Maven / Gradle / Ivy
| Facebook Development Platform Java Client |
| Copyright (c) 2007 Facebook, Inc. |
| All rights reserved. |
| |
| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| are met: |
| |
| 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| |
| For help with this library, contact [email protected] |
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* Base class for interacting with the Facebook Application Programming Interface (API). Most Facebook API methods map directly to function calls of this class.
* Instances of FacebookRestClient should be initialized via calls to {@link #auth_createToken}, followed by {@link #auth_getSession}.
For continually updated
* documentation, please refer to the Developer Wiki.
public abstract class ExtensibleClient implements IFacebookRestClient {
protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( ExtensibleClient.class );
public static URL SERVER_URL = null;
public static URL HTTPS_SERVER_URL = null;
static {
try {
catch ( MalformedURLException ex ) {
log.error( "MalformedURLException: " + ex.getMessage(), ex );
protected static JAXBContext JAXB_CONTEXT;
public static void initJaxbSupport() {
if ( JAXB_CONTEXT == null ) {
try {
JAXB_CONTEXT = JAXBContext.newInstance( "" );
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
log.error( "MalformedURLException: " + ex.getMessage(), ex );
protected URL _serverUrl;
protected int _timeout;
protected int _readTimeout;
protected final String _apiKey;
protected final String _secret;
protected boolean _isDesktop;
protected String cacheSessionKey;
protected Long cacheUserId;
protected Long cacheSessionExpires;
/** filled in when session is established only used for desktop apps */
protected String cacheSessionSecret;
protected String rawResponse;
protected boolean batchMode;
protected List queries;
protected String permissionsApiKey = null;
* The number of parameters required for every request.
* @see #callMethod(IFacebookMethod,Collection)
public static final int NUM_AUTOAPPENDED_PARAMS = 6;
protected File _uploadFile = null;
protected static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
protected static final String PREF = "--";
protected static final int UPLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
public static final String MARKETPLACE_STATUS_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT";
public static final String MARKETPLACE_STATUS_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
protected ExtensibleClient( String apiKey, String secret ) {
this( SERVER_URL, apiKey, secret, null );
protected ExtensibleClient( String apiKey, String secret, int timeout ) {
this( SERVER_URL, apiKey, secret, null, timeout );
protected ExtensibleClient( String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey ) {
this( SERVER_URL, apiKey, secret, sessionKey );
protected ExtensibleClient( String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey, int connectionTimeout ) {
this( SERVER_URL, apiKey, secret, sessionKey, connectionTimeout );
protected ExtensibleClient( String serverAddr, String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey ) throws MalformedURLException {
this( new URL( serverAddr ), apiKey, secret, sessionKey );
protected ExtensibleClient( String serverAddr, String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey, int connectionTimeout ) throws MalformedURLException {
this( new URL( serverAddr ), apiKey, secret, sessionKey, connectionTimeout );
protected ExtensibleClient( URL serverUrl, String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey, int timeout ) {
this( serverUrl, apiKey, secret, sessionKey );
_timeout = timeout;
protected ExtensibleClient( URL serverUrl, String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey, int timeout, int readTimeout ) {
this( serverUrl, apiKey, secret, sessionKey );
_timeout = timeout;
_readTimeout = readTimeout;
protected ExtensibleClient( URL serverUrl, String apiKey, String secret, String sessionKey ) {
this.cacheSessionKey = sessionKey;
this._apiKey = apiKey;
this._secret = secret;
this._serverUrl = ( null != serverUrl ) ? serverUrl : SERVER_URL;
this._timeout = -1;
this._readTimeout = -1;
this.batchMode = false;
this.queries = new ArrayList();
if ( this instanceof FacebookJaxbRestClient ) {
public void beginPermissionsMode( String apiKey ) {
this.permissionsApiKey = apiKey;
public void endPermissionsMode() {
this.permissionsApiKey = null;
public JAXBContext getJaxbContext() {
public void setJaxbContext( JAXBContext context ) {
JAXB_CONTEXT = context;
* The response format in which results to FacebookMethod calls are returned
* @return the format: either XML, JSON, or null (API default)
public abstract String getResponseFormat();
* Gets the session-token used by Facebook to authenticate a desktop application. If your application does not run in desktop mode, than this field is not relevent to
* you.
* @return the desktop-app session token.
public String getSessionSecret() {
return cacheSessionSecret;
* Allows the session-token to be manually overridden when running a desktop application. If your application does not run in desktop mode, then setting this field
* will have no effect. If you set an incorrect value here, your application will probably fail to run.
* @param key
* the new value to set. Incorrect values may cause your application to fail to run.
public void setSessionSecret( String key ) {
cacheSessionSecret = key;
private static CharSequence delimit( Iterable iterable ) {
if ( iterable == null ) {
return null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
boolean notFirst = false;
for ( Object item : iterable ) {
if ( notFirst ) {
buffer.append( "," );
} else {
notFirst = true;
buffer.append( item.toString() );
return buffer;
protected Boolean cacheAppAdded; // to save making the users.isAppAdded api call, this will get prepopulated on canvas pages
public Boolean getCacheAppAdded() {
return cacheAppAdded;
public void setCacheAppAdded( Boolean cacheAppAdded ) {
this.cacheAppAdded = cacheAppAdded;
public String getCacheSessionSecret() {
return cacheSessionSecret;
public void setCacheSessionSecret( String cacheSessionSecret ) {
this.cacheSessionSecret = cacheSessionSecret;
public void setCacheSession( String cacheSessionKey, Long cacheUserId, Long cacheSessionExpires ) {
setCacheSessionKey( cacheSessionKey );
setCacheUserId( cacheUserId );
setCacheSessionExpires( cacheSessionExpires );
public Long getCacheSessionExpires() {
return cacheSessionExpires;
public void setCacheSessionExpires( Long cacheSessionExpires ) {
this.cacheSessionExpires = cacheSessionExpires;
public String getCacheSessionKey() {
return cacheSessionKey;
public void setCacheSessionKey( String cacheSessionKey ) {
this.cacheSessionKey = cacheSessionKey;
public Long getCacheUserId() {
return cacheUserId;
public void setCacheUserId( Long cacheUserId ) {
this.cacheUserId = cacheUserId;
public T friends_areFriends( long userId1, long userId2 ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FRIENDS_ARE_FRIENDS, newPair( "uids1", userId1 ), newPair( "uids2", userId2 ) );
public T friends_areFriends( Collection userIds1, Collection userIds2 ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( userIds1 == null || userIds2 == null || userIds1.isEmpty() || userIds2.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Collections passed to friends_areFriends should not be null or empty" );
if ( userIds1.size() != userIds2.size() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Collections should be same size: got userIds1: %d elts; userIds2: %d elts", userIds1.size(), userIds2
.size() ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FRIENDS_ARE_FRIENDS, newPair( "uids1", delimit( userIds1 ) ), newPair( "uids2", delimit( userIds2 ) ) );
public boolean fbml_refreshRefUrl( String url ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return fbml_refreshRefUrl( new URL( url ) );
* Adds image parameters
* @param params
* @param images
protected void handleFeedImages( List> params, Collection extends IPair extends Object,URL>> images ) {
if ( images != null && images.size() > 4 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At most four images are allowed, got " + Integer.toString( images.size() ) );
if ( null != images && !images.isEmpty() ) {
int image_count = 0;
for ( IPair extends Object,URL> image : images ) {
assert null != image.getFirst() : "Image URL must be provided";
String name = "image_" + image_count;
params.add( newPair( name, image.getFirst().toString() ) );
if ( null != image.getSecond() ) {
params.add( newPair( name + "_link", image.getSecond().toString() ) );
* Call this function to retrieve the session information after your user has logged in.
* @param authToken
* the token returned by auth_createToken or passed back to your callback_url.
public abstract String auth_getSession( String authToken ) throws FacebookException, IOException;
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( Long actorId, CharSequence titleTemplate ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_publishTemplatizedAction( actorId, titleTemplate, null, null, null, null, null, null );
* Publishes a Mini-Feed story describing an action taken by a user, and publishes aggregating News Feed stories to the friends of that user. Stories are identified
* as being combinable if they have matching templates and substituted values.
* @param actorId
* the user into whose mini-feed the story is being published.
* @param titleTemplate
* markup (up to 60 chars, tags excluded) for the feed story's title section. Must include the token {actor}
* @param titleData
* (optional) contains token-substitution mappings for tokens that appear in titleTemplate. Should not contain mappings for the {actor}
* {target}
tokens. Required if tokens other than {actor}
or {target}
appear in the titleTemplate.
* @param bodyTemplate
* (optional) markup to be displayed in the feed story's body section. can include tokens, of the form {token}
, to be substituted using
* bodyData.
* @param bodyData
* (optional) contains token-substitution mappings for tokens that appear in bodyTemplate. Required if the bodyTemplate contains tokens other than
* {actor}
and {target}
* @param bodyGeneral
* (optional) additional body markup that is not aggregated. If multiple instances of this templated story are combined together, the markup in the
* bodyGeneral of one of their stories may be displayed.
* @param targetIds
* The user ids of friends of the actor, used for stories about a direct action between the actor and these targets of his/her action. Required if either
* the titleTemplate or bodyTemplate includes the token {target}
* @param images
* (optional) additional body markup that is not aggregated. If multiple instances of this templated story are combined together, the markup in the
* bodyGeneral of one of their stories may be displayed.
* @return whether the action story was successfully published; false in case of a permission error
* @see Developers Wiki: Feed.publishTemplatizedAction
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( Long actorId, CharSequence titleTemplate, Map titleData, CharSequence bodyTemplate,
Map bodyData, CharSequence bodyGeneral, Collection targetIds, Collection extends IPair extends Object,URL>> images )
throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_publishTemplatizedAction( titleTemplate, titleData, bodyTemplate, bodyData, bodyGeneral, targetIds, images, null );
* @deprecated Use the version that takes a Long for the actorId paramter.
