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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Generates implementations of AutoBeanFactory.

AutoBeans has moved to * This package will be * removed in a future version of GWT.

*/ @Deprecated public class AutoBeanFactoryGenerator extends Generator { private GeneratorContext context; private String simpleSourceName; private TreeLogger logger; private AutoBeanFactoryModel model; @Override public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { this.context = context; this.logger = logger; TypeOracle oracle = context.getTypeOracle(); JClassType toGenerate = oracle.findType(typeName).isInterface(); if (toGenerate == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, typeName + " is not an interface type"); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } String packageName = toGenerate.getPackage().getName(); simpleSourceName = toGenerate.getName().replace('.', '_') + "Impl"; PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, simpleSourceName); if (pw == null) { return packageName + "." + simpleSourceName; } model = new AutoBeanFactoryModel(logger, toGenerate); ClassSourceFileComposerFactory factory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory( packageName, simpleSourceName); factory.setSuperclass(AbstractAutoBeanFactory.class.getCanonicalName()); factory.addImplementedInterface(typeName); SourceWriter sw = factory.createSourceWriter(context, pw); for (AutoBeanType type : model.getAllTypes()) { writeAutoBean(type); } writeDynamicMethods(sw); writeEnumSetup(sw); writeMethods(sw); sw.commit(logger); return factory.getCreatedClassName(); } /** * Flattens a parameterized type into a simple list of types. */ private void createTypeList(List accumulator, JType type) { accumulator.add(type); JParameterizedType hasParams = type.isParameterized(); if (hasParams != null) { for (JClassType arg : hasParams.getTypeArgs()) { createTypeList(accumulator, arg); } } } private String getBaseMethodDeclaration(JMethod jmethod) { // Foo foo, Bar bar, Baz baz StringBuilder parameters = new StringBuilder(); for (JParameter param : jmethod.getParameters()) { parameters.append(",").append( ModelUtils.getQualifiedBaseSourceName(param.getType())).append(" ").append( param.getName()); } if (parameters.length() > 0) { parameters = parameters.deleteCharAt(0); } StringBuilder throwsDeclaration = new StringBuilder(); if (jmethod.getThrows().length > 0) { for (JType thrown : jmethod.getThrows()) { throwsDeclaration.append(". ").append( ModelUtils.getQualifiedBaseSourceName(thrown)); } throwsDeclaration.deleteCharAt(0); throwsDeclaration.insert(0, "throws "); } String returnName = ModelUtils.getQualifiedBaseSourceName(jmethod.getReturnType()); assert !returnName.contains("extends"); return String.format("%s %s(%s) %s", returnName, jmethod.getName(), parameters, throwsDeclaration); } /** * Used by {@link #writeShim} to avoid duplicate declarations of Object * methods. */ private boolean isObjectMethodImplementedByShim(JMethod jmethod) { String methodName = jmethod.getName(); JParameter[] parameters = jmethod.getParameters(); switch (parameters.length) { case 0: return methodName.equals("hashCode") || methodName.equals("toString"); case 1: return methodName.equals("equals") && parameters[0].getType().equals( context.getTypeOracle().getJavaLangObject()); } return false; } private void writeAutoBean(AutoBeanType type) throws UnableToCompleteException { PrintWriter pw = context.tryCreate(logger, type.getPackageNome(), type.getSimpleSourceName()); if (pw == null) { // Previously-created return; } ClassSourceFileComposerFactory factory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory( type.getPackageNome(), type.getSimpleSourceName()); factory.setSuperclass(AbstractAutoBean.class.getCanonicalName() + "<" + type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName() + ">"); SourceWriter sw = factory.createSourceWriter(context, pw); writeShim(sw, type); // Instance initializer code to set the shim's association sw.println("{ %s.set(shim, %s.class.getName(), this); }", WeakMapping.class.getCanonicalName(), AutoBean.class.getCanonicalName()); // Only simple wrappers have a default constructor if (type.isSimpleBean()) { // public FooIntfAutoBean(AutoBeanFactory factory) {} sw.println("public %s(%s factory) {super(factory);}", type.getSimpleSourceName(), AutoBeanFactory.class.getCanonicalName()); } // Clone constructor // public FooIntfAutoBean(FooIntfoAutoBean toClone, boolean deepClone) { sw.println("public %1$s(%1$s toClone, boolean deep) {", type.getSimpleSourceName()); sw.indentln("super(toClone, deep);"); sw.println("}"); // Wrapping constructor // public FooIntfAutoBean(AutoBeanFactory