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import static;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.util.Optional;

final class JwtFormat {

  static class Parts {

    String unsignedCompact;
    byte[] signatureOrMac;
    String header;
    String payload;

        String unsignedCompact, byte[] signatureOrMac, String header, String payload) {
      this.unsignedCompact = unsignedCompact;
      this.signatureOrMac = signatureOrMac;
      this.header = header;
      this.payload = payload;

  private JwtFormat() {}

  static boolean isValidUrlsafeBase64Char(char c) {
    return (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))
        || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'))
        || ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
        || ((c == '-') || (c == '_')));

  // We need this validation, since String(data, UTF_8) ignores invalid characters.
  static void validateUtf8(byte[] data) throws JwtInvalidException {
    CharsetDecoder decoder = UTF_8.newDecoder();
    try {
    } catch (CharacterCodingException ex) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException(ex.getMessage());

  static byte[] strictUrlSafeDecode(String encodedData) throws JwtInvalidException {
    for (int i = 0; i < encodedData.length(); i++) {
      char c = encodedData.charAt(i);
      if (!isValidUrlsafeBase64Char(c)) {
        throw new JwtInvalidException("invalid encoding");
    try {
      return Base64.urlSafeDecode(encodedData);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException("invalid encoding: " + ex);

  private static void validateAlgorithm(String algo) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
    switch (algo) {
      case "HS256":
      case "HS384":
      case "HS512":
      case "ES256":
      case "ES384":
      case "ES512":
      case "RS256":
      case "RS384":
      case "RS512":
      case "PS256":
      case "PS384":
      case "PS512":
        throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("invalid algorithm: " + algo);

  static String createHeader(String algorithm, Optional typeHeader, Optional kid)
      throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
    JsonObject header = new JsonObject();
    if (kid.isPresent()) {
      header.addProperty(JwtNames.HEADER_KEY_ID, kid.get());
    header.addProperty(JwtNames.HEADER_ALGORITHM, algorithm);
    if (typeHeader.isPresent()) {
      header.addProperty(JwtNames.HEADER_TYPE, typeHeader.get());
    return Base64.urlSafeEncode(header.toString().getBytes(UTF_8));

  private static void validateKidInHeader(String expectedKid, JsonObject parsedHeader)
      throws JwtInvalidException {
    String kid = getStringHeader(parsedHeader, JwtNames.HEADER_KEY_ID);
    if (!kid.equals(expectedKid)) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException("invalid kid in header");

   * Validates the parsed header.
   * tinkKid should only be set for keys with output prefix type TINK. customKid should only
   * be set for keys with output prefix type RAW. They should not be set at the same time.
  static void validateHeader(
      String expectedAlgorithm,
      Optional tinkKid,
      Optional customKid,
      JsonObject parsedHeader)
      throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, JwtInvalidException {
    String algorithm = getStringHeader(parsedHeader, JwtNames.HEADER_ALGORITHM);
    if (!algorithm.equals(expectedAlgorithm)) {
      throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(
              "invalid algorithm; expected %s, got %s", expectedAlgorithm, algorithm));
    if (parsedHeader.has(JwtNames.HEADER_CRITICAL)) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException("all tokens with crit headers are rejected");
    if (tinkKid.isPresent() && customKid.isPresent()) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException("custom_kid can only be set for RAW keys.");
    boolean headerHasKid = parsedHeader.has(JwtNames.HEADER_KEY_ID);
    if (tinkKid.isPresent()) {
      if (!headerHasKid) {
        // for output prefix type TINK, the kid header is required.
        throw new JwtInvalidException("missing kid in header");
      validateKidInHeader(tinkKid.get(), parsedHeader);
    if (customKid.isPresent() && headerHasKid) {
      // for output prefix type RAW, the kid header is not required, even if custom kid is set.
      validateKidInHeader(customKid.get(), parsedHeader);
    // Ignore all other headers

  static Optional getTypeHeader(JsonObject header) throws JwtInvalidException {
    if (header.has(JwtNames.HEADER_TYPE)) {
      return Optional.of(getStringHeader(header, JwtNames.HEADER_TYPE));
    return Optional.empty();

  private static String getStringHeader(JsonObject header, String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
    if (!header.has(name)) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException("header " + name + " does not exist");
    if (!header.get(name).isJsonPrimitive() || !header.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
      throw new JwtInvalidException("header " + name + " is not a string");
    return header.get(name).getAsString();

  static String decodeHeader(String headerStr) throws JwtInvalidException {
    byte[] data = strictUrlSafeDecode(headerStr);
    return new String(data, UTF_8);

  static String encodePayload(String jsonPayload) {
    return Base64.urlSafeEncode(jsonPayload.getBytes(UTF_8));

  static String decodePayload(String payloadStr) throws JwtInvalidException {
    byte[] data = strictUrlSafeDecode(payloadStr);
    return new String(data, UTF_8);

  static String encodeSignature(byte[] signature) {
    return Base64.urlSafeEncode(signature);

  static byte[] decodeSignature(String signatureStr) throws JwtInvalidException {
    return strictUrlSafeDecode(signatureStr);

  static Optional getKid(int keyId, OutputPrefixType prefix) throws JwtInvalidException {
    if (prefix == OutputPrefixType.RAW) {
      return Optional.empty();
    if (prefix == OutputPrefixType.TINK) {
      byte[] bigEndianKeyId = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(keyId).array();
      return Optional.of(Base64.urlSafeEncode(bigEndianKeyId));
    throw new JwtInvalidException("unsupported output prefix type");

  static Optional getKeyId(String kid) {
    byte[] encodedKeyId = Base64.urlSafeDecode(kid);
    if (encodedKeyId.length != 4) {
      return Optional.empty();
    return Optional.of(ByteBuffer.wrap(encodedKeyId).getInt());

  static Parts splitSignedCompact(String signedCompact) throws JwtInvalidException {
      int sigPos = signedCompact.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (sigPos < 0) {
        throw new JwtInvalidException(
            "only tokens in JWS compact serialization format are supported");
      String unsignedCompact = signedCompact.substring(0, sigPos);
      String encodedMac = signedCompact.substring(sigPos + 1);
      byte[] mac = decodeSignature(encodedMac);
      int payloadPos = unsignedCompact.indexOf('.');
      if (payloadPos < 0) {
        throw new JwtInvalidException(
            "only tokens in JWS compact serialization format are supported");
      String encodedHeader = unsignedCompact.substring(0, payloadPos);
      String encodedPayload = unsignedCompact.substring(payloadPos + 1);
      if (encodedPayload.indexOf('.') > 0) {
        throw new JwtInvalidException(
            "only tokens in JWS compact serialization format are supported");
      String header = decodeHeader(encodedHeader);
      String payload = decodePayload(encodedPayload);
      return new Parts(unsignedCompact, mac, header, payload);

  static String createUnsignedCompact(String algorithm, Optional kid, RawJwt rawJwt)
      throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, JwtInvalidException {
    String jsonPayload = rawJwt.getJsonPayload();
    Optional typeHeader =
        rawJwt.hasTypeHeader() ? Optional.of(rawJwt.getTypeHeader()) : Optional.empty();
    return createHeader(algorithm, typeHeader, kid) + "." + encodePayload(jsonPayload);

  static String createSignedCompact(String unsignedCompact, byte[] signature) {
    return unsignedCompact + "." + encodeSignature(signature);

  static void validateASCII(String data) throws JwtInvalidException {
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
      char c = data.charAt(i);
      if ((c & 0x80) > 0) {
        throw new JwtInvalidException("Non ascii character");

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