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( Integer actorId, CharSequence titleTemplate, Map titleData, CharSequence bodyTemplate,
Map bodyData, CharSequence bodyGeneral, Collection targetIds, Collection extends IPair extends Object,URL>> images )
throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_publishTemplatizedAction( (long) ( actorId.intValue() ), titleTemplate, titleData, bodyTemplate, bodyData, bodyGeneral, targetIds, images );
public T groups_getMembers( Number groupId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != groupId );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.GROUPS_GET_MEMBERS, newPair( "gid", groupId.toString() ) );
private static String encode( CharSequence target ) {
if ( target == null ) {
return "";
String result = target.toString();
try {
result = URLEncoder.encode( result, "UTF8" );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException ex ) {
log.warn( "Unsuccessful attempt to encode '" + result + "' into UTF8", ex );
return result;
public T events_getMembers( Number eventId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != eventId );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.EVENTS_GET_MEMBERS, newPair( "eid", eventId.toString() ) );
public T friends_getAppUsers() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FRIENDS_GET_APP_USERS );
public T fql_query( CharSequence query ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != query );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FQL_QUERY, newPair( "query", query ) );
private String generateSignature( List params, boolean requiresSession ) {
String secret = ( isDesktop() && requiresSession ) ? cacheSessionSecret : _secret;
return FacebookSignatureUtil.generateSignature( params, secret );
public T photos_get( Collection photoIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_get( null /* subjId */, null /* albumId */, photoIds );
public T photos_get( Long subjId, Long albumId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_get( subjId, albumId, null /* photoIds */);
public T photos_get( Long subjId, Collection photoIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_get( subjId, null /* albumId */, photoIds );
public T photos_get( Long subjId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_get( subjId, null /* albumId */, null /* photoIds */);
public T photos_get( Long subjId, Long albumId, Collection photoIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
ArrayList> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_GET.numParams() );
boolean hasUserId = null != subjId && 0 != subjId;
boolean hasAlbumId = null != albumId && 0 != albumId;
boolean hasPhotoIds = null != photoIds && !photoIds.isEmpty();
if ( !hasUserId && !hasAlbumId && !hasPhotoIds ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one of photoIds, albumId, or subjId must be provided" );
if ( hasUserId ) {
params.add( newPair( "subj_id", subjId ) );
if ( hasAlbumId ) {
params.add( newPair( "aid", albumId ) );
if ( hasPhotoIds ) {
params.add( newPair( "pids", delimit( photoIds ) ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_GET, params );
public T photos_getTags( Collection photoIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_GET_TAGS, newPair( "pids", delimit( photoIds ) ) );
public T groups_get( Long userId, Collection groupIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
boolean hasGroups = ( null != groupIds && !groupIds.isEmpty() );
if ( null != userId ) {
return hasGroups ? callMethod( FacebookMethod.GROUPS_GET, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ), newPair( "gids", delimit( groupIds ) ) ) : callMethod(
FacebookMethod.GROUPS_GET, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ) );
} else {
return hasGroups ? callMethod( FacebookMethod.GROUPS_GET, newPair( "gids", delimit( groupIds ) ) ) : callMethod( FacebookMethod.GROUPS_GET );
* Call the specified method, with the given parameters, and return a DOM tree with the results.
* @param method
* the fieldName of the method
* @param paramPairs
* a list of arguments to the method
* @throws Exception
* with a description of any errors given to us by the server.
protected T callMethod( IFacebookMethod method, Pair... paramPairs ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( method, Arrays.asList( paramPairs ) );
* Call the specified method, with the given parameters, and return a DOM tree with the results.
* @param method
* the fieldName of the method
* @param paramPairs
* a list of arguments to the method
* @throws Exception
* with a description of any errors given to us by the server.
protected T callMethod( IFacebookMethod method, Collection> paramPairs ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
rawResponse = null;
Map params = new TreeMap();
if ( permissionsApiKey != null ) {
params.put( "call_as_apikey", permissionsApiKey );
params.put( "method", method.methodName() );
params.put( "api_key", _apiKey );
params.put( "v", TARGET_API_VERSION );
String format = getResponseFormat();
if ( null != format ) {
params.put( "format", format );
params.put( "call_id", Long.toString( System.currentTimeMillis() ) );
boolean includeSession = method.requiresSession() && cacheSessionKey != null;
if ( includeSession ) {
params.put( "session_key", cacheSessionKey );
CharSequence oldVal;
for ( Pair p : paramPairs ) {
oldVal = params.put( p.first, FacebookSignatureUtil.toString( p.second ) );
if ( oldVal != null ) {
log.warn( String.format( "For parameter %s, overwrote old value %s with new value %s.", p.first, oldVal, p.second ) );
assert ( !params.containsKey( "sig" ) );
String signature = generateSignature( FacebookSignatureUtil.convert( params.entrySet() ), includeSession );
params.put( "sig", signature );
if ( batchMode ) {
// if we are running in batch mode, don't actually execute the query now, just add it to the list
boolean addToBatch = true;
if ( method.methodName().equals( FacebookMethod.USERS_GET_LOGGED_IN_USER.methodName() ) ) {
Exception trace = new Exception();
StackTraceElement[] traceElems = trace.getStackTrace();
int index = 0;
for ( StackTraceElement elem : traceElems ) {
if ( elem.getMethodName().indexOf( "_" ) != -1 ) {
StackTraceElement caller = traceElems[index + 1];
if ( ( caller.getClassName().equals( ExtensibleClient.class.getName() ) ) && ( !caller.getMethodName().startsWith( "auth_" ) ) ) {
addToBatch = false;
index++ ;
if ( addToBatch ) {
queries.add( new BatchQuery( method, params ) );
return null;
boolean doHttps = isDesktop() && FacebookMethod.AUTH_GET_SESSION.equals( method );
boolean doEncode = true;
InputStream data = method.takesFile() ? postFileRequest( method.methodName(), params, doEncode ) : postRequest( method.methodName(), params, doHttps, doEncode );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( data, "UTF-8" ) );
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
String line;
boolean insideTagBody = false;
while ( ( line = in.readLine() ) != null ) {
* is the last char a close ('>')? if not, we need to add a comma to the string as FB (unfortunately) lets people enter profile information and use hard
* returns, which are stripped out For example, this is a "valid" XML from FB: 12345678 Bob My Morning Jacket, Libertines The
* Clash
* When the buffer is built, ends up like this: "My Morning Jacket, LibertinesTheClash" which makes it impossible to parse as the delimiters are
* destroyed
if ( "xml".equalsIgnoreCase( getResponseFormat() ) && method != FacebookMethod.BATCH_RUN ) {
if ( line.trim().startsWith( "<" ) && line.contains( ">" ) ) {
insideTagBody = true;
if ( line.trim().endsWith( ">" ) ) {
insideTagBody = false;
if ( insideTagBody ) {
line += ",";
buffer.append( line );
String xmlResp = buffer.toString();
rawResponse = xmlResp;
return parseCallResult( new ByteArrayInputStream( xmlResp.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ), method );
* Parses the result of an API call into a T.
* @param data
* an InputStream with the results of a request to the Facebook servers
* @param method
* the method called
* @throws FacebookException
* if data
represents an error
* @throws IOException
* if data
is not readable
* @return a T
protected abstract T parseCallResult( InputStream data, IFacebookMethod method ) throws FacebookException, IOException;
public boolean fbml_refreshRefUrl( URL url ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.FBML_REFRESH_REF_URL, newPair( "url", url.toString() ) ) );
public T notifications_get() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_GET );
public T users_getStandardInfo( Collection userIds, Collection fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( userIds != null );
assert ( fields != null );
assert ( !fields.isEmpty() );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_GET_STANDARD_INFO, newPair( "uids", delimit( userIds ) ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
public T users_getStandardInfo( Collection userIds, Set fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( userIds != null );
assert ( fields != null );
assert ( !fields.isEmpty() );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_GET_STANDARD_INFO, newPair( "uids", delimit( userIds ) ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
public T users_getInfo( Collection userIds, Collection fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( userIds != null );
assert ( fields != null );
assert ( !fields.isEmpty() );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_GET_INFO, newPair( "uids", delimit( userIds ) ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
public T users_getInfo( Collection userIds, Set fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( userIds != null );
assert ( fields != null );
assert ( !fields.isEmpty() );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_GET_INFO, newPair( "uids", delimit( userIds ) ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
* Retrieves the user ID of the user logged in to this API session
* @return the Facebook user ID of the logged-in user
public long users_getLoggedInUser() throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( cacheUserId == null || cacheUserId == -1 || batchMode ) {
cacheUserId = extractLong( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_GET_LOGGED_IN_USER ) );
return cacheUserId;
* Call this function to get the user ID.
* @return The ID of the current session's user, or -1 if none.
* @deprecated please call auth_getSession(authToken), then you can call users_getLoggedInUser(), or getCacheUserId()
public long auth_getUserId( String authToken ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
* Get the session information if we don't have it; this will populate the user ID as well.
if ( null == cacheSessionKey ) {
auth_getSession( authToken );
return users_getLoggedInUser();
public boolean isDesktop() {
return _isDesktop;
private boolean photos_addTag( Long photoId, Double xPct, Double yPct, Long taggedUserId, CharSequence tagText ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != photoId && !photoId.equals( 0 ) );
assert ( null != taggedUserId || null != tagText );
assert ( null != xPct && xPct >= 0 && xPct <= 100 );
assert ( null != yPct && yPct >= 0 && yPct <= 100 );
Pair tagData;
if ( taggedUserId != null ) {
tagData = newPair( "tag_uid", taggedUserId.toString() );
} else {
tagData = newPair( "tag_text", tagText.toString() );
T d = callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_ADD_TAG, newPair( "pid", photoId.toString() ), tagData, newPair( "x", xPct.toString() ), newPair( "y", yPct.toString() ) );
return extractBoolean( d );
public boolean users_isAppAdded() throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( cacheAppAdded != null ) {
cacheAppAdded = extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_IS_APP_ADDED ) );
return cacheAppAdded;
public boolean users_isAppUser() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_IS_APP_USER ) );
public boolean users_isAppUser( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( userId != null ) {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_IS_APP_USER_NOSESSION, newPair( "uid", userId ) ) );
} else {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_IS_APP_USER ) );
public boolean users_setStatus( String status ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return users_setStatus( status, false, false );
public boolean users_clearStatus() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return users_setStatus( null, true );
public boolean photos_addTag( Long photoId, CharSequence tagText, Double xPct, Double yPct ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_addTag( photoId, xPct, yPct, null, tagText );
* Helper function for posting a request that includes raw file data, eg {@link #photos_upload}.
