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 * Copyright 2010-2013 Grzegorz Slowikowski
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.AndArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;

import org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.PatternExcludesArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.PatternIncludesArtifactFilter;

import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyTreeBuilderException;

import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.manager.NoSuchArchiverException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.war.WarArchiver;

 * Base class for Play! war packaging mojos.
 * @author Grzegorz Slowikowski
public abstract class AbstractPlayWarMojo
    extends AbstractArchivingMojo

     * Play! id (profile) used for WAR packaging.
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warId", defaultValue = "war" )
    private String playWarId;

     * Application resources include filter
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warApplicationIncludes", defaultValue = "app/**,conf/**,precompiled/**,public/**,tags/**,test/**" )
    private String warApplicationIncludes;

     * Application resources exclude filter.
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warApplicationExcludes", defaultValue = "war/**" )
    private String warApplicationExcludes;

     * Single directory for extra files to include in the WAR.
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warWebappDirectory", defaultValue = "${basedir}/war", required = true )
    private File warWebappDirectory;

     * Dependency include filter.
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warDependencyIncludes", defaultValue = "" )
    private String warDependencyIncludes;

     * Dependency exclude filter.
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warDependencyExcludes", defaultValue = "" )
    private String warDependencyExcludes;

     * Conf classpath resources include filter
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warConfResourcesIncludes", defaultValue = "" )
    private String warConfResourcesIncludes;

     * Conf classpath resources exclude filter.
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warConfResourcesExcludes", defaultValue = "" )
    private String warConfResourcesExcludes;

     * Replace %APPLICATION_NAME% and %PLAY_ID% in "WEB-INF/web.xml" file
     * with application name ("" property in "conf/application.conf" file)
     * and Play! war profile name ("playWarId" plugin configuration property value).
     * @since 1.0.0
    @Parameter( property = "play.warFilterWebXml", defaultValue = "true" )
    private boolean warFilterWebXml;

    protected void checkIfPrecompiled() throws IOException, MojoExecutionException
        File baseDir = project.getBasedir();

        File precompiledDir = new File( baseDir, "precompiled" );
        if ( !precompiledDir.exists() )
            throw new MojoExecutionException(
                                              String.format( "\"precompiled\" directory %s does not exist. Run \"mvn play:precompile\" first.",
                                                             precompiledDir.getCanonicalPath() ) );
        if ( !precompiledDir.isDirectory() )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( String.format( "\"precompiled\" directory %s is not a directory",
                                                             precompiledDir.getCanonicalPath() ) );
    protected WarArchiver prepareArchiver( ConfigurationParser configParser, boolean addWarDirectory )
        throws DependencyTreeBuilderException, IOException, MojoExecutionException, NoSuchArchiverException
        WarArchiver warArchiver = getWarArchiver();

        File playHome = getPlayHome();

        File baseDir = project.getBasedir();
        File buildDirectory = new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory() );

        Set providedModuleNames = getProvidedModuleNames( configParser, playWarId, true );

        // APPLICATION
        getLog().debug( "War application includes: " + warApplicationIncludes );
        getLog().debug( "War application excludes: " + warApplicationExcludes );
        String[] applicationIncludes = null;
        if ( warApplicationIncludes != null )
            applicationIncludes = warApplicationIncludes.split( "," );
        // TODO-don't add "test/**" if profile is not test profile
        String[] applicationExcludes = null;
        if ( warApplicationExcludes != null )
            applicationExcludes = warApplicationExcludes.split( "," );
        warArchiver.addDirectory( baseDir, "WEB-INF/application/", applicationIncludes, applicationExcludes );

        getLog().debug( "War conf classpath resources includes: " + warConfResourcesIncludes );
        getLog().debug( "War conf classpath resources excludes: " + warConfResourcesExcludes );
        String[] confResourcesIncludes = null;
        if ( warConfResourcesIncludes != null && warConfResourcesIncludes.length() > 0 )
            confResourcesIncludes = warConfResourcesIncludes.split( "," );
        String[] confResourcesExcludes = null;
        if ( warConfResourcesExcludes != null && warConfResourcesExcludes.length() > 0 )
            confResourcesExcludes = warConfResourcesExcludes.split( "," );
        warArchiver.addClasses( new File( baseDir, "conf" ), confResourcesIncludes, confResourcesExcludes );

        File webXmlFile = new File( warWebappDirectory, "WEB-INF/web.xml" );
        if ( !webXmlFile.isFile() )
            webXmlFile = new File( playHome, "resources/war/web.xml" );
        if ( warFilterWebXml )
            File tmpDirectory = new File( buildDirectory, "play/tmp" );
            webXmlFile = filterWebXml( webXmlFile, tmpDirectory, configParser.getApplicationName(), playWarId );
        warArchiver.setWebxml( webXmlFile );

        // preparation
        Set projectArtifacts = project.getArtifacts();

        Set excludedArtifacts = new HashSet();
        Artifact playSeleniumJunit4Artifact =
            getDependencyArtifact( projectArtifacts, "", "play-selenium-junit4",
                                   "jar" );
        if ( playSeleniumJunit4Artifact != null )
            excludedArtifacts.addAll( getDependencyArtifacts( projectArtifacts, playSeleniumJunit4Artifact ) );

