* Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.runners.inprocess;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.Pipeline;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.runners.inprocess.InProcessPipelineRunner.CommittedBundle;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.transforms.AppliedPTransform;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.transforms.windowing.BoundedWindow;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.util.TimeDomain;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.util.TimerInternals;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.util.TimerInternals.TimerData;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.util.WindowedValue;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.values.PCollection;
import com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.values.PValue;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import com.google.common.collect.ComparisonChain;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;
import com.google.common.collect.SortedMultiset;
import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultiset;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Manages watermarks of {@link PCollection PCollections} and input and output watermarks of
* {@link AppliedPTransform AppliedPTransforms} to provide event-time and completion tracking for
* in-memory execution. {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager} is designed to update and return a
* consistent view of watermarks in the presence of concurrent updates.
* An {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager} is provided with the collection of root
* {@link AppliedPTransform AppliedPTransforms} and a map of {@link PCollection PCollections} to
* all the {@link AppliedPTransform AppliedPTransforms} that consume them at construction time.
Whenever a root {@link AppliedPTransform transform} produces elements, the
* {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager} is provided with the produced elements and the output watermark
* of the producing {@link AppliedPTransform transform}. The
* {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager watermark manager} is responsible for computing the watermarks
* of all {@link AppliedPTransform transforms} that consume one or more
* {@link PCollection PCollections}.
Whenever a non-root {@link AppliedPTransform} finishes processing one or more in-flight
* elements (referred to as the input {@link CommittedBundle bundle}), the following occurs
* atomically:
* All of the in-flight elements are removed from the collection of pending elements for the
* {@link AppliedPTransform}.
* All of the elements produced by the {@link AppliedPTransform} are added to the collection
* of pending elements for each {@link AppliedPTransform} that consumes them.
* The input watermark for the {@link AppliedPTransform} becomes the maximum value of
* the previous input watermark
* the minimum of
* the timestamps of all currently pending elements
* all input {@link PCollection} watermarks
* The output watermark for the {@link AppliedPTransform} becomes the maximum of
* the previous output watermark
* the minimum of
* the current input watermark
* the current watermark holds
* The watermark of the output {@link PCollection} can be advanced to the output watermark of
* the {@link AppliedPTransform}
* The watermark of all downstream {@link AppliedPTransform AppliedPTransforms} can be
* advanced.
* The watermark of a {@link PCollection} is equal to the output watermark of the
* {@link AppliedPTransform} that produces it.
The watermarks for a {@link PTransform} are updated as follows when output is committed:
* Watermark_In' = MAX(Watermark_In, MIN(U(TS_Pending), U(Watermark_InputPCollection)))
* Watermark_Out' = MAX(Watermark_Out, MIN(Watermark_In', U(StateHold)))
* Watermark_PCollection = Watermark_Out_ProducingPTransform
public class InMemoryWatermarkManager {
* The watermark of some {@link Pipeline} element, usually a {@link PTransform} or a
* {@link PCollection}.
* A watermark is a monotonically increasing value, which represents the point up to which the
* system believes it has received all of the data. Data that arrives with a timestamp that is
* before the watermark is considered late. {@link BoundedWindow#TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE} is a special
* timestamp which indicates we have received all of the data and there will be no more on-time or
* late data. This value is represented by {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager#THE_END_OF_TIME}.
private static interface Watermark {
* Returns the current value of this watermark.
Instant get();
* Refreshes the value of this watermark from its input watermarks and watermark holds.
* @return true if the value of the watermark has changed (and thus dependent watermark must
* also be updated
WatermarkUpdate refresh();
* The result of computing a {@link Watermark}.
private static enum WatermarkUpdate {
/** The watermark is later than the value at the previous time it was computed. */
/** The watermark is equal to the value at the previous time it was computed. */
private final boolean advanced;
private WatermarkUpdate(boolean advanced) {
this.advanced = advanced;
public boolean isAdvanced() {
return advanced;
* Returns the {@link WatermarkUpdate} that is a result of combining the two watermark updates.
* If either of the input {@link WatermarkUpdate WatermarkUpdates} were advanced, the result
* {@link WatermarkUpdate} has been advanced.
public WatermarkUpdate union(WatermarkUpdate that) {
if (this.advanced) {
return this;
return that;
* Returns the {@link WatermarkUpdate} based on the former and current
* {@link Instant timestamps}.
public static WatermarkUpdate fromTimestamps(Instant oldTime, Instant currentTime) {
if (currentTime.isAfter(oldTime)) {
return ADVANCED;
return NO_CHANGE;
* The input {@link Watermark} of an {@link AppliedPTransform}.