* @param methodName
* the name of the method
* @param params
* request parameters (not including the file)
* @param doEncode
* whether to UTF8-encode the parameters
* @return an InputStream with the request response
* @see #photos_upload
protected InputStream postFileRequest( String methodName, Map params, boolean doEncode ) throws IOException {
assert ( null != _uploadFile );
try {
BufferedInputStream bufin = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( _uploadFile ) );
String boundary = Long.toString( System.currentTimeMillis(), 16 );
URLConnection con = _serverUrl.openConnection();
con.setDoInput( true );
con.setDoOutput( true );
con.setUseCaches( false );
con.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary );
con.setRequestProperty( "MIME-version", "1.0" );
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( con.getOutputStream() );
for ( Map.Entry entry : params.entrySet() ) {
out.writeBytes( PREF + boundary + CRLF );
out.writeBytes( "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"" + entry.getKey() + "\"" );
out.writeBytes( CRLF + CRLF );
out.writeBytes( doEncode ? encode( entry.getValue() ) : entry.getValue().toString() );
out.writeBytes( CRLF );
out.writeBytes( PREF + boundary + CRLF );
out.writeBytes( "Content-disposition: form-data; filename=\"" + _uploadFile.getName() + "\"" + CRLF );
out.writeBytes( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" + CRLF );
// out.writeBytes("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" + CRLF); // not necessary
// Write the file
out.writeBytes( CRLF );
byte b[] = new byte[UPLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
int byteCounter = 0;
int i;
while ( -1 != ( i = b ) ) ) {
byteCounter += i;
out.write( b, 0, i );
out.writeBytes( CRLF + PREF + boundary + PREF + CRLF );
return con.getInputStream();
catch ( Exception e ) {
log.error( "Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e );
return null;
public URL notifications_send( Collection recipientIds, CharSequence notification, CharSequence email ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
notifications_send( recipientIds, notification );
return null;
public boolean fbml_refreshImgSrc( String imageUrl ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return fbml_refreshImgSrc( new URL( imageUrl ) );
public T photos_upload( File photo ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_upload( photo, null /* caption */, null /* albumId */);
public T photos_upload( File photo, String caption ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_upload( photo, caption, null /* albumId */);
public T photos_upload( File photo, Long albumId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_upload( photo, null /* caption */, albumId );
public T photos_upload( File photo, String caption, Long albumId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
ArrayList> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_UPLOAD.numParams() );
assert ( photo.exists() && photo.canRead() );
_uploadFile = photo;
if ( null != albumId ) {
params.add( newPair( "aid", albumId ) );
if ( null != caption ) {
params.add( newPair( "caption", caption ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_UPLOAD, params );
public T photos_createAlbum( String albumName ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_createAlbum( albumName, null /* description */, null /* location */);
public boolean photos_addTag( Long photoId, Long taggedUserId, Double xPct, Double yPct ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_addTag( photoId, xPct, yPct, taggedUserId, null );
public T photos_addTags( Long photoId, Collection tags ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( photoId > 0 );
assert ( null != tags && !tags.isEmpty() );
JSONArray jsonTags = new JSONArray();
for ( PhotoTag tag : tags ) {
jsonTags.put( tag.jsonify() );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_ADD_TAG, newPair( "pid", photoId.toString() ), newPair( "tags", jsonTags.toString() ) );
public void setIsDesktop( boolean isDesktop ) {
this._isDesktop = isDesktop;
public T events_get( Long userId, Collection eventIds, Long startTime, Long endTime ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.EVENTS_GET.numParams() );
boolean hasUserId = null != userId && 0 != userId;
boolean hasEventIds = null != eventIds && !eventIds.isEmpty();
boolean hasStart = null != startTime && 0 != startTime;
boolean hasEnd = null != endTime && 0 != endTime;
if ( hasUserId ) {
params.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
if ( hasEventIds ) {
params.add( newPair( "eids", delimit( eventIds ) ) );
if ( hasStart ) {
params.add( newPair( "start_time", startTime ) );
if ( hasEnd ) {
params.add( newPair( "end_time", endTime ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.EVENTS_GET, params );
protected static CharSequence delimit( Collection> entries, String delimiter, String equals, boolean doEncode ) {
if ( entries == null || entries.isEmpty() ) {
return null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
boolean notFirst = false;
for ( Map.Entry entry : entries ) {
if ( notFirst ) {
buffer.append( delimiter );
} else {
notFirst = true;
CharSequence value = entry.getValue();
buffer.append( entry.getKey() ).append( equals ).append( doEncode ? encode( value ) : value );
return buffer;
public T photos_createAlbum( String name, String description, String location ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != name && !"".equals( name ) );
ArrayList> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_CREATE_ALBUM.numParams() );
params.add( newPair( "name", name ) );
if ( null != description )
params.add( newPair( "description", description ) );
if ( null != location )
params.add( newPair( "location", location ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_CREATE_ALBUM, params );
public T photos_getAlbums( Collection albumIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_getAlbums( null /* userId */, albumIds );
public T photos_getAlbums( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_getAlbums( userId, null /* albumIds */);
public T photos_getAlbums( Long userId, Collection albumIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
boolean hasUserId = null != userId && userId != 0;
boolean hasAlbumIds = null != albumIds && !albumIds.isEmpty();
assert ( hasUserId || hasAlbumIds ); // one of the two must be provided
if ( hasUserId ) {
return ( hasAlbumIds ) ? callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_GET_ALBUMS, newPair( "uid", userId ), newPair( "aids", delimit( albumIds ) ) ) : callMethod(
FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_GET_ALBUMS, newPair( "uid", userId ) );
} else {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_GET_ALBUMS, newPair( "aids", delimit( albumIds ) ) );
public boolean fbml_refreshImgSrc( URL imageUrl ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.FBML_REFRESH_IMG_SRC, newPair( "url", imageUrl.toString() ) ) );
public T friends_get() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FRIENDS_GET );
private InputStream postRequest( CharSequence method, Map params, boolean doHttps, boolean doEncode ) throws IOException {
CharSequence buffer = ( null == params ) ? "" : delimit( params.entrySet(), "&", "=", doEncode );
URL serverUrl = ( doHttps ) ? HTTPS_SERVER_URL : _serverUrl;
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( method );
sb.append( " POST: " );
sb.append( serverUrl.toString() );
sb.append( "?" );
sb.append( buffer );
log.debug( sb.toString() );
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) serverUrl.openConnection();
if ( _timeout != -1 ) {
conn.setConnectTimeout( _timeout );
if ( _readTimeout != -1 ) {
conn.setReadTimeout( _readTimeout );
try {
conn.setRequestMethod( "POST" );
catch ( ProtocolException ex ) {
log.error( "Exception: " + ex.getMessage(), ex );
conn.setDoOutput( true );
conn.getOutputStream().write( buffer.toString().getBytes() );
return conn.getInputStream();
public String auth_createToken() throws FacebookException, IOException {
T d = callMethod( FacebookMethod.AUTH_CREATE_TOKEN );
return extractString( d );
* Create a marketplace listing
* @param showOnProfile
* whether the listing can be shown on the user's profile
* @param attrs
* the properties of the listing
* @return the id of the created listing
* @see MarketplaceListing
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.createListing
public Long marketplace_createListing( Boolean showOnProfile, MarketplaceListing attrs ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
T result = callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_CREATE_LISTING, newPair( "show_on_profile", showOnProfile ? "1" : "0" ), newPair( "listing_id", "0" ), newPair(
"listing_attrs", attrs.jsonify().toString() ) );
return extractLong( result );
* Modify a marketplace listing
* @param listingId
* identifies the listing to be modified
* @param showOnProfile
* whether the listing can be shown on the user's profile
* @param attrs
* the properties of the listing
* @return the id of the edited listing
* @see MarketplaceListing
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.createListing
public Long marketplace_editListing( Long listingId, Boolean showOnProfile, MarketplaceListing attrs ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
T result = callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_CREATE_LISTING, newPair( "show_on_profile", showOnProfile ? "1" : "0" ), newPair( "listing_id", listingId
.toString() ), newPair( "listing_attrs", attrs.jsonify().toString() ) );
return extractLong( result );
* Remove a marketplace listing
* @param listingId
* the listing to be removed
* @return boolean indicating whether the listing was removed
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.removeListing
public boolean marketplace_removeListing( Long listingId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_removeListing( listingId, MARKETPLACE_STATUS_DEFAULT );
* Remove a marketplace listing
* @param listingId
* the listing to be removed
* @param status
* @return boolean indicating whether the listing was removed
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.removeListing
public boolean marketplace_removeListing( Long listingId, CharSequence status ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert MARKETPLACE_STATUS_DEFAULT.equals( status ) || MARKETPLACE_STATUS_SUCCESS.equals( status ) || MARKETPLACE_STATUS_NOT_SUCCESS.equals( status ) : "Invalid status: "
+ status;
T result = callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_REMOVE_LISTING, newPair( "listing_id", listingId.toString() ), newPair( "status", status ) );
return extractBoolean( result );
* Get the categories available in marketplace.
* @return a T listing the marketplace categories
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.getCategories
public List marketplace_getCategories() throws FacebookException, IOException {
T temp = callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_GET_CATEGORIES );
if ( temp == null ) {
return null;
List results = new ArrayList();
if ( temp instanceof Document ) {
Document d = (Document) temp;
NodeList cats = d.getElementsByTagName( "marketplace_category" );
for ( int count = 0; count < cats.getLength(); count++ ) {
results.add( cats.item( count ).getFirstChild().getTextContent() );
} else {
JSONObject j = (JSONObject) temp;
Iterator it = j.keys();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
try {
results.add( j.get( (String) ).toString() );
catch ( Exception ignored ) {
// ignore
return results;
* Get the subcategories available for a category.
* @param category
* a category, e.g. "HOUSING"
* @return a T listing the marketplace sub-categories
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.getSubCategories
public T marketplace_getSubCategories( CharSequence category ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_GET_SUBCATEGORIES, newPair( "category", category ) );
* Fetch marketplace listings, filtered by listing IDs and/or the posting users' IDs.
* @param listingIds
* listing identifiers (required if uids is null/empty)
* @param userIds
* posting user identifiers (required if listingIds is null/empty)
* @return a T of marketplace listings
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.getListings
public T marketplace_getListings( Collection listingIds, Collection userIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_GET_LISTINGS.numParams() );
if ( null != listingIds && !listingIds.isEmpty() ) {
params.add( newPair( "listing_ids", delimit( listingIds ) ) );
if ( null != userIds && !userIds.isEmpty() ) {
params.add( newPair( "uids", delimit( userIds ) ) );
assert !params.isEmpty() : "Either listingIds or userIds should be provided";
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_GET_LISTINGS, params );
* Search for marketplace listings, optionally by category, subcategory, and/or query string.
