dagger.internal.codegen.binding.MapKeys Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Dagger Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dagger.internal.codegen.binding;
import static com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors.getAnnotatedAnnotations;
import static com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors.getAnnotationValuesWithDefaults;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement;
import static com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec.methodBuilder;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.base.MapKeyAccessibility.isMapKeyPubliclyAccessible;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.binding.SourceFiles.elementBasedClassName;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PUBLIC;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.STATIC;
import static javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter.methodsIn;
import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements;
import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName;
import com.squareup.javapoet.CodeBlock;
import com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName;
import dagger.MapKey;
import dagger.internal.codegen.base.MapKeyAccessibility;
import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerElements;
import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerTypes;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
/** Methods for extracting {@link MapKey} annotations and key code blocks from binding elements. */
public final class MapKeys {
* If {@code bindingElement} is annotated with a {@link MapKey} annotation, returns it.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the element is annotated with more than one {@code MapKey}
* annotation
static Optional getMapKey(Element bindingElement) {
ImmutableSet extends AnnotationMirror> mapKeys = getMapKeys(bindingElement);
return mapKeys.isEmpty()
? Optional.empty()
: Optional.of(getOnlyElement(mapKeys));
/** Returns all of the {@link MapKey} annotations that annotate {@code bindingElement}. */
public static ImmutableSet extends AnnotationMirror> getMapKeys(Element bindingElement) {
return getAnnotatedAnnotations(bindingElement, MapKey.class);
* Returns the annotation value if {@code mapKey}'s type is annotated with
* {@link MapKey @MapKey(unwrapValue = true)}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mapKey}'s type is not annotated with
* {@link MapKey @MapKey} at all.
static Optional extends AnnotationValue> unwrapValue(AnnotationMirror mapKey) {
MapKey mapKeyAnnotation = mapKey.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotation(MapKey.class);
mapKeyAnnotation != null, "%s is not annotated with @MapKey", mapKey.getAnnotationType());
return mapKeyAnnotation.unwrapValue()
? Optional.of(getOnlyElement(getAnnotationValuesWithDefaults(mapKey).values()))
: Optional.empty();
static TypeMirror mapKeyType(AnnotationMirror mapKeyAnnotation, DaggerTypes types) {
return unwrapValue(mapKeyAnnotation).isPresent()
? getUnwrappedMapKeyType(mapKeyAnnotation.getAnnotationType(), types)
: mapKeyAnnotation.getAnnotationType();
* Returns the map key type for an unwrapped {@link MapKey} annotation type. If the single member
* type is primitive, returns the boxed type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code mapKeyAnnotationType} is not an annotation type or
* has more than one member, or if its single member is an array
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the annotation has no members
public static DeclaredType getUnwrappedMapKeyType(
final DeclaredType mapKeyAnnotationType, final DaggerTypes types) {
MoreTypes.asTypeElement(mapKeyAnnotationType).getKind() == ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE,
"%s is not an annotation type",
final ExecutableElement onlyElement =
SimpleTypeVisitor6 keyTypeElementVisitor =
new SimpleTypeVisitor6() {
public DeclaredType visitArray(ArrayType t, Void p) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
mapKeyAnnotationType + "." + onlyElement.getSimpleName() + " cannot be an array");
public DeclaredType visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) {
return MoreTypes.asDeclared(types.boxedClass(t).asType());
public DeclaredType visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) {
return t;
return keyTypeElementVisitor.visit(onlyElement.getReturnType());
* Returns a code block for {@code binding}'s {@link ContributionBinding#mapKeyAnnotation() map
* key}. If for whatever reason the map key is not accessible from within {@code requestingClass}
* (i.e. it has a package-private {@code enum} from a different package), this will return an
* invocation of a proxy-method giving it access.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code binding} is not a {@link dagger.multibindings.IntoMap
* map} contribution.
public static CodeBlock getMapKeyExpression(
ContributionBinding binding, ClassName requestingClass, DaggerElements elements) {
AnnotationMirror mapKeyAnnotation = binding.mapKeyAnnotation().get();
return MapKeyAccessibility.isMapKeyAccessibleFrom(
mapKeyAnnotation, requestingClass.packageName())
? directMapKeyExpression(mapKeyAnnotation, elements)
: CodeBlock.of("$T.create()", mapKeyProxyClassName(binding));
* Returns a code block for the map key annotation {@code mapKey}.
* This method assumes the map key will be accessible in the context that the returned {@link
* CodeBlock} is used. Use {@link #getMapKeyExpression(ContributionBinding, ClassName,
* DaggerElements)} when that assumption is not guaranteed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the element is annotated with more than one {@code MapKey}
* annotation
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code bindingElement} is not annotated with a {@code MapKey}
* annotation
private static CodeBlock directMapKeyExpression(
AnnotationMirror mapKey, DaggerElements elements) {
Optional extends AnnotationValue> unwrappedValue = unwrapValue(mapKey);
AnnotationExpression annotationExpression = new AnnotationExpression(mapKey);
if (MoreTypes.asTypeElement(mapKey.getAnnotationType())
.contentEquals("dagger.android.AndroidInjectionKey")) {
TypeElement unwrappedType =
elements.checkTypePresent((String) unwrappedValue.get().getValue());
return CodeBlock.of(
ClassName.get("dagger.android.internal", "AndroidInjectionKeys"),
if (unwrappedValue.isPresent()) {
TypeMirror unwrappedValueType =
return annotationExpression.getValueExpression(unwrappedValueType, unwrappedValue.get());
} else {
return annotationExpression.getAnnotationInstanceExpression();
* Returns the {@link ClassName} in which {@link #mapKeyFactoryMethod(ContributionBinding,
* DaggerTypes, DaggerElements)} is generated.
public static ClassName mapKeyProxyClassName(ContributionBinding binding) {
return elementBasedClassName(
MoreElements.asExecutable(binding.bindingElement().get()), "MapKey");
* A {@code static create()} method to be added to {@link
* #mapKeyProxyClassName(ContributionBinding)} when the {@code @MapKey} annotation is not publicly
* accessible.
public static Optional mapKeyFactoryMethod(
ContributionBinding binding, DaggerTypes types, DaggerElements elements) {
return binding
.filter(mapKey -> !isMapKeyPubliclyAccessible(mapKey))
mapKey ->
.addModifiers(PUBLIC, STATIC)
.returns(TypeName.get(mapKeyType(mapKey, types)))
.addStatement("return $L", directMapKeyExpression(mapKey, elements))
private MapKeys() {}