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* Copyright (C) 2013 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
* An ultrasimplified Java parser for {@link EclipseHack} that examines classes to extract just
* the abstract methods. The parsing is very superficial. It assumes that the source text is
* syntactically correct, which it must be in the context of an annotation processor because the
* compiler doesn't invoke the processor if there are syntax errors.
* We recognize the text {@code ... class Foo ... { ... } } as a class called Foo, whose
* definition extends to the matching right brace. Within a class definition, we recognize the text
* {@code abstract ... bar ( ) } as an abstract method called bar. We also recognize {@code ...
* interface Foo ... { ... } } so that we can discover {@code @AutoValue} classes that are nested
* in an interface.
We construct a {@code Map>} that represents the abstract methods found in
* each class, in the order they were found. If com.example.Foo contains a nested class Bar, then
* there will be an entry for "com.example.Foo.Bar" in this Map.
* @author [email protected] (Éamonn McManus)
final class AbstractMethodExtractor {
AbstractMethodExtractor() { }
// Here are the details of the matching. We track the current brace depth, and we artificially
// consider that the whole file is at brace depth 1 inside a pseudo-class whose name is the
// name of the package. When we see a class definition, we push the fully-qualified name of the
// class on a stack so that we can associate abstract methods we find with the possibly-nested
// class they belong to. A class definition must occur at brace depth one more than the class
// containing it, which is equivalent to saying that the brace depth must be the same as the
// class stack depth. This check excludes local class definitions within methods and
// initializers. If we meet these constraints and we see the word "class" followed by an
// identifier Foo, then we consider that we are entering the definition of class Foo. We determine
// the fully-qualified name of Foo, which is container.Foo, where container is the current top of
// the class stack (initially, the package name). We push this new fully-qualified name on the
// class stack. We have not yet seen the left brace with the class definition so at this point the
// class stack depth is one more than the brace depth. When we subsequently see a right brace that
// takes us back to this situation then we know we have completed the definition of Foo and we can
// pop it from the class stack.
// We check that the token after "class" is indeed an identifier to avoid confusion
// with Foo.class. Even though the tokenizer does not distinguish between identifiers and
// keywords, it is enough to exclude the single word "instanceof" because that is the only word
// that can legally appear after Foo.class (though in a legal program the resultant expression
// will always be true).
// Again, we are at the top level of a class when the brace depth is equal to the class stack
// depth. If we then see the word "abstract" then that is the start either of an abstract class
// definition or of an abstract method. We record that we have seen "abstract" and we cancel
// that indication as soon as we see a left brace, to exclude the abstract class case, and also
// the case of interfaces or @interfaces redundantly declared abstract. Now, when
// we see an identifier that is preceded by an uncanceled "abstract" and followed by a left paren
// then we have found an abstract method of the class on the top of the class stack. We record it
// in the list of abstract methods of the class on the top of the class stack. We don't bother
// checking that the method has no parameters, because an @AutoValue class will cause a compiler
// error if there are abstract methods with parameters, since the @AutoValue processor doesn't
// know how to implement them in the concrete subclass it generates.
ImmutableListMultimap abstractMethods(
EclipseHackTokenizer tokenizer, String packageName) {
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder abstractMethods = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
Deque classStack = new ArrayDeque();
int braceDepth = 1;
boolean sawAbstract = false;
String className = null;
for (String previousToken = "", token = tokenizer.nextToken();
token != null;
previousToken = token, token = tokenizer.nextToken()) {
boolean topLevel = (braceDepth == classStack.size());
if (className != null) {
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(className.charAt(0))
&& !className.equals("instanceof")) {
String container = classStack.getLast();
// container might be empty in the case of a packageless class
classStack.add(container.isEmpty() ? className : container + "." + className);
className = null;
if (token.equals("{")) {
sawAbstract = false;
} else if (token.equals("}")) {
if (topLevel) {
} else if (topLevel) {
if (token.equals("class") || token.equals("interface")) {
className = tokenizer.nextToken();
} else if (token.equals("abstract")) {
sawAbstract = true;
} else if (token.equals("(")) {
if (sawAbstract && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(previousToken.charAt(0))) {
abstractMethods.put(classStack.getLast(), previousToken);
sawAbstract = false;