* @param category
* the category of listings desired (optional except if subcategory is provided)
* @param subCategory
* the subcategory of listings desired (optional)
* @param query
* a query string (optional)
* @return a T of marketplace listings
* @see Developers Wiki:
public T marketplace_search( CharSequence category, CharSequence subCategory, CharSequence query ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_SEARCH.numParams() );
boolean hasCategory = addParamIfNotBlank( "category", category, params );
if ( hasCategory ) {
addParamIfNotBlank( "subcategory", subCategory, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "query", query, params );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_SEARCH, params );
* Used to retrieve photo objects using the search parameters (one or more of the parameters must be provided).
* @param albumId
* retrieve from photos from this album (optional)
* @param photoIds
* retrieve from this list of photos (optional)
* @return an T of photo objects.
* @see #photos_get(Integer, Long, Collection)
* @see Developers Wiki: Photos.get
public T photos_getByAlbum( Long albumId, Collection photoIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_get( null /* subjId */, albumId, photoIds );
* Used to retrieve photo objects using the search parameters (one or more of the parameters must be provided).
* @param albumId
* retrieve from photos from this album (optional)
* @return an T of photo objects.
* @see #photos_get(Integer, Long, Collection)
* @see Developers Wiki: Photos.get
public T photos_getByAlbum( Long albumId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_get( null /* subjId */, albumId, null /* photoIds */);
* Get the categories available in marketplace.
* @return a T listing the marketplace categories
* @see Developers Wiki: marketplace.getCategories
public T marketplace_getCategoriesObject() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_GET_CATEGORIES );
public String getRawResponse() {
return rawResponse;
public Object getResponsePOJO() {
if ( rawResponse == null ) {
return null;
if ( JAXB_CONTEXT == null ) {
return null;
if ( ( getResponseFormat() != null ) && ( !"xml".equalsIgnoreCase( getResponseFormat() ) ) ) {
// JAXB will not work with JSON
throw new RuntimeException( "You can only generate a response POJO when using XML formatted API responses! JSON users go elsewhere!" );
Object pojo = null;
try {
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JAXB_CONTEXT.createUnmarshaller();
pojo = unmarshaller.unmarshal( new ByteArrayInputStream( rawResponse.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ) );
catch ( JAXBException ex ) {
log.error( "getResponsePOJO() - Could not unmarshall XML stream into POJO:" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
catch ( NullPointerException ex ) {
log.error( "getResponsePOJO() - Could not unmarshall XML stream into POJO:" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException ex ) {
log.error( "getResponsePOJO() - Could not unmarshall XML stream into POJO:" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
return pojo;
public boolean feed_PublishTemplatizedAction( TemplatizedAction action ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return templatizedFeedHandler( FacebookMethod.FEED_PUBLISH_TEMPLATIZED_ACTION, action.getTitleTemplate(), action.getTitleParams(), action.getBodyTemplate(),
action.getBodyParams(), action.getBodyGeneral(), action.getPictures(), action.getTargetIds(), action.getPageActorId() );
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( String titleTemplate, String titleData, String bodyTemplate, String bodyData, String bodyGeneral,
Collection extends IPair extends Object,URL>> pictures, String targetIds ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return templatizedFeedHandler( FacebookMethod.FEED_PUBLISH_TEMPLATIZED_ACTION, titleTemplate, titleData, bodyTemplate, bodyData, bodyGeneral, pictures,
targetIds, null );
protected boolean templatizedFeedHandler( FacebookMethod method, String titleTemplate, String titleData, String bodyTemplate, String bodyData, String bodyGeneral,
Collection extends IPair extends Object,URL>> pictures, String targetIds, Long pageId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( pictures == null || pictures.size() <= 4 );
List> params = new ArrayList>( method.numParams() );
// these are always required parameters
addParam( "title_template", titleTemplate, params );
// these are optional parameters
addParamIfNotBlank( "title_data", titleData, params );
boolean hasBody = addParamIfNotBlank( "body_template", bodyTemplate, params );
if ( hasBody ) {
addParamIfNotBlank( "body_data", bodyData, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "body_general", bodyGeneral, params );
if ( pictures != null ) {
int count = 1;
for ( IPair picture : pictures ) {
String url = picture.getFirst().toString();
if ( url.startsWith( TemplatizedAction.UID_TOKEN ) ) {
url = url.substring( TemplatizedAction.UID_TOKEN.length() );
addParam( "image_" + count, url, params );
if ( picture.getSecond() != null ) {
addParam( "image_" + count + "_link", picture.getSecond().toString(), params );
count++ ;
addParamIfNotBlank( "target_ids", targetIds, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "page_actor_id", pageId, params );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( method, params ) );
public boolean users_hasAppPermission( Permission perm ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return users_hasAppPermission( perm, null );
public boolean users_hasAppPermission( Permission perm, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( userId != null ) {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_HAS_APP_PERMISSION_NOSESSION, newPair( "ext_perm", perm.getName() ), newPair( "uid", userId ) ) );
} else {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_HAS_APP_PERMISSION, newPair( "ext_perm", perm.getName() ) ) );
public Long marketplace_createListing( Long listingId, boolean showOnProfile, String attributes ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
T result = callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_CREATE_LISTING, newPair( "show_on_profile", showOnProfile ? "1" : "0" ), newPair( "listing_id", "0" ), newPair(
"listing_attrs", attributes ) );
return extractLong( result );
public Long marketplace_createListing( Long listingId, boolean showOnProfile, MarketListing listing ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_createListing( listingId, showOnProfile, listing.getAttribs() );
public Long marketplace_createListing( boolean showOnProfile, MarketListing listing ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_createListing( null, showOnProfile, listing.getAttribs() );
public boolean marketplace_removeListing( Long listingId, MarketListingStatus status ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_removeListing( listingId, status.getName() );
public Long marketplace_editListing( Long listingId, Boolean showOnProfile, MarketListing attrs ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
T result = callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKETPLACE_CREATE_LISTING, newPair( "show_on_profile", showOnProfile ? "1" : "0" ), newPair( "listing_id", listingId
.toString() ), newPair( "listing_attrs", attrs.getAttribs() ) );
return extractLong( result );
public boolean users_setStatus( String newStatus, boolean clear ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return users_setStatus( newStatus, clear, false );
* Retrieves the requested profile fields for the Facebook Pages with the given pageIds
. Can be called for pages that have added the application
* without establishing a session.
* @param pageIds
* the page IDs
* @param fields
* a set of page profile fields
* @return a T consisting of a list of pages, with each page element containing the requested fields.
* @see Developers Wiki: Pages.getInfo
public T pages_getInfo( Collection pageIds, EnumSet fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( pageIds == null || pageIds.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "pageIds cannot be empty or null" );
if ( fields == null || fields.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fields cannot be empty or null" );
IFacebookMethod method = ( null == cacheSessionKey ) ? FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO_NO_SESSION : FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO;
return callMethod( method, newPair( "page_ids", delimit( pageIds ) ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
* Retrieves the requested profile fields for the Facebook Pages with the given pageIds
. Can be called for pages that have added the application
* without establishing a session.
* @param pageIds
* the page IDs
* @param fields
* a set of page profile fields
* @return a T consisting of a list of pages, with each page element containing the requested fields.
* @see Developers Wiki: Pages.getInfo
public T pages_getInfo( Collection pageIds, Set fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( pageIds == null || pageIds.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "pageIds cannot be empty or null" );
if ( fields == null || fields.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fields cannot be empty or null" );
IFacebookMethod method = null == cacheSessionKey ? FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO_NO_SESSION : FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO;
return callMethod( method, newPair( "page_ids", delimit( pageIds ) ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
* Retrieves the requested profile fields for the Facebook Pages of the user with the given userId
* @param userId
* the ID of a user about whose pages to fetch info (defaulted to the logged-in user)
* @param fields
* a set of PageProfileFields
* @return a T consisting of a list of pages, with each page element containing the requested fields.
* @see
public T pages_getInfo( Long userId, EnumSet fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( fields == null || fields.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fields cannot be empty or null" );
if ( userId == null ) {
userId = cacheUserId;
if ( userId == null ) {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO, newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
* Retrieves the requested profile fields for the Facebook Pages of the user with the given userId
* @param userId
* the ID of a user about whose pages to fetch info (defaulted to the logged-in user)
* @param fields
* a set of page profile fields
* @return a T consisting of a list of pages, with each page element containing the requested fields.
* @see
public T pages_getInfo( Long userId, Set fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( fields == null || fields.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "fields cannot be empty or null" );
if ( userId == null ) {
userId = cacheUserId;
if ( userId == null ) {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO, newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_GET_INFO, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ), newPair( "fields", delimit( fields ) ) );
* Checks whether a page has added the application
* @param pageId
* the ID of the page
* @return true if the page has added the application
* @see Developers Wiki: Pages.isAppAdded
public boolean pages_isAppAdded( Long pageId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_IS_APP_ADDED, newPair( "page_id", pageId.toString() ) ) );
* Checks whether a user is a fan of the page with the given pageId
* @param pageId
* the ID of the page
* @param userId
* the ID of the user (defaults to the logged-in user if null)
* @return true if the user is a fan of the page
* @see Developers Wiki: Pages.isFan
public boolean pages_isFan( Long pageId, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_IS_FAN, newPair( "page_id", pageId.toString() ), newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ) ) );
* Checks whether the logged-in user is a fan of the page with the given pageId
* @param pageId
* the ID of the page
* @return true if the logged-in user is a fan of the page
* @see Developers Wiki: Pages.isFan
public boolean pages_isFan( Long pageId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_IS_FAN, newPair( "page_id", pageId.toString() ) ) );
* Checks whether the logged-in user for this session is an admin of the page with the given pageId
* @param pageId
* the ID of the page
* @return true if the logged-in user is an admin
* @see Developers Wiki: Pages.isAdmin
public boolean pages_isAdmin( Long pageId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PAGES_IS_ADMIN, newPair( "page_id", pageId.toString() ) ) );
* Associates a "handle
" with FBML markup so that the handle can be used within the fb:ref FBML tag. A handle is unique within an application and allows an application to publish
* identical FBML to many user profiles and do subsequent updates without having to republish FBML for each user.
