Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2020 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static java.util.Arrays.binarySearch;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
* Immutable space-efficient trie that provides a quick lookup index for a sorted set of non empty
* strings. It assumes only those strings will be queried and therefore may produce false-positive
* results for strings not in the array.
* Each node of the tree is represented as a series of {@code char}s using this layout:
* +---------------------------------+
* | number of branches |
* +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+----
* | char for branch 0 | char for branch 1 | ...
* +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+----
* | key-delta/leaf/bud for branch 0 | key-delta/leaf/bud for branch 1 | ...
* +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+----
* | offset to jump to branch 1 | offset to jump to branch 2 | ...
* +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+----
* Each node is immediately followed by its child nodes according to branch order.
* The key-delta is used to skip over a section of the input key when we know it should always
* match given the recently matched char (assumes only strings from the original list are queried).
Leaves mark a definite end of the match, while buds mark a potential end which could continue
* down the trie if there are more characters to match. The key-delta for buds is implicitly 1.
The jump for branch 0 is assumed to be 0 and is always ommitted, that is any continuation of
* the trie for branch 0 immediately follows the current node. The entire jump section is omitted
* when all the branches from a node are leaves.
Simple example trie with 2 strings "getValue" and "setValue":
* +---+---+---+--------+--------+
* | 2 | g | s | 0x8000 | 0x8001 |
* +---+---+---+--------+--------+
* In this case the first character is enough to determine the index result.
* Example of a trie with a 'bud' that contains 2 strings "getName" and "getNameAndValue":
* +---+---+---+---+---+--------+---+---+--------+
* | 1 | g | 6 | 1 | e | 0x4000 | 1 | A | 0x8001 |
* +---+---+---+---+---+--------+---+---+--------+
* After matching 'g' we skip to the end of 'getName' before checking if there are any more
* characters to match.
* More complex example with 3 strings "getName", "getValue", "getVersion":
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+--------+---+---+---+---+---+--------+--------+
* | 1 | g | 3 | 2 | N | V | 0x8000 | 1 | 0 | 2 | a | e | 0x8001 | 0x8002 |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+--------+---+---+---+---+---+--------+--------+
* After matching 'g' we skip past the 'get'. If the next character is 'N' we know this is 'getName'
* otherwise we skip over the 'V' and jump to the last check between '...alue' and '...ersion'.
* @author [email protected] (Stuart McCulloch)
final class ImmutableStringTrie implements ToIntFunction {
private static int singletonTrie(String key) {
return 0;
/** Marks a leaf in the trie, where the rest of the bits are the index to be returned. */
private static final char LEAF_MARKER = 0x8000;
/** Marks a 'bud' in the tree; the same as a leaf except the trie continues beneath it. */
private static final char BUD_MARKER = 0x4000;
/** Maximum number of rows that can be indexed by a single trie. */
private static final int MAX_ROWS_PER_TRIE = 0x4000;
/** The compressed trie. */
private final char[] trie;
* Returns the index assigned in the trie to the given string.
* Note: a return value of {@code -1} means the string is definitely not in the trie, but a
* non-negative index may be returned for strings that closely match those in the trie. This is
* acceptable because we will only call this method with strings that we know exist in the trie.
public int applyAsInt(String key) {
int keyLength = key.length();
int keyIndex = 0;
int dataIndex = 0;
char[] data = trie;
while (keyIndex < keyLength) {
// trie is ordered, so we can use binary search to pick the right branch
int branchCount = data[dataIndex++];
int branchIndex =
binarySearch(data, dataIndex, dataIndex + branchCount, key.charAt(keyIndex));
if (branchIndex < 0) {
break; // definitely no match
int resultIndex = branchIndex + branchCount;
char result = data[resultIndex];
if ((result & LEAF_MARKER) != 0) {
return result & ~LEAF_MARKER;
// 'buds' are just like leaves unless the key still has characters left
if ((result & BUD_MARKER) != 0) {
if (keyIndex == keyLength - 1) {
return result & ~BUD_MARKER;
result = 1; // more characters to match, continue search with next character
// move the key to the next potential decision point
keyIndex += result;
// move the data to the appropriate branch...
if (branchIndex > dataIndex) {
int jumpIndex = resultIndex + branchCount - 1;
dataIndex += data[jumpIndex];
// ...always include moving past the current node
dataIndex += (branchCount * 3) - 1;
return -1;
* Builds an immutable trie that indexes the given table of strings.
