org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The core O/RM functionality as provided by Hibernate
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.cfg;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.hibernate.CacheMode;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.FlushMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegate;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.Versioning;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.FilterDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.JoinedIterator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.XmlDocument;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Any;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Array;
import org.hibernate.mapping.AuxiliaryDatabaseObject;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Backref;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Bag;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Constraint;
import org.hibernate.mapping.DependantValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Fetchable;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Filterable;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Formula;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IdentifierBag;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IdentifierCollection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IndexBackref;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IndexedCollection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.JoinedSubclass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.List;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ManyToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Map;
import org.hibernate.mapping.MetaAttribute;
import org.hibernate.mapping.MetadataSource;
import org.hibernate.mapping.OneToMany;
import org.hibernate.mapping.OneToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PrimitiveArray;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PropertyGeneration;
import org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Selectable;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Set;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SingleTableSubclass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Subclass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.TypeDef;
import org.hibernate.mapping.UnionSubclass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Value;
import org.hibernate.type.BasicType;
import org.hibernate.type.DiscriminatorType;
import org.hibernate.type.ForeignKeyDirection;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
* Walks an XML mapping document and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the
* classes in the mapping package)
* @author Gavin King
public final class HbmBinder {
private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, HbmBinder.class.getName());
* Private constructor to disallow instantiation.
private HbmBinder() {
* The main contract into the hbm.xml-based binder. Performs necessary binding operations
* represented by the given DOM.
* @param metadataXml The DOM to be parsed and bound.
* @param mappings Current bind state.
* @param inheritedMetas Any inherited meta-tag information.
* @param entityNames Any state
* @throws MappingException
public static void bindRoot(
XmlDocument metadataXml,
Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas,
java.util.Set entityNames) throws MappingException {
final Document doc = metadataXml.getDocumentTree();
final Element hibernateMappingElement = doc.getRootElement();
java.util.List names = HbmBinder.getExtendsNeeded( metadataXml, mappings );
if ( !names.isEmpty() ) {
// classes mentioned in extends not available - so put it in queue
Attribute packageAttribute = hibernateMappingElement.attribute( "package" );
String packageName = packageAttribute == null ? null : packageAttribute.getValue();
for ( String name : names ) {
mappings.addToExtendsQueue( new ExtendsQueueEntry( name, packageName, metadataXml, entityNames ) );
// get meta's from
inheritedMetas = getMetas( hibernateMappingElement, inheritedMetas, true );
extractRootAttributes( hibernateMappingElement, mappings );
Iterator rootChildren = hibernateMappingElement.elementIterator();
while ( rootChildren.hasNext() ) {
final Element element = (Element);
final String elementName = element.getName();
if ( "filter-def".equals( elementName ) ) {
parseFilterDef( element, mappings );
else if ( "fetch-profile".equals( elementName ) ) {
parseFetchProfile( element, mappings, null );
else if ( "identifier-generator".equals( elementName ) ) {
parseIdentifierGeneratorRegistration( element, mappings );
else if ( "typedef".equals( elementName ) ) {
bindTypeDef( element, mappings );
else if ( "class".equals( elementName ) ) {
RootClass rootclass = new RootClass();
bindRootClass( element, rootclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
mappings.addClass( rootclass );
else if ( "subclass".equals( elementName ) ) {
PersistentClass superModel = getSuperclass( mappings, element );
handleSubclass( superModel, mappings, element, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "joined-subclass".equals( elementName ) ) {
PersistentClass superModel = getSuperclass( mappings, element );
handleJoinedSubclass( superModel, mappings, element, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "union-subclass".equals( elementName ) ) {
PersistentClass superModel = getSuperclass( mappings, element );
handleUnionSubclass( superModel, mappings, element, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "query".equals( elementName ) ) {
bindNamedQuery( element, null, mappings );
else if ( "sql-query".equals( elementName ) ) {
bindNamedSQLQuery( element, null, mappings );
else if ( "resultset".equals( elementName ) ) {
bindResultSetMappingDefinition( element, null, mappings );
else if ( "import".equals( elementName ) ) {
bindImport( element, mappings );
else if ( "database-object".equals( elementName ) ) {
bindAuxiliaryDatabaseObject( element, mappings );
private static void parseIdentifierGeneratorRegistration(Element element, Mappings mappings) {
String strategy = element.attributeValue( "name" );
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( strategy ) ) {
throw new MappingException( "'name' attribute expected for identifier-generator elements" );
String generatorClassName = element.attributeValue( "class" );
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( generatorClassName ) ) {
throw new MappingException( "'class' attribute expected for identifier-generator [identifier-generator@name=" + strategy + "]" );
try {
Class generatorClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( generatorClassName );
mappings.getIdentifierGeneratorFactory().register( strategy, generatorClass );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
throw new MappingException( "Unable to locate identifier-generator class [name=" + strategy + ", class=" + generatorClassName + "]" );
private static void bindImport(Element importNode, Mappings mappings) {
String className = getClassName( importNode.attribute( "class" ), mappings );
Attribute renameNode = importNode.attribute( "rename" );
String rename = ( renameNode == null ) ?
StringHelper.unqualify( className ) :
LOG.debugf( "Import: %s -> %s", rename, className );
mappings.addImport( className, rename );
private static void bindTypeDef(Element typedefNode, Mappings mappings) {
String typeClass = typedefNode.attributeValue( "class" );
String typeName = typedefNode.attributeValue( "name" );
Iterator paramIter = typedefNode.elementIterator( "param" );
Properties parameters = new Properties();
while ( paramIter.hasNext() ) {
Element param = (Element);
parameters.setProperty( param.attributeValue( "name" ), param.getTextTrim() );
mappings.addTypeDef( typeName, typeClass, parameters );
private static void bindAuxiliaryDatabaseObject(Element auxDbObjectNode, Mappings mappings) {
AuxiliaryDatabaseObject auxDbObject = null;
Element definitionNode = auxDbObjectNode.element( "definition" );
if ( definitionNode != null ) {
try {
auxDbObject = ( AuxiliaryDatabaseObject ) ReflectHelper
.classForName( definitionNode.attributeValue( "class" ) )
catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
throw new MappingException(
"could not locate custom database object class [" +
definitionNode.attributeValue( "class" ) + "]"
catch( Throwable t ) {
throw new MappingException(
"could not instantiate custom database object class [" +
definitionNode.attributeValue( "class" ) + "]"
else {
auxDbObject = new SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject(
auxDbObjectNode.elementTextTrim( "create" ),
auxDbObjectNode.elementTextTrim( "drop" )
Iterator dialectScopings = auxDbObjectNode.elementIterator( "dialect-scope" );
while ( dialectScopings.hasNext() ) {
Element dialectScoping = ( Element );
auxDbObject.addDialectScope( dialectScoping.attributeValue( "name" ) );
mappings.addAuxiliaryDatabaseObject( auxDbObject );
private static void extractRootAttributes(Element hmNode, Mappings mappings) {
Attribute schemaNode = hmNode.attribute( "schema" );
mappings.setSchemaName( ( schemaNode == null ) ? null : schemaNode.getValue() );
Attribute catalogNode = hmNode.attribute( "catalog" );
mappings.setCatalogName( ( catalogNode == null ) ? null : catalogNode.getValue() );
Attribute dcNode = hmNode.attribute( "default-cascade" );
mappings.setDefaultCascade( ( dcNode == null ) ? "none" : dcNode.getValue() );
Attribute daNode = hmNode.attribute( "default-access" );
mappings.setDefaultAccess( ( daNode == null ) ? "property" : daNode.getValue() );
Attribute dlNode = hmNode.attribute( "default-lazy" );
mappings.setDefaultLazy( dlNode == null || dlNode.getValue().equals( "true" ) );
Attribute aiNode = hmNode.attribute( "auto-import" );
mappings.setAutoImport( ( aiNode == null ) || "true".equals( aiNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute packNode = hmNode.attribute( "package" );
if ( packNode != null ) mappings.setDefaultPackage( packNode.getValue() );
* Responsible for performing the bind operation related to an <class/> mapping element.
* @param node The DOM Element for the <class/> element.
* @param rootClass The mapping instance to which to bind the information.
* @param mappings The current bind state.
* @param inheritedMetas Any inherited meta-tag information.
* @throws MappingException
public static void bindRootClass(Element node, RootClass rootClass, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindClass( node, rootClass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
inheritedMetas = getMetas( node, inheritedMetas, true ); // get meta's from
bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues( node, inheritedMetas, mappings, rootClass );
private static void bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(Element node,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas, Mappings mappings, RootClass entity)
throws MappingException {
Attribute schemaNode = node.attribute( "schema" );
String schema = schemaNode == null ?
mappings.getSchemaName() : schemaNode.getValue();
Attribute catalogNode = node.attribute( "catalog" );
String catalog = catalogNode == null ?
mappings.getCatalogName() : catalogNode.getValue();
Table table = mappings.addTable(
getClassTableName( entity, node, schema, catalog, null, mappings ),
getSubselect( node ),
entity.isAbstract() != null && entity.isAbstract()
entity.setTable( table );
bindComment(table, node);
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping class: %s -> %s", entity.getEntityName(), entity.getTable().getName() );
Attribute mutableNode = node.attribute( "mutable" );
entity.setMutable( ( mutableNode == null ) || mutableNode.getValue().equals( "true" ) );
Attribute whereNode = node.attribute( "where" );
if ( whereNode != null ) entity.setWhere( whereNode.getValue() );
Attribute chNode = node.attribute( "check" );
if ( chNode != null ) table.addCheckConstraint( chNode.getValue() );
Attribute polyNode = node.attribute( "polymorphism" );
entity.setExplicitPolymorphism( ( polyNode != null )
&& polyNode.getValue().equals( "explicit" ) );
Attribute rowidNode = node.attribute( "rowid" );
if ( rowidNode != null ) table.setRowId( rowidNode.getValue() );
Iterator subnodes = node.elementIterator();
while ( subnodes.hasNext() ) {
Element subnode = (Element);
String name = subnode.getName();
if ( "id".equals( name ) ) {
// ID
bindSimpleId( subnode, entity, mappings, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "composite-id".equals( name ) ) {
bindCompositeId( subnode, entity, mappings, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "version".equals( name ) || "timestamp".equals( name ) ) {
bindVersioningProperty( table, subnode, mappings, name, entity, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "discriminator".equals( name ) ) {
bindDiscriminatorProperty( table, entity, subnode, mappings );
else if ( "cache".equals( name ) ) {
entity.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( subnode.attributeValue( "usage" ) );
entity.setCacheRegionName( subnode.attributeValue( "region" ) );
entity.setLazyPropertiesCacheable( !"non-lazy".equals( subnode.attributeValue( "include" ) ) );
// Primary key constraint
createClassProperties( node, entity, mappings, inheritedMetas );
private static void bindSimpleId(Element idNode, RootClass entity, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
String propertyName = idNode.attributeValue( "name" );
SimpleValue id = new SimpleValue( mappings, entity.getTable() );
entity.setIdentifier( id );
// if ( propertyName == null || entity.getPojoRepresentation() == null ) {
// bindSimpleValue( idNode, id, false, RootClass.DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME, mappings );
// if ( !id.isTypeSpecified() ) {
// throw new MappingException( "must specify an identifier type: " + entity.getEntityName()
// );
// }
// }
// else {
// bindSimpleValue( idNode, id, false, propertyName, mappings );
// PojoRepresentation pojo = entity.getPojoRepresentation();
// id.setTypeUsingReflection( pojo.getClassName(), propertyName );
// Property prop = new Property();
// prop.setValue( id );
// bindProperty( idNode, prop, mappings, inheritedMetas );
// entity.setIdentifierProperty( prop );
// }
if ( propertyName == null ) {
bindSimpleValue( idNode, id, false, RootClass.DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME, mappings );
else {
bindSimpleValue( idNode, id, false, propertyName, mappings );
if ( propertyName == null || !entity.hasPojoRepresentation() ) {
if ( !id.isTypeSpecified() ) {
throw new MappingException( "must specify an identifier type: "
+ entity.getEntityName() );
else {
id.setTypeUsingReflection( entity.getClassName(), propertyName );
if ( propertyName != null ) {
Property prop = new Property();
prop.setValue( id );
bindProperty( idNode, prop, mappings, inheritedMetas );
entity.setIdentifierProperty( prop );
entity.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty( prop );
// TODO:
* if ( id.getHibernateType().getReturnedClass().isArray() ) throw new MappingException(
* "illegal use of an array as an identifier (arrays don't reimplement equals)" );
makeIdentifier( idNode, id, mappings );
private static void bindCompositeId(Element idNode, RootClass entity, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
String propertyName = idNode.attributeValue( "name" );
Component id = new Component( mappings, entity );
entity.setIdentifier( id );
bindCompositeId( idNode, id, entity, propertyName, mappings, inheritedMetas );
if ( propertyName == null ) {
entity.setEmbeddedIdentifier( id.isEmbedded() );
if ( id.isEmbedded() ) {
// todo : what is the implication of this?
