com.google.transconsole.common.messages..svn.text-base.Hash.svn-base Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.transconsole.common.messages;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* This class contains routines for hashing.
* The hash takes a byte array representing arbitrary data (a number,
* String, or Object) and turns it into a small, hopefully unique, number.
* There are additional convenience functions which hash int, long, and
* String types.
There are 32 and 64 bit versions for generating differently sized hash
* values. There are methods which take seeds and ones that do not. If no seed
* is supplied, digits of pi are used. Supplying different seed values should
* yield independent hash values, useful for implementing bloom filters, for
* example.
Note:The hashing algorithm used here is also employed by the
* {@link StringHash} class. If you modify the implementation here, you should
* make the corresponding modifications to StringHash as well.
Note: this hash has weaknesses in the two most-significant key bits
* and in the three least-significant seed bits. The weaknesses are small and
* practically speaking, will not affect the distribution of hash values. Still,
* it would be good practice not to choose seeds 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n to yield n,
* independent hash functions. Use psuedo-random seeds instead. See HashTest for
* details on testing for weaknesses.
This code is based on the work of Craig Silverstein and Sanjay Ghemawat in
* //depot/google3/util/hash/hash-inl.h.
The original code for the hash function is courtesy
* Bob Jenkins.
TODO: Add stream hashing functionality.
* @see StringHash
public final class Hash {
private Hash() { }
/** Default hash seed (32 bit) */
static final int SEED32 = 0x12b9b0a1; // pi; an arbitrary number
/** Default hash seed (64 bit) */
static final long SEED64 = 0x2b992ddfa23249d6L; // more of pi
/** Hash constant (32 bit) */
static final int CONSTANT32 = 0x9e3779b9; // golden ratio; arbitrary
/** Hash constant (64 bit) */
static final long CONSTANT64 = 0xe08c1d668b756f82L; // more of golden
* Hash an int to a 32 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the int to hash
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(int value) {
return mix32(value, CONSTANT32, SEED32);
* Hash an int to a 32 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the int to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(int value, int seed) {
return mix32(value, CONSTANT32, seed);
* Returns a
* consistent hash for a given 64-bit hash code. The consistent hash is an
* approximately uniformly-distributed value between zero and {@code n - 1}
* inclusive, having the property that, for a fixed {@code h},
* {@code consistentHash32(h, n)} equals either
* {@code consistentHash32(h, n - 1)} (with probability 1-1/n) or {@code n}
* (with probability 1/n). Informally, when adding a new bucket (shard),
* rehashing the values causes every value to either remain in the same bucket
* or move to the last bucket.
This is a direct port of //depot/google3/util/hash/consistent-hash2.cc.
* @param h the hash code to assign to a bucket
* @param n the number of buckets
* @return bucket that h is hashed to, bounded between 0 to n - 1 inclusive
public static int consistentHash32(long h, int n) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(n > 0, "n must be positive: %s", n);
int b = 0; // The current bucket number, 1 <= b <= n (initially invalid)
int j = 1; // The destination of the next jump
// Jump from bucket to bucket until the next candidate is too large
while (j > 0 && j <= n) {
b = j;
h = 2862933555777941757L * h + 1;
// The code below implements j = floor(b/r) + 1.
double inv = ((double) (1L << 31)) /
((double)(int) ((h >>> 33) + 1));
j = (int) (b * inv + 1);
return b - 1;
* Hash a long to a 32 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the long to hash
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(long value) {
return (int) mix64(value, CONSTANT64, SEED64);
* Hash a long to a 32 bit value using the supplied seed.
* The hash is computed to 64 bits and the lower 32 are returned.
* @param value the long to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(long value, long seed) {
return (int) mix64(value, CONSTANT64, seed);
* Hash a long to a 64 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the long to hash
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(long value) {
return mix64(value, CONSTANT64, SEED64);
* Hash a long to a 64 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the long to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(long value, long seed) {
return mix64(value, CONSTANT64, seed);
* Combines two 64-bit longs. Compatible with hash-inl's
* FingerprintCat.
* @param x first value
* @param y second vaule
* @return 64 bit combined hash value
public static long hash64Cat(long x, long y) {
// This method is IDENTICAL to hash64(long, long)!!!
return mix64(x, CONSTANT64, y);
* Hash a string to a 32 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the string to hash
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(String value) {
return hash32(value, SEED32);
* Hash a string to a 32 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the string to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(String value, int seed) {
if (value == null) {
return hash32(null, 0, 0, seed);
return hash32(value.getBytes(), seed);
* Hash a string to a 64 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the string to hash
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(String value) {
return hash64(value, SEED64);
* Hash a string to a 64 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the string to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(String value, long seed) {
if (value == null) {
return hash64(null, 0, 0, seed);
return hash64(value.getBytes(), seed);
* Generates a fingerprint of an input string.
