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 * Copyright 2016 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import static;

import io.grpc.CallOptions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.threeten.bp.Duration;

 * A Cloud Pub/Sub publisher, that is
 * associated with a specific topic at creation.

A {@link Publisher} provides built-in capabilities to automatically handle batching of * messages, controlling memory utilization, and retrying API calls on transient errors. * *

With customizable options that control: * *

  • Message batching: such as number of messages or max batch byte size. *
  • Retries: such as the maximum duration of retries for a failing batch of messages. *
* *

{@link Publisher} will use the credentials set on the channel, which uses application default * credentials through {@link GoogleCredentials#getApplicationDefault} by default. */ public class Publisher implements PublisherInterface { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Publisher.class.getName()); private static final String GZIP_COMPRESSION = "gzip"; private final String topicName; private final BatchingSettings batchingSettings; private final boolean enableMessageOrdering; private final Lock messagesBatchLock; private final Map messagesBatches; private final AtomicBoolean activeAlarm; private final PublisherStub publisherStub; private final ScheduledExecutorService executor; private final SequentialExecutorService.CallbackExecutor sequentialExecutor; private final AtomicBoolean shutdown; private final BackgroundResource backgroundResources; private final Waiter messagesWaiter; private ScheduledFuture currentAlarmFuture; private final ApiFunction messageTransform; private MessageFlowController flowController = null; private final boolean enableCompression; private final long compressionBytesThreshold; private final GrpcCallContext publishContext; private final GrpcCallContext publishContextWithCompression; /** The maximum number of messages in one request. Defined by the API. */ public static long getApiMaxRequestElementCount() { return 1000L; } /** The maximum size of one request. Defined by the API. */ public static long getApiMaxRequestBytes() { return 10L * 1000L * 1000L; // 10 megabytes ( } private Publisher(Builder builder) throws IOException { topicName = builder.topicName; this.batchingSettings = builder.batchingSettings; FlowControlSettings flowControl = this.batchingSettings.getFlowControlSettings(); if (flowControl != null && flowControl.getLimitExceededBehavior() != FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior.Ignore) { this.flowController = new MessageFlowController( flowControl.getMaxOutstandingElementCount(), flowControl.getMaxOutstandingRequestBytes(), flowControl.getLimitExceededBehavior()); } this.enableMessageOrdering = builder.enableMessageOrdering; this.messageTransform = builder.messageTransform; this.enableCompression = builder.enableCompression; this.compressionBytesThreshold = builder.compressionBytesThreshold; messagesBatches = new HashMap<>(); messagesBatchLock = new ReentrantLock(); activeAlarm = new AtomicBoolean(false); executor = builder.executorProvider.getExecutor(); sequentialExecutor = new SequentialExecutorService.CallbackExecutor(executor); List backgroundResourceList = new ArrayList<>(); if (builder.executorProvider.shouldAutoClose()) { backgroundResourceList.add(new ExecutorAsBackgroundResource(executor)); } // Publisher used to take maxAttempt == 0 to mean infinity, but to GAX it means don't retry. // We post-process this here to keep backward-compatibility. // Also, if "message ordering" is enabled, the publisher should retry sending the failed // message infinitely rather than sending the next one. RetrySettings.Builder retrySettingsBuilder = builder.retrySettings.toBuilder(); if (retrySettingsBuilder.getMaxAttempts() == 0) { retrySettingsBuilder.setMaxAttempts(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } if (enableMessageOrdering) { // TODO: is there a way to have the default retry settings for requests without an ordering // key? retrySettingsBuilder .setMaxAttempts(Integer.MAX_VALUE) .setTotalTimeout(Duration.ofNanos(Long.MAX_VALUE)); } PublisherStubSettings.Builder stubSettings = PublisherStubSettings.newBuilder() .setCredentialsProvider(builder.credentialsProvider) .setExecutorProvider(FixedExecutorProvider.create(executor)) .setTransportChannelProvider(builder.channelProvider) .setEndpoint(builder.endpoint) .setUniverseDomain(builder.universeDomain) .setHeaderProvider(builder.headerProvider); stubSettings .publishSettings() .setRetryableCodes( StatusCode.Code.ABORTED, StatusCode.Code.CANCELLED, StatusCode.Code.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, StatusCode.Code.INTERNAL, StatusCode.Code.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, StatusCode.Code.UNKNOWN, StatusCode.Code.UNAVAILABLE) .setRetrySettings( .setBatchingSettings(BatchingSettings.newBuilder().setIsEnabled(false).build()); this.publisherStub = GrpcPublisherStub.create(; backgroundResourceList.add(publisherStub); backgroundResources = new BackgroundResourceAggregation(backgroundResourceList); shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false); messagesWaiter = new Waiter(); this.publishContext = GrpcCallContext.createDefault(); this.publishContextWithCompression = GrpcCallContext.createDefault() .withCallOptions(CallOptions.DEFAULT.withCompression(GZIP_COMPRESSION)); } /** Topic which the publisher publishes to. */ public TopicName getTopicName() { return TopicNames.parse(topicName); } /** Topic which the publisher publishes to. */ public String getTopicNameString() { return topicName; } /** * Schedules the publishing of a message. The publishing of the message may occur immediately or * be delayed based on the publisher batching options. * *