At any point, the value of an {@link AppliedPTransformInputWatermark} is equal to the
* minimum watermark across all of its input {@link Watermark Watermarks}, and the minimum
* timestamp of all of the pending elements, restricted to be monotonically increasing.
See {@link #refresh()} for more information.
private static class AppliedPTransformInputWatermark implements Watermark {
private final Collection extends Watermark> inputWatermarks;
private final SortedMultiset> pendingElements;
private final Map> objectTimers;
private AtomicReference currentWatermark;
public AppliedPTransformInputWatermark(Collection extends Watermark> inputWatermarks) {
this.inputWatermarks = inputWatermarks;
this.pendingElements = TreeMultiset.create(PENDING_ELEMENT_COMPARATOR);
this.objectTimers = new HashMap<>();
currentWatermark = new AtomicReference<>(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE);
public Instant get() {
return currentWatermark.get();
* {@inheritDoc}.
* When refresh is called, the value of the {@link AppliedPTransformInputWatermark} becomes
* equal to the maximum value of
* the previous input watermark
* the minimum of
* the timestamps of all currently pending elements
* all input {@link PCollection} watermarks
public synchronized WatermarkUpdate refresh() {
Instant oldWatermark = currentWatermark.get();
Instant minInputWatermark = BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE;
for (Watermark inputWatermark : inputWatermarks) {
minInputWatermark = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(minInputWatermark, inputWatermark.get());
if (!pendingElements.isEmpty()) {
minInputWatermark = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(
minInputWatermark, pendingElements.firstEntry().getElement().getTimestamp());
Instant newWatermark = INSTANT_ORDERING.max(oldWatermark, minInputWatermark);
return WatermarkUpdate.fromTimestamps(oldWatermark, newWatermark);
private synchronized void addPendingElements(Iterable extends WindowedValue>> newPending) {
for (WindowedValue> pendingElement : newPending) {
private synchronized void removePendingElements(
Iterable extends WindowedValue>> finishedElements) {
for (WindowedValue> finishedElement : finishedElements) {
private synchronized void updateTimers(TimerUpdate update) {
NavigableSet keyTimers = objectTimers.get(update.key);
if (keyTimers == null) {
keyTimers = new TreeSet<>();
objectTimers.put(update.key, keyTimers);
for (TimerData timer : update.setTimers) {
if (TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME.equals(timer.getDomain())) {
for (TimerData timer : update.deletedTimers) {
if (TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME.equals(timer.getDomain())) {
// We don't keep references to timers that have been fired and delivered via #getFiredTimers()
private synchronized Map> extractFiredEventTimeTimers() {
return extractFiredTimers(currentWatermark.get(), objectTimers);
public synchronized String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(AppliedPTransformInputWatermark.class)
.add("pendingElements", pendingElements)
.add("currentWatermark", currentWatermark)
* The output {@link Watermark} of an {@link AppliedPTransform}.
* The value of an {@link AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark} is equal to the minimum of the
* current watermark hold and the {@link AppliedPTransformInputWatermark} for the same
* {@link AppliedPTransform}, restricted to be monotonically increasing. See
* {@link #refresh()} for more information.
private static class AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark implements Watermark {
private final Watermark inputWatermark;
private final PerKeyHolds holds;
private AtomicReference currentWatermark;
public AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark(AppliedPTransformInputWatermark inputWatermark) {
this.inputWatermark = inputWatermark;
holds = new PerKeyHolds();
currentWatermark = new AtomicReference<>(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE);
public synchronized void updateHold(Object key, Instant newHold) {
if (newHold == null) {
} else {
holds.updateHold(key, newHold);
public Instant get() {
return currentWatermark.get();
* {@inheritDoc}.
* When refresh is called, the value of the {@link AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark} becomes
* equal to the maximum value of:
* the previous output watermark
* the minimum of
* the current input watermark
* the current watermark holds
public synchronized WatermarkUpdate refresh() {
Instant oldWatermark = currentWatermark.get();
Instant newWatermark = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(inputWatermark.get(), holds.getMinHold());
newWatermark = INSTANT_ORDERING.max(oldWatermark, newWatermark);
return WatermarkUpdate.fromTimestamps(oldWatermark, newWatermark);
public synchronized String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark.class)
.add("holds", holds)
.add("currentWatermark", currentWatermark)
* The input {@link TimeDomain#SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME} hold for an
* {@link AppliedPTransform}.