id.setDynamic( !entity.hasPojoRepresentation() );
* Property prop = new Property(); prop.setName("id");
* prop.setPropertyAccessorName("embedded"); prop.setValue(id);
* entity.setIdentifierProperty(prop);
else {
Property prop = new Property();
prop.setValue( id );
bindProperty( idNode, prop, mappings, inheritedMetas );
entity.setIdentifierProperty( prop );
entity.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty( prop );
makeIdentifier( idNode, id, mappings );
private static void bindVersioningProperty(Table table, Element subnode, Mappings mappings,
String name, RootClass entity, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
String propertyName = subnode.attributeValue( "name" );
SimpleValue val = new SimpleValue( mappings, table );
bindSimpleValue( subnode, val, false, propertyName, mappings );
if ( !val.isTypeSpecified() ) {
// this is either a tag with no type attribute,
// or a tag
if ( "version".equals( name ) ) {
val.setTypeName( "integer" );
else {
if ( "db".equals( subnode.attributeValue( "source" ) ) ) {
val.setTypeName( "dbtimestamp" );
else {
val.setTypeName( "timestamp" );
Property prop = new Property();
prop.setValue( val );
bindProperty( subnode, prop, mappings, inheritedMetas );
// for version properties marked as being generated, make sure they are "always"
// generated; aka, "insert" is invalid; this is dis-allowed by the DTD,
// but just to make sure...
if ( prop.getGeneration() == PropertyGeneration.INSERT ) {
throw new MappingException( "'generated' attribute cannot be 'insert' for versioning property" );
makeVersion( subnode, val );
entity.setVersion( prop );
entity.addProperty( prop );
private static void bindDiscriminatorProperty(Table table, RootClass entity, Element subnode,
Mappings mappings) {
SimpleValue discrim = new SimpleValue( mappings, table );
entity.setDiscriminator( discrim );
if ( !discrim.isTypeSpecified() ) {
discrim.setTypeName( "string" );
// ( (Column) discrim.getColumnIterator().next() ).setType(type);
entity.setPolymorphic( true );
final String explicitForceValue = subnode.attributeValue( "force" );
boolean forceDiscriminatorInSelects = explicitForceValue == null
? mappings.forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault()
: "true".equals( explicitForceValue );
entity.setForceDiscriminator( forceDiscriminatorInSelects );
if ( "false".equals( subnode.attributeValue( "insert" ) ) ) {
entity.setDiscriminatorInsertable( false );
public static void bindClass(Element node, PersistentClass persistentClass, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
// transfer an explicitly defined entity name
// handle the lazy attribute
Attribute lazyNode = node.attribute( "lazy" );
boolean lazy = lazyNode == null ?
mappings.isDefaultLazy() :
"true".equals( lazyNode.getValue() );
// go ahead and set the lazy here, since pojo.proxy can override it.
persistentClass.setLazy( lazy );
String entityName = node.attributeValue( "entity-name" );
if ( entityName == null ) entityName = getClassName( node.attribute("name"), mappings );
if ( entityName==null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Unable to determine entity name" );
persistentClass.setEntityName( entityName );
persistentClass.setJpaEntityName( StringHelper.unqualify( entityName ) );
bindPojoRepresentation( node, persistentClass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
bindDom4jRepresentation( node, persistentClass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
bindMapRepresentation( node, persistentClass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
Iterator itr = node.elementIterator( "fetch-profile" );
while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
final Element profileElement = ( Element );
parseFetchProfile( profileElement, mappings, entityName );
bindPersistentClassCommonValues( node, persistentClass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
private static void bindPojoRepresentation(Element node, PersistentClass entity,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map metaTags) {
String className = getClassName( node.attribute( "name" ), mappings );
String proxyName = getClassName( node.attribute( "proxy" ), mappings );
entity.setClassName( className );
if ( proxyName != null ) {
entity.setProxyInterfaceName( proxyName );
entity.setLazy( true );
else if ( entity.isLazy() ) {
entity.setProxyInterfaceName( className );
Element tuplizer = locateTuplizerDefinition( node, EntityMode.POJO );
if ( tuplizer != null ) {
entity.addTuplizer( EntityMode.POJO, tuplizer.attributeValue( "class" ) );
private static void bindDom4jRepresentation(Element node, PersistentClass entity,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
String nodeName = node.attributeValue( "node" );
if (nodeName==null) nodeName = StringHelper.unqualify( entity.getEntityName() );
// Element tuplizer = locateTuplizerDefinition( node, EntityMode.DOM4J );
// if ( tuplizer != null ) {
// entity.addTuplizer( EntityMode.DOM4J, tuplizer.attributeValue( "class" ) );
// }
private static void bindMapRepresentation(Element node, PersistentClass entity,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
Element tuplizer = locateTuplizerDefinition( node, EntityMode.MAP );
if ( tuplizer != null ) {
entity.addTuplizer( EntityMode.MAP, tuplizer.attributeValue( "class" ) );
* Locate any explicit tuplizer definition in the metadata, for the given entity-mode.
* @param container The containing element (representing the entity/component)
* @param entityMode The entity-mode for which to locate the tuplizer element
* @return The tuplizer element, or null.
private static Element locateTuplizerDefinition(Element container, EntityMode entityMode) {
Iterator itr = container.elements( "tuplizer" ).iterator();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
final Element tuplizerElem = ( Element );
if ( entityMode.toString().equals( tuplizerElem.attributeValue( "entity-mode") ) ) {
return tuplizerElem;
return null;
private static void bindPersistentClassCommonValues(Element node, PersistentClass entity,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Attribute discriminatorNode = node.attribute( "discriminator-value" );
entity.setDiscriminatorValue( ( discriminatorNode == null )
? entity.getEntityName()
: discriminatorNode.getValue() );
Attribute dynamicNode = node.attribute( "dynamic-update" );
dynamicNode != null && "true".equals( dynamicNode.getValue() )
Attribute insertNode = node.attribute( "dynamic-insert" );
insertNode != null && "true".equals( insertNode.getValue() )
mappings.addImport( entity.getEntityName(), entity.getEntityName() );
if ( mappings.isAutoImport() && entity.getEntityName().indexOf( '.' ) > 0 ) {
StringHelper.unqualify( entity.getEntityName() )
Attribute batchNode = node.attribute( "batch-size" );
if ( batchNode != null ) entity.setBatchSize( Integer.parseInt( batchNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute sbuNode = node.attribute( "select-before-update" );
if ( sbuNode != null ) entity.setSelectBeforeUpdate( "true".equals( sbuNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute olNode = node.attribute( "optimistic-lock" );
entity.setOptimisticLockMode( getOptimisticLockMode( olNode ) );
entity.setMetaAttributes( getMetas( node, inheritedMetas ) );
Attribute persisterNode = node.attribute( "persister" );
if ( persisterNode != null ) {
try {
entity.setEntityPersisterClass( ReflectHelper.classForName(
) );
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new MappingException( "Could not find persister class: "
+ persisterNode.getValue() );
handleCustomSQL( node, entity );
Iterator tables = node.elementIterator( "synchronize" );
while ( tables.hasNext() ) {
entity.addSynchronizedTable( ( (Element) ).attributeValue( "table" ) );
Attribute abstractNode = node.attribute( "abstract" );
Boolean isAbstract = abstractNode == null
? null
: "true".equals( abstractNode.getValue() )
? Boolean.TRUE
: "false".equals( abstractNode.getValue() )
? Boolean.FALSE
: null;
entity.setAbstract( isAbstract );
private static void handleCustomSQL(Element node, PersistentClass model)
throws MappingException {
Element element = node.element( "sql-insert" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element );
model.setCustomSQLInsert( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-delete" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element );
model.setCustomSQLDelete( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-update" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element );
model.setCustomSQLUpdate( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "loader" );
if ( element != null ) {
model.setLoaderName( element.attributeValue( "query-ref" ) );
private static void handleCustomSQL(Element node, Join model) throws MappingException {
Element element = node.element( "sql-insert" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element );
model.setCustomSQLInsert( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-delete" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element );
model.setCustomSQLDelete( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-update" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element );
model.setCustomSQLUpdate( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
private static void handleCustomSQL(Element node, Collection model) throws MappingException {
Element element = node.element( "sql-insert" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element, true );
model.setCustomSQLInsert( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-delete" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element, true );
model.setCustomSQLDelete( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-update" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element, true );
model.setCustomSQLUpdate( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
element = node.element( "sql-delete-all" );
if ( element != null ) {
boolean callable = isCallable( element, true );
model.setCustomSQLDeleteAll( element.getTextTrim(), callable, getResultCheckStyle( element, callable ) );
private static boolean isCallable(Element e) throws MappingException {
return isCallable( e, true );
private static boolean isCallable(Element element, boolean supportsCallable)
throws MappingException {
Attribute attrib = element.attribute( "callable" );
if ( attrib != null && "true".equals( attrib.getValue() ) ) {
if ( !supportsCallable ) {
throw new MappingException( "callable attribute not supported yet!" );
return true;
return false;
private static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getResultCheckStyle(Element element, boolean callable) throws MappingException {
Attribute attr = element.attribute( "check" );
if ( attr == null ) {
// use COUNT as the default. This mimics the old behavior, although
// NONE might be a better option moving forward in the case of callable
return ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.COUNT;
return ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( attr.getValue() );
public static void bindUnionSubclass(Element node, UnionSubclass unionSubclass,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindClass( node, unionSubclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
inheritedMetas = getMetas( node, inheritedMetas, true ); // get meta's from
Attribute schemaNode = node.attribute( "schema" );
String schema = schemaNode == null ?
mappings.getSchemaName() : schemaNode.getValue();
Attribute catalogNode = node.attribute( "catalog" );
String catalog = catalogNode == null ?
