Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: conformance.proto
public interface RequirementOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:jscomp.Requirement)
ExtendableMessageOrBuilder {
* Required: The message to report when a requirement is violated. This should
* reference a document describing the reasoning for the requirement
* and contacts.
* optional string error_message = 1;
* @return Whether the errorMessage field is set.
boolean hasErrorMessage();
* Required: The message to report when a requirement is violated. This should
* reference a document describing the reasoning for the requirement
* and contacts.
* optional string error_message = 1;
* @return The errorMessage.
java.lang.String getErrorMessage();
* Required: The message to report when a requirement is violated. This should
* reference a document describing the reasoning for the requirement
* and contacts.
* optional string error_message = 1;
* @return The bytes for errorMessage.
* Optional: A list of source path prefixes that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist = 2;
* @return A list containing the whitelist.
* Optional: A list of source path prefixes that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist = 2;
* @return The count of whitelist.
int getWhitelistCount();
* Optional: A list of source path prefixes that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist = 2;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The whitelist at the given index.
java.lang.String getWhitelist(int index);
* Optional: A list of source path prefixes that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist = 2;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the whitelist at the given index.
getWhitelistBytes(int index);
* Optional: A list of source paths regexs that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist_regexp = 3;
* @return A list containing the whitelistRegexp.
* Optional: A list of source paths regexs that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist_regexp = 3;
* @return The count of whitelistRegexp.
int getWhitelistRegexpCount();
* Optional: A list of source paths regexs that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist_regexp = 3;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The whitelistRegexp at the given index.
java.lang.String getWhitelistRegexp(int index);
* Optional: A list of source paths regexs that are exempt from the
* requirement.
* repeated string whitelist_regexp = 3;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the whitelistRegexp at the given index.
getWhitelistRegexpBytes(int index);
* repeated .jscomp.Requirement.WhitelistEntry whitelist_entry = 14;
* repeated .jscomp.Requirement.WhitelistEntry whitelist_entry = 14;
*/ getWhitelistEntry(int index);
* repeated .jscomp.Requirement.WhitelistEntry whitelist_entry = 14;
int getWhitelistEntryCount();
* repeated .jscomp.Requirement.WhitelistEntry whitelist_entry = 14;
java.util.List extends>
* repeated .jscomp.Requirement.WhitelistEntry whitelist_entry = 14;
*/ getWhitelistEntryOrBuilder(
int index);
* Optional: A list of source paths that will be checked for the requirement
* (the opposite of whitelist).
* repeated string only_apply_to = 4;
* @return A list containing the onlyApplyTo.
* Optional: A list of source paths that will be checked for the requirement
* (the opposite of whitelist).
* repeated string only_apply_to = 4;
* @return The count of onlyApplyTo.
int getOnlyApplyToCount();
* Optional: A list of source paths that will be checked for the requirement
* (the opposite of whitelist).
* repeated string only_apply_to = 4;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The onlyApplyTo at the given index.
java.lang.String getOnlyApplyTo(int index);
* Optional: A list of source paths that will be checked for the requirement
* (the opposite of whitelist).
* repeated string only_apply_to = 4;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the onlyApplyTo at the given index.
getOnlyApplyToBytes(int index);
* Optional: A list of source path regexps that will be checked for
* the requirement (the opposite of whitelist_regexp).
* repeated string only_apply_to_regexp = 5;
* @return A list containing the onlyApplyToRegexp.
* Optional: A list of source path regexps that will be checked for
* the requirement (the opposite of whitelist_regexp).
* repeated string only_apply_to_regexp = 5;
* @return The count of onlyApplyToRegexp.
int getOnlyApplyToRegexpCount();
* Optional: A list of source path regexps that will be checked for
* the requirement (the opposite of whitelist_regexp).
* repeated string only_apply_to_regexp = 5;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The onlyApplyToRegexp at the given index.
java.lang.String getOnlyApplyToRegexp(int index);
* Optional: A list of source path regexps that will be checked for
* the requirement (the opposite of whitelist_regexp).
* repeated string only_apply_to_regexp = 5;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the onlyApplyToRegexp at the given index.
getOnlyApplyToRegexpBytes(int index);
* Required: The type of requirement.
* optional .jscomp.Requirement.Type type = 6;
* @return Whether the type field is set.
boolean hasType();
* Required: The type of requirement.
* optional .jscomp.Requirement.Type type = 6;
* @return The type.
*/ getType();
* The value banned, optional for "custom" requirements. Some custom
* requirements repurpose this for different purposes, such as for whitelists
* of types.
* repeated string value = 7;
* @return A list containing the value.
* The value banned, optional for "custom" requirements. Some custom
* requirements repurpose this for different purposes, such as for whitelists
* of types.
* repeated string value = 7;
* @return The count of value.
int getValueCount();
* The value banned, optional for "custom" requirements. Some custom
* requirements repurpose this for different purposes, such as for whitelists
* of types.
* repeated string value = 7;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The value at the given index.
java.lang.String getValue(int index);
* The value banned, optional for "custom" requirements. Some custom
* requirements repurpose this for different purposes, such as for whitelists
* of types.