* @param handle -
* a string, unique within the application, that
* @param fbmlMarkup -
* refer to the FBML documentation for a description of the markup and its role in various contexts
* @return a boolean indicating whether the FBML was successfully set
* @see Developers Wiki: Fbml.setRefHandle
public boolean fbml_setRefHandle( String handle, String fbmlMarkup ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( _isDesktop ) {
// this method cannot be called from a desktop app
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR, "Desktop applications cannot use 'fbml_setReftHandle'" );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.FBML_SET_REF_HANDLE, newPair( "handle", handle ), newPair( "fbml", fbmlMarkup ) ) );
public boolean sms_canSend() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return sms_canSend( users_getLoggedInUser() );
* Determines whether this application can send SMS to the user identified by userId
* @param userId
* a user ID
* @return true if sms can be sent to the user
* @see FacebookExtendedPerm#SMS
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Application Generated Messages
public boolean sms_canSend( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.SMS_CAN_SEND, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ) ) );
* Sends a message via SMS to the user identified by userId
in response to a user query associated with mobileSessionId
* @param userId
* a user ID
* @param response
* the message to be sent via SMS
* @param mobileSessionId
* the mobile session
* @throws FacebookException
* in case of error
* @throws IOException
* @see FacebookExtendedPerm#SMS
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Application Generated Messages
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Workflow
public void sms_sendResponse( Integer userId, CharSequence response, Integer mobileSessionId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
callMethod( FacebookMethod.SMS_SEND_MESSAGE, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ), newPair( "message", response ), newPair( "session_id", mobileSessionId
.toString() ) );
* Sends a message via SMS to the user identified by userId
. The SMS extended permission is required for success.
* @param userId
* a user ID
* @param message
* the message to be sent via SMS
* @throws FacebookException
* in case of error
* @throws IOException
* @see FacebookExtendedPerm#SMS
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Application Generated Messages
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Workflow
public void sms_sendMessage( Long userId, CharSequence message ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
callMethod( FacebookMethod.SMS_SEND_MESSAGE, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ), newPair( "message", message ), newPair( "req_session", "0" ) );
* Sends a message via SMS to the user identified by userId
, with the expectation that the user will reply. The SMS extended permission is required
* for success. The returned mobile session ID can be stored and used in {@link #sms_sendResponse} when the user replies.
* @param userId
* a user ID
* @param message
* the message to be sent via SMS
* @return a mobile session ID (can be used in {@link #sms_sendResponse})
* @throws FacebookException
* in case of error, e.g. SMS is not enabled
* @throws IOException
* @see FacebookExtendedPerm#SMS
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Application Generated Messages
* @see Developers Wiki: Mobile: Workflow
public int sms_sendMessageWithSession( Long userId, CharSequence message ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractInt( callMethod( FacebookMethod.SMS_SEND_MESSAGE, newPair( "uid", userId.toString() ), newPair( "message", message ), newPair( "req_session", "1" ) ) );
public void notifications_send( Collection recipientIds, CharSequence notification ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
notifications_send( recipientIds, notification.toString(), false );
private T notifications_sendEmail( CharSequence recipients, CharSequence subject, CharSequence email, CharSequence fbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( null == recipients || "".equals( recipients ) ) {
// we throw an exception here because returning a sensible result (like an empty list) is problematic due to the use of Document as the return type
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "You must specify at least one recipient when sending an email!" );
if ( ( null == email || "".equals( email ) ) && ( null == fbml || "".equals( fbml ) ) ) {
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "You cannot send an empty email!" );
T d;
String paramName = "text";
String paramValue;
if ( ( email == null ) || ( "".equals( email.toString() ) ) ) {
paramValue = fbml.toString();
paramName = "fbml";
} else {
paramValue = email.toString();
// session is only required to send email from a desktop app
FacebookMethod method = isDesktop() ? FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_SEND_EMAIL_SESSION : FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_SEND_EMAIL;
if ( ( subject != null ) && ( !"".equals( subject ) ) ) {
d = callMethod( method, newPair( "recipients", recipients ), newPair( "subject", subject ), newPair( paramName, paramValue ) );
} else {
d = callMethod( method, newPair( "recipients", recipients ), newPair( paramName, paramValue ) );
return d;
public T notifications_sendEmail( Collection recipients, CharSequence subject, CharSequence email, CharSequence fbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return notifications_sendEmail( delimit( recipients ), subject, email, fbml );
public T notifications_sendEmailToCurrentUser( String subject, String email, String fbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Long currentUser = users_getLoggedInUser();
return notifications_sendEmail( currentUser.toString(), subject, email, fbml );
public T notifications_sendFbmlEmail( Collection recipients, String subject, String fbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return notifications_sendEmail( delimit( recipients ), subject, null, fbml );
public T notifications_sendFbmlEmailToCurrentUser( String subject, String fbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Long currentUser = users_getLoggedInUser();
return notifications_sendEmail( currentUser.toString(), subject, null, fbml );
public T notifications_sendTextEmail( Collection recipients, String subject, String email ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return notifications_sendEmail( delimit( recipients ), subject, email, null );
public T notifications_sendTextEmailToCurrentUser( String subject, String email ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Long currentUser = users_getLoggedInUser();
return notifications_sendEmail( currentUser.toString(), subject, email, null );
public boolean users_setStatus( String newStatus, boolean clear, boolean statusIncludesVerb ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>();
if ( newStatus != null ) {
params.add( newPair( "status", newStatus ) );
if ( clear ) {
params.add( newPair( "clear", "true" ) );
if ( statusIncludesVerb ) {
params.add( newPair( "status_includes_verb", "true" ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_SET_STATUS, params ) );
* Send a notification message to the logged-in user.
* @param notification
* the FBML to be displayed on the notifications page; only a stripped-down set of FBML tags that result in text and links is allowed
* @return a URL, possibly null, to which the user should be redirected to finalize the sending of the email
* @see Developers Wiki: notifications.send
public void notifications_send( CharSequence notification ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Long currentUser = users_getLoggedInUser();
Collection coll = new ArrayList();
coll.add( currentUser );
notifications_send( coll, notification );
* Sends a notification email to the specified users, who must have added your application. You can send five (5) emails to a user per day. Requires a session key for
* desktop applications, which may only send email to the person whose session it is. This method does not require a session for Web applications. Either
* fbml
or text
must be specified.
* @param recipientIds
* up to 100 user ids to which the message is to be sent
* @param subject
* the subject of the notification email (optional)
* @param fbml
* markup to be sent to the specified users via email; only a stripped-down set of FBML tags that result in text, links and linebreaks is allowed
* @param text
* the plain text to send to the specified users via email
* @return a comma-separated list of the IDs of the users to whom the email was successfully sent
* @see Developers Wiki: notifications.sendEmail
* @deprecated provided for legacy support only, please use one of the alternate notifications_sendEmail calls.
public String notifications_sendEmailStr( Collection recipientIds, CharSequence subject, CharSequence fbml, CharSequence text ) throws FacebookException,
IOException {
if ( null == recipientIds || recipientIds.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "List of email recipients cannot be empty" );
boolean hasText = null != text && ( 0 != text.length() );
boolean hasFbml = null != fbml && ( 0 != fbml.length() );
if ( !hasText && !hasFbml ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Text and/or fbml must not be empty" );
ArrayList> args = new ArrayList>( 4 );
args.add( newPair( "recipients", delimit( recipientIds ) ) );
args.add( newPair( "subject", subject ) );
if ( hasText ) {
args.add( newPair( "text", text ) );
if ( hasFbml ) {
args.add( newPair( "fbml", fbml ) );
// this method requires a session only if we're dealing with a desktop app
T result = callMethod( isDesktop() ? FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_SEND_EMAIL_SESSION : FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_SEND_EMAIL, args );
return extractString( result );
* Sends a notification email to the specified users, who must have added your application. You can send five (5) emails to a user per day. Requires a session key for
* desktop applications, which may only send email to the person whose session it is. This method does not require a session for Web applications.
* @param recipientIds
* up to 100 user ids to which the message is to be sent
* @param subject
* the subject of the notification email (optional)
* @param fbml
* markup to be sent to the specified users via email; only a stripped-down set of FBML that allows only tags that result in text, links and linebreaks is
* allowed
* @return a comma-separated list of the IDs of the users to whom the email was successfully sent
* @see Developers Wiki: notifications.sendEmail
* @deprecated provided for legacy support only, please use one of the alternate notifications_sendEmail calls.
public String notifications_sendEmail( Collection recipientIds, CharSequence subject, CharSequence fbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return notifications_sendEmailStr( recipientIds, subject, fbml, /* text */null );
* Sends a notification email to the specified users, who must have added your application. You can send five (5) emails to a user per day. Requires a session key for
* desktop applications, which may only send email to the person whose session it is. This method does not require a session for Web applications.
* @param recipientIds
* up to 100 user ids to which the message is to be sent
* @param subject
* the subject of the notification email (optional)
* @param text
* the plain text to send to the specified users via email
* @return a comma-separated list of the IDs of the users to whom the email was successfully sent
* @see Developers Wiki: notifications.sendEmail
* @deprecated provided for legacy support only, please use one of the alternate notifications_sendEmail calls.
