com.google.gerrit.server.edit.ChangeEditModifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.gerrit.server.edit;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.gerrit.entities.Change;
import com.google.gerrit.entities.PatchSet;
import com.google.gerrit.entities.RefNames;
import com.google.gerrit.extensions.restapi.AuthException;
import com.google.gerrit.extensions.restapi.BadRequestException;
import com.google.gerrit.extensions.restapi.MergeConflictException;
import com.google.gerrit.extensions.restapi.RawInput;
import com.google.gerrit.extensions.restapi.ResourceConflictException;
import com.google.gerrit.server.ChangeUtil;
import com.google.gerrit.server.CurrentUser;
import com.google.gerrit.server.GerritPersonIdent;
import com.google.gerrit.server.IdentifiedUser;
import com.google.gerrit.server.PatchSetUtil;
import com.google.gerrit.server.edit.tree.ChangeFileContentModification;
import com.google.gerrit.server.edit.tree.DeleteFileModification;
import com.google.gerrit.server.edit.tree.RenameFileModification;
import com.google.gerrit.server.edit.tree.RestoreFileModification;
import com.google.gerrit.server.edit.tree.TreeCreator;
import com.google.gerrit.server.edit.tree.TreeModification;
import com.google.gerrit.server.index.change.ChangeIndexer;
import com.google.gerrit.server.notedb.ChangeNotes;
import com.google.gerrit.server.permissions.ChangePermission;
import com.google.gerrit.server.permissions.PermissionBackend;
import com.google.gerrit.server.permissions.PermissionBackendException;
import com.google.gerrit.server.project.InvalidChangeOperationException;
import com.google.gerrit.server.project.ProjectCache;
import com.google.gerrit.server.util.CommitMessageUtil;
import com.google.gerrit.server.util.time.TimeUtil;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Provider;
import com.google.inject.Singleton;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.InvalidPathException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.BatchRefUpdate;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CommitBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeStrategy;
import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.ThreeWayMerger;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.ReceiveCommand;
* Utility functions to manipulate change edits.
* This class contains methods to modify edit's content. For retrieving, publishing and deleting
* edit see {@link ChangeEditUtil}.
public class ChangeEditModifier {
private final TimeZone tz;
private final ChangeIndexer indexer;
private final Provider currentUser;
private final PermissionBackend permissionBackend;
private final ChangeEditUtil changeEditUtil;
private final PatchSetUtil patchSetUtil;
private final ProjectCache projectCache;
@GerritPersonIdent PersonIdent gerritIdent,
ChangeIndexer indexer,
Provider currentUser,
PermissionBackend permissionBackend,
ChangeEditUtil changeEditUtil,
PatchSetUtil patchSetUtil,
ProjectCache projectCache) {
this.indexer = indexer;
this.currentUser = currentUser;
this.permissionBackend = permissionBackend;
this.tz = gerritIdent.getTimeZone();
this.changeEditUtil = changeEditUtil;
this.patchSetUtil = patchSetUtil;
this.projectCache = projectCache;
* Creates a new change edit.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change for which the change edit should be created
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if a change edit already existed for the change
* @throws PermissionBackendException
public void createEdit(Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes)
throws AuthException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
Optional changeEdit = lookupChangeEdit(notes);
if (changeEdit.isPresent()) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(
String.format("A change edit already exists for change %s", notes.getChangeId()));
PatchSet currentPatchSet = lookupCurrentPatchSet(notes);
ObjectId patchSetCommitId = currentPatchSet.commitId();
createEdit(repository, notes, currentPatchSet, patchSetCommitId, TimeUtil.nowTs());
* Rebase change edit on latest patch set
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change whose change edit should be rebased
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if a change edit doesn't exist for the specified
* change, the change edit is already based on the latest patch set, or the change represents
* the root commit
* @throws MergeConflictException if rebase fails due to merge conflicts
* @throws PermissionBackendException
public void rebaseEdit(Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes)
throws AuthException, InvalidChangeOperationException, IOException, MergeConflictException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
Optional optionalChangeEdit = lookupChangeEdit(notes);
if (!optionalChangeEdit.isPresent()) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(