        AndArtifactFilter dependencyFilter = new AndArtifactFilter();
        if ( warDependencyIncludes != null && warDependencyIncludes.length() > 0 )
            List incl = Arrays.asList( warDependencyIncludes.split( "," ) ); 
            PatternIncludesArtifactFilter includeFilter =
                new PatternIncludesArtifactFilter( incl, true/* actTransitively */ );

            dependencyFilter.add( includeFilter );
        if ( warDependencyExcludes != null && warDependencyExcludes.length() > 0 )
            List excl = Arrays.asList( warDependencyExcludes.split( "," ) ); 
            PatternExcludesArtifactFilter excludeFilter =
                new PatternExcludesArtifactFilter( excl, true/* actTransitively */ );

            dependencyFilter.add( excludeFilter );

        Set filteredArtifacts = new HashSet();
        for ( Iterator iter = projectArtifacts.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
            Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
            if ( artifact.getArtifactHandler().isAddedToClasspath() && !excludedArtifacts.contains( artifact ) )
                // TODO-add checkPotentialReactorProblem( artifact );
                if ( dependencyFilter.include( artifact ) )
                    filteredArtifacts.add( artifact );
                    getLog().debug( artifact.toString() + " excluded" );

        // framework
        Artifact frameworkZipArtifact = findFrameworkArtifact( true );
        // TODO-validate not null
        File frameworkZipFile = frameworkZipArtifact.getFile();
        warArchiver.addArchivedFileSet( frameworkZipFile, "WEB-INF/",
                                        "framework/templates/**,resources/messages".split( "," ), null );
        Artifact frameworkJarArtifact =
            getDependencyArtifact( filteredArtifacts, frameworkZipArtifact.getGroupId(),
                                   frameworkZipArtifact.getArtifactId(), "jar" );
        // TODO-validate not null
        Set dependencySubtree = getFrameworkDependencyArtifacts( filteredArtifacts, frameworkJarArtifact );
        for ( Artifact classPathArtifact : dependencySubtree )
            File jarFile = classPathArtifact.getFile();
            warArchiver.addLib( jarFile );
            filteredArtifacts.remove( classPathArtifact );

        // modules
        Set notActiveProvidedModules = new HashSet();
        Map moduleArtifacts = findAllModuleArtifacts( false );
        for ( Map.Entry moduleArtifactEntry : moduleArtifacts.entrySet() )
            String moduleName = moduleArtifactEntry.getKey();
            Artifact moduleZipArtifact = moduleArtifactEntry.getValue();

            File moduleZipFile = moduleZipArtifact.getFile();
            String moduleSubDir =
                String.format( "WEB-INF/application/modules/%s-%s/", moduleName, moduleZipArtifact.getBaseVersion() );
            if ( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals( moduleZipArtifact.getScope() ) )
                if ( providedModuleNames.contains( moduleName ) )
                    moduleSubDir =
                        String.format( "WEB-INF/modules/%s-%s/", moduleName, moduleZipArtifact.getBaseVersion() );
                    if ( isFrameworkEmbeddedModule( moduleName ) )
                        moduleSubDir = String.format( "WEB-INF/modules/%s/", moduleName );
                    warArchiver.addArchivedFileSet( moduleZipFile, moduleSubDir );
                    dependencySubtree = getModuleDependencyArtifacts( filteredArtifacts, moduleZipArtifact );
                    for ( Artifact classPathArtifact : dependencySubtree )
                        File jarFile = classPathArtifact.getFile();
                        warArchiver.addLib( jarFile );
                        filteredArtifacts.remove( classPathArtifact );
                    // Scala hack - NOT NEEDED, war works without it (maybe bacause precompiled == true)
                    //if ( "scala".equals( moduleName ) )
                    //    ...
                    notActiveProvidedModules.add( moduleZipArtifact );
                warArchiver.addArchivedFileSet( moduleZipFile, moduleSubDir );
                dependencySubtree = getModuleDependencyArtifacts( filteredArtifacts, moduleZipArtifact );
                for ( Artifact classPathArtifact : dependencySubtree )
                    File jarFile = classPathArtifact.getFile();
                    warArchiver.addLib( jarFile );
                    filteredArtifacts.remove( classPathArtifact );

        for ( Artifact moduleZipArtifact : notActiveProvidedModules )
            dependencySubtree = getModuleDependencyArtifacts( filteredArtifacts, moduleZipArtifact );
            filteredArtifacts.removeAll( dependencySubtree );

        // lib
        for ( Iterator iter = filteredArtifacts.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
            Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
            // TODO-exclude test-scoped dependencies?
            File jarFile = artifact.getFile();
            warArchiver.addLib( jarFile );

        if ( addWarDirectory )
            if ( warWebappDirectory.isDirectory() )
                String[] webappIncludes = null;
                if ( getWebappIncludes() != null )
                    webappIncludes = getWebappIncludes().split( "," );
                String[] webappExcludes = null;
                if ( getWebappExcludes() != null )
                    webappExcludes = getWebappExcludes().split( "," );
                warArchiver.addDirectory( warWebappDirectory, webappIncludes, webappExcludes );

        checkArchiverForProblems( warArchiver );
        return warArchiver;

    protected String getWebappIncludes()
        return null;

    protected String getWebappExcludes()
        return null;

    protected ConfigurationParser getConfiguration() throws IOException
        return getConfiguration( playWarId );

    protected File getWebappDirectory()
        return warWebappDirectory;

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