dagger.internal.codegen.writing.ComponentImplementation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Dagger Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dagger.internal.codegen.writing;
import static com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes.asDeclared;
import static com.google.common.base.CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL;
import static com.google.common.base.CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL;
import static com.google.common.base.CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec.constructorBuilder;
import static com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec.methodBuilder;
import static com.squareup.javapoet.TypeSpec.classBuilder;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentCreatorKind.BUILDER;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.binding.SourceFiles.simpleVariableName;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.extension.DaggerStreams.instancesOf;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.extension.DaggerStreams.toImmutableList;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.extension.DaggerStreams.toImmutableMap;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.AnnotationSpecs.Suppression.UNCHECKED;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.AnnotationSpecs.suppressWarnings;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.CodeBlocks.parameterNames;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.Accessibility.isTypeAccessibleFrom;
import static dagger.internal.codegen.writing.ComponentImplementation.MethodSpecKind.COMPONENT_METHOD;
import static dagger.producers.CancellationPolicy.Propagation.PROPAGATE;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.FINAL;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PRIVATE;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PUBLIC;
import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.STATIC;
import static javax.tools.Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR;
import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.MultimapBuilder;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.squareup.javapoet.ClassName;
import com.squareup.javapoet.CodeBlock;
import com.squareup.javapoet.FieldSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.ParameterSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName;
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeSpec;
import dagger.internal.Preconditions;
import dagger.internal.codegen.base.UniqueNameSet;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.Binding;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.BindingGraph;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.BindingNode;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.BindingRequest;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentCreatorDescriptor;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentCreatorKind;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentDescriptor;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentDescriptor.ComponentMethodDescriptor;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.ComponentRequirement;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.KeyVariableNamer;
import dagger.internal.codegen.binding.MethodSignature;
import dagger.internal.codegen.compileroption.CompilerOptions;
import dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.CodeBlocks;
import dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.TypeNames;
import dagger.internal.codegen.javapoet.TypeSpecs;
import dagger.internal.codegen.kotlin.KotlinMetadataUtil;
import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerElements;
import dagger.internal.codegen.langmodel.DaggerTypes;
import dagger.spi.model.BindingGraph.Node;
import dagger.spi.model.Key;
import dagger.spi.model.RequestKind;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.Messager;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
/** The implementation of a component type. */
public final class ComponentImplementation {
/** A factory for creating a {@link ComponentImplementation}. */
public interface ChildComponentImplementationFactory {
/** Creates a {@link ComponentImplementation} for the given {@code childGraph}. */
ComponentImplementation create(BindingGraph childGraph);
/** A type of field that this component can contain. */
public enum FieldSpecKind {
/** A field for a component shard. */
/** A field required by the component, e.g. module instances. */
/** A framework field for type T, e.g. {@code Provider}. */
/** A static field that always returns an absent {@code Optional} value for the binding. */
/** A type of method that this component can contain. */
// TODO(bcorso, dpb): Change the oder to constructor, initialize, component, then private
// (including MIM and AOM—why treat those separately?).
public enum MethodSpecKind {
/** The component constructor. */
/** A builder method for the component. (Only used by the root component.) */
/** A private method that wraps dependency expressions. */
/** An initialization method that initializes component requirements and framework types. */
/** An implementation of a component interface method. */
/** A private method that encapsulates members injection logic for a binding. */
/** A static method that always returns an absent {@code Optional} value for the binding. */
* The {@link dagger.producers.internal.CancellationListener#onProducerFutureCancelled(boolean)}
* method for a production component.
/** A type of nested class that this component can contain. */
public enum TypeSpecKind {
/** A factory class for a present optional binding. */
/** A class for the component creator (only used by the root component.) */
/** A provider class for a component provision. */
/** A class for a component shard. */
/** A class for the subcomponent or subcomponent builder. */
* Returns the {@link ShardImplementation} for each binding in this graph.
* Each shard contains approximately {@link CompilerOptions#keysPerComponentShard()} bindings.