public String notifications_sendEmailPlain( Collection recipientIds, CharSequence subject, CharSequence text ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return notifications_sendEmailStr( recipientIds, subject, /* fbml */null, text );
public Integer sms_send( String message, Integer smsSessionId, boolean makeNewSession ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( ( smsSessionId == null ) || ( smsSessionId <= 0 ) ) {
return sms_sendMessageWithSession( users_getLoggedInUser(), message );
} else {
sms_sendResponse( (int) users_getLoggedInUser(), message, smsSessionId );
return smsSessionId;
public Integer sms_send( Long userId, String message, Integer smsSessionId, boolean makeNewSession ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( ( smsSessionId == null ) || ( smsSessionId <= 0 ) ) {
return sms_sendMessageWithSession( userId, message );
} else {
sms_sendResponse( userId.intValue(), message, smsSessionId );
return smsSessionId;
public T data_getCookies() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_getCookies( users_getLoggedInUser(), null );
public T data_getCookies( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_getCookies( userId, null );
public T data_getCookies( String name ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_getCookies( users_getLoggedInUser(), name );
public T data_getCookies( Long userId, CharSequence name ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
ArrayList> args = new ArrayList>();
args.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
if ( ( name != null ) && ( !"".equals( name ) ) ) {
args.add( newPair( "name", name ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.DATA_GET_COOKIES, args );
public boolean data_setCookie( String name, String value ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( users_getLoggedInUser(), name, value, null, null );
public boolean data_setCookie( String name, String value, String path ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( users_getLoggedInUser(), name, value, null, path );
public boolean data_setCookie( Long userId, CharSequence name, CharSequence value ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( userId, name, value, null, null );
public boolean data_setCookie( Long userId, CharSequence name, CharSequence value, CharSequence path ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( userId, name, value, null, path );
public boolean data_setCookie( String name, String value, Long expires ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( users_getLoggedInUser(), name, value, expires, null );
public boolean data_setCookie( String name, String value, Long expires, String path ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( users_getLoggedInUser(), name, value, expires, path );
public boolean data_setCookie( Long userId, CharSequence name, CharSequence value, Long expires ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return data_setCookie( userId, name, value, expires, null );
public boolean data_setCookie( Long userId, CharSequence name, CharSequence value, Long expires, CharSequence path ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( ( name == null ) || ( "".equals( name ) ) ) {
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "The cookie name cannot be null or empty!" );
if ( value == null ) {
value = "";
List> args = new ArrayList>();
args.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
args.add( newPair( "name", name ) );
args.add( newPair( "value", value ) );
if ( ( expires != null ) && ( expires > 0 ) ) {
args.add( newPair( "expires", expires.toString() ) );
if ( ( path != null ) && ( !"".equals( path ) ) ) {
args.add( newPair( "path", path ) );
T doc = callMethod( FacebookMethod.DATA_SET_COOKIE, args );
return extractBoolean( doc );
public boolean admin_setAppProperties( Map properties ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( _isDesktop ) {
// this method cannot be called from a desktop app
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR, "Desktop applications cannot use 'admin_setAppProperties'" );
if ( ( properties == null ) || ( properties.isEmpty() ) ) {
// nothing to do
return true;
// Facebook is nonspecific about how they want the parameters encoded in JSON, so we make two attempts
JSONObject encoding1 = new JSONObject();
JSONArray encoding2 = new JSONArray();
for ( ApplicationProperty property : properties.keySet() ) {
JSONObject temp = new JSONObject();
if ( property.getType().equals( "string" ) ) {
// simple case, just treat it as a literal string
try {
encoding1.put( property.getName(), properties.get( property ) );
temp.put( property.getName(), properties.get( property ) );
encoding2.put( temp );
catch ( JSONException ignored ) {
// ignore
} else {
// we need to parse a boolean value
String val = properties.get( property );
if ( ( val == null ) || ( val.equals( "" ) ) || ( val.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) ) || ( val.equals( "0" ) ) ) {
// false
val = "0";
} else {
// true
val = "1";
try {
encoding1.put( property.getName(), val );
temp.put( property.getName(), val );
encoding2.put( temp );
catch ( JSONException ignored ) {
// ignore
// now we've built our JSON-encoded parameter, so attempt to set the properties
try {
// first assume that Facebook is sensible enough to be able to undestand an associative array
T d = callMethod( FacebookMethod.ADMIN_SET_APP_PROPERTIES, newPair( "properties", encoding1.toString() ) );
return extractBoolean( d );
catch ( FacebookException e ) {
// if that didn't work, try the more convoluted encoding (which matches what they send back in response to admin_getAppProperties calls)
T d = callMethod( FacebookMethod.ADMIN_SET_APP_PROPERTIES, newPair( "properties", encoding2.toString() ) );
return extractBoolean( d );
* @deprecated use admin_getAppPropertiesMap() instead
public JSONObject admin_getAppProperties( Collection properties ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
String json = admin_getAppPropertiesAsString( properties );
if ( json == null ) {
return null;
try {
if ( json.matches( "\\{.*\\}" ) ) {
return new JSONObject( json );
} else {
JSONArray temp = new JSONArray( json );
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
for ( int count = 0; count < temp.length(); count++ ) {
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) temp.get( count );
Iterator it = obj.keys();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
String next = (String);
result.put( next, obj.get( next ) );
return result;
catch ( Exception e ) {
// response failed to parse
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_SERVICE_ERROR, "Failed to parse server response: " + json );
public Map admin_getAppPropertiesMap( Collection properties ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Map result = new LinkedHashMap();
String json = admin_getAppPropertiesAsString( properties );
if ( json == null ) {
return null;
if ( json.matches( "\\{.*\\}" ) ) {
json = json.substring( 1, json.lastIndexOf( "}" ) );
} else {
json = json.substring( 1, json.lastIndexOf( "]" ) );
String[] parts = json.split( "\\," );
for ( String part : parts ) {
parseFragment( part, result );
return result;
static Map parseProperties( String json ) {
Map result = new TreeMap();
if ( json == null ) {
return null;
if ( json.matches( "\\{.*\\}" ) ) {
json = json.substring( 1, json.lastIndexOf( "}" ) );
} else {
json = json.substring( 1, json.lastIndexOf( "]" ) );
String[] parts = json.split( "\\," );
for ( String part : parts ) {
parseFragment( part, result );
return result;
private static void parseFragment( String fragment, Map result ) {
if ( fragment.startsWith( "{" ) ) {
fragment = fragment.substring( 1, fragment.lastIndexOf( "}" ) );
String keyString = fragment.substring( 1 );
keyString = keyString.substring( 0, keyString.indexOf( '"' ) );
ApplicationProperty key = ApplicationProperty.getPropertyForString( keyString );
String value = fragment.substring( fragment.indexOf( ":" ) + 1 ).replaceAll( "\\\\", "" ); // strip escape characters
if ( key.getType().equals( "string" ) ) {
result.put( key, value.substring( 1, value.lastIndexOf( '"' ) ) );
} else {
if ( value.equals( "1" ) ) {
result.put( key, "true" );
} else {
result.put( key, "false" );
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( CharSequence titleTemplate ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_publishTemplatizedAction( titleTemplate, null );
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( CharSequence titleTemplate, Long pageActorId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_publishTemplatizedAction( titleTemplate, null, null, null, null, null, null, pageActorId );
public boolean feed_publishTemplatizedAction( CharSequence titleTemplate, Map titleData, CharSequence bodyTemplate,
Map bodyData, CharSequence bodyGeneral, Collection targetIds, Collection extends IPair extends Object,URL>> images,
Long pageActorId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert null != titleTemplate && !"".equals( titleTemplate );
FacebookMethod method = FacebookMethod.FEED_PUBLISH_TEMPLATIZED_ACTION;
List> params = new ArrayList>( method.numParams() );
params.add( newPair( "title_template", titleTemplate ) );
if ( null != titleData && !titleData.isEmpty() ) {
JSONObject titleDataJson = new JSONObject();
for ( String key : titleData.keySet() ) {
try {
titleDataJson.put( key, titleData.get( key ) );
catch ( Exception ignored ) {
// ignore
params.add( newPair( "title_data", titleDataJson.toString() ) );
if ( null != bodyTemplate && !"".equals( bodyTemplate ) ) {
params.add( newPair( "body_template", bodyTemplate ) );
if ( null != bodyData && !bodyData.isEmpty() ) {
JSONObject bodyDataJson = new JSONObject();
for ( String key : bodyData.keySet() ) {
try {
bodyDataJson.put( key, bodyData.get( key ) );
catch ( Exception ignored ) {
// ignore
params.add( newPair( "body_data", bodyDataJson.toString() ) );
if ( null != bodyTemplate && !"".equals( bodyTemplate ) ) {
params.add( newPair( "body_template", bodyTemplate ) );
if ( null != targetIds && !targetIds.isEmpty() ) {
params.add( newPair( "target_ids", delimit( targetIds ) ) );
if ( bodyGeneral != null ) {
params.add( newPair( "body_general", bodyGeneral ) );
if ( pageActorId != null ) {
params.add( newPair( "page_actor_id", pageActorId ) );
handleFeedImages( params, images );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( method, params ) );
public T friends_get( Long friendListId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
FacebookMethod method = FacebookMethod.FRIENDS_GET;
Collection> params = new ArrayList>( method.numParams() );
if ( null != friendListId ) {
if ( 0L >= friendListId ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "given invalid friendListId " + friendListId.toString() );
params.add( newPair( "flid", friendListId.toString() ) );
return callMethod( method, params );
public T friends_getLists() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FRIENDS_GET_LISTS );
* Sets several property values for an application. The properties available are analogous to the ones editable via the Facebook Developer application. A session is
* not required to use this method.
* @param properties
* an ApplicationPropertySet that is translated into a single JSON String.
* @return a boolean indicating whether the properties were successfully set
public boolean admin_setAppProperties( ApplicationPropertySet properties ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( _isDesktop ) {
// this method cannot be called from a desktop app
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR, "Desktop applications cannot use 'admin_setAppProperties'" );
if ( null == properties || properties.isEmpty() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "expecting a non-empty set of application properties" );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.ADMIN_SET_APP_PROPERTIES, newPair( "properties", properties.toJsonString() ) ) );
* Gets property values previously set for an application on either the Facebook Developer application or the with the admin.setAppProperties
call. A
* session is not required to use this method.
