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* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Modifier;
import java.nio.file.WatchKey;
import java.nio.file.WatchService;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* Google Cloud Storage {@link Path}.
* @see UnixPath
public final class CloudStoragePath implements Path {
private static final Pattern EXTRA_SLASHES_OR_DOT_DIRS_PATTERN =
private final CloudStorageFileSystem fileSystem;
private final UnixPath path;
private CloudStoragePath(CloudStorageFileSystem fileSystem, UnixPath path) {
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
this.path = path;
static CloudStoragePath getPath(CloudStorageFileSystem fileSystem, String path, String... more) {
return new CloudStoragePath(
fileSystem, UnixPath.getPath(fileSystem.config().permitEmptyPathComponents(), path, more));
/** Returns the Cloud Storage bucket name being served by this file system. */
public String bucket() {
return fileSystem.bucket();
/** Returns path converted to a {@link BlobId} so I/O can be performed. */
BlobId getBlobId() {
checkArgument(!path.toString().isEmpty(), "Object names cannot be empty.");
return BlobId.of(bucket(), toRealPath().path.toString());
boolean seemsLikeADirectory() {
return path.seemsLikeADirectory();
// True if this path may be a directory (and pseudo-directories are enabled)
// Checks:
// 1) does the path end in / ?
// 2) (optional, if storage is set) is there a file whose name starts with path+/ ?
boolean seemsLikeADirectoryAndUsePseudoDirectories(Storage storage) {
if (!fileSystem.config().usePseudoDirectories()) {
return false;
if (path.seemsLikeADirectory()) {
return true;
// fancy case: the file name doesn't end in slash, but we've been asked to have pseudo dirs.
// Let's see if there are any files with this prefix.
if (storage == null) {
// we are in a context where we don't want to access the storage, so we conservatively
// say this isn't a directory.
return false;
// Using the provided path + "/" as a prefix, can we find one file? If so, the path
// is a directory.
String prefix = path.removeBeginningSeparator().toString();
if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {
prefix += "/";
Page list =
// we only look at the first result, so no need for a bigger page.
fileSystem.provider().getProject() == null
? null
: Storage.BlobListOption.userProject(fileSystem.provider().getProject()));
for (Blob b : list.getValues()) {
// if this blob starts with our prefix and then a slash, then prefix is indeed a folder!
if (b.getBlobId() == null) {
String name = b.getBlobId().getName();
if (name == null) {
if (("/" + name).startsWith(this.path.toAbsolutePath() + "/")) {
return true;
// no match, so it's not a directory
return false;
public CloudStorageFileSystem getFileSystem() {
return fileSystem;
public CloudStoragePath getRoot() {
return newPath(path.getRoot());
public boolean isAbsolute() {
return path.isAbsolute();
* Changes relative path to be absolute, using {@link CloudStorageConfiguration#workingDirectory()
* workingDirectory} as current dir.
public CloudStoragePath toAbsolutePath() {
return newPath(path.toAbsolutePath(getWorkingDirectory()));
* Returns this path rewritten to the Cloud Storage object name that'd be used to perform i/o.
* This method makes path {@link #toAbsolutePath() absolute} and removes the prefix slash from
* the absolute path when {@link CloudStorageConfiguration#stripPrefixSlash() stripPrefixSlash} is
* {@code true}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if path contains extra slashes or dot-dirs when {@link
* CloudStorageConfiguration#permitEmptyPathComponents() permitEmptyPathComponents} is {@code
* false}, or if the resulting path is empty.
public CloudStoragePath toRealPath(LinkOption... options) {
return newPath(toRealPathInternal(true));
private UnixPath toRealPathInternal(boolean errorCheck) {
UnixPath objectName = path.toAbsolutePath(getWorkingDirectory());
if (errorCheck && !fileSystem.config().permitEmptyPathComponents()) {
"I/O not allowed on dot-dirs or extra slashes when !permitEmptyPathComponents: %s",
if (fileSystem.config().stripPrefixSlash()) {
objectName = objectName.removeBeginningSeparator();
return objectName;
* Returns path without extra slashes or {@code .} and {@code ..} and preserves trailing slash.