* Emulates the C++ version of this method found in
* google3/util/hash/hash-inl.h, namely the one with signature:
* uint64 Fingerprint(const string& s)
* This method is very similar to one in FP.java, but if you want to
* call a fingerprint method in Java which correctly emulates the
* C++ Fingerprint method, call this one! The fingerprint method in
* FP.java uses a private hash32 method which doesn't correctly
* emulate the Hash32StringWithSeed() method defined in
* google3/util/hash/hash.cc. Here we're using the hash32 method
* defined here in Hash.java. This hash32 method correctly emulates
* Hash32StringWithSeed in google3/util/hash/hash.cc. As a result
* this fingerprint method correctly emulates the Fingerprint method
* in hash-inl.h given above.
* For more details, see
* http://wiki.corp.google.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/JavaFingerprintDiscrepancy
public static long fingerprint(String value) {
try {
byte[] temp = value.getBytes("UTF-8");
return fingerprint(temp, 0, temp.length);
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Hash byte array to a 32 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(byte[] value) {
return hash32(value, 0, value == null ? 0 : value.length);
* Hash byte array to a 32 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @param offset the starting position of value where bytes are used for the
* hash computation
* @param length number of bytes of value that are used for the hash
* computation
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(byte[] value, int offset, int length) {
return hash32(value, offset, length, SEED32);
* Hash byte array to a 32 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(byte[] value, int seed) {
return hash32(value, 0, value == null ? 0 : value.length, seed);
* Hash byte array to a 32 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @param offset the starting position of value where bytes are used for the
* hash computation
* @param length number of bytes of value that are used for the hash
* computation
* @param seed the seed
* @return 32 bit hash value
public static int hash32(byte[] value, int offset, int length, int seed) {
int a = CONSTANT32;
int b = a;
int c = seed;
int keylen;
for (keylen = length; keylen >= 12; keylen -= 12, offset += 12) {
a += word32At(value, offset);
b += word32At(value, offset + 4);
c += word32At(value, offset + 8);
// Mix
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 13;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 8;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 13;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 12;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 16;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 5;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 3;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 10;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 15;
// Hash any remaining bytes
c += length;
switch (keylen) { // deal with rest. Cases fall through
case 11: c += (value[offset + 10] ) << 24;
case 10: c += (value[offset + 9] & 0xff) << 16;
case 9 : c += (value[offset + 8] & 0xff) << 8;
// the first byte of c is reserved for the length
case 8 :
b += word32At(value, offset + 4);
a += word32At(value, offset);
case 7 : b += (value[offset + 6] & 0xff) << 16;
case 6 : b += (value[offset + 5] & 0xff) << 8;
case 5 : b += (value[offset + 4] & 0xff);
case 4 :
a += word32At(value, offset);
case 3 : a += (value[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 16;
case 2 : a += (value[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 8;
case 1 : a += (value[offset + 0] & 0xff);
// case 0 : nothing left to add
return mix32(a, b, c);
* Hash byte array to a 64 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(byte[] value) {
return hash64(value, 0, value == null ? 0 : value.length);
* Hash byte array to a 64 bit value. The digits of pi are used
* for the hash seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @param offset the starting position of value where bytes are used for the
* hash computation
* @param length number of bytes of value that are used for the hash
* computation
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(byte[] value, int offset, int length) {
return hash64(value, offset, length, SEED64);
* Hash byte array to a 64 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @param seed the seed
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(byte[] value, long seed) {
return hash64(value, 0, value == null ? 0 : value.length, seed);
* Hash byte array to a 64 bit value using the supplied seed.
