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 * Copyright 2019 The Error Prone Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
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import static;
import static;
import static;
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import static;
import static com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;

import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.TypeCastTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

/** Checker that detects likely time-unit mismatches by looking at identifier names. */
    name = "TimeUnitMismatch",
    summary =
        "An value that appears to be represented in one unit is used where another appears to be "
            + "required (e.g., seconds where nanos are needed)",
    severity = WARNING)
public final class TimeUnitMismatch extends BugChecker
    implements AssignmentTreeMatcher,
        VariableTreeMatcher {
  public Description matchAssignment(AssignmentTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    String formalName = extractArgumentName(tree.getVariable());
    if (formalName != null) {
      check(formalName, tree.getExpression(), state);

  public Description matchVariable(VariableTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    if (tree.getInitializer() != null) {
      check(tree.getName().toString(), tree.getInitializer(), state);

   * TODO(cpovirk): Hardcode a list of methods that are very common or have surprising return types
   * or argument types, and consult that list when matching method/constructor calls. (Maybe even
   * hardcode some methods whose parameters have meaningful types if we fear that some people will
   * compile against .class files that were compiled without parameter names?) e.g.,
   * SystemClock.elapsedRealtime is millis. And how about Stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit) and perhaps
   * similar methods?

   * TODO(cpovirk): Check `return` statements against the type suggested by the method name (or from
   * the hardcoded list, since mismatches there seem more likely -- e.g., that returns
   * elapsedRealtime()).

   * TODO(cpovirk): Write a separate check that looks for methods whose units are unclear from the
   * method+parameter names. Identify that they are in fact time-unit methods by the fact that
   * people are passing parameters whose units we can detect (in which case we can give a
   * suggestion!) or from generic names like "now"/"time"/"instant." In addition to giving a
   * suggested fix that is a rename, also say in prose that it's better to use Duration, etc.

  public Description matchNewClass(NewClassTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    MethodSymbol symbol = getSymbol(tree);
    if (symbol != null) {
      checkAll(symbol.getParameters(), tree.getArguments(), state);

  public Description matchMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    MethodSymbol symbol = getSymbol(tree);
    if (symbol != null) {
      checkTimeUnitToUnit(tree, symbol, state);
      boolean setterMethodReported = checkSetterStyleMethod(tree, symbol, state);
      if (!setterMethodReported) {
        checkAll(symbol.getParameters(), tree.getArguments(), state);

  // check for setTimeoutInSecs(int timeout) where the callsite is millis
  private boolean checkSetterStyleMethod(
      MethodInvocationTree tree, MethodSymbol symbol, VisitorState state) {
    if (symbol.params().length() == 1
        && ASTHelpers.isVoidType(symbol.getReturnType(), state)
        && tree.getArguments().size() == 1) {
      return check(, tree.getArguments().get(0), state);
    return false;

   * TODO(cpovirk): Match addition, subtraction, and division in which args are of different types?
   * I wonder if division will have weird edge cases in which people are trying to write
   * conversions?? I think I'm confusing myself, though: The check will probably be correct if it
   * uses the same mismatch rules for division as for the other two.

   * Checks whether this call is a call to {@code*} and, if so, whether the units of its
   * parameter and its receiver disagree.
  private boolean checkTimeUnitToUnit(
      MethodInvocationTree tree, MethodSymbol methodSymbol, VisitorState state) {
    if (tree.getMethodSelect().getKind() != MEMBER_SELECT) {
      return false;

