Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
* An AutoValueExtension allows for extra functionality to be created during the generation
* of an AutoValue class.
* Extensions are discovered at compile time using the {@link java.util.ServiceLoader} APIs,
* allowing them to run without any additional annotations. To be found by {@code ServiceLoader},
* an extension class must be public with a public no-arg constructor, and its fully-qualified
* name must appear in a file called
* {@code META-INF/services/} in a jar that
* is on the compiler's {@code -classpath} or {@code -processorpath}.
An Extension can extend the AutoValue implementation by generating a subclass of the
* AutoValue generated class. It is not guaranteed that an Extension's generated class will be the
* final class in the inheritance hierarchy, unless its {@link #mustBeFinal(Context)} method returns
* true. Only one Extension can return true for a given context. Only generated classes that will
* be the final class in the inheritance hierarchy can be declared final. All others should be
* declared abstract.
Each Extension must also be sure to generate a constructor with arguments corresponding to
* all properties in
* {@link}, in order,
* and to call the superclass constructor with the same arguments. This constructor must have at
* least package visibility.
public abstract class AutoValueExtension {
* The context of the generation cycle.
public interface Context {
* Returns the processing environment of this generation cycle. This can be used, among other
* things, to produce compilation warnings or errors, using
* {@link ProcessingEnvironment#getMessager()}.
ProcessingEnvironment processingEnvironment();
* Returns the package name of the classes to be generated.
String packageName();
* Returns the annotated class that this generation cycle is based on.
Given {@code @AutoValue public class Foo {...}}, this will be {@code Foo}.
TypeElement autoValueClass();
* Returns the ordered collection of properties to be generated by AutoValue. Each key is a
* property name, and the corresponding value is the getter method for that property. For
* example, if property {@code bar} is defined by {@code abstract String getBar()} then this
* map will have an entry mapping {@code "bar"} to the {@code ExecutableElement} for
* {@code getBar()}.
Map properties();
* Returns the complete set of abstract methods defined in or inherited by the
* {@code @AutoValue} class. This includes all methods that define properties
* (like {@code abstract String getBar()}), any abstract {@code toBuilder()} method, and any
* other abstract method even if it has been consumed by this or another Extension.
Set abstractMethods();
* Determines whether this Extension applies to the given context.
* @param context The Context of the code generation for this class.
* @return true if this Extension should be applied in the given context. If an Extension
* returns false for a given class, it will not be called again during the processing
* of that class.
public boolean applicable(Context context) {
return false;
* Denotes that the class generated by this Extension must be the final class
* in the inheritance hierarchy. Only one Extension may be the final class, so
* this should be used sparingly.
* @param context the Context of the code generation for this class.
public boolean mustBeFinal(Context context) {
return false;
* Returns a possibly empty set of property names that this Extension intends to implement. This
* will prevent AutoValue from generating an implementation, and remove the supplied properties
* from builders, constructors, {@code toString}, {@code equals}, and {@code hashCode}. The
* default set returned by this method is empty.
* Each returned string must be one of the property names in {@link Context#properties()}.
Returning a property name from this method is equivalent to returning the property's
* getter method from {@link #consumeMethods}.
For example, Android's {@code Parcelable} interface includes a
* method
* {@code int describeContents()}. Since this is an abstract method with no parameters, by
* default AutoValue will consider that it defines an {@code int} property called
* {@code describeContents}. If an {@code @AutoValue} class implements {@code Parcelable} and does
* not provide an implementation of this method, by default its implementation will include
* {@code describeContents} in builders, constructors, and so on. But an
* {@code AutoValueExtension} that understands {@code Parcelable} can instead provide a useful
* implementation and return a set containing {@code "describeContents"}. Then
* {@code describeContents} will be omitted from builders and the rest.
* @param context the Context of the code generation for this class.
public Set consumeProperties(Context context) {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Returns a possible empty set of abstract methods that this Extension intends to implement.
* This will prevent AutoValue from generating an implementation, in cases where it would have,
* and it will also avoid warnings about abstract methods that AutoValue doesn't expect. The
* default set returned by this method is empty.
* Each returned method must be one of the abstract methods in
* {@link Context#abstractMethods()}.
For example, Android's {@code Parcelable} interface includes a
* method
* {@code void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)}. Normally AutoValue would not know what to do with that
* abstract method. But an {@code AutoValueExtension} that understands {@code Parcelable} can
* provide a useful implementation and return the {@code writeToParcel} method here. That will
* prevent a warning about the method from AutoValue.
* @param context the Context of the code generation for this class.
public Set consumeMethods(Context context) {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Returns the generated source code of the class named {@code className} to extend
* {@code classToExtend}, or {@code null} if this extension does not generate a class in the
* hierarchy. If there is a generated class, it should be final if {@code isFinal}
* is true; otherwise it should be abstract. The returned string should be a complete
* Java class definition of the class {@code className} in the package
* {@link Context#packageName() context.packageName()}.
* The returned string will typically look like this:
* package ;
* ...
* class extends {...}
* }
* Here, {@code } is {@link Context#packageName()}; {@code } is the
* keyword {@code final} if {@code isFinal} is true or {@code abstract} otherwise; and {@code
* } and {@code } are the values of this method's parameters of the same
* name.
* @param context The {@link Context} of the code generation for this class.
* @param className The simple name of the resulting class. The returned code will be written to a
* file named accordingly.
* @param classToExtend The simple name of the direct parent of the generated class.
* This could be the AutoValue generated class, or a class generated as the result of
* another Extension.
* @param isFinal True if this class is the last class in the chain, meaning it should be
* marked as final. Otherwise it should be marked as abstract.
* @return The source code of the generated class, or {@code null} if this extension does not
* generate a class in the hierarchy.
public abstract String generateClass(
Context context, String className, String classToExtend, boolean isFinal);