* repeated string value = 7;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the value at the given index.
getValueBytes(int index);
* Whether to allow subconfigs to extend the "value" field. This does not
* make sense for banning values, but when the value is used as a whitelist,
* it becomes important.
* optional bool allow_extending_value = 15;
* @return Whether the allowExtendingValue field is set.
boolean hasAllowExtendingValue();
* Whether to allow subconfigs to extend the "value" field. This does not
* make sense for banning values, but when the value is used as a whitelist,
* it becomes important.
* optional bool allow_extending_value = 15;
* @return The allowExtendingValue.
boolean getAllowExtendingValue();
* Strategy to use for matching types in the value parameter (e.g. for
* optional .jscomp.Requirement.TypeMatchingStrategy type_matching_strategy = 13 [default = LOOSE];
* @return Whether the typeMatchingStrategy field is set.
boolean hasTypeMatchingStrategy();
* Strategy to use for matching types in the value parameter (e.g. for
* optional .jscomp.Requirement.TypeMatchingStrategy type_matching_strategy = 13 [default = LOOSE];
* @return The typeMatchingStrategy.
*/ getTypeMatchingStrategy();
* For "custom" requirements, the Java class used to enforce the requirement.
* Ignored otherwise.
* optional string java_class = 8;
* @return Whether the javaClass field is set.
boolean hasJavaClass();
* For "custom" requirements, the Java class used to enforce the requirement.
* Ignored otherwise.
* optional string java_class = 8;
* @return The javaClass.
java.lang.String getJavaClass();
* For "custom" requirements, the Java class used to enforce the requirement.
* Ignored otherwise.
* optional string java_class = 8;
* @return The bytes for javaClass.
* Gives the rule an unique ID that can be used for extending in other rules
* through 'extends'. An example of ID is 'closure:innerHtml'.
* optional string rule_id = 9;
* @return Whether the ruleId field is set.
boolean hasRuleId();
* Gives the rule an unique ID that can be used for extending in other rules
* through 'extends'. An example of ID is 'closure:innerHtml'.
* optional string rule_id = 9;
* @return The ruleId.
java.lang.String getRuleId();
* Gives the rule an unique ID that can be used for extending in other rules
* through 'extends'. An example of ID is 'closure:innerHtml'.
* optional string rule_id = 9;
* @return The bytes for ruleId.
* Allows extending whitelists of rules with the specified rule_id. If this
* field is specified then all fields except whitelist, whitelist_regexp,
* only_apply_to and only_apply_to_regexp are ignored.
* optional string extends = 10;
* @return Whether the extends field is set.
boolean hasExtends();
* Allows extending whitelists of rules with the specified rule_id. If this
* field is specified then all fields except whitelist, whitelist_regexp,
* only_apply_to and only_apply_to_regexp are ignored.
* optional string extends = 10;
* @return The extends.
java.lang.String getExtends();
* Allows extending whitelists of rules with the specified rule_id. If this
* field is specified then all fields except whitelist, whitelist_regexp,
* only_apply_to and only_apply_to_regexp are ignored.
* optional string extends = 10;
* @return The bytes for extends.
* Whether to report possible violations when type information is not exact.
* Normally, violations on parent types are reported as possible violations.
* This field allows to ignore them and report only violations on exact types.
* This changes the balance between the false positives and the false
* negatives. With the default value, there might be lots of false positives
* (possible violations) but there shouldn't be any false negatives. Without
* reporting the loose type violations, there will be less false positives but
* there can also be false negatives (an actual violation that is not
* reported).
* optional bool report_loose_type_violations = 11 [default = true];
* @return Whether the reportLooseTypeViolations field is set.
boolean hasReportLooseTypeViolations();
* Whether to report possible violations when type information is not exact.
* Normally, violations on parent types are reported as possible violations.
* This field allows to ignore them and report only violations on exact types.
* This changes the balance between the false positives and the false
* negatives. With the default value, there might be lots of false positives
* (possible violations) but there shouldn't be any false negatives. Without
* reporting the loose type violations, there will be less false positives but
* there can also be false negatives (an actual violation that is not
* reported).
* optional bool report_loose_type_violations = 11 [default = true];
* @return The reportLooseTypeViolations.
boolean getReportLooseTypeViolations();
* optional .jscomp.Requirement.Severity severity = 12 [default = WARNING];
* @return Whether the severity field is set.
boolean hasSeverity();
* optional .jscomp.Requirement.Severity severity = 12 [default = WARNING];
* @return The severity.
*/ getSeverity();
* The file(s) that defined this requirement. If the requirement is extended,
* then all extending files are included as well. These will be printed in
* the error message.
* repeated string config_file = 16;
* @return A list containing the configFile.
* The file(s) that defined this requirement. If the requirement is extended,
* then all extending files are included as well. These will be printed in
* the error message.
* repeated string config_file = 16;
* @return The count of configFile.
int getConfigFileCount();
* The file(s) that defined this requirement. If the requirement is extended,
* then all extending files are included as well. These will be printed in
* the error message.
* repeated string config_file = 16;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The configFile at the given index.
java.lang.String getConfigFile(int index);
* The file(s) that defined this requirement. If the requirement is extended,
* then all extending files are included as well. These will be printed in
* the error message.
* repeated string config_file = 16;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the configFile at the given index.
getConfigFileBytes(int index);