String.format("No change edit exists for change %s", notes.getChangeId()));
ChangeEdit changeEdit = optionalChangeEdit.get();
PatchSet currentPatchSet = lookupCurrentPatchSet(notes);
if (isBasedOn(changeEdit, currentPatchSet)) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(
"Change edit for change %s is already based on latest patch set %s",
notes.getChangeId(), currentPatchSet.id()));
rebase(repository, changeEdit, currentPatchSet);
private void rebase(Repository repository, ChangeEdit changeEdit, PatchSet currentPatchSet)
throws IOException, MergeConflictException, InvalidChangeOperationException {
RevCommit currentEditCommit = changeEdit.getEditCommit();
if (currentEditCommit.getParentCount() == 0) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(
"Rebase change edit against root commit not supported");
Change change = changeEdit.getChange();
RevCommit basePatchSetCommit = lookupCommit(repository, currentPatchSet);
RevTree basePatchSetTree = basePatchSetCommit.getTree();
ObjectId newTreeId = merge(repository, changeEdit, basePatchSetTree);
Timestamp nowTimestamp = TimeUtil.nowTs();
String commitMessage = currentEditCommit.getFullMessage();
ObjectId newEditCommitId =
createCommit(repository, basePatchSetCommit, newTreeId, commitMessage, nowTimestamp);
String newEditRefName = getEditRefName(change, currentPatchSet);
* Modifies the commit message of a change edit. If the change edit doesn't exist, a new one will
* be created based on the current patch set.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change whose change edit's message should be
* modified
* @param newCommitMessage the new commit message
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws UnchangedCommitMessageException if the commit message is the same as before
* @throws PermissionBackendException
* @throws BadRequestException if the commit message is malformed
public void modifyMessage(Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes, String newCommitMessage)
throws AuthException, IOException, UnchangedCommitMessageException,
PermissionBackendException, BadRequestException, ResourceConflictException {
newCommitMessage = CommitMessageUtil.checkAndSanitizeCommitMessage(newCommitMessage);
Optional optionalChangeEdit = lookupChangeEdit(notes);
PatchSet basePatchSet = getBasePatchSet(optionalChangeEdit, notes);
RevCommit basePatchSetCommit = lookupCommit(repository, basePatchSet);
RevCommit baseCommit =
String currentCommitMessage = baseCommit.getFullMessage();
if (newCommitMessage.equals(currentCommitMessage)) {
throw new UnchangedCommitMessageException();
RevTree baseTree = baseCommit.getTree();
Timestamp nowTimestamp = TimeUtil.nowTs();
ObjectId newEditCommit =
createCommit(repository, basePatchSetCommit, baseTree, newCommitMessage, nowTimestamp);
if (optionalChangeEdit.isPresent()) {
updateEdit(repository, optionalChangeEdit.get(), newEditCommit, nowTimestamp);
} else {
createEdit(repository, notes, basePatchSet, newEditCommit, nowTimestamp);
* Modifies the contents of a file of a change edit. If the change edit doesn't exist, a new one
* will be created based on the current patch set.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change whose change edit should be modified
* @param filePath the path of the file whose contents should be modified
* @param newContent the new file content
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws BadRequestException if the user provided bad input (e.g. invalid file paths)
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if the file already had the specified content
* @throws PermissionBackendException
* @throws ResourceConflictException if the project state does not permit the operation
public void modifyFile(
Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes, String filePath, RawInput newContent)
throws AuthException, BadRequestException, InvalidChangeOperationException, IOException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
modifyTree(repository, notes, new ChangeFileContentModification(filePath, newContent));
* Deletes a file from the Git tree of a change edit. If the change edit doesn't exist, a new one
* will be created based on the current patch set.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change whose change edit should be modified
* @param file path of the file which should be deleted
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws BadRequestException if the user provided bad input (e.g. invalid file paths)
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if the file does not exist
* @throws PermissionBackendException
* @throws ResourceConflictException if the project state does not permit the operation
public void deleteFile(Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes, String file)