This method blocks in the downcall if using LimitExceededBehavior.Block in the flow control * settings. * *

Example of publishing a message. * *

   * String message = "my_message";
   * ByteString data = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(message);
   * PubsubMessage pubsubMessage = PubsubMessage.newBuilder().setData(data).build();
   * ApiFuture messageIdFuture = publisher.publish(pubsubMessage);
   * ApiFutures.addCallback(messageIdFuture, new ApiFutureCallback() {
   *   public void onSuccess(String messageId) {
   *     System.out.println("published with message id: " + messageId);
   *   }
   *   public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
   *     System.out.println("failed to publish: " + t);
   *   }
   * }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
   * }
* * @param message the message to publish. * @return the message ID wrapped in a future. */ @Override public ApiFuture publish(PubsubMessage message) { Preconditions.checkState(!shutdown.get(), "Cannot publish on a shut-down publisher."); final String orderingKey = message.getOrderingKey(); Preconditions.checkState( orderingKey.isEmpty() || enableMessageOrdering, "Cannot publish a message with an ordering key when message ordering is not enabled in the " + "Publisher client. Please create a Publisher client with " + "setEnableMessageOrdering(true) in the builder."); final OutstandingPublish outstandingPublish = new OutstandingPublish(messageTransform.apply(message)); if (flowController != null) { try { flowController.acquire(outstandingPublish.messageSize); } catch (FlowController.FlowControlException e) { if (!orderingKey.isEmpty()) { sequentialExecutor.stopPublish(orderingKey); } outstandingPublish.publishResult.setException(e); return outstandingPublish.publishResult; } } List batchesToSend; messagesBatchLock.lock(); try { if (!orderingKey.isEmpty() && sequentialExecutor.keyHasError(orderingKey)) { outstandingPublish.publishResult.setException( SequentialExecutorService.CallbackExecutor.CANCELLATION_EXCEPTION); return outstandingPublish.publishResult; } MessagesBatch messagesBatch = messagesBatches.get(orderingKey); if (messagesBatch == null) { messagesBatch = new MessagesBatch(batchingSettings, orderingKey); messagesBatches.put(orderingKey, messagesBatch); } batchesToSend = messagesBatch.add(outstandingPublish); if (!batchesToSend.isEmpty() && messagesBatch.isEmpty()) { messagesBatches.remove(orderingKey); } // Setup the next duration based delivery alarm if there are messages batched. setupAlarm(); // For messages with an ordering key, we need to publish with messagesBatchLock held in order // to ensure another publish doesn't slip in and send a batch before these batches we already // want to send. if (!batchesToSend.isEmpty() && !orderingKey.isEmpty()) { for (final OutstandingBatch batch : batchesToSend) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "Scheduling a batch for immediate sending."); publishOutstandingBatch(batch); } } } finally { messagesBatchLock.unlock(); } messagesWaiter.incrementPendingCount(1); // For messages without ordering keys, it is okay to send batches without holding // messagesBatchLock. if (!batchesToSend.isEmpty() && orderingKey.isEmpty()) { for (final OutstandingBatch batch : batchesToSend) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "Scheduling a batch for immediate sending."); executor.execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { publishOutstandingBatch(batch); } }); } } return outstandingPublish.publishResult; } /** * There may be non-recoverable problems with a request for an ordering key. In that case, all * subsequent requests will fail until this method is called. If the key is not currently paused, * calling this method will be a no-op. * * @param key The key for which to resume publishing. */ public void resumePublish(String key) { Preconditions.checkState(!shutdown.get(), "Cannot publish on a shut-down