mappings.getCatalogName() : catalogNode.getValue();
Table denormalizedSuperTable = unionSubclass.getSuperclass().getTable();
Table mytable = mappings.addDenormalizedTable(
getClassTableName(unionSubclass, node, schema, catalog, denormalizedSuperTable, mappings ),
unionSubclass.isAbstract() != null && unionSubclass.isAbstract(),
getSubselect( node ),
unionSubclass.setTable( mytable );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping union-subclass: %s -> %s", unionSubclass.getEntityName(), unionSubclass.getTable().getName() );
createClassProperties( node, unionSubclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
public static void bindSubclass(Element node, Subclass subclass, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindClass( node, subclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
inheritedMetas = getMetas( node, inheritedMetas, true ); // get meta's from
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping subclass: %s -> %s", subclass.getEntityName(), subclass.getTable().getName() );
// properties
createClassProperties( node, subclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
private static String getClassTableName(
PersistentClass model,
Element node,
String schema,
String catalog,
Table denormalizedSuperTable,
Mappings mappings) {
Attribute tableNameNode = node.attribute( "table" );
String logicalTableName;
String physicalTableName;
if ( tableNameNode == null ) {
logicalTableName = StringHelper.unqualify( model.getEntityName() );
physicalTableName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineImplicitPrimaryTableName(
else {
logicalTableName = tableNameNode.getValue();
physicalTableName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).toPhysicalTableName( logicalTableName );
mappings.addTableBinding( schema, catalog, logicalTableName, physicalTableName, denormalizedSuperTable );
return physicalTableName;
private static NamingStrategyDelegate getNamingStrategyDelegate(Mappings mappings) {
return mappings.getNamingStrategyDelegator().getNamingStrategyDelegate( true );
public static void bindJoinedSubclass(Element node, JoinedSubclass joinedSubclass,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindClass( node, joinedSubclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
inheritedMetas = getMetas( node, inheritedMetas, true ); // get meta's from
// joined subclasses
Attribute schemaNode = node.attribute( "schema" );
String schema = schemaNode == null ?
mappings.getSchemaName() : schemaNode.getValue();
Attribute catalogNode = node.attribute( "catalog" );
String catalog = catalogNode == null ?
mappings.getCatalogName() : catalogNode.getValue();
Table mytable = mappings.addTable(
getClassTableName( joinedSubclass, node, schema, catalog, null, mappings ),
getSubselect( node ),
joinedSubclass.setTable( mytable );
bindComment(mytable, node);
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping joined-subclass: %s -> %s", joinedSubclass.getEntityName(), joinedSubclass.getTable().getName() );
// KEY
Element keyNode = node.element( "key" );
SimpleValue key = new DependantValue( mappings, mytable, joinedSubclass.getIdentifier() );
joinedSubclass.setKey( key );
key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( "cascade".equals( keyNode.attributeValue( "on-delete" ) ) );
bindSimpleValue( keyNode, key, false, joinedSubclass.getEntityName(), mappings );
// model.getKey().setType( new Type( model.getIdentifier() ) );
Attribute chNode = node.attribute( "check" );
if ( chNode != null ) mytable.addCheckConstraint( chNode.getValue() );
// properties
createClassProperties( node, joinedSubclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
private static void bindJoin(Element node, Join join, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
PersistentClass persistentClass = join.getPersistentClass();
String path = persistentClass.getEntityName();
Attribute schemaNode = node.attribute( "schema" );
String schema = schemaNode == null ?
mappings.getSchemaName() : schemaNode.getValue();
Attribute catalogNode = node.attribute( "catalog" );
String catalog = catalogNode == null ?
mappings.getCatalogName() : catalogNode.getValue();
Table primaryTable = persistentClass.getTable();
Table table = mappings.addTable(
getClassTableName( persistentClass, node, schema, catalog, primaryTable, mappings ),
getSubselect( node ),
join.setTable( table );
bindComment(table, node);
Attribute fetchNode = node.attribute( "fetch" );
if ( fetchNode != null ) {
join.setSequentialSelect( "select".equals( fetchNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute invNode = node.attribute( "inverse" );
if ( invNode != null ) {
join.setInverse( "true".equals( invNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute nullNode = node.attribute( "optional" );
if ( nullNode != null ) {
join.setOptional( "true".equals( nullNode.getValue() ) );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping class join: %s -> %s", persistentClass.getEntityName(), join.getTable().getName() );
// KEY
Element keyNode = node.element( "key" );
SimpleValue key = new DependantValue( mappings, table, persistentClass.getIdentifier() );
join.setKey( key );
key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( "cascade".equals( keyNode.attributeValue( "on-delete" ) ) );
bindSimpleValue( keyNode, key, false, persistentClass.getEntityName(), mappings );
// join.getKey().setType( new Type( lazz.getIdentifier() ) );
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element subnode = (Element);
String name = subnode.getName();
String propertyName = subnode.attributeValue( "name" );
Value value = null;
if ( "many-to-one".equals( name ) ) {
value = new ManyToOne( mappings, table );
bindManyToOne( subnode, (ManyToOne) value, propertyName, true, mappings );
else if ( "any".equals( name ) ) {
value = new Any( mappings, table );
bindAny( subnode, (Any) value, true, mappings );
else if ( "property".equals( name ) ) {
value = new SimpleValue( mappings, table );
bindSimpleValue( subnode, (SimpleValue) value, true, propertyName, mappings );
else if ( "component".equals( name ) || "dynamic-component".equals( name ) ) {
String subpath = StringHelper.qualify( path, propertyName );
value = new Component( mappings, join );
(Component) value,
if ( value != null ) {
Property prop = createProperty( value, propertyName, persistentClass
.getEntityName(), subnode, mappings, inheritedMetas );
prop.setOptional( join.isOptional() );
join.addProperty( prop );
handleCustomSQL( node, join );
public static void bindColumns(final Element node, final SimpleValue simpleValue,
final boolean isNullable, final boolean autoColumn, final String propertyPath,
final Mappings mappings) throws MappingException {
Table table = simpleValue.getTable();
Attribute columnAttribute = node.attribute( "column" );
if ( columnAttribute == null ) {
Iterator itr = node.elementIterator();
int count = 0;
while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
Element columnElement = (Element);
if ( columnElement.getName().equals( "column" ) ) {
Column column = new Column();
column.setValue( simpleValue );
column.setTypeIndex( count++ );
bindColumn( columnElement, column, isNullable );
final String columnName = columnElement.attributeValue( "name" );
String logicalColumnName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineLogicalColumnName(
columnName, propertyPath
column.setName( getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).toPhysicalColumnName( columnName ) );
if ( table != null ) {
table.addColumn( column ); // table=null -> an association
// - fill it in later
//TODO fill in the mappings for table == null
mappings.addColumnBinding( logicalColumnName, column, table );
simpleValue.addColumn( column );
// column index
bindIndex( columnElement.attribute( "index" ), table, column, mappings );
bindIndex( node.attribute( "index" ), table, column, mappings );
//column unique-key
bindUniqueKey( columnElement.attribute( "unique-key" ), table, column, mappings );
bindUniqueKey( node.attribute( "unique-key" ), table, column, mappings );
else if ( columnElement.getName().equals( "formula" ) ) {
Formula formula = new Formula();
formula.setFormula( columnElement.getText() );
simpleValue.addFormula( formula );
// todo : another GoodThing would be to go back after all parsing and see if all the columns
// (and no formulas) are contained in a defined unique key that only contains these columns.
// That too would mark this as a logical one-to-one
final Attribute uniqueAttribute = node.attribute( "unique" );
if ( uniqueAttribute != null
&& "true".equals( uniqueAttribute.getValue() )
&& ManyToOne.class.isInstance( simpleValue ) ) {
( (ManyToOne) simpleValue ).markAsLogicalOneToOne();
else {
if ( node.elementIterator( "column" ).hasNext() ) {
throw new MappingException(
"column attribute may not be used together with subelement" );
if ( node.elementIterator( "formula" ).hasNext() ) {
throw new MappingException(
"column attribute may not be used together with subelement" );
Column column = new Column();
column.setValue( simpleValue );
bindColumn( node, column, isNullable );
if ( column.isUnique() && ManyToOne.class.isInstance( simpleValue ) ) {
( (ManyToOne) simpleValue ).markAsLogicalOneToOne();
final String columnName = columnAttribute.getValue();
String logicalColumnName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineLogicalColumnName(
columnName, propertyPath
column.setName( getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).toPhysicalColumnName( columnName ) );
if ( table != null ) {
table.addColumn( column ); // table=null -> an association - fill
// it in later
//TODO fill in the mappings for table == null
mappings.addColumnBinding( logicalColumnName, column, table );
simpleValue.addColumn( column );
bindIndex( node.attribute( "index" ), table, column, mappings );
bindUniqueKey( node.attribute( "unique-key" ), table, column, mappings );
if ( autoColumn && simpleValue.getColumnSpan() == 0 ) {
Column column = new Column();
column.setValue( simpleValue );
bindColumn( node, column, isNullable );
column.setName( getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineImplicitPropertyColumnName( propertyPath ) );
String logicalName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineLogicalColumnName( null, propertyPath );
mappings.addColumnBinding( logicalName, column, table );
/* TODO: joinKeyColumnName & foreignKeyColumnName should be called either here or at a
* slightly higer level in the stack (to get all the information we need)
* Right now HbmMetadataSourceProcessorImpl does not support the
simpleValue.getTable().addColumn( column );
simpleValue.addColumn( column );
bindIndex( node.attribute( "index" ), table, column, mappings );
bindUniqueKey( node.attribute( "unique-key" ), table, column, mappings );
private static void bindIndex(Attribute indexAttribute, Table table, Column column, Mappings mappings) {
if ( indexAttribute != null && table != null ) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( indexAttribute.getValue(), ", " );
while ( tokens.hasMoreTokens() ) {
table.getOrCreateIndex( tokens.nextToken() ).addColumn( column );
private static void bindUniqueKey(Attribute uniqueKeyAttribute, Table table, Column column, Mappings mappings) {
if ( uniqueKeyAttribute != null && table != null ) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer( uniqueKeyAttribute.getValue(), ", " );
while ( tokens.hasMoreTokens() ) {
table.getOrCreateUniqueKey( tokens.nextToken() ).addColumn( column );
// automatically makes a column with the default name if none is specifed by XML
public static void bindSimpleValue(Element node, SimpleValue simpleValue, boolean isNullable,
String path, Mappings mappings) throws MappingException {
bindSimpleValueType( node, simpleValue, mappings );
bindColumnsOrFormula( node, simpleValue, path, isNullable, mappings );
Attribute fkNode = node.attribute( "foreign-key" );
if ( fkNode != null ) simpleValue.setForeignKeyName( fkNode.getValue() );
private static void bindSimpleValueType(Element node, SimpleValue simpleValue, Mappings mappings)
throws MappingException {
String typeName = null;
Properties parameters = new Properties();
Attribute typeNode = node.attribute( "type" );
if ( typeNode == null ) {
typeNode = node.attribute( "id-type" ); // for an any
else {
typeName = typeNode.getValue();
Element typeChild = node.element( "type" );
if ( typeName == null && typeChild != null ) {
typeName = typeChild.attribute( "name" ).getValue();
Iterator typeParameters = typeChild.elementIterator( "param" );
while ( typeParameters.hasNext() ) {
Element paramElement = (Element);
paramElement.attributeValue( "name" ),
resolveAndBindTypeDef(simpleValue, mappings, typeName, parameters);
private static void resolveAndBindTypeDef(SimpleValue simpleValue,
Mappings mappings, String typeName, Properties parameters) {
TypeDef typeDef = mappings.getTypeDef( typeName );
if ( typeDef != null ) {
typeName = typeDef.getTypeClass();
// parameters on the property mapping should
// override parameters in the typedef
Properties allParameters = new Properties();
allParameters.putAll( typeDef.getParameters() );
allParameters.putAll( parameters );
parameters = allParameters;
}else if (typeName!=null && !mappings.isInSecondPass()){
BasicType basicType=mappings.getTypeResolver().basic(typeName);
if (basicType==null) {
* If the referenced typeName isn't a basic-type, it's probably a typedef defined
* in a mapping file not read yet.