If more than 1 shard is needed, we iterate the strongly connected nodes to make sure of two
* things: 1) bindings are put in shards in reverse topological order (i.e., bindings in Shard{i}
* do not depend on bindings in Shard{i+j}) and 2) bindings belonging to the same cycle are put in
* the same shard. These two guarantees allow us to initialize each shard in a well defined order.
private static ImmutableMap createShardsByBinding(
ShardImplementation componentShard, BindingGraph graph, CompilerOptions compilerOptions) {
ImmutableList> partitions = bindingPartitions(graph, compilerOptions);
ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
ShardImplementation shard = i == 0 ? componentShard : componentShard.createShard("Shard" + i);
partitions.get(i).forEach(binding -> builder.put(binding, shard));
return builder.build();
private static ImmutableList> bindingPartitions(
BindingGraph graph, CompilerOptions compilerOptions) {
int bindingsPerShard = compilerOptions.keysPerComponentShard(graph.componentTypeElement());
int maxPartitions = (graph.localBindingNodes().size() / bindingsPerShard) + 1;
if (maxPartitions <= 1) {
return ImmutableList.of(
// Iterate through all SCCs in order until all bindings local to this component are partitioned.
List currPartition = new ArrayList<>(bindingsPerShard);
ImmutableList.Builder> partitions =
for (ImmutableSet nodes : graph.topLevelBindingGraph().stronglyConnectedNodes()) {
.filter(bindingNode -> bindingNode.componentPath().equals(graph.componentPath()))
if (currPartition.size() >= bindingsPerShard) {
currPartition = new ArrayList<>(bindingsPerShard);
if (!currPartition.isEmpty()) {
return partitions.build();
/** The boolean parameter of the onProducerFutureCancelled method. */
public static final ParameterSpec MAY_INTERRUPT_IF_RUNNING_PARAM =
ParameterSpec.builder(boolean.class, "mayInterruptIfRunning").build();
private static final String CANCELLATION_LISTENER_METHOD_NAME = "onProducerFutureCancelled";
* How many statements per {@code initialize()} or {@code onProducerFutureCancelled()} method
* before they get partitioned.
private static final int STATEMENTS_PER_METHOD = 100;
private final ShardImplementation componentShard;
private final ImmutableMap shardsByBinding;
private final Map shardFieldsByImplementation = new HashMap<>();
private final List shardInitializations = new ArrayList<>();
private final List shardCancellations = new ArrayList<>();
private final Optional parent;
private final ChildComponentImplementationFactory childComponentImplementationFactory;
private final Provider bindingExpressionsProvider;
private final Provider
private final BindingGraph graph;
private final ComponentNames componentNames;
private final DaggerElements elements;
private final DaggerTypes types;
private final KotlinMetadataUtil metadataUtil;
private final ImmutableMap componentFieldsByImplementation;
private final Messager messager;
@ParentComponent Optional parent,
ChildComponentImplementationFactory childComponentImplementationFactory,
// Inject as Provider<> to prevent a cycle.
Provider bindingExpressionsProvider,
Provider componentCreatorImplementationFactoryProvider,
BindingGraph graph,
ComponentNames componentNames,
CompilerOptions compilerOptions,
DaggerElements elements,
DaggerTypes types,
KotlinMetadataUtil metadataUtil,
Messager messager) {
this.parent = parent;
this.childComponentImplementationFactory = childComponentImplementationFactory;
this.bindingExpressionsProvider = bindingExpressionsProvider;
this.componentCreatorImplementationFactoryProvider =
this.graph = graph;
this.componentNames = componentNames;
this.elements = elements;
this.types = types;
this.metadataUtil = metadataUtil;
// The first group of keys belong to the component itself. We call this the componentShard.
this.componentShard = new ShardImplementation(componentNames.get(graph.componentPath()));
// Claim the method names for all local and inherited methods on the component type.
.forEach(method -> componentShard.componentMethodNames.claim(method.getSimpleName()));
// Create the shards for this component, indexed by binding.
this.shardsByBinding = createShardsByBinding(componentShard, graph, compilerOptions);
// Create and claim the fields for this and all ancestor components stored as fields.
this.componentFieldsByImplementation =
createComponentFieldsByImplementation(this, compilerOptions);
this.messager = messager;
* Returns the shard for a given {@link Binding}.