* @param properties
* an enumeration of the properties to get
* @return an ApplicationPropertySet
* @see ApplicationProperty
* @see Developers Wiki: Admin.getAppProperties
public ApplicationPropertySet admin_getAppPropertiesAsSet( EnumSet properties ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
String propJson = admin_getAppPropertiesAsString( properties );
return new ApplicationPropertySet( propJson );
public void beginBatch() {
batchMode = true;
queries = new ArrayList();
protected String encodeMethods( List queries ) throws FacebookException {
JSONArray result = new JSONArray();
for ( BatchQuery query : queries ) {
if ( query.getMethod().takesFile() ) {
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "File upload API calls cannot be batched: " + query.getMethod().methodName() );
result.put( delimit( query.getParams().entrySet(), "&", "=", true ) );
return result.toString();
public T batch_run( String methods, boolean serial ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>();
params.add( newPair( "method_feed", methods ) );
if ( serial ) {
params.add( newPair( "serial_only", "1" ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.BATCH_RUN, params );
public T application_getPublicInfo( Long applicationId, String applicationKey, String applicationCanvas ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>();
if ( ( applicationId != null ) && ( applicationId > 0 ) ) {
params.add( newPair( "application_id", applicationId ) );
} else if ( ( applicationKey != null ) && ( !"".equals( applicationKey ) ) ) {
params.add( newPair( "application_api_key", applicationKey ) );
} else if ( ( applicationCanvas != null ) && ( !"".equals( applicationCanvas ) ) ) {
params.add( newPair( "application_canvas_name", applicationCanvas ) );
} else {
// we need at least one of them to be valid
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "You must specify at least on of {applicationId, applicationKey, applicationCanvas}" );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.APPLICATION_GET_PUBLIC_INFO, params );
public T application_getPublicInfoById( Long applicationId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return application_getPublicInfo( applicationId, null, null );
public T application_getPublicInfoByApiKey( String applicationKey ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return application_getPublicInfo( null, applicationKey, null );
public T application_getPublicInfoByCanvasName( String applicationCanvas ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return application_getPublicInfo( null, null, applicationCanvas );
public int admin_getAllocation( String allocationType ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractInt( callMethod( FacebookMethod.ADMIN_GET_ALLOCATION, newPair( "integration_point_name", allocationType ) ) );
public int admin_getAllocation( AllocationType allocationType ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return admin_getAllocation( allocationType.getName() );
public int admin_getNotificationAllocation() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return admin_getAllocation( "notifications_per_day" );
public int admin_getRequestAllocation() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return admin_getAllocation( "requests_per_day" );
public T admin_getDailyMetrics( Set metrics, Date start, Date end ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return admin_getDailyMetrics( metrics, start.getTime(), end.getTime() );
public T admin_getDailyMetrics( Set metrics, long start, long end ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
int size = 2 + ( ( metrics != null ) ? metrics.size() : 0 );
List> params = new ArrayList>( size );
if ( metrics != null ) {
metrics.remove( Metric.ACTIVE_USERS );
if ( !metrics.isEmpty() ) {
JSONArray metricsJson = new JSONArray();
for ( Metric metric : metrics ) {
metricsJson.put( metric.getName() );
params.add( newPair( "metrics", metricsJson.toString() ) );
params.add( newPair( "start_date", ( start / 1000 ) ) );
params.add( newPair( "end_date", ( end / 1000 ) ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.ADMIN_GET_DAILY_METRICS, params );
public T permissions_checkGrantedApiAccess( String apiKey ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PERM_CHECK_GRANTED_API_ACCESS, newPair( "permissions_apikey", apiKey ) );
public T permissions_checkAvailableApiAccess( String apiKey ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PERM_CHECK_AVAILABLE_API_ACCESS, newPair( "permissions_apikey", apiKey ) );
public boolean permissions_grantApiAccess( String apiKey, Set methods ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>();
if ( ( methods != null ) && ( !methods.isEmpty() ) ) {
JSONArray methodsJson = new JSONArray();
for ( FacebookMethod method : methods ) {
methodsJson.put( method.methodName() );
params.add( newPair( "method_arr", methodsJson.toString() ) );
params.add( newPair( "permissions_apikey", apiKey ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PERM_GRANT_API_ACCESS, params ) );
public boolean permissions_grantFullApiAccess( String apiKey ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return permissions_grantApiAccess( apiKey, null );
public boolean permissions_revokeApiAccess( String apiKey ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PERM_REVOKE_API_ACCESS, newPair( "permissions_apikey", apiKey ) ) );
public String auth_promoteSession() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractString( callMethod( FacebookMethod.AUTH_PROMOTE_SESSION ) );
public boolean auth_revokeAuthorization() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.AUTH_REVOKE_AUTHORIZATION ) );
public boolean auth_expireSession() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.AUTH_EXPIRE_SESSION ) );
public Long marketplace_createListing( Long listingId, boolean showOnProfile, String attributes, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( listingId == null ) {
listingId = 0l;
MarketListing test = new MarketListing( attributes );
if ( !test.verify() ) {
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "The specified listing is invalid!" );
List> params = new ArrayList>( 4 );
params.add( newPair( "listing_id", listingId.toString() ) );
if ( showOnProfile ) {
params.add( newPair( "show_on_profile", "true" ) );
params.add( newPair( "listing_attrs", attributes ) );
params.add( newPair( "uid", listingId ) );
return extractLong( callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKET_CREATE_LISTING_NOSESSION, params ) );
public Long marketplace_createListing( Long listingId, boolean showOnProfile, MarketListing listing, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_createListing( listingId, showOnProfile, listing.getAttribs(), userId );
public Long marketplace_createListing( boolean showOnProfile, MarketListing listing, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_createListing( 0l, showOnProfile, listing.getAttribs(), userId );
public boolean marketplace_removeListing( Long listingId, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return marketplace_removeListing( listingId, MarketListingStatus.DEFAULT, userId );
public boolean marketplace_removeListing( Long listingId, MarketListingStatus status, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( status == null ) {
status = MarketListingStatus.DEFAULT;
if ( listingId == null ) {
return false;
List> params = new ArrayList>( 3 );
params.add( newPair( "listing_id", listingId ) );
params.add( newPair( "status", status.getName() ) );
params.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.MARKET_REMOVE_LISTING_NOSESSION, params ) );
private boolean photos_addTag( Long photoId, Double xPct, Double yPct, Long taggedUserId, CharSequence tagText, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != photoId && !photoId.equals( 0 ) );
assert ( null != taggedUserId || null != tagText );
assert ( null != xPct && xPct >= 0 && xPct <= 100 );
assert ( null != yPct && yPct >= 0 && yPct <= 100 );
List> params = new ArrayList>( 5 );
if ( taggedUserId != null ) {
params.add( newPair( "tag_uid", taggedUserId.toString() ) );
} else {
params.add( newPair( "tag_text", tagText.toString() ) );
params.add( newPair( "x", xPct.toString() ) );
params.add( newPair( "y", yPct.toString() ) );
params.add( newPair( "pid", photoId ) );
params.add( newPair( "owner_uid", userId ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_ADD_TAG_NOSESSION, params ) );
public boolean photos_addTag( Long photoId, Long taggedUserId, Double pct, Double pct2, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_addTag( photoId, pct, pct2, taggedUserId, null, userId );
public boolean photos_addTag( Long photoId, CharSequence tagText, Double pct, Double pct2, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_addTag( photoId, pct, pct2, null, tagText );
public T photos_createAlbum( String albumName, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_createAlbum( albumName, null, null, userId );
public T photos_createAlbum( String name, String description, String location, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( null != name && !"".equals( name ) );
List> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_CREATE_ALBUM.numParams() );
params.add( newPair( "name", name ) );
if ( null != description ) {
params.add( newPair( "description", description ) );
if ( null != location ) {
params.add( newPair( "location", location ) );
params.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_CREATE_ALBUM_NOSESSION, params );
public T photos_upload( Long userId, File photo ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_upload( userId, photo, null, null );
public T photos_upload( Long userId, File photo, String caption ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_upload( userId, photo, caption, null );
public T photos_upload( Long userId, File photo, Long albumId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return photos_upload( userId, photo, null, albumId );
public T photos_upload( Long userId, File photo, String caption, Long albumId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_UPLOAD.numParams() );
assert ( photo.exists() && photo.canRead() );
_uploadFile = photo;
if ( null != albumId ) {
params.add( newPair( "aid", albumId ) );
if ( null != caption ) {
params.add( newPair( "caption", caption ) );
params.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_UPLOAD_NOSESSION, params );
public boolean users_isAppAdded( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_IS_APP_ADDED_NOSESSION, newPair( "uid", userId ) ) );
public boolean users_setStatus( String status, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return users_setStatus( status, false, userId );
public boolean users_setStatus( String newStatus, boolean clear, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return users_setStatus( newStatus, clear, false, userId );
public boolean users_setStatus( String newStatus, boolean clear, boolean statusIncludesVerb, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>();
if ( newStatus != null ) {
params.add( newPair( "status", newStatus ) );
if ( clear ) {
params.add( newPair( "clear", "true" ) );
if ( statusIncludesVerb ) {
params.add( newPair( "status_includes_verb", "true" ) );
params.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.USERS_SET_STATUS_NOSESSION, params ) );
public T feed_getRegisteredTemplateBundleByID( Long id ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FEED_GET_TEMPLATE_BY_ID, newPair( "template_bundle_id", id ) );
public T feed_getRegisteredTemplateBundles() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.FEED_GET_TEMPLATES );
public Boolean feed_publishUserAction( Long bundleId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_publishUserAction( bundleId, null, null, null );
public Boolean feed_publishUserAction( Long bundleId, Map templateData, List targetIds, String bodyGeneral ) throws FacebookException,
IOException {
return feed_publishUserAction( bundleId, templateData, null, targetIds, bodyGeneral, 0 );
public Long feed_registerTemplateBundle( String template ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List temp = new ArrayList();
temp.add( template );
return feed_registerTemplateBundle( temp );
public Long feed_registerTemplateBundle( Collection templates ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return feed_registerTemplateBundle( templates, null, null );
public Long feed_registerTemplateBundle( Collection templates, Collection shortTemplates, BundleStoryTemplate longTemplate )
throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>();
JSONArray templateArray = new JSONArray();
for ( String template : templates ) {
templateArray.put( template );
params.add( newPair( "one_line_story_templates", templateArray.toString() ) );
if ( shortTemplates != null && !shortTemplates.isEmpty() ) {
JSONArray shortArray = new JSONArray();
for ( BundleStoryTemplate template : shortTemplates ) {
shortArray.put( template.toJson() );
params.add( newPair( "short_story_templates", shortArray.toString() ) );
if ( longTemplate != null ) {
params.add( newPair( "full_story_template", longTemplate.toJsonString() ) );
return extractLong( callMethod( FacebookMethod.FEED_REGISTER_TEMPLATE, params ) );
public Long feed_registerTemplateBundle( String template, String shortTemplate, String longTemplate ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List templates = new ArrayList();
templates.add( template );
return feed_registerTemplateBundle( templates, null, null );
public T profile_getFBML() throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_FBML );
public T profile_getFBML( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( userId != null ) {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_FBML_NOSESSION, newPair( "uid", userId ) );
