com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client.Comment Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.client;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
* This class represents inline comments in NoteDb. This means it determines the JSON format for
* inline comments in the revision notes that NoteDb uses to persist inline comments.
* Changing fields in this class changes the storage format of inline comments in NoteDb and may
* require a corresponding data migration (adding new optional fields is generally okay).
{@link PatchLineComment} historically represented comments in ReviewDb. There are a few
* notable differences:
* - PatchLineComment knows the comment status (published or draft). For comments in NoteDb the
* status is determined by the branch in which they are stored (published comments are stored
* in the change meta ref; draft comments are store in refs/draft-comments branches in
* All-Users). Hence Comment doesn't need to contain the status, but the status is implicitly
* known by where the comments are read from.
- PatchLineComment knows the change ID. For comments in NoteDb, the change ID is determined
* by the branch in which they are stored (the ref name contains the change ID). Hence Comment
* doesn't need to contain the change ID, but the change ID is implicitly known by where the
* comments are read from.
* For all utility classes and middle layer functionality using Comment over PatchLineComment is
* preferred, as ReviewDb is gone so PatchLineComment is slated for deletion as well. This means
* Comment should be used everywhere and only for storing inline comment in ReviewDb a conversion to
* PatchLineComment is done. Converting Comments to PatchLineComments and vice verse is done by
* CommentsUtil#toPatchLineComments(Change.Id, PatchLineComment.Status, Iterable) and
* CommentsUtil#toComments(String, Iterable).
public class Comment {
public static class Key {
public String uuid;
public String filename;
public int patchSetId;
public Key(Key k) {
this(k.uuid, k.filename, k.patchSetId);
public Key(String uuid, String filename, int patchSetId) {
this.uuid = uuid;
this.filename = filename;
this.patchSetId = patchSetId;
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Key) {
Key k = (Key) o;
return Objects.equals(uuid, k.uuid)
&& Objects.equals(filename, k.filename)
&& Objects.equals(patchSetId, k.patchSetId);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(uuid, filename, patchSetId);
public static class Identity {
int id;
public Identity(Account.Id id) {
this.id = id.get();
public Account.Id getId() {
return new Account.Id(id);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Identity) {
return Objects.equals(id, ((Identity) o).id);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(id);
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
public static class Range implements Comparable {
private static final Comparator RANGE_COMPARATOR =
Comparator.comparingInt(range -> range.startLine)
.thenComparingInt(range -> range.startChar)
.thenComparingInt(range -> range.endLine)
.thenComparingInt(range -> range.endChar);
public int startLine; // 1-based, inclusive
public int startChar; // 0-based, inclusive
public int endLine; // 1-based, exclusive
public int endChar; // 0-based, exclusive
public Range(Range r) {
this(r.startLine, r.startChar, r.endLine, r.endChar);
public Range(com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.Comment.Range r) {
this(r.startLine, r.startCharacter, r.endLine, r.endCharacter);
public Range(int startLine, int startChar, int endLine, int endChar) {
this.startLine = startLine;
this.startChar = startChar;
this.endLine = endLine;
this.endChar = endChar;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Range) {
Range r = (Range) o;
return Objects.equals(startLine, r.startLine)
&& Objects.equals(startChar, r.startChar)
&& Objects.equals(endLine, r.endLine)
&& Objects.equals(endChar, r.endChar);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(startLine, startChar, endLine, endChar);
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
public int compareTo(Range otherRange) {
return RANGE_COMPARATOR.compare(this, otherRange);
public Key key;
public int lineNbr;
public Identity author;
protected Identity realAuthor;
public Timestamp writtenOn;
public short side;
public String message;
public String parentUuid;
public Range range;
public String tag;
// Hex commit SHA1 of the commit of the patchset to which this comment applies.
public String revId;
public String serverId;
public boolean unresolved;
* Whether the comment was parsed from a JSON representation (false) or the legacy custom notes
* format (true).
public transient boolean legacyFormat;
public Comment(Comment c) {
new Key(c.key),
new Timestamp(c.writtenOn.getTime()),
this.lineNbr = c.lineNbr;
this.realAuthor = c.realAuthor;
this.range = c.range != null ? new Range(c.range) : null;
this.tag = c.tag;
this.revId = c.revId;
this.unresolved = c.unresolved;
public Comment(
Key key,
Account.Id author,
Timestamp writtenOn,
short side,
String message,
String serverId,
boolean unresolved) {
this.key = key;
this.author = new Comment.Identity(author);
this.realAuthor = this.author;
this.writtenOn = writtenOn;
this.side = side;
this.message = message;
this.serverId = serverId;
this.unresolved = unresolved;
public void setLineNbrAndRange(
Integer lineNbr, com.google.gerrit.extensions.client.Comment.Range range) {
this.lineNbr = lineNbr != null ? lineNbr : range != null ? range.endLine : 0;
if (range != null) {
this.range = new Comment.Range(range);
public void setRange(CommentRange range) {
this.range = range != null ? range.asCommentRange() : null;
public void setRevId(RevId revId) {
this.revId = revId != null ? revId.get() : null;
public void setRealAuthor(Account.Id id) {
realAuthor = id != null && id.get() != author.id ? new Comment.Identity(id) : null;
public Identity getRealAuthor() {
return realAuthor != null ? realAuthor : author;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Comment)) {
return false;
Comment c = (Comment) o;
return Objects.equals(key, c.key)
&& lineNbr == c.lineNbr
&& Objects.equals(author, c.author)
&& Objects.equals(realAuthor, c.realAuthor)
&& Objects.equals(writtenOn, c.writtenOn)
&& side == c.side
&& Objects.equals(message, c.message)
&& Objects.equals(parentUuid, c.parentUuid)
&& Objects.equals(range, c.range)
&& Objects.equals(tag, c.tag)
&& Objects.equals(revId, c.revId)
&& Objects.equals(serverId, c.serverId)
&& unresolved == c.unresolved;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
.append(realAuthor != null ? realAuthor.getId().get() : "")
.append(Objects.toString(message, ""))
.append(Objects.toString(parentUuid, ""))
.append(Objects.toString(range, ""))
.append(revId != null ? revId : "")
.append(Objects.toString(tag, ""))