* Each set of {@link CompilerOptions#keysPerShard()} will get its own shard instance.
public ShardImplementation shardImplementation(Binding binding) {
checkState(shardsByBinding.containsKey(binding), "No shard in %s for: %s", name(), binding);
return shardsByBinding.get(binding);
/** Returns the root {@link ComponentImplementation}. */
ComponentImplementation rootComponentImplementation() {
return parent.map(ComponentImplementation::rootComponentImplementation).orElse(this);
/** Returns a reference to this implementation when called from a different class. */
public CodeBlock componentFieldReference() {
// TODO(bcorso): This currently relies on all requesting classes having a reference to the
// component with the same name, which is kind of sketchy. Try to think of a better way that
// can accomodate the component missing in some classes if it's not used.
return CodeBlock.of("$N", componentFieldsByImplementation.get(this));
/** Returns the fields for all components in the component path. */
public ImmutableList componentFields() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(componentFieldsByImplementation.values());
/** Returns the fields for all components in the component path except the current component. */
public ImmutableList creatorComponentFields() {
return componentFieldsByImplementation.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> !this.equals(entry.getKey()))
private static ImmutableMap
ComponentImplementation componentImplementation, CompilerOptions compilerOptions) {
componentImplementation.componentShard != null,
"The component shard must be set before computing the component fields.");
ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (ComponentImplementation curr = componentImplementation;
curr != null;
curr = curr.parent.orElse(null)) {
// For better readability when adding these fields/parameters to generated code, we collect the
// component implementations in reverse order so that parents appear before children.
return builder.build().reverse().stream()
componentImpl -> componentImpl,
componentImpl -> {
ClassName component =
ClassName fieldType = componentImpl.name();
String fieldName =
? simpleVariableName(componentImpl.name())
: simpleVariableName(component);
FieldSpec.Builder field = FieldSpec.builder(fieldType, fieldName, PRIVATE, FINAL);
return field.build();
/** Returns the shard representing the {@link ComponentImplementation} itself. */
public ShardImplementation getComponentShard() {
return componentShard;
/** Returns the binding graph for the component being generated. */
public BindingGraph graph() {
return componentShard.graph();
/** Returns the descriptor for the component being generated. */
public ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor() {
return componentShard.componentDescriptor();
/** Returns the name of the component. */
public ClassName name() {
return componentShard.name;
/** Returns whether or not the implementation is nested within another class. */
private boolean isNested() {
return name().enclosingClassName() != null;
* Returns the name of the creator class for this component. It will be a sibling of this
* generated class unless this is a top-level component, in which case it will be nested.
public ClassName getCreatorName() {
return componentNames.getCreatorName(graph.componentPath());
/** Generates the component and returns the resulting {@link TypeSpec}. */
public TypeSpec generate() {
return componentShard.generate();
* The implementation of a shard.
* The purpose of a shard is to allow a component implemenation to be split into multiple
* classes, where each class owns the creation logic for a set of keys. Sharding is useful for
* large component implementations, where a single component implementation class can reach size
* limitations, such as the constant pool size.
When generating the actual sources, the creation logic within the first instance of {@link
* ShardImplementation} will go into the component implementation class itself (e.g. {@code
* MySubcomponentImpl}). Each subsequent instance of {@link ShardImplementation} will generate a
* nested "shard" class within the component implementation (e.g. {@code
* MySubcomponentImpl.Shard1}, {@code MySubcomponentImpl.Shard2}, etc).
public final class ShardImplementation {
private final ClassName name;
private final UniqueNameSet componentFieldNames = new UniqueNameSet();
private final UniqueNameSet componentMethodNames = new UniqueNameSet();
private final List initializations = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map cancellations = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Map uniqueAssistedName = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final List componentRequirementInitializations = new ArrayList<>();
private final ImmutableMap constructorParameters;
private final ListMultimap fieldSpecsMap =
private final ListMultimap methodSpecsMap =
private final ListMultimap typeSpecsMap =
private final List> typeSuppliers = new ArrayList<>();
private ShardImplementation(ClassName name) {
this.name = name;
if (graph.componentDescriptor().isProduction()) {
// Build the map of constructor parameters for this shard and claim the field names to prevent
// collisions between the constructor parameters and fields.
