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This is the official Firebase Admin Java SDK. Build extraordinary native JVM apps in minutes with Firebase. The Firebase platform can power your app’s backend, user authentication, static hosting, and more.

There is a newer version: 9.2.0
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 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

 * The entry point for accessing a Firebase Database. You can get an instance by calling {@link
 * FirebaseDatabase#getInstance()}. To access a location in the database and read or write data, use
 * {@link FirebaseDatabase#getReference()}.
public class FirebaseDatabase {

  private final FirebaseApp app;
  private final RepoInfo repoInfo;
  private final DatabaseConfig config;
  private Repo repo; // Usage must be guarded by a call to ensureRepo().

  private final AtomicBoolean destroyed = new AtomicBoolean(false);

  // Lock for synchronizing internal state changes. Protects accesses to repo and destroyed
  // members.
  private final Object lock = new Object();

  private FirebaseDatabase(FirebaseApp app, RepoInfo repoInfo, DatabaseConfig config) { = app;
    this.repoInfo = repoInfo;
    this.config = config;

   * Gets the default FirebaseDatabase instance.
   * @return A FirebaseDatabase instance.
  public static FirebaseDatabase getInstance() {
    FirebaseApp instance = FirebaseApp.getInstance();
    if (instance == null) {
      throw new DatabaseException("You must call FirebaseApp.initialize() first.");
    return getInstance(instance, instance.getOptions().getDatabaseUrl());

   * Gets a FirebaseDatabase instance for the specified URL.
   * @param url The URL to the Firebase Database instance you want to access.
   * @return A FirebaseDatabase instance.
  public static FirebaseDatabase getInstance(String url) {
    FirebaseApp instance = FirebaseApp.getInstance();
    if (instance == null) {
      throw new DatabaseException("You must call FirebaseApp.initialize() first.");
    return getInstance(instance, url);

   * Gets an instance of FirebaseDatabase for a specific FirebaseApp.
   * @param app The FirebaseApp to get a FirebaseDatabase for.
   * @return A FirebaseDatabase instance.
  public static FirebaseDatabase getInstance(FirebaseApp app) {
    return getInstance(app, app.getOptions().getDatabaseUrl());

   * Gets a FirebaseDatabase instance for the specified URL, using the specified FirebaseApp.
   * @param app The FirebaseApp to get a FirebaseDatabase for.
   * @param url The URL to the Firebase Database instance you want to access.
   * @return A FirebaseDatabase instance.
  public static synchronized FirebaseDatabase getInstance(FirebaseApp app, String url) {
    FirebaseDatabaseService service = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getService(app, SERVICE_ID,
    if (service == null) {
      service = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.addService(app, new FirebaseDatabaseService());

    DatabaseInstances dbInstances = service.getInstance();
    if (url == null || url.isEmpty()) {
      throw new DatabaseException(
          "Failed to get FirebaseDatabase instance: Specify DatabaseURL within "
              + "FirebaseApp or from your getInstance() call.");

    ParsedUrl parsedUrl = Utilities.parseUrl(url);
    if (!parsedUrl.path.isEmpty()) {
      throw new DatabaseException(
          "Specified Database URL '"
              + url
              + "' is invalid. It should point to the root of a "
              + "Firebase Database but it includes a path: "
              + parsedUrl.path.toString());

    FirebaseDatabase database = dbInstances.get(parsedUrl.repoInfo);
    if (database == null) {
      DatabaseConfig config = new DatabaseConfig();
      // If this is the default app, don't set the session persistence key so that we use our
      // default ("default") instead of the FirebaseApp default ("[DEFAULT]") so that we
      // preserve the default location used by the legacy Firebase SDK.
      if (!ImplFirebaseTrampolines.isDefaultApp(app)) {

      database = new FirebaseDatabase(app, parsedUrl.repoInfo, config);
      dbInstances.put(parsedUrl.repoInfo, database);

    return database;

  /** This exists so Repo can create FirebaseDatabase objects to keep legacy tests working. */
  static FirebaseDatabase createForTests(
      FirebaseApp app, RepoInfo repoInfo, DatabaseConfig config) {
    FirebaseDatabase db = new FirebaseDatabase(app, repoInfo, config);
    return db;

   * @return The version for this build of the Firebase Database client
  public static String getSdkVersion() {
    return SdkUtils.getVersion();

   * Returns the FirebaseApp instance to which this FirebaseDatabase belongs.
   * @return The FirebaseApp instance to which this FirebaseDatabase belongs.
  public FirebaseApp getApp() {

   * Gets a DatabaseReference for the database root node.
   * @return A DatabaseReference pointing to the root node.
  public DatabaseReference getReference() {
    return new DatabaseReference(ensureRepo(), Path.getEmptyPath());

   * Gets a DatabaseReference for the provided path.
   * @param path Path to a location in your FirebaseDatabase.
   * @return A DatabaseReference pointing to the specified path.
  public DatabaseReference getReference(String path) {
        "Can't pass null for argument 'pathString' in FirebaseDatabase.getReference()");
    Path childPath = new Path(path);
    return new DatabaseReference(ensureRepo(), childPath);