* At any point, the hold value of an {@link SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark} is equal
* to the minimum across all pending bundles at the {@link AppliedPTransform} and all upstream
* {@link TimeDomain#SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME} watermarks. The value of the input
* synchronized processing time at any step is equal to the maximum of:
* The most recently returned synchronized processing input time
* The minimum of
* The current processing time
* The current synchronized processing time input hold
private static class SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark implements Watermark {
private final Collection extends Watermark> inputWms;
private final Collection> pendingBundles;
private final Map> processingTimers;
private final Map> synchronizedProcessingTimers;
private final PriorityQueue pendingTimers;
private AtomicReference earliestHold;
public SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark(Collection extends Watermark> inputWms) {
this.inputWms = inputWms;
this.pendingBundles = new HashSet<>();
this.processingTimers = new HashMap<>();
this.synchronizedProcessingTimers = new HashMap<>();
this.pendingTimers = new PriorityQueue<>();
Instant initialHold = BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE;
for (Watermark wm : inputWms) {
initialHold = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(initialHold, wm.get());
earliestHold = new AtomicReference<>(initialHold);
public Instant get() {
return earliestHold.get();
* {@inheritDoc}.
* When refresh is called, the value of the {@link SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark}
* becomes equal to the minimum value of
* the timestamps of all currently pending bundles
* all input {@link PCollection} synchronized processing time watermarks
* Note that this value is not monotonic, but the returned value for the synchronized
* processing time must be.
public synchronized WatermarkUpdate refresh() {
Instant oldHold = earliestHold.get();
Instant minTime = THE_END_OF_TIME.get();
for (Watermark input : inputWms) {
minTime = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(minTime, input.get());
for (CommittedBundle> bundle : pendingBundles) {
// TODO: Track elements in the bundle by the processing time they were output instead of
// entire bundles. Requried to support arbitrarily splitting and merging bundles between
// steps
minTime = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(minTime, bundle.getSynchronizedProcessingOutputWatermark());
return WatermarkUpdate.fromTimestamps(oldHold, minTime);
public synchronized void addPending(CommittedBundle> bundle) {
public synchronized void removePending(CommittedBundle> bundle) {
* Return the earliest timestamp of the earliest timer that has not been completed. This is
* either the earliest timestamp across timers that have not been completed, or the earliest
* timestamp across timers that have been delivered but have not been completed.
public synchronized Instant getEarliestTimerTimestamp() {
Instant earliest = THE_END_OF_TIME.get();
for (NavigableSet timers : processingTimers.values()) {
if (!timers.isEmpty()) {
earliest = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(timers.first().getTimestamp(), earliest);
for (NavigableSet timers : synchronizedProcessingTimers.values()) {
if (!timers.isEmpty()) {
earliest = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(timers.first().getTimestamp(), earliest);
if (!pendingTimers.isEmpty()) {
earliest = INSTANT_ORDERING.min(pendingTimers.peek().getTimestamp(), earliest);
return earliest;
private synchronized void updateTimers(TimerUpdate update) {
for (TimerData completedTimer : update.completedTimers) {
Map> timerMap = timerMap(update.key);
for (TimerData addedTimer : update.setTimers) {
NavigableSet timerQueue = timerMap.get(addedTimer.getDomain());
if (timerQueue != null) {
for (TimerData deletedTimer : update.deletedTimers) {
NavigableSet timerQueue = timerMap.get(deletedTimer.getDomain());
if (timerQueue != null) {
private synchronized Map> extractFiredDomainTimers(
TimeDomain domain, Instant firingTime) {
Map> firedTimers;
switch (domain) {
firedTimers = extractFiredTimers(firingTime, processingTimers);
firedTimers =
INSTANT_ORDERING.min(firingTime, earliestHold.get()),
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Called getFiredTimers on a Synchronized Processing Time watermark"
+ " and gave a non-processing time domain "
+ domain);
for (Map.Entry> firedTimer : firedTimers.entrySet()) {
return firedTimers;
private Map> timerMap(Object key) {
NavigableSet processingQueue = processingTimers.get(key);
if (processingQueue == null) {
processingQueue = new TreeSet<>();
processingTimers.put(key, processingQueue);
NavigableSet synchronizedProcessingQueue =
if (synchronizedProcessingQueue == null) {
synchronizedProcessingQueue = new TreeSet<>();
synchronizedProcessingTimers.put(key, synchronizedProcessingQueue);
EnumMap> result = new EnumMap<>(TimeDomain.class);
result.put(TimeDomain.PROCESSING_TIME, processingQueue);
result.put(TimeDomain.SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME, synchronizedProcessingQueue);
return result;
public synchronized String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark.class)
.add("earliestHold", earliestHold)
* The output {@link TimeDomain#SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME} hold for an
* {@link AppliedPTransform}.