constructorParameters =
requirement -> requirement,
requirement ->
getUniqueFieldName(requirement.variableName() + "Param"))
private ShardImplementation createShard(String shardName) {
checkState(isComponentShard(), "Only the componentShard can create other shards.");
return new ShardImplementation(name.nestedClass(shardName));
/** Returns the {@link ComponentImplementation} that owns this shard. */
public ComponentImplementation getComponentImplementation() {
return ComponentImplementation.this;
* Returns {@code true} if this shard represents the component implementation rather than a
* separate {@code Shard} class.
public boolean isComponentShard() {
return this == componentShard;
/** Returns the fields for all components in the component path by component implementation. */
public ImmutableMap componentFieldsByImplementation() {
return componentFieldsByImplementation;
/** Returns a reference to this implementation when called from a different class. */
public CodeBlock shardFieldReference() {
if (!isComponentShard() && !shardFieldsByImplementation.containsKey(this)) {
// Add the shard if this is the first time it's requested by something.
String shardFieldName =
componentShard.getUniqueFieldName(UPPER_CAMEL.to(LOWER_CAMEL, name.simpleName()));
FieldSpec shardField = FieldSpec.builder(name, shardFieldName, PRIVATE).build();
shardFieldsByImplementation.put(this, shardField);
// TODO(bcorso): This currently relies on all requesting classes having a reference to the
// component with the same name, which is kind of sketchy. Try to think of a better way that
// can accomodate the component missing in some classes if it's not used.
return isComponentShard()
? componentFieldReference()
: CodeBlock.of("$L.$N", componentFieldReference(), shardFieldsByImplementation.get(this));
// TODO(ronshapiro): see if we can remove this method and instead inject it in the objects that
// need it.
/** Returns the binding graph for the component being generated. */
public BindingGraph graph() {
return graph;
/** Returns the descriptor for the component being generated. */
public ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor() {
return graph.componentDescriptor();
/** Returns the name of the component. */
public ClassName name() {
return name;
* Returns the name of the creator implementation class for the given subcomponent creator
* {@link Key}.
ClassName getSubcomponentCreatorSimpleName(Key creatorKey) {
return componentNames.getSubcomponentCreatorName(graph.componentPath(), creatorKey);
/** Returns {@code true} if {@code type} is accessible from the generated component. */
boolean isTypeAccessible(TypeMirror type) {
return isTypeAccessibleFrom(type, name.packageName());
// TODO(dpb): Consider taking FieldSpec, and returning identical FieldSpec with unique name?
/** Adds the given field to the component. */
public void addField(FieldSpecKind fieldKind, FieldSpec fieldSpec) {
fieldSpecsMap.put(fieldKind, fieldSpec);
// TODO(dpb): Consider taking MethodSpec, and returning identical MethodSpec with unique name?
/** Adds the given method to the component. */
public void addMethod(MethodSpecKind methodKind, MethodSpec methodSpec) {
methodSpecsMap.put(methodKind, methodSpec);
/** Adds the given type to the component. */
public void addType(TypeSpecKind typeKind, TypeSpec typeSpec) {
typeSpecsMap.put(typeKind, typeSpec);
/** Adds a {@link Supplier} for the SwitchingProvider for the component. */
void addTypeSupplier(Supplier typeSpecSupplier) {
/** Adds the given code block to the initialize methods of the component. */
void addInitialization(CodeBlock codeBlock) {
/** Adds the given code block that initializes a {@link ComponentRequirement}. */
void addComponentRequirementInitialization(CodeBlock codeBlock) {
* Adds the given cancellation statement to the cancellation listener method of the component.