factory, FooIntfo wrapped) { sw.println("public %s(%s factory, %s wrapped) {", type.getSimpleSourceName(), AutoBeanFactory.class.getCanonicalName(), type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName()); sw.indentln("super(factory, wrapped);"); sw.println("}"); // public FooIntf as() {return shim;} sw.println("public %s as() {return shim;}", type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName()); // public FooIntfAutoBean clone(boolean deep) { sw.println("public %s clone(boolean deep) {", type.getQualifiedSourceName()); // return new FooIntfAutoBean(this, deep); sw.indentln("return new %s(this, deep);", type.getSimpleSourceName()); sw.println("}"); // public Class getType() {return Intf.class;} sw.println("public Class<%1$s> getType() {return %1$s.class;}", ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(type.getPeerType()).getQualifiedSourceName()); if (type.isSimpleBean()) { writeCreateSimpleBean(sw, type); } writeTraversal(sw, type); sw.commit(logger); } /** * For interfaces that consist of nothing more than getters and setters, * create a map-based implementation that will allow the AutoBean's internal * state to be easily consumed. */ private void writeCreateSimpleBean(SourceWriter sw, AutoBeanType type) { sw.println("@Override protected %s createSimplePeer() {", type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName()); sw.indent(); // return new FooIntf() { sw.println("return new %s() {", type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName()); sw.indent(); for (AutoBeanMethod method : type.getMethods()) { JMethod jmethod = method.getMethod(); sw.println("public %s {", getBaseMethodDeclaration(jmethod)); sw.indent(); switch (method.getAction()) { case GET: { // Must handle de-boxing primitive types JPrimitiveType primitive = jmethod.getReturnType().isPrimitive(); if (primitive != null) { // Object toReturn = values.get("foo"); sw.println("Object toReturn = values.get(\"%s\");", method.getPropertyName()); sw.println("if (toReturn == null) {"); // return 0; sw.indentln("return %s;", primitive.getUninitializedFieldExpression()); sw.println("} else {"); // return (BoxedType) toReturn; sw.indentln("return (%s) toReturn;", primitive.getQualifiedBoxedSourceName()); sw.println("}"); } else { // return (ReturnType) values.get(\"foo\"); sw.println("return (%s) values.get(\"%s\");", ModelUtils.getQualifiedBaseSourceName(jmethod.getReturnType()), method.getPropertyName()); } } break; case SET: case SET_BUILDER: // values.put("foo", parameter); sw.println("values.put(\"%s\", %s);", method.getPropertyName(), jmethod.getParameters()[0].getName()); if (JBeanMethod.SET_BUILDER.equals(method.getAction())) { sw.println("return this;"); } break; case CALL: // return com.example.Owner.staticMethod(Outer.this, param, // param); JMethod staticImpl = method.getStaticImpl(); if (!jmethod.getReturnType().equals(JPrimitiveType.VOID)) { sw.print("return "); } sw.print("%s.%s(%s.this", staticImpl.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName(), staticImpl.getName(), type.getSimpleSourceName()); for (JParameter param : jmethod.getParameters()) { sw.print(", %s", param.getName()); } sw.println(");"); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("};"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } /** * Write an instance initializer block to populate the creators map. */ private void writeDynamicMethods(SourceWriter sw) { List privatePeers = new ArrayList(); sw.println("@Override protected void initializeCreatorMap(%s map) {", JsniCreatorMap.class.getCanonicalName()); sw.indent(); for (AutoBeanType type : model.getAllTypes()) { if (type.isNoWrap()) { continue; } String classLiteralAccessor; JClassType peer = type.getPeerType(); String peerName = ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(peer).getQualifiedSourceName(); if (peer.isPublic()) { classLiteralAccessor = peerName + ".class"; } else { privatePeers.add(peer); classLiteralAccessor = "classLit_" + peerName.replace('.', '_') + "()"; } // map.add(Foo.class, getConstructors_com_foo_Bar()); sw.println("map.add(%s, getConstructors_%s());", classLiteralAccessor, peerName.replace('.', '_')); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); /* * Create a native method for each peer type that isn't public since Java * class literal references are scoped. */ for (JClassType peer : privatePeers) { String peerName = ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(peer).getQualifiedSourceName(); sw.println( "private native Class classLit_%s() /*-{return @%s::class;}-*/;", peerName.replace('.', '_'), peerName); } /* * Create a method that returns an array containing references to the * constructors. */ String factoryJNIName = context.getTypeOracle().findType( AutoBeanFactory.class.getCanonicalName()).getJNISignature(); for (AutoBeanType type : model.getAllTypes()) { String peerName = ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(type.getPeerType()).getQualifiedSourceName(); String peerJNIName = ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(type.getPeerType()).getJNISignature(); /*- * private native JsArray getConstructors_com_foo_Bar() { * return [ * BarProxyImpl::new(ABFactory), * BarProxyImpl::new(ABFactory, DelegateType) * ]; * } */ sw.println("private native %s<%s> getConstructors_%s() /*-{", JsArray.class.getCanonicalName(), JavaScriptObject.class.getCanonicalName(), peerName.replace('.', '_')); sw.indent(); sw.println("return ["); if (type.isSimpleBean()) { sw.indentln("@%s::new(%s),", type.getQualifiedSourceName(), factoryJNIName); } else { sw.indentln(","); } sw.indentln("@%s::new(%s%s)", type.getQualifiedSourceName(), factoryJNIName, peerJNIName); sw.println("];"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}-*/;"); } } private void writeEnumSetup(SourceWriter sw) { // Make the deobfuscation model Map> map = new HashMap>(); for (Map.Entry entry : model.getEnumTokenMap().entrySet()) { List list = map.get(entry.getValue()); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); map.put(entry.getValue(), list); } list.add(entry.getKey()); } sw.println("@Override protected void initializeEnumMap() {"); sw.indent(); for (Map.Entry entry : model.getEnumTokenMap().entrySet()) { // enumToStringMap.put(Enum.FOO, "FOO"); sw.println("enumToStringMap.put(%s.%s, \"%s\");", entry.getKey().getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName(), entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry> entry : map.entrySet()) { String listExpr; if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) { JEnumConstant e = entry.getValue().get(0); // Collections.singletonList(Enum.FOO) listExpr = String.format("%s.<%s> singletonList(%s.%s)", Collections.class.getCanonicalName(), Enum.class.getCanonicalName(), e.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName(), e.getName()); } else { // Arrays.asList(Enum.FOO, OtherEnum.FOO, ThirdEnum,FOO) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean needsComma = false; sb.append(String.format("%s.<%s> asList(", Arrays.class.getCanonicalName(), Enum.class.getCanonicalName())); for (JEnumConstant e : entry.getValue()) { if (needsComma) { sb.append(","); } needsComma = true; sb.append(e.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName()).append(".").append( e.getName()); } sb.append(")"); listExpr = sb.toString(); } sw.println("stringsToEnumsMap.put(\"%s\", %s);", entry.getKey(), listExpr); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } private void writeMethods(SourceWriter sw) throws UnableToCompleteException { for (AutoBeanFactoryMethod method : model.getMethods()) { AutoBeanType autoBeanType = method.getAutoBeanType(); // public AutoBean foo(FooSubtype wrapped) { sw.println("public %s %s(%s) {", method.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName(), method.getName(), method.isWrapper() ? (method.getWrappedType().getQualifiedSourceName() + " wrapped") : ""); if (method.isWrapper()) { sw.indent(); // AutoBean toReturn = AutoBeanUtils.getAutoBean(wrapped); sw.println("%s toReturn = %s.getAutoBean(wrapped);", method.getReturnType().getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName(), AutoBeanUtils.class.getCanonicalName()); sw.println("if (toReturn != null) {return toReturn;}"); // return new FooAutoBean(Factory.this, wrapped); sw.println("return new %s(%s.this, wrapped);", autoBeanType.getQualifiedSourceName(), simpleSourceName); sw.outdent(); } else { // return new FooAutoBean(Factory.this); sw.indentln("return new %s(%s.this);", autoBeanType.getQualifiedSourceName(), simpleSourceName); } sw.println("}"); } } private void writeReturnWrapper(SourceWriter sw, AutoBeanType type, AutoBeanMethod method) throws UnableToCompleteException { if (!method.isValueType() && !method.isNoWrap()) { JMethod jmethod = method.getMethod(); JClassType returnClass = jmethod.getReturnType().isClassOrInterface(); AutoBeanType peer = model.getPeer(returnClass); sw.println("if (toReturn != null) {"); sw.indent(); sw.println("if (%s.this.isWrapped(toReturn)) {", type.getSimpleSourceName()); sw.indentln("toReturn = %s.this.getFromWrapper(toReturn);", type.getSimpleSourceName()); sw.println("} else {"); sw.indent(); if (peer != null) { // toReturn = new FooAutoBean(getFactory(), toReturn).as(); sw.println("toReturn = new %s(getFactory(), toReturn).as();", peer.getQualifiedSourceName()); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } // Allow return values to be intercepted JMethod interceptor = type.getInterceptor(); if (interceptor != null) { // toReturn = FooCategory.