* It should be solved by deferring the resolution and binding of this type until
* all mapping files are read - the second passes.
* Fixes issue HHH-7300
SecondPass resolveUserTypeMappingSecondPass=new ResolveUserTypeMappingSecondPass(simpleValue,typeName,mappings,parameters);
if ( !parameters.isEmpty() ) simpleValue.setTypeParameters( parameters );
if ( typeName != null ) simpleValue.setTypeName( typeName );
public static void bindProperty(
Element node,
Property property,
Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
String propName = node.attributeValue( "name" );
property.setName( propName );
String nodeName = node.attributeValue( "node" );
if (nodeName==null) nodeName = propName;
property.setNodeName( nodeName );
// TODO:
//Type type = model.getValue().getType();
//if (type==null) throw new MappingException(
//"Could not determine a property type for: " + model.getName() );
Attribute accessNode = node.attribute( "access" );
if ( accessNode != null ) {
property.setPropertyAccessorName( accessNode.getValue() );
else if ( node.getName().equals( "properties" ) ) {
property.setPropertyAccessorName( "embedded" );
else {
property.setPropertyAccessorName( mappings.getDefaultAccess() );
Attribute cascadeNode = node.attribute( "cascade" );
property.setCascade( cascadeNode == null ? mappings.getDefaultCascade() : cascadeNode
.getValue() );
Attribute updateNode = node.attribute( "update" );
property.setUpdateable( updateNode == null || "true".equals( updateNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute insertNode = node.attribute( "insert" );
property.setInsertable( insertNode == null || "true".equals( insertNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute lockNode = node.attribute( "optimistic-lock" );
property.setOptimisticLocked( lockNode == null || "true".equals( lockNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute generatedNode = node.attribute( "generated" );
String generationName = generatedNode == null ? null : generatedNode.getValue();
PropertyGeneration generation = PropertyGeneration.parse( generationName );
property.setGeneration( generation );
if ( generation == PropertyGeneration.ALWAYS || generation == PropertyGeneration.INSERT ) {
// generated properties can *never* be insertable...
if ( property.isInsertable() ) {
if ( insertNode == null ) {
// insertable simply because that is the user did not specify
// anything; just override it
property.setInsertable( false );
else {
// the user specifically supplied insert="true",
// which constitutes an illegal combo
throw new MappingException(
"cannot specify both insert=\"true\" and generated=\"" + generation.getName() +
"\" for property: " +
// properties generated on update can never be updateable...
if ( property.isUpdateable() && generation == PropertyGeneration.ALWAYS ) {
if ( updateNode == null ) {
// updateable only because the user did not specify
// anything; just override it
property.setUpdateable( false );
else {
// the user specifically supplied update="true",
// which constitutes an illegal combo
throw new MappingException(
"cannot specify both update=\"true\" and generated=\"" + generation.getName() +
"\" for property: " +
boolean isLazyable = "property".equals( node.getName() ) ||
"component".equals( node.getName() ) ||
"many-to-one".equals( node.getName() ) ||
"one-to-one".equals( node.getName() ) ||
"any".equals( node.getName() );
if ( isLazyable ) {
Attribute lazyNode = node.attribute( "lazy" );
property.setLazy( lazyNode != null && "true".equals( lazyNode.getValue() ) );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
String msg = "Mapped property: " + property.getName();
String columns = columns( property.getValue() );
if ( columns.length() > 0 ) msg += " -> " + columns;
// TODO: this fails if we run with debug on!
// if ( model.getType()!=null ) msg += ", type: " + model.getType().getName();
LOG.debug( msg );
property.setMetaAttributes( getMetas( node, inheritedMetas ) );
private static String columns(Value val) {
StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder();
Iterator iter = val.getColumnIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
columns.append( ( (Selectable) ).getText() );
if ( iter.hasNext() ) columns.append( ", " );
return columns.toString();
* Called for all collections
public static void bindCollection(Element node, Collection collection, String className,
String path, Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Attribute inverseNode = node.attribute( "inverse" );
if ( inverseNode != null ) {
collection.setInverse( "true".equals( inverseNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute mutableNode = node.attribute( "mutable" );
if ( mutableNode != null ) {
collection.setMutable( !"false".equals( mutableNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute olNode = node.attribute( "optimistic-lock" );
collection.setOptimisticLocked( olNode == null || "true".equals( olNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute orderNode = node.attribute( "order-by" );
if ( orderNode != null ) {
collection.setOrderBy( orderNode.getValue() );
Attribute whereNode = node.attribute( "where" );
if ( whereNode != null ) {
collection.setWhere( whereNode.getValue() );
Attribute batchNode = node.attribute( "batch-size" );
if ( batchNode != null ) {
collection.setBatchSize( Integer.parseInt( batchNode.getValue() ) );
String nodeName = node.attributeValue( "node" );
if ( nodeName == null ) nodeName = node.attributeValue( "name" );
collection.setNodeName( nodeName );
String embed = node.attributeValue( "embed-xml" );
// sometimes embed is set to the default value when not specified in the mapping,
// so can't seem to determine if an attribute was explicitly set;
// log a warning if embed has a value different from the default.
if ( !StringHelper.isEmpty( embed ) && !"true".equals( embed ) ) {
collection.setEmbedded( embed==null || "true".equals(embed) );
Attribute persisterNode = node.attribute( "persister" );
if ( persisterNode != null ) {
try {
collection.setCollectionPersisterClass( ReflectHelper.classForName( persisterNode
.getValue() ) );
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new MappingException( "Could not find collection persister class: "
+ persisterNode.getValue() );
Attribute typeNode = node.attribute( "collection-type" );
if ( typeNode != null ) {
String typeName = typeNode.getValue();
TypeDef typeDef = mappings.getTypeDef( typeName );
if ( typeDef != null ) {
collection.setTypeName( typeDef.getTypeClass() );
collection.setTypeParameters( typeDef.getParameters() );
else {
collection.setTypeName( typeName );
initOuterJoinFetchSetting( node, collection );
if ( "subselect".equals( node.attributeValue("fetch") ) ) {
initLaziness( node, collection, mappings, "true", mappings.isDefaultLazy() );
//TODO: suck this into initLaziness!
if ( "extra".equals( node.attributeValue("lazy") ) ) {
Element oneToManyNode = node.element( "one-to-many" );
if ( oneToManyNode != null ) {
OneToMany oneToMany = new OneToMany( mappings, collection.getOwner() );
collection.setElement( oneToMany );
bindOneToMany( oneToManyNode, oneToMany, mappings );
// we have to set up the table later!! yuck
else {
Attribute tableNode = node.attribute( "table" );
String tableName;
if ( tableNode != null ) {
tableName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).toPhysicalTableName( tableNode.getValue() );
else {
//tableName = mappings.getNamingStrategy().propertyToTableName( className, path );
Table ownerTable = collection.getOwner().getTable();
//TODO mappings.getLogicalTableName(ownerTable)
String logicalOwnerTableName = ownerTable.getName();
//FIXME we don't have the associated entity table name here, has to be done in a second pass
if ( node.element( "element" ) != null || node.element( "composite-element" ) != null ) {
tableName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineImplicitElementCollectionTableName(
else {
tableName = getNamingStrategyDelegate( mappings ).determineImplicitEntityAssociationJoinTableName(
if ( ownerTable.isQuoted() ) {
tableName = StringHelper.quote( tableName );
Attribute schemaNode = node.attribute( "schema" );
String schema = schemaNode == null ?
mappings.getSchemaName() : schemaNode.getValue();
Attribute catalogNode = node.attribute( "catalog" );
String catalog = catalogNode == null ?
mappings.getCatalogName() : catalogNode.getValue();
Table table = mappings.addTable(
getSubselect( node ),
collection.setCollectionTable( table );
bindComment(table, node);
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping collection: %s -> %s", collection.getRole(), collection.getCollectionTable().getName() );
Attribute sortedAtt = node.attribute( "sort" );
// unsorted, natural,
if ( sortedAtt == null || sortedAtt.getValue().equals( "unsorted" ) ) {
collection.setSorted( false );
else {
collection.setSorted( true );
String comparatorClassName = sortedAtt.getValue();
if ( !comparatorClassName.equals( "natural" ) ) {
// ORPHAN DELETE (used for programmer error detection)
Attribute cascadeAtt = node.attribute( "cascade" );
if ( cascadeAtt != null && cascadeAtt.getValue().indexOf( "delete-orphan" ) >= 0 ) {
collection.setOrphanDelete( true );
handleCustomSQL( node, collection );
// set up second pass
if ( collection instanceof List ) {
mappings.addSecondPass( new ListSecondPass( node, mappings, (List) collection, inheritedMetas ) );
else if ( collection instanceof Map ) {
mappings.addSecondPass( new MapSecondPass( node, mappings, (Map) collection, inheritedMetas ) );
else if ( collection instanceof IdentifierCollection ) {
mappings.addSecondPass( new IdentifierCollectionSecondPass(
) );
else {
mappings.addSecondPass( new CollectionSecondPass( node, mappings, collection, inheritedMetas ) );
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator( "filter" );
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
final Element filter = (Element);
parseFilter( filter, collection, mappings );
Iterator tables = node.elementIterator( "synchronize" );
while ( tables.hasNext() ) {
( (Element) ).attributeValue( "table" ) );
Element element = node.element( "loader" );
if ( element != null ) {
collection.setLoaderName( element.attributeValue( "query-ref" ) );
collection.setReferencedPropertyName( node.element( "key" ).attributeValue( "property-ref" ) );
private static void initLaziness(
Element node,
Fetchable fetchable,
Mappings mappings,
String proxyVal,
boolean defaultLazy
) {
Attribute lazyNode = node.attribute( "lazy" );
boolean isLazyTrue = lazyNode == null ?
defaultLazy && fetchable.isLazy() : //fetch="join" overrides default laziness
lazyNode.getValue().equals(proxyVal); //fetch="join" overrides default laziness
fetchable.setLazy( isLazyTrue );
private static void initLaziness(
Element node,
ToOne fetchable,
Mappings mappings,
boolean defaultLazy
) {
if ( "no-proxy".equals( node.attributeValue( "lazy" ) ) ) {
//TODO: better to degrade to lazy="false" if uninstrumented
else {
initLaziness(node, fetchable, mappings, "proxy", defaultLazy);
private static void bindColumnsOrFormula(Element node, SimpleValue simpleValue, String path,
boolean isNullable, Mappings mappings) {
Attribute formulaNode = node.attribute( "formula" );
if ( formulaNode != null ) {
Formula f = new Formula();
f.setFormula( formulaNode.getText() );
simpleValue.addFormula( f );
else {
bindColumns( node, simpleValue, isNullable, true, path, mappings );
private static void bindComment(Table table, Element node) {
Element comment = node.element("comment");
if (comment!=null) table.setComment( comment.getTextTrim() );
public static void bindManyToOne(Element node, ManyToOne manyToOne, String path,
boolean isNullable, Mappings mappings) throws MappingException {
bindColumnsOrFormula( node, manyToOne, path, isNullable, mappings );
initOuterJoinFetchSetting( node, manyToOne );
initLaziness( node, manyToOne, mappings, true );
Attribute ukName = node.attribute( "property-ref" );
if ( ukName != null ) {
manyToOne.setReferencedPropertyName( ukName.getValue() );
manyToOne.setReferenceToPrimaryKey( manyToOne.getReferencedPropertyName() == null );
manyToOne.setReferencedEntityName( getEntityName( node, mappings ) );
String embed = node.attributeValue( "embed-xml" );
// sometimes embed is set to the default value when not specified in the mapping,
// so can't seem to determine if an attribute was explicitly set;
// log a warning if embed has a value different from the default.