void addCancellation(Key key, CodeBlock codeBlock) {
// Store cancellations by key to avoid adding the same cancellation twice.
cancellations.putIfAbsent(key, codeBlock);
/** Returns a new, unique field name for the component based on the given name. */
String getUniqueFieldName(String name) {
return componentFieldNames.getUniqueName(name);
public String getUniqueFieldNameForAssistedParam(VariableElement element) {
if (uniqueAssistedName.containsKey(element)) {
return uniqueAssistedName.get(element);
String name = getUniqueFieldName(element.getSimpleName().toString());
uniqueAssistedName.put(element, name);
return name;
/** Returns a new, unique method name for the component based on the given name. */
public String getUniqueMethodName(String name) {
return componentMethodNames.getUniqueName(name);
/** Returns a new, unique method name for a getter method for the given request. */
String getUniqueMethodName(BindingRequest request) {
return uniqueMethodName(request, KeyVariableNamer.name(request.key()));
private String uniqueMethodName(BindingRequest request, String bindingName) {
// This name is intentionally made to match the name for fields in fastInit
// in order to reduce the constant pool size. b/162004246
String baseMethodName =
+ (request.isRequestKind(RequestKind.INSTANCE)
? ""
: UPPER_UNDERSCORE.to(UPPER_CAMEL, request.kindName()));
return getUniqueMethodName(baseMethodName);
* Gets the parameter name to use for the given requirement for this component, starting with
* the given base name if no parameter name has already been selected for the requirement.
public String getParameterName(ComponentRequirement requirement) {
return constructorParameters.get(requirement).name;
/** Claims a new method name for the component. Does nothing if method name already exists. */
public void claimMethodName(CharSequence name) {
/** Generates the component and returns the resulting {@link TypeSpec.Builder}. */
private TypeSpec generate() {
TypeSpec.Builder builder = classBuilder(name);
if (isComponentShard()) {
TypeSpecs.addSupertype(builder, graph.componentTypeElement());
if (graph.componentDescriptor().isProduction()) {
if (isComponentShard() || !cancellations.isEmpty()) {
builder, elements.getTypeElement(TypeNames.CANCELLATION_LISTENER.canonicalName()));
return builder.build();
private ImmutableSet modifiers() {
if (!isComponentShard()) {
// TODO(bcorso): Consider making shards static and unnested too?
return ImmutableSet.of(PRIVATE, FINAL);
} else if (isNested()) {
return ImmutableSet.of(PRIVATE, STATIC, FINAL);
return graph.componentTypeElement().getModifiers().contains(PUBLIC)
// TODO(ronshapiro): perhaps all generated components should be non-public?
? ImmutableSet.of(PUBLIC, FINAL)
: ImmutableSet.of(FINAL);
private void addCreator() {
creator ->
.addType(TypeSpecKind.COMPONENT_CREATOR, creator));
private void addFactoryMethods() {
if (parent.isPresent()) {
} else {
private void createRootComponentFactoryMethod() {
// Top-level components have a static method that returns a builder or factory for the
// component. If the user defined a @Component.Builder or @Component.Factory, an
// implementation of their type is returned. Otherwise, an autogenerated Builder type is
// returned.
// TODO(cgdecker): Replace this abomination with a small class?
// Better yet, change things so that an autogenerated builder type has a descriptor of sorts
// just like a user-defined creator type.
ComponentCreatorKind creatorKind;
ClassName creatorType;
String factoryMethodName;
boolean noArgFactoryMethod;
Optional creatorDescriptor =
if (creatorDescriptor.isPresent()) {
ComponentCreatorDescriptor descriptor = creatorDescriptor.get();
creatorKind = descriptor.kind();
creatorType = ClassName.get(descriptor.typeElement());
factoryMethodName = descriptor.factoryMethod().getSimpleName().toString();
noArgFactoryMethod = descriptor.factoryParameters().isEmpty();
} else {
creatorKind = BUILDER;
creatorType = getCreatorName();
factoryMethodName = "build";
noArgFactoryMethod = true;
MethodSpec creatorFactoryMethod =
.addModifiers(PUBLIC, STATIC)
.addStatement("return new $T()", getCreatorName())
addMethod(MethodSpecKind.BUILDER_METHOD, creatorFactoryMethod);
if (noArgFactoryMethod && canInstantiateAllRequirements()) {
.addModifiers(PUBLIC, STATIC)
.addStatement("return new $L().$L()", creatorKind.typeName(), factoryMethodName)
private void validateMethodNameDoesNotOverrideGeneratedCreator(String creatorName) {
// Check if there is any client added method has the same signature as generated creatorName.