} else {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_FBML );
public T profile_getFBML( int type ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_FBML, newPair( "type", type ) );
public T profile_getFBML( int type, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( userId != null ) {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_FBML_NOSESSION, newPair( "type", type ), newPair( "uid", userId ) );
} else {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_FBML, newPair( "type", type ) );
public T profile_getInfo( Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_INFO, newPair( "uid", userId ) );
public T profile_getInfoOptions( String field ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_GET_INFO_OPTIONS, newPair( "field", field ) );
public void profile_setInfo( Long userId, String title, boolean textOnly, List fields ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>();
JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
params.add( newPair( "uid", userId ) );
params.add( newPair( "title", title ) );
if ( textOnly ) {
params.add( newPair( "type", "1" ) );
} else {
params.add( newPair( "type", "5" ) );
for ( ProfileInfoField field : fields ) {
try {
JSONObject innerJSON = new JSONObject();
JSONArray fieldItems = new JSONArray();
innerJSON.put( "field", field.getFieldName() );
for ( ProfileFieldItem item : field.getItems() ) {
JSONObject itemJSON = new JSONObject();
for ( String key : item.getMap().keySet() ) {
itemJSON.put( key, item.getMap().get( key ) );
fieldItems.put( itemJSON );
innerJSON.put( "items", fieldItems );
json.put( innerJSON );
catch ( Exception ignored ) {
params.add( newPair( "info_fields", json.toString() ) );
callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_SET_INFO, params );
public void profile_setInfoOptions( ProfileInfoField field ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>( 2 );
addParam( "field", field.getFieldName(), params );
JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
for ( ProfileFieldItem item : field.getItems() ) {
JSONObject itemJSON = new JSONObject();
for ( String key : item.getMap().keySet() ) {
try {
itemJSON.put( key, item.getMap().get( key ) );
catch ( Exception e ) {
json.put( itemJSON );
addParam( "options", json.toString(), params );
callMethod( FacebookMethod.PROFILE_SET_INFO_OPTIONS, params );
public T photos_addTags( Long photoId, Collection tags, Long userId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
assert ( photoId > 0 );
assert ( null != tags && !tags.isEmpty() );
String tagStr = null;
try {
JSONArray jsonTags = new JSONArray();
for ( PhotoTag tag : tags ) {
jsonTags.put( tag.jsonify() );
tagStr = jsonTags.toString();
catch ( Exception ignored ) {
// ignore
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.PHOTOS_ADD_TAG_NOSESSION, newPair( "pid", photoId.toString() ), newPair( "tags", tagStr ), newPair( "uid", Long
.toString( userId ) ) );
public boolean profile_setFBML( CharSequence profileFbmlMarkup, CharSequence profileActionFbmlMarkup ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( null, toString( profileFbmlMarkup ), toString( profileActionFbmlMarkup ), null, null );
public boolean profile_setFBML( CharSequence profileFbmlMarkup, CharSequence profileActionFbmlMarkup, Long profileId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( profileId, toString( profileFbmlMarkup ), toString( profileActionFbmlMarkup ), null, null );
public boolean profile_setFBML( CharSequence profileFbmlMarkup, CharSequence profileActionFbmlMarkup, CharSequence mobileFbmlMarkup ) throws FacebookException,
IOException {
return profile_setFBML( null, toString( profileFbmlMarkup ), toString( profileActionFbmlMarkup ), toString( mobileFbmlMarkup ), null );
public boolean profile_setFBML( CharSequence profileFbmlMarkup, CharSequence profileActionFbmlMarkup, CharSequence mobileFbmlMarkup, Long profileId )
throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( profileId, toString( profileFbmlMarkup ), toString( profileActionFbmlMarkup ), toString( mobileFbmlMarkup ), null );
public boolean profile_setMobileFBML( CharSequence fbmlMarkup ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( null, null, null, toString( fbmlMarkup ), null );
public boolean profile_setMobileFBML( CharSequence fbmlMarkup, Long profileId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( profileId, null, null, toString( fbmlMarkup ), null );
public boolean profile_setProfileActionFBML( CharSequence fbmlMarkup ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( null, null, toString( fbmlMarkup ), null, null );
public boolean profile_setProfileActionFBML( CharSequence fbmlMarkup, Long profileId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( profileId, null, toString( fbmlMarkup ), null, null );
public boolean profile_setProfileFBML( CharSequence fbmlMarkup ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( null, toString( fbmlMarkup ), null, null, null );
public boolean profile_setProfileFBML( CharSequence fbmlMarkup, Long profileId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( profileId, toString( fbmlMarkup ), null, null, null );
public boolean profile_setFBML( Long userId, String profileFbml, String actionFbml, String mobileFbml ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return profile_setFBML( userId, profileFbml, actionFbml, mobileFbml, null );
public boolean profile_setFBML( Long userId, String profileFbml, String actionFbml, String mobileFbml, String profileMain ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>( 5 );
addParamIfNotBlank( "uid", userId, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "profile", profileFbml, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "profile_action", actionFbml, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "mobile_fbml", mobileFbml, params );
addParamIfNotBlank( "profile_main", profileMain, params );
FacebookMethod method = ( isDesktop() || userId == null ) ? FacebookMethod.PROFILE_SET_FBML : FacebookMethod.PROFILE_SET_FBML_NOSESSION;
return extractBoolean( callMethod( method, params ) );
public void setServerUrl( String newUrl ) {
String base = newUrl;
if ( base.startsWith( "http" ) ) {
base = base.substring( base.indexOf( "://" ) + 3 );
try {
String url = "http://" + base;
_serverUrl = new URL( url );
setDefaultServerUrl( _serverUrl );
catch ( MalformedURLException ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException( ex );
public URL getDefaultServerUrl() {
return SERVER_URL;
public void setDefaultServerUrl( URL newUrl ) {
SERVER_URL = newUrl;
public Boolean liveMessage_send( Long recipient, String eventName, JSONObject message ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>( 3 );
params.add( newPair( "recipient", recipient ) );
params.add( newPair( "event_name", eventName ) );
params.add( newPair( "message", message.toString() ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.LIVEMESSAGE_SEND, params ) );
public T admin_getMetrics( Set metrics, Date start, Date end, long period ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
return admin_getMetrics( metrics, start.getTime(), end.getTime(), period );
public T admin_getMetrics( Set metrics, long start, long end, long period ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
List> params = new ArrayList>();
if ( metrics != null ) {
metrics.remove( Metric.DAILY_ACTIVE_USERS );
if ( !metrics.isEmpty() ) {
JSONArray metricsJson = new JSONArray();
for ( Metric metric : metrics ) {
metricsJson.put( metric.getName() );
params.add( newPair( "metrics", metricsJson.toString() ) );
params.add( newPair( "start_time", ( start / 1000 ) ) );
params.add( newPair( "end_time", ( end / 1000 ) ) );
params.add( newPair( "period", ( period ) ) );
return callMethod( FacebookMethod.ADMIN_GET_METRICS, params );
public boolean feed_deactivateTemplateBundleByID( Long bundleId ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
Collection> params = new ArrayList>();
params.add( new Pair( "template_bundle_id", Long.toString( bundleId ) ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.FEED_DEACTIVATE_TEMPLATE_BUNDLE, params ) );
public void notifications_send( Collection recipientIds, String notification, boolean isAppToUser ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
if ( null == notification || "".equals( notification ) ) {
throw new FacebookException( ErrorCode.GEN_INVALID_PARAMETER, "You cannot send an empty notification!" );
Pair type = new Pair( "type", isAppToUser ? "app_to_user" : "user_to_user" );
if ( ( recipientIds != null ) && ( !recipientIds.isEmpty() ) ) {
callMethod( FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_SEND, new Pair( "to_ids", delimit( recipientIds ) ), new Pair(
"notification", notification ), type );
} else {
callMethod( FacebookMethod.NOTIFICATIONS_SEND, new Pair( "notification", notification ), type );
public Boolean feed_publishUserAction( Long bundleId, Map templateData, List images, List targetIds, String bodyGeneral,
int storySize ) throws FacebookException, IOException {
// validate maximum of 4 images
if ( images != null && images.size() > 4 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Maximum of 4 images allowed per feed item." );
Collection> params = new ArrayList>();
params.add( new Pair( "template_bundle_id", Long.toString( bundleId ) ) );
if ( targetIds != null && !targetIds.isEmpty() ) {
params.add( new Pair( "target_ids", delimit( targetIds ) ) );
if ( bodyGeneral != null && !"".equals( bodyGeneral ) ) {
params.add( new Pair( "body_general", bodyGeneral ) );
if ( storySize == 1 || storySize == 2 || storySize == 4 ) {
params.add( new Pair( "story_size", Integer.toString( storySize ) ) );
JSONObject jsonTemplateData = new JSONObject();
if ( templateData != null && !templateData.isEmpty() ) {
for ( String key : templateData.keySet() ) {
try {
jsonTemplateData.put( key, templateData.get( key ) );
catch ( Exception exception ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Error constructing JSON object", exception );
* Associate images to "images" label in the form of:
* "images":[{"src":"http:\/\/\/images\/image1.gif", "href":"http:\/\/"}, {"src":"http:\/\/\/images\/image2.gif",
* "href":"http:\/\/"}]
if ( images != null && !images.isEmpty() ) {
try {
// create images array
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
for ( int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++ ) {
IFeedImage image = images.get( i );
JSONObject jsonImage = new JSONObject();
jsonImage.put( "src", image.getImageUrlString() );
jsonImage.put( "href", image.getLinkUrl().toExternalForm() );
jsonArray.put( i, jsonImage );
// associate to key label
jsonTemplateData.put( "images", jsonArray );
catch ( Exception exception ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Error constructing JSON object", exception );
// associate to param
if ( jsonTemplateData.length() > 0 ) {
params.add( new Pair( "template_data", jsonTemplateData.toString() ) );
return extractBoolean( callMethod( FacebookMethod.FEED_PUBLISH_USER_ACTION, params ) );
* Prints out the DOM tree.
* @param n
* the parent node to start printing from
* @param prefix
* string to append to output, should not be null
public static void printDom( Node n, String prefix, StringBuilder sb ) {
String outString = prefix;
if ( n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
outString += "'" + n.getTextContent().trim() + "'";
} else {
outString += n.getNodeName();
sb.append( outString );
sb.append( "\n" );
NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
int length = children.getLength();
for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
printDom( children.item( i ), prefix + " ", sb );
private static Pair newPair( String name, Object value ) {
return new Pair( name, String.valueOf( value ) );
private static Pair newPair( String name, CharSequence value ) {
return new Pair( name, value );
private static Pair newPair( String name, Long value ) {
return new Pair( name, Long.toString( value ) );
private static Pair newPair( String name, Integer value ) {
return new Pair( name, Integer.toString( value ) );
public static boolean addParam( String name, Long value, Collection> params ) {
params.add( newPair( name, value ) );
return true;
public static boolean addParamIfNotBlank( String name, Long value, Collection> params ) {
if ( value != null ) {
return addParam( name, value, params );
return false;
public static boolean addParam( String name, CharSequence value, Collection> params ) {
params.add( newPair( name, value ) );
return true;
public static boolean addParamIfNotBlank( String name, CharSequence value, Collection> params ) {
if ( ( value != null ) && ( !"".equals( value ) ) ) {
params.add( newPair( name, value ) );
return true;
return false;
public static String toString( CharSequence cs ) {
return cs == null ? null : cs.toString();
* Extracts a Boolean from a result that consists of a Boolean only.
* @param result
* @return the Boolean
protected boolean extractBoolean( T result ) {
if ( result == null ) {
return false;
return 1 == extractInt( result );
* Extracts an Long from a result that consists of an Long only.
* @param result
* @return the Long
protected abstract int extractInt( T result );
* Extracts an Long from a result that consists of a Long only.
* @param result
* @return the Long
protected abstract Long extractLong( T result );
* Extracts a URL from a result that consists of a URL only.
* @param result
* @return the URL
protected abstract URL extractURL( T result ) throws IOException;
* Extracts a String from a T consisting entirely of a String.
* @param result
* @return the String
protected abstract String extractString( T result );
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