publisher."); sequentialExecutor.resumePublish(key); } private void setupAlarm() { if (!messagesBatches.isEmpty()) { if (!activeAlarm.getAndSet(true)) { long delayThresholdMs = getBatchingSettings().getDelayThreshold().toMillis(); logger.log(Level.FINER, "Setting up alarm for the next {0} ms.", delayThresholdMs); currentAlarmFuture = executor.schedule( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.log(Level.FINER, "Sending messages based on schedule."); activeAlarm.getAndSet(false); publishAllWithoutInflight(); } }, delayThresholdMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } else if (currentAlarmFuture != null) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "Cancelling alarm, no more messages"); if (activeAlarm.getAndSet(false)) { currentAlarmFuture.cancel(false); } } } /** * Publish any outstanding batches if non-empty. This method sends buffered messages, but does not * wait for the send operations to complete. To wait for messages to send, call {@code get} on the * futures returned from {@code publish}. */ public void publishAllOutstanding() { OutstandingBatch unorderedOutstandingBatch = null; messagesBatchLock.lock(); try { for (MessagesBatch batch : messagesBatches.values()) { if (!batch.isEmpty()) { if (!batch.orderingKey.isEmpty()) { // For messages with an ordering key, we need to publish with messagesBatchLock held in // order to ensure another publish doesn't slip in and send a batch before these batches // we already want to send. publishOutstandingBatch(batch.popOutstandingBatch()); } else { unorderedOutstandingBatch = batch.popOutstandingBatch(); } } } messagesBatches.clear(); } finally { messagesBatchLock.unlock(); } if (unorderedOutstandingBatch != null) { publishOutstandingBatch(unorderedOutstandingBatch); } } /** * Publish any outstanding batches if non-empty and there are no other batches in flight. This * method sends buffered messages, but does not wait for the send operations to complete. To wait * for messages to send, call {@code get} on the futures returned from {@code publish}. */ private void publishAllWithoutInflight() { OutstandingBatch unorderedOutstandingBatch = null; messagesBatchLock.lock(); try { Iterator> it = messagesBatches.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry =; MessagesBatch batch = entry.getValue(); String key = entry.getKey(); if (batch.isEmpty()) { it.remove(); } else if (key.isEmpty()) { // We will publish the batch with no ordering key outside messagesBatchLock. unorderedOutstandingBatch = batch.popOutstandingBatch(); it.remove(); } else if (!sequentialExecutor.hasTasksInflight(key)) { publishOutstandingBatch(batch.popOutstandingBatch()); it.remove(); } } } finally { messagesBatchLock.unlock(); } if (unorderedOutstandingBatch != null) { publishOutstandingBatch(unorderedOutstandingBatch); } } /** * Publish any outstanding batches if non-empty and there are no other batches in flight for * orderingKey. This method sends buffered messages, but does not wait for the send operations to * complete. To wait for messages to send, call {@code get} on the futures returned from {@code * publish}. */ private void publishAllWithoutInflightForKey(final String orderingKey) { messagesBatchLock.lock(); try { MessagesBatch batch = messagesBatches.get(orderingKey); if (batch != null && !sequentialExecutor.hasTasksInflight(orderingKey)) { publishOutstandingBatch(batch.popOutstandingBatch()); messagesBatches.remove(orderingKey); } } finally { messagesBatchLock.unlock(); } } private ApiFuture publishCall(OutstandingBatch outstandingBatch) { GrpcCallContext context = publishContext; if (enableCompression && outstandingBatch.batchSizeBytes >= compressionBytesThreshold) { context = publishContextWithCompression; } return publisherStub .publishCallable() .futureCall( PublishRequest.newBuilder() .setTopic(topicName) .addAllMessages(outstandingBatch.getMessages()) .build(), context); } private void publishOutstandingBatch(final