* @param value the bytes to hash
* @param offset the starting position of value where bytes are used for the
* hash computation
* @param length number of bytes of value that are used for the hash
* computation
* @param seed the seed
* @return 64 bit hash value
public static long hash64(byte[] value, int offset, int length, long seed) {
long a = CONSTANT64;
long b = a;
long c = seed;
int keylen;
for (keylen = length; keylen >= 24; keylen -= 24, offset += 24) {
a += word64At(value, offset);
b += word64At(value, offset + 8);
c += word64At(value, offset + 16);
// Mix
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 43;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 9;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 8;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 38;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 23;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 5;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 35;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 49;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 11;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 12;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 18;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 22;
c += length;
switch (keylen) { // deal with rest. Cases fall through
case 23: c += ((long)value[offset + 22]) << 56;
case 22: c += (value[offset + 21] & 0xffL) << 48;
case 21: c += (value[offset + 20] & 0xffL) << 40;
case 20: c += (value[offset + 19] & 0xffL) << 32;
case 19: c += (value[offset + 18] & 0xffL) << 24;
case 18: c += (value[offset + 17] & 0xffL) << 16;
case 17: c += (value[offset + 16] & 0xffL) << 8;
// the first byte of c is reserved for the length
case 16:
b += word64At(value, offset + 8);
a += word64At(value, offset);
case 15: b += (value[offset + 14] & 0xffL) << 48;
case 14: b += (value[offset + 13] & 0xffL) << 40;
case 13: b += (value[offset + 12] & 0xffL) << 32;
case 12: b += (value[offset + 11] & 0xffL) << 24;
case 11: b += (value[offset + 10] & 0xffL) << 16;
case 10: b += (value[offset + 9] & 0xffL) << 8;
case 9: b += (value[offset + 8] & 0xffL);
case 8:
a += word64At(value, offset);
case 7: a += (value[offset + 6] & 0xffL) << 48;
case 6: a += (value[offset + 5] & 0xffL) << 40;
case 5: a += (value[offset + 4] & 0xffL) << 32;
case 4: a += (value[offset + 3] & 0xffL) << 24;
case 3: a += (value[offset + 2] & 0xffL) << 16;
case 2: a += (value[offset + 1] & 0xffL) << 8;
case 1: a += (value[offset + 0] & 0xffL);
// case 0: nothing left to add
return mix64(a, b, c);
* Treating an array of bytes a word at a time is far more efficient than
* byte-by-byte. For 32 bit words, treat the bytes as signed for
* compatibility with the C++ hash code (GOOGLE1_COMPAT). This is not done
* for 64 bit and should be removed at the same time GOOGLE1_COMPAT is nixed
* (if ever).
public static int word32At(byte[] bytes, int offset) {
return bytes[offset + 0] +
(bytes[offset + 1] << 8) +
(bytes[offset + 2] << 16) +
(bytes[offset + 3] << 24);
private static long word64At(byte[] bytes, int offset) {
return (bytes[offset + 0] & 0xffL) +
((bytes[offset + 1] & 0xffL) << 8) +
((bytes[offset + 2] & 0xffL) << 16) +
((bytes[offset + 3] & 0xffL) << 24) +
((bytes[offset + 4] & 0xffL) << 32) +
((bytes[offset + 5] & 0xffL) << 40) +
((bytes[offset + 6] & 0xffL) << 48) +
((bytes[offset + 7] & 0xffL) << 56);
* Generates a fingerprint of the specified bytes.
* Emulates the C++ version found in google3/util/hash/hash-inl.h,
* namely the one with signature:
* uint64 Fingerprint(const char *s, uint32 slen)
* @param value the bytes to fingerprint
* @return 64 bit fingerprint
* @see Hash#fingerprint(String)
public static long fingerprint(byte[] value) {
return fingerprint(value, 0, value == null ? 0 : value.length);
* Generates a fingerprint of bytes {@code value[offset]} through
* {@code value[offset+length-1]}.
* Emulates the C++ version found in google3/util/hash/hash-inl.h,
* namely the one with signature:
* uint64 Fingerprint(const char *s, uint32 slen)
* @param value the bytes to fingerprint
* @param offset the starting position of value where bytes are used for the
* fingerprint computation
* @param length number of bytes that are used for the fingerprint computation
* @return 64 bit fingerprint
* @see Hash#fingerprint(String)
public static long fingerprint(byte[] value, int offset, int length) {
int hi = hash32(value, offset, length, 0);
int lo = hash32(value, offset, length, 102072);
if ((hi == 0) && (lo == 0 || lo == 1)) {
// Turn 0/1 into another fingerprint
hi ^= 0x130f9bef;
lo ^= 0x94a0a928;
return (((long)hi) << 32) | (lo & 0xffffffffl);
* Returns the hash32 of the specified number of bytes in the specified
* byte buffer, starting at its current position. The specified buffer
* is must have LITTLE_ENDIAN byte order.
* This call leaves the byte buffer's position in an undefined state but
* has no effect on the mark.
* @throws NullPointerException if buf is null
* @throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException if buffer has fewer than
* lengthbytes remaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if buf byte order is
public static int hash32(ByteBuffer buf, int length) {
if (buf.order() != ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer must be little endian");
int a = CONSTANT32;
int b = a;
int c = SEED32;
// Hash all complete groups of 12 bytes
int numGroups = length / 12;
for (int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) {
a += getInt(buf);
b += getInt(buf);
c += getInt(buf);
// Mix
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 13;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 8;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 13;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 12;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 16;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 5;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 3;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 10;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 15;
// Hash any remaining bytes
c += length;
int position = buf.position();
switch (length - numGroups * 12) {
case 11: c += (buf.get(position + 10) ) << 24;
case 10: c += (buf.get(position + 9) & 0xff) << 16;
case 9: c += (buf.get(position + 8) & 0xff) << 8;
// the first byte of c is reserved for the length
case 8:
b += getInt(buf, position + 4);
a += getInt(buf, position );
case 7: b += (buf.get(position + 6) & 0xff) << 16;
case 6: b += (buf.get(position + 5) & 0xff) << 8;
case 5: b += (buf.get(position + 4) & 0xff) ;
case 4:
a += getInt(buf, position);
case 3: a += (buf.get(position + 2) & 0xff) << 16;
case 2: a += (buf.get(position + 1) & 0xff) << 8;
case 1: a += (buf.get(position ) & 0xff) ;
// case 0 : nothing left to add
return mix32(a, b, c);
* Returns the hash64 of the specified number of bytes in the specified
* byte buffer, starting at its current position. The specified buffer
* is must have LITTLE_ENDIAN byte order.