* At any point, the hold value of an {@link SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark} is
* equal to the minimum across all incomplete timers at the {@link AppliedPTransform} and all
* upstream {@link TimeDomain#SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME} watermarks. The value of the output
* synchronized processing time at any step is equal to the maximum of:
* The most recently returned synchronized processing output time
* The minimum of
* The current processing time
* The current synchronized processing time output hold
private static class SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark implements Watermark {
private final SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark inputWm;
private AtomicReference latestRefresh;
public SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark(
SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark inputWm) {
this.inputWm = inputWm;
this.latestRefresh = new AtomicReference<>(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE);
public Instant get() {
return latestRefresh.get();
* {@inheritDoc}.
* When refresh is called, the value of the {@link SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark}
* becomes equal to the minimum value of:
* the current input watermark.
* all {@link TimeDomain#SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME} timers that are based on the input
* watermark.
* all {@link TimeDomain#PROCESSING_TIME} timers that are based on the input watermark.
* Note that this value is not monotonic, but the returned value for the synchronized
* processing time must be.
public synchronized WatermarkUpdate refresh() {
// Hold the output synchronized processing time to the input watermark, which takes into
// account buffered bundles, and the earliest pending timer, which determines what to hold
// downstream timers to.
Instant oldRefresh = latestRefresh.get();
Instant newTimestamp =
INSTANT_ORDERING.min(inputWm.get(), inputWm.getEarliestTimerTimestamp());
return WatermarkUpdate.fromTimestamps(oldRefresh, newTimestamp);
public synchronized String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark.class)
.add("latestRefresh", latestRefresh)
* The {@code Watermark} that is after the latest time it is possible to represent in the global
* window. This is a distinguished value representing a complete {@link PTransform}.
private static final Watermark THE_END_OF_TIME = new Watermark() {
public WatermarkUpdate refresh() {
// THE_END_OF_TIME is a distinguished value that cannot be advanced.
return WatermarkUpdate.NO_CHANGE;
public Instant get() {
return BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE;
private static final Ordering INSTANT_ORDERING = Ordering.natural();
* An ordering that compares windowed values by timestamp, then arbitrarily. This ensures that
* {@link WindowedValue WindowedValues} will be sorted by timestamp, while two different
* {@link WindowedValue WindowedValues} with the same timestamp are not considered equal.
private static final Ordering> PENDING_ELEMENT_COMPARATOR =
(new WindowedValueByTimestampComparator()).compound(Ordering.arbitrary());
* For each (Object, PriorityQueue) pair in the provided map, remove each Timer that is before the
* latestTime argument and put in in the result with the same key, then remove all of the keys
* which have no more pending timers.
* The result collection retains ordering of timers (from earliest to latest).
private static Map> extractFiredTimers(
Instant latestTime, Map> objectTimers) {
Map> result = new HashMap<>();
Set emptyKeys = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry> pendingTimers : objectTimers.entrySet()) {
NavigableSet timers = pendingTimers.getValue();
if (!timers.isEmpty() && timers.first().getTimestamp().isBefore(latestTime)) {
ArrayList keyFiredTimers = new ArrayList<>();
result.put(pendingTimers.getKey(), keyFiredTimers);
while (!timers.isEmpty() && timers.first().getTimestamp().isBefore(latestTime)) {
if (timers.isEmpty()) {
return result;
* The {@link Clock} providing the current time in the {@link TimeDomain#PROCESSING_TIME} domain.
private final Clock clock;
* A map from each {@link PCollection} to all {@link AppliedPTransform PTransform applications}
* that consume that {@link PCollection}.
private final Map>> consumers;
* The input and output watermark of each {@link AppliedPTransform}.
private final Map, TransformWatermarks> transformToWatermarks;
* Creates a new {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager}. All watermarks within the newly created
* {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager} start at {@link BoundedWindow#TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE}, the
* minimum watermark, with no watermark holds or pending elements.