OutstandingBatch outstandingBatch) { if (outstandingBatch.size() == 0) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Attempted to publish batch with zero messages."); return; } final ApiFutureCallback futureCallback = new ApiFutureCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(PublishResponse result) { try { if (result == null || result.getMessageIdsCount() != outstandingBatch.size()) { outstandingBatch.onFailure( new IllegalStateException( String.format( "The publish result count %s does not match " + "the expected %s results. Please contact Cloud Pub/Sub support " + "if this frequently occurs", result.getMessageIdsCount(), outstandingBatch.size()))); } else { outstandingBatch.onSuccess(result.getMessageIdsList()); if (!activeAlarm.get() && outstandingBatch.orderingKey != null && !outstandingBatch.orderingKey.isEmpty()) { publishAllWithoutInflightForKey(outstandingBatch.orderingKey); } } } finally { messagesWaiter.incrementPendingCount(-outstandingBatch.size()); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { try { if (outstandingBatch.orderingKey != null && !outstandingBatch.orderingKey.isEmpty()) { messagesBatchLock.lock(); try { MessagesBatch messagesBatch = messagesBatches.get(outstandingBatch.orderingKey); if (messagesBatch != null) { for (OutstandingPublish outstanding : messagesBatch.messages) { outstanding.publishResult.setException( SequentialExecutorService.CallbackExecutor.CANCELLATION_EXCEPTION); } messagesBatches.remove(outstandingBatch.orderingKey); } } finally { messagesBatchLock.unlock(); } } outstandingBatch.onFailure(t); } finally { messagesWaiter.incrementPendingCount(-outstandingBatch.size()); } } }; ApiFuture future; if (outstandingBatch.orderingKey == null || outstandingBatch.orderingKey.isEmpty()) { future = publishCall(outstandingBatch); } else { // If ordering key is specified, publish the batch using the sequential executor. future = sequentialExecutor.submit( outstandingBatch.orderingKey, new Callable>() { public ApiFuture call() { return publishCall(outstandingBatch); } }); } ApiFutures.addCallback(future, futureCallback, directExecutor()); } private final class OutstandingBatch { final List outstandingPublishes; final long creationTime; int attempt; int batchSizeBytes; final String orderingKey; OutstandingBatch( List outstandingPublishes, int batchSizeBytes, String orderingKey) { this.outstandingPublishes = outstandingPublishes; attempt = 1; creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.batchSizeBytes = batchSizeBytes; this.orderingKey = orderingKey; } int size() { return outstandingPublishes.size(); } private List getMessages() { List results = new ArrayList<>(outstandingPublishes.size()); for (OutstandingPublish outstandingPublish : outstandingPublishes) { results.add(outstandingPublish.message); } return results; } private void onFailure(Throwable t) { for (OutstandingPublish outstandingPublish : outstandingPublishes) { if (flowController != null) { flowController.release(outstandingPublish.messageSize); } outstandingPublish.publishResult.setException(t); } } private void onSuccess(Iterable results) { Iterator messagesResultsIt = outstandingPublishes.iterator(); for (String messageId : results) { OutstandingPublish nextPublish =; if (flowController != null) { flowController.release(nextPublish.messageSize); } nextPublish.publishResult.set(messageId); } } } private static final class OutstandingPublish { final SettableApiFuture publishResult; final PubsubMessage message; final int messageSize; OutstandingPublish(PubsubMessage message) { this.publishResult = SettableApiFuture.create(); this.message = message; this.messageSize = message.getSerializedSize(); } } /** The batching settings configured on this {@code Publisher}. */ public BatchingSettings getBatchingSettings() { return batchingSettings; } /** * Schedules immediate publishing of any outstanding messages and waits until all are processed. * *