MoreElements.getAllMethods(graph.componentTypeElement(), types, elements).stream()
.filter(method -> method.getSimpleName().contentEquals(creatorName))
.filter(method -> method.getParameters().isEmpty())
.filter(method -> !method.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC))
(ExecutableElement method) ->
"Cannot override generated method: %s.%s()",
method.getEnclosingElement().getSimpleName(), method.getSimpleName())));
/** {@code true} if all of the graph's required dependencies can be automatically constructed */
private boolean canInstantiateAllRequirements() {
return !Iterables.any(
dependency -> dependency.requiresAPassedInstance(elements, metadataUtil));
private void createSubcomponentFactoryMethod(ExecutableElement factoryMethod) {
Collection params =
Maps.transformValues(graph.factoryMethodParameters(), ParameterSpec::get).values();
DeclaredType parentType = asDeclared(parent.get().graph().componentTypeElement().asType());
MethodSpec.Builder method = MethodSpec.overriding(factoryMethod, parentType, types);
param -> method.addStatement("$T.checkNotNull($N)", Preconditions.class, param));
"return new $T($L)",
.map(field -> ParameterSpec.builder(field.type, field.name).build())
parent.get().getComponentShard().addMethod(COMPONENT_METHOD, method.build());
private void addInterfaceMethods() {
// Each component method may have been declared by several supertypes. We want to implement
// only one method for each distinct signature.
DeclaredType componentType = asDeclared(graph.componentTypeElement().asType());
Set signatures = Sets.newHashSet();
for (ComponentMethodDescriptor method : graph.componentDescriptor().entryPointMethods()) {
if (signatures.add(MethodSignature.forComponentMethod(method, componentType, types))) {
addMethod(COMPONENT_METHOD, bindingExpressionsProvider.get().getComponentMethod(method));
private void addChildComponents() {
for (BindingGraph subgraph : graph.subgraphs()) {
private void addShards() {
// Generate all shards and add them to this component implementation.
for (ShardImplementation shard : ImmutableSet.copyOf(shardsByBinding.values())) {
if (shardFieldsByImplementation.containsKey(shard)) {
addField(FieldSpecKind.COMPONENT_SHARD_FIELD, shardFieldsByImplementation.get(shard));
TypeSpec shardTypeSpec = shard.generate();
addType(TypeSpecKind.COMPONENT_SHARD_TYPE, shardTypeSpec);
/** Creates and adds the constructor and methods needed for initializing the component. */
private void addConstructorAndInitializationMethods() {
MethodSpec.Builder constructor = constructorBuilder().addModifiers(PRIVATE);
ImmutableList parameters = constructorParameters.values().asList();
if (isComponentShard()) {
// Add a constructor parameter and initialization for each component field. We initialize
// these fields immediately so that we don't need to be pass them to each initialize method
// and shard constructor.
(componentImplementation, field) -> {
if (componentImplementation.equals(ComponentImplementation.this)) {
// For the self-referenced component field,
// just initialize it in the initializer.
} else {
addField(FieldSpecKind.COMPONENT_REQUIREMENT_FIELD, field);
constructor.addStatement("this.$1N = $1N", field);
constructor.addParameter(field.type, field.name);
// TODO(cgdecker): It's not the case that each initialize() method has need for all of the
// given parameters. In some cases, those parameters may have already been assigned to fields
// which could be referenced instead. In other cases, an initialize method may just not need
// some of the parameters because the set of initializations in that partition does not
// include any reference to them. Right now, the Dagger code has no way of getting that
// information because, among other things, componentImplementation.getImplementations() just
// returns a bunch of CodeBlocks with no semantic information. Additionally, we may not know
// yet whether a field will end up needing to be created for a specific requirement, and we
// don't want to create a field that ends up only being used during initialization.