The table of strings must be sorted in lexical order.
public static ToIntFunction buildTrie(Collection table) {
int numRows = table.size();
if (numRows > 1) {
return buildTrie(new StringBuilder(), table.toArray(new String[numRows]), 0, numRows);
return ImmutableStringTrie::singletonTrie;
/** Builds a trie, overflowing to additional tries if there are too many rows */
private static ToIntFunction buildTrie(
StringBuilder buf, String[] table, int row, int rowLimit) {
int trieLimit = row + MAX_ROWS_PER_TRIE;
if (rowLimit <= trieLimit) {
buildSubTrie(buf, table, 0, row, rowLimit);
char[] data = new char[buf.length()];
buf.getChars(0, data.length, data, 0);
return new ImmutableStringTrie(data);
// overflow, build as big a trie as we can and put the rest in additional tries
buildSubTrie(buf, table, 0, row, trieLimit);
char[] data = new char[buf.length()];
buf.getChars(0, data.length, data, 0);
buf.setLength(0); // reset buffer for re-use
return new Overflow(data, table[trieLimit], buildTrie(buf, table, trieLimit, rowLimit));
ImmutableStringTrie(char[] data) {
this.trie = data;
/** Recursively builds a trie for a slice of rows at a particular column. */
private static void buildSubTrie(
StringBuilder buf, String[] table, int column, int row, int rowLimit) {
int trieStart = buf.length();
int prevRow = row;
int branchCount = 0;
int nextJump = 0;
boolean allLeaves = true;
while (prevRow < rowLimit) {
String cells = table[prevRow];
int columnLimit = cells.length();
char pivot = cells.charAt(column);
// find the row that marks the start of the next branch, and the end of this one
int nextRow = nextPivotRow(table, pivot, column, prevRow, rowLimit);
// find the column along this branch that marks the next decision point/pivot
int nextColumn = nextPivotColumn(table, column, prevRow, nextRow);
// adjust pivot point if it would involve adding a bud spanning more than one column
if (nextColumn == columnLimit && nextColumn - column > 1 && nextRow - prevRow > 1) {
// move it back so this becomes a jump branch followed immediately by sub-trie bud
// record the character for this branch
int branchIndex = trieStart + branchCount;
buf.insert(branchIndex, pivot);
int resultIndex = branchIndex + 1 + branchCount;
// any sub tries will start after the result (to be inserted)
int subTrieStart = buf.length() + 1;
if (nextColumn < columnLimit) {
// record key-delta and process rest of the row as sub trie
buf.insert(resultIndex, (char) (nextColumn - column));
buildSubTrie(buf, table, nextColumn, prevRow, nextRow);
allLeaves = false;
} else {
// process rest of next row as sub trie to see if this row ends in a leaf/buf
buildSubTrie(buf, table, nextColumn, prevRow + 1, nextRow);
// must be leaf if sub trie doesn't exist, ie. it wasn't added to buffer
boolean isLeaf = subTrieStart > buf.length();
char marker = isLeaf ? LEAF_MARKER : BUD_MARKER;
buf.insert(resultIndex, (char) ((prevRow & (MAX_ROWS_PER_TRIE - 1)) | marker));
allLeaves = allLeaves && isLeaf;
if (nextRow < rowLimit) {
// child sub-tries have been added, so can now calculate jump to next branch
int jumpIndex = resultIndex + 1 + branchCount;
nextJump += buf.length() - subTrieStart;
buf.insert(jumpIndex, (char) nextJump);
prevRow = nextRow;
if (branchCount > 0) {
buf.insert(trieStart, (char) branchCount);
if (allLeaves) {
// no need for jumps when every branch is a leaf
int jumpStart = trieStart + 1 + (branchCount * 2);
buf.delete(jumpStart, jumpStart + branchCount);
* Finds the next row that has a different character in the selected column to the given one, or
* is too short to include the column. This determines the span of rows that fall under the given
* character in the trie.
* Returns the row just after the end of the range if all rows have the same character.
private static int nextPivotRow(String[] table, char pivot, int column, int row, int rowLimit) {
for (int r = row + 1; r < rowLimit; r++) {
String cells = table[r];
if (cells.length() <= column || cells.charAt(column) != pivot) {
return r;
return rowLimit;
* Finds the next column in the current row whose character differs in at least one other row.
* This helps identify the longest common prefix from the current pivot point to the next one.
Returns the column just after the end of the current row if all rows are identical.
private static int nextPivotColumn(String[] table, int column, int row, int rowLimit) {
String cells = table[row];
int columnLimit = cells.length();
for (int c = column + 1; c < columnLimit; c++) {
if (nextPivotRow(table, cells.charAt(c), c, row, rowLimit) < rowLimit) {
return c;
return columnLimit;
/** Immutable trie that delegates searches that lie outside its range to an overflow trie. */
private static final class Overflow implements ToIntFunction {
private final ImmutableStringTrie trie;
private final String overflowKey;
private final ToIntFunction next;
Overflow(char[] data, String overflowKey, ToIntFunction next) {
this.trie = new ImmutableStringTrie(data);
this.overflowKey = overflowKey; = next;
public int applyAsInt(String key) {
return key.compareTo(overflowKey) < 0
? trie.applyAsInt(key)
: MAX_ROWS_PER_TRIE + next.applyAsInt(key);