* @param rootTransforms the root-level transforms of the {@link Pipeline}
* @param consumers a mapping between each {@link PCollection} in the {@link Pipeline} to the
* transforms that consume it as a part of their input
public static InMemoryWatermarkManager create(
Clock clock,
Collection> rootTransforms,
Map>> consumers) {
return new InMemoryWatermarkManager(clock, rootTransforms, consumers);
private InMemoryWatermarkManager(
Clock clock,
Collection> rootTransforms,
Map>> consumers) {
this.clock = clock;
this.consumers = consumers;
transformToWatermarks = new HashMap<>();
for (AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> rootTransform : rootTransforms) {
for (Collection> intermediateTransforms : consumers.values()) {
for (AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform : intermediateTransforms) {
private TransformWatermarks getTransformWatermark(AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform) {
TransformWatermarks wms = transformToWatermarks.get(transform);
if (wms == null) {
List inputCollectionWatermarks = getInputWatermarks(transform);
AppliedPTransformInputWatermark inputWatermark =
new AppliedPTransformInputWatermark(inputCollectionWatermarks);
AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark outputWatermark =
new AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark(inputWatermark);
SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark inputProcessingWatermark =
new SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark(getInputProcessingWatermarks(transform));
SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark outputProcessingWatermark =
new SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark(inputProcessingWatermark);
wms =
new TransformWatermarks(
inputWatermark, outputWatermark, inputProcessingWatermark, outputProcessingWatermark);
transformToWatermarks.put(transform, wms);
return wms;
private Collection getInputProcessingWatermarks(
AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform) {
ImmutableList.Builder inputWmsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
Collection extends PValue> inputs = transform.getInput().expand();
if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
for (PValue pvalue : inputs) {
Watermark producerOutputWatermark =
return inputWmsBuilder.build();
private List getInputWatermarks(AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform) {
ImmutableList.Builder inputWatermarksBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
Collection extends PValue> inputs = transform.getInput().expand();
if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
for (PValue pvalue : inputs) {
Watermark producerOutputWatermark =
List inputCollectionWatermarks = inputWatermarksBuilder.build();
return inputCollectionWatermarks;
* Gets the input and output watermarks for an {@link AppliedPTransform}. If the
* {@link AppliedPTransform PTransform} has not processed any elements, return a watermark of
* {@link BoundedWindow#TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE}.
* @return a snapshot of the input watermark and output watermark for the provided transform
public TransformWatermarks getWatermarks(AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform) {
return transformToWatermarks.get(transform);
* Updates the watermarks of a transform with one or more inputs.
* Each transform has two monotonically increasing watermarks: the input watermark, which can,
* at any time, be updated to equal:
* MAX(CurrentInputWatermark, MIN(PendingElements, InputPCollectionWatermarks))
* and the output watermark, which can, at any time, be updated to equal:
* MAX(CurrentOutputWatermark, MIN(InputWatermark, WatermarkHolds))
* .
* @param completed the input that has completed
* @param transform the transform that has completed processing the input
* @param outputs the bundles the transform has output
* @param earliestHold the earliest watermark hold in the transform's state. {@code null} if there
* is no hold
public void updateWatermarks(
@Nullable CommittedBundle> completed,
AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform,
TimerUpdate timerUpdate,
Iterable extends CommittedBundle>> outputs,
@Nullable Instant earliestHold) {
updatePending(completed, transform, timerUpdate, outputs);
TransformWatermarks transformWms = transformToWatermarks.get(transform);
transformWms.setEventTimeHold(completed == null ? null : completed.getKey(), earliestHold);
private void refreshWatermarks(AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform) {
TransformWatermarks myWatermarks = transformToWatermarks.get(transform);
WatermarkUpdate updateResult = myWatermarks.refresh();
if (updateResult.isAdvanced()) {
for (PValue outputPValue : transform.getOutput().expand()) {
Collection> downstreamTransforms = consumers.get(outputPValue);
if (downstreamTransforms != null) {
for (AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> downstreamTransform : downstreamTransforms) {
* Removes all of the completed Timers from the collection of pending timers, adds all new timers,
* and removes all deleted timers. Removes all elements consumed by the input bundle from the
* {@link PTransform PTransforms} collection of pending elements, and adds all elements produced
* by the {@link PTransform} to the pending queue of each consumer.