__intercept(FooAutoBean.this, toReturn); sw.println("toReturn = %s.%s(%s.this, toReturn);", interceptor.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName(), interceptor.getName(), type.getSimpleSourceName()); } } /** * Create the shim instance of the AutoBean's peer type that lets us hijack * the method calls. Using a shim type, as opposed to making the AutoBean * implement the peer type directly, means that there can't be any conflicts * between methods in the peer type and methods declared in the AutoBean * implementation. */ private void writeShim(SourceWriter sw, AutoBeanType type) throws UnableToCompleteException { // private final FooImpl shim = new FooImpl() { sw.println("private final %1$s shim = new %1$s() {", type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName()); sw.indent(); for (AutoBeanMethod method : type.getMethods()) { JMethod jmethod = method.getMethod(); String methodName = jmethod.getName(); JParameter[] parameters = jmethod.getParameters(); if (isObjectMethodImplementedByShim(jmethod)) { // Skip any methods declared on Object, since we have special handling continue; } // foo, bar, baz StringBuilder arguments = new StringBuilder(); { for (JParameter param : parameters) { arguments.append(",").append(param.getName()); } if (arguments.length() > 0) { arguments = arguments.deleteCharAt(0); } } sw.println("public %s {", getBaseMethodDeclaration(jmethod)); sw.indent(); // Use explicit enclosing this reference to avoid method conflicts sw.println("%s.this.checkWrapped();", type.getSimpleSourceName()); switch (method.getAction()) { case GET: /* * The getter call will ensure that any non-value return type is * definitely wrapped by an AutoBean instance. */ // Foo toReturn=FooAutoBean.this.get("getFoo", getWrapped().getFoo()); sw.println( "%s toReturn = %3$s.this.get(\"%2$s\", getWrapped().%2$s());", ModelUtils.getQualifiedBaseSourceName(jmethod.getReturnType()), methodName, type.getSimpleSourceName()); // Non-value types might need to be wrapped writeReturnWrapper(sw, type, method); sw.println("return toReturn;"); break; case SET: case SET_BUILDER: sw.println("%s.this.checkFrozen();", type.getSimpleSourceName()); // getWrapped().setFoo(foo); sw.println("%s.this.getWrapped().%s(%s);", type.getSimpleSourceName(), methodName, parameters[0].getName()); // FooAutoBean.this.set("setFoo", foo); sw.println("%s.this.set(\"%s\", %s);", type.getSimpleSourceName(), methodName, parameters[0].getName()); if (JBeanMethod.SET_BUILDER.equals(method.getAction())) { sw.println("return this;"); } break; case CALL: // XXX How should freezing and calls work together? // sw.println("checkFrozen();"); if (JPrimitiveType.VOID.equals(jmethod.getReturnType())) { // getWrapped().doFoo(params); sw.println("%s.this.getWrapped().%s(%s);", type.getSimpleSourceName(), methodName, arguments); // call("doFoo", null, params); sw.println("\"%s\", null%s %s);", type.getSimpleSourceName(), methodName, arguments.length() > 0 ? "," : "", arguments); } else { // Type toReturn = getWrapped().doFoo(params); sw.println( "%s toReturn = %s.this.getWrapped().%s(%s);", ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(jmethod.getReturnType()).getQualifiedSourceName(), type.getSimpleSourceName(), methodName, arguments); // Non-value types might need to be wrapped writeReturnWrapper(sw, type, method); // call("doFoo", toReturn, params); sw.println("\"%s\", toReturn%s %s);", type.getSimpleSourceName(), methodName, arguments.length() > 0 ? "," : "", arguments); sw.println("return toReturn;"); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } // Delegate equals(), hashCode(), and toString() to wrapped object sw.println("@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {"); sw.indentln("return this == o || getWrapped().equals(o);"); sw.println("}"); sw.println("@Override public int hashCode() {"); sw.indentln("return getWrapped().hashCode();"); sw.println("}"); sw.println("@Override public String toString() {"); sw.indentln("return getWrapped().toString();"); sw.println("}"); // End of shim field declaration and assignment sw.outdent(); sw.println("};"); } /** * Generate traversal logic. */ private void writeTraversal(SourceWriter sw, AutoBeanType type) { List referencedSetters = new ArrayList(); sw.println( "@Override protected void traverseProperties(%s visitor, %s ctx) {", AutoBeanVisitor.class.getCanonicalName(), OneShotContext.class.getCanonicalName()); sw.indent(); sw.println("%s bean;", AbstractAutoBean.class.getCanonicalName()); sw.println("Object value;"); sw.println("%s