Sends remaining outstanding messages and prevents future calls to publish. This method * should be invoked prior to deleting the {@link Publisher} object in order to ensure that no * pending messages are lost. */ public void shutdown() { Preconditions.checkState( !shutdown.getAndSet(true), "Cannot shut down a publisher already shut-down."); if (currentAlarmFuture != null && activeAlarm.getAndSet(false)) { currentAlarmFuture.cancel(false); } publishAllOutstanding(); messagesWaiter.waitComplete(); backgroundResources.shutdown(); } /** * Wait for all work has completed execution after a {@link #shutdown()} request, or the timeout * occurs, or the current thread is interrupted. * *

Call this method to make sure all resources are freed properly. */ public boolean awaitTermination(long duration, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { return backgroundResources.awaitTermination(duration, unit); } /** * Constructs a new {@link Builder} using the given topic. * *

Example of creating a {@code Publisher}. * *

   * String projectName = "my_project";
   * String topicName = "my_topic";
   * ProjectTopicName topic = ProjectTopicName.create(projectName, topicName);
   * Publisher publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topic).build();
   * try {
   *   // ...
   * } finally {
   *   // When finished with the publisher, make sure to shutdown to free up resources.
   *   publisher.shutdown();
   *   publisher.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
   * }
   * }
*/ public static Builder newBuilder(TopicName topicName) { return newBuilder(topicName.toString()); } /** * Constructs a new {@link Builder} using the given topic. * *

Example of creating a {@code Publisher}. * *

   * String topic = "projects/my_project/topics/my_topic";
   * Publisher publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topic).build();
   * try {
   *   // ...
   * } finally {
   *   // When finished with the publisher, make sure to shutdown to free up resources.
   *   publisher.shutdown();
   *   publisher.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
   * }
   * }
*/ public static Builder newBuilder(String topicName) { return new Builder(topicName); } /** A builder of {@link Publisher}s. */ public static final class Builder { static final Duration MIN_TOTAL_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(10); static final Duration MIN_RPC_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofMillis(10); // Meaningful defaults. static final long DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 100L; static final long DEFAULT_REQUEST_BYTES_THRESHOLD = 1000L; // 1 kB static final Duration DEFAULT_DELAY_THRESHOLD = Duration.ofMillis(1); private static final Duration DEFAULT_INITIAL_RPC_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(5); private static final Duration DEFAULT_MAX_RPC_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(60); private static final Duration DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(600); private static final Duration DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_DELAY = Duration.ofMillis(100); private static final Duration DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_DELAY = Duration.ofSeconds(60); private static final double DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER = 4; static final BatchingSettings DEFAULT_BATCHING_SETTINGS = BatchingSettings.newBuilder() .setDelayThreshold(DEFAULT_DELAY_THRESHOLD) .setRequestByteThreshold(DEFAULT_REQUEST_BYTES_THRESHOLD) .setElementCountThreshold(DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COUNT_THRESHOLD) .setFlowControlSettings( FlowControlSettings.newBuilder() .setLimitExceededBehavior(FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior.Ignore) .build()) .build(); static final RetrySettings DEFAULT_RETRY_SETTINGS = RetrySettings.newBuilder() .setTotalTimeout(DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT) .setInitialRetryDelay(DEFAULT_INITIAL_RETRY_DELAY) .setRetryDelayMultiplier(DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER) .setMaxRetryDelay(DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_DELAY) .setInitialRpcTimeout(DEFAULT_INITIAL_RPC_TIMEOUT) .setRpcTimeoutMultiplier(DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER) .setMaxRpcTimeout(DEFAULT_MAX_RPC_TIMEOUT) .build(); static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_MESSAGE_ORDERING = false; private static final int THREADS_PER_CPU = 5; static final ExecutorProvider DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER = InstantiatingExecutorProvider.newBuilder() .setExecutorThreadCount(THREADS_PER_CPU * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) .build(); static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_COMPRESSION = false; static final long DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_BYTES_THRESHOLD = 240L; String topicName; private String endpoint = null; private String universeDomain = null; // Batching options BatchingSettings batchingSettings = DEFAULT_BATCHING_SETTINGS; RetrySettings retrySettings = DEFAULT_RETRY_SETTINGS; private boolean enableMessageOrdering = DEFAULT_ENABLE_MESSAGE_ORDERING; private TransportChannelProvider channelProvider = TopicAdminSettings.defaultGrpcTransportProviderBuilder().setChannelsPerCpu(1).build(); private HeaderProvider headerProvider = new NoHeaderProvider(); private HeaderProvider internalHeaderProvider = TopicAdminSettings.defaultApiClientHeaderProviderBuilder().build(); ExecutorProvider executorProvider = DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_PROVIDER; private CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = TopicAdminSettings.defaultCredentialsProviderBuilder().build(); private ApiFunction messageTransform = new ApiFunction() { @Override public PubsubMessage apply(PubsubMessage input) { return input; } }; private boolean enableCompression = DEFAULT_ENABLE_COMPRESSION; private long compressionBytesThreshold = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_BYTES_THRESHOLD; private Builder(String topic) { this.topicName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(topic); } /** * {@code ChannelProvider} to use to create Channels, which must point at Cloud Pub/Sub * endpoint. * *