    MemberSelectTree memberSelect = (MemberSelectTree) tree.getMethodSelect();
    Symbol receiverSymbol = getSymbol(memberSelect.getExpression());
    if (receiverSymbol == null) {
      return false;

    if (isTimeUnit(receiverSymbol, state)
        && receiverSymbol.isEnum()
        && TIME_UNIT_TO_UNIT_METHODS.containsValue(methodSymbol.getSimpleName().toString())
        && tree.getArguments().size() == 1) {
      return check(
          receiverSymbol.getSimpleName().toString(), getOnlyElement(tree.getArguments()), state);
    return false;

  private static boolean isTimeUnit(Symbol receiverSymbol, VisitorState state) {
    return isSameType(
        state.getTypeFromString("java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit"), receiverSymbol.type, state);

  private static final ImmutableBiMap TIME_UNIT_TO_UNIT_METHODS =
      new ImmutableBiMap.Builder()
          .put(NANOSECONDS, "toNanos")
          .put(MICROSECONDS, "toMicros")
          .put(MILLISECONDS, "toMillis")
          .put(SECONDS, "toSeconds")
          .put(MINUTES, "toMinutes")
          .put(HOURS, "toHours")
          .put(DAYS, "toDays")

  private boolean checkAll(
      List formals, List actuals, VisitorState state) {
    if (formals.size() != actuals.size()) {
      // varargs? weird usages of inner classes? TODO(cpovirk): Handle those correctly.
      return false;

     * TODO(cpovirk): Look for calls with a bad TimeUnit parameter: "foo(timeoutMillis, SECONDS)."
     * This is the kind of thing that DurationToLongTimeUnit covers but more generic.

    boolean hasFinding = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < formals.size(); i++) {
      hasFinding |= check(formals.get(i).getSimpleName().toString(), actuals.get(i), state);
    return hasFinding;

  private boolean check(String formalName, ExpressionTree actualTree, VisitorState state) {
     * Sometimes people name a Duration parameter something like "durationMs." Then we falsely
     * report a problem if the value comes from Duration.ofSeconds(). Let's stick to numeric types.
     * TODO(cpovirk): But consider looking at List and even String, for which I've seen
     * possible mistakes.
    if (!NUMERIC_TIME_TYPE.matches(actualTree, state)) {
      return false;

     * TODO(cpovirk): Is it worth assuming, e.g., that a literal "60" is likely to be a number of
     * seconds?

    String actualName = extractArgumentName(actualTree);
    if (actualName == null) {
       * TODO(cpovirk): Look for other assignments to a variable in the method to guess its type.
       * (Maybe even guess the type returned by a method by looking at other calls in the file?) Of
       * course, that may be slow.
      // TODO(cpovirk): Look for multiplication/division operations that are meant to change units.
      // TODO(cpovirk): ...even if they include casts!
      return false;

    TimeUnit formalUnit = unitSuggestedByName(formalName);
    TimeUnit actualUnit = unitSuggestedByName(actualName);
    if (formalUnit == null || actualUnit == null || formalUnit == actualUnit) {
      return false;

    String message =
            "Possible unit mismatch: expected %s but was %s. Before accepting this change, make "
                + "sure that there is a true unit mismatch and not just an identifier whose name "
                + "contains the wrong unit. (If there is, correct that instead!)",
    if ((actualUnit == MICROSECONDS || actualUnit == MILLISECONDS)
        && (formalUnit == MICROSECONDS || formalUnit == MILLISECONDS)) {
      // TODO(cpovirk): Display this only if the code contained one of the ambiguous terms.
      message +=
          " WARNING: This checker considers \"ms\" and \"msec\" to always refer to *milli*seconds. "
              + "Occasionally, code uses them for *micro*seconds. If this error involves "
              + "identifiers with those terms, be sure to check that it does mean milliseconds "
              + "before accepting this fix. If it instead means microseconds, consider renaming to "
              + "\"us\" or \"usec\" (or just \"micros\").";
      // TODO(cpovirk): More ambitiously, suggest an edit to rename the identifier to "micros," etc.
    } else if (formalUnit == SECONDS && (actualUnit != HOURS && actualUnit != DAYS)) {
      message +=
          " WARNING: The suggested replacement truncates fractional seconds, so a value "
              + "like 999ms becomes 0.";
      message += "Consider performing a floating-point division instead.";
      // TODO(cpovirk): Offer this as a suggested fix.