* This call leaves the byte buffer's position in an undefined state but
* has no effect on the mark.
* @throws NullPointerException if buf is null
* @throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException if buffer has fewer than
* length bytes remaining.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if buf byte order is
public static long hash64(ByteBuffer buf, int length) {
if (buf.order() != ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer must be little endian");
long a = CONSTANT64;
long b = a;
long c = SEED64;
// Hash all complete groups of 24 bytes
int numGroups = length / 24;
for (int i = 0; i < numGroups; i++) {
a += buf.getLong();
b += buf.getLong();
c += buf.getLong();
// Mix
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 43;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 9;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 8;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 38;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 23;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 5;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 35;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 49;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 11;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 12;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 18;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 22;
// Hash any remaining bytes
c += length;
int position = buf.position();
switch (length - numGroups * 24) {
case 23: c += ((long)buf.get(position + 22)) << 56;
case 22: c += (buf.get(position + 21) & 0xffL) << 48;
case 21: c += (buf.get(position + 20) & 0xffL) << 40;
case 20: c += (buf.get(position + 19) & 0xffL) << 32;
case 19: c += (buf.get(position + 18) & 0xffL) << 24;
case 18: c += (buf.get(position + 17) & 0xffL) << 16;
case 17: c += (buf.get(position + 16) & 0xffL) << 8;
// the first byte of c is reserved for the length
case 16:
b += buf.getLong(position + 8);
a += buf.getLong(position);
case 15: b += (buf.get(position + 14) & 0xffL) << 48;
case 14: b += (buf.get(position + 13) & 0xffL) << 40;
case 13: b += (buf.get(position + 12) & 0xffL) << 32;
case 12: b += (buf.get(position + 11) & 0xffL) << 24;
case 11: b += (buf.get(position + 10) & 0xffL) << 16;
case 10: b += (buf.get(position + 9) & 0xffL) << 8;
case 9: b += (buf.get(position + 8) & 0xffL); case 8: a += buf.getLong(position);
case 7: a += (buf.get(position + 6) & 0xffL) << 48;
case 6: a += (buf.get(position + 5) & 0xffL) << 40;
case 5: a += (buf.get(position + 4) & 0xffL) << 32;
case 4: a += (buf.get(position + 3) & 0xffL) << 24;
case 3: a += (buf.get(position + 2) & 0xffL) << 16;
case 2: a += (buf.get(position + 1) & 0xffL) << 8;
case 1: a += (buf.get(position + 0) & 0xffL);
// case 0: nothing left to add
return mix64(a, b, c);
* Returns the int stored at the current position in the specified byte
* buffer plus its {@link #addSignCruft "sign extension cruft"}.
* The byte buffer's ordering is assume to be LITTLE_ENDIAN.
* Increments the position by four.
private static int getInt(ByteBuffer buf) {
return addSignCruft(buf.getInt());
* Returns the int stored at the specified position in the specified byte
* buffer plus its {@link #addSignCruft "sign extension cruft"}.
* The byte buffer's ordering is assume to be LITTLE_ENDIAN.
private static int getInt(ByteBuffer buf, int pos) {
return addSignCruft(buf.getInt(pos));
* Returns the specifed integer plus its "sign extension cruft."
* The sign extension cruft is the amount that was accidentally added
* into integers by the Google1At method in google3/util/hash/hash-inl.h,
* which (unfotunately) used signed characters where it should have used
* unsigned.
Note to would-be refactorers: Do not be tempted to replace this
* method and the two above it by simpler methods that read the
* bytes one at a time. This turns out to be performance critical
* code, and these methods were carefully constructed to run very
* fast with the aid of extensive benchmarking.
private static int addSignCruft(int i) {
return (i & ~0x80808080) - (i & 0x80808080);
* Mixes ints a, b, and c, and returns the final value of c.
static int mix32(int a, int b, int c) {
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 13;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 8;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 13;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 12;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 16;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 5;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 3;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 10;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 15;
return c;
* Mixes longs a, b, and c, and returns the final value of c.
static long mix64(long a, long b, long c) {
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 43;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 9;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 8;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 38;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 23;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 5;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 35;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 49;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 11;
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= c >>> 12;
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= a << 18;
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= b >>> 22;
return c;