaryOffset;
// BoundaryFinder is configured to search for '\n--Boundary';
// if '\r\n--Boundary' is found, then the '\r' is not content.
if (length > 0 && buffer.get(position + length - 1) == '\r')
MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation = MultiPartCompliance.Violation.LF_LINE_TERMINATION;
if (!compliance.allows(violation))
throw new BadMessageException("invalid LF-only EOL");
Content.Chunk content = asSlice(chunk, position, length, true);
buffer.position(position + boundaryOffset + boundaryFinder.getLength());
return true;
// Search for a partial boundary at the end of the buffer.
partialBoundaryMatch = boundaryFinder.endsWith(buffer);
if (partialBoundaryMatch > 0 && partialBoundaryMatch == buffer.remaining())
// The boundary was partially matched, but it
// is not clear yet if it is content or boundary.
return false;
// Here, either the boundary was not found, or it was partially found at the end.
// Emit as content the last CR byte of the previous chunk, if any.
// Emit as content the bytes of this chunk, until the partial boundary match (if any).
int limit = buffer.limit();
int sliceLimit = limit - partialBoundaryMatch;
// BoundaryFinder is configured to search for '\n--Boundary';
// if '\r\n--Bo' is found, then the '\r' may not be content,
// but remember it in case there is a boundary mismatch.
if (buffer.get(sliceLimit - 1) == '\r')
crContent = true;
int position = buffer.position();
Content.Chunk content = asSlice(chunk, position, sliceLimit - position, false);
if (content.hasRemaining())
return false;
private void notifyCRContent()
if (!crContent)
crContent = false;
Content.Chunk partContentChunk = Content.Chunk.from(CR.slice(), false);
private Content.Chunk asSlice(Content.Chunk chunk, int position, int length, boolean last)
if (chunk.isLast() && !chunk.hasRemaining())
return chunk;
if (length == 0)
return last ? Content.Chunk.EOF : Content.Chunk.EMPTY;
return Content.Chunk.asChunk(chunk.getByteBuffer().slice(position, length), last, chunk);
private void notifyPartBegin()
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyPartHeader(String name, String value)
listener.onPartHeader(name, value);
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyPartHeaders()
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyPartContent(Content.Chunk chunk)
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyPartEnd()
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyComplete()
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyFailure(Throwable failure)
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
private void notifyEndOfLineViolations()
if (eols != null)
for (MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation: eols)
eols = null;
private void addEndOfLineViolation(MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation)
if (eols == null)
eols = EnumSet.of(violation);
private void notifyViolation(MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation)
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying listener {}", listener, x);
* A listener for events emitted by a {@link Parser}.
public interface Listener
* Callback method invoked when the begin of a new part is parsed.
default void onPartBegin()
* Callback method invoked when a part header is parsed.
* @param name the header name
* @param value the header value
default void onPartHeader(String name, String value)
* Callback method invoked when all the part headers have been parsed.
default void onPartHeaders()
* Callback method invoked when a part content {@code Chunk} has been parsed.
* The {@code Chunk} must be {@link Content.Chunk#retain()} retained} if it
* not consumed by this method (for example, stored away for later use).
* @param chunk the part content chunk
default void onPartContent(Content.Chunk chunk)
* Callback method invoked when the end of a part is parsed.
default void onPartEnd()
* Callback method invoked when the whole multipart content has been parsed.
default void onComplete()
* Callback method invoked when the parser cannot parse the multipart content.
* @param failure the failure cause
default void onFailure(Throwable failure)
* Callback method invoked when the low level parser encounters
* a fundamental multipart violation
* @param violation the violation detected
default void onViolation(MultiPartCompliance.Violation violation)
private enum State
* A {@link Parser.Listener} that emits {@link Part} objects.
* Subclasses implement {@link #onPartContent(Content.Chunk)}
* and {@link #onPart(String, String, HttpFields)} to create the
* parts of the multipart content.
public abstract static class AbstractPartsListener implements Parser.Listener
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractPartsListener.class);
private final HttpFields.Mutable fields = HttpFields.build();
private String name;
private String fileName;
public String getName()
return name;
public String getFileName()
return fileName;
public void onPartHeader(String headerName, String headerValue)
if (HttpHeader.CONTENT_DISPOSITION.is(headerName))
String namePrefix = "name=";
String fileNamePrefix = "filename=";
for (Iterator tokens = CONTENT_DISPOSITION_TOKENIZER.tokenize(headerValue); tokens.hasNext();)
String token = tokens.next();
String lowerToken = StringUtil.asciiToLowerCase(token);
if (lowerToken.startsWith(namePrefix))
int index = lowerToken.indexOf(namePrefix);
String value = token.substring(index + namePrefix.length()).trim();
name = CONTENT_DISPOSITION_TOKENIZER.unquote(value); // TODO should the tokenizer be returnQuotes == false ?
else if (lowerToken.startsWith(fileNamePrefix))
fileName = fileNameValue(token);
fields.add(new HttpField(headerName, headerValue));
private String fileNameValue(String token)
int idx = token.indexOf('=');
String value = token.substring(idx + 1).trim();
if (value.matches(".??[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[^\\\\].*"))
// Matched incorrectly escaped IE filenames that have the whole
// path, as in C:\foo, just strip any leading & trailing quotes.
char first = value.charAt(0);
if (first == '"' || first == '\'')
value = value.substring(1);
char last = value.charAt(value.length() - 1);
if (last == '"' || last == '\'')
value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
return value;
public void onPartEnd()
String name = getName();
this.name = null;
String fileName = getFileName();
this.fileName = null;
HttpFields headers = fields.asImmutable();
notifyPart(name, fileName, headers);
* Callback method invoked when a {@link Part} has been parsed.
* @param name the part name
* @param fileName the part fileName
* @param headers the part headers
public abstract void onPart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields headers);
private void notifyPart(String name, String fileName, HttpFields headers)
onPart(name, fileName, headers);
catch (Throwable x)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("failure while notifying part {}", name, x);