For performance, this client benefits from having multiple underlying connections. See * {@link}. */ public Builder setChannelProvider(TransportChannelProvider channelProvider) { this.channelProvider = Preconditions.checkNotNull(channelProvider); return this; } /** * Sets the static header provider. The header provider will be called during client * construction only once. The headers returned by the provider will be cached and supplied as * is for each request issued by the constructed client. Some reserved headers can be overridden * (e.g. Content-Type) or merged with the default value (e.g. User-Agent) by the underlying * transport layer. * * @param headerProvider the header provider * @return the builder */ @BetaApi public Builder setHeaderProvider(HeaderProvider headerProvider) { this.headerProvider = Preconditions.checkNotNull(headerProvider); return this; } /** * Sets the static header provider for getting internal (library-defined) headers. The header * provider will be called during client construction only once. The headers returned by the * provider will be cached and supplied as is for each request issued by the constructed client. * Some reserved headers can be overridden (e.g. Content-Type) or merged with the default value * (e.g. User-Agent) by the underlying transport layer. * * @param internalHeaderProvider the internal header provider * @return the builder */ Builder setInternalHeaderProvider(HeaderProvider internalHeaderProvider) { this.internalHeaderProvider = Preconditions.checkNotNull(internalHeaderProvider); return this; } /** {@code CredentialsProvider} to use to create Credentials to authenticate calls. */ public Builder setCredentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider) { this.credentialsProvider = Preconditions.checkNotNull(credentialsProvider); return this; } // Batching options public Builder setBatchingSettings(BatchingSettings batchingSettings) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(batchingSettings); Preconditions.checkNotNull(batchingSettings.getElementCountThreshold()); Preconditions.checkArgument(batchingSettings.getElementCountThreshold() > 0); Preconditions.checkNotNull(batchingSettings.getRequestByteThreshold()); Preconditions.checkArgument(batchingSettings.getRequestByteThreshold() > 0); Preconditions.checkNotNull(batchingSettings.getDelayThreshold()); Preconditions.checkArgument(batchingSettings.getDelayThreshold().toMillis() > 0); FlowControlSettings flowControlSettings = batchingSettings.getFlowControlSettings(); if (flowControlSettings.getLimitExceededBehavior() != LimitExceededBehavior.Ignore) { Preconditions.checkArgument(flowControlSettings.getMaxOutstandingElementCount() > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument(flowControlSettings.getMaxOutstandingRequestBytes() > 0); } this.batchingSettings = batchingSettings; return this; } /** Configures the Publisher's retry parameters. */ public Builder setRetrySettings(RetrySettings retrySettings) { Preconditions.checkArgument( retrySettings.getTotalTimeout().compareTo(MIN_TOTAL_TIMEOUT) >= 0); Preconditions.checkArgument( retrySettings.getInitialRpcTimeout().compareTo(MIN_RPC_TIMEOUT) >= 0); this.retrySettings = retrySettings; return this; } /** Sets the message ordering option. */ public Builder setEnableMessageOrdering(boolean enableMessageOrdering) { this.enableMessageOrdering = enableMessageOrdering; return this; } /** Gives the ability to set a custom executor to be used by the library. */ public Builder setExecutorProvider(ExecutorProvider executorProvider) { this.executorProvider = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executorProvider); return