     * TODO(cpovirk): I saw two instances in which the fix needs to be "backward" because the value
     * is a rate. For example, to convert "queries per second" to "queries per millisecond," we need
     * to _multiply_ by 1000, rather than divide as we would if we were converting seconds to
     * milliseconds.
    SuggestedFix.Builder fix = SuggestedFix.builder();
    // TODO(cpovirk): This can conflict with constants with names like "SECONDS."
    fix.addStaticImport(TimeUnit.class.getName() + "." + actualUnit);
    // TODO(cpovirk): This won't work for `double` and won't work if the output needs to be `int`.
        actualTree, String.format("%s.%s(", actualUnit, TIME_UNIT_TO_UNIT_METHODS.get(formalUnit)));
    fix.postfixWith(actualTree, ")");
     * TODO(cpovirk): Often a better fix would be Duration.ofMillis(...).toNanos(). However, that
     * implies that the values are durations rather than instants, and it requires Java 8 (and some
     * utility methods in the case of micros). Maybe we should suggest a number of possible fixes?
     * TODO(cpovirk): Supply a different fix in the matchTimeUnitToUnit case (or the similar case in
     * which someone is calling, say, toMillis() but should be calling toDays(). The current fix
     * produces nested toFoo(...) calls. A better fix would be to replace the existing call with a
     * corrected call.
    return true;

   * Extracts the "argument name," as defined in section 2.1 of "Nomen est Omen," from the
   * expression. This translates a potentially complex expression into a simple name that can be
   * used by the similarity metric.