throws AuthException, BadRequestException, InvalidChangeOperationException, IOException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
modifyTree(repository, notes, new DeleteFileModification(file));
* Renames a file of a change edit or moves it to another directory. If the change edit doesn't
* exist, a new one will be created based on the current patch set.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change whose change edit should be modified
* @param currentFilePath the current path/name of the file
* @param newFilePath the desired path/name of the file
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws BadRequestException if the user provided bad input (e.g. invalid file paths)
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if the file was already renamed to the specified new
* name
* @throws PermissionBackendException
* @throws ResourceConflictException if the project state does not permit the operation
public void renameFile(
Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes, String currentFilePath, String newFilePath)
throws AuthException, BadRequestException, InvalidChangeOperationException, IOException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
modifyTree(repository, notes, new RenameFileModification(currentFilePath, newFilePath));
* Restores a file of a change edit to the state it was in before the patch set on which the
* change edit is based. If the change edit doesn't exist, a new one will be created based on the
* current patch set.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change whose change edit should be modified
* @param file the path of the file which should be restored
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if the file was already restored
* @throws PermissionBackendException
public void restoreFile(Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes, String file)
throws AuthException, BadRequestException, InvalidChangeOperationException, IOException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
modifyTree(repository, notes, new RestoreFileModification(file));
private void modifyTree(
Repository repository, ChangeNotes notes, TreeModification treeModification)
throws AuthException, BadRequestException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException,
PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
Optional optionalChangeEdit = lookupChangeEdit(notes);
PatchSet basePatchSet = getBasePatchSet(optionalChangeEdit, notes);
RevCommit basePatchSetCommit = lookupCommit(repository, basePatchSet);
RevCommit baseCommit =
ObjectId newTreeId = createNewTree(repository, baseCommit, ImmutableList.of(treeModification));
String commitMessage = baseCommit.getFullMessage();
Timestamp nowTimestamp = TimeUtil.nowTs();
ObjectId newEditCommit =
createCommit(repository, basePatchSetCommit, newTreeId, commitMessage, nowTimestamp);
if (optionalChangeEdit.isPresent()) {
updateEdit(repository, optionalChangeEdit.get(), newEditCommit, nowTimestamp);
} else {
createEdit(repository, notes, basePatchSet, newEditCommit, nowTimestamp);
* Applies the indicated modifications to the specified patch set. If a change edit exists and is
* based on the same patch set, the modified patch set tree is merged with the change edit. If the
* change edit doesn't exist, a new one will be created.
* @param repository the affected Git repository
* @param notes the {@link ChangeNotes} of the change to which the patch set belongs
* @param patchSet the {@code PatchSet} which should be modified
* @param treeModifications the modifications which should be applied
* @return the resulting {@code ChangeEdit}
* @throws AuthException if the user isn't authenticated or not allowed to use change edits
* @throws InvalidChangeOperationException if the existing change edit is based on another patch
* set or no change edit exists but the specified patch set isn't the current one
* @throws MergeConflictException if the modified patch set tree can't be merged with an existing
* change edit
public ChangeEdit combineWithModifiedPatchSetTree(
Repository repository,
ChangeNotes notes,
PatchSet patchSet,
List treeModifications)
throws AuthException, BadRequestException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException,
MergeConflictException, PermissionBackendException, ResourceConflictException {
Optional optionalChangeEdit = lookupChangeEdit(notes);
ensureAllowedPatchSet(notes, optionalChangeEdit, patchSet);
RevCommit patchSetCommit = lookupCommit(repository, patchSet);
ObjectId newTreeId = createNewTree(repository, patchSetCommit, treeModifications);
if (optionalChangeEdit.isPresent()) {
ChangeEdit changeEdit = optionalChangeEdit.get();
newTreeId = merge(repository, changeEdit, newTreeId);
if (ObjectId.isEqual(newTreeId, changeEdit.getEditCommit().getTree())) {
// Modifications are already contained in the change edit.