   * Gets a DatabaseReference for the provided URL. The URL must be a URL to a path within this
   * FirebaseDatabase. To create a DatabaseReference to a different database, create a {@link
   * FirebaseApp} with a {@link FirebaseOptions} object configured with the appropriate database
   * URL.
   * @param url A URL to a path within your database.
   * @return A DatabaseReference for the provided URL.
  public DatabaseReference getReferenceFromUrl(String url) {
        "Can't pass null for argument 'url' in FirebaseDatabase.getReferenceFromUrl()");
    ParsedUrl parsedUrl = Utilities.parseUrl(url);
    Repo repo = ensureRepo();
    if (! {
      throw new DatabaseException(
          "Invalid URL ("
              + url
              + ") passed to getReference().  "
              + "URL was expected to match configured Database URL: "
              + getReference().toString());
    return new DatabaseReference(repo, parsedUrl.path);

   * The Firebase Database client automatically queues writes and sends them to the server at the
   * earliest opportunity, depending on network connectivity. In some cases (e.g. offline usage)
   * there may be a large number of writes waiting to be sent. Calling this method will purge all
   * outstanding writes so they are abandoned.

All writes will be purged, including transactions and {@link DatabaseReference#onDisconnect} * writes. The writes will be rolled back locally, perhaps triggering events for affected event * listeners, and the client will not (re-)send them to the Firebase backend. */ public void purgeOutstandingWrites() { final Repo repo = ensureRepo(); repo.scheduleNow( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { repo.purgeOutstandingWrites(); } }); } /** * Resumes our connection to the Firebase Database backend after a previous {@link #goOffline()} * call. */ public void goOnline() { RepoManager.resume(ensureRepo()); } /** * Shuts down our connection to the Firebase Database backend until {@link #goOnline()} is called. */ public void goOffline() { RepoManager.interrupt(ensureRepo()); } /** * The Firebase Database client will cache synchronized data and keep track of all writes you've * initiated while your application is running. It seamlessly handles intermittent network * connections and re-sends write operations when the network connection is restored. * *

However by default your write operations and cached data are only stored in-memory and will * be lost when your app restarts. By setting this value to {@code true}, the data will be * persisted to on-device (disk) storage and will thus be available again when the app is * restarted (even when there is no network connectivity at that time). Note that this method * must be called before creating your first Database reference and only needs to be called once * per application. * * @param isEnabled Set to true to enable disk persistence, set to false to disable it. */ public synchronized void setPersistenceEnabled(boolean isEnabled) { synchronized (lock) { assertUnfrozen("setPersistenceEnabled"); this.config.setPersistenceEnabled(isEnabled); } } /** * By default Firebase Database will use up to 10MB of disk space to cache data. If the cache * grows beyond this size, Firebase Database will start removing data that hasn't been recently * used. If you find that your application caches too little or too much data, call this method to * change the cache size. This method must be called before creating your first Database reference * and only needs to be called once per application. * *

Note that the specified cache size is only an approximation and the size on disk may * temporarily exceed it at times. Cache sizes smaller than 1 MB or greater than 100 MB are not * supported. * * @param cacheSizeInBytes The new size of the cache in bytes. */ public void setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes(long cacheSizeInBytes) { synchronized (lock) { assertUnfrozen("setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes"); this.config.setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes(cacheSizeInBytes); } } private void assertUnfrozen(String methodCalled) { synchronized (lock) { checkNotDestroyed(); if (this.repo != null) { throw new DatabaseException( "Calls to " + methodCalled + "() must be made before any " + "other usage of FirebaseDatabase instance."); } } } /** * Initializes the Repo if not already initialized. */ private Repo ensureRepo() { synchronized (lock) { checkNotDestroyed(); if (repo == null) { repo = RepoManager.createRepo(this.config, this.repoInfo, this); } return repo; } } void checkNotDestroyed() { synchronized (lock) { checkState(!destroyed.get(), "FirebaseDatabase instance is no longer alive. This happens when " + "the parent FirebaseApp instance has been deleted."); } } // for testing DatabaseConfig getConfig() { return this.config; } void destroy() { synchronized (lock) { if (destroyed.get()) { return; } RepoManager.destroy(getConfig()); destroyed.compareAndSet(false, true); } } private static final String SERVICE_ID = FirebaseDatabase.class.getName(); private static class DatabaseInstances { private final Map databases = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); void put(RepoInfo repo, FirebaseDatabase database) { databases.put(repo, database); } FirebaseDatabase get(RepoInfo repo) { return databases.get(repo); } void destroy() { synchronized (databases) { for (FirebaseDatabase database : databases.values()) { database.destroy(); } databases.clear(); } } } private static class FirebaseDatabaseService extends FirebaseService { FirebaseDatabaseService() { super(SERVICE_ID, new DatabaseInstances()); } @Override public void destroy() { instance.destroy(); } } }

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