"Nomen est Omen: Exploring and Exploiting Similarities between Argument and Parameter * Names," ICSE 2016 */ @Nullable private static String extractArgumentName(ExpressionTree expr) { switch (expr.getKind()) { case TYPE_CAST: return extractArgumentName(((TypeCastTree) expr).getExpression()); case MEMBER_SELECT: { // If we have a field or method access, we use the name of the field/method. (We ignore // the name of the receiver object.) Exception: If the method is named "get" (Optional, // Flag, etc.), we use the name of the object or class that it's called on. MemberSelectTree memberSelect = (MemberSelectTree) expr; String member = memberSelect.getIdentifier().toString(); return member.equals("get") ? extractArgumentName(memberSelect.getExpression()) : member; } case METHOD_INVOCATION: { // If we have a 'call expression' we use the name of the method we are calling. Exception: // If the method is named "get," we use the object or class instead. (See above.) Symbol sym = getSymbol(expr); if (sym == null) { return null; } String methodName = sym.getSimpleName().toString(); return methodName.equals("get") ? extractArgumentName(((MethodInvocationTree) expr).getMethodSelect()) : methodName; } case IDENTIFIER: { IdentifierTree idTree = (IdentifierTree) expr; if (idTree.getName().contentEquals("this")) { // for the 'this' keyword the argument name is the name of the object's class Symbol sym = getSymbol(idTree); return (sym == null) ? null : enclosingClass(sym).getSimpleName().toString(); } else { // if we have a variable, just extract its name return ((IdentifierTree) expr).getName().toString(); } } default: return null; } } // TODO(cpovirk): Theoretically we'd want to handle byte, float, and short, too. private static final Matcher NUMERIC_TIME_TYPE = anyOf( isSameType(INT_TYPE), isSameType(LONG_TYPE), isSameType(DOUBLE_TYPE), isSameType("java.lang.Integer"), isSameType("java.lang.Long"), isSameType("java.lang.Double")); @VisibleForTesting static TimeUnit unitSuggestedByName(String name) { // Tuple types, especially Pair, trip us up. Skip APIs that might be from them. // This check is somewhat redundant with the "second" check below. // TODO(cpovirk): Skip APIs only if they're from a type that also declares a first/getFirst()? if (name.equals("second") || name.equals("getSecond")) { return null; } // if (name.equals("secondsPart")) { return NANOSECONDS; } // The name of a Google-internal method, but I see other methods with this name externally. if (name.equals("msToS")) { return SECONDS; } List words = fixUnitCamelCase(splitToLowercaseTerms(name)); // People use variable names like "firstTimestamp" and "secondTimestamp." // This check is somewhat redundant with the "second" check above. if (words.get(0).equals("second")) { return null; } /* * Sometimes people write a method like "fromNanos()." Whatever unit that might return, it's * very unlikely to be nanos, so we give up. */ if (hasNameOfFromUnits(words)) { return null; } /* * Sometimes people write "final int TWO_SECONDS = 2 * 1000." Whatever unit that might be in, * it's very unlikely to be seconds, so we give up. * * TODO(cpovirk): We could probably guess the unit correctly most of the time if we wanted. */ if (isNamedForNumberOfUnits(words)) { return null; } Set units = timeUnits(words); /* * TODO(cpovirk): If the name has multiple units, like "millisToNanos," attempt to determine * which is the output. We can look not only at the method name but also at its parameter: If * the parameter is named "millis," then the output is presumably nanos. */ return units.size() == 1 ? getOnlyElement(units) : null; } /** Returns true if the input looks like [from, seconds]. */ private static boolean hasNameOfFromUnits(List words) { return words.size() == 2 && words.get(0).equals("from") && UNIT_FOR_SUFFIX.containsKey(words.get(1)); } /** Returns true if the input looks like [five, seconds]. */ private static boolean isNamedForNumberOfUnits(List words) { return words.size() == 2 && NUMBER_WORDS.contains(words.get(0)) && UNIT_FOR_SUFFIX.containsKey(words.get(1)); } // TODO(cpovirk): Maybe there's some test we could use in ICU4J? RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT? private static final ImmutableSet NUMBER_WORDS = ImmutableSet.of( "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty"); /** * Converts "MS"/"MSec"/etc. to "Ms"/etc. and "microSeconds"/"MicroSeconds"/etc. to * "microseconds"/"Microseconds"/etc. */ private static ImmutableList fixUnitCamelCase(List words) { ImmutableList.Builder out = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize(words.size()); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < words.size() - 1; i++) { String current = words.get(i); String next = words.get(i + 1); String together = current + next; if (UNIT_FOR_SUFFIX.containsKey(together)) { out.add(together); i++; // Move past `next`, as well. } else { out.add(current); } } if (i == words.size() - 1) { out.add(words.get(i)); } return; } private static Set timeUnits(List wordsLists) { return .map(UNIT_FOR_SUFFIX::get) .filter(x -> x != null) .collect(toImmutableSet()); } // TODO(cpovirk): Unify with UNITS_TO_LOOK_FOR in other checkers. That also adds hours and days. // TODO(cpovirk): Maybe also add things like "weeks?" private static final ImmutableMap UNIT_FOR_SUFFIX = ImmutableMap.copyOf( new ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder() .putAll(SECONDS, "sec", "secs", "second", "seconds") .putAll( MILLISECONDS, // "milli", "millis", "mills", "ms", "msec", "msecs", "millisec", "millisecs", "millisecond", "milliseconds") // TODO(cpovirk): milis, milisecond, etc.? (i.e., misspellings) .putAll( MICROSECONDS, // "micro", "micros", "us", "usec", "usecs", "microsec", "microsecs", "microsecond", "microseconds") .putAll( NANOSECONDS, // "nano", "nanos", "ns", "nsec", "nsecs", "nanosec", "nanosecs", "nanosecond", "nanoseconds") .build() .inverse() .entries()); /** * {@link Description#NO_MATCH}, returned by all our {@code match*} methods because any matches * have already been reported by manual calls to {@link VisitorState#reportMatch}. */ private static final Description ANY_MATCHES_WERE_ALREADY_REPORTED = Description.NO_MATCH; }

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