this; } /** * Gives the ability to set an {@link ApiFunction} that will transform the {@link PubsubMessage} * before it is sent */ @BetaApi public Builder setTransform(ApiFunction messageTransform) { this.messageTransform = Preconditions.checkNotNull(messageTransform, "The messageTransform cannnot be null."); return this; } /** Gives the ability to override the gRPC endpoint. */ public Builder setEndpoint(String endpoint) { this.endpoint = endpoint; return this; } /** Gives the ability to override the universe domain. */ public Builder setUniverseDomain(String universeDomain) { this.universeDomain = universeDomain; return this; } /** Gives the ability to enable transport compression. */ public Builder setEnableCompression(boolean enableCompression) { this.enableCompression = enableCompression; return this; } /** * Sets the threshold (in bytes) above which messages are compressed for transport. Only takes * effect if setEnableCompression(true) is also called." */ public Builder setCompressionBytesThreshold(long compressionBytesThreshold) { this.compressionBytesThreshold = compressionBytesThreshold; return this; } /** Returns the default BatchingSettings used by the client if settings are not provided. */ public static BatchingSettings getDefaultBatchingSettings() { return DEFAULT_BATCHING_SETTINGS; } public Publisher build() throws IOException { return new Publisher(this); } } private static class MessageFlowController { private final Lock lock; private final Long messageLimit; private final Long byteLimit; private final FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior limitBehavior; private Long outstandingMessages; private Long outstandingBytes; private LinkedList awaitingMessageAcquires; private LinkedList awaitingBytesAcquires; MessageFlowController( Long messageLimit, Long byteLimit, FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior limitBehavior) { this.messageLimit = messageLimit; this.byteLimit = byteLimit; this.limitBehavior = limitBehavior; this.lock = new ReentrantLock(); this.outstandingMessages = 0L; this.outstandingBytes = 0L; this.awaitingMessageAcquires = new LinkedList(); this.awaitingBytesAcquires = new LinkedList(); } void acquire(long messageSize) throws FlowController.FlowControlException { if (messageSize > byteLimit) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Attempted to publish message with byte size > request byte flow control limit."); throw new FlowController.MaxOutstandingRequestBytesReachedException(byteLimit); } lock.lock(); try { if (outstandingMessages >= messageLimit && limitBehavior == FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior.ThrowException) { throw new FlowController.MaxOutstandingElementCountReachedException(messageLimit); } if (outstandingBytes + messageSize >= byteLimit && limitBehavior == FlowController.LimitExceededBehavior.ThrowException) { throw new FlowController.MaxOutstandingRequestBytesReachedException(byteLimit); } // We can acquire or we should wait until we can acquire. // Start by acquiring a slot for a message. CountDownLatch messageWaiter = null; while (outstandingMessages >= messageLimit) { if (messageWaiter == null) { // This message gets added to the back of the line. messageWaiter = new CountDownLatch(1); awaitingMessageAcquires.addLast(messageWaiter); } else { // This message already in line stays at the head of the line. messageWaiter = new CountDownLatch(1); awaitingMessageAcquires.set(0, messageWaiter); } lock.unlock(); try { messageWaiter.