private void updatePending(
CommittedBundle> input,
AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> transform,
TimerUpdate timerUpdate,
Iterable extends CommittedBundle>> outputs) {
TransformWatermarks completedTransform = transformToWatermarks.get(transform);
if (input != null) {
for (CommittedBundle> bundle : outputs) {
for (AppliedPTransform, ?, ?> consumer : consumers.get(bundle.getPCollection())) {
TransformWatermarks watermarks = transformToWatermarks.get(consumer);
* Returns a map of each {@link PTransform} that has pending timers to those timers. All of the
* pending timers will be removed from this {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager}.
public Map, Map> extractFiredTimers() {
Map, Map> allTimers = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry, TransformWatermarks> watermarksEntry :
transformToWatermarks.entrySet()) {
Map keyFiredTimers = watermarksEntry.getValue().extractFiredTimers();
if (!keyFiredTimers.isEmpty()) {
allTimers.put(watermarksEntry.getKey(), keyFiredTimers);
return allTimers;
* Returns true if, for any {@link TransformWatermarks} returned by
* {@link #getWatermarks(AppliedPTransform)}, the output watermark will be equal to
* {@link BoundedWindow#TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE}.
public boolean isDone() {
for (Map.Entry, TransformWatermarks> watermarksEntry :
transformToWatermarks.entrySet()) {
Instant endOfTime = THE_END_OF_TIME.get();
if (watermarksEntry.getValue().getOutputWatermark().isBefore(endOfTime)) {
return false;
return true;
* A (key, Instant) pair that holds the watermark. Holds are per-key, but the watermark is global,
* and as such the watermark manager must track holds and the release of holds on a per-key basis.
* The {@link #compareTo(KeyedHold)} method of {@link KeyedHold} is not consistent with equals,
* as the key is arbitrarily ordered via identity, rather than object equality.
private static final class KeyedHold implements Comparable {
private static final Ordering KEY_ORDERING = Ordering.arbitrary().nullsLast();
private final Object key;
private final Instant timestamp;
* Create a new KeyedHold with the specified key and timestamp.
public static KeyedHold of(Object key, Instant timestamp) {
return new KeyedHold(key, MoreObjects.firstNonNull(timestamp, THE_END_OF_TIME.get()));
private KeyedHold(Object key, Instant timestamp) {
this.key = key;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public int compareTo(KeyedHold that) {
return ComparisonChain.start()
.compare(this.timestamp, that.timestamp)
.compare(this.key, that.key, KEY_ORDERING)
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(timestamp, key);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null || !(other instanceof KeyedHold)) {
return false;
KeyedHold that = (KeyedHold) other;
return Objects.equals(this.timestamp, that.timestamp) && Objects.equals(this.key, that.key);
* Get the value of this {@link KeyedHold}.
public Instant getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(KeyedHold.class)
.add("key", key)
.add("hold", timestamp)
private static class PerKeyHolds {
private final Map keyedHolds;
private final PriorityQueue allHolds;
private PerKeyHolds() {
this.keyedHolds = new HashMap<>();
this.allHolds = new PriorityQueue<>();
* Gets the minimum hold across all keys in this {@link PerKeyHolds}, or THE_END_OF_TIME if
* there are no holds within this {@link PerKeyHolds}.
public Instant getMinHold() {
return allHolds.isEmpty() ? THE_END_OF_TIME.get() : allHolds.peek().getTimestamp();
* Updates the hold of the provided key to the provided value, removing any other holds for
* the same key.
public void updateHold(@Nullable Object key, Instant newHold) {
KeyedHold newKeyedHold = KeyedHold.of(key, newHold);
keyedHolds.put(key, newKeyedHold);
* Removes the hold of the provided key.
public void removeHold(Object key) {
KeyedHold oldHold = keyedHolds.get(key);
if (oldHold != null) {
* A reference to the input and output watermarks of an {@link AppliedPTransform}.