return changeEdit;
String commitMessage =
Timestamp nowTimestamp = TimeUtil.nowTs();
ObjectId newEditCommit =
createCommit(repository, patchSetCommit, newTreeId, commitMessage, nowTimestamp);
if (optionalChangeEdit.isPresent()) {
return updateEdit(repository, optionalChangeEdit.get(), newEditCommit, nowTimestamp);
return createEdit(repository, notes, patchSet, newEditCommit, nowTimestamp);
private void assertCanEdit(ChangeNotes notes)
throws AuthException, PermissionBackendException, IOException, ResourceConflictException {
if (!currentUser.get().isIdentifiedUser()) {
throw new AuthException("Authentication required");
Change c = notes.getChange();
if (!c.isNew()) {
throw new ResourceConflictException(
String.format("change %s is %s", c.getChangeId(), ChangeUtil.status(c)));
// Not allowed to edit if the current patch set is locked.
try {
} catch (AuthException denied) {
throw new AuthException("edit not permitted", denied);
private static void ensureAllowedPatchSet(
ChangeNotes notes, Optional optionalChangeEdit, PatchSet patchSet)
throws InvalidChangeOperationException {
if (optionalChangeEdit.isPresent()) {
ChangeEdit changeEdit = optionalChangeEdit.get();
if (!isBasedOn(changeEdit, patchSet)) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(
"Only the patch set %s on which the existing change edit is based may be modified "
+ "(specified patch set: %s)",
changeEdit.getBasePatchSet().id(), patchSet.id()));
} else {
PatchSet.Id patchSetId = patchSet.id();
PatchSet.Id currentPatchSetId = notes.getChange().currentPatchSetId();
if (!patchSetId.equals(currentPatchSetId)) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(
"A change edit may only be created for the current patch set %s (and not for %s)",
currentPatchSetId, patchSetId));
private Optional lookupChangeEdit(ChangeNotes notes)
throws AuthException, IOException {
return changeEditUtil.byChange(notes);
private PatchSet getBasePatchSet(Optional optionalChangeEdit, ChangeNotes notes) {
Optional editBasePatchSet = optionalChangeEdit.map(ChangeEdit::getBasePatchSet);
return editBasePatchSet.isPresent() ? editBasePatchSet.get() : lookupCurrentPatchSet(notes);
private PatchSet lookupCurrentPatchSet(ChangeNotes notes) {
return patchSetUtil.current(notes);
private static boolean isBasedOn(ChangeEdit changeEdit, PatchSet patchSet) {
PatchSet editBasePatchSet = changeEdit.getBasePatchSet();
return editBasePatchSet.id().equals(patchSet.id());
private static RevCommit lookupCommit(Repository repository, PatchSet patchSet)
throws IOException {
ObjectId patchSetCommitId = patchSet.commitId();
return lookupCommit(repository, patchSetCommitId);
private static RevCommit lookupCommit(Repository repository, ObjectId commitId)
throws IOException {
try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
return revWalk.parseCommit(commitId);
private static ObjectId createNewTree(
Repository repository, RevCommit baseCommit, List treeModifications)
throws BadRequestException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException {
ObjectId newTreeId;
try {
TreeCreator treeCreator = new TreeCreator(baseCommit);
newTreeId = treeCreator.createNewTreeAndGetId(repository);
} catch (InvalidPathException e) {
throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
if (ObjectId.isEqual(newTreeId, baseCommit.getTree())) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException("no changes were made");
return newTreeId;
private static ObjectId merge(Repository repository, ChangeEdit changeEdit, ObjectId newTreeId)
throws IOException, MergeConflictException {
PatchSet basePatchSet = changeEdit.getBasePatchSet();
ObjectId basePatchSetCommitId = basePatchSet.commitId();