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Interrupted while waiting to acquire flow control tokens"); } lock.lock(); } ++outstandingMessages; if (messageWaiter != null) { awaitingMessageAcquires.removeFirst(); } // There may be some surplus messages left; let the next message waiting for a token have // one. if (!awaitingMessageAcquires.isEmpty() && outstandingMessages < messageLimit) { awaitingMessageAcquires.getFirst().countDown(); } // Now acquire space for bytes. CountDownLatch bytesWaiter = null; Long bytesRemaining = messageSize; while (outstandingBytes + bytesRemaining >= byteLimit) { // Take what is available. Long available = byteLimit - outstandingBytes; bytesRemaining -= available; outstandingBytes = byteLimit; if (bytesWaiter == null) { // This message gets added to the back of the line. bytesWaiter = new CountDownLatch(1); awaitingBytesAcquires.addLast(bytesWaiter); } else { // This message already in line stays at the head of the line. bytesWaiter = new CountDownLatch(1); awaitingBytesAcquires.set(0, bytesWaiter); } lock.unlock(); try { bytesWaiter.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Interrupted while waiting to acquire flow control tokens"); } lock.lock(); } outstandingBytes += bytesRemaining; if (bytesWaiter != null) { awaitingBytesAcquires.removeFirst(); } // There may be some surplus bytes left; let the next message waiting for bytes have some. if (!awaitingBytesAcquires.isEmpty() && outstandingBytes < byteLimit) { awaitingBytesAcquires.getFirst().countDown(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void notifyNextAcquires() { if (!awaitingMessageAcquires.isEmpty()) { CountDownLatch awaitingAcquire = awaitingMessageAcquires.getFirst(); awaitingAcquire.countDown(); } if (!awaitingBytesAcquires.isEmpty()) { CountDownLatch awaitingAcquire = awaitingBytesAcquires.getFirst(); awaitingAcquire.countDown(); } } void release(long messageSize) { lock.lock(); --outstandingMessages; outstandingBytes -= messageSize; notifyNextAcquires(); lock.unlock(); } } private class MessagesBatch { private List messages; private int batchedBytes; private String orderingKey; private final BatchingSettings batchingSettings; private MessagesBatch(BatchingSettings batchingSettings, String orderingKey) { this.batchingSettings = batchingSettings; this.orderingKey = orderingKey; reset(); } private OutstandingBatch popOutstandingBatch() { OutstandingBatch batch = new OutstandingBatch(messages, batchedBytes, orderingKey); reset(); return batch; } private void reset() { messages = new LinkedList<>(); batchedBytes = 0; } private boolean isEmpty() { return messages.isEmpty(); } private int getBatchedBytes() { return batchedBytes; } private int getMessagesCount() { return messages.size(); } private boolean hasBatchingBytes() { return getMaxBatchBytes() > 0; } private long getMaxBatchBytes() { return batchingSettings.getRequestByteThreshold(); } private List add(OutstandingPublish outstandingPublish) { List batchesToSend = new ArrayList<>(); // Check if the next message makes the current batch exceed the max batch byte size. if (!isEmpty() && hasBatchingBytes() && getBatchedBytes() + outstandingPublish.messageSize >= getMaxBatchBytes()) { batchesToSend.add(popOutstandingBatch()); } messages.add(outstandingPublish); batchedBytes += outstandingPublish.messageSize; // Border case: If the message to send is greater or equals to the max batch size then send it // immediately. // Alternatively if after adding the message we have reached the batch max messages then we // have a batch to send. if ((hasBatchingBytes() && outstandingPublish.messageSize >= getMaxBatchBytes()) || getMessagesCount() == batchingSettings.getElementCountThreshold()) { batchesToSend.add(popOutstandingBatch()); } return batchesToSend; } } }

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