propertyContext;", ClientPropertyContext.class.getCanonicalName()); // Local variable ref cleans up emitted js sw.println("%1$s as = as();", type.getPeerType().getQualifiedSourceName()); sw.println("%s values = this.values;", Map.class.getCanonicalName()); for (AutoBeanMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (!method.getAction().equals(JBeanMethod.GET)) { continue; } AutoBeanMethod setter = null; // If it's not a simple bean type, try to find a real setter method if (!type.isSimpleBean()) { for (AutoBeanMethod maybeSetter : type.getMethods()) { boolean isASetter = maybeSetter.getAction().equals(JBeanMethod.SET) || maybeSetter.getAction().equals(JBeanMethod.SET_BUILDER); if (isASetter && maybeSetter.getPropertyName().equals(method.getPropertyName())) { setter = maybeSetter; break; } } } // The type of property influences the visitation String valueExpression = String.format( "bean = (%1$s) %2$s.getAutoBean(as.%3$s());", AbstractAutoBean.class.getCanonicalName(), AutoBeanUtils.class.getCanonicalName(), method.getMethod().getName()); String visitMethod; String visitVariable = "bean"; if (method.isCollection()) { visitMethod = "Collection"; } else if (method.isMap()) { visitMethod = "Map"; } else if (method.isValueType()) { valueExpression = String.format("value = as.%s();", method.getMethod().getName()); visitMethod = "Value"; visitVariable = "value"; } else { visitMethod = "Reference"; } sw.println(valueExpression); // Map, Bar> --> Map, List, Foo, Bar List typeList = new ArrayList(); createTypeList(typeList, method.getMethod().getReturnType()); assert typeList.size() > 0; /* * Make the PropertyContext that lets us call the setter. We allow * multiple methods to be bound to the same property (e.g. to allow JSON * payloads to be interpreted as different types). The leading underscore * allows purely numeric property names, which are valid JSON map keys. */ // propertyContext = new CPContext(.....); sw.println("propertyContext = new %s(", ClientPropertyContext.class.getCanonicalName()); sw.indent(); // The instance on which the context is nominally operating sw.println("as,"); // Produce a JSNI reference to a setter function to call { if (setter != null) { // Call a method that returns a JSNI reference to the method to call // setFooMethodReference(), sw.println("%sMethodReference(as),", setter.getMethod().getName()); referencedSetters.add(setter); } else { // Create a function that will update the values map // CPContext.mapSetter(values, "foo"); sw.println("%s.mapSetter(values, \"%s\"),", ClientPropertyContext.Setter.class.getCanonicalName(), method.getPropertyName()); } } if (typeList.size() == 1) { sw.println("%s.class", ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(typeList.get(0)).getQualifiedSourceName()); } else { // Produce the array of parameter types sw.print("new Class[] {"); boolean first = true; for (JType lit : typeList) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sw.print(", "); } sw.print("%s.class", ModelUtils.ensureBaseType(lit).getQualifiedSourceName()); } sw.println("},"); // Produce the array of parameter counts sw.print("new int[] {"); first = true; for (JType lit : typeList) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sw.print(", "); } JParameterizedType hasParam = lit.isParameterized(); if (hasParam == null) { sw.print("0"); } else { sw.print(String.valueOf(hasParam.getTypeArgs().length)); } } sw.println("}"); } sw.outdent(); sw.println(");"); // if (visitor.visitReferenceProperty("foo", value, ctx)) sw.println("if (visitor.visit%sProperty(\"%s\", %s, propertyContext)) {", visitMethod, method.getPropertyName(), visitVariable); if (!method.isValueType()) { // Cycle-detection in AbstractAutoBean.traverse sw.indentln("if (bean != null) { bean.traverse(visitor, ctx); }"); } sw.println("}"); // visitor.endVisitorReferenceProperty("foo", value, ctx); sw.println("visitor.endVisit%sProperty(\"%s\", %s, propertyContext);", visitMethod, method.getPropertyName(), visitVariable); } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); for (AutoBeanMethod method : referencedSetters) { JMethod jmethod = method.getMethod(); assert jmethod.getParameters().length == 1; /*- * Setter setFooMethodReference(Object instance) { * return [email protected]::setFoo(Lcom/example/Foo;); * } */ sw.println( "public static native %s %sMethodReference(Object instance) /*-{", ClientPropertyContext.Setter.class.getCanonicalName(), jmethod.getName()); sw.indentln("return instance.@%s::%s(%s);", jmethod.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName(), jmethod.getName(), jmethod.getParameters()[0].getType().getJNISignature()); sw.println("}-*/;"); } } }

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