play.test.PlayJUnitRunner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package play.test;
import java.io.File;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.junit.rules.MethodRule;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.Runner;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;
import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
import org.junit.runners.model.TestClass;
import play.Invoker;
import play.Invoker.DirectInvocation;
import play.Play;
public class PlayJUnitRunner extends Runner implements Filterable {
public static final String invocationType = "JUnitTest";
public static boolean useCustomRunner = false;
// *******************
JUnit4 jUnit4;
public PlayJUnitRunner(Class testClass) throws ClassNotFoundException, InitializationError {
synchronized (Play.class) {
if (!Play.started) {
Play.init(new File("."), PlayJUnitRunner.getPlayId());
// Assure that Play is not start (start can be called in the Play.init method)
if (!Play.started) {
useCustomRunner = true;
Class> classToRun = Play.classloader.loadApplicationClass(testClass.getName());
jUnit4 = new JUnit4(classToRun);
private static String getPlayId() {
String playId = System.getProperty("play.id", "test");
if(! (playId.startsWith("test-") && playId.length() >= 6)) {
playId = "test";
return playId;
public Description getDescription() {
return jUnit4.getDescription();
private void initTest() {
TestClass testClass = jUnit4.getTestClass();
if(testClass != null){
public void run(final RunNotifier notifier) {
public void filter(Filter toFilter) throws NoTestsRemainException {
// *********************
public enum StartPlay implements MethodRule {
public Statement apply(final Statement base, FrameworkMethod method, Object target) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
if (!Play.started) {
Play.forceProd = true;
Play.init(new File("."), PlayJUnitRunner.getPlayId());
try {
Invoker.invokeInThread(new DirectInvocation() {
public void execute() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public Invoker.InvocationContext getInvocationContext() {
return new Invoker.InvocationContext(invocationType);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e);
public Statement apply(final Statement base, FrameworkMethod method, Object target) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
public static StartPlay rule() {
return PlayJUnitRunner.useCustomRunner ? INVOKE_THE_TEST_IN_PLAY_CONTEXT : JUST_RUN_THE_TEST;
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