if ( !StringHelper.isEmpty( embed ) && !"true".equals( embed ) ) {
manyToOne.setEmbedded( embed == null || "true".equals( embed ) );
String notFound = node.attributeValue( "not-found" );
manyToOne.setIgnoreNotFound( "ignore".equals( notFound ) );
if( ukName != null && !manyToOne.isIgnoreNotFound() ) {
if ( !node.getName().equals("many-to-many") ) { //TODO: really bad, evil hack to fix!!!
mappings.addSecondPass( new ManyToOneSecondPass(manyToOne) );
Attribute fkNode = node.attribute( "foreign-key" );
if ( fkNode != null ) manyToOne.setForeignKeyName( fkNode.getValue() );
String cascade = node.attributeValue( "cascade" );
if ( cascade != null && cascade.indexOf( "delete-orphan" ) >= 0 ) {
if ( !manyToOne.isLogicalOneToOne() ) {
throw new MappingException(
"many-to-one attribute [" + path + "] does not support orphan delete as it is not unique"
public static void bindAny(Element node, Any any, boolean isNullable, Mappings mappings)
throws MappingException {
any.setIdentifierType( getTypeFromXML( node ) );
Attribute metaAttribute = node.attribute( "meta-type" );
if ( metaAttribute != null ) {
any.setMetaType( metaAttribute.getValue() );
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator( "meta-value" );
if ( iter.hasNext() ) {
HashMap values = new HashMap();
org.hibernate.type.Type metaType = mappings.getTypeResolver().heuristicType( any.getMetaType() );
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element metaValue = (Element);
try {
Object value = ( (DiscriminatorType) metaType ).stringToObject( metaValue
.attributeValue( "value" ) );
String entityName = getClassName( metaValue.attribute( "class" ), mappings );
values.put( value, entityName );
catch (ClassCastException cce) {
throw new MappingException( "meta-type was not a DiscriminatorType: "
+ metaType.getName() );
catch (Exception e) {
throw new MappingException( "could not interpret meta-value", e );
any.setMetaValues( values );
bindColumns( node, any, isNullable, false, null, mappings );
public static void bindOneToOne(Element node, OneToOne oneToOne, String path, boolean isNullable,
Mappings mappings) throws MappingException {
bindColumns( node, oneToOne, isNullable, false, null, mappings );
Attribute constrNode = node.attribute( "constrained" );
boolean constrained = constrNode != null && constrNode.getValue().equals( "true" );
oneToOne.setConstrained( constrained );
oneToOne.setForeignKeyType( constrained ?
ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT );
initOuterJoinFetchSetting( node, oneToOne );
initLaziness( node, oneToOne, mappings, true );
String embed = node.attributeValue( "embed-xml" );
// sometimes embed is set to the default value when not specified in the mapping,
// so can't seem to determine if an attribute was explicitly set;
// log a warning if embed has a value different from the default.
if ( !StringHelper.isEmpty( embed ) && !"true".equals( embed ) ) {
oneToOne.setEmbedded( "true".equals( embed ) );
Attribute fkNode = node.attribute( "foreign-key" );
if ( fkNode != null ) oneToOne.setForeignKeyName( fkNode.getValue() );
Attribute ukName = node.attribute( "property-ref" );
if ( ukName != null ) oneToOne.setReferencedPropertyName( ukName.getValue() );
oneToOne.setReferenceToPrimaryKey( oneToOne.getReferencedPropertyName() == null );
oneToOne.setPropertyName( node.attributeValue( "name" ) );
oneToOne.setReferencedEntityName( getEntityName( node, mappings ) );
String cascade = node.attributeValue( "cascade" );
if ( cascade != null && cascade.indexOf( "delete-orphan" ) >= 0 ) {
if ( oneToOne.isConstrained() ) {
throw new MappingException(
"one-to-one attribute [" + path + "] does not support orphan delete as it is constrained"
public static void bindOneToMany(Element node, OneToMany oneToMany, Mappings mappings)
throws MappingException {
oneToMany.setReferencedEntityName( getEntityName( node, mappings ) );
String embed = node.attributeValue( "embed-xml" );
// sometimes embed is set to the default value when not specified in the mapping,
// so can't seem to determine if an attribute was explicitly set;
// log a warning if embed has a value different from the default.
if ( !StringHelper.isEmpty( embed ) && !"true".equals( embed ) ) {
oneToMany.setEmbedded( embed == null || "true".equals( embed ) );
String notFound = node.attributeValue( "not-found" );
oneToMany.setIgnoreNotFound( "ignore".equals( notFound ) );
public static void bindColumn(Element node, Column column, boolean isNullable) throws MappingException {
Attribute lengthNode = node.attribute( "length" );
if ( lengthNode != null ) column.setLength( Integer.parseInt( lengthNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute scalNode = node.attribute( "scale" );
if ( scalNode != null ) column.setScale( Integer.parseInt( scalNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute precNode = node.attribute( "precision" );
if ( precNode != null ) column.setPrecision( Integer.parseInt( precNode.getValue() ) );
Attribute nullNode = node.attribute( "not-null" );
column.setNullable( nullNode == null ? isNullable : nullNode.getValue().equals( "false" ) );
Attribute unqNode = node.attribute( "unique" );
if ( unqNode != null ) column.setUnique( unqNode.getValue().equals( "true" ) );
column.setCheckConstraint( node.attributeValue( "check" ) );
column.setDefaultValue( node.attributeValue( "default" ) );
Attribute typeNode = node.attribute( "sql-type" );
if ( typeNode != null ) column.setSqlType( typeNode.getValue() );
String customWrite = node.attributeValue( "write" );
if(customWrite != null && !customWrite.matches("[^?]*\\?[^?]*")) {
throw new MappingException("write expression must contain exactly one value placeholder ('?') character");
column.setCustomWrite( customWrite );
column.setCustomRead( node.attributeValue( "read" ) );
Element comment = node.element("comment");
if (comment!=null) column.setComment( comment.getTextTrim() );
* Called for arrays and primitive arrays
public static void bindArray(Element node, Array array, String prefix, String path,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindCollection( node, array, prefix, path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
Attribute att = node.attribute( "element-class" );
if ( att != null ) array.setElementClassName( getClassName( att, mappings ) );
private static Class reflectedPropertyClass(String className, String propertyName)
throws MappingException {
if ( className == null ) return null;
return ReflectHelper.reflectedPropertyClass( className, propertyName );
public static void bindComposite(Element node, Component component, String path,
boolean isNullable, Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas)
throws MappingException {
public static void bindCompositeId(Element node, Component component,
PersistentClass persistentClass, String propertyName, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
component.setKey( true );
String path = StringHelper.qualify(
propertyName == null ? "id" : propertyName );
node.attribute( "class" ) == null
&& propertyName == null,
if ( "true".equals( node.attributeValue("mapped") ) ) {
if ( propertyName!=null ) {
throw new MappingException("cannot combine mapped=\"true\" with specified name");
Component mapper = new Component( mappings, persistentClass );
Property property = new Property();
property.setPropertyAccessorName( "embedded" );
public static void bindComponent(
Element node,
Component component,
String ownerClassName,
String parentProperty,
String path,
boolean isNullable,
boolean isEmbedded,
Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas,
boolean isIdentifierMapper) throws MappingException {
component.setEmbedded( isEmbedded );
component.setRoleName( path );
inheritedMetas = getMetas( node, inheritedMetas );
component.setMetaAttributes( inheritedMetas );
Attribute classNode = isIdentifierMapper ? null : node.attribute( "class" );
if ( classNode != null ) {
component.setComponentClassName( getClassName( classNode, mappings ) );
else if ( "dynamic-component".equals( node.getName() ) ) {
component.setDynamic( true );
else if ( isEmbedded ) {
// an "embedded" component (composite ids and unique)
// note that this does not handle nested components
if ( component.getOwner().hasPojoRepresentation() ) {
component.setComponentClassName( component.getOwner().getClassName() );
else {
else {
// todo : again, how *should* this work for non-pojo entities?