public class TransformWatermarks {
private final AppliedPTransformInputWatermark inputWatermark;
private final AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark outputWatermark;
private final SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark;
private final SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark synchronizedProcessingOutputWatermark;
private Instant latestSynchronizedInputWm;
private Instant latestSynchronizedOutputWm;
private TransformWatermarks(
AppliedPTransformInputWatermark inputWatermark,
AppliedPTransformOutputWatermark outputWatermark,
SynchronizedProcessingTimeInputWatermark inputSynchProcessingWatermark,
SynchronizedProcessingTimeOutputWatermark outputSynchProcessingWatermark) {
this.inputWatermark = inputWatermark;
this.outputWatermark = outputWatermark;
this.synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark = inputSynchProcessingWatermark;
this.synchronizedProcessingOutputWatermark = outputSynchProcessingWatermark;
this.latestSynchronizedInputWm = BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE;
this.latestSynchronizedOutputWm = BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE;
* Returns the input watermark of the {@link AppliedPTransform}.
public Instant getInputWatermark() {
return inputWatermark.get();
* Returns the output watermark of the {@link AppliedPTransform}.
public Instant getOutputWatermark() {
return outputWatermark.get();
* Returns the synchronized processing input time of the {@link AppliedPTransform}.
* The returned value is guaranteed to be monotonically increasing, and outside of the
* presence of holds, will increase as the system time progresses.
public synchronized Instant getSynchronizedProcessingInputTime() {
latestSynchronizedInputWm = INSTANT_ORDERING.max(
INSTANT_ORDERING.min(clock.now(), synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark.get()));
return latestSynchronizedInputWm;
* Returns the synchronized processing output time of the {@link AppliedPTransform}.
The returned value is guaranteed to be monotonically increasing, and outside of the
* presence of holds, will increase as the system time progresses.
public synchronized Instant getSynchronizedProcessingOutputTime() {
latestSynchronizedOutputWm = INSTANT_ORDERING.max(
INSTANT_ORDERING.min(clock.now(), synchronizedProcessingOutputWatermark.get()));
return latestSynchronizedOutputWm;
private WatermarkUpdate refresh() {
WatermarkUpdate eventOutputUpdate = outputWatermark.refresh();
WatermarkUpdate syncOutputUpdate = synchronizedProcessingOutputWatermark.refresh();
return eventOutputUpdate.union(syncOutputUpdate);
private void setEventTimeHold(Object key, Instant newHold) {
outputWatermark.updateHold(key, newHold);
private void removePending(CommittedBundle> bundle) {
private void addPending(CommittedBundle> bundle) {
private Map extractFiredTimers() {
Map> eventTimeTimers = inputWatermark.extractFiredEventTimeTimers();
Map> processingTimers;
Map> synchronizedTimers;
if (inputWatermark.get().equals(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE)) {
processingTimers = synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark.extractFiredDomainTimers(
synchronizedTimers = synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark.extractFiredDomainTimers(
} else {
processingTimers = synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark.extractFiredDomainTimers(
TimeDomain.PROCESSING_TIME, clock.now());
synchronizedTimers = synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark.extractFiredDomainTimers(
TimeDomain.SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESSING_TIME, getSynchronizedProcessingInputTime());
Map>> groupedTimers = new HashMap<>();
groupFiredTimers(groupedTimers, eventTimeTimers, processingTimers, synchronizedTimers);
Map keyFiredTimers = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry>> firedTimers :
groupedTimers.entrySet()) {
keyFiredTimers.put(firedTimers.getKey(), new FiredTimers(firedTimers.getValue()));
return keyFiredTimers;
private final void groupFiredTimers(
Map>> groupedToMutate,
Map>... timersToGroup) {
for (Map> subGroup : timersToGroup) {
for (Map.Entry> newTimers : subGroup.entrySet()) {
Map> grouped = groupedToMutate.get(newTimers.getKey());
if (grouped == null) {
grouped = new HashMap<>();
groupedToMutate.put(newTimers.getKey(), grouped);
grouped.put(newTimers.getValue().get(0).getDomain(), newTimers.getValue());
private void updateTimers(TimerUpdate update) {
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(TransformWatermarks.class)
.add("inputWatermark", inputWatermark)
.add("outputWatermark", outputWatermark)
.add("inputProcessingTime", synchronizedProcessingInputWatermark)
.add("outputProcessingTime", synchronizedProcessingOutputWatermark)
* A collection of newly set, deleted, and completed timers.