CodeBlock args = parameterNames(parameters);
ImmutableList initializationMethods =
// TODO(bcorso): Rather than passing in all of the constructor parameters, keep track
// of which parameters are used during initialization and only pass those. This could
// be useful for FastInit, where most of the initializations are just calling
// SwitchingProvider with no parameters.
methodName ->
/* TODO(gak): Strictly speaking, we only need the suppression here if we are
* also initializing a raw field in this method, but the structure of this
* code makes it awkward to pass that bit through. This will be cleaned up
* when we no longer separate fields and initialization as we do now. */
for (MethodSpec initializationMethod : initializationMethods) {
constructor.addStatement("$N($L)", initializationMethod, args);
addMethod(MethodSpecKind.INITIALIZE_METHOD, initializationMethod);
if (isComponentShard()) {
} else {
// This initialization is called from the componentShard, so we need to use those args.
CodeBlock componentArgs =
FieldSpec shardField = shardFieldsByImplementation.get(this);
shardInitializations.add(CodeBlock.of("$N = new $T($L);", shardField, name, componentArgs));
addMethod(MethodSpecKind.CONSTRUCTOR, constructor.build());
private void addCancellationListenerImplementation() {
MethodSpec.Builder methodBuilder =
// Reversing should order cancellations starting from entry points and going down to leaves
// rather than the other way around. This shouldn't really matter but seems *slightly*
// preferable because:
// When a future that another future depends on is cancelled, that cancellation will propagate
// up the future graph toward the entry point. Cancelling in reverse order should ensure that
// everything that depends on a particular node has already been cancelled when that node is
// cancelled, so there's no need to propagate. Otherwise, when we cancel a leaf node, it might
// propagate through most of the graph, making most of the cancel calls that follow in the
// onProducerFutureCancelled method do nothing.
if (isComponentShard()) {
} else if (!cancellations.isEmpty()) {
ImmutableList cancellationStatements =
if (cancellationStatements.size() < STATEMENTS_PER_METHOD) {
} else {
ImmutableList cancelProducersMethods =
methodName -> methodBuilder(methodName).addModifiers(PRIVATE));
for (MethodSpec cancelProducersMethod : cancelProducersMethods) {
"$N($N)", cancelProducersMethod, MAY_INTERRUPT_IF_RUNNING_PARAM);
addMethod(MethodSpecKind.CANCELLATION_LISTENER_METHOD, cancelProducersMethod);
if (isComponentShard()) {
addMethod(MethodSpecKind.CANCELLATION_LISTENER_METHOD, methodBuilder.build());
private Optional cancelParentStatement() {
if (!shouldPropagateCancellationToParent()) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(
private boolean shouldPropagateCancellationToParent() {
return parent.isPresent()
&& parent
.map(policy -> policy.fromSubcomponents().equals(PROPAGATE))
* Creates one or more methods, all taking the given {@code parameters}, which partition the
* given list of {@code statements} among themselves such that no method has more than {@code
* STATEMENTS_PER_METHOD} statements in it and such that the returned methods, if called in
* order, will execute the {@code statements} in the given order.
private ImmutableList createPartitionedMethods(
String methodName,
Iterable parameters,
List statements,
Function methodBuilderCreator) {
return Lists.partition(statements, STATEMENTS_PER_METHOD).stream()
partition ->
private static ImmutableList constructorRequirements(BindingGraph graph) {
if (graph.componentDescriptor().hasCreator()) {
return graph.componentRequirements().asList();
} else if (graph.factoryMethod().isPresent()) {
return graph.factoryMethodParameters().keySet().asList();
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
"Expected either a component creator or factory method but found neither.");
private static ImmutableList makeFinal(List parameters) {
return parameters.stream()
.map(param -> param.toBuilder().addModifiers(FINAL).build())