ObjectId editCommitId = changeEdit.getEditCommit();
ThreeWayMerger threeWayMerger = MergeStrategy.RESOLVE.newMerger(repository, true);
boolean successful = threeWayMerger.merge(newTreeId, editCommitId);
if (!successful) {
throw new MergeConflictException(
"The existing change edit could not be merged with another tree.");
return threeWayMerger.getResultTreeId();
private ObjectId createCommit(
Repository repository,
RevCommit basePatchSetCommit,
ObjectId tree,
String commitMessage,
Timestamp timestamp)
throws IOException {
try (ObjectInserter objectInserter = repository.newObjectInserter()) {
CommitBuilder builder = new CommitBuilder();
ObjectId newCommitId = objectInserter.insert(builder);
return newCommitId;
private PersonIdent getCommitterIdent(Timestamp commitTimestamp) {
IdentifiedUser user = currentUser.get().asIdentifiedUser();
return user.newCommitterIdent(commitTimestamp, tz);
private ChangeEdit createEdit(
Repository repository,
ChangeNotes notes,
PatchSet basePatchSet,
ObjectId newEditCommitId,
Timestamp timestamp)
throws IOException {
Change change = notes.getChange();
String editRefName = getEditRefName(change, basePatchSet);
updateReference(repository, editRefName, ObjectId.zeroId(), newEditCommitId, timestamp);
RevCommit newEditCommit = lookupCommit(repository, newEditCommitId);
return new ChangeEdit(change, editRefName, newEditCommit, basePatchSet);
private String getEditRefName(Change change, PatchSet basePatchSet) {
IdentifiedUser me = currentUser.get().asIdentifiedUser();
return RefNames.refsEdit(me.getAccountId(), change.getId(), basePatchSet.id());
private ChangeEdit updateEdit(
Repository repository, ChangeEdit changeEdit, ObjectId newEditCommitId, Timestamp timestamp)
throws IOException {
String editRefName = changeEdit.getRefName();
RevCommit currentEditCommit = changeEdit.getEditCommit();
updateReference(repository, editRefName, currentEditCommit, newEditCommitId, timestamp);
RevCommit newEditCommit = lookupCommit(repository, newEditCommitId);
return new ChangeEdit(
changeEdit.getChange(), editRefName, newEditCommit, changeEdit.getBasePatchSet());
private void updateReference(
Repository repository,
String refName,
ObjectId currentObjectId,
ObjectId targetObjectId,
Timestamp timestamp)
throws IOException {
RefUpdate ru = repository.updateRef(refName);
ru.setRefLogMessage("inline edit (amend)", false);
try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
RefUpdate.Result res = ru.update(revWalk);
if (res != RefUpdate.Result.NEW && res != RefUpdate.Result.FORCED) {
throw new IOException(
"cannot update "
+ ru.getName()
+ " in "
+ repository.getDirectory()
+ ": "
+ ru.getResult());
private void updateReferenceWithNameChange(
Repository repository,
String currentRefName,
ObjectId currentObjectId,
String newRefName,
ObjectId targetObjectId,
Timestamp timestamp)
throws IOException {
BatchRefUpdate batchRefUpdate = repository.getRefDatabase().newBatchUpdate();
batchRefUpdate.addCommand(new ReceiveCommand(ObjectId.zeroId(), targetObjectId, newRefName));
new ReceiveCommand(currentObjectId, ObjectId.zeroId(), currentRefName));
batchRefUpdate.setRefLogMessage("rebase edit", false);
try (RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
batchRefUpdate.execute(revWalk, NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE);
for (ReceiveCommand cmd : batchRefUpdate.getCommands()) {
if (cmd.getResult() != ReceiveCommand.Result.OK) {
throw new IOException("failed: " + cmd);
private PersonIdent getRefLogIdent(Timestamp timestamp) {
IdentifiedUser user = currentUser.get().asIdentifiedUser();
return user.newRefLogIdent(timestamp, tz);
private void reindex(Change change) {