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package play.modules.facebook;
import com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient;
import com.restfb.FacebookClient;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException;
import play.libs.WS;
import play.libs.WS.HttpResponse;
import play.Logger;
import play.mvc.Http.Cookie;
import play.mvc.Http.Request;
import play.Play;
* FbGraph provides simple access to the Facebook Graph API.
* @author Eric Jacob
publicfinalstatic String FB_GRAPH_URL = "";
publicfinalstatic String FB_GRAPH_TOKEN = "FbGraph.token";
privatestatic String appId;
privatestatic String appSecret;
if (!Play.configuration.containsKey("fbg.appId")) {
thrownew UnexpectedException("Module FbGraph requires that you specify fbg.appId in your application.conf");
if (!Play.configuration.containsKey("fbg.appSecret")) {
thrownew UnexpectedException("Module FbGraph requires that you specify fbg.appSecret in your application.conf");
appId = Play.configuration.getProperty("fbg.appId");
appSecret = Play.configuration.getProperty("fbg.appSecret");
* Returns the Id associated to this application.
* @return the application Id
*/publicstatic String getAppId(){
return appId;
* Returns the Secret associated to this application.
* @return the application Secret
*/publicstatic String getAppSecret(){
return appSecret;
privatestatic MapparseStr(String str){
String[] pairs = str.split("&");
Map map = new HashMap();
for (String pair : pairs) {
String[] kv = pair.split("=");
map.put(kv[0], kv[1]);
return map;
* Constructs and returns the name of the cookie that potentially houses the
* signed request for the app user. The cookie is not set by the FbGraph
* class, but it may be set by the JavaScript SDK.
* @return the name of the cookie that would house the signed request
*/protectedstatic String getSignedRequestCookieName(){
return"fbsr_" + getAppId();
* Retrieve the signed request, either from a request parameter or,
* if not present, from a cookie.
* @return the signed request if available
* or null otherwise
*/publicstatic SignedRequest getSignedRequest(){
SignedRequest signedReq = null;
String signedReqParam = Request.current().params.get("signed_request");
if (signedReqParam != null) {
signedReq = new SignedRequest(signedReqParam);
} else {
Cookie fbCookie = Request.current().cookies.get(getSignedRequestCookieName());
if (fbCookie != null) {
signedReq = new SignedRequest(fbCookie.value);
return signedReq;
* Returns the data stored in the signed request.
* @return the data stored in the signed request
* or null otherwise
*/publicstatic JsonObject getFacebookData(){
SignedRequest signedReq = getSignedRequest();
if (signedReq != null && signedReq.verify(getAppSecret())) {
return signedReq.getData();
} else {
Logger.error("Signed request not present or invalid");
* Returns the user access token associated with this application.
* @return the user access token
* or null otherwise
*/publicstatic String getAccessToken(){
String accessToken = null;
Request req = Request.current();
if (req.args.containsKey(FB_GRAPH_TOKEN)) {
accessToken = (String) Request.current().args.get(FB_GRAPH_TOKEN);
} else {
JsonObject fbData = getFacebookData();
if (fbData != null && fbData.has("code")) {
HttpResponse res = WS.url(FB_GRAPH_URL + "oauth/access_token?"
+ "client_id=" + getAppId()
+ "&client_secret=" + getAppSecret()
+ "&redirect_uri="
+ "&code=" + fbData.get("code").getAsString()).get();
Map parts = parseStr(res.getString());
if (parts.containsKey("access_token")) {
accessToken = parts.get("access_token");
req.args.put(FB_GRAPH_TOKEN, accessToken);
Logger.debug("Access token: %s", accessToken);
return accessToken;
* Destroy the current session.
Request req = Request.current();
if (req.args.containsKey(FB_GRAPH_TOKEN)) {
if (req.cookies.containsKey(getSignedRequestCookieName())) {
}"Session destroyed");
* Executes a GET or POST request to the Graph API.
* @param path - the URL path
* @param method - the HTTP method (optional, default "GET")
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the HTTP response
*/privatestatic HttpResponse makeRequest(String path, String method, Map params){
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();
if (path.startsWith("/")) {
path = path.substring(1);
StringBuilder queryStr = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry param : params.entrySet()) {
if (queryStr.length() > 0) {
if (method != null && method.toUpperCase().equals("POST")) {"Making a POST request to URL %s with body set to %s", url.toString(), queryStr.toString());
return WS.url(url.toString()).body(queryStr.toString()).mimeType("multipart/form-data").post();
} else {
url.append(queryStr.toString());"Making a GET request to URL %s", url.toString());
return WS.url(url.toString()).get();
* Performs an authorized request to the Graph API.
* @param path - the URL path
* @param method - the HTTP method (optional, default "GET")
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the HTTP response
*/privatestatic HttpResponse oauthRequest(String path, String method, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
if (params == null) {
params = new HashMap();
String accessToken = null;
if (params.containsKey("access_token")) {
accessToken = params.get("access_token");
} else {
accessToken = getAccessToken();
params.put("access_token", accessToken);
if (accessToken == null) {
thrownew FbGraphException("No valid access token");
return makeRequest(path, method, params);
* Executes an API call to the Graph API.