if ( component.getOwner().hasPojoRepresentation() ) {
Class reflectedClass = reflectedPropertyClass( ownerClassName, parentProperty );
if ( reflectedClass != null ) {
component.setComponentClassName( reflectedClass.getName() );
else {
String nodeName = node.attributeValue( "node" );
if ( nodeName == null ) nodeName = node.attributeValue( "name" );
if ( nodeName == null ) nodeName = component.getOwner().getNodeName();
component.setNodeName( nodeName );
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element subnode = (Element);
String name = subnode.getName();
String propertyName = getPropertyName( subnode );
String subpath = propertyName == null ? null : StringHelper
.qualify( path, propertyName );
CollectionType collectType = CollectionType.collectionTypeFromString( name );
Value value = null;
if ( collectType != null ) {
Collection collection = collectType.create(
mappings, inheritedMetas
mappings.addCollection( collection );
value = collection;
else if ( "many-to-one".equals( name ) || "key-many-to-one".equals( name ) ) {
value = new ManyToOne( mappings, component.getTable() );
String relativePath;
if (isEmbedded) {
relativePath = propertyName;
else {
relativePath = subpath.substring( component.getOwner().getEntityName().length() + 1 );
bindManyToOne( subnode, (ManyToOne) value, relativePath, isNullable, mappings );
else if ( "one-to-one".equals( name ) ) {
value = new OneToOne( mappings, component.getTable(), component.getOwner() );
String relativePath;
if (isEmbedded) {
relativePath = propertyName;
else {
relativePath = subpath.substring( component.getOwner().getEntityName().length() + 1 );
bindOneToOne( subnode, (OneToOne) value, relativePath, isNullable, mappings );
else if ( "any".equals( name ) ) {
value = new Any( mappings, component.getTable() );
bindAny( subnode, (Any) value, isNullable, mappings );
else if ( "property".equals( name ) || "key-property".equals( name ) ) {
value = new SimpleValue( mappings, component.getTable() );
String relativePath;
if (isEmbedded) {
relativePath = propertyName;
else {
relativePath = subpath.substring( component.getOwner().getEntityName().length() + 1 );
bindSimpleValue( subnode, (SimpleValue) value, isNullable, relativePath, mappings );
else if ( "component".equals( name )
|| "dynamic-component".equals( name )
|| "nested-composite-element".equals( name ) ) {
value = new Component( mappings, component ); // a nested composite element
(Component) value,
else if ( "parent".equals( name ) ) {
component.setParentProperty( propertyName );
if ( value != null ) {
Property property = createProperty( value, propertyName, component
.getComponentClassName(), subnode, mappings, inheritedMetas );
if (isIdentifierMapper) {
component.addProperty( property );
if ( "true".equals( node.attributeValue( "unique" ) ) ) {
iter = component.getColumnIterator();
ArrayList cols = new ArrayList();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
cols.add( );
component.getOwner().getTable().createUniqueKey( cols );
iter = node.elementIterator( "tuplizer" );
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
final Element tuplizerElem = ( Element );
EntityMode mode = EntityMode.parse( tuplizerElem.attributeValue( "entity-mode" ) );
component.addTuplizer( mode, tuplizerElem.attributeValue( "class" ) );
public static String getTypeFromXML(Element node) throws MappingException {
// TODO: handle TypeDefs
Attribute typeNode = node.attribute( "type" );
if ( typeNode == null ) typeNode = node.attribute( "id-type" ); // for an any
if ( typeNode == null ) return null; // we will have to use reflection
return typeNode.getValue();
private static void initOuterJoinFetchSetting(Element node, Fetchable model) {
Attribute fetchNode = node.attribute( "fetch" );
final FetchMode fetchStyle;
boolean lazy = true;
if ( fetchNode == null ) {
Attribute jfNode = node.attribute( "outer-join" );
if ( jfNode == null ) {
if ( "many-to-many".equals( node.getName() ) ) {
// default to join and non-lazy for the "second join"
// of the many-to-many
lazy = false;
fetchStyle = FetchMode.JOIN;
else if ( "one-to-one".equals( node.getName() ) ) {
// one-to-one constrained=false cannot be proxied,
// so default to join and non-lazy
lazy = ( (OneToOne) model ).isConstrained();
fetchStyle = lazy ? FetchMode.DEFAULT : FetchMode.JOIN;
else {
fetchStyle = FetchMode.DEFAULT;
else {
// use old (HB 2.1) defaults if outer-join is specified
String eoj = jfNode.getValue();
if ( "auto".equals( eoj ) ) {
fetchStyle = FetchMode.DEFAULT;
else {
boolean join = "true".equals( eoj );
fetchStyle = join ? FetchMode.JOIN : FetchMode.SELECT;
else {
boolean join = "join".equals( fetchNode.getValue() );
//lazy = !join;
fetchStyle = join ? FetchMode.JOIN : FetchMode.SELECT;
model.setFetchMode( fetchStyle );
private static void makeIdentifier(Element node, SimpleValue model, Mappings mappings) {
Element subnode = node.element( "generator" );
if ( subnode != null ) {
final String generatorClass = subnode.attributeValue( "class" );
model.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( generatorClass );
Properties params = new Properties();
// YUCK! but cannot think of a clean way to do this given the string-config based scheme
params.put( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER, mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer() );
if ( mappings.getSchemaName() != null ) {
mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( mappings.getSchemaName() )
if ( mappings.getCatalogName() != null ) {
mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( mappings.getCatalogName() )
Iterator iter = subnode.elementIterator( "param" );
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element childNode = (Element);
params.setProperty( childNode.attributeValue( "name" ), childNode.getTextTrim() );
model.setIdentifierGeneratorProperties( params );
model.getTable().setIdentifierValue( model );
Attribute nullValueNode = node.attribute( "unsaved-value" );
if ( nullValueNode != null ) {
model.setNullValue( nullValueNode.getValue() );
else {
if ( "assigned".equals( model.getIdentifierGeneratorStrategy() ) ) {
model.setNullValue( "undefined" );
else {
model.setNullValue( null );
private static final void makeVersion(Element node, SimpleValue model) {
Attribute nullValueNode = node.attribute( "unsaved-value" );
if ( nullValueNode != null ) {
model.setNullValue( nullValueNode.getValue() );
else {
model.setNullValue( "undefined" );
protected static void createClassProperties(Element node, PersistentClass persistentClass,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
createClassProperties(node, persistentClass, mappings, inheritedMetas, null, true, true, false);
protected static void createClassProperties(Element node, PersistentClass persistentClass,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas, UniqueKey uniqueKey,
boolean mutable, boolean nullable, boolean naturalId) throws MappingException {
String entityName = persistentClass.getEntityName();
Table table = persistentClass.getTable();
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element subnode = (Element);
String name = subnode.getName();
String propertyName = subnode.attributeValue( "name" );
CollectionType collectType = CollectionType.collectionTypeFromString( name );
Value value = null;
if ( collectType != null ) {
Collection collection = collectType.create(
StringHelper.qualify( entityName, propertyName ),
mappings, inheritedMetas
mappings.addCollection( collection );
value = collection;
else if ( "many-to-one".equals( name ) ) {
value = new ManyToOne( mappings, table );
bindManyToOne( subnode, (ManyToOne) value, propertyName, nullable, mappings );
else if ( "any".equals( name ) ) {
value = new Any( mappings, table );
bindAny( subnode, (Any) value, nullable, mappings );
else if ( "one-to-one".equals( name ) ) {
value = new OneToOne( mappings, table, persistentClass );
bindOneToOne( subnode, (OneToOne) value, propertyName, true, mappings );
else if ( "property".equals( name ) ) {
value = new SimpleValue( mappings, table );
bindSimpleValue( subnode, (SimpleValue) value, nullable, propertyName, mappings );
else if ( "component".equals( name )
|| "dynamic-component".equals( name )
|| "properties".equals( name ) ) {
String subpath = StringHelper.qualify( entityName, propertyName );
value = new Component( mappings, persistentClass );
(Component) value,
"properties".equals( name ),
else if ( "join".equals( name ) ) {
Join join = new Join();
join.setPersistentClass( persistentClass );
bindJoin( subnode, join, mappings, inheritedMetas );
persistentClass.addJoin( join );
else if ( "subclass".equals( name ) ) {
handleSubclass( persistentClass, mappings, subnode, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "joined-subclass".equals( name ) ) {
handleJoinedSubclass( persistentClass, mappings, subnode, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "union-subclass".equals( name ) ) {
handleUnionSubclass( persistentClass, mappings, subnode, inheritedMetas );
else if ( "filter".equals( name ) ) {
parseFilter( subnode, persistentClass, mappings );
else if ( "natural-id".equals( name ) ) {
UniqueKey uk = new UniqueKey();
//by default, natural-ids are "immutable" (constant)
boolean mutableId = "true".equals( subnode.attributeValue("mutable") );
uk.setName( Constraint.generateName( uk.generatedConstraintNamePrefix(),
table, uk.getColumns() ) );
else if ( "query".equals(name) ) {
bindNamedQuery(subnode, persistentClass.getEntityName(), mappings);
else if ( "sql-query".equals(name) ) {
bindNamedSQLQuery(subnode, persistentClass.getEntityName(), mappings);
else if ( "resultset".equals(name) ) {
bindResultSetMappingDefinition( subnode, persistentClass.getEntityName(), mappings );
if ( value != null ) {
final Property property = createProperty(
if ( !mutable ) {
if ( naturalId ) {
property.setNaturalIdentifier( true );
persistentClass.addProperty( property );
if ( uniqueKey!=null ) {
uniqueKey.addColumns( property.getColumnIterator() );
private static Property createProperty(
final Value value,
final String propertyName,
final String className,
final Element subnode,
final Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( propertyName ) ) {
throw new MappingException( subnode.getName() + " mapping must defined a name attribute [" + className + "]" );
value.setTypeUsingReflection( className, propertyName );
// this is done here 'cos we might only know the type here (ugly!)
// TODO: improve this a lot:
if ( value instanceof ToOne ) {
ToOne toOne = (ToOne) value;
String propertyRef = toOne.getReferencedPropertyName();
if ( propertyRef != null ) {
mappings.addUniquePropertyReference( toOne.getReferencedEntityName(), propertyRef );
else if ( value instanceof Collection ) {
Collection coll = (Collection) value;
String propertyRef = coll.getReferencedPropertyName();
// not necessarily a *unique* property reference
if ( propertyRef != null ) {
mappings.addPropertyReference( coll.getOwnerEntityName(), propertyRef );
Property prop = new Property();
prop.setValue( value );
bindProperty( subnode, prop, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return prop;
private static void handleUnionSubclass(PersistentClass model, Mappings mappings,
Element subnode, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
UnionSubclass subclass = new UnionSubclass( model );
bindUnionSubclass( subnode, subclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
model.addSubclass( subclass );
mappings.addClass( subclass );
private static void handleJoinedSubclass(PersistentClass model, Mappings mappings,
Element subnode, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
JoinedSubclass subclass = new JoinedSubclass( model );
bindJoinedSubclass( subnode, subclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
model.addSubclass( subclass );
mappings.addClass( subclass );
private static void handleSubclass(PersistentClass model, Mappings mappings, Element subnode,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Subclass subclass = new SingleTableSubclass( model );
bindSubclass( subnode, subclass, mappings, inheritedMetas );
model.addSubclass( subclass );
mappings.addClass( subclass );
* Called for Lists, arrays, primitive arrays
public static void bindListSecondPass(Element node, List list, java.util.Map classes,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindCollectionSecondPass( node, list, classes, mappings, inheritedMetas );
Element subnode = node.element( "list-index" );
if ( subnode == null ) subnode = node.element( "index" );
SimpleValue iv = new SimpleValue( mappings, list.getCollectionTable() );
iv.setTypeName( "integer" );
list.setIndex( iv );
String baseIndex = subnode.attributeValue( "base" );
if ( baseIndex != null ) list.setBaseIndex( Integer.parseInt( baseIndex ) );
list.setIndexNodeName( subnode.attributeValue("node") );
if ( list.isOneToMany() && !list.getKey().isNullable() && !list.isInverse() ) {
String entityName = ( (OneToMany) list.getElement() ).getReferencedEntityName();
PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass( entityName );
IndexBackref ib = new IndexBackref();
ib.setName( '_' + list.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + node.attributeValue( "name" ) + "IndexBackref" );
ib.setUpdateable( false );
ib.setSelectable( false );
ib.setCollectionRole( list.getRole() );
ib.setEntityName( list.getOwner().getEntityName() );
ib.setValue( list.getIndex() );
// ( (Column) ( (SimpleValue) ic.getIndex() ).getColumnIterator().next()
// ).setNullable(false);
referenced.addProperty( ib );
public static void bindIdentifierCollectionSecondPass(Element node,