* setTimers and deletedTimers are collections of {@link TimerData} that have been added to the
* {@link TimerInternals} of an executed step. completedTimers are timers that were delivered as
* the input to the executed step.
public static class TimerUpdate {
private final Object key;
private final Iterable extends TimerData> completedTimers;
private final Iterable extends TimerData> setTimers;
private final Iterable extends TimerData> deletedTimers;
* Returns a TimerUpdate for a null key with no timers.
public static TimerUpdate empty() {
return new TimerUpdate(
* Creates a new {@link TimerUpdate} builder with the provided completed timers that needs the
* set and deleted timers to be added to it.
public static TimerUpdateBuilder builder(Object key) {
return new TimerUpdateBuilder(key);
* A {@link TimerUpdate} builder that needs to be provided with set timers and deleted timers.
public static final class TimerUpdateBuilder {
private final Object key;
private final Collection completedTimers;
private final Collection setTimers;
private final Collection deletedTimers;
private TimerUpdateBuilder(Object key) {
this.key = key;
this.completedTimers = new HashSet<>();
this.setTimers = new HashSet<>();
this.deletedTimers = new HashSet<>();
* Adds all of the provided timers to the collection of completed timers, and returns this
* {@link TimerUpdateBuilder}.
public TimerUpdateBuilder withCompletedTimers(Iterable completedTimers) {
Iterables.addAll(this.completedTimers, completedTimers);
return this;
* Adds the provided timer to the collection of set timers, removing it from deleted timers if
* it has previously been deleted. Returns this {@link TimerUpdateBuilder}.
public TimerUpdateBuilder setTimer(TimerData setTimer) {
return this;
* Adds the provided timer to the collection of deleted timers, removing it from set timers if
* it has previously been set. Returns this {@link TimerUpdateBuilder}.
public TimerUpdateBuilder deletedTimer(TimerData deletedTimer) {
return this;
* Returns a new {@link TimerUpdate} with the most recently set completedTimers, setTimers,
* and deletedTimers.
public TimerUpdate build() {
return new TimerUpdate(key, ImmutableSet.copyOf(completedTimers),
ImmutableSet.copyOf(setTimers), ImmutableSet.copyOf(deletedTimers));
private TimerUpdate(
Object key,
Iterable extends TimerData> completedTimers,
Iterable extends TimerData> setTimers,
Iterable extends TimerData> deletedTimers) {
this.key = key;
this.completedTimers = completedTimers;
this.setTimers = setTimers;
this.deletedTimers = deletedTimers;
Object getKey() {
return key;
Iterable extends TimerData> getCompletedTimers() {
return completedTimers;
Iterable extends TimerData> getSetTimers() {
return setTimers;
Iterable extends TimerData> getDeletedTimers() {
return deletedTimers;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(key, completedTimers, setTimers, deletedTimers);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null || !(other instanceof TimerUpdate)) {
return false;
TimerUpdate that = (TimerUpdate) other;
return Objects.equals(this.key, that.key)
&& Objects.equals(this.completedTimers, that.completedTimers)
&& Objects.equals(this.setTimers, that.setTimers)
&& Objects.equals(this.deletedTimers, that.deletedTimers);
* A pair of {@link TimerData} and key which can be delivered to the appropriate
* {@link AppliedPTransform}. A timer fires at the transform that set it with a specific key when
* the time domain in which it lives progresses past a specified time, as determined by the
* {@link InMemoryWatermarkManager}.
public static class FiredTimers {
private final Map> timers;
private FiredTimers(Map> timers) {
this.timers = timers;
* Gets all of the timers that have fired within the provided {@link TimeDomain}. If no timers
* fired within the provided domain, return an empty collection.
* Timers within a {@link TimeDomain} are guaranteed to be in order of increasing timestamp.
public Collection getTimers(TimeDomain domain) {
Collection domainTimers = timers.get(domain);
if (domainTimers == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return domainTimers;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(FiredTimers.class).add("timers", timers).toString();
private static class WindowedValueByTimestampComparator extends Ordering> {
public int compare(WindowedValue> o1, WindowedValue> o2) {
return o1.getTimestamp().compareTo(o2.getTimestamp());
public Set> getCompletedTransforms() {
Set> result = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry, TransformWatermarks> wms :
transformToWatermarks.entrySet()) {
if (wms.getValue().getOutputWatermark().equals(THE_END_OF_TIME.get())) {
return result;