* @param path - the URL path, e.g. "me/friends"
* @param method - the HTTP method (optional, default "GET")
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonElement api(String path, String method, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
HttpResponse res = oauthRequest(path, method, params);
if (res == null) {
thrownew UnexpectedException("Module FbGraph got an unexpected response from facebook");
if (res.getStatus() != 200) {
thrownew FbGraphException("HttpResponse", Integer.toString(res.getStatus()), res.getString());
JsonElement json = res.getJson();
if (json.isJsonObject()) {
JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) json;
if (jsonObject.get("error") != null) {
thrownew FbGraphException(jsonObject);
return json;
* Executes an API call to the Graph API.
* @param path - the URL path, e.g. "me/friends"
* @param method - the HTTP method (optional, default "GET")
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonElement api(String path, String method)throws FbGraphException {
return api(path, method, new HashMap());
* Executes an API call to the Graph API.
* @param path - the URL path, e.g. "me/friends"
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonElement api(String path, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return api(path, "GET", params);
* Executes an API call to the Graph API.
* @param path - the URL path, e.g. "me/friends"
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonElement api(String path)throws FbGraphException {
return api(path, "GET", new HashMap());
* Fetches a single object to the Graph API.
* @param objId - the ID of the object, e.g. "me"
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonObject getObject(String objId, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return api(objId, params).getAsJsonObject();
* Fetches a single Graph API object.
* @param objId - the ID of the object, e.g. "me"
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonObject getObject(String objId)throws FbGraphException {
return getObject(objId, new HashMap());
* Fetches a single object to the Graph API.
* @param objId - the ID of the object, e.g. "me"
* @param clazz - the object type
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic T getObject(String objId, Class clazz, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return JsonUtil.toJavaObject(getObject(objId, params), clazz);
* Fetches a single Graph API object.
* @param objId - the ID of the object, e.g. "me"
* @param clazz - the object type
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic T getObject(String objId, Class clazz)throws FbGraphException {
return getObject(objId, clazz, new HashMap());
* Fetches multiple Graph API objects.
* @param ids - the IDs of the objects
* @return the response objects
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonObject getObjects(Map ids)throws FbGraphException {
return getObject("", ids);
* Fetches a Graph API connection.
* @param conId - the ID/CONNECTION_TYPE string, e.g. "me/friends"
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonArray getConnection(String conId, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return api(conId, params).getAsJsonObject().get("data").getAsJsonArray();
* Fetches a Graph API connection.
* @param conId - the ID/CONNECTION_TYPE string, e.g. "me/friends"
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonArray getConnection(String conId)throws FbGraphException {
return getConnection(conId, new HashMap());
* Fetches a Graph API connection.
* @param conId - the ID/CONNECTION_TYPE string, e.g. "me/friends"
* @param clazz - the object type
* @param params - the parameters for the query (optional)
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic ListgetConnection(String conId, Class clazz, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return JsonUtil.toJavaObject(getConnection(conId, params), clazz);
* Fetches a Graph API connection.
* @param conId - the ID/CONNECTION_TYPE string, e.g. "me/friends"
* @param clazz - the object type
* @return the response object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic ListgetConnection(String conId, Class clazz)throws FbGraphException {
return getConnection(conId, clazz, new HashMap());
* Returns a picture URL.
* @param picId - the ID of the picture
* @return the URL of the picture
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic String getPicture(String picId)throws FbGraphException {
SignedRequest signedReq = getSignedRequest();
if (signedReq == null || !signedReq.verify(getAppSecret())) {
thrownew FbGraphException("No Facebook session associated with the user");
return FB_GRAPH_URL + picId + "/picture?access_token=" + WS.encode(getAccessToken());
* Returns a picture URL.
* @param picId - the ID of the picture
* @param picType - the size of the picture
* @return the URL of the picture
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic String getPicture(String picId, String picType)throws FbGraphException {
return getPicture(picId) + "&type=" + picType;
* Performs a Graph API publish operation.
* @param path - the URL path
* @param params - the parameters of the post
* @return the published Facebook graph object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic JsonElement publish(String path, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return api(path, "POST", params);
* Performs a Graph API publish operation.
* @param path - the URL path
* @param params - the parameters of the post
* @param clazz - the object type
* @return the published Facebook graph object
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic T publish(String path, Class clazz, Map params)throws FbGraphException {
return JsonUtil.toJavaObject(publish(path, params).toString(), clazz);
* Performs a Graph API delete operation.
* @param objId - the ID of the object
* @return true if successful, false otherwise
* @throws FbGraphException
*/publicstatic Boolean delete(String objId)throws FbGraphException {
return api(objId, "POST", Parameter.with("method", "delete").parameters()).getAsBoolean();
* Returns a RestFB Facebook client.
* @return the Facebook client
*/publicstatic FacebookClient getFacebookClient(){
return getFacebookClient(getAccessToken());
* Returns a RestFB Facebook client.
* @param accessToken - the user access token
* @return the Facebook client
*/publicstatic FacebookClient getFacebookClient(String accessToken){
returnnew DefaultFacebookClient(accessToken);