IdentifierCollection collection, java.util.Map persistentClasses, Mappings mappings,
java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindCollectionSecondPass( node, collection, persistentClasses, mappings, inheritedMetas );
Element subnode = node.element( "collection-id" );
SimpleValue id = new SimpleValue( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable() );
collection.setIdentifier( id );
makeIdentifier( subnode, id, mappings );
* Called for Maps
public static void bindMapSecondPass(Element node, Map map, java.util.Map classes,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
bindCollectionSecondPass( node, map, classes, mappings, inheritedMetas );
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element subnode = (Element);
String name = subnode.getName();
if ( "index".equals( name ) || "map-key".equals( name ) ) {
SimpleValue value = new SimpleValue( mappings, map.getCollectionTable() );
if ( !value.isTypeSpecified() ) {
throw new MappingException( "map index element must specify a type: "
+ map.getRole() );
map.setIndex( value );
map.setIndexNodeName( subnode.attributeValue("node") );
else if ( "index-many-to-many".equals( name ) || "map-key-many-to-many".equals( name ) ) {
ManyToOne mto = new ManyToOne( mappings, map.getCollectionTable() );
map.setIndex( mto );
else if ( "composite-index".equals( name ) || "composite-map-key".equals( name ) ) {
Component component = new Component( mappings, map );
map.getRole() + ".index",
map.setIndex( component );
else if ( "index-many-to-any".equals( name ) ) {
Any any = new Any( mappings, map.getCollectionTable() );
bindAny( subnode, any, map.isOneToMany(), mappings );
map.setIndex( any );
// TODO: this is a bit of copy/paste from IndexedCollection.createPrimaryKey()
boolean indexIsFormula = false;
Iterator colIter = map.getIndex().getColumnIterator();
while ( colIter.hasNext() ) {
if ( ( (Selectable) ).isFormula() ) indexIsFormula = true;
if ( map.isOneToMany() && !map.getKey().isNullable() && !map.isInverse() && !indexIsFormula ) {
String entityName = ( (OneToMany) map.getElement() ).getReferencedEntityName();
PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass( entityName );
IndexBackref ib = new IndexBackref();
ib.setName( '_' + map.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + node.attributeValue( "name" ) + "IndexBackref" );
ib.setUpdateable( false );
ib.setSelectable( false );
ib.setCollectionRole( map.getRole() );
ib.setEntityName( map.getOwner().getEntityName() );
ib.setValue( map.getIndex() );
// ( (Column) ( (SimpleValue) ic.getIndex() ).getColumnIterator().next()
// ).setNullable(false);
referenced.addProperty( ib );
* Called for all collections
public static void bindCollectionSecondPass(Element node, Collection collection,
java.util.Map persistentClasses, Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas)
throws MappingException {
if ( collection.isOneToMany() ) {
OneToMany oneToMany = (OneToMany) collection.getElement();
String assocClass = oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName();
PersistentClass persistentClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( assocClass );
if ( persistentClass == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Association references unmapped class: " + assocClass );
oneToMany.setAssociatedClass( persistentClass );
collection.setCollectionTable( persistentClass.getTable() );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) {
LOG.debugf( "Mapping collection: %s -> %s", collection.getRole(), collection.getCollectionTable().getName() );
Attribute chNode = node.attribute( "check" );
if ( chNode != null ) {
collection.getCollectionTable().addCheckConstraint( chNode.getValue() );
// contained elements:
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element subnode = (Element);
String name = subnode.getName();
if ( "key".equals( name ) ) {
KeyValue keyVal;
String propRef = collection.getReferencedPropertyName();
if ( propRef == null ) {
keyVal = collection.getOwner().getIdentifier();
else {
keyVal = (KeyValue) collection.getOwner().getRecursiveProperty( propRef ).getValue();
SimpleValue key = new DependantValue( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable(), keyVal );
key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( "cascade"
.equals( subnode.attributeValue( "on-delete" ) ) );
collection.setKey( key );
Attribute notNull = subnode.attribute( "not-null" );
( (DependantValue) key ).setNullable( notNull == null
|| notNull.getValue().equals( "false" ) );
Attribute updateable = subnode.attribute( "update" );
( (DependantValue) key ).setUpdateable( updateable == null
|| updateable.getValue().equals( "true" ) );
else if ( "element".equals( name ) ) {
SimpleValue elt = new SimpleValue( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable() );
collection.setElement( elt );
else if ( "many-to-many".equals( name ) ) {
ManyToOne element = new ManyToOne( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable() );
collection.setElement( element );
bindManyToManySubelements( collection, subnode, mappings );
else if ( "composite-element".equals( name ) ) {
Component element = new Component( mappings, collection );
collection.setElement( element );
collection.getRole() + ".element",
else if ( "many-to-any".equals( name ) ) {
Any element = new Any( mappings, collection.getCollectionTable() );
collection.setElement( element );
bindAny( subnode, element, true, mappings );
else if ( "cache".equals( name ) ) {
collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( subnode.attributeValue( "usage" ) );
collection.setCacheRegionName( subnode.attributeValue( "region" ) );
String nodeName = subnode.attributeValue( "node" );
if ( nodeName != null ) collection.setElementNodeName( nodeName );
if ( collection.isOneToMany()
&& !collection.isInverse()
&& !collection.getKey().isNullable() ) {
// for non-inverse one-to-many, with a not-null fk, add a backref!
String entityName = ( (OneToMany) collection.getElement() ).getReferencedEntityName();
PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass( entityName );
Backref prop = new Backref();
prop.setName( '_' + collection.getOwnerEntityName() + "." + node.attributeValue( "name" ) + "Backref" );
prop.setUpdateable( false );
prop.setSelectable( false );
prop.setCollectionRole( collection.getRole() );
prop.setEntityName( collection.getOwner().getEntityName() );
prop.setValue( collection.getKey() );
referenced.addProperty( prop );
private static void bindManyToManySubelements(
Collection collection,
Element manyToManyNode,
Mappings model) throws MappingException {
// Bind the where
Attribute where = manyToManyNode.attribute( "where" );
String whereCondition = where == null ? null : where.getValue();
collection.setManyToManyWhere( whereCondition );
// Bind the order-by
Attribute order = manyToManyNode.attribute( "order-by" );
String orderFragment = order == null ? null : order.getValue();
collection.setManyToManyOrdering( orderFragment );
// Bind the filters
Iterator filters = manyToManyNode.elementIterator( "filter" );
if ( ( filters.hasNext() || whereCondition != null ) &&
collection.getFetchMode() == FetchMode.JOIN &&
collection.getElement().getFetchMode() != FetchMode.JOIN ) {
throw new MappingException(
"many-to-many defining filter or where without join fetching " +
"not valid within collection using join fetching [" + collection.getRole() + "]"
final boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
while ( filters.hasNext() ) {
final Element filterElement = ( Element );
final String name = filterElement.attributeValue( "name" );
String condition = filterElement.getTextTrim();
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) condition = filterElement.attributeValue( "condition" );
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) {
condition = model.getFilterDefinition(name).getDefaultFilterCondition();
if ( condition==null) {
throw new MappingException("no filter condition found for filter: " + name);
Iterator aliasesIterator = filterElement.elementIterator("aliases");
java.util.Map aliasTables = new HashMap();
while (aliasesIterator.hasNext()){
Element alias = (Element);
aliasTables.put(alias.attributeValue("alias"), alias.attributeValue("table"));
if ( debugEnabled ) {
LOG.debugf( "Applying many-to-many filter [%s] as [%s] to role [%s]", name, condition, collection.getRole() );
String autoAliasInjectionText = filterElement.attributeValue("autoAliasInjection");
boolean autoAliasInjection = StringHelper.isEmpty(autoAliasInjectionText) ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(autoAliasInjectionText);
collection.addManyToManyFilter(name, condition, autoAliasInjection, aliasTables, null);
public static final FlushMode getFlushMode(String flushMode) {
if ( flushMode == null ) {
return null;
else if ( "auto".equals( flushMode ) ) {
return FlushMode.AUTO;
else if ( "commit".equals( flushMode ) ) {
return FlushMode.COMMIT;
else if ( "never".equals( flushMode ) ) {
return FlushMode.NEVER;
else if ( "manual".equals( flushMode ) ) {
return FlushMode.MANUAL;
else if ( "always".equals( flushMode ) ) {
return FlushMode.ALWAYS;
else {
throw new MappingException( "unknown flushmode" );
private static void bindNamedQuery(Element queryElem, String path, Mappings mappings) {
String queryName = queryElem.attributeValue( "name" );
if (path!=null) queryName = path + '.' + queryName;
String query = queryElem.getText();
LOG.debugf( "Named query: %s -> %s", queryName, query );
boolean cacheable = "true".equals( queryElem.attributeValue( "cacheable" ) );
String region = queryElem.attributeValue( "cache-region" );
Attribute tAtt = queryElem.attribute( "timeout" );
Integer timeout = tAtt == null ? null : Integer.valueOf( tAtt.getValue() );
Attribute fsAtt = queryElem.attribute( "fetch-size" );
Integer fetchSize = fsAtt == null ? null : Integer.valueOf( fsAtt.getValue() );
Attribute roAttr = queryElem.attribute( "read-only" );
boolean readOnly = roAttr != null && "true".equals( roAttr.getValue() );
Attribute cacheModeAtt = queryElem.attribute( "cache-mode" );
String cacheMode = cacheModeAtt == null ? null : cacheModeAtt.getValue();
Attribute cmAtt = queryElem.attribute( "comment" );
String comment = cmAtt == null ? null : cmAtt.getValue();
NamedQueryDefinition namedQuery = new NamedQueryDefinition(
getFlushMode( queryElem.attributeValue( "flush-mode" ) ) ,
getCacheMode( cacheMode ),
mappings.addQuery( namedQuery.getName(), namedQuery );
public static CacheMode getCacheMode(String cacheMode) {
if (cacheMode == null) return null;
if ( "get".equals( cacheMode ) ) return CacheMode.GET;
if ( "ignore".equals( cacheMode ) ) return CacheMode.IGNORE;
if ( "normal".equals( cacheMode ) ) return CacheMode.NORMAL;
if ( "put".equals( cacheMode ) ) return CacheMode.PUT;
if ( "refresh".equals( cacheMode ) ) return CacheMode.REFRESH;
throw new MappingException("Unknown Cache Mode: " + cacheMode);
public static java.util.Map getParameterTypes(Element queryElem) {
java.util.Map result = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
Iterator iter = queryElem.elementIterator("query-param");
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element element = (Element);
result.put( element.attributeValue("name"), element.attributeValue("type") );
return result;
private static void bindResultSetMappingDefinition(Element resultSetElem, String path, Mappings mappings) {
mappings.addSecondPass( new ResultSetMappingSecondPass( resultSetElem, path, mappings ) );
private static void bindNamedSQLQuery(Element queryElem, String path, Mappings mappings) {
mappings.addSecondPass( new NamedSQLQuerySecondPass( queryElem, path, mappings ) );
private static String getPropertyName(Element node) {
return node.attributeValue( "name" );
private static PersistentClass getSuperclass(Mappings mappings, Element subnode)
throws MappingException {
String extendsName = subnode.attributeValue( "extends" );
PersistentClass superModel = mappings.getClass( extendsName );
if ( superModel == null ) {
String qualifiedExtendsName = getClassName( extendsName, mappings );
superModel = mappings.getClass( qualifiedExtendsName );
if ( superModel == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Cannot extend unmapped class " + extendsName );
return superModel;
static class CollectionSecondPass extends org.hibernate.cfg.CollectionSecondPass {
Element node;
CollectionSecondPass(Element node, Mappings mappings, Collection collection, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
super(mappings, collection, inheritedMetas);
this.node = node;
public void secondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses, java.util.Map inheritedMetas)
throws MappingException {
static class IdentifierCollectionSecondPass extends CollectionSecondPass {
IdentifierCollectionSecondPass(Element node, Mappings mappings, Collection collection, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
super( node, mappings, collection, inheritedMetas );
public void secondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses, java.util.Map inheritedMetas)
throws MappingException {
(IdentifierCollection) collection,
static class MapSecondPass extends CollectionSecondPass {
MapSecondPass(Element node, Mappings mappings, Map collection, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
super( node, mappings, collection, inheritedMetas );
public void secondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses, java.util.Map inheritedMetas)
throws MappingException {
(Map) collection,
static class ManyToOneSecondPass implements SecondPass {
private final ManyToOne manyToOne;
ManyToOneSecondPass(ManyToOne manyToOne) {