public CloudStoragePath normalize() {
return newPath(path.normalize());
public CloudStoragePath resolve(Path object) {
return newPath(path.resolve(CloudStorageUtil.checkPath(object).path));
public CloudStoragePath resolve(String other) {
return newPath(path.resolve(getUnixPath(other)));
public CloudStoragePath resolveSibling(Path other) {
return newPath(path.resolveSibling(CloudStorageUtil.checkPath(other).path));
public CloudStoragePath resolveSibling(String other) {
return newPath(path.resolveSibling(getUnixPath(other)));
public CloudStoragePath relativize(Path object) {
return newPath(path.relativize(CloudStorageUtil.checkPath(object).path));
public CloudStoragePath getParent() {
return newPath(path.getParent());
public CloudStoragePath getFileName() {
return newPath(path.getFileName());
public CloudStoragePath subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
return newPath(path.subpath(beginIndex, endIndex));
public int getNameCount() {
return path.getNameCount();
public CloudStoragePath getName(int index) {
return newPath(path.getName(index));
public boolean startsWith(Path other) {
if (!(checkNotNull(other) instanceof CloudStoragePath)) {
return false;
CloudStoragePath that = (CloudStoragePath) other;
if (!bucket().equals(that.bucket())) {
return false;
return path.startsWith(that.path);
public boolean startsWith(String other) {
return path.startsWith(getUnixPath(other));
public boolean endsWith(Path other) {
if (!(checkNotNull(other) instanceof CloudStoragePath)) {
return false;
CloudStoragePath that = (CloudStoragePath) other;
if (!bucket().equals(that.bucket())) {
return false;
return path.endsWith(that.path);
public boolean endsWith(String other) {
return path.endsWith(getUnixPath(other));
* Throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException} because this feature hasn't been implemented yet.
public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, Kind>[] events, Modifier... modifiers) {
// TODO: Implement me.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException} because this feature hasn't been implemented yet.
public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, Kind>... events) {
// TODO: Implement me.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException} because Google Cloud Storage files are not backed
* by the local file system.
public File toFile() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("GCS objects aren't available locally");
public Iterator iterator() {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.singleton(this).iterator();
} else if (path.isRoot()) {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
} else {
return new PathIterator();
public int compareTo(Path other) {
// Documented to throw CCE if other is associated with a different FileSystemProvider.
CloudStoragePath that = (CloudStoragePath) other;
int res = bucket().compareTo(that.bucket());
if (res != 0) {
return res;
return toRealPathInternal(false).compareTo(that.toRealPathInternal(false));
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return this == other
|| other instanceof CloudStoragePath
&& Objects.equals(bucket(), ((CloudStoragePath) other).bucket())
&& Objects.equals(
toRealPathInternal(false), ((CloudStoragePath) other).toRealPathInternal(false));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(bucket(), toRealPathInternal(false));
public String toString() {
return path.toString();
public URI toUri() {
try {
return new URI(
CloudStorageFileSystem.URI_SCHEME, bucket(), path.toAbsolutePath().toString(), null);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
private CloudStoragePath newPath(@Nullable UnixPath newPath) {
if (newPath == path) { // Nonuse of equals is intentional.
return this;
} else if (newPath != null) {
return new CloudStoragePath(fileSystem, newPath);
} else {
return null;
private UnixPath getUnixPath(String newPath) {
return UnixPath.getPath(fileSystem.config().permitEmptyPathComponents(), newPath);
private UnixPath getWorkingDirectory() {
return getUnixPath(fileSystem.config().workingDirectory());
/** Transform iterator providing a slight performance boost over {@code FluentIterable}. */
private final class PathIterator extends UnmodifiableIterator {
private final Iterator delegate = path.split();
public Path next() {
return newPath(getUnixPath(;
public boolean hasNext() {
return delegate.hasNext();