this.manyToOne = manyToOne;
public void doSecondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses) throws MappingException {
static class ListSecondPass extends CollectionSecondPass {
ListSecondPass(Element node, Mappings mappings, List collection, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) {
super( node, mappings, collection, inheritedMetas );
public void secondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses, java.util.Map inheritedMetas)
throws MappingException {
(List) collection,
// This inner class implements a case statement....perhaps im being a bit over-clever here
abstract static class CollectionType {
private String xmlTag;
public abstract Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException;
CollectionType(String xmlTag) {
this.xmlTag = xmlTag;
public String toString() {
return xmlTag;
private static final CollectionType MAP = new CollectionType( "map" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Map map = new Map( mappings, owner );
bindCollection( node, map, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return map;
private static final CollectionType SET = new CollectionType( "set" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Set set = new Set( mappings, owner );
bindCollection( node, set, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return set;
private static final CollectionType LIST = new CollectionType( "list" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
List list = new List( mappings, owner );
bindCollection( node, list, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return list;
private static final CollectionType BAG = new CollectionType( "bag" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Bag bag = new Bag( mappings, owner );
bindCollection( node, bag, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return bag;
private static final CollectionType IDBAG = new CollectionType( "idbag" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
IdentifierBag bag = new IdentifierBag( mappings, owner );
bindCollection( node, bag, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return bag;
private static final CollectionType ARRAY = new CollectionType( "array" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
Array array = new Array( mappings, owner );
bindArray( node, array, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return array;
private static final CollectionType PRIMITIVE_ARRAY = new CollectionType( "primitive-array" ) {
public Collection create(Element node, String path, PersistentClass owner,
Mappings mappings, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
PrimitiveArray array = new PrimitiveArray( mappings, owner );
bindArray( node, array, owner.getEntityName(), path, mappings, inheritedMetas );
return array;
private static final HashMap INSTANCES = new HashMap();
static {
INSTANCES.put( MAP.toString(), MAP );
INSTANCES.put( BAG.toString(), BAG );
INSTANCES.put( IDBAG.toString(), IDBAG );
INSTANCES.put( SET.toString(), SET );
INSTANCES.put( LIST.toString(), LIST );
INSTANCES.put( ARRAY.toString(), ARRAY );
public static CollectionType collectionTypeFromString(String xmlTagName) {
return (CollectionType) INSTANCES.get( xmlTagName );
private static int getOptimisticLockMode(Attribute olAtt) throws MappingException {
if ( olAtt == null ) return Versioning.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_VERSION;
String olMode = olAtt.getValue();
if ( olMode == null || "version".equals( olMode ) ) {
else if ( "dirty".equals( olMode ) ) {
return Versioning.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_DIRTY;
else if ( "all".equals( olMode ) ) {
return Versioning.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_ALL;
else if ( "none".equals( olMode ) ) {
return Versioning.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_NONE;
else {
throw new MappingException( "Unsupported optimistic-lock style: " + olMode );
private static final java.util.Map getMetas(Element node, java.util.Map inheritedMeta) {
return getMetas( node, inheritedMeta, false );
public static final java.util.Map getMetas(Element node, java.util.Map inheritedMeta,
boolean onlyInheritable) {
java.util.Map map = new HashMap();
map.putAll( inheritedMeta );
Iterator iter = node.elementIterator( "meta" );
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Element metaNode = (Element);
boolean inheritable = Boolean
.valueOf( metaNode.attributeValue( "inherit" ) )
if ( onlyInheritable & !inheritable ) {
String name = metaNode.attributeValue( "attribute" );
MetaAttribute meta = (MetaAttribute) map.get( name );
MetaAttribute inheritedAttribute = (MetaAttribute) inheritedMeta.get( name );
if ( meta == null ) {
meta = new MetaAttribute( name );
map.put( name, meta );
} else if (meta == inheritedAttribute) { // overriding inherited meta attribute. HBX-621 & HBX-793
meta = new MetaAttribute( name );
map.put( name, meta );
meta.addValue( metaNode.getText() );
return map;
public static String getEntityName(Element elem, Mappings model) {
String entityName = elem.attributeValue( "entity-name" );
return entityName == null ? getClassName( elem.attribute( "class" ), model ) : entityName;
private static String getClassName(Attribute att, Mappings model) {
if ( att == null ) return null;
return getClassName( att.getValue(), model );
public static String getClassName(String unqualifiedName, Mappings model) {
return getClassName( unqualifiedName, model.getDefaultPackage() );
public static String getClassName(String unqualifiedName, String defaultPackage) {
if ( unqualifiedName == null ) return null;
if ( unqualifiedName.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && defaultPackage != null ) {
return defaultPackage + '.' + unqualifiedName;
return unqualifiedName;
private static void parseFilterDef(Element element, Mappings mappings) {
String name = element.attributeValue( "name" );
LOG.debugf( "Parsing filter-def [%s]", name );
String defaultCondition = element.getTextTrim();
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( defaultCondition ) ) {
defaultCondition = element.attributeValue( "condition" );
HashMap paramMappings = new HashMap();
Iterator params = element.elementIterator( "filter-param" );
while ( params.hasNext() ) {
final Element param = (Element);
final String paramName = param.attributeValue( "name" );
final String paramType = param.attributeValue( "type" );
LOG.debugf( "Adding filter parameter : %s -> %s", paramName, paramType );
final Type heuristicType = mappings.getTypeResolver().heuristicType( paramType );
LOG.debugf( "Parameter heuristic type : %s", heuristicType );
paramMappings.put( paramName, heuristicType );
LOG.debugf( "Parsed filter-def [%s]", name );
FilterDefinition def = new FilterDefinition( name, defaultCondition, paramMappings );
mappings.addFilterDefinition( def );
private static void parseFilter(Element filterElement, Filterable filterable, Mappings model) {
final String name = filterElement.attributeValue( "name" );
String condition = filterElement.getTextTrim();
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) {
condition = filterElement.attributeValue( "condition" );
//TODO: bad implementation, cos it depends upon ordering of mapping doc
// fixing this requires that Collection/PersistentClass gain access
// to the Mappings reference from Configuration (or the filterDefinitions
// map directly) sometime during Configuration.buildSessionFactory
// (after all the types/filter-defs are known and before building
// persisters).
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) {
condition = model.getFilterDefinition(name).getDefaultFilterCondition();
if ( condition==null) {
throw new MappingException("no filter condition found for filter: " + name);
Iterator aliasesIterator = filterElement.elementIterator("aliases");
java.util.Map aliasTables = new HashMap();
while (aliasesIterator.hasNext()){
Element alias = (Element);
aliasTables.put(alias.attributeValue("alias"), alias.attributeValue("table"));
LOG.debugf( "Applying filter [%s] as [%s]", name, condition );
String autoAliasInjectionText = filterElement.attributeValue("autoAliasInjection");
boolean autoAliasInjection = StringHelper.isEmpty(autoAliasInjectionText) ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(autoAliasInjectionText);
filterable.addFilter(name, condition, autoAliasInjection, aliasTables, null);
private static void parseFetchProfile(Element element, Mappings mappings, String containingEntityName) {
String profileName = element.attributeValue( "name" );
FetchProfile profile = mappings.findOrCreateFetchProfile( profileName, MetadataSource.HBM );
Iterator itr = element.elementIterator( "fetch" );
while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
final Element fetchElement = ( Element );
final String association = fetchElement.attributeValue( "association" );
final String style = fetchElement.attributeValue( "style" );
String entityName = fetchElement.attributeValue( "entity" );
if ( entityName == null ) {
entityName = containingEntityName;
if ( entityName == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "could not determine entity for fetch-profile fetch [" + profileName + "]:[" + association + "]" );
profile.addFetch( entityName, association, style );
private static String getSubselect(Element element) {
String subselect = element.attributeValue( "subselect" );
if ( subselect != null ) {
return subselect;
else {
Element subselectElement = element.element( "subselect" );
return subselectElement == null ? null : subselectElement.getText();
* For the given document, locate all extends attributes which refer to
* entities (entity-name or class-name) not defined within said document.
* @param metadataXml The document to check
* @param mappings The already processed mappings.
* @return The list of unresolved extends names.
public static java.util.List getExtendsNeeded(XmlDocument metadataXml, Mappings mappings) {
java.util.List extendz = new ArrayList();
Iterator[] subclasses = new Iterator[3];
final Element hmNode = metadataXml.getDocumentTree().getRootElement();
Attribute packNode = hmNode.attribute( "package" );
final String packageName = packNode == null ? null : packNode.getValue();
if ( packageName != null ) {
mappings.setDefaultPackage( packageName );
// first, iterate over all elements capable of defining an extends attribute
// collecting all found extends references if they cannot be resolved
// against the already processed mappings.
subclasses[0] = hmNode.elementIterator( "subclass" );
subclasses[1] = hmNode.elementIterator( "joined-subclass" );
subclasses[2] = hmNode.elementIterator( "union-subclass" );
Iterator iterator = new JoinedIterator( subclasses );
while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
final Element element = (Element);
final String extendsName = element.attributeValue( "extends" );
// mappings might contain either the "raw" extends name (in the case of
// an entity-name mapping) or a FQN (in the case of a POJO mapping).
if ( mappings.getClass( extendsName ) == null && mappings.getClass( getClassName( extendsName, mappings ) ) == null ) {
extendz.add( extendsName );
if ( !extendz.isEmpty() ) {
// we found some extends attributes referencing entities which were
// not already processed. here we need to locate all entity-names
// and class-names contained in this document itself, making sure
// that these get removed from the extendz list such that only
// extends names which require us to delay processing (i.e.
// external to this document and not yet processed) are contained
// in the returned result
final java.util.Set set = new HashSet( extendz );
EntityElementHandler handler = new EntityElementHandler() {
public void handleEntity(String entityName, String className, Mappings mappings) {
if ( entityName != null ) {
set.remove( entityName );
else {
String fqn = getClassName( className, packageName );
set.remove( fqn );
if ( packageName != null ) {
set.remove( StringHelper.unqualify( fqn ) );
recognizeEntities( mappings, hmNode, handler );
extendz.addAll( set );
return extendz;
* Given an entity-containing-element (startNode) recursively locate all
* entity names defined within that element.
* @param mappings The already processed mappings
* @param startNode The containing element
* @param handler The thing that knows what to do whenever we recognize an
* entity-name
private static void recognizeEntities(
Mappings mappings,
final Element startNode,
EntityElementHandler handler) {
Iterator[] classes = new Iterator[4];
classes[0] = startNode.elementIterator( "class" );
classes[1] = startNode.elementIterator( "subclass" );
classes[2] = startNode.elementIterator( "joined-subclass" );
classes[3] = startNode.elementIterator( "union-subclass" );
Iterator classIterator = new JoinedIterator( classes );
while ( classIterator.hasNext() ) {
Element element = (Element);
element.attributeValue( "entity-name" ),
element.attributeValue( "name" ),
recognizeEntities( mappings, element, handler );
private static interface EntityElementHandler {
public void handleEntity(String entityName, String className, Mappings mappings);
private static class ResolveUserTypeMappingSecondPass implements SecondPass{
private SimpleValue simpleValue;
private String typeName;
private Mappings mappings;
private Properties parameters;
public ResolveUserTypeMappingSecondPass(SimpleValue simpleValue,
String typeName, Mappings mappings, Properties parameters) {
public void doSecondPass(java.util.Map persistentClasses)
throws MappingException {
resolveAndBindTypeDef(simpleValue, mappings, typeName, parameters);
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